f - -J .-j"-7 II .' 1-,- 1LJ, r: ; 4 'i ISSUED WEEKLY piiiNCirixs, not men; ; 4 - :u: v ir a year in advance VOLUME XUX Aehebore, North Caroliaa, Thursday. February 21, 1924 - KUlfBER r mm i5 At i"; V A!;Z0?iOPEOPimJOYTITC 1 Eer. R. Morphy Wdiams. Addressed JLaitfe Congationjat -,y the ilcthodist trotestant Church and the People ,Were,s ' ' - . I : ; qiad Thej Braved the Raii to Hear Him. , 5 Rarely hive tt' peopfrtof ii&V'tr te help produce, estrone character, bora enloved such a treat as was af-equal to xTeet taaka or emergeneiea. forded them Sunday, evening by. the, t Those who were scattered abroad local order Knights of Pythias, when because ' of the persecution wnicn Hv. R. Murnhv Williams addressed a am" . eonoerninsr .Stephen, -went large ' congregation at the Methodist everywhere preaching, the word, and Protestant church:.' After the invoea-.; la: Antioch. the Gospel was bearing tion by the pastor, IRev. H. F, Fogle-' much fruit, not only among the Jewv : man, a union choir composed of mem- but among the Gentiles aa well. This bera from each church choir ,f . the ' was an innovation which .must be in- town'sang an anthem.'; Rev, J. ;W.; vestigated, ',: v.- c Rose,' of the - Baptist church offered S-So Bamabes was ' sent by the a prayer. ' Mr. Charles Redding, bead -Church m Jerusalem, as a committee of the local lodge, who were fa; at-j0f one to look into the matter, and p tendance in body, introduced Rev. Mr, to, reconcile '. any differences;, which Williams . Possibly many of the peof may arise between these- two classes pie Knew wn Hi a treat was m, swra qf converts. "" . f for them when they braved the. rate Tf this, wLr "the mission of Bams to attend X8-wT 3 bis, ft Is very Jmportant Jhat we be the lodge eyea.ago, tFeb, Wtiu manf gat godnes8 and gener &0$JaIb?$ i" feelingVull be likely, to -meet even a higher standard to thelodga r1 raany circumstances In . work, pomting out few the -fa . fcwhfA character can accom many opportunities . for service of 1JU more an( 0 better work, than auch an prganjiation f stalwart men Mi talent . wins ita noblest to wwni.?r 1comm.?n,lty' i' ' i triumphs when it is united with and Although it Is a little out of our sanctioned by Qodly character. Bar usual custom to 'publish speeches or, nabas bad hoth, -Bermons, but for the benefit of those u f Mt Barnabas was so big that who, did pot tear ; J pUm(ud vBer ie could recognize the need of a big jnon we pubbah f in, part, although than himself, in his new 'mere type cannot impress the hearts situation. ; He saw. the greatness of of the readers and Inspire them to the opportunity, ' and hfi first task ??blefl!l her -Dving, as did 'Rev. Was to find a greater than himself to Mr.. Williama earnest, forcefal and lead thef new Church. - r pleasing maimer.. The man .himself , hat wantt( ia men who are was an inspiration to all who heard big enough to be small enough" to Jam, oa this occasion." At the close of recognize bigness in other men. the ermon Miss Mae Presnell sang, i ;j. To know vital men,' and to " be ?My Task" It " is ' ' custom kn0Wli to them is an important part of the order to have one-union v telig-i of one's equipment Sot" larger ser- -3s'.. IS.ouernrnehiyhis off - adopted upon' full mitigation' plctclg free in fts prto ''a' iustbiaim tobhndclnce ari 5 qour support RcspopCfor ;tf J iutfcntqcdmpliah . i . .. . ldU75. may well go down in the annals of their history as a marked success;. ; , x 'ActSr 11-24. , 4 j A nan is the answer' to every, o In this ' emergency, ' Barnabas turned to Saul, who afterwards .be came PauL n . , r , ' t. I. But in considering Bamabas, Mrs,' Julia Kearns, -widow of the late Mr. E. B. Keanrs, who passed away last Thursday bight at the home of. her daughter. Mrs. rJtta Kearns Douthitt in Danville,- was one of Asheboro's oldest and best known women. problem, " and unless Tour" religious let us look at the secret of his good' .trainincr. is nrodueinfl' Beraonalitiiia. it nesrf. " ' ' ' ia largely a failure. -' ;., 4 "1 "' THat he was a man of like pas- i The highest Service we can render M Te re 4 Perfectly vl the Kingdom., of God, is either to-be, I v J (Continued on page 8) ." 517 , KAKDLEMAN- FEB. 23RD I The students of lUncllenian high school will give presentation of " "The Wren"1, a drama fn f our ,actsi oy 'Oliver P. Parker, at the.Bandieman school auditorium on Saturday Feb ruary 23; at 7:20 .-B.-J?.ri , The play is an exceedingly inter jesting uttle love story which centers around the life of 3 Jane DannV tpretty country girl whojgoes to the leitv to visit her aunt who 1s a --rich society leader. While Jane is in tne icity her aunt tries to marry her . to 1 Reginald jGieenstorf, spoiled f young I society man, whose, mother holds a CONFEDERATE VETERANIS', 'vc.:, KILLED BY MATE ' Two old Confederate Veterans, of the Tennessee Soldiers' Home, who for years and years have been friends, living- in the same little room at the home, "have been separated forever over a childish quarrel about whether a window should be left up or down. Dr.iGTBrackling. 91 year of age, i.. .11.. J i . J ... t i . n Vir pnDDW m ueaui ma companion, vi. w Hamby, age ,97. Dr. Brackling is al so in a very serious condition as s result of wounds received in the firfit The. hospital authorities do not be lieve he will live long enough for the state to try tin for the death of file ' " mortgage on' Jane ' country home, companion. The Governor of Tenn- ' pfltrhift w" mother is ierf eetly Wwil- essee ' has made ah announcement yg to-cancel the- mortgage, however If -Jane .will niarryjleginald. But .'Jane .does not lipve Reginald and he finally decides to marry Rodney iBlakev Jr, an attractive young?, man ,who is madly in-love with her, . al- though he does not discover until the very last that Jane loves Jiim rand ' )has loved him since, the t -tJhey first. met ' -The, storyrls delightfully -Dortrayed as only puu(tor -:.auUior and good acting can portray it. essee has made aft announcement that the state will hot take any steps to punish" Dr Bracking until he J is fully recovered. He claims that he killed Hamby in self defense. METHODIST EPISCO- Ji WW PAL MATTERS The recent death of Mrs. Julia A. , Tinsley Bryant i while . Mr. - Kearns removes our oldest member. Eueene wp"f pmwk, x t Riair conauciea pie lunenu. v v vtmm a.earns removes' our oldest m ?5LpJ!fl.r..a.W.P. SewiA-'W. Plyler mi - . j- minnnprawi tub Tiinsm w u . . . Bulla has the part, of Rodney -.TZT L! rZ her lover. Tne roie .oi emnaia - i r.rMmtoR ia Slaved by Mf. MOen ,owo7 kuwi pn, -iu nmaoci ' t.Jneberrv. Mias Alice Connor has tne part of the rich aunt The others Jon Friday tiie 29th. A tereopticu . .... . i i .... I arill M ttaAjf iW.w 1 l( will fnwilah tokA im tmrti - in ' the Dlav are: Misses Lillian Trogdon,. - Dorothy Lamb, Willie Millikan, Nell , Robbina, Elsie Julian, Ophelia Kirkman, Mary Ferguson; and Mesnrs. Jack Newlin. Weaver lineberryr Truman Wall, and Clark Marsh. J f VV' ','..v' The play, which is given with the permission of the National Drama ei;;.;.fny, is under the direction "of Miss Ruth Coltrane, who is English teacher and dramatic supervisor at Randleman high schooL The proceeds from the play will be ppent on im provements for the hlrb school.- Ad miaalon will be 25 and cents. , FORMKll ARnEDOH6 COY v HARRIED AT PALM EEACH 'The friends of Mr. Frank ITenley. of Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Henley, of j 'i 1 1 li t, end who waa born and r 1 in ' boro, will learn with 1 : re. t tf marriage at Talm J.'. at 1 an 1 : r-- C c: r J r t I. 1 1 TP. C C, r 'a f y jrt rf Chicago, k 1 y t f ' L:,l Point, v r5 r rric I on f RtuHay r. i f t t ) of Mr. .('.f ' !' , t I ! J r. The . J. P. rS an i bff.n l' Y.'or 1 ' ei . one-day Institute for district workers will be used. ; Our ladies will furnish lunch.T Sunday school workers of the town wui ie welcome. - If the Advocate comes to you this week: look It over.- Mrs. C. L. Cran- ford'a Young People's qpdety may ask you to -subscnoe. The writer preached at East End, uign roint, -on last Sunday. .., Reading", will be the Pastor's sub ject Sunday morning. ' At night ;: he begins a series of four evening ser mons on "Some Beastly Sins". "Drink Not", "Keep Pure", ; ''Stop . Lying", and "Don't .right"; make ud the ust. Our church . will co-operate with other churches in the town in a on ion revival effort m June led by Rev. u j. Miller of NashviUe, tenn, : acouiescence m ils mcas uarefclutteiiol fundamental maxraibfKffiS; true Hbcrtu,. Qcorqe WasknqtorLpl MRS. JULIA KEARNS DEAD mmmyy m 1 . fZft.il'lV". 1 V ' J '' n Tbl' I L' iliBII1 Vlill.'-f l"F m 1 01 L 111 I'M i t .am Ill I 3 I I B it "ANlY I r" si hum a f w i . BOARD MET IN JOINT SESSION FRIDAY Adopt it fixed PoUcy for the Buildin Fund . for PubUe 4 High Schools of the County oa it Fifty-Fifty BasisNames Drawn The County Commissioners met on Ivy, Providence : Walter R. Brown. February 15, 1924, as per : adjourn- Grant; Huston Trogdon, Richland, ment February - $ ': ;-. I Second Week.. Tne following jnemMrr were pros-1 j. h. Hinahaw, Providence: C R. ent: T. J. Finch, 'chairman,' E. B. Frader, Columbia? Robert Flipnin, Leach, C Mi Staler, L. M. Cranford, Pleasant Grove J. T. Hodgin, Level C. C Cranford; The4 school board -coming In joint session .with the commissioners,' after having; presented their plans for the building of public high school build ings for Randolph county, the follow ing resolution was unanimously adonted bv the conntv 'commissioners. Ihat the Board of county commis- o. craven, rranaunvuie; idoners adopt as a fixed policy for Leonard, Columbia; W. L. Cross; R. B. Craven, Franklinville; G. W, Brady, B rower; E. M. Coble, Pleasant Grove; J. C. Manor, Frank linville; W. C'Massey, Trinity; D. F. Ridge, Asheboro; O. M. Glasgow, Liberty; James A. Craven, Columbia; C. E. King, Richland; J. W. Lassiter, wedar brove; L. a. Lindley, Liberty; i& IS. Jones, TO SCHOOL -CHILDREN AND t TEACHERS OF RANDOLPH y y--, '"Thii week we are' calling the at tention of every school- -teacher - in Randolph county to- our aplendid sub scripttpa' off er especially -with, refer ence "to the Dictionary- offer, r There She descended from one; of, is' not school In the county that does Randolph's oldest families. - not need this dictionary or would be Ti Pfir-lv irirlhood Rhft berame a better off with it for it is the new membeSfMeth church and was a faithful member BTTM.f until her death. ; She was a woman ef lhlgA? i1 wtS deep conviction'and strong faith and "Jf USJjS lovi and loyalty to .her Savior TWhl Hi chnwh that never - failed: . ,As my entr if :ired.-To .the life waned and she drew near the'" 1 vX" i""? .ZTJr i.1 sun seVthe faith that had. sustained J-W and cneerea nerjn every inai snown i "'T' -"r' .n iv.'ijV bright and dear as sheVelcomed the AZl tlti the building fund for public high Franklinville; S. W. Conner, Randle schools of the county, that the Board man; J. P. Myers, Trinity; P. V. Mc will provide for half ' the cost of Pherson, Liberty; C. J; Parsons, Ran building the school houses that - are dleman; A. C. Trogdon, Union, located according to a county wide. ' ' Third Week, plan for high school centers as pro- R. L. Talbert, New Hope; S. A. vided in article VI. of public school Coltrane, Cedar Grove; D. H. Fraaier, laws of N. C, the cost of said build- Columbia; J. F. Hughes, Tabernacle; ings to. be approved by the County J. C. Ridge, Concord; E. W. Kindly, Board of Education and County Com- Tabernacle; J. E. Rodgers, Randle missioners, and the total amount to man: J. E. Soence. Coleridire: W. T. be -Drevided bv the countv not to ex- r.rtr. M TTotiat A. F. nrlr I.JK. ceed fifty thousand dollars in any one erty; J. F. Adam, New Market; Clar- year. xne money to meet inese ap- ence Jartes, franklinville; W. M. Cox, propriations by the county to be se- Grant; A. J. Robbins, New Market; cured from the building fund pro- R. J. Hopkins, Asheboro; T. T. Pearce, ,vided by the State. No help is to be Asheboro; J. E. Swaim, New Market; given to any district which does not G. E. Carter, New Hope; M. E. grovide for half the cost of the build- Smith, Brower; J. E. Straud, Liberty; lgs, nor to any district or high school B. C. Lambeth, Trinity; L. L. Hix, center which does not provide fof,Concord-C. S. Ingold, Franklinville; high school instruction. D. Euliss, Liberty; D. H. AUred, The following names were drawn' "Providence ; J. '-A. English, New Mar for March term of courts 'Jket; J. E. McDaniel; Level Cross; W. First Weeltg?' . ' yM. Aldridge, Asheboro; C. L. Luck, L. J. Davis. New1' Market: W. B. Asheboro; A; N. Burrow,! Providence: Fulton, Back Creek; H. Carl Kivett, JisH. Fraaier,-Bdleman; W. ... i. Columbia; .T. F. Pugh, Grant; J, C. Barker, Coleridge: A. E. Richardson, Craven, Franklinville; " J. M.' Lambeth Tabernacle; 3. F. Brewer, New Hope; Trinity; J. W.- Ward, Columbia; J. T. L, M. Curtis, Franklinville; C. . J. Led better, providence; W. H. Tucker, eeaoon, ew nope; &. jnr Burratt, Richland; A. W. Varner, Cedar Grove; New Hope; J. C Kearns, Tabernacle; G. M. Allred, Back Creek; 5 W. s,M2-'Ai "EL- Brady, Pleasant Grove; C. N. Stent, Grant; Thos. J. Bonkemyer, Royals, Trinity; J. M. Worthington, Asheboro: D. M. Walker, Trinity; E,-Bandleman; James O. Walker, Ashe- H. Cox, Grant; J. F. Hackett, Provl-;boro; Mi W.v Garner, New Hope. V $ dence; j. T. Redding, Back CekJJ. ! Nothing further coming beforethe M. SimmonH. Clridir(i-S. Li, Adams: Board, it waa adjourned A; :fj i PNew Market; A. C..Harrl,BicliM;1Mlf M. KEARNS,? call: "To cross over the river and rest, Life's work well done Life's race well run Then comes rest" She was the wife of E. B. Kearns, who died about ten years ago. Only two children survive her, Mrs. Emma Kearns Douthitt, with whom she was living at the time of her death, and Numa Kearns, of Hitch romt. xne funeral was in-charge of, Rev. Mr. Plyler, of Greensboro, a former tor of Mrs. Kearns. Rev. W. H. lis. of the local M. E. church assisted in the service. The burial xoiiowea at the family plat in the Asheboro cemetery. . CORRECT ANSWER TO PUZZLE pas-Wil- tionary as we state in our premium offer, . and a shopping bag as well. We are making this offer, not because we find it hard to work this offer, but we want to see new dictionaries in the county schools. If any child pre fers the second Bible, which is also four subscriptions, we will give it instead of the dictionary. This of fer is open only to school children and Randolph county teachers, and only until March 1st. Let every teacher get busy - and help the children get sufficient subscribers for The Courier to get either a Bible or Dictionary, or both for the school, and a handbag as J. M. Scarboro, New Hoper T. R. Clerk to Board. There's no use saying people don't read The Courier, for they do, and many and varied were the answers gent in to our puzzle of last week. According to' our offer, we will mark Up the subscription of the one send int the correct answer, and thia we have done for Mrs. N. H. Ferguson, of Asheboro Route 8. Her answer follows: '"J ; ' "John went under the bridge over the ereek and sat down under a tree." This week we call attention to a list of Bible questions. This is not In the form of a puzzle; they are ques tions that can be found by studying the Bible. We will be glad to pub lish a list of answers soon, or obtain the answer to any one or morejRf the questions, If request m made. . -y MuCtoerneVi Aequiiiea oi conspiracy in ; Bank Case. . After a trial covering two weeks, Lt Governor Cooper and his brother, Thomas E. Cooper, who was an of ficer of the bank at Wilmington, formerly known as Commercial Na tional Bank, were acquitted on a con spiracy charge in the United States District Court last Saturday. The Jury was out exactly two hours and fifty-five minutes. The defendants were discharged until the May court under the same bonds of $5,000.00 each, which they gave when they were arrested last August. The only other oharM acminat Governor CooDer a prize,: When you send.in.your. Ust,.i8 another bill . charging, him with address lt -to the Subscription Depart-1 committing the same acts he has just menfci Asheboro Courier,, and write been acquitted of conspiring to eom plaimy:your name, address and thelmit and it Is considered doubtful scnooi to wnicn you oeiong. itemem- whether he will be put on trial again, ber the first six win, and only until: when Judge Conner spoke 1 the March, first llurv he said. "Without regard to the other phases of the case aooui wnicn I have no opinion, I want to say that if I had been on the jury, I should have,: returned .the same verdict in this jcima" , Mr. cooper ana .. nis brothers wore very quietly congratu lated when they left the court room. Pageant.To Be Given At M. P. Church . f Sunday Evening. The Foreign Missionary Society of the MJ P. church will present a pageant," "The Striking of America's Hour,,' aCthe M."T, church Sunday evening J and everybody is invited to attend. There is a splendid lesson to be learned from this pageant, and while it Is being presented by amateur talent the moral and truth to the en tire pageant is well worth seeing, mo admission will be charged, but an of fering! will be taken at the dose of the evening. PRESIDENT HAS ACCERTED RESI ,t.. . ' GNATION STORT-CT A NTOTT) - - , , .. , V L jLLN0; ANNOUNCED 1 T !"'-.' uirf'..c-r,t of the rnarriage of i i vi m Cranford and M Tarn i iory v ! i. h orrurd at Sallnhury tthmary Z !, enrr.n e a surprip to their many ii In the town. Very few 0U '!: t a l.r- t knew of t';. i -m'. - v. nounced hy I r. j . iinter-in-law of t i . tea 6aturdy aft. ...-n ts the lovely ym ' . and Mrs. C.- C. ' plire and U not oi,;y n r-mher of her fncl.A t t t hal many frif-n.U t : -:t!. f.l.e ha ' for t r a atw.lent at ( ( . " Mr.' Ftnry ia ptlm'- I i . :ie. at llomp wher I, 1 n ' f r r"frt, yr. V i I t;- . .-' ; and I'.rn. J. C. 1 urr, of 1 U -f'.l known in ..lo .i 1 . !,.'; H county whsre he I i i - y ft .o.-iiig, , , ' . - .rate family M it waa an- in Cranford, i at a lovely The bH.le '.frf of Mf. OEDENBY t.ij. nutUwiiM hmImiI nil Vnow1fo that vour honesty and ln- I tv. j.Hnn 1 f . Edwin tegrity have not been Impugned . v"4 ,77r; . WT Mr.-,Denby reply to the mesaage rtanhv. jwmtarv of the naw. Mr. . rv.'. i j. I j wt .1. Denby for many weeks haa been the u gratifying .fought , that lLXjXfrrtZ? wither you nor anyone elae S n, ironi arrjrjr tZ time advised me to mign, . ine to the fact that hla actions in .the of o.nby at once started Teapot oil. lease has been uncovered, othef-nrobable res- and had placed him in such, an era- lgnMiiotM frcM cabbt AssU barrasslng PfjlUon that he could not .CrtUry Roosevelt whose name remain ia office longer without in- ,lw uked. with ; the-oil ereajiinr the raDld lire Which f has -,i.i l.. k mnKlU that )i made it so hot for hlnv since his name doM u realm.: Mr. Raoas was first mentioned as one of the nlt itU j htv "bm to see the nng icauer. i K.cw presidotit and I am not reaignuig". Hot ham mvfr htn heard of in ,Na- . . ...... ional politic. Mr.' Denby heM J'9 jurt a. he ro-lbly could, but; Mr Inby it was whrn the lire actually got un.ier nim, 7 -'--Tj'-t, - t. r ha rortnlnlV u..., ,',n.....-n. ... MILLER CHARGES MELLON " ' WITH JUGGUNG; FIGURES "'""' " .iv. ' Charge States That Mellon "juggled" Figures In Order To Fool Public; Concerning Bonus. Andrew W. Mellon, secretary of the treasury and Thomas W. Miller have come together in one of the hottest word battles that has ever been staged between two men who are Xf officers of the same party. Mr. MS- w ler who is alien property custodian,", "'K' in an address last week to a large : crowd of people in New York, claimed , that Mr. Mellon had juggled" .the ., bonus figures in order to deceive thei-,r1' public. This was - done Mr. Miller claims in order that the public would gather the impression tha the United States could not afford to pay a cash bonus to the veteran. Mr. Mellon de nies these charges and has asked Mr. Miller to prove his statements. Mr. Miller in reply to a letter from Mel lon, informed the secretary lthat he had received his information from a high official of the treasury de partment, and could show the figures which this official had furnished. Mr. Mellon demanded that the name of Lt. Governor stood up remarkably oiucmt oe g w mm m well during the long hours of the order hat he might take steps to crosirexamination, and with the ex- prove hu umocence It seems rather ception on nervous moving of his nuge mak mr. iu. wwu hands he showed absolutely no charge one or his own party without emotion other than being absolutely having the evidence to back up frank and above board during the "'i" f V,T nerve racking examination. i not going to take water, but will aiojiu iMjUAici y uviuiiu uu ujio, Hrlr tt ratlv what hn aaid when GLENN YOUNG PLACED he made his speech in New York. UNDER IZQ.OOQ The over the country are . I greatly "wrought up" over the fact -I-. v r. n ViiAn nMaf that they have been deceived by the against . draft evaders i and moon shiners and one of the ring leaders in the Herrin, HU' mix-up, -haa been placed under a (20,000 bond in Ma rion, TIL, on r-ehargee covering ;- ten eounta of larceny . and, robbery. Mr. present oXficiala of the treaiury. MAKING "BAD MONEY i i f, A nation, wide conspiracy to make w iMAntiia-.. haa lamj and (distribute counterfeit ; treasury employed by the.K. K., K. of, Herring notes of 1 11 M0 denoniinaticha beea Til a. a niM" nMar i aramat illict hipped m the bud by officers of tha hi.v.v tffto In Williamson einntvC- ecret . service bureau, f James a K. K .1 l.lmn ami !, cr IM , i in . hrrv nnca ha pot itftrt- dent t Ko far as known there ts no ,, , -.!ff-. llttZ KS S'karr-rof K 9 I t Ha haa been the cause of over 5006 arrests of violators of the prohibition laws. 'Recently a new" ana Klan or raniaatloo, .called the Knights ef the naming Circle, .was organized in Herrin to work against the afforta of the K. K.X. to put a atop to whiskey. The outcome of this hew organisation resulted "- In several- deaths and eventually caused the State Militia to aWaaat to t Herrin as rk ' wreeantios Iragalnat further violence. Mr. Yeung was appointed temporary Uuer - 01 Police of Herrin during the absence of the -regular chief who "was - sup poMd. to nave. been kidnapped. It thoogit bymany.Vof.' Mr. , Young's friends that he is absolutely innocent of the charge and that hla enetnleaj t "A'lJ of ' f t r ,f r r , ,in? from the office a aorro'ary jtroit "o has accepted at me I reu n t.iivy in ord. r to Wp trm Rent's r,,T-1,t appointment as Sm- -r rna.arrasHlng his frl-nd, MrKassnrJ-.r to Mexico and former Rep- resent ... :!va ratrick IL Kelly, also or HM-c1". former chairman of the i 'j .: :t'.r, are promlncnUy have a "si' 1 r - DIED.. ;-!ng r' -rrt In rrf '',r.y the ,n itl LiT. ITT, ,v. j, , r. .MJI i . rl i i a ). M' r ti t I.avRl naval ary t. X gt .h the menu .i f I fur the poet. "SU Chofner. an Industrious, end renpected colored woman died at her bom near the Ahiloro colored achool hot. lant Sattinlay hlght, af tr a lung lllnfa. . Tla. funcial and burial were on Monday. w Houghton, employee of the Bureau of engraving and printing1, ( and Curt Jacobeon of New York nave been ar rested. . Both men are charged with conspiracy to counterfeit Houghton Has- been; released, but I acobson . so far haa failed to obtain! hla , surety flxedLat 110,000. A number pf arrests In other cities in connection with the alleged conspiracy are predicted soon, Trip To North roU Halted. . . .' j i '-The proposed trip to I the Korth pole With the -giant airship, the Bhen- ' andoah, which has been .looked for ward to with the very keenest inter est by navy men who were to make ? the flight has been nipped In the bud .' by orders of the Preiilrnt By dl rection of the President, i Secretary Denby sent out orders, bringing' all preparations for the proponed flight ' , to sudden stop. Officials of the navy think that within a few days , con gress will make the n---.i.ary ap proval Snd that after all, the big air Mp will br able to start for the Ar tie I'.ne as has bn. pL-innd, . 4.- a, 4 5i 1 I.. 1 r. J j I1 T