r rv 1 f ! 4 --ISSUED Y.TCKLY A-n-.:-i ..itd i ,,v ' "PRDCOPLi: POTMEN -V'-)- 4 V .ft 'iRALISEUftSCHOOIii CLOSED MAY 1ST I - r j, . "l ('Main oirv 1 'fBeslTer Cimnieneekait i or ttanuear tjraaed school i'. : v Other -News Jtmpw ' i :if -jm. v uii -itt g.i nm - .-.j school elosinK begrsa FidT ' Jiljht, if- ADril. 25th.1 U-ith .n iTrttM i tha J, J gmmfrrt(lS'tdn Saturday. Wght .U Gle .Qutr V8 J nc 'lnterMUnd 4 f)Smttk:r6J ' Grecjwbolw, f reachftd th . r aanuAt, sermon., on ftsanaay uxenwon I jilfa Wednesday nfeht theradnat- . t - bad Mm fepaied" under h efficient j.JJWf urecijon m pieir viass xeaawr,-" V WXA ,fln aalutory address wy sum "ttayed themselves' 1w Hrganiztaot and conducting tbe wore ox we a ass our-rtMng'oyeanrtilJndfeft.thrieadorship-i9dofutaie.:;raass President, v, Clyde IC Chisholm the. class had ma4o PenUid thronghriti .yw.urln Vp-thettleLPUiy' Class History1 was rtad .hlbyMiw Pauflne McAlister.. This wfts -!!LfoUowed1)y the Last Will and Testa-, ,(V. meno&epjasTTltoripbeU. . .f iayde; Cl Chisholnr acted th part of , x,Giftbriatt- W perfection while U the prophecy ten years hence. Miss Bess libmas delivered" tiier- Valedictory very impressively. A gift, a splendid, ocK was made by the jtiass - w ue ihj)(,Theiqias Mother, Mrs. v. v. arley, was-remembered -with a beau- fttftU gold fountain jen. xne entire fprogram reflected great credit to this !fin class and "their teacher. Names ; of those graduating: Misses - Bess ;Thomas, Nellie Byrd,, Blanche Moore, !t Evelyn - York, Paulina -r McAlister, 'Owana Honsrini Messrs. Clydo Chish- tlolm, Carl S Frances Bvrd. K&ID. if Wednesday morning the . people of the community and th; large number I of visitors had the trlrilsgo- of hear i big one of the finest literary addresses : if ever made here. Prof. Mrers.' of the s State University captured the Jiouse.J . wiuie ne spoice eepeoauy w wm graar I uatintr class his: words were anpUca- Die to au. in -anesjraur w imncrun eivilixation ha "said thft Kreatest need of tbe country tooay was- numan pro t' duets., t aen ana . women oi; cnaracwr I and: tabsgrity 'vor?'lyan 'loeople to be Square- citiMiw,'-He eav "peclany" spoke ofy ilryslBal.djivelOp Y ment and the need of the care of the body during the adolescent period. Dr. Myers argued that th, youth .of the country take wd ror tneir ' The diplomas were presented to the ' graduating class by Mr. L F, Craven of the school board, who was most $ earnest in advisinsr the members of ', the class to continue their education. . TTa nM a. o-lnwinir '.tribnte . to Dr, j Braxton Graven, on of MBkndolph's greatest educators. - i . ; ' . ' In the afternoon a recitation cott- ' test was held in which Misses Paulino Brown, Ada Hicks, Callle ; Belle Drawer and Nora, Scott tool ; Dart. The winner of this contest was Callie (Continued en Page 4.) ."tT. r' MI AH in A MftOllT "BRIDE OP , MR. CEOKGE XEAGUE Miss Ida Moody and Mr. George Teague, both of. Asheboro, were mar ried Thursday, May 1st, Dy we nnae s pastor, Rev. J. W. Rose, at the home of Mr. , and Mrs. I. M. Thomas. Mrs. Teague is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moody and a young wo man of charming personality. Mr. Teague is the sou of Mr. EU Teague, of Staley Route;l, and is a young man of sterling qualities. ; Ha holds a responsible position with the Asheboro- Motor; .Company whore he has been for number of years." After a short trip to Washington and other points they will bo at home in Ashe-' M0THEE3 DAT NEXT, SUNDAT The second Sunday m Miy has been set aside quite generally in the United States aa a day in which to honor the memory of mother who have tourneyed on.', -On this day. also ; the Ives of mothers whose love and care still .sweetens: tziatenee' are brighten ed by expressions of love and respect, Thus is loitered in the hearts of all ' that purest love that earth has ever known tap tore tnat surges between . the hearts of a mother and her child. ;A beautiful symbolism Is obsrved as ' part of Mother's' Day exercises. It la urged that a white flower (emble- matie of purity) bo wom personally on the day. Tm white carnation bos 'been chosen for that purpose, lta i -whiteness stand for purity its form, beauty, and fragrance stands for lore; i. Us wide field of growth, charity; its lasting qualities, faithfulness all true to mother qualities. , , e. . V ,.-! f FAIR PREMIUM LIST ISSUED ; ' The Randolph County Fair Assocla . tlon has rcently issued the catalogues and premium lists for the Fair , this ' fall. This la to be the fourth annual Fair tmer the,manB(r?njent of the AwionuUon, tticl bids fair to surpass all oMmrs. 1 .. i nxlncts dlnplayed at tha Kir nrh f,l sre a credit -.to Kando!- ' every year the products show an in:, , ,v i..-::.t, . provinsj that the County U ,vncing rspldly. The prlxs 1, r t tv; time is enlarged la msny rU art merit. The date seti is from l'',!err,bcr 24 to 8? lncluslv. , Cavenessl Ry Campbell; &aiti lif Free :'of 'Handittp. 'of iuTWiiiany Hall But: Ca ax, 6 Vashteftoiu. May 7;DeinocraU reoerally in Vhe Capital beuevea was &c deaUi of Charles.' FtMurphey would seriously cripple the campaign of Governor Alfred 'SnfitV for the DemocraUfrinbAiiafttioit for President feat it is, nowt r discovered that thatJthat.weh . splendid niano- is to be event has resulted Ja Jreeinar toe ov-j obtained. Seversf d&ens ave al ernor from the handicap of Tammany Hall and pushed him. well ; forward Into .second "place- in, the race. That is the chief ftoUticat 'development of the last ten' days. ' j ?jr. m -n -ThoappotetmentbfrFiwiklto T1 Roosevelt, an'; avowed i-opponent of Tammany and -representativo of Woodrow Wilson democracy in . New York State, as Givernor Smith's 'cam paign manager, has served' to present the1 Smith: candidacy la a entirely new light to the Democratic party and to the country; iThfe questionasked here 'today' is, can a Jtomaif. Catholic j be elected President; of t. the Vi United States. .! This question is being, direct, ed priniariiy at the South, in - every state of which, ihe Kut Klux Klan wields considerable political, influence. Smith- can aiot ba nominated u,' the South answers no to 1 this . : question; and' at tho? present moment, it is' felt the.' .South would, return an emphatic BO, : . ". ; On the other hand it is pointed out that it ItJPjotestants and not Cathff Ucswh4 are;tWef;ackhj4? Smithes eandidaoy 5Wiew? York, Connecticut, Massachusetts) jutd Illinois and New Jersey;, . Democrats here are being told that Jiocoatt carry all . these big NorthernAstates and that, he is prob ably the only Democrat who could. With these big States plus the solid South he could be placed in the White House. He could not win a State -west oft the, Mississippi, we. are tohLCJ '.l.;f I El lis Many Democrats who are very friendly to Smith, who rank him the best governor New York has had ' in a generation declare it yrxMi be bet. ter lor both the party and tne country to suffer defeat with- anotherPcandiF data rather, than w risk- his nomina tion. -The. fee that the t Republican party wouiajlot openly raiso . tno jre UgfowVi -ua it' would need to for thafeiissuo' wvam.t fanned,' to a flame in too places. Onof tha- grea :prowema h oiw vwiso xtm 9 ina party is now;? w xeep - vnav usue ut volVtha! New!T6rkiaonvention; lt is seen here that Senator Underwood haSi seriously impaired Ms chances for nomination by his war on the Ku Klux. - There is fear among Dem ocrats that1 some of his adherents: may throw that firebrand jnto the con vention. ' ' It Is certain that there will be no such trouble as religious issues, at Cleveland and the Democrats .are de termined tojavoid this worst "of all political plagues if possible. . For that reason Governor Smith's nominiation With! its many attractions appears ut terly! impossible to the wise men of hW party. There is an extreme Pro testant and extreme Catholic element wasted In this welter of hate when it Is so greatly needed to free the coun try from the incubus, of Republican inefficiency and the succubus or Re publican corruption. i .r , ASHEBORO COMMENCEMENT . , BEGINS MAY SOTH The commencement exercises of the Asheboro school will begin . ! May 80th at 8:00 o'clock fn the evening with the elementary exercises. Sun day, June 1st, the annual sermon will be preached. - The Class Day . . exer cises, will be held Monday evening. Tuesday anorning' at 4:00 o'clock the awards will be given- and Tuesday evening' Dr. N.;W. Walker, of Chapel Hill, will deliver the address to the graduating class and diplomas will be given. The class play will be given Wednesday evening and this- will mark the close of the commencement Mora definite arrangements will be announced later. 1.'. 1 1 .t 'i ' METHODIST EPISCOPAL . MATTERS (ByW. H-Wniia.) e The writer officiated at the mar riage of Mr. &,E. English, of Trinity, and Miss Helen. Smith of Henderson villa, on May rd, at Asheboro. Miss Jesse Wood Md Mrs.' , Hen rietta Ferree have Joined our church by certificate. This scribe spent a part of Sunday, pleasantly, at the ' Kearna reunion. Many- ef these -present were members of the Asheboro church. On Pastor Clay's Invitation we ate reft! fried chicken at his home Wed- iictt iay evc-.ing. .5 V. face tii tent Is too small to ac co! nodu9 a!l the people, we will hold our uruU rhurrh service Sundsy evpidng. Topic: "Mouth and Heart . . The mom in subject will be, "The . RANDOM EXTHESSI0NS v t '' "I'm ttred it death." So yoa hsve often said an 1 are still alive and in very good health. ' - 1 . "I had not a -wink of sleep . alt night",. And yet your . bH-iellow heard' yoa snore sevenj t'mea. . "I would not do it f .r all the world". And yet yu Hive done tnany things eqnlly In I for a tririe. "We were op to our It In tmid". And you-know very well the mud was not over your shoos Selected by Sybil '. Barker. . - . , . North CTi-::-i, NEW PIANO FG?r - asiecoro saioci H f oraer An Present Pupils ' tJiied (o.-Coperat W ftur n'" .,;.eharfar 'the Mutt ,uMany of the people at tlie town al ready launr that, - a Stainwajr Piano is to b placed In tha Aaheboroi school in the near future.-and rill' rejoice ready contributed liberally toward this fond and a recmest is being ma i tnat au pupus or uias iNaniue ku; m sena n least a aoiiar.'t-suss' uuua haa. taught Jn the town for years, and truck "td' transport the children to her pupils are? almost fcamberiesfc If i Stale ; and' the other asking that the each one will contribute --th state4 district remain as it now is. After amount or; morei this f'w'to a' splen cottrfdertng both petitiont thorough did 'start toward the toayinent. 'As ly it was ordered that ,tho former everybody knows a.Steinway-Piai' iaforder of April 7th remain in force an expensive1 on, but it is well worth for one vear. ' A truck is to he fui tiie price, an at a meeting of a Iarpe'lnifined this district for one year be- numner 01, people. 01 -ino cownwnoiginntag; with the fail term. Marleys wen asked to -meef with: Miss Bulla j Mill school house' is to remain -where arw .miss May. nwas'iecide(Ko ,y try to obtain the best piano available for the, children' of tho town Thiv f course, will .be hi the new school audi torium, and, will be. used for concert work, but W is felt by those most 1n torested, that jt will, be a great thing fo the children; of the'town to bive 4 township; king-tiiat they be 7trans access to a Stem war-xriano; SubscriniifAwrt tfliTehritw.Thii rMint mt iioiMjMf H MAw iioim Naai me puiia, na w w tropea .uuvivrqerad that 1ustioaK-fton , as the only win tte-ptipfls of Mis BuUa'reaiTrihity house is completed; a truck spontort,Hbtit-tha!veiy;el and zen of Asheboro .will have a part in Millera school will be discontinued. ' ttiis piano. It Is urged that no debt! The fcllowine jcommlttee were, ap- is-wsdto sendmg this;ioney. 3 i wiu'k!!?i' V v r TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT, Rev. W. A. Lambeth Delivers SemoaiTinclu v " Wednesday evening, May 7th,' : x ..1 fn.j T3 l TOenw wim a program n-ine cnurwr &l?att&,R' L1? transacted ana the jurors wwre chosen and, reared near theThwsday i-afwf eofat which xeonvenes May 26tiu KSU mtdSun 5."!,. wm:b;iv4m flext week. Two;itoma SSTLyZiZSi r'lof eswcial mterest were those -eon K1" i will be - presented grade. -Friday 1 HArlumfttlnn knit: for medairww tjejBWAinepapUa,;; are 'ehtering Weontests an$,eitf riday SZ" JS"L S""1 w . urauviuini, iiAfiLViiTU . ivin,iimnKi unfi ain.TmniV Oarence Lovett Withdraws As Can . ' didate For Sheriff. The Democratic Executive Com-i,wi?cmu5h SUCCSS- 1 mittee met in the court house lart! large number of the being present. Mr. Clarence Lovett, co-operation in the promptness of who announced his candidacy for the r. pla.r atot notion of Sheriff of .'.the countv a'K in.th? singing, and in other ways. fw M withHww his name. A resolution was passed that present county commissioners asked to allow their names to presented to the citizenship of county for re-election.. CLUBS IN SESSION The North Carolina Federation of Womens Gubs is in session at Ral eigh this week, holding the. opening miIihi TiimHav veninir. At this first session, Mrs. Palmer Jermanl spoke. In her talk, two paramount -is sues of the day were discussed, law, enforcement and international rela-1 tions. Tha meetings p will -continue through Friday, and each day's pro - mm ! full of vitallv interertinc things Besides the regular business aufniit thm tn b biwalrfart and luncheon conferences as well as a re - caption at the Governor's mansion and a dinner. at tne bit waiter. . f - Pif aa4 Poultry QU Orgaaised ' At a recent meeting held at th High , Bohool at Farmer, ' County Atent K. 8. MtllsaDs.' Jr stned uo 48 boys and, girl in pig and poultryj club work. , ine dots ana cms oti this county are wide awake, and will eush this work until they are , able to compete favorably with other like organisations in the State. , : t ' DEATH OF CYRUS OZKNT Cyrui A, Oment, aged 79, 5 a well known dtisei" of? the Sumtnerneld neighborhood, died at the tome of his daughter, Mrs. f Walter Henley May 6th, and was burled at Rebobeth Church cemetery Tuesday, May 6th. Mr. Oxnent was a wetl known cltlxen of his community sad a member vf the Methodist church.' He is survive': i by two daughter, and two sons, and a large number of (other 'relative, among whom are Mr. Fred Ofment of Asheboro. , ' . ,;- v: , QvU Service Essmlnatloa.May United RUtmi Civil Service examin ation for third class postmasters will be held in Asheboro. Saturday, Kay 17th. The examination will start at 9:00 o'clock a, m. .. I Tl .riyMay sV-It24. CCOTJJOARD OF IEETS LLUer School To Be Consolidated : TOtt '.Trinity; School; Wffl Um Track System; JMiimtea ff vtho ''previous meeting were veaa ana. approved.' ; . - At'jtho former meeting April 17th an order was made to discontinue the Marleyi .Mill, school house, and trans port the children is' Staley school. An amendment was "made to ; this order Two' petitions were presented frflin ttn ifrnn a v Mavlinra' 'Mill it it for a period of one year, and at .the expiration of one year, if the people should decide that they do not want a 4ruck; any longer,-the Board wfil takei lnieh action as it deem, best ' A petition was presented from the .trons or Muler school, ' Trinity approVaf of 1h board, and, was pointed forvTrmity s ;towiiship, a: lt wili be .the duty, of thht wmmitteeito fioneratohe schools of the towhshios T. S.Bouldin, J. T., Weaver, Chas. W. rx , anu iO' y.' Constnietira ' of s .ff.i ; .. . j Numerous: Itemsf of 'business were WfiuiWi Highway No. 76,:and;Wdsfor T'WiXiFarmer SchooL oard accepted rZi -1 it." 7" i" . 1 were rejcvieu. ' irnn mil mttxittv Dmvll lnii lAlUHiUllll 1 ui 11 nu 1 The Stevens-Carter tent meeting next to the Baptist church is meeting - ! Everybody speaks in the .highest the ! praise of both the preaching and the K'sinirini. There has been a large out ..!of town attendance, and some from auite a distance. There has been ; quite a number of conversions and ad ditions to the church. I The meeting will continue through i"00" Dunauy, ana u uiicreat uciuaiiua, into next ween. LOCAL FIRE COMPANY "ON THE JOB" Asheboro's citirenshlp followed the Are company down to the gasoline tanks 1-4 of a mile south of the city limits where some grass near-by the tanks was burning, ine precaution Jof having the fire company go to do their work in advance possibly pre- i vented a terrible explosion. ' The "fire bovB" did not anoear to consider the ; possible danger and rushed to their work, which was effective, and noth ing came of ft But to a casual on looker, the local fire company "saved the day" and they are due "honorable mention . BRADY-HUGHES HARDWARE OPENS This week marked the opening of Asheboro's third hardware store lo cated on Main Street across the rail road track, and adjoins F. E. Byrd and Co. This store is new and mod ern and has a fullstoek of hardware already. It is owned and managed by Ex-Sheriff J. A. Brady, who was with: : Watkins-Lsonard - Hardware .Company at Ramesur forjnany years. ami Mr. Clarence Hughes, who was with cCrarr-Rdlng " Hardware Company for fifteen, veers.1 1 v, - . . '- . n ... li-iQ-,! Ce-epersiiv Cottoa Orgsalsetloa 1 d.ThmiDS. field. iwpresonUtiv f Cottrtn Growers Co-operative Mar ' ting Association, organteeii a Strong loral unit at Liberty on . March 29th. with 83 members, quite a number of others in that section have Joined the s'fx-iatlnn and will become members of the Lilxrty local. 1 1 - -. The sentiment Is growing snd ke forj ctton Is picked this fall, it now lks like a majority of the. growers iu be in it. .' MEMBER. FRANKLEfVlLLE HIGH, ! - SaiOOL COMMENCEMENT Dr. a C Norton. Delivers .Ser mon; Dr.Hubert 1 Potent ".JtWirri U4reas;r Commencement exercises ef ' the Franklin ville school besraa- Pridav Evening May 2nd,' with a play by the Ulgn School. -Nothing But the Truth" with 1 - trXIn-Arxr s k,rfUiHn. Vernon Phillips, Ollen Wrenn, Wiley Dickens, Herbert Fox,1-W -C Grose, Charlene Grrmea, Esther Moon, Marie Wrenn, Mattie '.Hall, -and Margaret Buie. On Saturday, evening Dr. Hu bert Potest of Wake Forest College, delivered N the. literary address to ttie graduating dass.',;j'7",i tsunaay evening m the Methodist Episcopal' church, Dr, C C Norton, of. Chapel HilL delivered the Bacca laureate Sermon, to the senior class. This was an inspiring, message and one of the largest crowds ever as sembled in this church enjoyed this wonderful sermon.. Dr.1 Potest spoke on the voluntary call for service, and urged the ; war -en ' Ignorance, vice and sin In aa torm4v.,l.v - The final exercises were at the au ditorium Monday evening when the following program, was tendered by members or - the . graduating ' class: Salutatory, Ollen Wrenn r' History, Vernon' PhfllipsrChUdrenJPodav. Cit izens Tomorrow,' 'Wiley Dickens Prophecy,, Mary Hollidayj Life JJ wnat we Make it, -- Elmer Moon; Hunirary (Koellmsr). lula .Routh: Class Poem. Olen Wrenn r Give To the World the Best You Have Mary Hol- laday; Last Will and ..Testament lula Routh; (a) "Crescendo", (b) Music Among the Pines " IWyman), Veroon -Phyllipe; Graduation Be ginning Not an Ending, Oliea Wrenn: Valedictdry, lula Routh.id .it, ? A ' Mr. John W. Claik, chaiman of the School Board, proBeated the diplomas to' the ' irraduates whew are,.v Ollen Wrenn, Vernon Phllllpsv Wileyv Dick ens, Mary HoBaday, -Nora. Phillips, Elmer Moon and IuU: Routh. : Cer tificates were 'awarded to.. the foI4 lowing who finished the. seventh grade this year; Page Hurleys J.j V- Densoni CorA Mae1 -Fox, -Grace Grose, : Alton Burke, Elisabeth Fox Phillip ; Groce, Robert Hughes, Clarence York, Dor othy Ferree Ines Curtis, Fred Hen sony Forney Henson, FeazljHiidson, ana utus momasM, ' ? j it, Rev:' W. A,lJlami;cf the -i Baptist church presented prizes to Miss Mar garet Buieof the 10 grode, ,or excellency 4ar (mathematics and French. Miss- Marv: Holladav receiv ed the 'ttrhf. for the hest.-work done SL. ' ' Ji.L. . i-J - t it .: ,.J .... v.iua'-- -r- CONSOLIDATED ' The Board of Education of Ran dolph county met in regular session Monday, May 5th, at the court house in Asheboro. One of the most im portant matters coming, before the Board was the consolidation of the Trinity school and the school in Miller district. It was decided to combine these two . schools having the pupils go to Trinity by trucks and there have the advantage of the high school through the eleven grades. The school in the Miller district only had seven grades, and there were only about fifty pupils. This district is located about four miles south of fTrintiy. Some weeks ago a petition was passed to the twenty-eigh fami lies who patronize the school and twenty-four out of the twenty-eight were for consolidation. MR. F. L. BROOKS WILL OPEN NEW STORE Mr. F. L. Brooks, who has had msnv years experience in the mer cantile business will about the twenti eth of the month open an up-to-date new store in which ne will carry new dry goods and notions. Mr. Brooks will specialize in ladies ready-to- wear. He will occupy the new build Inz of Messrs. J. M. Caviness and M E. Alien now under construction next to K earns Market in the Stedman budding. Mr. Brooks has been in the northern markets and has announced that he has selected a beautiful Une of goods. Death of Mrs. J. O. NewUn Mrs. Mary Ellen Swaim Newlin died April 22nd, at the Morgan ton State Hospital, where she had been a patient, for a a umber of years at the age ef C Mn. Newlin was Uie daughter of the late Charles H. and Isabella Swaim. ' Funeral services were held at the hospital . with appropriate services and Interment was made Jn the Hos pital cemetery. The deceased is sur vived by her husband, Oliver Newlin, two sons, James, and Joseph 'Newlin, and two daughters, Mrs. u J.1 Davis and Miss Hettio Newlin ail of Sophia Route 1. m. ,. s.:r.Ct MEMORIAL RERVICES ' J v, , , AT UMOtf GROVE - There wD! be memorial services at Union- Grove- Christian r church the third Sunday la May. There' win be all-day services. Sunday School ab 10 o'clock, preaching at eleven and mem orial services m toe evening. Every body is Invited. ;-i t . ' . V Randolph Board ef EUctlgne Meets. 1 The Randolph Board of Elections met in the court house last week and beiran- the appointment of the reg istrars and Judges of elections for toe various Precincts ef the county, for the primary which will be held Bat unity, June 7th. A lilt will be pub- usned nexv week. NUMBER It TOM AND v it. CODNTYNEWS Wnat Our JleM Correspondent - Hears and Thinks) Items of Interest Picked Up. We want von as a ! subscriber tn Th Courier. Let as have your name. Yes, there is plenty to do. Be at least a rib in the backbone o vonr community. , - f There are dozens- of people in Asheboro who could be developed in to leaders to share their parti in its development Are you shouldering your share ef civic responsibilities T , Mr. K. C Victory, a good citizen ef tha Level Cross section, who has been quite ill for several Weeks, is very much improved. t ' We didnt use to pay much atten tion to a drunken man. but new wa stop long enoueh to wonder where ha got it - .Mr. f. c. Pearce- has moved his goods into his new store .haHding about two miles north of ' Ashebore. Mr: Pearce is a fine fellow, and i do ing a good mercantile business. Mr; Joe Buie,-of FranklmviDe, was among our renewal subscribers to The Courier last week,, Mr. Buie stands for everything for the material uplift of the countv and lb enthusias tic for good roads, good schools, good cnurcnes and good citizenship. He would make a fine county officer. Mr. w. jtt. Jones, of Climax Route 1, says he cannot set alonar '.without The Courier. He ,sowns a Valuable farm and is a good man and'popular with all who knoW him." a ; An acre garden with chickens, veg etables, fruit and berries means that tne cosf of- living is reduced, and that there is also a cash return, i There will be money for th Building and LoanJ llisddatlon'and the;: Savings Bank. "You can own "an ' automobile Land not. feel, the. iiehr" In other Words the pay envelopO jdoee not have to) bear all the fruit , modern living condiaons. r'xneret4s a jgionous reel ing of satisfaction in an acre garden because it's independence if the clouds gather n the sky. , ; ., . , . fiamo your farm, ; place ' a sign over the gate, use printed envelopes and paper with your juime iand ad dress printed thereon, almost as cheap as plain paper. , Call at The Courier and let us show jou how neatly and cheaply the printed stationery can be had.St'-r.&,V- .'j . , , W. D. Stedman ft Son, of Asheboro, ; sell more good than.-." ;,eny atore . to Randelnh eounty. J'or av Idna? timn ' - thejt have-erved the feopleof Ashe boro and sumunoig. wuon-.aneK----. served them well, and the own . is proud Of them ' and their business which they have built up on the high est and most honest methods. Mr. J. R. Lutterloh, of ;Franklin ville, gave us an order for, some job printing -a few days ago. Mr. Lut terloh is a big minded, public spirited man and has the welfare of Franklin ville and Randolph county very near his heart. He is a believer in progress and prosperity and is always ready to help promote. these ideal condi tions. til (Continued on pajje RANDLEMAN HIGH SCHOOL CLOSES TUESDAY, MAY 13TH The Randleman High School will close a very successful years work, Tuesday, May 18th, with the follow ing program rendered: Saturday evening, May 10th at 8:00 o'clock, a play in four acts "Out of Court", will be given by the High School. Sunday afternoon, May 11th at SAO o'clock. Baccalaureate Sermon Dr. J. Clyde Turner. Monday morning, May 12th at 10:30 o'clock, Recitation and Declama tion Contests. Monday evening, May 12th at S0 o'clock, Class Day Exercises. Tuesday morning, May 18th at 10:30 o'clock, Graduating Exercises. Song Song of Spring Glee Club Invocation Rev. A. G. Loftfat Song America Glee Chtb Literary Addrem . . Dr. D. D. Carroll Song Our Bright Starry Banner Utee Onb Awarding of Diplomas gupt Ed. B.Carroll Marshals: Ruth Slack, Chief; Paul Russell, Everett Bbling, Jewel Boling, Almeda Cernellson. MRS. W. 1 POK DIES IN LIBERTY SECTIOH Mrs. W. L. Foe, 72, died at her home 10 miles south ef liberty. She had been unwell several weeks, suffer ing from heart trouble. Mrs. Poe is survived by 11 chOdresv J. W. and J. D. Poe, of Staley, and C Av James and W. !A. Poe, ef EQer City. Mesdames 2 A F. Glosaon of Maadalel F. A. SUer, W. M. Johiswn and W. IL Davis, of Slier City: M M. Patterson, of Frankliuvflle P. IX Smith, of 8taley; UlBe York, of Liberty.. .There are man smndchO dren. i ;'' y , . , j -,v j. 8.' Worth, or near f ' ' . . JULIAN, T)LfcS OF PARALYSIS J. S. Worth, Sir, el 11, pmmtnent resident of near Julian, ' died mat Wedneadsy following a stroke of paralysis which occurred about three weeks agot - . Survivtng are two children, J. 8 Worth, Jr, of High Point, and Mrs, R. B.'John, of Fayettevttle, The de eeased was buried at Guilford College, ,1 ...i; 5 -- A ' "'A 1 i t

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