I v , I ' .1- 'J I Pate Two THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO. N. C Taarsdaj, February 21, 1924 BEAUTIFUL HA WAIL )By Clyde L. Williams, H. A. 2C U. S. Naval Hospital, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.) '. colors flower: altr lillit-s, he.V'f mi croten ar .1 ,lh their thurr. 1 kc ton, officen and men, and several Pacific Ocean, and when I bad settled air and sea-planes of different types in the Younrs Hotel for the nirht. for the maneuvers, which were held which reached the length of a eitv u. tu r at Ford Hand which U the aviation block with it modern equipment-ln- i'" 1 base of Pearl Harbor. We arrived formation clerks, bell boys and all -" 'Julv IK, 1923, after nine d- at tea. other conveniences I felt entirely as Aloha! From Mid-Pacific come the. While at sea we had one of the if I had never left the t bores of Call- word Aloah! Meaning Hello, Welcome best times I've ever experienced. The fomia. and Farewell! One hears it upon weather and water were both fine,! Hawaii' custom and tradition as their approach of Hawaii also when while on board there was a round of jn jav8 0f Kjngg aD(i Queen they are leaving. On my arrival amusement all the while. jftM orig snc hei) forgotten. A here a few months ago from &an Di- Qn August 3rd I was transferred ' new light has dawned upon the.-e ego, California, I heard that beautj-'to Hospital and changed my rate people who for years lived in ignor lul word (ignorant of it's meaning to Hospital Apprentice and on Au-ance, yet a peaceful and love en however) I did not understand what st 25 the ship sailed for Hilo n- chanted life, (and who could not n, was meant by Alhoa. But as some of Island of Hawaii two hundred , Hawaii). They are now provide,! the officers walked down the gang ; t rom nere $o the fellows with good laws, churches and chapels plank a doien native women threw, t a at Kilauea Vol-; of all denominations, all but the Lies (wreaths of flowers which alsoo which is one of the greatest ac-1 Methodist Protestant, tha I hae mean Aloha!) I then understood their volcanos in the world, but owing been unable to find here or in any of meaning, the Koyai Hawaiian oana to severe storm that swept the the cities that I visited in California. territory at this time and the tidal However, there are M. E. churches wave that followed the cloud-burst The schools are too numerous to whirh Hirl Hnmsp-p tn the extent of mentinn ArtH T believe thev have a tome selling lers. While most of $400,000. This you can see hindered good a school and some with better them were there to see the ship come transportation and very few of them systems than some of our states can Tf in alwaua an in t refit 1 n CT W- 1 f . .. . L. 1 1 a. II. T T ; .. : w ' .... o i were lurLuiiauc enouKii w mx vxjc ,w- ucnuii. ui. jvisu. umvcniucai viitj ui . , , . , , 1 i . I i :l s t; , . , i .,, urrv lurneu arm llttincu aiiu iiovb kwai aw cano wnicn is uurty bijl iiuics iroiu particular mat 1 win umtiiuuii i nc . , , , . L. . r. cj ' l u ,,... 4 rr ;; v ,. tention that a small hut can be form- load the automobiles and planes, among its graduates people of all sailed nationalities. iflcieat amount ho R !u and icir.:t are not com-. output of raw sagar 'e j davs aga !c beaut v that was playing. The docks were crowd ed with hundreds of people of all na tionalities, some greeting friends, tn. It is casion to the Islanders The Hawaii of to-day is entirely different than most people fancy it , to Instead of grass huts and Hula-girls I And on August 28 the Jason .-talely ,1 frjit, r.. w here, beau- Aiort't'o hrai.crs ai,.: tMra.'i shaped iruiL 1 ne c.K.-oaiiui t:ees are wonderful Hardly ai.y Kr" straight up, but they hae a .-lope i'f aii aiile of about tlii rty decrees. It i-:i't difficult for a native boy to as-.-eiid who will pick a fresh nut for yuu for ten cents. Then the comical shaped Hua trees which have thous ands of little trunks or roots growing out from the larger trunks, and hang downward until they reach the eround, then they take root in the siol and spread out. They say if they are cane for th ..... """ . - ,uMn ,vhere r Nerywhere you,X9a crop will M ever iio, ru! raruens and most every; To cultivate pineapples nd w f.,cr Anc many of the best development it is just Plt" r t.itrt,: .'.!. v-nes and to the growth of sugar cane, for they ;uers an.! .-.. lawns require as elevation of several feet .... .....i... ... . i a ni re- a:e way. l ' Mauri similar W looaccw umjm - - quires very little water. Ana taaes ( from eighteen months to twe years, for a crop to mature. It was my privilege to visit Libby McNeil 4 Lab-1 l LTD cannery a few months ago, al.d it was quite interesting JU) see: tne Kant machines peeling and slic- i Wig trie Truiu ajiu ui either side are native women packing the slued fruit in cans, then they go through a cooker on to a preserving machine. They are then run through a sealing machine and then through a cooler. Then across to the packing houses where they are labeled and packed and shipped to all parts of the world. We were furnished a guide who explained the different machines and how they did their work. But owing to the noise of the machines we were unable to hear very much. They employ 1,600 men and women in , . i I . L. ot.oK uo. J. A. VANDYKE Salesman tad Collector SINGER SEWING MACHINES v ruleing the coral lined beaches, it is for San Diego, being sent away with Then there w puDiic piayrrounds an up-to-date territory ruled and as much demonstration as sne nao. re- for children which are not only at governed the same as our states back ceived sue weeks before. I did not go the houses but are numerous there. Honolulu the capitol city and on this interesting trip although I throughout the city, and at all times greatest port of the territory is al- ; did have the opportunity to go, but you gee the kiddies at play even most as modern as any main-land j wanted to go when I could stay a few thougn it may be raining. There are city. It has a population of over days so as to get a better survey of also many beautiful parks which are ninety thousand, and the Oahu Island the volcano and Hilo. more interesting than many of our en which Honolulu is situated has an fo get back to the earlier part of parks. There is the Aloha amuse- area which is greater than that of my experiences I will proceed and ment park, here is all kinds of Paducah, or about the size of the relate as well as I can some of the amusements and dancing. And then state of Connecticut. j things to be seen. When we left Ja- the Kapiolani park which contains a The harbor is large enough to har-! son on our first liberty and walked zoo and many more things too numer- bor many ships and one can always up port street towards the business ous to mention; this park was named see ships from the Orient, Europe and district of town (leaving behind in honor of the late queen who lost America. Not only is the harbor 6team-ship office buildings and dimly her reign in 1893. Both of these valuable for harboring privileges but lighted Oriental ships) we noted a parks are situated along the beach at modern electric-car line, also tne nice brick and stone buildings on I both sides of the street, the streets contains many rare A 1 1 . 1 iuaua aic mauc wi aoiiiai, wiu were crowded with hundreds of mod ern vehicles. On the side walks we met ed with these roots, but if allowed to prow wild or unkept they become al most an impossible barrier. Another thing that is interesting and con soling, the vegetation is not poison ous and no poison reptiles or frogs to harm anyone while visiting any part of the island. An odd thing attracted my atten- I this one cannery during the rush sea son, and about three hundred em ployees throughout the year. The shipment of cases of pineapples for this past year will be over 5,000,000 cases. I imagine that the reader is becom- tii.r, ,i,,,r tho firut fom davo hre inir tired of this, but will maKe a lew The sun was shining as bright as I more remarks about Hawaii. For could be. Hardly a cloud was to be ! once a person sees these islands (and seen overhead, vet it was raining 1 one must see them to know inemj CASH OR EAST '.TERMS Reasonable Allowance on' Old Machined We have moved oar bicycle shop to oar new store ear lot corner of Waiman Avenue and Persh ing: Street, second street South of Hospital, Asheboro, N, C SINGER SEWING MACHINES Are on display and for sale by J. C. Hammer, Asheboro, N. C, and C. L. Allred, Franklin ville, N. C. it is beautiful as well. It resembles a half moon in shape owing to Dia mond Head of the South East. Dia mond Head is the visitors first sight of land when approaching Hawaii. And on the West lies low marshy lands slopping back to the low, cloud topped hills which present a never to be forgotten picture. The dreamer who has dreamed dreams and longed for a visit to this Paradise of the Pacific would find some of his dreams shattered should he visit here, yet he would find things which he had never let enter Waikiki The museum which is very inter- and wonderful things, both strange and interesting most of these were kept and saved from old Hawaii. A few hundreds of people of many national- thj that drew attention most itmn K11c.11 (lkmif lii nviiKir 1 o t of. 0 . " Kit .1 UUSJf CI If V' U 1 L 1 1 V I 1 V 1 J VI 11 Jl til fairs. Also the mad rush of women on their Saturday shopping tour. By this time we had reached the center of town which is only four blocks showers of "Liquid Sunshine as it is called. 1 was quite astonished at this at first but have since learned that it is a common occurance. And along w ith these you might say cloudless showers, one can see a rainbow al most any time during the day, and always there is the ocean blue and ..shimmering in exquisite beauty with a dim reflection of the rainbow shin ng through its transparent waves. A few weeks ago a few friends and mvself went on a sightseeing tour ! "Oh Isle of Beauty in the sea!" they will want to take them for their place of abode in reality. I sometimes wonder when I am to leave here if I will regret to go. But will have the days I spent in Beautiful Hawaii, as my most cherished memories. I was reading a poem recently written by a tourist, Mrs. George E. Walker, jwho had been visiting here and was . returning home and which I thought was worth adding to this story: I", from the harbors edge. As I gazed around me I began wondering if we had come to an island town or that lino went to manv n ares nf interest was the throne room (or rather ani3n,i saw many won(terful things. One imitation) with the great chairs ar- piace of most interest that I will re ranged as m day gone by. And next iate was tne pali (meaning preci to this was a collection of the kings' !pice) we had to another part of uniforms and armor, also the queen's j the isiaml an(i come to Honolulu for gowns and robes and costumes. There iunch and started for the Pali imme was a large skeleton of a large whale diately after lunch. We started our WILFRED C. CARR OPTOMETRIST Honrs 9-12; 2-5 113 V, W. Market St, Greensboro, N. C. Practice Limited to the Examination of Eyes and the Fitting of Glasses. into his thoughts, things both modern Captain Mallison (who is from Wash which was many feet long and sev eral feet through. Also the images and unique. , ington, N. C.) had changed his course of showino. how thev lived in - , . l C it. TT ' n n c.AnintA U nriA aoHa1 in . r r . o t ine oDject oi tne sailing oi me u. mw ..,.-v..v. days past and their methods of pre Jason to this rtelicrhtlul Place some port, on me yywi coast inswsau tA ol thof cimJlr t. S S was to transport two hundred avia- of some port in the middle of the The Southern Planter SEMI-MONTHLY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA The Oldest Agricultural Journal in America 50 Cents for One Year $1.00 For Three Years $1.50 For Five Years TWICE A MONTH 135,000 TWICE A MONTH paring food, and that was similar to our olden times when we had no way to make our flour but to crush the wheat by hand until sufficiently fine enough for flour. Last of all for the amusements that I will mention is Waikiki Beach, which is four miles from Honolulu and can be reached by electric cars and numerous hard surfaced roads, the beach is one of the best I have seen anywhere. And at all hours during the day and even at night you can see bathers and surface-riding and canoeing. The large pleasure seeking crowds that swarm the beach throughout the year find much en joyment in canoeing and surf-riding. Waikiki joins Diamond Head and the palm cocoanut and hua trees and so forth are along the beach, theii shades making it more comfortable and enjoyable for the bathers. For the theater going people there are three or four first class movie houses and one vaudeville house, I dare say that the movie films pro duced in California are shown here long before they reach old North Carolina. While in San Diego it was my privilege to witness William Fox and his company of actors make pic tures which since then have been de veloped and was shown in Honolulu .1-'tS THE UNIVERSAL CAR 1 " . . 'It. ' . ' . Buy Your Ford Now XT 7TTH spring almost here thousands oi families, antici Ar pating the demand that is certain to exist for Fofd Girt and Truck are placing their orders for immediate delivery. r Sales now are far ahead of sales at this time last year. , Advance orders calling for delivery under the Ford Weekly Purchaee Han have already reached a total of 255,753 Cart and Trucks. P eV" The prospect of securing prompt delivery is daily becom ing more uncertain. We cannot urge too strongly, there fore, the necessity lor pldnf your order tmmediately, if you are riannkg to driv Ford Car this spring. t See the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer V ' .. ... v..; 'f. V f ' 1 . If kr vt Mori fcf mHoa mmXL mm 4o. Oc, i fM wttk. fM cm i mm In dill mi W tlhtfi hltmx 1U i F4 Wetklf PatcaM FU -rf.-. j ' upward climb at the edge of the city on an exceptional good road which wound itself around the steep hills in the most suitable places for a road. And in a very short while we were quite a distance above the city. About halt way up we tarried a' few minutes on account of a hot motor and to view the city and surrounding country and ocean. Sometimes we could see the faint outline of a ship either com ing in or going out. Then looking across to the West we could see down into the one time active volcano "Dia mond Head". Then we proceeded to our destination. Upon reaching the top of the Pali we came to a narrow pass. Looking down you could see several hundred feet, and the green foliage and vegetation and flowers were all great to 6ee. It rains ud there frequently and keeps everything fresh and cool and the atmosphere smeus as tnough you were in a rose garden. You must remember that all along the road on either side there are pretty little bungalows perched on both sides of the road, and in some cases even on the rugged rocks. And wondered how these people managed to live on such a high elevation ( par ticularly m some places; ana survive. Alter we had taken pictures and viewed the numerous beauties, we then decided that a few of us would take a walk down to the Mid-Wav club house. We found it difficult to walk in the narrow paths it was so steep and the constant rains kept the paths slippery. However we arrived at the club house in due time, some with badly soiled clothes and a few bruises. Here we had refreshment's and were furnished amusement and music by some of the Hawaiian boys and girls. I used to hear so much of the Hawaiian musicians and it is true for most all can play some instrument. Where Eden's Garden still should be, No farther will I sail upon my quest! To dream of stars above Pah. Enchanting spell of Waikiki A Paradise wherein my soul could rest. Later when I become more ac quainted with Honolulu I will try and write of Honolulu itself, its peo ple and their ways. And probably a little about the Oriental section of town which comprises more than two thirds of the entire city and industry. Also when I have the opportunity to visit the volcano which I thing will be in March I hope to be able to re late to you the rising and falling of the lava that is noticeable each day. Very sincerely, CLYDE L. WILLIAMS, Naval Hospital, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD PASSENGER SCHEDULES Effective January 28, 1923 Asheboro, N. C Daily Except Sunday Leave 8:45 a. m. Aberdeen. Ellerbea and intermediate points connects at Star for Raleigh, Charlotte and in termediate points. Leave 3:30 p. m. Aberdeen and in termediate points. Arrive 1:00 p. m. Arrive 3:25 p. m: Abeerdeen and in termediate points. For tickets, pullman reservations and information address or apply to L. D. BURKHEAD( Agent, Asheboro, N. C THE HOME PAPER IN VERSE This would not be quite complete if I did not mention climate and in dustry. As most people have read and know that this is a tropical cli mate, but is unlike Panama or the Phillipine islands or any other tropi cal climate. For here the weather is exceptionally good and extreme heat or cold is unknown. The northeast trade winds blow continually for nine months and the showers of rain are rain are similar to our April showers over there. The wet season is general ly from September until February, but up until this time we have had hardly any rain. As you can well imagine Hawaii is industrially a busy and progressive territory, ihev manufacture iron, lumber, and fertilizer and canned goods and many other things. But the result In agricultural opportuni ties are limited only by the extent of available land. If the land was plen tiful it would be much different in agricultural industry, for labor .is plentiful and cheap, for immigrants nave been coming both from Japan and the Phillipine for a number of years for no other reason' than to work on the plantations. For -they consider tne salary paid them as big money. After they nave saved a few hundred dollars some ' go ' back to their homes for they ean live on ' an American dollar a rood many days la the Fhillipines and Japan. But the greater number remain here and take a homestead and become fairly rood evusens, some coin into different business while others continue to work on the plantations. V - .. - ' The chief Productions ' are sarar cane, rice, pineapples, bananas, some eocoanuts and eisaL The plantations have their mills, railroads through out the field, and all the fields are Irrigated. , The mills and fields are equipped with all modern machinery and labor saving appliancee. It takes a crop of surar cane eighteen months to become fully matured, and as most people . know," It requires plenty of wster, so the grounds are irrigated everywhere, and they tnan are to have their water rurmJnr la various ditches th roar hoot the fold. The water is turned into the rows of cane by the laborers, and when a rof- Every country editor who is worthy the name wants to help in every movement for the good of the com munity. Yet he must draw a line at times between legitimate news and editorial- support, and advertising which should be paid for. Frequently his attitude is misunderstood. Partic ularly perplexing to the editor is the matter handed him for printing which by no stretch of the imagination can be considered of benefit to the com munity, but is rather intended to pro mote some individual or commercial enterprise. Once in a while even a layman, however, seems to get the point of view of the editor. These lines by Bob Adams were supplied the Agricultural Editor of the State College by the editor at Cornell uni versity and seems to be especially surted to North Carolina weekly ja pers: , . The editor sat in his sanctum, ,, and an angry man was he, - v For a fellow had brought a column of stuff and wanted it printed free, A column of stuff that advertised and boosted his private game: But he hadn't the heart to loosen up good greenbacks for the same. And the patient editor said at last, although he seldom swore, ' He'd be double-danged if he'd be stung as often times before. You make me sad, you make me mad, you make me good and weary I'll print you nothing free by gad, Dut a nice ooituary. ' The editor sat in his sanctum at the end of a perfect day, For six subscribers had brought hard cash their honest dues to pay. And a man had stopped to praise The News and say with a pleasant smile, "It ranks with the library, school and church in making the town worm while. - ' . ' From day to day In every way, it better grows and better; - The way you've worked for a play ground park has made my 7 bey your debtor.. . - - The editor sat in his sanctum, n- His head was bald and bis bunions ' failed, but be felt appreciated.- Cru-mo Contains Purified IN MEMORY OF LITTLE - ,.: CLARlCi: KUTH BROWN ' On 8unday morning November 4th 1923, death came Into th borne - of Mr. and Mrs. L T. Drown, of . See- grove and claimed their little daugh W, Clarice Ruth, age i years.. On Friday before ber death ehe was Uk en seriously 01 with diphtheria, . All, was done Zor ber that was powuble by physicians, loving parents, and kind friends, but of n avail, On Sunday morning, the fourth, they carried her te Memorial horpitah Asheboro. Just as they entered the hospital door lit tle Rath west ta sleep In the arms of Jesus. . She -wss iwt and aXXee tlonate litUe girl and loved by all who knew ber. - On Monday the Utile body wee carried and qntMly laid to rm In the eemetry at Union Gnrve Baptist church. - The funeral services were conducted by Rev. John Kidd, of Bennett, and her little grave was left decorated wita many beautiful Cow. rs. . .. ... Mutton Tallow. KRU-MCr White and Will Not Stain AN INVESTMENT- which assures an annual return el n not less than 7 per cent and which pays an additional S per cent annually when net earnings on the total capital amount te 9 per cent in a corporation under the direct staa- agement of a group frost amoeng the most successful execatlrea ta the Piedmont Section ,, secured by one of the most modern and best equipped weaving mills In -t tne Benin manuractarnf . consist- t ently profitable Use of goods h. 19 WORTH LOOKING INTO, For fuJl particulars write' BOND DEPARTMENT AMERICAN TRUST CO. CluvIotteV-NC;:.; FRANK H.' GREEN, Manager. hi- lt : vji,:tii f "MR',! .',': ' .t-Ml t' J " a. if:..'; .'5 A r 1 before roe htve to tskc ttr txxtli i SBMsttte. uu Bell combine! tort those medidfMS th urx?-d,rr doe, ' t tots prescribe with the good lJ-tmt , : ' rtndy pinetu bonr. k pdi)y '. ,i ;thck4tneoowth,oothithlnAi' mMiotv, rmon nomm breathing.. ; The tas It j.Uwrt, tool - f ; ft , Ail ivriiit. r etrt.'i r i ,

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