m J J' k 1 $100 A YEAR Di AS V,Nc -;l f.r. i.lrvary 14, 14 NUMBER f ' - . ' - : I.:ULD LZIILY .-( r, ' r:" - Ta f , . - A t I ItiJ A U ::ld next su:.da Liin'GLY 0:; EGUffl AIIBICA Former 'Corapany. K. Man, Now a Representative cf the Derirt- i 1 n 1 n.wn'KM CniifK ' AV-.criVa ' In" & Very Rev. !! rrhy VTiZIons, cf 1 Cr::.-l:ro rreiVjterloa CLurtk TYia Speak. 'The local order of Knights of Py- - Vp- 4.. j . XateresUaz leaner to His .ot.er. -. w thi r tnuiriiir nim wn ' i - .- - . - -:' ,c ' v .l:-5'. t b held in celebration of tho C . ;. v i ;S .L-'I'lCl,..-lVrt. .rnooB Jobiiefc Th order TO fou; rouir uuv vww . r"--- February 19th, 1864. Rev. 11 ur; York, a former Company A- man, fao hi in South America a a repr " enUtive of the Department of Com mere and the U. S. Shipping: Board. f The letter is to his mother at Liberty and wiiLbe of interest to , the many r '-readers who read his interesting let ters while in .Fraiiee.ic" r il'A ' My Dear Mother: V-zmill ;f -I was glad to learn "from jourlet v . ter that you are well again. ;: I am glad too - that J Mary feels sa i well and that you had.floyd home for, a J On learning thatyou expect, to j . - tertain ther Club this-'week 1 Ordered niturea and ex- - ' beet to mail several to tomorrow and tvoir bnH thif tnav reach you b time to be of use. I am not a good ' typistand Bince there is not time-vto it dnn I will write' story about & bit trip from notes taken and mem J -Dry. kopita,lemjl,M,Jy;poo handwnriting will uot seem impossible. t I sailed on the American passenger ' and freigh ahip' ""westero ?wrio . from New Yofkn August (l.W23, as - ' a representative of the Department of v- Board and as fm tha eroerience. Yeoman (SecreUry) consisting of rough playing .and w'm '.Trir.i . tiati goa oi " . ' .! - v.- ; the churches of the town are to fur- -The touowing inurBoayj InUh the music.-1 This service is open 16th. we came m wgnx I to the public and everybody is invited maintains earlv- in the mommg. These grew tallerand more beautiful m. Hrcw nearer' one OI me non beautiful harbors In -the -world."-1 can't exnress the ettent " of ' their beauty. One would have to see : to realize. The oeautuuir JMene f grew more beautiful till about H ten when to oe present. - 7:30 is the tune an nounced for the service to begin. . " Th ' following ' clintied w6 passed in to" the harbor of Rio de FayettevilleObserver will be of in Mr, and Mra.,: MeA lister Celebrate XfXpilrtt Anmversary.ti-M' , irom me Taneiro by ! tha Sugarioaf ' high stone mountain 1200 ft. nigh That is one -of the interesting places in the world. 4. Th ouaran tine officer found us all wel so we were permitted , to null un and land.' 'But first the Am bassador was meti by. high-' officials and taken ashore by launch. Then we su::day afternoon k - tcre Ra;r3 cf Steisaa Grocery ire tr 1 Feed 7&s Cow. J ' , " tZlzr-V.j Damaged.. r ' !sy atrnoon about 1:00 o'clock :.e f re whistle called out the? fire -ny ar 1 a good number of the ns of t e town. The Ara'waa .i in t a center of iewnll : It ; jved to ka inside the store room of .edman Cr ccery store, which H aao a wholesale concern,' and' the -fire t?rted in the hay stored in. f the ..Ming. - The building was saved, l-v.t was damaged considerably The , mares. kicluJinr feed destroyed, is ' mated at around fifteen hundred . ..are. For a while it looked as if the entire building, the store, storage department, as well a the Market m t Ms building would be burned, but the firemen persisted and further damage was preventeo: . - CONSIDERABLE SPECULATION :. AS TO UcADOO'S CANDIDACY Seaator Simmons lias Expressed ta Opiaioa That . ta Fomer Seeretary of j tke Trasaryr-TRriIl V Emerge From Present "V'.$itaatii and Asstdar Stnmrer Positioa Thaa Before. By David F. 8t dalr)Z Washington, Bud RusselJ Seriously Injured. n affray took place last Thursday in Kew Hope V township near the torest to' the friends in Asheboro ' of Mr. and Mrs; C- CX McAlister, who are former 'residents of the town. The home of Mr. and Mrs. . C vr Atiirf n- trvmnnnt v h ' Davidson county line and BUtt, JCUS- seen, February 7th,of the rcelebra- SSJrAdl- tion of the twentv-fif t& anniversarv . Var VkAAW 4m'". tfliD. mpyed jUTitnd jtied up- The first things f their wedding day. mk--. put wver omtf timber and came to I sawswerefi natives earrymg coffee . jt wag a gathering of the ' immeV bio- Bud Russell interfered and to ibags'pn1their, heads from horse dlate reptegentatives of the . two Vestal Cook, son dt George Cook, is and auto trucks to barges, the dingy famiIIe8. Twenty-two sat down . to ,reported.to have struck Russell in little ; street cars , with, mostly, men tha weddlng dinner, which waa - de-vthe head with a: stick or .'pkee of tim iHinir t.htt Bcreechinir locomotive mjs : j i?. - v... . i t i Fends, the varicolored I WW J88 srrahgement . 's , .usseU wa taken to High - Point conclusion ;of .'the a feast, hospital sunoay. ana . vwas louna the guests 'toasted ? inform that there-is a blood, clot on f his a v J l i1 ' . fl l hMfn" UA ham HAAM nnIAn DlArl TVIAfiT ,.juik ;r i' i.:s'- ,0 - -rfHimauy ine pnncipais oi Miewsnver . v. :rT, .r. and first Officer kept me on the !W- KHUela down wedding occasion. The toasts . .took of the meince tne ariair. ae where I knew what was happening-at fAf91?n prt r"1 PS! a humorous turn Jpr-the most part WUcwn -saw mill man o! the UtimeaButto get toJthe story, J,0 "P'l'T- t aL were hugely enjoyed. There township. Th Cooks Are well known our ahip followed the "America" and The multicolored and strangely de. - natured reminiscences ' citizens of .Alleghany (township, Da-: and' as reported' to f his father. j Jl. t.w &nt we srot settled to, variety of shapes, sues and designs ,.intej thpm unnn th wisdom has not been located by officials. the sea and its wonderful life. Among ' Of buildings in addition to the colors nibitedfc when" they heeded the call - - f ivl was the Japanese Am- do not cause sham . or contrasting nf th rw Fftar, .a came back L. SMITH FEARS 1 v j i- d-.;1 tl,. TsngnOM Mil- tin6a to" hA tlnvn.) Rather, is tllS Ua . tl. 11a knan.'tolifn'. am4''.' Ana .'' - tlTO- PINVIWD ICS npn i' ' itory Atticho to Brazil and their f am- whole very beautiful and. wonderful men . an(j gracious women, from ;f - - ? , ? flies, a priest and itXtmC.r a'J probably because of the variety. The whfch the McAlister. clan had .emUf- Smith, of Hurh' Poinfiihas pi. lofo TMaiitanii. hud ' lusc ' oiea hniiriinca in i, mosr ooum Aiueritun mm mnnv ' vnni rA.r anfl znn . t i- : and most of our news daily was about, cities are of atone- clay brick etc and iand ot, the Macs also came in . for; Jia Kher; S. a SmWwh hW not his funeralrain aoJiiey were rather, vry in oolot .from plaster, white, to a word, of eongratulation. v .w Jeen heard fromce January v 23, Pres. Uarnfiia io sea ana wo iKufKf "" - r. -r , . uie expense ! . uie onae ana ivioy. vw.6w m. ...,VAn.f.rJ wwii. 4W went east valley and covenng ita niUs; struck t A ;j hfita. vKl.. 'Dm -arrest in Davidson county ward -t Europe,' iT,he-'"America,,mr as being beautifuL. The - many of ,tM tts took the. form' of et Vestal Cook, wha is :.j r MiHa"t)ik aMond ! tvnea of 'architecture and tna, great I ' 0-tv. invivat- hav struck, in defense "t sad days. The engines were stopped; red terra eotta.- Although . j th. invitational . had'whea he Jeft Tampa with a man' who with rsuggesnons ;. 'represented himself -as owner of'.' a there wera manv.ext) h&lf-lntAnmife in. Wj1 in OrfnnHn.- T on Friday, - Wa, drifted on of course. nearfy a-million people. - That is the pressions in silver of regard and. -'afw T- Smith fears that hia brother has v, ..e the ahip r oeu wuea wki- gtreeti called s"Rio Bronco" and r- fection. notably an "exquisite vase been murdered as ft was not unusual -V j , !.MU,.kMit MINMt fAf WfM... . - . 1 . Bl . T .U.I1 I . llatner east a " ul " ed tap ,1 jtreet of we ewy: oi M presents .orchestra played appropriate music. tugege is the language of course,, I front the Highland'. church. ;.' for him. to have several thousand dol- liiat was a h.iwi.' Jmew a little jaglisiu Tena,Arnn i jn!wj lariworth OI diamonds on nia hands narcissus and the tong-ieai pme,,maa' wnwi p'ooa ac aweniiQit iou&wk WWb.u.. and panish but . couicurc , speaa.- a .f' ;s and realized the meamng of t yj of Portugesatbu up, went, " Rev: E.'"J. " Harbison, 'Of ; Sigh ''i tB.i.f'nr.whM fnit na at -.11 .a.? BV ; JSunday. The pastor will, preacl at -might. - " JI---J'it Misses Webster, ueasieyj ; f amaoj and Mr., Berryroan Jonea, all of Greensboro visited our League Sun-) iday andiasaistedJn'it" worganixa tion. witv Mr: Janet. Luck. as ' pres- tdent,- and witb Miss DonnO Lee Lnf - rhiff - A.weddin hnlL th oift of ai MRW-"!A. rOFFHT"'. neighbor, also gave the bridal touch.' j- .. JIVES SEWlNG'PAllTy . kniwri iuvti i tf 'vvwo. - iTThe McAlister home, so weU known v ..-.. , . - - . ' - tror m ireneroua nosuiuuiiy. never i i; iminrnitm Trnm - nfimnnino- cn Ann - Cot S. a Chambers and, Mr. Rich- fufle? e past mow Pneiy roan wasttha sewing party a Mrs. W. A. ard 'Wright. Of. Durham, spent, the " " ""V"'""' yuum gave vreunesuay aiwrnoonai tKFranktoviUB MJPUrts,of P2S. on Snn TC Mr. and . MraJW Clark. kV j h ?Mr JH Mafley and family and of each other and DemoeraU who are . - Inral ta Urlitvr ) felt tKaf hw FebrnarT lAr There m k Mmnain. m. is the 'keeneat: aort of Speculation ing to the American peopla a .maa among DemoeraU whether or or not for President who if elected f would W. G. MeAdoo can "come back after be an occupant of the White House the "set back" given him by DohenyS long-, before this oil litigation was evidence ot February 1st before the terminated. The Republican adver senate oft-"' investigating committee, sary would be certain to make the Senator Simmons has ; expreased the most pf such a picture in the eam opinion that the former aeeretary of. paign. - i thatreaauTy emefget'rora the' u the event that the public does not d resent situation and . assume' a l m vi .v. flT-u BtroAger position bef Orethe i American MeAdoo Mak3 MeAdoo Dem- peop umn ever oeio oewuse . no ocrats have held several conferences will be able to show that he has done i . iMt f riv t finH no wrong, and that he has-been made.JMo. ... wi'i .v. a Victim of designing enemies m his fonner gecretaryV shoes. They are own party. The American pepplr are termined that if , tiwl alif umiaa too eminently just and fair to allow tMuaot nominated that his organis a public man . to Je sacrificed under ation wfli be in a position to prevent suck circumstances, the ,, senator nomination of a reactionary, thinks. r: j : v .:ii tw w,wnMu . f In another week it will be pretty Homer Cummings of Cbnnecticut has definitely known what is the public freauently been heard as the heir an- reaction to Mr. McAdoo's 1 recent parent to the MeAdoo estate. Mr, statement and his evidence before the Cummings is so loyal to MeAdoo that senate committee. Every Democrat he has steadfastly refused to be a who believes Mr. MeAdoo was the candidate up to this time. He was one strongest candidate of his party be- of the closest personal: friends of fore the Doheny evidence was given Woodrow Wilson and is said to have and-that hia possible elimination at been Mr. Wilson's choice for the this time places the party in a disad- Presidency. Should this prove to be vantageous position in the race for a fact it would be a valuable asset the Presidency, is tremendously anx- to Mr. Cummings should he become ious that he will be able to rehabili- a candidate. tate himself . Another advantage to the candidacy It is . generally recognized here of Mr. Cummings is his New England that but for the Doheny evidence the location. It is well nigh assured that death of Woodrow Wilson would have the Republicans will name Calvin placed MeAdoo in a position of ab- Coolidge of Massachusetts. The Dem solute command in the party. He ocrats could under such circumstances would, they believe, have been nom- well afford to go tolfew England for inated on the firsUballot in the New their candidate. Otherwise it would York convention.: The great war be regarded as bad politics for the President's death destroyed at a blow Democrats to go to a state like Con all that was dangerous in the "crown necticut. prince''charge made by the former Rut' for the oil scandal the death M:retaryVnemies. The umversaL of Wilson would certainly, it is con demonstration of bereavement on ac- tended in the ranks of both parties count of Wilson's death and thejmde here, have revived the league of na of the American people without, re- tions as the paramount issue in the spect to party, in his world-wide fame campaign. Ail Democrats who are aoa aciuevements wouiu au nave oeeu lukewarm towards the league ut asset in the candidacy of a man. who Who fear the possible loss of Mc stood near ; him whUe in the White Adoo as a candidate, profess to see House. '. v-.j-a..-.. .,- some compensation nouticallv in the But bf a stramre coincidence, the oil scandal i-They hold that the- bur- Doheny incident and .the: death' of. den of the scandal .rests upon the Wilson, came within forty-eignt hours shoulders of the Republican party. , nawlv aarsTaUilKed LftAaTXl w , Sunday at .6:30 ; m the rnuauiea - " SnMu. . A- Snaka Meetinff.1 A -delegate of our lieaguers expect to attend a district meeting at Greens - bora : Tny.,ayening,;-4;.:,r--, ' "teadersh!p ikstHuto in the;- Prnby; 4v ... : .viertMi Church, T2-cvv.i . ' ' : Utt'd: t.' EvaiULr:iLtaooem: .Southern Secretary tune' it was to share, ita welcome. guest of honor on this occasion was Besides Mr. ; and-rJIrs. McAlister Mrs. Maurice lay, : of . Greensboro, hostess1 and honoreo received in the reception hall and invited the twenty Margaret Jonea Bpent Sunday after- wjMtonemi VMi'ss May McAlis- parlor -which , were attractively deco noon with tha Ianulyf F. C HolU- f Asheboro: Mrs."-A, H. Worth, rated :with Valentine; symbols. After ayi 'FranklmyiUe; Routel. : cf Durham MrsT. (LWorth, of the ladies had sewed and chatted for There will be regular meeting of JDurham; Mr., and - Mrs. $ Alexander a snort while, tne hostess asked every some . one in . anpther section of the room. This was done several times and there was no chance for a lull in tne conversation. After an hour or ha a modern building with lobby and I Charles' B. Miller? of ..Goldsboro; morejwuiiam coinn, son of the WV hnT.J : '?n- Mrsi Husrh G.'. Whitehead., of Nor- hostess, - passed - Valentine napkins. air. YV v. rfQnes, wnv utoj. A"1 j luift, v a., jor. nu whu u i ww, " raa " repair and 'manufacturing business. of Fayetteville; Mrs.t Abram Gain- serving, fruit salad, .sandwiches, wa mTum Int nf-hone and nlentv f Uv. of Favettevflle. ' ' "' fers, pickles., and coffee, by Mrs. vegetables, is going into ithe r""ltryl r 1 ' " ' " Lanrin Cranford. On each plate was Un Mia liver Richardson, Miss Neta 11. IZjm ,w W Mi.Mtthn; a ,HaWkS liOUge INO 10; fl .TiUU worm, OI -JLUxnm; iiir. uu uiro. : JJM M nextTSatorday evening;, A fuU Hal V. Worth,!; of Raleigh; . Master I-' C 'i?? tt W1 attendance .'desired, Calvin McAlfet Worth; - Hon.y and ' K u r rf .There- ia talk; of a Bew.'postoffiee Mrs. B R. Lacy,;, f Raleigh; Mrs. ' . ,3a The first wvotionai meeg ot we r . lei j Mrl- busmes.w He has purchased one of j. ndsdoners' Re- Valentine favor. -th. ,.t.mnlet 2BO cm ineubators Erwr In County mmiasioneri e-. . , 11T CASES OF MEASLES 1X1 BAlNUULfH the most complete 260 egg incubators. on the market. : rw'-..,", a Woman. Oreenahoro. is soendine I ' In last week's Issue of The Courier of ; tha. United a few days with.net mother,-Mrs. M. in 'puwisnrng tno.aimus.oz-'w J...:-. numttli. frxiMvnr molce ' L. BoJe. " tfw.-t-T.S''-?"- county -commissioners an error ? was T'nl'.ia.r. .Ci, wiwio Tnr RnrW a Hhrh .Pbint. spent mada In our office which we' 1 n ulo.1.":".-:. V . . " ..j'o-. . Bv.-Wtli I1.KU .nil vl11v Mrntrt Wa atAtAii that town af Anhahnm has mw fftrtv h.. nlo-ht ilia lecture was illUKtrated Saturday- and t Sunday; M ' l... .,T,t;n r,!tiire Rhowinir the folks.' ' r l.'s'-'l Ar-.y ' -BiJii activities of ChmUan Endeavor So-1 J. C. Marley, of Leaksvflle, was a ' cieties in different.- sections of the visitor here last ..V ' Southern fcutes. r Rev. Jas. W. Rose . J. R. Lotterloh went to Greensboro . conducted the devotional exercises for one day 'last weeki .v- ''?- : .. the afternoon aesslon and liev. W. TL I The Randolph and - SouthenrBeU Willis was in charra of the devotional Telephone linemen and also -Frank Mercies that TiKht ,. ' , 3 Hurley, of Trpyr Wero here i last week The rresbyterjiins are expecting U adjusting their line for State HIgh- 'ri ht. February X.ih. liev. Wade G. " John Brady spent the week-end. Jn KmiLh. rn:.tfr oi ine Vnurrn oy nunuswiw, Monday, the Health, Officer, Dr. J. V. Hunter reported 117 cases of measles Iq Randolph County. The Bide of the Koad, Greensboro, will be the speaker. , . , , I-IlnUterial AtocitiH MeVts. Tli wptlng'of the Minifiterittt As- .n was neid Monuay morninfr. v. ,'. II. Willis, the preBMent wax 1 'i rf.i.ir and the secretary, I'"?. li. fm;'..h, was at his post of !.' y. niTims item" of busineM . ' i ' n isp, tuvl arti upon, among tVm t !; ,0 ; n c f the various revival -i. '!'' Pro- lij-t'rian aervics 11 i VI rvi , t 'or cif it.. a. i, una mey nave i cf lv. Wade C. t: C; ur.-h by th I, ;rr. - '.nro, Will w i, '1 he i;ptijft ' I ' 1 t r revival r. 'I i- rv act ''te 1 t t 1V. .(iijnrnl. i Will 1 8ri - f: a t, i .1 rwnsDoro. , :. '. Jj. . Mr. John W. Craven, and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Fentrisi, A. C li rower and family, C. B. Thomas, and C. IL Julian were visitors ta;High Point Sunday." ', J '.-''.'' - k' -: Miss OUie Fentrofls, of G. C Wn Grc-onfljoro, spent Sunday at home." Clyde t'ooon and Win. Reaves, of Ofi-iiijboro, were visitora ,hero Mon- ra v. . ' ' -, " " ' " ," " i r. J. W. Craven fs" eritlcally ' 111 nf I i r" iiITice on Anhebor street,' i. Ccnrp-e Martindale, ' of J ';; un 1 Evelyn Martindale, if, s. 1 . ' - 'ri; were bore last week mi ; f. (, f t'.o siiVncKs of their r.:' -, 1 . J i nf.-.Ie, who ' has ;.;i fur some time. t rw doctor, A. I. b' 1 i l V. ) r New ' bin fifT Th1 i i Ko. 2 at 1 Tbl fire v emr.'lt fn-iii R i Mr. J. H. 1 " ' i. It, I). Can i'.r. b ! Mr. ::'s t' ' if hr 1 i 1 I t. V n tm.iy. ' K. since -H Mills !.-iy riii.'ht. t; have ''. of : r. tifjij ' i ' to " ? t (' rfi kR'icik ceIrbrate .' HER BIRTHDAY - ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Caveness, of Born in 1840 and has had but 20 -Asheboro. visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd birthdays, such is the experience of Caveness last week. Mrs. C. J. Clark, of 'near Trinity. She ; Miss Nellie JBllis-.f High Point, has' had but 20 birthdays in her 84 spent the week-end at the Riverside years, although due, even under the hotel, the guest ofmrs. Brook, handicap of February 29, to :-. have r Mr. and Mrs..LeRoy Poole, of Ram had 21.- On the turn of the century seur, spent the week-end with jhia she Was cheated out of one anniver- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A Poole. sary, . because even Leap year was Mr. Bernice Marley has moved 'Vis skipped at that time. From" 1896 to family to his home near Moffitts 1904 she was unable to force the cai-; Mill. Mr. Marley purchased the Stout regret and rladlv correct. 'We stated that Ex-Sheriff BradVa "check - for 12.- cases; y. These are all under .ouaran. 888.70 was accepted In exchange for tine, and although several entertain- the one he deposited with bond for tnenta In which tha children were to S2,706.76."t. The word "bondt. should take part have been cancelled,.- the have. been Board. instead. ';s"il:i.''.j..'-:aituation.,iaiiiot considered alarming. endar to give her a Bingle birthday celebration. Mrs. Clark was born near Trinity; February 29, 1840, and has lived in Randolph county practically all her life. She graduated from Greensboro Female- college, now Greensboro col- leire. in 186U with 20 others, of whom only Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Mol lis Edwards of Durham now are liv ing. She probably is the oldest living alumna of the institution. She also went to Salem college. Mrs. Clark is very active, reads the larirer types without her spectacles, and during 'the summer may be seen busily engaged with her hoe among her flowers of which she is quite fond. Until three years ago Mrs. Clark made her home in Asheboro and her many friends here hold her in warm out affection, and it is a very sweet memory to those privileged ones who, happy In her' vivacity and Grocery store here some few easa-" ago, and has since that time, dealt in general merchandise. Miss Nellie Spence, of High Point, and Miss Kates, of Pleasant Garden, were visitors in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Porter, of Greensboro, visited Mrs. Porter's aunt Mrs. J. M. BrooKB, sunoay. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Cox and little son, James, spent the week-end with Mrs. Coxs' father, Mr. James Gilliand near Brush Creek. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cheek, February 5th, a daughter. Mr. Pearl Craven, of Charlotte, spent a few hours "chatting" with his old friends in Coleridge last week. Mb. E. W. Poole made a business trip t Asheboro last week. " MRS. J. V. HINSHAW DEAD DAIRY 5IEET1NGS WILL BE HELD , a UN llAWUUJi'll IMYIY:M,,WEEK I wish to announce to the farmers slblf can win imnn br'ittmii of tha county that are interested- in f then tnMflnn' w ling problems sefllng . of 'butter S and butter iat or any other problems '""' mat related to the dairy cow that- there is interested fa malctng a profit W will be a. specialist from .the .State hia farming operations, during 1024. Department here next week; J This" should Mt everal' farmers over t Four meetings will be held at foK the county at I am sure that you want tomi f ; 6-tS: j .;!.,.-.'. Sf mako.at much profit aa pomibla; Feagrove,- Monday night February " time to awrt. aor v.mmit 18th at 7:80 p. n. Hollv Snrinirs. Tuesday afternoon mn n"" w at 2:00 . m February- 19th. ,. . ! !' r I think that. to these meeting and hear what this The n in mnlunir persormj nvnr rnuntv trt (liru.ma ltvnl nrob--Vanfn-e this uav ha houm ta rt t the n-al alL rcn.ion of jomfl of thf Jifficullins that vn h:iv b'ri f;t" fr sr wilh nur butter fat work. We all know tli.it there Is notnr-' hlnpr (. Li nia.h' in tha dairy Mrs. J. V. Hinshaw. ased 56 yean. culture died at her home near Randleman. shared with her the joy of wandering February 2nd, after a month's illness, through her charming little garden. For several years Mrs. Hinshaw has abloom with choice old fashioned .been in declining health but a fw flowwffcTn . V weeks ago her malady took a aerious Tha site Of Mrs. dark's former torn, resulting in her death. She was home Is now the location ot the homes the daughter of the late Wmiam and of Mr. L. L. Whitaker and Mr. 1. B. Louisa Branson. t Lewis. I Funeral services were held last 1 1 1 " , Thursday at Level Crosa at 11 a.. MRS. CLARA WILLIAMS fJNt J F. Lofttn, of Randlemaa, eomductwl r i.i .... ' the services and tha interment,.. raa On January 26 the' death angle via- In the church cemetery.- The flowers, itod the home. sf Rufua G. King' and. whkk were unusually beautiful, ware claimed as ita victim his beloved wife, carried by nieces of Mrs. Hinshaw: Clara - Williams King, - and. Infant Misses Mary Swalm, Nora and la dwghter She weenborn-March 15, '.Coltrane,. Claudia and,. Mabel 0x. 188L anLdied January, 26. 1924. Virginia and Dolly Dlckory and eht nrofesaed h faith, in Chrirt jSJt i&JSt early life, had been a member of M"thT1 ,nd Chr.,el FoK. a. Hulda, Baptist .church a number , of 18urt?f r,r-hw hubJ1,l years,.of which -she waa a'aithful n n ,f Sd,l11 rJTi "S member snd ehurch-worket p untU of OkWa Clyde B. Hinshaw, :l death called bar from tha. labored Vlrglnial -CUfford hliishaw.-v Mra. rOi te her reward in heaven. Enrnt Talley and Mrs. J. M. f31ig- She was wife, n fond .11 . ! She leavaa to mourn Ut Ion bet ' "iT T' i.T'JV V r reward in heaven. Enrnt Talley and Mrs. J. M. Ellmg- mnA fflnn.f of Kmll,m,lni Miasea 11a and. J S3 H Gr' Hinshaw and Joha 3. Hinshaw, d mKher, and friend to of HJfh Volt w. R. ,UnlhaW( il'i?:il'wiu: i'J. Greensboro. Tntm ara two sis-, , f Snd hitp 1' 1 t. 1 r f C"!nr 1 k!'.s, ho 'y -rd, bis win have soma Farmer, Thursday night, February thing U offer la the1 way of handling" tint at 7:30 p. in,-. .Vv - f'wd wlHng ereamerr product that . Liberty, Friday afternoon--at e:wj win r or interest to many farmers p. m., February 22nd. ' i , : over the county,' There are' lost- of Ul LI1B 1 1 til B lUI V3 WlfCll. w - " 111! I' V ll.B IHI IflVTBnn I . .. .. . . .. . V I Ml I K. r.lllll viaits to farms or murkcting their butter fat to ad-i - . "r"'"r,r-nan and Mrs.- Fs." sna w hope to arranre thW"'"'.' , , m with the Urm-t t his r'". In Ko that there will be market ' Tor wIJr.rri.. IZ tiJ . t, J num. U(JWfS. .Illlf mi MJ BG. mi 9. . . r I . ' irn. . . , . mnri mil at your farm and pro overf tr-i-. " your iroi,!(.ms with' you while fie hern f t in tmirrl With ma. " Call tne 'i"iii"s if WW ere rating proper ever i;. ti.lnlinna or itmn mi l mmrA and I v :i try to amnge to go - to your i.lrt.n. , ; . . Very" truly yours,- . Va ' E. a M1LLSAPS, 3u ' ' ' . County Agpnt. t if ww ere r1 ' .'tn of our rn t It io t r - i to t"n t v " I avo I '"It 1 " I' - proper th. n the the troti- vi t with r - Political AanoaaceaicnL From the Ohio State Journal (jVp.). Our own political announroment for the dayt Prominent Republican state leaders will meet at the Deahlcr betel LhU aflemooa to dtsniMi party bar ton. Mm. Emma N. Walk man tnasuv- r. v ;i jhw at ere-1 .v... - a . .v v ..." it . i on two new 9 lot wxt of 8 Mr. J. M. avi are to rrsc will be inolern tolsns call for I bniMlntrs which "i ,.',J." w I . tiy i . . ..' r C.at Jioa- many sod Ijjnore Tsipot Lom. jof the town. .

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