1- UHD ViXEIILY !2. : , lrr V; ,$00 A YEAR IN AD ANLU . 2 XUX . " Aaaeboro; Nortfi Carolina. Thursday, February', ltU 'NUMBER C:r.3 A: ;UILDKG'AID..v LOAN AT RAI.ISEUR Will De'Brjunch' Officej&f Gran , . .,.J,.J s-?-.-"1 "I Triage at 'the hem oj the, prides par-. Mgr. J. W. KJnfc.ef heboreTOetr to Guilford i County.? Theinar- "fMi mfrihr of -OU citizen hew 'last Fridav nlrhf In "Interest of ' be- irinninz ft building-and loan; kssoci- m; iOuit ft rood Btart.ln ttbsrip- tions ;mi' made-tai ;a6i , (Tues day bight 12th) was aet tpr anotner meeting jheri" larger attendanc it f expected and the work' ot the "fff"? ' Unn Will he better. mte&C? f We. have1 long favored ivinoyeront l of this1 khid loi our twn ;ahc(4iB tbfi ' deed glad to Bee' it5bnM;W have f noted tner. towna 91.5 jPIBWW? "Stod 'with, no! Wter adyaWagea that hava'-inade :great progress .through ,'thef building and ftloafr.wsoeiationB. s Let us do all we. canoet. A. gooo 1"' strong branch her and see oar" .town f grojv5 vTvnenwe nayw wn yrw"" V n (rranter extent our- town ; will - wni.it better 'citiienshinr than " it Bow ,ppssesaeB This jrinovenienl served as Sheriff, f JUndolph bounty, i B will enable any, thrifty ma .to own . eight; years' as postmaster of .Ashe ' his 'own' home m few'years.' ' e bore and ona. term as-, member -ot the - ; Jaii 1 TTao,,l lower house of the General Assejnbly , t 1?1 jLim Pf North Carolina. There aro five IHHa mats srar s s-js - programs of the season for, We 1- Mr .and Mrs. Ross were the re , ways get the worth of our money efciwl f any presentew tokens of : when' our boys and, girls attmpt stem' andbeau ower- from -play"" We are sure, this Is an fa-'many whovU4 J.wlth flowersj iterestlng drama1 "too and will furnish Although it' was- the -wish, ot the v. fun and good lessons to all who hear, friends and relatives that a reception : sion reasonable. --t;ome oui ana enjoy- -come, was not me wuu vi u a good pla U" f-r J JMrs. Ross, but the family did gather Vr Twt RnftHr.-.:of ; Oreensborof in the eveninar and .snend a -happy - former well known resident of Earn- - ' aeur Is spending a lew aaya;-wiin 'friends here. ' h - ' Mr. and Mrsy J'f. Cox nd - Mrs. "j. I. Lambert went ttf Greensbor last Saturday."' ' : f ' -M - Miss Vera Steed Is spending a few- i- days at' Winston-Salem with Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Thompson., - '. Mr. H. P. Brady and family spent Sunday afternoon at Ashebora- t'- ,; Umw' WI' Scott snc-nt a T ( t last week with bis moUier wh rliarTUtyyeai4"agff s-ila8jrv-aaa the misfortune to fan-and injure her.,-M7s.Koss initials were, also on the self last week. Mrs. Scxtt lives jiear Boone. " " ' ' V ; Mr. 3. W Ward nd family, ' of Shady Grove, spent Sunday January 27th, with Mr. T E. Burgess and fam- flyT . : r ,.ix-v-.iMr:--:-r:-:. iMiBS lizzie- Smith entertained-the yownlsMofitbflrieifaeulty. ftiday night, Jaituary 25th at a ria o'clock dinner at her home on Main street vy.-iV"- rr"-.'v Mri J. E. Covington arid MisseB Pauline AUred and Lucy Brown spent Saturday February 2nd at Greensboro shopping. .. , , "w. t m Rr.wer'g store on Cole ridge' street was entered .last Friday i . night and a number of shoes, overalls i ' i tmnAm taken, r BlOOdhOUTMiS wrt, Mt on the track early in V the .ntalnr hut couldn't trace then fur-' th. than Brown's ; Cross .Twhere' .nvwMeh memorial services in honor of . is Bupposed they "boarded jobber u00jrow Wilson should be held, wheels. It Beems that we will have to lixnerocTamation is as follows: Bleep with a gun for a puiow nence- ( respect ''nbi, j. il5'4 'jiI5-Li--:iA ww which I have already asked the people ? 1 Mr. watpnB'went to New ftf North Caroiln(l t0 . York last week ia Interest memory of 'oK great ex-President: - am Furniture CO" OlTWhlCn Be WMilmw , Vilun. nntll aftn (he 'aecretary and treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. M. A' Ward visited ' ' friends at Bennett Sunday." " , uri.. nii-j-iwnn. ftf Charlotte Via- lted her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J. .W. ' Dixon Sunday and Monday.:' ' 2 Mr. Arthur Banner and family, of - Revolution spent Sunday hen. Revolution, spam - . JASiffk- C!J T.J? n-iiaa.- Dato- of Ok Charleston church, fill! his appoint, v :? men" Sunday, peaching fowefufMr. n. ' e.i.lMi "MWttfv ' held T. iervicV i neaVth.' postoffice 1 Saturday afternoon. We always feel - like taking off our hats to these good people who do se much good Chris- tian service. , . 1 V J . ' TRIBUTE TO V.'GOBUOW VILSON PAID Wi: BY NORTII CAROLINIANS AT CAPITOL -' People f ronali over world We j Conummman Pofl added his tribute ' iolned in thr; roll of .tribute. whi-h vith the others as did Senator Ovsr- has come xor the.'rsnen VyDienam Amortr thone front North 'Carolina wss Congressman Hammer Who said tn part: J ' ','.;- ' Th n.hUcst lntW J of 1 tbrs republic ia pn more. 1U nsme' will live ni hi b!"iiiis; lo mnnklnd will be fhri)ihii l.f:n thu nnme of Hn ry Cabot I''ra !' H"1'' are for fa oltn, or if nior'ioiif.J, only be ion for tbflr psf ;,; . ob i of V l i t t rnrpo ' v l.i, H be i. c" t to "- i 1 y .3i r " r ' p'.tj vt stri'- Of .:- coir !. Kt y 1 I ?'! i ' r f i t l-i t 1 i v 1 ti i o,i tl f t tntfl- In the GOLDEN WEDDING ' . . v: 'ANMVEKSARY Ir. and Mrs. K. R. Ross Wert Marri 50 Years' Aro and Are By , No Bleans pid,v V Mr? B. TB.' Ross anVMiss; Rebecca Ellen' McCulloch. were 'united m'nMu riage toolc placaTT'f?,lly;,i"an,e lighting and; the ews were ppoken by Jle Joseph Causeyt 'uncle, 'of .the 'Af-havmr walked1 arm ftrvarm Wowrf life's nafliwav Mr. and Mrs. Ross quietly ceieoratea weir voiaen Wedding last Tuesdayr at- iheir beau tiful ; Jbiome lon jSalnmajQ, , avenue. Asheboro, North Carolina. Many of their Asheboro friends called to. con gratulate thqm while letters and tele grams -were, received from friends, in Raleigh, Greensb6rJ, High, oint and other nlaces bearJne sroed wishes for the-future- and congratulating. "them on their lives so wen uvea in . we past'.' Mr.. Boss has -not only been: a successful business, man always mani festing a keen interest in the developt ment f his home town-and church; butt has also been interested in -af fairs ' of State. ? For two terms he time together; Many gifts frontheir xrienas ' Hirougnouv. ui buw -owmi 'came, as well as handsome ones" from. their children, and " messages . s from North Carolina's best men came pourr ""-Img 1n with good wishes; Amopg the presents -was an ' immense, Wedding ) Cake" given .by on of ;the eons' And Ihis children It was a. most elaborate affair with beautiful-white king and circles of gold flowers around the en- ti' caVe.' The date of the mnrriage cake. It was topped with a, tiny bride and groom under a golden wed- amg neu..,( - The day was beautiful, the bride and groom were not blushing, but sedate-and. well noised. Mr. and Mrs. Eoss . are remarkably well, preserved and are by no means old people. They enter upon tneir second iuty years with the best wishes or a host oi friends throughout North Carolina. . . W. F. KENNETT, Asheboro, N. C Sunday Set Aside For .Wilson Memorial Service. J' V- (tnvomnr Campmn Morricnn issued i'i.rcclumation Tuesday in wnlcn be .gi-U Sunday next as a day on funeral services;, with Approval of the C0UnU of stated T hereby ' appoint Sunday, the tenth fay of February, at 8:80 n. m as the occasion for 'memorial services throughout the raUte,' when the deep sense of loss, and appreciation for the Ufa Pblie services of this great worM kader be given expression. iWe stggMt that in - ery dty, town and community throughout the state, the people arrange ft joint iieetfair P?' 'LL. hour aamed.1.- - . The itate eapitol and .11 officer of the state officials were closed all day Wednesday by order of 1 Governor Morrison as a markef respect to ' wwm. . '-,. .. . , mn. u Senator Simmons aaidt Mr Wil son was one of the best products of American manhood.- His tiatural en dowmrnu were superb. , They were strenirthpned by study Btid reflection, admirably equipping Mm for the treat office to hlch be wss elected, lis administration will always, in eon-tructive , itaf"inMp, hlfh Ideal and'lf n' h f . eonjtlon, coo pled with r-':;? elirotion - to duty, rank V' t . . 1. 1 tt py man who ha ever occui 4 in i.v Ula work in eoTiriettion i i tba Vr b;1,i, cnnfernr brcn -VnH the wnyt rf his artivii' n, eiiJ h f-sme t.',.v,rt s promini.i a o,;i f,-re pi ! $i ftf a fistinnol f'in. '1 ),f t f 1 't W'-,,- ,1 n a t a- r 1 1 1 r I intr-rU.m..i t i ,.' r fti tn rr,k, an, I he Will : e of the greatest rnn of WOODROW.MN ThejNatton Mounw The Death & wnexe nonor Ana icespeci u vmu nnii 4e 111s Ex-Preshtent , , WoodrowC . jWilsoiK Again, ? but Vita' : titterty ' different died,at hia.home -'on ,8, - , street .Jn, not naderlyingt the- mflitary- ; and Washington, i Sunday morning .f atcivil pageantry of . fullest , natioual llil5.r- Ths,immediat causa. t his honora, was mustered on the "broad death being exhaustion foJlo wing,. "an 'avenue'' over which flows, America's attack ed u indigestion whiclv.' began tids of feeling In hours of victory or ksvhf k tout Am- Ttik tnkAtt-in ' irvnl ' kvtminA M it waa not until Friday, February 1st thai;' hteiBotidition .'assamed j 'eri&ftf !CStpito(" wlemtf servlei 'f or v6m dead nature.' and from that tine ;imtaaSw-renttere4.t'.--5,:i' " i nature and from that time end came, it'was' expected1 hourly :by1i his; friends. nd phyBcianr Dr.. pray .national nourning,' a , day'' that will sotu.The remote cause of his death 'b strange"' different from those was an'lllness'wnkb; strpck Jaim fourthat wjmt More. Again the nation years. ag6 while )s the. Whit House 'stood 'agef lavish to full splen when his left side became" paralyzed, .dor ofits sorrow-about the bier of After the turn, for : the woraac came, :; faithful servant. .laain it would the" great 'man knew and "realized his 'blazenio the world its pride as well end-was near and said to Dr. Gray- aS itaorrowxin the American- life oar'-.1-' . ". ' 1 that, had ended.. But he: would not wu mirliiiia kna ltnVon Anvra ihave had. it and k the American You've done your best for -me. iBut peoplehave axciiiesced.m' longj it's better that I should" go than, to, for, the ?pnvacy: of .simple atr live on a helpless invalidL Tell Jlra.;' sensing ; There will be no sound , of Wilson 1 want ner. rm reauy . , t Althoueh two nurses and his old family servant, of whom he was fond,;cathedral; u military coloring save were in constant . attendance., Dr, Grayson and Mrs. Wilson wera v.:ai- ways near as was hia - wish' vHis daughter, Margaret, was aiso.presenv but his other two daughters were not tr-tW hariaMa. .Mm the' nd ame A cablegram was Bent to his daugh ter, Mrs, rancis a. ssayrer wno 7is in Siam with her husband who isan advisor to the Siamese , government. Mrs.', William G.vMcAdoo t-withc heri.-j4. ann,avani from tv. Canitol husband.ftnd . cbiMrenwaa roherwayjjjy gj yeg A0 to know for a irem iiuiu, t,.riiuiiij J iZ. " " 7 1 BHU' UU . UUJ uuua Ul mgn yimw, defth- . - " . .rr-IL V VJhe ha often sat among the loyed President Coolidgefirested W books that rank themselves about the day pert(KL of offload nourm dered M the government bad. doDe" for ; Colonel RooseveltCanoT'other former presidents'. tJongresr, irraaged .W- oujuurtk muuuj,.,,.co.ui,iT v-j" menta were, ordered closed on,the day '"j-n period '7 of inoTinung"- weTe ... abandoned.' w..v.w. . , 5.,i governor momson na Carolina observe L.e peiiod of mourn - uig &i a markof res President - l ii . ' i i, i r-, moooxnw. vyubvu wui biccw iw w aaa . oivvu v as.j great cathedral , at Mt Saint Atoms, risinar on the hills that look down over -Washington from the westwerd. And while he rests there, men f wno acclaim bis -memory wflTtake counsel together as to the" manner, and place of his last sepulchre. : Three times in less than three years the national captital has been called to witness the ' solemn ' cere monial attending the - funeral ' rites of men to whom the nation would pay the mgnest nonors at res commana. First In that succession came the funeral of. America's' Unknown Soldier. There was more of -pride than Borrow in that mighty outpour - mg of American gratitude and patrl - otic devotion about the bier of a hi.m"Kl ; nm1 on who was a-lor- : - . . r .... ified because he died lor uie iiag. It was a glorious spectacle that sur rounded his entombment. Profound sorrow marked the fu neral of President Harding. He also had been struck down in the full tide of his services to the flag and mourned his untimely death, men METHODIST EPISCO PAL MATTERS (By W. H. Willis) - Acting upon the advice of physl- ding has given up the Sunday School of the local Masonic Lodge at the dans ftnd friends; Brother J. O. Red- Presbyterian church Dr W. C. SupVrintdyncy His mixtion is Wcker, Educat.onal Fiji I Sectary, accepted with severe regret. . ?f The Grand Lodge of North Caro slr. Hurt Parka,- formerly' of lina, will show some educational FrankJInvule, is the new superintend- pictures which he will illustrate with ent The Sunday school regards an appropriate lecture. Dr Wicker lielf as fortunate in securing his is quite a gifted speaker and this bids MiesaT - - . , fair to be an interesting as well as a - 'm wi nn. tJvJSSnSfSTi ths TGrWi ?!J SSSirfnT kATA dlatriet Fnworth League, address the young . people ' of , - vuv forthwith Uka on new Ufa.- . fnrOiwfatka an new life.' Until further notice, the hour or tne iv. ckckV evening worship will be 70 o'cioca. This bring aa election year, "What Dnrht We Christian People te - Do About It," - The writer wfll preach along this line next Sunday morning. RAMSEVR rNTERESTED . ' A Junior C JChaa Been t IN BUILDING AND LOAN with good number of members. AU - .. . i , J the Juniors ire Invited te come.- piwv ii ef ' the' Randolph! The Ladles' Home , and Foreign rSl ttln and Loan w5m33 Missionary aocletv meU with Mrs. by Q. U. King Ut Friday nlrht The 'hrnary 14th., , j neoole of Kaaweor are enthojrlastle , ' The regular monthly meeting of about it and asked that anotherlthe church will, be . held Saturday meeting be held Tuesday night Feb-night, February W at 7:30. The marr 11 There was good, number. members are requested to be present out for the last meeting but a much ' A number of the Christian Endeav larger attendance is expected at the'er members are going to attend tM meetine- next Tuesday night' A di- rohvention at the Friends church in rector will pe anpointeii ir - Kamssuf D ranch te wbora the-anoney will be paid. -.:, CASE jlOAINRT OOI.TRANR r AND WHITE N0L.rBOSSED The eae. aramrt Coltrene and Whi efKrw aUrket township i.irk Mm no at t (1tw uom ' . .... i DIED SUNDAY ; . : Of The Greaf M!aU'JSV7- biiown ronne ureat war 141 e r or tus uounuj. ; wKh and again tmder the great clome pf -the.' Yesterday !was the thifd-tday of uium. s .xyiwrw i mf nd bis -testing) place, in the the uniform oi a nanaiui or gaiiam; .eomraqeai w msier. et4-j which, tin their great hour, of trial : w"it 7 mander-in-chief. They alone hand lipon his- casket UV his com- laid last jwm?. . TheC family service at the "S" street home4 was held in the library jwner n the years since he came brief offls fflwdoni from au cares, oi friends, ready to vIn Lonj ; Tka nm lonka nnt over yje miiea-garden upo which: he i gaMd from the windows fof the t death. .cnamDer. -'The body was then carried to dwlv to rest in Marble vault of -JBethlehen Chapel, only-dose friends and mombera of the lamiiy auenuea ,. pa t the home.- Soldier-and !! radeshis only escort, car- .tirL.-dru'.n ua lourney v xe -j journey to ouiet ana , i, , .ipeaewuM restmg places - vTYs&j&-i . The casket was laid before the altar ,. - - ...,.. -v. .. . . j : . it . . -, fh, ,,, ln tk- Mmonv'and . . .,. .1 n 'ta' ai V ) reading of the psalms and the pray ers with Bishop - Freeman and - his Presbyterian colleagues, Dri--'Taylor - .. 'i i, . ... i xt . and Dr. Beach, again sharing in con ducting the, services. ; At the close when the benediction had been said and while the organ played softly, Mrs. Wilson and the members of the family went out, then aUtjthe!. company in the chapel. The entrance of the vault was opened us private ana wnen uie grei. slab or stone tnax covers na uwn set aside the stricken 6 family went ioaca aione w , w I of the casket m the niche far under the massive wall of the building, I til nll l.'o until ita finnl rpRt- WilCiO IV 11. .. .. - ing place has been made ready. ) In the chapel service, the choir sang that favorite hymn of the dead 'man, "Day is Dying in the West," 1 Hon. Jo8ephus Daniels, former Secretary of the Navy, was among the honorary pall bearers. ! ILLUSTRATED LECTURE AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wednesday February 13th a pro gram will be given under the auBpices ,most instructive ocasion. The 1 wnle Lodge of the town extends "cordial inviUtion to all people ml Ms a inter iesiea in eauceuon w uwau. .... . in 1 . - similar February 12th, and 1 -l. Hk mwiA frtun AtiiMhnrt. v win ro to Trov irom juDeooro ne fr another lecture with the pictures. -rrr th lu. nJrfure: f FRIENDS CHURCH NEWS v t ' '', The hour of the Sunday night ser vice has been changed to 7:80. uh ivu i uiui T.'J. Flnh Chairman CemmlaaSoaers Mr. T. J. Finch weelectt Chair man of the Board ef County CommU iorra at their regular meeting at th court house la Asheboro Monday. Mr. Finch was named te fill the V rwr male when J. T. Weaver, ' af A 1. 1 u-t mnnlha GRADY' STALEY KILLED BY AUTQMOBDE Car Was 'Drirea By ' George -: Glaseoe of Juluui i Was Not Ranninj: Fast. Grady Staley, young son of Mr, Alfred Staley of Liberty, was run over and killed by auto driven by Geo. Glaacoe, of Julian, . Uat 'Wednesday about f:46 P. M.: ; Mrl Glaseoe, accompanied by his sister was on his way to visit his brether wh lives out of Liberty some miles,! it it; j i-Vt.- Grady-. Staley had. attended' school durhur xhe: day and was. on his '.way home when the accident occured. ' He together with several other children were returning home,, walking along the aide of the highway and playing as. they went It was while playing thatthe little fellow ran' across the highway m the path of. the car' and met instant1 death,- Which, was due to the 'skull being fractured far several places: Immediately the driver re turned to town lor -medical aid but it was of no avail as the boy's injury was' beyond medical assistance.' Those who saw the accident state that the car was hot running fast and that it was an unavoidable, accident The funeral was held Thursday af ternoon at Liberty Methodist .Protes tant church, service being'' conducted by the pastor, Kev. Mr." Sheltori, as sisted by Rev. Mr. HighfalL The lo cal school attended the funeral in knHv Mvaral nt tha amaHar hwa art- inir as nail bearers. 'Interment was at Liberty Grove cemetery, one mile J. C. Kirkman was ordered to in out of town. ivestigate a road leading from Farm- rir-aA-n w o.TTfin vaqm nt i anA a pupil in the first grade of the local school. PEOPLES BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION WILL MEET 'Annual meeting of Peoples Build ing A Loan Association will be held at Court House Friday night at 7:30 M February 8, 1924. Share hold ers are requested to be present or send Proxies r - ' s fc.-v W. A. BUNCH, -Sec. and Treas. OPTOMETEWST TO LOCATE HERE iKwal"Mnouriced tnis Week WiHfred!C.Carr ptometristiJaian W-aama.. . - . GreemiboreilLome o fAsheborol ordered that Minnie Talbert and opattin. office here, coming vW a terapoW arrangement, antf later March, and Mrfc Laurin Cranfwd wa: he expects to come more of teiu The appofated cusban. ' people of the town and the county) It is ordered to reduce the valua wiU welcome this news especially as !on of Mra.Zeb Uwiroperty in Dr. F.. C. Craven, who has been com-1 Cedar Grove township $250.00 on ae ing to Asheboro three times a week count of $500 being added on for expects to leave the county the middle of the month. Dr. Carr comes highly recommended and is consider ed one of the best optometerists in North Carolina. He studied at Rochester, N. Y.., taking the New York State Board in 1922, and in the same year took the North Carolina Board as Well, passing both examina tions with high grades. He is the son of Mrs. Lula B. Carr, of Greensboro, and ia well known to many people of the town and county. The Greens boro office of Dr. Carr will be open every day except Saturday. MANY ENTER INTO OUR SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Interest in tha subscription offer! for The Courier is spreading fast and a number our subsenbers are work ing this attractive offer. Several who began by thinking they would work for the shopping bag are finding it so easy that they have switched to the Bible offer, and the women are not the only ones who have "changed their minds ' about this. This is not nnlv an excellent onDortunitv for us to get new subscribers, but it is terest in Crown. Milling. Company. YOUR opportunity to obtain one of For the present Mr. Redding will re these attractive articles without any main at the mill.. Mr. Cranford was cost to you and with very little effort already a stockholder in the mill be The offer will not be open many fore buying Mr. Redding's interest weeks, so get busy and send in your There are several other stockholders list and ask for the prize you prefer. , in the business. PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF THE 8 YEARS OF PRESIDENCY OF W00DR0W WILSON Here were the principal events during the Wilson administration: The world war. Refusal of the senate to ratify treaty of Versailles and the league of nations covenant Negotiation of arbitration treaties with Greet Britain, Japan and many other countries. Military occupation of Haiti, Santo Domingo and Vera Cms. Purchase of the Danish West In die. . . . Refusal to reeognita any leader in Latin-America who acquired office by force. ' Refusal to recognize the Russian ovist government Establishment ef: Federal reserve banking system, i Rural credits banking system. . Federal trade commission. -," Shipping ' board ' and . emergency flet corporation,' 'r .- -.. ?, i , War risk. bureau: ; ; ' . , Federal waterpower commission. ' Emplors compensations commis- won, end,. Allen property eustodlajw? . " (nstructioaj 61 great goveraawiw-owMd-mrchant marine and tvera mnt railroad in Alaska, .' . i Eaactment af; jXliZ COUNTY 003IMS- - SIONERS 5IEET T. J. Finch Appointed To Fill Vacancy Caused Bj ResiaT natioa of J. T. Weaver . ? '.X Randolph County Commissioners met in regular session Jrebruary . , 1924. V?. i. .. -'U The following members were pres ent: T. J. Finch, L. M;.-Cranf ordC M. Staley, E. B. Leach and; C & Cranford. T. J. Finch was elected chairman. Minutes ef-previous meeting -were' read and the following changes' were made. There -being an error in calcu lation of ex-Sheriff Brady's 1922 laad sales of 317j06. his check !ior 5288.70 was accepted in exchange Or the one he deposited with- bond for $2,705.76. The Clerk of Court hereby appoints T.,J. Finch to fill vacancy on Board caused by resignation of Chairman J. T. Weaver. J. W. Burkhead came before the board asking for release of $3500. on his land in Union township, on ac count of having sold $3500. worth of timber to Walton & Brady same to be listed by them. Same was grant ed. J. H. Fields came before the board asking for reduction on his land. bamO Was reierred tO referred to J. m. staiey fo investigation, er to Fullers with power to spend an7 surplus money (now in bank) on said road. It is ordered that Estella Wooley, guardian for Reese Keams, be re lieved on $2,000 property in New Hope township, on account same not having been reduced 1-3 in 1920. ft . J. H. Kearns, C C. Ridge and others appeared before the board oclHnr f nr n hriHm across Uwharrie 'at the Parker milL It was ordered that a surveyor be employed to make a aurvey and have plans made and that bids be asked lor. It is ordered that W. M. Thornburg be accepted as inmate to County Home. Is ordered that Kelly Bogan be al lowed $2.50 aa outside poor. Miss May "McAllister is appointed custo- nil unin tr ss nil i rrif i rrs varii ri i.. n inu i as lease her of special school tax charg ed through error. The following report was presented by county officers i Recording fees R. of D. of fice 273 Other receipts 114JJ7 With check for total $387.60 C. S. C. deposited to Gen. fund v 264.90 Deposited to School fund . . 980 Total $363.70 Sheriff, total collections for January $32,399.89 Bills attested for Gen. Fund re corded on disbursement page 31-32: Road Fund page 19. Board adjourns to meet for execu- tive session February 15, 1924. LEE M. KEARNS, Clerk Board. C C. Cranford Crof Buys n Mill. Interest in A business deal of interest was an- nounced this week. Mr. C. C. Cran- ford boujrht Mr. W. F. Redding's in Constitutional amendments provid ing for direct election of senators, national prohibition and equal suf frage. Selective service draft act a war measure. Clayton anti-trust law. Eight-hour day for railroad em ploye. ' Workmen's compensation law. Law for federal aid in state high way construction. ' ; LaFollette seaman act in Immigration law with literacy test. Revenue law with hugh Increaaee in income and other taxes. , J i Repeal of the clause in ' Panama . canal law exempting American ships from tolls. . . Government operation of rsflroaas and telegraph and telephone lines as war measurse, together with food end fuel ecntroL . , n . . . ? ; 8ale of Wised enemy ' dre an! chemical patient te Chemical found-', atlnn. -. .-- -t'Vt ' -( . ' - . PaaBara4 ' of th Esch-Cummlns transportation, act. and creation ef railroad labor board. - . QvaUoa of Prifi battle flt wlA tranafar U Tacifle ef bulk of naval forces. . , . . . . . C7 -1 ' i. nol rrose4 kf the District AtterDey..?:. , - ; ; . " .!

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