t " '- '-f ."';- ! - ISSUED WEEKLY. rTT ' ;' ' " ...... sSfr .volume xux' r-'.: ' ; - PRINCIPLES, NOT ICCf.r. -. jioo A YEAH IN ADVANCE, iiWber, North Caieltoa Thereday, April 24, 1M4 ' ! Nt'MBER T RAT.ISEUR SllfOOLi ; CLOSES HAY .1ST REV. H. T. STEVENS . TOWN AND av ' , HELD LAST THURSDAY 'r'COUNTYNEWS- ..v . ,vr$ ri, EON. CHAS. ROSS ' .. - -. . . - ' . : ,; . - - v - 1 i f l I ; Hen Chai. Ross, of -Lillington, for jaerly of Asheboro, fc a candidate for .Attorney General; .ANNOUNOSMENT. t To The Democratic Voters of Ran- 3t ,do!ph ;Count; 5 . til will greatly appreciate your sup- tionr for Senator from this the twelfth diatriets -V t ,, ? i Respectfully, ARTHUR BOSS. April 23, 1924. ANNOUNCEMENT To The Qtizens of Randolph County: After: -having, talked with my: friends from all parts of the county, ' and giving same serious consideration, I I have decided to announce mvoelf on a candidate for Sheriff of Randolph County on the Democratic ticket. If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to uphold the law and perform the duties of this nigh office in ' an energetic and conscientious manner. I will be governed by the results of the primary of June '7th. Asheboro, April 23rd, 1924. CLARENCE J.-LOVETT. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for Sheriff of Randolph . County. subiect ta the Denuxtratte nrinun fal diWttlnV ft! w P'l Mr. Charlef RusseU and children,! iduklE&i&l Pent Sunday dolph County for the heartyjuppert . m&tW. 1 they gave me to the last election " J, r , T - . r j I will greatly appreciate ny support UMfc nd Mrs. BroadweU of Wendell that they may give me Jn thecomtasf '?wt''P";KW"ton.:.wrtkv; election!', f? thelTdaugh MraJ PCflfci- A. C COX. ANNOUNCEMENT a lie cuj ouuvuiiw luynux caiiui-t .).. r. ti. r i t r ! . T ... H. 1 - It dolph County, subject to the Demo- cratic primary to be held on the 7th day of June, 1924. j I thank the voters of Randolph County for the hearty support they gave me in the lastelection, and I will greatly appreciate any support you may give me fa the coming elec tion. LEE M. KEARNS, Register of Deeds. DAV1S-FARLOW A beautiful home wedding was sol emnized Saturday afternoon, April 19, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.- 71. E- Davis, of Sophia Route 1, when their youngest daughter, Miss Minnie Blanche, became the bride of Mr. Emery Farlow. Charles Redding, J. P. Officiated. The attendants were Miss Edna Beeson and Miss Cecil and Messrs. Walter and James Davis, brothers -of the bride. While the bridal party entered the parlor which was decorated with flowers of . the season, Mis ' Sallie Pearson softly played the. organ . after the ceremony a sumptdua supper i served to about thirty guests, ', Mr, Farlow ' la the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Farlow with whom they, will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Farlow re ceived a number of nice presents. We wish for them many years of happi ness. " ., jUMJLt. ta J4, FRANKLLNVH1E PLANS FOR- BIGCOMJMCET.IENT Plans are now maturing for on of the biggest 1 commencements ; ever held in that place. The program con - eiste of fonr night beginning . the second of May ' and concluding the i-ialght of May the fifth. . Commence nr ment brirlna by the presentation of a i . play, Kothlng But Th Truths comedy fa three act by James Mont gomery. ' This play 1 gotten up by the high school faculty and students and promise to b on of . th 3 best part of the commencement, v ' Dr. Hubert M. Potent,-ef th Latin Department of Wake Forest la sched uled to drllw tJi library' addres. May the thirl. Dr. J-oWt ha; a very wMo reputation amonat tli Peo ria of the iit as Loin? a speaker of -interest and power, the i rank- llnTi!o r "mnrmlty S !s rurally nonorta in be in; aue to stcura hi J services for Oua ocejiiori. Sunday, May th fourth, Dr. W. D. Mom, t- u wt 01 ui nm i'nnyunnri ehurrli t CllKPOl Hill Will deliver t t,aer!:, j- - pfrmon in tne i:nn-uut j , ""; "I chnrrh to tfie gradaating rlaas. l.f. In coniJciJ among Car- Commencement Exercises ; Will vBesin Friday, April 25tlk-i." - f Other News Items , TKe closing exerds'of the Ram sour graded school will begin Friday night, April 25th, with a program by the intermediate grades. I This wS) be well worth-your time, especially - the patrons of the school, wilt enjoy hear: fag -their children sing and act. their part in the Cantata,- rBoy lueTV;- On. Saturday night the Glee Club and Orchestra-, will. give a, concert .v lhat will furnish? you an hour and half .en ioymnt we are sure., Come and hear the musk and readings and you won't regretJt,.- 'SJVxu A Vi.s 1 Sundar- afternoon 3:3 Rev. Mr. Smith of "The Church by the Road" Greensbore will preach the Annual sermom ' A large congregation is de sired and expected, d ? ! ' Wednesday night, Class exercises wilf.clalm our attention. We are sure ttda will be a great program: as pur yaung' graduates never disappoint us. Thursday is commencement day I proper. - Literary address by Prof. Myers, of the State University in the rooming and Amatkm contest fa the afternoon. Ball game at 4 P. M. Viiiuiuw mm iuiuiua nm ire pre Isented and winners . of medals an A nounced in the afternoon, . . : .On;. Thursday night he play, "Dad dy Long Legs" will .be- given by mem bent of. the. school JiXou can't afford tor miss this art of the exercises. It will be an entertainment that will be well worth your time and money, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Whitehead, of Lumberton. snent Easter with Mrs. J. M. Whitehead and other relatives and inenas. Students of the University, G. C. W., A. and E., Trinity and N, C. C. spent Easter at home. We are always glad to welcome our boys, and girls borne for the holidays. Mr; and Mrs. Joe Forrester, of Greensboro, were visitors here Sun day. Miss Vallie Scott and Ida West and Mrs. Annie Baily, of Greensboro, spent the week end here with friends. Mr. P. H. Kearns and. family, of Badin, visited Mr. R. I. Kearns Sun- j.. Mr.' W.' E .Free -and' family, of Greensboro were visitors at M. CJ Free' 'Sunday. The recital of the Jr. Symphony Orchestra last Saturday night was , , much' - enioved. Drills . and piano quartettes with a varietyW orchestra Jrobe,,ne upJ? vronxa. The f Uttle to Browed they were making P"!" to the musical world. LA"' .delf?atIo visited Mr. Cox last week in a interest 1 J completion of No. 75, Asheboro to Chatham, line. Ramseui. Frank lfaville and Asheboro were represent ed and after making an earnest ap peal the were assured the road would bejrat in good shape if possible. E. C, Watkins, I. F. Craven and others attended the Democratic State Convention at Raleigh last week. The Young Married Woman's Club met with Mrs. G. E. York last week. The house was decorated with lovely spring flowers. The guest for the cidb meeting was Mrs. J. Broad well, mother of Mrs. J. P. Cox. After an interesting hour of sewing the hostess served cream and cake. Dr. and Mrs. 1?- R. Thompson, of Wfaston-Salem, spent Easter with E. J. Steed. Dr. Thompson and Dr. C. A. Graham are attending Ije State Convention of Dentists this week, at Raleigh. Messrs. F. R. Burgess, J. C. White head and Burton Leonard went to Oak Ridge Sunday in interest of Boy Scout . camping ground for this summer., ' Mr, Earl B. Steed and family, of High Point, spent Easter Monday here With fi. J, Steed and family. si 'it ,j j,.. j-T-j I Una men as being th most potent force of any1 man connected with Uni versity Ufa. - '. Monday, May ; th fifth will be turned over to member of th grad uating class. Their nron-am will be characteriied by the presentation Ipf orations, muaio, and essay. Much time 1 being spent by the senior das in making ready for this pro gram, ana every indication points to a very uceeasful evenlna. ' ahercr.tllp th cx..n.. nnodardthm Mot than paaalng interest should be given to the music recital which is scheduled to come Friday evening, April 2Sth, by students of Miss Mary L. Sherwood. Although coming ' to Franklinvill after the Christmas nol idavs, Miss Sherwood has by her skill and efforts gotten vp one of th moat elaborate and veraaule program yet to be devlaed in this place. This pro gram, unlike previous program of a timllar sort, will include number rep resenting students from th Unit year Ihroogh the but. Interpretative and esthetic tripping will character! t'.e new kment la the performance. Large Auditorium Was. Packed Ani Enthuaiim Em' Higli ilefore The Convention Was Called Order Loud Applause at' : Mention of Woodrow WiIson-rDaniels'Not i Candidate. The Democratic State .Convention met at Raleigh Thursday, April 17th at 12:80 o'clock, with State Chair man John G. Dawson, of Klntton pre siding. : The r city auditortera-s, was packed with delegates, -and .the ' en thusiasm' began before the convention was called to order by loudly cheer ing the party leaders as they . appeal ed. .The first business called for was the report of the district conventions, read by Mark Squires, secretary ' ef the convention. The keynote speaker, W. N. Everett. mMm nf tt . ' . . -z. StatL At the .TXZ Wilson and his hnte brought .: retary the navy ever had. -Vv- ;. Daniels told the executive e6m-' nnttee of the Raleigh Daniels-for- President dub that he could not ar' cede to the desire of those who want-; ed him for a presidential candidate. The delegates for the National Coni ventionfa June were Governor Mor i nson, Max Gardner, Josephus Dan iels, and Colonel Rodman, Mrs. Palm er Jerman, Miss Mary Henderson, Mrs. J. G. Fearing, and Miss Harriet M. Berry. - , - The convention closed with the adoption of the platform, which fol lows: represen- party of "We, the delegates and tatlves of the Democratic North i Carolina. in convention as- to exoress our sembled, desire grateful thanks to divine providence for the great blessinp which have the work 5vhich,is being done "under been shown to our beloved state, and ovurflegidatioMandJ the reat fprog for the general prosperity which has ressSjwSicll Is befagrmade nnder the .jv, an ui um ycuy.o guidanceis of the eniwjrattc l party; tnereoi. andreojyfag many bf3ts salient "We re-affirm our devotion and features., . , "'. allegiance to the true and bied!..n.'H; u ii'vML prmciples of the Democratic, party, ' eaa iparty jias no iwcc4 b onstruc and welcome the opportunity to, tiv? achievemenU, or statesmanship, again present to the people of the bboroly and narmfully , reniatos lta words L ? ,mce a-party of negation, iandjault find achievement, and confidently appeal mgA lte nlatform deal Th "generali to our people for endorsement and taes' onlyaod its sole appeal is the approval. . i-nneal to nreludlce. v "We desire to, exm-ess our rtra. found sorrow at the- death or iuir greatt !eaoir and ttateeaiai",,W roww ion iot pnij AaaUon. but the. world has- power, courage and. mnraj. ' fdrce.' unaer ms leaaersmp, tne Jjemoeratic party enacted what was undoubtedly the greatest and most beneficient program of remedial legislation in the history of our nation. Among TWO ASHEBORO YOUNG MEN MARRY Easter Sunday two marriages of in- vounir nien beina- well known' Ashe-iRamseur S1001 begin Fri ITtltim lb. jle BTrnTad S " Miss Miriam Whitner, of Hickory, lvfen by the intermediate grades. On daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Whit ' Saturday night the program will be ner Vre married at the home of Mr !"1 ?har.?e of the music department Arthur Ross. The bride is an attrac- tive young lady who already has cnestra numoers. vm aunaay ax 6.6 many friends in tlie town, having P" m - f- Wade C. Smith, of Greens visited here a number of times. She boro' will preach the commencement is widely accomplished, hav sermon. Wednesday night class ex- ing graduated in piano in New York "Clses, eD-ul the Semor8' Qity r j Thursday, May 1st, will be commence- Mr. Burns is a joint owner in the ! men day-, Prt- Myers of the Uni new Bums-Lewallen Filling and Ser-1 ver3lt.y' wlU. "?ake a",8iddlf88, m he vice Station recently opened in North i there will be declamation fk i.u rfi a v n m Awaaw a. o viuvuv waa va. aohAhnm Ha fa fha nHnat Inn nf Mary Smiiii Burns, and is well a Play; "Dadd.y Un? Vs? known and liked in his home town and .j J?rnted- . An adml88!on eountv j charge will be made on Saturday m 'night and on Thursday night. A The second marriage was that of cordiai invitation is extended to all Shatter Ferree and Miss Henrietta to attend tto commencement Cxer Caudle, of Randleman. Mrs. Ferree '-1... iB uio younKBi, oaugater 01 an. xieii- ry Caudle, of Randleman. but she was born fa Asheboro where her father and mother lived, Mr. Caudle being foreman of th Asheboro Courier for many year before hi death. She is a lovely young woman, and haa many friends who will also welcome her to Asheboro. Mr. ferree ta a young man of bvsines ability and bid fair to be Easter morning, and enjoyed a splen a successful man of th town. He is did musical program, th son of Mr. A. L Ferre of this A' rally of Epworth Leagu will place. IN CASE OF FIRE CALL i ' POWER PLANT When tner is a fir, If th parson who report it will call directly to the Power 1 Plant," instead -oi , th teUphoev office, it will be batter all around. It is not th doty of Central to report a fir, although they will gladly do all possible toward prompt connection with. th power houee, which is the proper place to call. Al ways call and give the location of th fir and yow own nam. .Thla will secure more prompt service, a - well as guard against falaa alarms.;. ALLEN SKEEN DEAD ..'.' Th funeral and boriaj Mrrioes for Mr. -Allen Bkeen who ; died Tuesday. April 22nd, were held at I'leaaant HiU Wednesday afternoon at tM o'clook. Mr. bkeen had only been iek for. short time, hi denth reeulting from meaalaa. II U 62 yenr old, and the sen of . Mr. . and Mrs. CharU Kkeerv ef that Bftlc'iborhood. 80m rear s h was married to , Mis lna Arnold dauehter ef Mr, and Mr. Jam AjtioH.. ,Bide; th wLf, two smaU ehildraa surrir. . 4 oiher' enactments mar be tomtionMl the Underwood-Simmons tariff act; the federal 'reserve bank' ' act; the federal farm' loan act; ' the- Clayton anti-trnst . act; the parcel post-' act; th war - finance vorporationact) th federal aid for state c highways act and manr 'nthers toe. aamerous atUhie.tane to nmaratev. .ii . tri!dngf'eontra8t .with 'sthk record of rreat achievement bv the democratic nxtyl Is the : record of (me. rrouDucsn -, aominismiLion -, uia - rapwuam xmumstrauon i tor &&r J nosura-irf the ndw - Jtepublicaa officials, It -is torn to pieces by contending factions f 'which haais tioth in o. -In common., antl haa eeaied to. function,, .while the people are! left to. suffer for the want of neeWui'legislatioi1? imia:-'jniUYP a. tA ' of ur senators and representatives fa ljejj., i ' . .- ''In ; matters of stated administra tio; the Democratic, party ; presents to tne j)eople a program unsurpassed fa fee history" if the. Union, or fa ;the -development of any commonwealth: So admirable and beneficial Jias been its Tconstnictive, program ;that it has Attiu4Aft th -tUtMHim uf ad- :'fh stabk of the Union, and many are M.nin,. ototj. t- m,0int i t" . " v ... ".i ,-..- I ;5l rarttcqMition la .Affair. Pnocratic partybelieves in - jueSest JaKiipBiieo-4tf thtf TwoU result of a quarrel lost . a leader ; ot'ple fa-;thei managemeht -. of -'public affairs, and to this end provide that its nommees for nubuc office shall be selected in legalized nrimaries. giving to every citizen the right to ' . (Continued on page 8.) RAMSEUR COMMENCEMENT TO BEGIN FRIDAY The commencement exercise of the land will consist of Glee Gub and or- icvivwwvn vvmwdv an wio aij- I noon a well as a frame of base ball. V : METHODIST EPISCOPAL e - - . MATTERS Y , (By W. H. Willis.) - Our Easter offering for support of oar Children' Home totalled 241.00. ' A large - crowd attended church be held, at our church Friday night at 7:&. Mis Sallie Carroll, eonfer ence Leagu Seeretary will be prs- nt. - . 11 if! . 1 Th following Joined our church Sunday: Mrs. Emma Martin, . Miss Margaret Martin, Bleaa Hasty, Julia Rice, Minnie Le Burkhead,, Wlnfred Jarre tt, Dorothy Jarre tt, Leuis Mc Lean,' Qeron Elliott, Ina Andrews, Helen Luck, Warn - Rich, Coleman Moore, Brace Steed, Everett Steed, Sarah -Helen Covington. Our mem bership now 1 496. . - . 1 1 ,1 . 11" it . V;T BIRTHDAT DINNER ' Mr.' and Mrs. R. L Dicken wer turpriaed-8anday by having with them for the day all their children and their eleven grandchildren, this being Mr. Dickens birthday. ' A delicious dinner was served to the following. Mr. and Mm.. B. L Dickens; Mrs, L, D, Parkina, , tt Spencer; Mr. and Mr,' A- D. Howell and family, Bright Dicken and Ml" CUu'l-a Dickens, of. Bad In; Mrs. W. a AH red and son, of Camden, 8. Cl and I'rK Janette Lrk and family ef Aahcboro. Mr. Dicken. wa - th recipient of number , of beaaUfttl u;- - present. , , . , '1 ' STEVENS-CARTER COMMUNITY REVIVAL APRIL 27 TO MAY 11 Willi Be Held Under Gospel Tent Ad- juiuug oapnsi -'uturcn, ' ?T Asheboro,- N C . The revival will , be conducted bv Revt H. T. Stevens, superintendent of evangelism for the Baptist of North Carolina, and Mr. J. P. Carter, evan gelistic singer of the HomeJBoard of tne southern Baptist Convention. Mr. Stevens comes with. , a : record equal to any of the leading evangel ists. There has been more than a thousand members added to the Churches during the last year from the Steven-Uarter mee tinea. They closed a meeting last Sunday at Blaek Mountain with ixtv four ad - ditions, representing twenty heads of ramines. A cordial welcome is extended to all Christian workers, to join in the great soul winning campaign, Song .services, bemn at 7:30 P. M.. preaching at 8:00. Services during the week at 3:30 P. M. on Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday of each week. Irray that the Lord may give Ashe boro a great revival and that many souls may be saved and added to the churches of the town. fc:' t JAS. W. ROSE..' MURDER IN ROAD jCAMP iFive. shote fa the bodv1 to -Mandv owwecne-woman, anapana yiar-' jdenj a negrw manmpioyea on : tne roaqh camp looacea near ,r ransiinvuie, The-4d!fair occurred Sunday and' the woman was brought to Hay worth hos pital where an effort was made to re move the shots but it was useless, and she died early Monday morning. The body was sent to her former home at Rock Hill, S. C. An inquest was held and the verdict rendered that she died as a result of five shots. Han dy Hardin escaped, and as yet has not been captured. v Mayor Arthur Ross. Formally .An nounces Candidacy For Senate Mr. Arthur Ross is presenting his name to the citizens of this district as a candidate for the Senate. Mr. Ross is well and favorably known. He is Mayor of Asheboro, Secretary and Treasurer of the Home Building and Material Co., President of the Bonlee and Western Railroad and has varied business interests in this and ad joining counties. He is the son of Mr. R. R. Ross of Asheboro. MRS. ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE DEAD together anl formed a partnersmp known as the Brady-Hughes hard- Mrs. Zebulon Baird Vance, widow ware. They will carry a full line of of North Carolina's statesman and , hardware and will be ready for busi hero, died last Tuesday afternoon at "ess about May 1. They will be lo three o'clock at her home near Black jcated on Sunset Avenue next door to Mountain. Mrs. Vance had reached her 84th year. Funeral services were held Thursday morning at eleven o'clock at the St Lawrence Catholic church, Asheville. Mrs. Vance was married to the late Senator Vance fa 1880. At that time she was the wid ow of John S. Martin, of Louisville, Ky. r N.C BRANCH HOME AND FOREIGN MISSIONS MEET AT M. P. CHURCH The North Carolina Branch of by a splendid talk by Mrs. Wa Star Home and Foreign Missions is In . ' Pitteburgh, Pa, Mrs. Star 1 . .u u l . ,wi gn has recently returned from aa session t th M. P. church ct thl of mUaion fields of place this week, the opening session the world. Of her tour, she told in being held at !:00 o'clock Tuesday terestingly. . -. afternoon. The Foreign Department,! Thursday morning th work of the with Mrs. Georg R. Brown presiding Horn -.Mission Department foo ls being held Tuesday and Wednesday, mences, with Mrs. Wm. C. Hammer Rev. H. F. Fog! em an. pastor of th presiding. Report of committees o local church welcomed the delegates, ' auxflianea art scheduled oa th who number over a hundred, and Dr. morning program, as well as a talk Joy Harris Glascock, ef Greensboro, 1 from Rev. Homer Casto. of the Bethel responded most pleasingly. (Horn at Weavervilte. Rev. Mr, Casto 1 Report from the various officer ia doing great work in hi! Ham wer heard, and committees appoint- a. -- ' ' TV-- -, l Toeaday renin; a pageant, .The Itriking of America's Hoar" wa pre sented py the Asheboro Auxiliary. . , t Wednesday - th Foreign Depart event continued their work, stopping nly an piour at noon to bcetr-ed a hinaheoni in the chart h baaem-nt br a eommfttee from the local thank. .The Foreign Department concluded thai work Ja a raoat fitting roaaner ' What Oar ; Elel4 - Correspondent Hean and ThinkuC'Items Af v.----Iiitt."WckfA.UiCM- " If Congree can stave off it diffU ' cult until Jane th Mgh, ' choot graduates will tell 'it bow to; serf to, ewmtry-'CV 4 -Yl -. ; 'v ' f"Send- 'copy of, lte ;CottrJer to a, . . - . . 1 A 1 !. il . - aoaem ineou ana aivne umu vo uuw newsnaner xontainin z much Bew UtheyriU enjoy,, V?i-:V.. Mr. and mrs, js. wortnington, ox Randleman,' spent c-, few hour In Asheboro ne day last week. 7g ' Mr. and Mrs. H. El' Kennedy of High vPoint, were in Asheboro Sat urday visiting friends. - !' J;- '.- . .Mr.; Will' Booker; of ' Greensboro, was transacting business fa Ashe boro Saturday and mingling Wltk old acquaintances and friends. ? One death fa every nine is the re sult of an accident which means "that one-ninth of the lives lost could be saved if people were a little -inore careful., '4 Mr. S. F. Lovell, of Randleman Route 2, has purchased the Calvin Free farm near Cedar Falls. ; The purchase price was $3,500. Mr. C. R. Lambert has sold his farm near Coleridge and has moved his family to Ramseur. Oh, yes, there are days that come to all of us when our responsibilities apparently are too great, and : busi ness perhaps, is quite or maybe our account at the bank is most unsatis factory, but just the same it won't do to rock the boat. , Buck up, do not ' worry, We all ' meet adverse' and gloomy conditions! After . every shower.: however, the sun shines. The extremely heavy rains of the early spring have brought about a condition which is causing worry t the farmers. The ground has become raw-thoroughly-soaked in many sec tions that working, it will be, im possible for some time. Those who have planted potatoes early, or other crops expect a loss, and too" much rain will result in damage .to fruit. It is hot alone the farmer who should worry, for after all is said and done the people fa towrjf will feel ;the loss, when shorter late crops place high prices on food products. , One of the best spring medicines ever devised is to take hold and 'dig fa the garden, but it isn't exactly papular, for it does not cost any- ' X : . . ; L V ''' Vii.M'ii f -'miI.ii1 ''K,i.'iilarJ''- a.i .Innii- r-Tntf party success, and all good Uemo cratsare, should not wait until Ne vember before, doing that which they can do now to accomplish victory fa Randolph county this fall. Nothing succeeds like success, but success does not come along under its own 'mo mentum. Work is necessary under any and all circumstances, and if loy al Democrats will get busy early there is no doubt that there will be a Democratic majority rolled up in the county in November. But the time to start is now. You can get rid of anything ex cept a mean disposition by advertis ing in the want "columns of The Courier. Messrs. W. D. Burke and J. A. York, of Franklinville, were in Ashe boro a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Auman, of High Point, spent Easter in Ashe- ' boro. j Mr. Alvis Underwood, of Gray's , Chapel, was in Asheboro one day last week. I Messrs. J. A. Brady and C. E. Hughes have linked their rortunea 1 the Lexington Grocery Company. Messrs. Brady and Hughes are capa ble and entergetic men and we wish them a most successful business career. Mr. J. A. Ellis, of Coleridge town ship, has favored us with a renewal (Continued on Page 4.) which i for tubercular patients,' an h ia a specially invited guest ef the Branch,' coming to tell of th work there by invitation' Officers wl be elected In th afternoon and delegate appointed to attend the Boar meet ing next month. After idImSumm business, h meeUng will close. , During every ervle special romd has H given which was enjoj'fd ar4 ad '.cxl greatly to th pleasore ot 9 .reaeni ... r". n '. t. til : I 1 1 -. "J .ewi "t.. t

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