I .,' ''. : ' - " l.t .r. ft. it -IT -J r-t 1- j i : ... .1.1.. -r ' testis) JM ld.Jk I ir -a. 1 issued Weekly VOLUME XlIX --: OFFICERS 'CAE-I :: -.tube mmi - - r, . - ' -v - evening where they Held a meeting in . - . s r.nl - wrvi i, "aV' ,interest of tha Randolph Building and . Get 25 GallOIlS Of , Whiskey Man Loan AwocUtion. $220.00-shares of "lr ani Car. Near ULTVerBoa0 IBuUdin and Lnd and $1000.00 -of . - - ' - t r "Vs' P paid stock were sold. It was un- X -.- J J??11 4. . . 'derstood that there were a number of v! r - , ',. ... " -)ther cltien who were sufficiently . 1 , Deputy W. L. Coltrane; Mr. IV fcC interested to warrant another meeting - and E. h. White 'received informa- Tuesday evening, January 28th. : . - tion last weak to the fftv.ihat "? A similar meetinr will fee held at large quantity of whiskey was hidden v, on uie mountaia.road near MtVer- ' non church. These three officers im-" , mediately nroced ta the vicinitv of ' 1 vhn fha whialrv.waa,.Miu Virl. , , 'dejn. . u u ;,l9i' - Afte i very careful ' search the VA officers "discovered 26 rallons if ; mean boose in five gallon tin con in of this organisation not only to ";--eonUiners. - From, experience & these vthem personallyi hut to the county as 1 men knew that soon the ownewi;or'vWbolej. ' distributers of the whiskey, s woul?lV,A'Bew'Brle3 18 open-now, .and -will . make their appearance ta load the a very lon gtime the Ford variety . eome to euddenvPt0pl.only4a.few? feet away from vwKere, Deputy. Gol-, - -wane ana; me wmie -noys iwere iuar2"weeit-and'was on- several davs. den. rri i l . t i nv j, ,1 .inn irenuwoi men w n4hl ear we it stopped and om oif occupantt JumpHnut; arfd wnere uie wnuucey -was nwaen, nir 'last week' J.?''Wf Jenkins, mill matched five .gallon gaa anapu iHwperintendent; of Eockingham drove ui wo car ana swriea o ,epary -wiuj it when the gentUnito? dfi thi. law. stepped out m rront o.the machine an took charge Wlefr4i Aycioui ana . me., j; orcij an ffmepfm tm fender and rode off, - and tents. The Other occupan thad urgent ft was not until Mr. Jenkins was on business elsewhere and m&dehla es. hia wav tn Riulrhnrhnm Kalnnr ApltAi cape by fleeing down' the -side of the iiiuuuiAiiu uic ,vmc?re orougnt meir eaten w Ashe boro r and turned same over tKhemx-U. - - - . . t " 1 -,.-"" -r- SEVEN FIREMEN . Seven finmU ..vaia-i.n. fiehtins- fire atthrfoil tenVa It, tHtfne one of ttnuual sense ;aM hunrh. Pa. MnnHnv M . Uaa ,r. ,t,iv. J..,))..,-J the tank. They were resetted late by;? i'r V,lTf """"B" 7' oraiiunir inn innir mrino-n rna man. roUs the itiM.'!1' lwo J"' hole. It is thoilrhttTlrt' cHHHm! M Him fire was a gasofme pipe bursting on JPORMER pOMPANT K' ! " account of the 'sehV weather. An - J. , " " ' J f MAN MARRIED thoritiessald-thatasparkrWbff - ' U- - 'Z , .V by the bursting, pipe ' jgnated.- the ' - Announcements have' been received gasoline tanlTAusini? i the1 trouble. the' marriage of Coy Bell; m;aof . The firemen wmntedfi severity theri'Mf. -and Mrs. a. Bell; of Tiy.J On tanks in the. sani vnlting htiuraliant ie' locality -Pmtfjn w-nuary tir ,yj?eu wasTharrletf to ffqr'-f:7.-;4MiaicrW 'Bepublieans to Meet In t - i Marchiltr The State RepUbHcah,.i convention . will meet in Raleigh, March 10th. (Th executive committee, endorses .Presi , dent Coolidge, but instructions as to ; North Carolina delegation to the, na tional convention, in Cleveland, -Ohio are sent to the state convention. The following women were among those attending the recent session of the executive committee . in . Raleigh: ''MeSdames Sharp, , Seawell, Faison, Baker, and Rogers.-'. ; . .'wi-zf, Jake Newell's motion.; to 'endorse Hiram Johnson wa turned down. - - - - v ' MEBEVENTS HAVE HELPED t II A Tl.rtAT TfTTTn ff v- s nnrnnntmnn I I VJXU PI II 1 1 II A 1 1 A Till I IxMHHKh :-X (y David F. St Clairl. - WMhington,' January 22.-Thre ! Ib'.. .I..L 11 ; ' Iri "ir,eT, iora.as tne'pjaca of " viriTVi T j " states, nas not recently grown r; -helped to dear the rpoUUcal r atmos-.larger in shadow In hfa ownV ' flffMin within fV. w r- uie reacaon oi we: A few nlshts an he made a ' - Lemocrau or the muntrv tn a ..) . ill.. , "T" "Y"- wuraiu. un.om tne ueuon ux but and so stout f1'Ifurat,on the Dem- ly defended the bonus that he' was - ff. the Insurgent RepubUcans ihlsKl off the platform. He attribut-S-fS"fT?ffn1 11 iP".bbility -of a ed this action of hia audience to pop. - wvuiti nun party in vne campatgn. 1 . As soon as the announcement was made that the convention- would" be held fa New York City, the Gevernor Alfred Smith Democrats In that state figuratively lighted bonfires in" 1 s- oraung uie event as a aura Indication -v JubUcatlon has had the effect of caus- teAW.,!!?!-.-? the UcAdoo sartliat tha national mittee, a majority of whom hrf pressed their preference for the form er awretary oc u treasni-y had cal culated that the choice of Kew York woul l rult in stimulating new hope for Kmith In his own state and in driving doubters In outside' states in to the MeAdoo camp. - . , s. Thor friends, point to at least e'rht staJps whfre the choice of New loik i the convention city has tend el to tolidify the UcAdoo strength. 1! KebranWa Democrats have been 1 to favor . McAdoo beauM ff t 9 I .lure of Governor -Charles I'ryw to snnonnce his candi.'ury and ' r t has nmnr In w ' t m f fct ordnr Of Homer R r.m. r ' I r V c Vr- (' ! t 1. I 1 ti noi Uc ti.ur, wrTAin v-hom . the 'I on are now re- 'Tc.Vloo In t!,cir r"t in Fi-TMriiw the . I 1 V.a hi ron- 1 1 "i, 1 : ho . 1 "V. " -' have t ( f thrir y -in to 1.. '"at I Viw 1 tl ..'a to o rnn- rf I -n I r i run vp nvpr.li.n 1 n vp"t tha ?. t! t tU 1 1 0 1 V t Jt 1r 1 I a 1 ih o, i MEETING IN INTEREST OPl Jt . BUILDING AND LOAN Mr. G. H. Kinr and lir.-Charles i Redding went . to - liberty .'Tuesday JSamseur at the school building, Sat- uraay, oruary hio. Another meeting-was held at Kan dlemaa last night,' -the; outcome of which we cannot sret in-time for this lmn,tTk$ Courier, but it is safe to 7 that the people in all sections of tne eountry are last realizing the val . .open, jor m, anon wnue. log4neto.Rajf Caiadle, ef Rmdleinaa took a motor frfp to Rockingham last , . . - 1 . , r. - ; Those, who knnr thm dnr'&y Well imiainted with hishabit of riding"on evenV up near the uaudie store and- parked Ms car, which was like-Mr.-Caudle's, at , the uaual'-parking1 place. "Foch" ti4 car fo his master's boro that he discovered his passenger on me ienaer. oo-"iocn" went-4 to Kockingham, and soon word was sent iback to Randleman by a traveling man inquiring a dog of this ' de- senption was' missing. And before (many more hours had bassed "Foch" '?d hla waste' Were W-gether again. possesses at number of i accomplish' ments. Mr. Caudle was In 'Asheboro H pany .K, and 'saw foreign service with the company as' a corporaf. He how holds, apposition u Washington, LITTLE,, LLOYD JOHNSON DEAD ' 'v yv Lloyd Johnson, the two-vear-old son ei-Mrt and Mrs. Eddie Johnson, of RandlflnUn. af hia January 18th, Lloyd was a bright uwie ieuow, and had won many friends in his short life. Funeral and burial services were conducted Sun day, January 20th. He is survived 1 tnree waters. A 4"--' 'i .N vrV i, . v.. i Crea hLuhJritv . . , " . ... " , ny state. to New York and so mercilessly criti- war nyaiena, eausea oy propaganda. 1 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . The Democrats .and, insurgent Re publicans ,fn . their ; eo-oneration In chanrmr the rules of the house have practically. Uktn the control of eon- gresa out or the hands of the Repub- ueans..' This fact now vromiaes , to national campalrn. . Through It penrLySth. the the , wnen congress eonvenod in Decern- ber the Democrats were not in a mood to encourage the. insurgents beyond applauding their , disruption . of, the majority party. Bat when it -w was wvn how awsopingly the Mellon tat bill had captured the immaglnation of uie ropie in their Iroorance of tha men. of the bill, the Democrats let me 1: argents understand that they rouhi )t acanred of some of the th!r 1 t'T had at heart because it pouu.ii. y dawnM on the minority turn in doui notiie. that it would never do to I-t the Coolidye admin- C " the campaign with the Mollon Ux enacted Into law aa one of li t ; .. , 1 - - As for a tMrd raiiy that may "de termine the eloct.an, that is believed from the actio of r ...-rences hld in Waahlngton a f'w ,' !rt licpre arnUtive V7elfal.l, rew firm labor member Of the hou'is from ilinnranta m a peh oa the finr th other day told little story to i..u.iita the ad. vent of tha new third party. II fail ed It "A lleMant fcurpri e." A nun and his wife Lve herplly t-'-flher lut they had .no th.h'lren. li.a ri' n we:.t aa on a Ion t--u r- ney an wf r a tm years. On I r-'sirn ft f.i'i' I lira vrtunrtlcn In a hnrne. T ! t U the third rHy 1 h. j '.-ft t s-irr-Uo for tha . ' ! in a :. l;ke :.'nne. ' to automobile J of vyALUABLE COLLIE RECOVERED rzu;-fum Xherwiu make their noma ' V Jf . -'laWIX. alll X7TU JB K UltUIlDBr UI IXjTII PRINCiriXSNOT MEN Jsnahsra, North Caroliav JUDGE ILA. GRADY "IAKEs PUBLIC ? IIIS CONNECTION WITH K. K. K. Has Been Grand Dragon for' the State of North Carolina Since September 1922; He Says ii In- No Way Conflicts With His Duties To NortJi;Carplina As a Judge J Judire Henrv A. flmHv. vVa Va Miuu t elected to succeed Oliver H. Allen oing,what I can now to abolish this as Judge of the Superior Court -;at useless," and in some respects, foolish the last election is a member of the custom, I have fought and con Ku1 Klux Klan and admist it in. a demned this custon ever since I be publie statement. Mr. Grady is - a' came a member, and I can truthfully eon of the late Hon. B. F. Gradv. who laav that I havo never tVen nrt in ffltt 'fiOa was kAo nw. .J.'IL. . . i - LI.' J v bu How - mical school at Turkey in Sampson) county, and afterwards, was a member of Congress. Judge : Grady's state ment in iuu is: I am vieldinir to what T enn.irlor.'at Nest Bern. North Carolina. There my duty1 to those who ar? affiliated i3;Jal harm in such demonstra with, a)e,;.aBd. in response: to V -t Wt 8ucn nduct is not dig-wide-spreed demand amoni? the moreJ1li'ecl anl is subject to perhaps a than. 30,000 klanamen of North Caro linijtnuiving -to the .press my owtta connection 1 with the Klan. .' ahd may be of interest to 1 who leljeve in good govern"- lofty, ideals which mark every ' truej American citizen.' I. am not dhterest-i VWV UUilCllOUlU. IUIU 1X1 UIUH ed in, or swayed' by the'i' vipwr of those who want to know the trutb the things Jhat I am working for; and no amount of criticism or denuncia tion .can Tfilfer my determined ntir- pose to build for my children and grand children a better place to live in here in North Carolina. " . I was appointed Grand' Dragon; for the State of North Carolina in September, 1922, and have held that. position ever since. The Grand J xl t . ... juingvu'- ia we personal represent t man . exacuy as 1 woma a mason tativei , the imperial Wizard, Vand'ot' aJPteabyterian, or a Democrat: bears practically the same relation- ffof l hm: Mason, a Presbyterian and ship to the Klari in North CarolmalaA Democrat: It misrht be that I and in all places help, f and, assi8tiould..-iiifluenced- to give him a Masons under his jurisdiction Hav ing held 1 both of these' Dcsitions t caa say; that they !are fli' nearly all respects similar, lie ib the icxecnuvri Head ti. ,;the JQani and sKapes poUaes witlun the realht over which ne, presides. 1 The' QbHgation Them , has htwn imwt rfant specul4t(onj and; imnoriBM ' OllidXSi-mk fiwhwr of North JCaro respeting.:ithibligatidir of BJJtou;lina; vdd; tiottpermi their, obUgations uutm, ano. wneiner pmoi a is m courio connict wita meir aunes , to pie flict with ithe; oath' that J tnoV- ii -Statet ar.d neither do Klansmim. In lK&foj&yiw&M?, The; oatlf! of wis ujmi j cuui-rjcuMo ann an ni orten asserted that those who ques - tion it i now are pot entitled to be heard. , f here is nothing secret about rc. voo iar as l know it is the only oath o,any secret society in the world that has 'ever been copy- righted and placed on nublic record. The K.u Klux Klan is a secret, fra- tornal, benevolent, and, in some re- spects, . religious organization, occu- SJCasWag, docunent, and thia fact lias been boB006890 ouhty whipping case ' was S?1 5 ' j'"lMu?.d "tionship to in so far as we are interested . m tna United States Government, which good government and the enforce is covered .by the following clauses, mmt nf Mia ior Thov k. Tfr5Stim from obligation wiuu ui Aiansmen nave taxen: 1 most solemnly assert and af- Brm that to the government of the oTe(li.St;at?' ot America ald any btate thereof , of which I may become a resident. I sacredly swear an nn. qualified allegiance, above any other and every kind of government in the SSttto2J Itr! Pled83 l 2 W PPefrty.. voto, and ft? nHPh0ld & Jn fdf "titational laws, and will nrotect. defend and AnfniwA tha .,. -.7 enforce the same unto death. I Most solemnly promise and and Ynn nl.l tLTM tte PVdndaal8t the duly constituted officers of the law in the proper performance of their duties. I Iwear that I will moat aAalonnlv and valiantly shield and defend, by any and all "justifiable methods, the leges of free miblie vSchooU. . f-. acra constitutional rights and privi- speecn, .. ireo press, separation of thniM aiul fits vt. ' . - ' . ' p ment of any. nature. W any Darson W tWMUKMt MHmillMK IDT smenisVJio. or persons, political party or parties. rellgio VoV poojle,' wttvj naturally- fn-to 1 do hot think It'aocassarV for ma to say that tte.Oaa-MBnlaa..aa'?..?k?M rayor. of 0M 'Justifiable methods- In aldin.;th. officors of the law. onlr thWwhlch. are strictly within the ;lw I Tha VLa ? oiasphsmous. it U not true K -isa lawful Udt ZZonZ S ch"J?h and It is not true chartered underTo' 'ofS..gMJ" i w.. j i. iUansmen goes bo further than to ch'toTwork o'tKrwiaT the law., Any lawyer knows that the charter , caa bo . recindad for tha .: violation of law. . ; , .V -, r . The membership of. ho - JOaa - la unlrnmtm tA MiUJim V .. any man is ashamed of his member- shin, but for well known reason of policy that any thinking man caa un- demtand. One of its. principal- ee-' tivltles in thia SUU haa been in tha detecting and. convicting, f those JllvfA hM o" aW about the who have . violated the , prohibition E!nf "m,tf to the Jew, the Negro laws. If the individual members f?l Kowaa CathoUe. I will sUte were known in the community where .rlJn reference to these subjects these lawbreakers operate, their use. I ,EJ? almost at one with the fulness would ceaea. I have a right J Oro7 and It la strange that to uncover myself I but X cannot di- fnould bo singled out bo vulg the names of others. It is I40 ,u Wleged antipathy to the th?ir property and 1 cannot give It "mri,ilt. when the Scottiah Rite away. , , . The Kobe aad Mask, , The robe and truuik constitute in orilform of a Klan-man during U.e initUMon or naturalisation fr- mony. ihmt Wore never Intern od tn t worn on on nubile ocra-iona. llipy nlufly rolliinf to me, snd try nn I r- -rrt t' ii.e cub tn it ever of e,;tu..g thus draswl orv the - la wi7.inxv paraue ur puuuc uemon- stration, although it was stated in the-'fcress that I attended the Golds boroi parade last Spring. At that time Iras- asleep in the SHRINE HOME just ''Criticism, . ' IVfiar- not doubt that outraires jliaVQ teen committed by men wearing the f f bo and hemlet, There are unwoivhy men in all human organi- zatioi fc-i,some of these lawbreakers may 3tave been Klansmen. ' I cannot say how that is: but I do know that if Onahof these lawbreakers should ee apprenended ne would be prosei cuted to the limit of the law. and he would not have the support of any real. Klansman in North Carolina.- In the newspapers I observe much, speculation as to what I would do in ease such a man were brought before ie for trial. Iask the par don of those who 'know me. and sav thia; only for the benefit of those who do npt. that I would deal with such . . ... . ' ... . r ! greater degree; of punishment because of : the' fact, ttat as Klansman he is ' undera double , obligation hot to violate' tne law.' irrmv short career ta1o thebench t ,have ent one man to the-penitentiary who was a 32nd de gre Scottiab-Rite ' Mason' and a Shrinei-a member of my own Shrine ''thia respect-1 give Jtelow- art;f a -uroi... i ion -j.nai-"aeui. u -iaaii jtriea: wish to mike" some " observations Native to the trial, of the three men uimoerton, charged with whipping two"' women, which trial resulted In a .verdict of not guilty, Thi io .to eloat over. The imilt nr een of ttu'min i. f to us in anv asnert whtwr. .Titt declared innocent by a competent tnbunal. Attorney's of the highest character, who are not affiliated with the Klan, have assured me that 'jt was a righteous verdict As to Taliaffero, if he is a guilty man, he nno-M tn aftar Tf t business as Klansmen to protect the guilty. "However, I understand that one of the defendants in the whipping case waa a Klansman. I do not know this to be a fact; but, if it is true, then i i.j L ; . wirauww perjury or tne ranKest uh --j v. m f . ., , "l""": """S things we are a law-abiding institu- tion- 1lt not Possible for real Klansman to vlnl.tTTh. Wo.,- if he does, he forfeits his rights to" memDersnip. " Jurors were asked if they were members of the Klan. These ques tions were asked by counsel for the Ste lander the assumption that K l.nMUH miiM ma. i . r . . "t - M oeen brought about by a hostile pre8f . Dy .anuiacturer senU- TT tro to Bfn?f stancea, just aa in some instances njr.t?er. "K?ous organisation. IWU1 ?ow "at to make A . ny church thing, which ? r. j . would bo glad to publish this ntlro proclamation, but space for P.14- J to state in this oonnoc- tlOn that OfSIf man who haa asaitm f ta V of the courts of this Put?' nd mber of the Klan "M Pen o will be banished. There !" o no oteepUon to this rule, 'The Jew.' The Negro, aad the CtaoIIe. """ a permittee: to cent that ncMID institution and suu praoarve tharr social otanding among men.' V w miKiaA, , wo are not flrhUng th Jrw, the Negro or the Catholic Ihe Klan believ? on relig ious lilrty, and It acknowledges the right of the Catholie to worth !p God ss he ti-m 8t, and likewise the Jew. .(Continued on pge 8) - CITY STREETS AND SIDE WALKS TO BE IMPROVED At a recent meeting, the Board of City Commissioners agreed to let contracts and look after the construc tion of a number of streets which they feel should be improved with cement or asphalt Petitions are now being circulated among the property owners with the exception of the in tersection of streets, which is to be borne by the town. Tt is estimated that there will be about five miles of additional im proved street and sidewalk work done this year and the commissioners hope to have these petitions before them so as to let a contract early in March. Sometime ago the commissioners entered into a contract with the J. B. McCrary company, engineers, of At lanta, Ga., to make a complete sur vey of the town for all sfdewalk and street work. They made maps of the city which will be on. file in the town's office in a few weeks. Anyone want ing to build a new home on any of the unimproved streets may see these plans so as to' know the grade and the exact location of the street. L C. MOSER ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR THE SENATE The Courier is in receipt of the following announcement of I. C. Moser of Asheboro. N. C. 'Thereby announce mvPlf n. -i - n CllsiSM? ntZ: If to h 1su1,t of e 7th day of June, 1924. In addition to making the above formal announcement, I desire to agam express my thanks publicly for to impossible to get more than a few -the faithful work and loyal support words with an officer as intensive that the Democrats of this County plans are under way for the capture gave me and the rest of the Demo-I of at least some of the men witin y.auu utMi, uunng me last cam paign. As a member of tha RnnoA .MM. HHI..1 J . .I . from this county in the present gen e assembly I have at all times en deavored to protect and promote the interests of th nsnnla nf D..J.I.L yuiuu,. fj. i am elected ....h.. . - . ' l , - , -Jvnuwi , , ' -.-.vv. on, mar . from this district in the next general bllls m the house and senate request assembly I assure you that I - will,!? federal authorities to bridge the serve you faithfully and to the best of my ability". , (Signed) L,C. MOSER. Plans' Go Forward to-Acnd 'vfiQhmak. , .' to the North Pole I Wejjlowfa-iu rnileaM hour, alrslup,, ShenandoahS ")ooMfrom her moorings ' at z- Lakehurst, t New Jersey, . andt sent the big ship on a mad ten.hour flight. It is estimated inai neuum gas worth S50.000 was lost, and another $50,000 will be needed for repairs to the ship. Never theless, plans are going forward to make the necessary repairs and send the big ship to the north pole next summer. McLean To Announce Candidacy Soon A formal announcement of the can didacy of A. W. McLean, of Rohnn county, for the nomination for Gov- ernor of North Carolina, is expected any aay. SENATOR CARAWAY COMPARES FALL MTHBENEDICT ARNOLD lHt .wt U.hed not ... wJSSlJ&ESl BJ. JSff ly tne iormer Cabinet Secretary of mo interior, AiDen d. f all for leas ing the Teapot Dome Govern mental oil reserve for a song to Harry Sinclair, agent for the Brit ish Oil Company, owned by the Stan dard Oil Company, but also two other cabinet officers, Attorney General Daugherty and Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Roosevelt raU he accused of "betraying . the high trust imposed upon him," , oj loBJugjr tne Teapot Dome naval aa.h.a-araw "Alhr r F.H . j u- i fuery of it S6 AerSctn oil speculators," Caraway continued. and one of them boasted he was going to make 1100,000,000 out of his share of the loot" The Arkansas Senator likened Mr. Fall to Benedict Arnold. He de manded to know how much more "Infamous" it was to sell "every gal lon of rcoene oil" for th flrat Tin. oi tne nation's defense than for Benedict Arnold to sell a ronress on the Hudson." u k -were not for mv friend, tha present Attorney. General,' he eon- tinned, "there would be court action but as lone- as he alta at tha kaim af 2?1TZT ii WhJu Ho" nd Fell misled the com mittee when tt tL ft t."? P"KUn to was muuirin, into the source ) from thtZ?! tIj . t rWch fee obtained funds for C ranch Boeretary Den by and Assistant Gee. Improvementa.' As L see It he moat ZTri ,0' v'tnr - the eome before the committee and H?!.fr jvi!.mpa3r' testimony h gave." . rlri tvlT4 .J" "! " h tatoment preointed to the mere detail U which they could not committee on Dee. 17, Mr. pall said ajjT, vlliJ V t n trusted wita our first line of ; tie- ien-A, aa tney sav too navy is. - - - When I Introduced Inf. reaoluUon cancel the Una it mat with - im. mediate objection from fWat Smoot -l am conscious that it has gone to slD forever; hut I .. say there Is a public eonaetance t. Amarice, mistake It aowever some pTle may." . - lurarring to the staUmenU made 12.00 A YEAR IN AM NUMBER 4 SIX PRISONERS ESCAPE FROM JAIL Negroes Overpower Jailor Doke Lowe and Make Good Their Escape. Tuesday evening a little after dark when Jailor S. Doke Lowe went na to the jail to attend to his duties, he was asked to hand in a bucket of milk which had been brought to the prisoners. The bucket was so large that it would not ro through the SI ace where the plate of food is anded, so he opened the door to -put the bucket inside. When this was done, John Ledwell and Jesse Low dermilk, two husky negro men threw their strength against the door. They could not force it onen. and called to the other five to come. Jailor Liowe then made a dash for the outer lock door, but before he could lock it, the seven prisoners, all nesrroea. again overpowered hint) also- his father-in-law, who ran to his. assist ance. All of the men except 'one es caped, and although large parties of men as well as blood hounds were out all night as well as all day Wednes day, none of the men had been Rap tured as we go to press. The names of the escaped men, are, John Ledwell. c5Z??Lm&?m l?weu. Shaffner'jeLw&ilna3 CharKh7sonw held back, and is in jail at present. happened" are current, hut the above statement are the f acts in the case, bo far as we can Bather. .. It few hours. Representative Hammer and Senator Simmons Introduces Bills. Senator Simmons and Rem-mait- :tive Hammer hnv taf m,tiiuui fee Dee river between WilmTnot. and Asheville on highway No. 26. The stream is navigable above the point to be bridged which makes it neces sary for congressional action. M. M. Trumble of the Mghway... commission waa in Waahinsrton last week to nnu ent -the 'matteiv 'U-. : rTreaching wfll 'ba held at Spooa'a Chapel, five miles east-of Aaheborok OlrAM A-Ltul CI 1 . . . w 1 SSJ J' 'cl? . "'..""4 '"naay as nerete- fore. Rev. W. N. Haves. will preach. The public is cordially invited. ANOTHER COLD WAVE uu1y ,warnin was given by the 'Weather Man" of another cold wave for the States east of the Mississippi except in southern Florida. The cold was accomnanied hv hin-k ..--j-. aZ?5?? but Tiesdav w mnSf" n . S'was0! a part of Monday; j ...qu wuhm nore moderate uwl ws propnesied, Wednesday warmer. o - K,"',M,ncl , ic(ruilix Uie source of the funds Mr. Fall used in enlarging and improving his New Mexico ranch, Senator Caraway de clared that "men of great position, as these gentlemen are; men of high standing, as these gentlemen are, do not make statements that are not true unless there is some reason for if Former Secretary Fall was charge "r TTnisn yu. Mont.) with having misled the Senate Puhlie Tt ' - wiv KTUll Lands Committee when it 1 UUI runas ror the enlargement ane j f " Me So rancT . Th charP w made by the Moo- " ... . r. "P0". his return to noaiunjrion irom riorlda, where in examined Mr. McLean with reirare to the $100,000 loan which Mr. FIl said he had obtained from him for the ranch improvements. Senator Walsh indicated, Jiowevec that he would not Insist nnnn ka it was further appearance of the former In rocky terior Secretary before the committee to give an additional explanation. He said ne was oonteat to Ut Ur s.a determine for himself whether he would appear voluntarily. tka - .. MAm" wnw "o waa. contemplate a Mexico, ' that he pey-d $10,000. as a first payment, and gave instncUcwe that the balance be deposited tn 1 Paeo, Ter, subject to check. -'Mr.- McLeae testified at Pale Roach that he had given Mr. Fall the $100,000 in the form of several checks, which lstr were returned te him uncaahed. This twtlmony, Mr. Fail, In a Intur to Senator V.'al-h. characterized scmrgte. i AH V

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