o couniEi!i"AsnnjoRO;N..a 3r 3 cf t WW Sv-Cttt re?t to fc3 'ho are in- tr' - I i 1 -,:' S. - t.. -n tvr; .m, scutor f Cu-re l '. .t r. t ::ivr.al l-.."j tor.s-'.rx : i t r A'.'.-.rita, rr-.r.-V.y asked I'rv-.-- . t ( .. t'.ay to if prove jyend L.g I. , 9 to auli.orue coins- of a ;trcia.l iD-MTit Tiers to nmemorat . t:.e completion cf the first section of tie memoruJ. : ' V, NOTICE! t ;. Having qualified as ; Executor oa 'the estate of G. R. Craven, deceased, before D. IL. Weatherly, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, I si a J sell at public auction to the Ti.fchest bidder for eaeh, on the prem--Jsta on the 8th day ef March, 1924 one horse, one Ford, ' one cow, and ether articles too tedious to mention. - All persons having' claims against aid estate are notified 1 to present them to toe undersirned, duly . ren ted, on or before the J.17th day- oiiwhile the F ebruary 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and :all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate . .settlement. "rt -;-.-;:"'. -. This 7th day of February, 19Z4. - - ? NOLPHUS EAN1S.V 6t trWtHi'.:--i;--ls Executor. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND . ' "Under and by virtae of an ordeTof the Superior Court of Randolph eoun- i- ty North uaroiina, jnaae in ccruuu , ' .Special Proceeding, f entitled J.? A. . ; CWall, Admr, of Ehubal - Brickhouse, f deceased,; vs. Samuel . Gflmoreet al, - the same being No. 442 on the; Special "Proceeding Dockett of said ' county, 1 -the undersigned commissioner will at 12 o'clock, ML, on Saturday the 8th - -day of' MsTsMaV!, auction to the highest bidder for cash, "-.at the court house door fa Asheboro, w North Carolina all the certain tracts " " r parcels of land lying and being ' fa ' - -the aforesaid untynd state -...and toeing in the Town of Asheborcv' and eing more full? described fol ' lows to-wit:'"'- 3 V' ' - , - Beginning at a v stone ;- in . Burn's - .Tine the North' East corner ofs Lou 4 "McCain's lot thence East on original line 20 poles to J stone, Burn's ;cor . ner; thence n original line SquUxas -degrees .West 10 poleB to a ..atonej ' thence fVest 20 poles to stoneLou McCain's, Dell Hill and Wm. Lytell's corner: thence North IB degrees East - " 10 poles to the beginning, containing . one and one-fourth (1 l-4Vre p1 r less. 1 '4?' "vi"' - ' This'the 4th day of February, 1924 -4t 2rl4-24. : Commissioner. MOBTGAGE SALBwV si.? , By virtue of a mortgage aeea exe f ' uted to the underslgened on toe -7tii : , -day of February, 19U,y. WWik V Tiams and Saran A, - Williams, his whih Bfiid mortp8B is recorded " In Book 141 at page 29 in 3e off 'ice of the Register of Deeds tor jumuuipu County, which said mortgage .waa as mimaA U M Edwards on the 27th -day of August 1915, and by virtue of - " aid execution and said assignment the undersigned will sell1 at v puDiic - -auction; to the highest bidder, for cash m thm Mmrt house door in Asheboro, " H. L, at 12 o'clock Mn on the 8th day of March, lz, in oraer- w vitijf " 'asaid mortgage and interest the 4ol ' lowing described land embraced ( and Beginning at a '-atone in the fla ' " llortb of B. E. William's Barn, run- ,' nine thenee nearly West 68 rods to a tone In W. E. : Poo's -line; thence ' v TNorth East with Poe'a line 32 tods to 1 '-an Ash tree n North side of branch! -thence up the said branch, with W. E. Toe's line 43 rods to stone in Poe's v , line; thence South 7 rods to the J. be ginning, containing fiye acres taors or : t less. v:!WM ;-f"v'''A- , This February 6th, 1924. -i . WARREN LANpLETf - f t .-" -?i tn Mortgagee. ' A ?M. W. EDWARDS, r C t v Assignee pf, Mortgagee. v NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE . Under and by virtue of '.utnority ven in a certain' mortgage executed ' and delivered to George H. Black, and ' Ws wife, Eva M. Black,' by W. -.J. Moffitt, and hU wife, Mary E,; Mof ' 'iitt, bearing date of January 17th, '1922, recorded in the office of .'-the . Register of Deeds of Randolph coun ty, in book 195, page 244, said mortg age having been riven to1 secure . a certain bond for $,389.75 of even date -therewith, and default having been made In the paymrnt of snld bond and -the interest due thereon, both princi--pal and interest thereof now being .nniwed due. the undersigned mortga gees win on Saturday, the 8th dny of "March, 1D24, at 12 o'cWk, M., it the ourt houne door in Asheboro, North Carolina, sell at public auction, for SHh, to the highest bidder, till of that nrtain tract or parl of ! ' I f '""., lying and being Li t.. i .4 Countv and State, and in 1 ranilin- ville TownsMn. adHnt t' ! of AV. J. Moffitt, IL V. ( J. N. Caglo and others and 1 : i fu!'v ' i-riljcd by metes and L . t-vwit: ' ff- a slnne.'J. N. C 'r ,.V t 2184 f 't. t . ;,; thence "South ' ; t' -'" West 1 ; t South . ' : J P.t 1 a i 1 ' a f ; . a ( t ) a i ' i i. F ' out h 4 . : .:.0 i , fert t ) a hundrt'J or (-:) i i . r. V. . ; ! '.. C. ri.NGS iaa I It is cf t..t'-rr-t to tJ-,e peoole fa Mm -. a cf the EuU especially te ":..w r it s contract was awarded to i- u. i art and son. of Hio-h Point.'. to c,r:. .:oriH .rf the Methsdist V iV..--.r.t college. The- contract. V" price was nut announced but it is on- Q derbtood that the total contract calls' iit u cxwnuura ox approximately' Work wiu.bejrla en the two strue- tores In time for eompletion for lormai opening ol the college in tau or this year . . t - -- The contract was awarded meeting ef - the building committee of the Institution held at High Point, bids having been opened at Greens boro last week, but action deferred. The dormitories will be of modern construction, two stories in height. Each building will be 6Z feet - long and SS feet in. width. One will be used for bo", 'mviny107 her will be-SKgirls' dor- mjtory w: i rooma - ? .v.. ..; ,.i MSS. ASA CANDLER AS. , r EESTED AT UQUOR PARTY hvFollowing a trial for breacK of rzr - . li.l a v 11 j promise in wiuca a, aniucr, ui Atlanta, wealthy Coco-Cola King" won over Mrs. DeBoucheL the family again came fate the limelight when Mrs. Asa Candler was. arrested." and taken to police ..headquarters along with two prominent business men of Atlanta. . They were arrested.., in an apartment, which was said to belong to a friend of Mrs, Candler, and the trio were seated around, a table from which they appeared to have eaten a hearty meal, as well as consumed the contents of a bottle of whiskey., "i William J. Stoddard. i president! or the National Dry Cleaners' associa tion who also was arrested in kthe raid, .-indignantly declined today to discuss the incident and no statement was forthcoming from G. W.eeline, president of a brick J manufacturing company, who was tne - tnira person arrested. i' 1 j The men were indignant over the arrest, and as yet have . made no statement. Neither has Mrs. Candler, and it is rumored that she was not at1 her husband's home the following dayiv nor at Jier "mothers':-whoi' was Keeping Her twin gins, Dy ner nrst marriage. She -has been tmamea to Mr; Candler ince last June. '-' , ;-.('-4 LAND SALE "" - By virtue of a Judgment of the Su perior i Court ' of Randolph county in the action entitled,' "J. W. Bowman, vs. Flora Black, et al,' for the fore closure) of ' a trust1 deed, 1 will, en the 3rd day of March, 1924, at 12 o'clock M., Bell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Asheboro, N. C, the following real estate known as-the Dr. Black lands near, Liberty, N. Cf and described as follows: .; '. Virat Tnuit: Beirbminff at a' nile of stones on the north side of the Quaker Road,' running thence nortn eo aeg. wo2k ia ) ka link with said road: thence east 8 chs - 60 links to the' old f line; thence south witn saia line -chs B0 links' to s stump, formerly a hickory; thencec west afas 75 links to a stake in the field, -formerly a, hickory; thence south 45 deg. west on SUleya old line 2 hs 8Q links to the middle of the ' Jbheboro road thence with said road south JfA deg. West 12 chs to a turn in said road; thence with said toad North 78 deg. west 8 chs to a turn fa; said ' road: thence'south deg-west with, said road 4 chs 45 Jinks to acetone; thence north 45 "hs and 58 links to the be ginning, containing 120 acres more or less. " ' ' -''A - Second TracttBeginning At a pfle of atone on the norths side1 of . the Siaker f road, ! dower corner, and ence north 85 deg. E: 18 chs., 50 Iks.: thence east 8 chs 50 links to the old line fa said road; - thence north 82 chs 25 links to a post oak grub - fa the Guilford County line; thence west west with the county line 28 chs 25 LULU m , uuv(j mw, iivwf , corner;, thence sooth, 61 chs 50 links!; to a persimmon tree; thence soutn t deg. west 80 links r stone pile, Brewer's comerj thence south 45 deg. west 22 chs 80 links t& a black oak. mat 9A i RK. links tn a. THmt oflklO lump, n VH IWUI aiua IM viauiua, , Ell. Cobles corner; thence.. down the, a meanderings of the branch to JEU ta ble's corner; thence south .70 deg. esst 8 chs to a stone, - Coble's .. corner; thence south 7 deg. east 8 chs - 90 links to an ashe om the bank of - the branch; thence down the meanderings of the, branch to a flat "rock in the branch, Coble's comer I "thence south 20 deg. west 4 hs- 60. jinks to. a wal nf n th nU fiU. Cohla'a corner: thence south 27 deg. west 15 chs 60 links to a white oak, Coble's corner in Stales line J thenee east 22 ,-,chsj to a stake, formerly a white oak - on, ti e east side of the branch, called Ward's old eomer; thence north . 45 rW, wrt 8 chs 50 links to stake fa u.o old field near an old dam, Staley's corner; thence north 45 deg. east 41 elm n links to a stake fa the Ashe- toro ro I and dower comer: thence wi'4 r ul road 23 chs 27 links to" a ' "i t dower comer; thence north i' -r He 45 chs ( and :-75 i : ..iiuig, containing t'JQ ur- I t i s. -!. ii. ' A tract of "Isnd In 1 ( y, Pate of N. C. on O .. . ,.-1 Y!k!n Valley lly.UV, cn t t ld? of -Mi HOU-..1 -1 i 2 r 8 t t '1 i i n ; Bfrovint of a of T-:.V. T' "i lui' I 1 Ci 21 1 vvvvvO Z 3-CXi $ - .Until March 1st, we are makihir a sbeHal off er " on our Dictionaries to the school children and IT iS teacners Pi the county. TO THE FIRST SIX-: school cluldren or teachers in the county: -who t - send in four hew subscribers, we will not only give hllf lirin diva a elinnmnv Lqi avtwioI UX .aJ 1 hAi ' TL,' l..i uux. ,,xma vicr i4u ouu9Vfiiuuu svepaxwiiciugi xne vxjurier, ivsneooro. i r L'ii-V. Two distinct styles of this Wonderful Book of '' ; been adopted for this great newspaper Bible distribution. CSV v is' the far-famed Red Letter' Bible (Christ's sayings XM?prinlted Jn red for lininedlate 4 PrinVKbk for those who perf r--.4',..ii.-'.--''ti'ue '- v;.-.- :lTgeful Gifts FonWbmenr: i ; water-proof, Shopping; bag, 'will please our ' women friends' - ' .Here's the "wajj to take advantage of ,thia of " fr. vSend two 1 year subscriptions to The -v'-3ourierf your own and 1 new ;t: ItfnE PRIZE USTi r.r.Tonr own Rnbfjcription whether new or - re- O , .. newju 13 acceptable, wim aaoiuonai new(suo, O-'.t scriptions., Bubcription price $2.00 per yeari tirst True btyie a uea ixtierioie, tar 6 one year subscriptions."" f :i. " ' ' ' :' . 1 Second Prize Style B'-Black ''Print Bible, for 4 one year subscriptions. ,", j , Third Prize Morocco Bound Dictionary, for i n venr RiihscrintlonS. rcurth Trlzo Ladies .Han! fit;, Ehcrplni Car, for 2 one tic -1 ' wf 4,: clothing on : t v. i -r, r -.tVra,. Ar ' ".-rht and : ..:r, three p?cr.i for $2.03 - nr' V 0V MIDSCnSHOIl -1- : .11 ir..L A-- Ci- vuiy uniu niurcn isu ,00 'A Tfli w-n ".V, ..." ti n ATKWa M1 ''' EVERY READER SHOULD HAVE Books have identification), and the Black er that stjle. ' '. subscriber, Enclosed find NAME .A, ,,.,.. 1r1e''Lather-, i, , n rt. - year subscrip- u ... -4 ,r-Ct. v- , -'I . I ' I, . ' ' 4 8 .i.-,,.ltt.'Cl.l' t ,-. i 5 -.I Send Prlte, . ii Nam : V.T.IT3 rr,iN " .. ' .' .' '' 2 - '1 . . :.'","Ad2rti!i 0 4 onr splendid new Webster's : Dictionary, v ; T:t,T I J J.J -111 'JLsJ.-' J J gei ousynow ana sena your irimiAira ONE OF OUR NEW BIBLES SYLE A Red Letter .' Bible, orerlaping limp seal grain, cover, red edges, round corners, gold lettering, large, clear print , .. STYLE B Black Print Bible, flush limp black seal, grain cover, red edges, medium large type, strong and durable. MAIL ORDERS: For style A or style B, send list of sub scribers and 11 cents for postage and packing. SUBSCRIPTION OFFER BLANK Date The Courier, Subscription Department, Asheboro, N. S .for which send The V!" TOWN v.- iU ,-:'1 ' .... v ........ ! Wj:tskl J .wVui' hakO. . , )! 1 I t t, 1 . . . . ........ ................ . . . ........... M . 4) 4) 4) 4V4 . ... - i i ii i nm i. leuer 10 , xne :1 " .1 C. Courier for 1 year to: 1 .)VJ i . R. P. D. 1 olAlri - .1. I 1 f rv'i. vi;Y J. 4 "! ' .;-..';4..-'.a' ,V.;fc ,'..' ' .-' o - -. i '.,.. J : r Ml P 'I ,1 il1 1 i f , -, ' -. h ft i ! i' ,.-. i i i a A A. A, A. A A, A A A aaaaaAAa' . V v v y v y ','.... . . . ,