f - ' - - " en easeBBBssBBBBaF assw aaaaaw - - - - - eaa TC3Trm Tvmrr.v. . .". . . ' 7 .-- " !PPTvmT r4 "vnrirrv- PRINCIPLE NOT MEN; $100 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ITOLUMS XUX ' Aahebere, North Carelina, Tinner. April IT. 1124 NUMBER IS I TOWN AND . " " ' - - - r . - COUNTY NEWS WhaV Oar Field Correspondent Rears and Thinks. Items of , Interest Picked Up. V- Not many candidates for public of flea are studying the - problems . of government, but a lot of them -are out handshakings ... -, . :.v .-. - . Rev. J. R.' Comer has moved his family from - Asbury- to rSeumi Seagrove is (lad to welcome families L who will help to build up the Citixen- Close to the top in the list of big business m tne tne united states be longs road building." ;The bureau of public roads estimates .-that 40.000 miles of surfaced roads ' were . built last yeer.v '-..- . Mrs. - Rosa Brown, who . recently sold her farm in the Randleman sec tion to Mr. ciaod Lamb, has pur chased a farm from Mr. Nathan Burrowjiear Central Falls. -Mr. frank Auman, of Seagrove, has recently, built two houses in Asheboro. Nothing is impossible, so they say, but .nave, you ever tried to strike a match on a cake of soap. ' Mr. H. C. Chisholm. whose home is at Ramseur, was among the Asheboro visitors Monday. .Mr. noan Jung of Seagrove, was among those coming to Asheboro Saturday. Mr, James Pickard, prominent reel dent of Randolph county, whose home is at Kandieman, was in Asheboro on business Monday. So many folks are moving to the city that it will soon be a puzzle who will remain on the farm to raise pro visions for the city folks. Mr. R. F. Cheek, of Asheboro, has decided to become a reader of The Courier. The sons of automobile owners are usually willing to buy the gasoline for their trips, if their fathers will pay for the repairs. Mr. George Cornelison, a prominent citizen and good farmer of Richland township, was in Asheboro a few days ago. Mr.. E. M. Kearns, .of the Caraway section, was in Asheboro Monday. Considerable complaint has ; been heard recently in regard to the chil dren skating on the streets and side walks in Asheboro. These complaints do not come from people desiring to take this pleasure . away from the young folks, but it comes from those who are fearful ofr the lives : and limbs of the children. We fear that the sport will -continue until, some thingeeam. Authorities might 'be' able to prevent -serious accidents and even death by exposing the law on the subject A man of G. H. King's energy and perseverance will win out in the end. As secretary of the Chamber of Com merce be seems to be tnorougniy on the Job. - ' Asheboro neonle long for the eood old days when, they could read all the way through a big city daily without finding a word about oil in Washington. If you like The Courier tell your friends, who are not subscribers about the paper and induce them to sub scribe. Mr. Floyd Deaton. a real estate dealer of Liberty, was among those to transact business in Asheboro Monday. Mr. George Craven, of Franklin ville. was among those to come to Asheboro Mondav. Amonir the visitors in Asheboro Monday was Mr. M. E. Hopkins. He is ensraired In farming near Lassiter. Mr. E. H. Wood, the popular Reg ister of Deeds of Montgomery county, has our, thanks for a renewal of his subscriDtion to The Courier. Mr. Wood is a native of Randolph county and is a fine man and he has 'made one of the best register of deeds that Montgomery county, has .? ever , had, and his friends, rare . numbered' by his acquaintances He is well knbwn and vopular with all of -Montgomery county, and it is safe to predict i that l& frill be te-eiected by a large vote 1 ' V (Continued on page 8) Joseph, Eldridfa, Of Glenola; Vktim of Pnramonie .' Joseph. H. Qdridge,' of CJenola,. ' a weU known and prosperous farmer, died Saturday following an illness of two weeks with .pneumonia. . . .-. . Mr. Eldridge is survived by his wife, a son, WUlard judrldgei I 1 1 . - f H . J . . 1 :ougnier. siaieiia am . is aiso sur vtved by his father, E. S. Eldridge, jff four brothers, D. Jesse VL, v. B. and B. C.' Eldridge, and by sister. Mrs. . Will. Whiter. . .. , Funeral servlcefl were conducted ai Vernon M, X. -church Monday, morn- Jr at 11 o'clock. jThe pastor, Ret. f J. X Woosley, officiated, and the in- terment zoiiowed m the church bury irg ground. The funeral was largely attended and. there were many- beau 4. tlful floral offerings. , Among . the 'flowers was a design from members ,of. the High "Point baseball club,', of vWhicti his brother, i, M. (known Rube) is the veteran pitcher. RETTS' MAKET OIANGE3 HANDS '., I' r: Lee M. a ! C. TU f tiave pn'-.-v ooiwj ft r-'fu;i i!ct' 1 US I . . t f i V I f 'TP.ti rrr 8 c.f 1. T' ? t Mr. l i n i .1 '), r 1 Kesmi n, the -t. remain wiih Ui iuu,it for j?N The teams brothers njr they erpx-t to eun a sanitary. mark' t in every -fey..:. CmZENS INTERESTED IN. COMPLETION OF ROADS FranklinYflle Store . Company 'Has Made Map of The' High' "i ways of Randolph. There has probably been as much interest among the citizens of - the county in the completion of Highway Number 75 which runs in a line al most straight from Raleigh- to Ashe ville by. way of Pittsboro. Asheboro, Ttnn virrfiu nrs.n. as Jn i any road construction, that has ever been undertaken in the county. Work has been In progress for some time but announcement has been made that en account of shortness of funds. I the state highway commission has not let contracts for two bridges, one across Sandy reek, the other across Deep river.. This will prevent Dorarily the completion of the work and efforts have been put forth by a vcuuo" " UJ5, rmW,tS number of the citizens to bring such "co'ded k f0' Mra pressure to- bear upon Mr. Elwood 1 WaIker d. w- Lovett were elected Cox, the Highway Commissioner m as secretaries, this district, that he will renew his1 The motion of G. T. Murdock, sec efforts to complete the road. The onded by L C. Moser that the present Franklin ville Store Company has had organization be made permanent was a map made and has kindly favored 1cariea'. , ... TT , . us wfth a copy, and they have also' A mo f w- c: SST?0?' loaned us the map for publication,. a committee be appointed for the pur which wffl appear in our next issue! P086 appointing delegates and that As will be seenthe road runs nearly ? pemocrat being m good standing east and west through the State from he also appointed a delegate to the Raleigh to Asheville and will afford Z SS Jhn T at convenience for many travel- BeSl aloSitle At Pittsboro the proposed high-'0 PP delegates and alternates way shown on this map forks, with one prong running to Chapel Hill th had aPp"ntfd the fllowin and Durham and the othar to Hay- wood, Apex, Cary and Raleigh, j Statesville, Salisbury, Mocksvil e T tL "r";" "J ..S'J0-the apexes of a uiamonu which wuuiu ue createu . n n Vij m by building the road through es, C & Qn f ?rd George Mur Mocksville to Statesville, where it iJ-i- BuUa L u Moser' wrs- would intersect with the present,11'" ",orul- route, iNumDer xu, 01 uie venvrat Hh hrr kf Mnn nA Mnr. t i -. n e ii . a 1 . ganton to Asheville. y The map does not show the roads. from Asheboro. to .High Point which has been completed except for about tour miles between Asheboro. and Hinshaw's fork near Randleman. This road is known as Highway 77 wnere w wnnecw wimiugnway o. i t . a 9 a a wr .t- I nvS -iTSS highway No; 70 a mile and half north of Asheboro. This road goes via or Liberty and Graham to Yanceyville mto VrgWai(-v , : m me completion or vus net wo oi road cuUoing Vvill mean i much the growth and development of for the' teounty and State. -The citizens, of the? county should study tn-map"wnicnriy,.Tiear urajrs cnapei, :z: - - the-Franklinville Store Company has' Mr. LIneberry had plowed all day Issued on account of interest in the! the day. before his death, ate a county and on account of acquainting themselves with the highways of the State. Mr. Julian C Marley, Randolph Man, Weds Miss Heiner of Leaksville The Courier is in receipt of the following announcement which will be of interest to many of our readers es- Secially in the Franklinville section l which Mr. Marley was reared: Mr. and Mrs. M. U Heiner an nounce the marriage of their daughter Bessie, to Mr. Julian Carr Marley, on Wednesday, April the second, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, Danville, Virginia. At home Leaksville, N. C.- The ceremony was performed In the First Presbyterian church in Danville, Va., by Rev. W. T. Doggett, in the presence of only members of the bride's family. The bride is a charm ing and highly educated woman, being a graduate of the Leaksville High School and Salem College. Mr. Marley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Marley, of Franklinville, and is a young num of sterling char acter and worth and has a wide circle of friends. He was educated at Elon college, and Mercer, Macon, Ga. The marriage has been kept a se cret for the past week,, until last Thursday when a formal : announce ment was made by a friend of Mrs. Marley. County-Wide Co-operative Tobacco Growers' Meeting loday There will be a county-wide meet ing of the co-operative tobacco grow ers' association in the court house today at 2 p. m. Mr. Swaim, district manager, will be present and will speak on tobacco growing and marketing, urricers will be elected for the ensuing year. METHODIST EPISCOPAL MATTERS (By W, H. Willis) i- ReMfatlv. Mrs. B- S. Dickens and Mrs: W. H. Moring, substantially re - membered the writer on his birthday. . . . m a . a a. I av f in lie Jib lOHiuii wi ,ui wsuivt conference goes to Trinity Greensboro district delegates to .the next annual convention . are C " H. Ireland, Fred N. Tate, F. C Odell, I. F. Craven, R. B. Clarence, Mrs. J. E. Albright snd two others. .: The offering Easter morning will be to raise our quoto of (270 for. sup port of our Children's Home."' The, doors of the church will be opened Sunday morning for the , re ception of members. , . mi.. a I . . m. J il. al4t Airs, W. U. sicM&han reprenis us MUnionsry Bociety at SUtesville, April 23th. '- -, ' Our Sunday School had 122 present Sunday morning. Tier? it room tot t the -confenmee of the Womsn's'mirvivlng chllJnTi sre MuUs Brown, DEMOCRATS OF RANDOLPH ELECT STATE CONVENTION DELEGATES Several Delegates and. Alternates ChosenPraises Work of . County Administration and of Mr; Hammer in Consnress Endorse Finch For Bif Conventioi---IIarmonIous Meeting. The Democrats of Randolph county met in convention at the court house) in Asheboro. N. C on Saturday.! A-Dril 12 1924 at 2:00 o'clock p. m. the porpose of electing ablegates J hJ tate convention at Kaleigh, to on-Saturday, April 19, 1824. . Pv0- Cranford, chairman of - Ran- ( dolph county democratic executive ? committee called the meeting. w. order. tem-rvpon monon auiy seeonaea,!. aj. Fto was.made chairman of the con- ueieKaLCS nrfptoa a Waiter Presnell E D , , , r'w Cranford, Mrs. Laurm Cranford, W. Hammondi B- F Brittain. Alter. imui viw. nit t t daa;' XfanAln Delegate J. Troy Redding, Randle- v. AHhWn. R. F. D. " ' Brower tu-.. c m. TWr. EreJl Al. ternate, Ben F. Brown, Erect . East Columbia Delegate, C. M. Staley, Staley. Al- Delelcate. C. t Lucfc Seagrove, vaaa uivtv Ornate, E. Whatley. Ulah, GEORGE R. LINEBERRY PASSES AWAY AT HOME NEAR LIBERTY Mr. George H. Lineberry. 73. promt inent farmer and highly esteemed cit- isen, died suddenly-last Thursday at his hoih; eighJi; hearty supper, went to bed and rested well. The next monring , he arose, ate a big breakfast after which he went in the living room and was sitting by the fire when he was strick en with a sudden attack of heart trouble and died almost instantly. Besidehis wif e he leaves four daughterspTlrs- O. E. Ruth, Ashe boro; Mrs. R. E. Ruth, Millboro; Mrs. Alice Harvell, Gray's chapel;'- and Miss Ethel Lineberry, Gray's chapel; and a son, Ross L. Lineberry, Greens boro. Mr. Lineberry also had a son, Cyrus Lineberry, who was killed in France. He was with Company A. He leaves two brothers; N. S. and Robert L. Lineberry, both of Mill boro; a sister, Mrs. Nancy Hackett, Millboro; and eight grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon at Gray's chapel, of which Mr. Lineberry was a member. Interment was made in the church cemetery. J. O. Forrester Protests Against In creased Parcel Post Rates To the Citizens of Randolph County: ' I have just been informed by letter officially that there is a bill now be fore Congress to increase the Parcels ' wj v Uak a at k a bahA vMt n 5. 10 10 cents per pouno ana xor ower tones proportionately. It is also a m i. . . . a m other uuuuhu mi wiwiwv uw smim va vuui i course, would be the group vitally la- teres ted. I want to urge all members of the Farm Bureau and other farm ers to write our Congressman at once to use his influence against any bin that may be proposed to increase Parcels Post and Fourth Uass root age rates. . ; Yours very truly, ' J. 0. FORRESTER, President Randolph County Farm .1 ...Bureau ; MR. REUBEN" BEOWN1 DIED ' SUNDAY MORNING AT HIS HOME ON STAR ROUTE About 4:00 o'clock 8unday morning, April 18th, Mr. Reuben Brown died at his home on Asheboro Star Route, 1 following an illness of several months. Ti nt immediate cause or nis oeawi was ' A . St.. M . . 1: J LMIJ. .A.. arouBT. .11 iiwir ma vvim w - 1 - - J "j -X vices were held at Brewers MondayllOO profession were secured, and 70 J m.. ..-1. a. J m- afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. About ? ysar ago, while Rev. V. M. Stanley,, of Asheboro, was vftitlng him,' he gave hlro some money and requested that he conduct the rWral services.; Mr. Brown was about 70 years old. and the son of Nathaniel Brown, also of Randolph" County. - Twe - brothers, Thomas and Isaac Brown of Asheboro Ronte survive, also his wife, Mary Calllnttt, daughter of rieasant Cslli mft Hi?' Mnntii-nmsrv pnttfitv. -The Ahhiroi Mrs. W. W. Itrown, Hugh Kexie, Penn, and Mms ' Ullie, of Asheboro Star Route; Mrs, Ethel Koonts, nigh Point Mrs. Bertha Central Falls ' Delerata. Frank. York. Sandleman. Route 4. Alternate. M. L. Wmning- ham, Randlemmn, Route 2. . .'y - Corncor V Delegate, JH. Kearns, Fanner. Alternate.; H. C Nance, Farmer. -1-. . VCedar Falls - Delegate, A. I Brfles, Cedar Falls Alternate '. F. Wrenn, Cedar Falls. 1;' J " Celertdge . Delegate Floyd Caveness, Tom Co Alternates. W. H. Yow, R. L. tfoffitt. Franklinvme Delegates, C. H. Julian, James Lut terioh. Alternates, J. T. Buie, W. C. Jones. -!-?f, Grant. Delegate, A. C. Cox, Asheboro Star Route. Alternate, T. F. Pugh, Ashe borb.B. F. D. Liberty Delegates, P. P. Jones, J. A. Mar tuu Alternates, Zeb Fox, R. A. Smith. ;:"M ' Level Cross Delegate,. T. C. Lamb, Randleman, Ri F. D;?' Alternate, Wade Causey, Randleman, R. F. D. ' f;-4r.v-'-v New Hope ' Delegate. G. E. Carter, Eleazer. Alternate, J. M. Shaw, New Hope Academy. - New Market Delegate, R..L. White, High Point, Route 8. Alternate, Joe Wall Randle mam R. F. D. :' Si'?- Providence Delegate, E.D.Frazier, Climax. Al ternate. W. J. Pugh, Climax. - Pleasant Grove - Delegate," J. R. Welch, Bennett, Route, Alternate, Charlie Stedman. 5: Delegate; D. A. Cornelison, Sea- grove. Alternate, Eli Leach. f T&elegates, Ed, Leonard, I. F. Cra ven, w Alternates, AmicK xnomas, a.. B. Mporev , ICbntmued on page 8) Annual Meeting of Women's Mis sionary Societies of Methodist $ . : :3.-:fttostant,: Church x f'iiat'il'tt Women' Home and, roreigai msswnary .-so- cbarck.vUbe. heltr-ln- the"Ashebro Methodist-. Protestant church next week. Delegates, from practically all over the conference will be present for the meeting. Thev business sessions will be held during the day but will be interspersed with addresses and reports of different - phases of the work. 1 The meeting opens at 2:30 Tuesday April '22nd, with the Foreign society having the first part of the meeting. Mrs. William Sturgeon, of Pittsburg, Pa., will be present and will tell of her trip to the mission fields of In dia, China, and Japan, where she has been sent on a tour of inspection by the Woman's Board of Foreign Mis sions of which she is secretary. Mrs. Sturgeon will make a missionary ad dress on Wednesday evening. Tuesday evening a pageant, "The Striking of America's Hour", will be given by members of the local church. Mr. HA. Garrett, of the Children's Home, High Point, and Rev. Homer Castor, of the Bethel Tubercular Home at Weaverville, willspeak of their respective works Thusday morning. An interesting and beneficial part of the program will be series of Bible talks which will be given by Mrs. A. G. Dixon of Greensboro and "Worship in Song" will be under the direction of Mrs. R. W. Andrews, of Greens- f: . . . in.. Aalttreta hii Yn, ntrtAined in ft ft -f th , but e noon. wJU rVi m the church N. C DOCTORS MEET AT RALEIGH The seventy-first state medical con vention is in session at Raleigh this week with a large number , of doctors ami .muses from all over the State in attendance. The meetings win run through Thursday. A special feature of Tuesday's meeting was an address by Senator Royal a. vopetano, oi New York, whe is the guest of Gov. emor and, Mrs. Morrison while in the eity.,...- THE! MILLER-MILAM MEETINGS DhLI Miller, of Nashville, who with bis singer, D. W. MUam, ef Lin es In ton, begins en June w ote, re vival services, here, has just closed a successful meeting at Bharan," rem. For the first week of that, meeting rrMilnm to the churches.' The Drty goes next to Meridian, Mbu after that to Nashville, sna.tnen nere. ' A tent Wx0 has-been secured for the month of Jane. ,J. D.'.Ross is chairman of the committee of'. ar rangement, Sn4 D, ' B. McCrary of lht of flnsnee.-'- ' -- Cte CnVrl w. it. wiLua, Trey Te Dave New Behoof Bundtag k t, . i . i . -1 , The school hoard of Troy' has' let the eontract . - for a ' new High School building. Which will hare twelve class rooms and an auditorium with a setting capacity of 1400. . l a - . .. : ,.. THE PRESIDENT IS NO LONGER THE SILENT MAN "Daring Message' - to Senate Was To Serve Notice on His Party. (By David F. StOair). Washington. April 15. There is an impression here that President Coolidge's "daring message" to the senate was to serve notice on his own party that be now has complete command of it Mr. Coolidge's re cent primary victories in Illinois, Michigan and Nebraska have given him such a degree of confidence in what he beieves to be -his destiny that he is reported ready to play a new nana. He has broken silence. There are two or three men in the Republican party who are credited with having greatly annoyed the President within the last few months. Senator Hiram Johnson has ruffled the good temper of the executive, ac cording to report, in his license of speech in describing the Republican party as "crooked politics allied with crooked business." The President is known to have spoken to his friends in resentment of this characterization. There is Governor Pinchot of Penn sylvania who has been a thorn in the side of Mr. Coolidge almost from the day he entered the White House. The most rotten spot in this administra tion is the prohibition unit. At the offices of the unit, it is frankly ad mitted that when Senator Watson said in his speech on the floor of the senate that nobody expected prohibi tion to be enforced for the next ten years, he said what everybody knows. The Coolidge administration has accepted the task of enforcing the prohibition law as an impossibility and it does not want any one to in terfere with that policy. But Mr. Pinchot contends the Federal govern ment should enforce the law and the public should know why it is not now trying to do so. He wants the pro hibition unit investigated and the fear that it may be is now a night mare to the White House for such an investigation would be far more iikely to drive Secretary Mellon from office than the investigation into the the tax unit of the revenue bureau. Senator Watson admitted that to un cover the prohibition unit would be to take the lid off a "saturnalia of corruption." , But the President's message to the senate was also a notice, it is believed, that he expects a bitter fight , with the combined Democrat-insurgent 1 . i i , " i i i iorces over tax ana nanus teKisiauan. For months Jt has been hinted here that the Democrats., would tack the bonus.binthe itfcmjl, naer an order to prevent tne vetoing of the former; v . The senate Democrats are deter mined to give the ex-service men a cash option in ' the bonus and the President is believed certain to veto such a bill. The bonus bill will be reported out this week by the senate finance committee and the Democrats andS their insurgent friends will then determine how the two bills will be presented to the senate. Some of the minority members of the finance com mittee are known to favor the two bills as one. The President in the meantime has let out a roar to in- dicate that he is a fighting man. STATE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION TODAY Randolph Sends Big Delegstion To Raleigh To Attend The Con vention. Democrats from all over North Carolina are in Raleigh today for the State Democratic Convention. Large delegations have been sent from the one hundred counties in the State. Practically all of the representatives in congress and both senators are in the State's Capitol City. Wake County Democratic Convention Commends Daniels. Presents Him For Presidential Nomination At the meeting of the Democratic Convention in Wake county Saturday commended Hon. Joeephus Daniels and presented his name to the Demo crats of the nation for the presi dential nomination. The resolution follows, "Resolved, by the Democrats of Wake eounty in convention assem bled, that Ve express our deep appre ciation of the favorable consideration that has been given in many states of the Union to the spontaneous sug gestion of the peculiar fitness of a distinguished dtisen of this state and eounty, the Bon. Josephus Daniels, for the high office of President of the United 8tates. . "We are denied the privilege of endorsing his candidacy In this con vention, for the-reason that he, has declined to announce bis candidacy, but; we can with propriety express our appreciation and approval of the widespread recognition of his dis tinguished service to nis country in his unblemished record for eight years as secretary of the navy and the rec ognition that his worth, .his integrity, hie ability and hie tfeeo interest ' in promoting f, the public welfare by maintaining- the' Mm best standards ef public service, fit him for the respon eibiUUee of th highest office in the Jrlft ef the America, people." f ird negro orphanage are reported to have small-pox. . It is said that the children contracted the disease from a child who waa brought to the or phanare after recovering from ea at tack ef I smallpox several .weeks ago. COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS MEET Appropriations Made For Ashe boro City Schools; Numerous Road Delegations Received. The Board of County Commission ers at their regular meeting Mondav. April 7th, received numerous delega tions In regard to roads. Appropria tions were made for the Ashebore City Schools, and a resolution adopted for the issuance of special school bonds for Farmer school. Mr. C H. Julian, of Franklinville, was ap pointed tax supervisor for Randolph county, oy tne Board. The following members were pres ent: Messrs. T. J. Finch, chairman; C. C. Cranford. E. B. Leach. L. M. Cranford. P. L. Walker presents cash sub scription of (25.00 collected on New Hope road to the Board, to be depos ited to road fund. It was ordered to have the bridge near Fullers mill covered at contract price of $25.00 to H. L. Andrews and L. B. Hinshaw. It was ordered to release Fred Mc Gee of poll tax for 1923, on account of being a disabled ex-soldier. It was ordered to release J. N. Scott of New Market township-of poll tax for 1923. B. F. Bingham, Concord township, is released of poll tax permanently. A road is granted on 60-50 basis leading through by the Hoover branch across to a sign board, thence from Luther Smith's to the gravel road. The county assumes no damages in the construction of this through the plantations which it will pass. C. C. Cranford and E. B. Leach are appointed to investigate a piece of road leading from or near Dewey to N. C. Lucas' and report at next meet ing. Beulah Baldwin is ordered on the outside poor list for two months at $5.00 per month. It was ordered to put Lizzie Ever ett, a feeble colored woman on the outside- poor list at $2.00 per month. It was ordered to reduce the Bond of the First National Bank, designat ed as Treasury of Road Fund to $10, 000. A check for $43.75 cash subscrip tion on road from Science Hill, through by W. T. Tants' et al was presented to the Board to deposit in foad Fund. C. H. Julian is appointed tax sup ervisor for the eounty. - -- It is ordered that an appropriation of $40,000 be made to the Asheboro city school forbuilding purposes said amount to be paid within four years .from July 1st, 1925. The county' Board of Education to de termine ihe amount of each payment, in order that this appropriation may not interfere with any urgent need from rural districts, said appropria tion shall be made from the special building fund provided by the State, according to resolution of County commissioners of April 3, 1924. A resolution authorizing the issu ance of $2,900 special school bonds for Farmer school district was pre sented to Board of County commis sioners. The resolution was moved by C. C. Cranford, seconded by L. M. Cranford, all members voting favor ing the adoption. Releases on account of tax error are recorded on Disbursement No. 5, page 47. Vouchers audited and ordered paid on account of road fund are recorded on road disbursement page 23-24; on account of General Fund on pages 37 38. County officers monthly report as follows: C. S. C, for school fund, 326.76. For general fund, $292.72. Register of Deeds recording fees, $334.75. Miscellaneous, 668.75. Sheriff collections, for March $22,- 355.32. No further business coming before the Board, the Board adjourns. LEE M. KEARNS, Ex -officio Clerk County Commis sioners. N. C Federation of Women's Meets Msy -8th. Hubs The North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs will meet in Raleigh May 8th to the 9th. Mrs. Cornelia P. Jerman, president ef the Federation has issued a formal call for the meet ing and has announced that Mrs. Helen Gardner, U. S. Civil eervic commissioner, appointed by Presi dent Wood row Wilson, will be present and address the federation. This meeting wilk not t only include the regular business sessions, breakfast and luncheon conferences, but many brilliant social affairs are being plan ned, among the latter being a recep tion by Governor and Mrs. Cameron Morrison. ' GUILFORD GLEE CLUB , The Guilford College Glee Club rave a pleasing entertainment at the Capitol Theatre to Asheboro Friday evening nader the auspices of the local Fire Company, Dr. J. O. Crutcn fleld ' tnaiiaged ' the local business working With R. G. Lassiter, of Farmer. -boslneas manager of . lh dub. Aahby Pamplin. violinist, de lighted ibe aodienc with his numbers and wee awarded loud applause. He Is the son ef Mr. Q A. Pamplin whom many of the older residents of Ashe boro will rememtar pleasantly. Mr. PampUn,aad.eharge of the Ashebore Depot for several rears. - The en tertainment througboet was splendid 4 -