Page Foot THE ASHEROIin mtTRIER. ASHEBOKO. N. U J l : THE COURIER PUBUSHED EVERY THURSDAY Thursday, February 21, 1924 Elite re u iu second elajs mail matter bs U.e pwi'.offRe at Aihobcro, N. C. THE AMt-H iC AN PRtSS ASO .A . O - Wanted Honest and reliable Re publican to accept position in Wash ington as secretary of the U. S. navy. Oil promoters need not apply. ate in preventing; the spread of dis ease all they possibly can. We are not exactly sure whether coughing and sneering with the mouth uncov ered is one way of spreading these dieases mentioned or not, but we do know colds are spread in this way and it is "awful poor manners." FORMER RANDOLPH MAX ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY WANT COLUMN The fact that Mr. Denby has re signed as secretary of the navy does not necessarily mean that he is at his rows end, because there are hun dreds of fake oil companies in the United States who would be glad to have a man of his experience to handle their business. Next! Attorney General Dauchertv we believe is the next man slated for , just such " are ne bench. It is quite evident though, that Mr. Daugherty hasn't as much : respect for the President as had Mr. Denby, or else he would have im mediately followed the secretaries example and given up the job with out embarassing Mr. Coolidge un necessarily. It takes a real man to acknowledge to the world that he is wrong. Hon. Josephus Daniels, former sec retary of the navy, is one man who passed through the Teapot Dome tempest unstained and uncorrupted. It was of course perfectly natural for those oil soaked gentlemen of Wash ington to try to drag the unblemished name of Mr. Daniels into this dis graceful oil scandal, but Mr. Daniels came through the gates without so much as getting a single drop of this tarnished oil on his pure, white, unselfish character. When Mr. Dan iels held his office as secretary of the navy he was knocked, abused and mistreated in the most shameful man- now wading knee deep in the greasy, slimy oil scandal. These same men, j when affronted with the discovery of the Teapot Dome scandal, attempted to use their "crude oil" influence against Mr. Daniels, but they failed in thir cttempt because Mr. Daniels ! was absolutely innocent, and truth is his policy and truth always wins against a gang of tarnished, corrupt ed politicians. And just when all the officials at Washington are getting conscious striken, and are actually beginning to feel a little bad about this oil scandal, here comes Mr. Miller, ac cusing Mr. Mellon of Juggling the figures concerning the soldiers' bonus. Cheer up, Mr. Forbes, you are not the only one who knows how to de ceive the unfortunate soldier, even though you did do your part toward squandering many thousands of dol lars which belonged to the ex-service men. . Misery and disgrace needs company, you should not be in the least lonesome. A FRIEND CONTRIBUTED THIS The following is an extract from an article describing a trip from New York City to Palm Beach, writ ten by Arthur Brishand, one of the highest paid writers in the world and published in the Hurst newspapers. The train travels along the edge of the Atlantic, carrying its precious freight, of which 98 per cent would be about as useful in heaven as it is on earth. Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond, fly past, and Jacksonville, that one day may be greater than all of them, as the seaport of a Southern empire. Mr. Ouu. Boas, of Harriett County in announcing hi candidacy for Attorney-General, says: However strong the urge of n personal ambition to be the aucc sor of the distinguished lawyers whu have served North Carolina in the office of Attorney-General, I yet would not feel justified in asking this honor at the hands of the IV mocracy of the State, unless I ha.: first been convinced that through the office I could render my State some service. While no man is wim? enough to predict with exactness his course in public office, it is incum bent upon a candidate, I think, to take the public into his confidence sufficiently for them to know some thing of the hopes and aims that will guide him if elected.' If the people should honor me with this great trust, I would consider the office had first claim upon my time, my talent, and my energy. I should hope to maintain with ever? department of the Stae gov ernment, whether centered in Ral eigh or elsewhere, such intimate touch that they would be able to re ceive promptly all the legal assist ance that I could make the office ca pable of giving. I should hoi to greatly increase the usefulness of this office to the Solicitors of the State. The State law doesn't have the terror for crimi nals that the Federal law does. When Solicitors are busy trying cases in one county the tracts of crime in some other county are lost or erased. The Attorney-General's office should be developed into a real Department of Justice that would be prepared to collect and preserve for the Solicitor the evidence that is now so often lost. New legal points and difficult ques tions likely to arise in the trial of important cases should be briefed in advance and furnished the Solicitor. In fact, it seems to me much could be done through this office to unify and coordinate the enforcement of the criminal law. Rapid transportation has given criminals the fleetness of the winds, but the law halts and hesitates at county and district lines. We need a clearing house for law enforcement State-wide in its scope. Lastly, I should hope to use the prestige and resources of this office to collect and lay before the Legis lature all available data concerning that class of Courts that are correc- So classiBl dertliBI UI Uken for thn 56 cnU and rvmpanird by rrmillanf. b all ae- it mmkm TNI M t our Trsakini Sip" vmx jUheboro Bank and Trust C. C Rollins ana Miss Hendricks. Bessie It i h :.1.E J .1- A ;'.' win h Cedar chiH'l heburn acre farm, ue. ha' Cirfe : ith and out u wr.ship, lo A C. KiK SALE 1924 model lord Coup with several extras. Has been run about 250 miles. Will sell at a trade. Box 2U., .Vshe- harain or b, N. C. 2t vni'D OPPORTUNITY I kTC ft to raise a certain sum of money d tfn pd 8-21-M. I am going to give ail wno r com pelled to buy mattresses the bene fit of the profit. I dont need your sympathy, just your patronage. I have some big bargain. Think of a 45-lbs. all cotton mattress for $9.00. Where can it be bought ex cept here, and cowed with ticking and not sheeting. Give me a chance to show you my real dis count for cash. Dreamland Mat tress Works, Box 472, Asheboro, N C. It- HELP WJLNTt- at accural hands to e croastiea. juso want to toe tract the cutting aad tawi&f of several thousand fact of oak aad pio lumber; food timber. If aay one is interested apply to J. A. Sixes, Soagwt N. C-, or Eneas Sykes, Aahetwro, . V Second Hand Loaber and Eoefbir and Siding for Salt I have fifty to seventy-five thousand feet good second hand lumber, and some good second tiand corrugated roofing and siding for sale at bargain. Also Pine stove wood cut to length. Confer with me. Phone 282. J. R. Owen. 2-21-24. 2t WANTED A good, reliable, sub stantial farmer. Will give such a man a good chance on my land. Wm. C. HAMMER, tfn. Asheboro, N. C. Learn at borne or school. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Civil Ser-( vice on credit. Position guaranteed. EDWARDS BUSINESS COLLEGE ! WINSTON SALEM AND HIGH : POINT tt FOR SALE A good 40-acre farm with house, barn and out houses, 1 on Farmer road in Cedar Grove township, known as the Henry Parker place. Apply to A. C. Jen kins, Asheboro, Route 3. 2t 2-21-24. FOR SALE We have one of the largest body of oak timber in Ran dolph county we will sell. Private ly, Known as the Gaston Hinshaw Property, 1 1-2 miles east of Ran dleman. Apply to E. W. Hinshaw, Randleman, N. C. Route 2. It pd. OLD BUCK EARLY FRUITER 10-S- 3 is a standard, tried and proven FOUND By W. F. Redding an ante mobile license number D-470, near Eli Brown place on Asheboro Route 2. Owner may have same by call ing at The Courier office and pay ing for this ad. It APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF ISAAC RANDOLPH Application will be made Governor of North Carolina to for the the iuvcii . . , . r jtv - l-i-j cotton fertiliier of the very highest Pf roon -v O , It. .. . v t l I t . quality. R. S. Ferree, Asheboro, C. You will find singer Sewing Machines for sale at Smith & Tyson's store opposite Asheboro Grocery, Ashe boro, and Bradner-York Furniture store in Randleman. Cash or terms. J. W. PARSON 2M0-18 Randleman, N. C. FOR SALE Thorough bred Wyan- . .dotte Eggs, $1.25 for 15. Baby chicks 20c each. Stock for sale. MRS. S. D. SURRATT, 8t pd 1-10-24 Mechanic, N. C. FOR RENT A two room house on South Fayetteville street, Apply, Mrs. Wm. C. Hammer. superior vourv ui aouuuiu iuuui; ' , for the crime of murder in the second i degree and sentenced to me state Wanted Man and wife (no children) Penitentiary for a term of thirty to take charge of truck farm. Will years. All persons who oppose the furnish House, electric lights and granting of said pardon are invited water, stock and tools; give you to forward their protest to the Gov all you can raise to keep up farm. ; ernor without delay. G. P. Pritchard. ALBERT L. COX, 2t 2-21-24. '2t 2-21-24 Attorney. This little town did As you travel, the newspapers come in, and you find comfort in look pretty hof ecl?oes of rea 1 life, particularly j tive and preventive in their nature ratner tnan punitive, t he State De partment of Public Welfare has giv in .Toserihus Daniels' News and Oh- Tuesday, and every house in town server, published at Raleigh, N. C. was a palace with diamonds glisten- Daniels is a real newspaper man, ing all over the roof and windows, ! and paper shows you what this , , ... t, i Nation really is. It teaches you that and the trees were prettier than any , Pa,m pjlgrims are the picture. In looking down the streets, ! scum floating on top of the soup, it's not a hardship to go to work even j waiting to skimmed off. The real if it is cold and look at all the wires i ?0UP s elsewhere. fust like ropes of diamonds. Of course one had to forget all the trouble the sleet caused last year in order to enjoy this lovely scene. This is a pretty town any time, or it seems eo to us, because it's home, and in the spring when the young green "The only daily paper in the world having more subscribers than popula tion of city in which published," is the proud boast of Josephus Daniels' front page. He runs a serious paper for serious people. Politics on the front page and very democratic poli tics. "The President must assert leaves are on these trees, there's none himself or face defeat," etc. Editor prettier but it will have to be a ials very Democratic with a "punch" mighty pretty spring to beat the ieach, several punches in some of way things looked Tuesday. II there j ' was any poetry "in a feller" some- j xhere is the Government agent, tmng line AsneDoro in its coat oi : pnotograpned, snowing negro sleet Tuesday would set him to think- farmers how to pick out good ing in terms divine. No wonder the ! thoroughbred live Btock. A picture , , , ,, , ,, I more important to this country than Daras or old were so iamous, tney any "SOciety photograph" ever taken were not too busy to enjoy things of at Palm Beach FOR SALE Frost Proof Cabbage Plants, Early Jersey, Charleston and Extra Early. 250 for 50c; 500 for 75c; 1000 for $1.50; Post paid. Causey Parks, Pisgah, N. C. tf 1-10-24. this kind, and after all these io count a lot. things It is an old saying that fly swatting in. February makes few flies in sum mer. If this be true, now is the time to work for a flyless summer. Now is the time to begin cleaning off old lubbish, and trash which has accum there s an admirably written ar ticle by William M. King, ninety-two years old, telling of the first "level tablespoonful of sorghum seed brought to this country seventy years ago from France." Mr. King, who planted, harvested and ground syrup from sorghum, making rollers of beechwood for the grinding, tells of the early workers of whose effort the fruit is now gathered by rich en to the State more favorable com ment according to its cost than any other of the splendid things we have undertaken in our era of progress. Facts which it has brought to light have given all thoughtful lawyers a sense of shame at the fearful inade quacy of our system of criminal Courts. At present we see crime in the making right before our eyes; but the machinery of the Courts is so ponderous that it doesn't move until a paranoiac has become a mur derer, until a neglecting husband or father has wrecked a home, or until a year's crop has been comsumed in a lawsuit over its division. Why shouldn't the State's legal depart ment take the lead in planning for the extension of our Courts' activi ties along these lines of need ? Because the law has seemed inade quate men have resorted to the dan gerous expedient of attempting to meet these conditions outside the law. I should delight to be of ser vice in helping to enlarge the activi ties of our Courts along the lines of preventive justice. If elected I shall devote myself to the duties of the office with these general hopes and aims constantly before me. Chae. Ross. Lillington, N. C. WANTED To turn into cash for you any of your surplus farming ma chinery such as second hand trac tors, plows and other farming im plements on a small commission basis. Hal W. Walker, Asheboro. It N. C FOR RENT A four-room house on ! South Fayetteville street, city water and sewerage connected. Ap- j ply to Mrs. Wm. C. Hammer, or The Courier Office. tfn. WANTED To rent house or bunga low, not less than six rooms. Must be modern. From April 15th. Ref erences exchanged. Address, S. Courier Office. tfn 1-31-24. WANTED To buy purebred White Leghorn chickens. Write or call at Courier Office. tfn pd alated throughout the 'entire winter, ! . 6 i prices at their will, in some cases. It matters not how 1 long it has accumulated, let's grow Interesting to aI1 America, impor eourageous and -part with the trash tant to the future,-is North Carolina's pile before the "men folks" get so ! admirable plan, giving certificates of that honor, signed by the governor of FOR SALE Good Home in Ramseur, Close to school. See H. B. Moore Ramseur, N. C. ' tfn 2-7-24 COLERIDGE NEWS North Carolina and the president of the State College of Agriculture, to every farmer that will fulfill seven out of ten specified requirements to make North Carolina farmers more independent, their wives and children happier. Producing milk, butter and eggs all year round; planting fruit trees and berries, enriching soil by they won't lend a hand. The children can help, and in many towns the Boy Scouts are urging the clean-up move ment at this season. Women's clubs in Asheboro and many other towns, take the lead in this, and they will Dossiblv do so this snrincr. but whv wait for any organization to suggest Planting soy beans, velvet beans or , I cow peas; planting shrubs, flowers that we Clean up around our own and fiowering trees are in the pro premises ? Private lots are not the : gram. only place that needs a cleaning; And, intelligent advertisers please there are many by-paths in the very ' notice, adding some home conven- t . u i 1 ience, this year, such as running wa- center of town that are not only un- electri h ht8( waahinJf sanitary but veritable fire traps to Btov,f kitchen cabinet, or other aay nothing of ideal breeding places ! convenience that will lessen the bur- for flies. The town officials nee that the main street are kept rea sonably clean, although a few more trash cans, and urging the public to we these we have would not be amiss. "Let every fellow to the rake or Iroom and clean op his own premises whether it be house store or vacant lot"' den of housekeeping. In several neighboring counties special warnings are being- sent at to parents urging them not to ail to report all eases of eonUgeous diseases. : As is being pointed out by many doctors, the law. Is specific in making it mandatory , epoo parents to report all tontageom diseases: la fh reportable class where a doctor k not called. ; Measles, chicken pox and gmnpox art raging la many places . near Asheboro, and the people of this ta cannot be to careful to pre vent the spread of each diseases, This Is not intended to criticise the doctors , T r, faith official, but rather to wrgt . the parent and children themselves, to consider other people, and e-pr? Advertise in North Carolina's newspapers if you want to sell fifty thousand washing machines, electric light outfits, or kitchen cab inet this year. And don't forget Josephus Daniels' newspaper in your appropriation. If he had been like some other gentle men conspicuous in Washington dur ing the war. Dank! would not need your advertising. He'd have more money than six North Carolina mules could pulL But he wag different, ec centric, queer, and still works for a living. ENDS OWN LIFE Walter M. Cramp, general manager of the Vanes Cotton Mill and one of the beet known men of Sallsbnry, died Saturday afternoon at bis home in Salisbury, death ' being self In flicted and resulted from a bullet wound In tfc right tempter , ' Mr. Cramp was 41 yean of age and son of Dr. W. I Cramo. A ' few I Weeks ago Mr. Crump underwent an operation la Baltimore for mastoid itis and since then bo baa not seemed himself. It is said that bo wrote hi ,rlH last Friday fttghtr - - - I have some very beautiful homes of uie small type listed with me con-1 hdentially for sale and they can be I bought at the right price and some i of them on very attractive terms. ! If you are on the market for a' iiuiue see or write me. tfn HAL W. WALKER Miss Blanche Caveness returned FViday, after several days visit with her sisters, Misses Faye and Esther, at Davenport College. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leonard, of Greensboro, are spending a few days with relatives and friends here. Mr. C. O. Marley made a business trip to High F'alls Saturday. Messrs. H. C. Parks, D. E. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Caveness, were visitors in Greensboro, last week. j The local school re-opened Monday i of this week after being closed three I weeks on account of measles. There ' has been up to the present about 40 I cases in the village. i Mrs. Phillips, of Wills, passed through town last week en route to visit her daughter, Mrs. Willie Cox, who has pneumonia. Mr. Cox is pro prietor of the Old Hickory farm, near Coleridge. Mr. Dock Brady, of the Fall Creek section, is taking treatment for his eye from Dr. Caveness. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stout, of Ram seur Route 3, spent the week-end with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stout. .Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Cox and Mrs. Walter Cox, of Spokaine, visited their daughter, Mrs. Mary A. McCoy, last week. I Have on hand all kinds of high grade fertiliier. I have a truckers Special 8-4-6, in one hundred pound bags. See W. C. Cox, Asheboro, 4t 2-7-24. FLOWERS For flowers for every oc casion, see or phon-s your order to Mrs. Wm. C. Hammer, agent for Ford, High Point, N. C. Quii-lc Delivery. FOR SALE Moore's Garage, Ram seur, N.C. Lock, Stock and Barrel. H. B. Moore, Ramseur, N C tfn 2-7-24 WANTED Man with ambition, in dustry and small capital can make more money selling Raw- sigh's Quality Products direct to onsumers in East Randolph coun ty. We teach and keep assisting you to make practically every fam ily a steady satisfied customr. ,,lve-aKe' occupation, references. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. 1790, Freeport. 111. ' 4t 2-21-24. FOR RENT One four room cottage near Asheboro Wheelbarrow Com pany and two room cottage on South Fayetteville Street Mrs. W. C. Hammer. Unable To Leave Washington. North Carolina people have ex tended several invitations to Mr. Sim mons and Mr. Overman to come to this state and make addresses in oev eral of the North Carolina cities but on account of the many important do tails at Washington these distinguish ed gentlemen have been unable to accept any of these invitation. Sen ator Simmons is the man who will stand for the Democratic poiky to the right over the Mellon bill , when it reaches the senate. Everybody in Washington knows that the Mellon bill will either stand or fall in the Senate. Senator Sim mons has , declared emphatically against too so called Mellon bUL Ho favors tax reductions all along the line, but bis view does not harmonise with that of Secretary Mellon. " FOR SALE 4-Room house and 4 1-1 iv m iano, r routing on hard surface road 1 8-4 miles north of Anhebora See Clifford Hill, Ashe boro, N. C. n pL Bring your chickens and eggs ' Asheboro Produce Co, North rear of Wlnmgham's -store, 4 ' to M of tood oak wood 4 ft. long will giro to person paying for cut. ting same, IM twr cord. Waod on good road IX mfiej from Asheboro. UUh.C.1' d'P,L Part. It pd. FOB SALE Cab be go and Bermtda 1000. Co, MllfeM tftlafita sail Mslst. 4 KA ivw, hw . tots suco per c 1 Prompt shipment, Dorris Plant VahWa. Ca. . WANTED Local Varnish RalMstsa tfor progressive VamUh Manufae . turor. . Liberal commission makes .our proposition an attractive side lino, Box. ISO, Collinwood 8ts CWveland, Ohio, , It pd. ifl BIRD'S ROOFS w SHINGLE DESIGN Roll Roofing Lay Bird's Shingle Design Roll Roofing right over your old roof 1. Costs less than wooden shingles. - 2. Saves time laid without ripping off old shingles with consequent litter and dirt. 3 Makes a permanent, double roof that keeps out the cold of winter and the scorching heat of summer. 4. Is waterproof, spark-proof and hand some. Comes with decorative red or green slate surfacing. Bird's Shingle Design Roll Roofing is made by Bird & Son, -inc. (Est. 1795), manufacturers of Neponset Twin Shingles, Paroid Roofing, Neponset Black Building Paper and Nepon set Board. There's a Bird product for every sort of bt&ldlng. We are headquarteri for BirtT roofings, building papers and wall board. ASHEBORO WHEELBARROW CO. Asheboro, N. C. EAT THE BETTER BREAD Not only is "Crispy Top" more delicious to eat, it's more nour ishing and healthful. Compare its fine, smooth,dellcious,pound cake-Uke texture with other bread. Call for it by name take no substitute 1 At your dealers. NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. announces Reduced Round Trip Jares to New OrleansLa. account i- Mardi Gras1 Celebration , t Jebruary,28, .March 4, 192 f , y f iicktu on sale dally Feb. Z6th to raarca sromc, and -. for trains tchrdulcd to arrive New'OrlratiB on or b- ' fort noon of March 4th, final limit March IV 1924 For farther Information consult any Norfolk , South ern Ticket' agent or writ r'V t ' General Paftsenzer Agent Norfolk, Ta. . . .-.. ...

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