. r A' ' ' v. .: i. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE IS3UEDJWHEKLY t'- PRINCIPLES, NOT HEN VOLUME XLIX 1 - Aahebor. North CaroIiM. rhursday, May, 1924 NUMBER a STAGG PARTY AT . . ; ' Mr. Jmes Burns Host to Mem ' bers of Local Fire Company.", -"' Several Speeches Made.' 4 ' , . -V'-Si ".' " '-f'': ' The members of the Asheboro fire department were .entertained -at,, a. , mostr.enjoyame stagg party at we country club, on- VYednesday , evening '.. of last week,' Mr James, burns .1 be ing the hosts: A few. invited -guests were present besides d the- firemen, Messrs., Ernest - Wiles . .and Arthur Bur knead furnished music in ; the nin.no and drum.. followed. by4 singing. Dr.- 0. L. Presnell and Mr. Shatter - Ferree crave a closr dance that was The feature of the evening was the delicious supper, of an abundance of chicken stew, green peas, celery, iced tea, chicken saiad, cream, case, ami other good things. - " s " Mayor ArthuT Ross was" ' present And made a talk to the firemen, com ' plimentjng them on the good work i&ey are doing. . Mr. Case, of Case and Cothran, who are enlarging the water and sewer system of the town, " also, made a, talk. MayorRoss re t ferred to, the old days to Asheboro when water was hauled in barrels to be used by the manufacturing plants. He said tnat,!to the 'best of his knowledge, -there has been-only one, cue of typhoid fever in Asheboro in the years since the water and sewer system ws installed. A short ' business- meeting was held, and the. meeting of the State Firemen's convention to be held in High Point, in July was discussed. Messrs; w. a. uouui w.v. na are the delegates appointed. ''."' The Asheboro fire department has recentlv purchased a new truck for susKOft and the town has passt W that ffives the truck right of way in the rtreets in case of are. When the, alarm sounds it is the duty of everybody driving in the streets, to i draw up to the' curb and allow the truck to pass without obstruction. This measure is i necessary for the protection of life,- and - the ' firemen ' appreciate the law. A possible contest ((o be held be " tween the two hose companies on July Fourth, was discussed. t Dr. C. A, Hayworth, who has re-, cently been elected surgeon for the -. department was present and made a ." talk. Dr. Hayworth has offered his fiw -fnr first ,. aid tO' tVKT t firemenr.whO; may be.njored while.-.on duty." '.-, , - y. j-;. je ; Altogether .the - occasion- was most pleasant and profitamVone. Ihe firemen and other guests enjoyed, to the fullest extend the bounteous hos pitality of their host, Mr, Burns. Autos Must Be Registered Under Tl - tie Owning System Automobile owners of North Caro lina to the number of iO,0QQ have not yet registered their cars nttder the title owning systenV 'a.ccrdinK t0 State Motor Supervisor J. E. Sawyer, who is aUo to charge , of the Ucense bureau of the secretary of. states of fice, i These owners will be compell ed' to produce title certificate ; be fore a license for their cars will be Issued for the next year, Mr. Saw yer stated. ' ,' . una ifnuDicnv 7V APPOINTED TRUSTEE wife of KNIGHTS' OF PYTHIAS -1 HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET A Hundred or More People Were Present to Enjoy Tws ue-v. lightf ul Occasion.,, CHIEF JUSTICE.WALTER CLARK DIES MONDAYAT HIS RALEIGH HOME Fridav 'evening.1 May 16th, the Asheboro Lodge NO. 236 KnighU of Pythias held their annual banquet at the" Ashlyn hotel, t Mr.'1 Charles H. m-An inMung program was. a&TZr fTV, giten dunng-e a mner-as iouows: - . '-- dren, I. C Moser: Solo, Jliss Mae!6tncken 00 Sunday about noon with He Was a Confederate .yeteran; Judge of Superior Court Four Years; Associate Justice on Supreme Court Bench Fourteen Years; Chief Justice for a Quarter of a Century Presnell; Why I Was Scared When I apoplexy and died early Monday Was Initiated, James 0. Walker; The morning at his Raleigh home, w DuV of. Lodge Members One to An-' He.was af?e-. hK other, C. N. Coxf Friendship, iRev. C. jbf n10bra Halifax county August G. Smith; "Why f Joined the K. . p., 1 19, 1846- He was judge of Superior Rev. H. F- Fogleman ; A Lodge's Re- ourt ?or fo"F year8' iIs.vi n : t4. t t justice on the Sunreme court, bench Rrtsa: AssociaHon. A. I. Ferree: Stflo. for 14 .years, then chief justice Miss Elyer Richardson; Our School iqr,l.c 7' Redding; Ross A duartet bv Reva Miss Thorne- of Halifax' and n .Tuesday af ri nSiln t ypan both sides he inherited some of .the 'moved : to Program, J. 0, Pythians, Dr E. Arthur 6. Smith, I. C. Moier, O. L. Presnell, S,"!??. and J. O: Redding, was enjoyed. blod m the state. hundred op more neonle were nresent to enjoy this delightful occasion. REVIVAL SERVICES IN PROGRESS AT RAMSEUR The intire State felt the toss' and hSusan Graham, daughter of Gover nor wiuiam uranam. He .'was appointed associate justice of the; Supreme court in 1885, and in 1903 was nominated and elected chief justire which position he has held since. He played a prominent part in the life of the ..state in all its periods of, crisis arid development, i Funeral services"'' were conducted from 'the Central Methodist church . , . , I , .... S . ' u. AL -.u' i A - ' -1 1 . 1 laKnnaliin in a Cnrnmiinitv T Tl TJUSUCe On me iSUpreme C0U1T DenCn I lUCSUtty JUVeruuun av 1 QCIOCK, Wltn iaUOnSnip.tO a immunity, V- V- i 1t on ft,., ji V,. .rMntOMnoM. it. HaWnnH rnt.r I The bodv of the Chief Justice lav Mnl. - . . 1 ! T 1 jl . ,j I iJ..--i 1. .... 4.1 f i .. i. J u (i rne lamer oi justice uarK was m uic ruvunua ui uie ocaLe Iflen Tlnvld niaflr Wia mntViAi- wn'f!anitol from 10 o'clock until A o'clnrlt afternoon, when it was re- the Central Methodist IchurchiiThe funeral was counducted wvion ha Ifi o r.: ki'wo. 'hy the -pastor, Rev. H. I. Glass, as- assigned to duty as drill master in the"sted jjrthe presiding elder, of the 35th regiment, in the Civil war, later. distncVReV. Dr. M. T. Plyler. returning to the school at Hillsboro. s The following sons and daughters Later at the age of 16 he entered -survive :'- David Clark and Walter tOfilW aamrifiil in tlii. Pftn-Porfavo.frf PlarV J.: if l.httrlntt.p! W A Cim- The singing class -from the chH- army and was wounded at the battle ham Clark," Washington; John W. dren's homeati Winston-Salem, . will of Sharpsburg. Clark, , Franklin ville; Thorne Clark, five an entertainment at M..E. church . After the war he studied law,4. Lincoluton; Mrs J. E. Erwin, Mor unday morning morning June 1st. Va(UJating in 1876 and practiced in'ganton and Mrs. John A. MacLean, auo uooD "ui v itaieign. in ion ne marnea ivires Jreenwoqu, suum varouna menv. 01 ouperuaeuucin. xvcv. j. jx. Wood a former pastor of Franklin ville M. E. church. This is a good programe, and a rare treat to see the children and learn something of the work being done in the Children's Rev. W. A. Elam Preaching Wonderful Sermons. Other ' News Items. Rev. W. A. Elam pastor of the Ramseur Baptist church is preaching some wonderful sermons here this week The revival is doing much good. J. P. Carter is leading the singing and is proving himself a master at the job. Services will probably go on through the week. On Sunday morning the pastor and build ing commite burned the last notes for the church debt, the splendid im provement masULin this church two years ago. A 3e flames consumed PRESENT VIEWS OF POLITICIANS What Will Be the Course -of Senators La FoIIette and Johnson In Campaign. FRANKLINVILLE NEWS LIBERTY NEWS Mrs. Binford, wife of the president of Guilford College, made quite a 5 FARMER NEWS ''"Mr, Manley Fuller, of Lumberton, was the guest of Mr. M. F. Skeen on Home. Dinner will be served on the helpful, as well as interesting ad-1' Saturday and Sunday. ground and everybody is invited to dress to the P. T. A., at the Junior bring a basket of provisions and en-j Hall, Wednesday afternoon, joy the occasion. y ' ! Mrs. John Tull, of Sanford, spent Mrs. W. V. Brown and children, of the week-end with friends in town, i a I Ellerbe, spent last week . with the Miss Sarah Kime, of Raleigh, spent lamuy oi, v. r vraven. louimay nere wim uer bisi-bi, - iuis. Mr. and Mrs. b. u Hackney, or j. Kom smith. Charlotte, visited Mr. Hackney's par ents,- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hackney, Saturday and Sunday. , , h Miss Sarah Parks, who has a posi tion as trained nurse. In Hayworth hospital, Asheboro, is spending this week with relatives here. , Miss Matilda Strider, who has been in Wilkerson hospital, Rahdleman, for the past week, returned home' Sun day. . v f J.S- Mr. J.vW, Moore la spending a few weeks with his son-in-law, Mr. Bur rel SnidertOf New Market township. , Misses Florence Marley, Elizabeth and Anna Fox, Mary "Lois Jordan, Finley GurtiBland'Dr. A P-Newcomb Governor MwriBon, ha been, appofat ed to the board of trusteee of the stonewall Jacksdtt Tndning v school, .tot.' ahnol at Concord xor un fortunate boys."The ennowM!ement of Mrs Morrison's" election to the board was made by Jamea Pv Cook, chair man of the tpard. i--- I, MEMORIAL RRRVICKS . ' m- ;AT SUADYGROVE 1 ' Mernorial eervices win be held t the Shady Grove Baptist church two miles west of Staley the first Sunday In June. The principal address .will mad hr Rev. W. A. Elatn, of The people of this com' 'wiiinit m lookinir forward to hear- In . Rev. Elam with a great deal ol ' pleasure. ; Rev. Ai. K. Scotten t wiu Address the yountr people1 t' Ue nnminir RMsion. The. rrave will be decorated with flowerr just before the noon' hour. Everybody, i urged; to , brinir flowers. Services will continue . ah mv. and dinner will be serfed n the grounds in picnic style, rieasant .' ilijl choir wui rurrmn xpewum iTTtv.Ti? r.SYsnV RIVES ' V " , -y. EO A D SENTENCES Jiufrr T. TV I!rvuni iudire well known and liked in Anheboro, who has bn preidlnjr at IinidnviUe eourt rfwrnUy, declared that long t I n K Kenrli. It Will h ffit BUr- to pntpnceA the mads each I vrrv CfTOtl convicted of ruO' en suiomobile intoxicated. I f;rii, clemency was i f ': f .r n yrmnir whit man, and t i i. '(r . n li 1'" rfrrnitfcd t! ' . a . i i 1 ff - rvi the in went nshinit Thursday. afternoon and not having much luck fishing, turned into the country in search of wild flowers; and trailing cedars. , They soon found themslves lost and after waTkihir several miles found their way at last by Potters creek back to Deep; river and werenanded safely at home by 6:30 o'clock. .W. J. Moffitt and family. R. A. Davis and family, and Mrs. C. J.json in Sanford Spoon attended w. m. uox s Dirtnaayr at Ramseur, Sunday. W. H. Wrenn and family attended Memorial services at High Falls Sun Colon Cox, James and John uraven, of Greensboro, were here for a short visit Sunday evening. Misses Mary and rather moon at tended the commencement exercises at Buies. Creek last week. Mr. CT. Hehson is in charge of the poitoff ice at Frenklinville. " Mr. w. J. Jones nas improved, oy paint and brush, the appearance of his. handsome bungalow on Asheboro street. - ' Miss Nettie Moon, who has been teaching at Buies Creek, has returned Mr. E.' C. Spoon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Beaver, of Greens boro, were the guests of CE. and W. C, Henson, franklin vine Koute l, Sunday -- " Mr. Edgar Denaen left last week for Winston-Salenf -where he, expects to work this , summer. , Mr - W . A. Routh. Miss Iula and Ernest Routh ' and Margaret Buie Dr. A. G. Jones, of Walnut Cove, visited his daughter, Mrs. Hubert Smith, last Friday. -A number of our people attended the picture show, "To Have and . 'to Hold'V given in the Liberty Junior Hall for the benefit of the Parent Teacher Association, Saturday night. Prof. Walter Owen, of the Winston Salem schools, has been giving dome fine pictures, two-thirds of the pro ceeds, of which, go to the Liberty P. T.. A and one-third to his school work in Winston-Salem.; , ' , '. j, v . " 'Mr.' and Mrs, ' George. Smithy of 'Burlington, spent' Sunday in town tWitft-Mr.vBTtci iirs.'yrus .Tsnaunew,. lUrs.. L S. Kearns and children, of Mt., Gilead, returned home Saturday after-a visit-of two weeks to her motherV.Mrs. Roxana Dorsett. Mrs. Dorsett accompanied them home. ' Prof. B.- M. Cheatham and family will leave'rthis week for South Caro lina, where, they expect to make their home, i We regret to see them leave, and wish' for them success. Mr$. J. H. Kearns was called last week to Winston by the illness ; of her daughter, Miss Jaunita, who has scarlet- fever. Mrs. W. C. Kearns and children, and Miss Hazel Kearns came to Farmet to be out of danger of the disease. ; , Mf. Sr C. Cranford, who has been ill for several Weeks is sufficiently recovered to make a visit to relatives in Asheboro,', His sister, Mrs. Lizzie Davis, who has'.been with him, has retw c ' 'wi' home "at Pinson;' MrM,..U Mrs. CarlVuncannon:' nH s" A number -of cases of measles are- irH n& i juassxter, oi ureensooro, reported irr Liberty at present. ' repent Sunday with homefolks at Me' nr. .Tits.; firpo-ir and familv. who chanic and on Asheboro Route 2. have' been "residing in Siler City for ' Miss- Henrietta Lassiter, who some time, have returnel to make taught the past year at New Alliance, their home here. We are glad to N. L has returned home. welcome them. I Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morgan, of High Miss Irene Patterson, of Burlmsrton. ' Fotot, -were the week-end guests of is visiting relatives here. Mrs.. A . league is visiting her Mrs. Flora Morgan. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Colin O. Bird, who lives in the Holly Springs section. Mr. and ;Mrs. & F. Delmar, and on May 13th, a son, Jack Morgto. Mr. and Mrs. Prevost of Durham, 'Mrs, Bird Is with her mother, Mrs. visiter! Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Johnson on I Flora Morgan. Sundav. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allen, ' I . .nil. Mrs. Hardin, of Julian, is visiting oi tne uomDay communny, may iotn, i i.1 . T - c . r . i ner muuier, sinii uaniciuu, iui a icw the papers theXcongregation sang from their hearts "Praise uoo irom whom all blessings flow." It was an impressive ceremony and one of great joy for those people. n Stinday May 11th the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trog don. little Herbert Milton, aged 6 months, was laid to rest in the ceme tery here. He died at Hayworth's hospital May 10th, after a brief ill ness. Kev. w. Li. scott neia tne ser vices. The. parents have the sym pathy of their many friends. Mr. L). E. Highnll and tamiiy spent Sunday with her parents at Liberty. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. (jraham spent the day with "Mother Graham" at Graham last Sunday. Mr. H. b. Moore was a business visitor from Greensboro Saturday. Mr. E. C. Watkins made a trip to New York last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Phoenix, ol Greensboro, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Wicker and son and Mr. and Mrs. Ayers and daughter, of Greensboro, were visitors at Mr. J. 0. Forresters Sunday. N. C. Colles-e school mates as fol lows spent the day with Miss Lucile Forrester: Misses Annie Brown, San ford; Lillie White, Mebane; Fern Green, Durham; wuia noiioway, Fuauav Springs; Elizabeth Weddi- field, Fayetteville; and Lois Delry naple, Jonesboro. Mr-fEarl Steed ana iamuy, oi High Point, were visitors at E.J. Steeds's Sunday. Nearlv everybody went to parks Memorial service Sunday. Mr. I. F. Craven and Mr. C. a. Smith were in Asheboro Tuesday on business. ' f'3L, RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY TVia Indian of the M E church will hold a Rummage sale - in ironx ' - oi the Southern "CrownTViuiinjr-tom- pany, next to F. Ef. .Byrd's Store, Saturday. May 24th. "All the ladies of the. church are requested to make donations and they will be called for Friday afternoon. Have the bundles on the front porch and telephone Mrs W. A. Underwood or Mrs. C. C. Cranford, who will see that they are called for. TRINITY NEWS days. Dr. J. W. Long and wire, oi lireens- boro, and Mr. Alix Long and family, of Rock Hill, o. u., spent some time here Sunday with relatives and friends, ' Miss rJspie JNeese, or Climax, spent the week-end with Miss Kebecca Smith. Vf... Vail v Overman wan called to luio. j ww. 1 - her old home last week on accaunt of a son. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Barber, and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Allred, of Gibsonville, were guests of JRev. G. W. Clay on Sunday. Mr. Frank Plummer, Mr. and Mrs. John Plummer, and Mrs. J. C Plum mer and children, and Earl Kearns, of High Point, -and Mr. Edwin Plummer, of Hannersville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Kearns Sunday. Mrs. Jesse Shaw, an aged lady of the sudden death of her aged father.'New Hope, fell on Sunday night and oi.--i.i tj k.H mnnv menaB urose ner. ier juki nuuvs urn oumo. .1. .mil. urn .-.w.rf . . . - . . . ... . Mr t..J. .-i mm nvArman has the sym- pathy of her. Liberty friend, in this great "sorrow. , , . . MUi Uuretta Smith fa rvinO house party this weet Seve friend, of Greensboro and ewtern North Car olina are enjoying the hospitaUty of her home. Rev. and Mrs. Womble, of Greens-hn-o. were at the home of Mr. and ilMrs. L. 'H. Smith, Jr., a short while ., -. i maw bivunu .J-.,, tirrtf ' ' '' 'wort that in . r 1 The writer t. i l r-.J A VrtAav tii-.. r-i.r the home of Q. H. Teague at Ham-j Miss Minnie Crutchfleld, who is to let.. :V if- ... ' .' . .1 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Patterson ana torn Burke.' s6t High Point; were visitors here Sunday. ' , Mr.- JJ S,' Lewi ' and family, of Greensboro, spent Sunday at G. H. Blwkl -fW) ,.;. Mr. and Mxs.- Ledweu ana mib Flonn ; Duvat 'ef. Snford, s - visited Mr. E. A. Routh Sunday. W. D. Burke and W. D Maniis went to High Point Sunday .i:J. . - Mr. ThJiL Allred and amliy spent Saturday and bunday. witn irs. au mhV T)Arniii near Reaofove. ,t -Hr. Harnh. Jones and ramuy. ana II r. C. C. Brady nnd family attended C. R. llaprKH birthday dinner Sun day near Mwrley's Mill. -Mr. and Mm. J. Haroer Erwin. Mensr. J. T. Buie, John Thomas, Chai. Il-nnon, and C. II. Julian at tended the funeral of . Chief Justice Walter aark at Ra1'lKh Tuesday. Judge1 Clark -is the , fathpr of our townsman, Mr. John W. Clark. Dr. Charle E. McLean, of Gas tonla, came down Saturday and ha Hflcidrd to mak hi future home at Franklinville. lie is a Christian gen tleman, a good phynicinn and comp Mjjhly trfomrrKrnilnd, We are find t.) have Mr. McLean and h! family j : h n. At prent. they will nmke ' ,r home at Grove hotel. ; "uir. Fronk NewBom and Alnion inn sn ntndinl trip to Mount, Echoff.eld and Danviilfl, , , ,wi week. , , ..,.... It is bad injury, and likely to be serious id Ite consequences. Mr. Janiei Talbert, who moved last year, from New Hope to Chapel Hill, was a visitor to relatives and friends on nwnuay, M. E. MATTERS Profs. Willis and Wood are in town. Prof. Willis will probably snend the summer here. Mr. Lee Royals has been making improvements on the old Parker place. It i looldnsr like a new place in a short time the grounds will look like a landscape gardener had nan a nana in things. Mr. and Mrs. trie jonnson are talking of moving to Florida, before the winds ot another winter. Mr. anl Mrs. Frank Shaw have moved to their new home on ..High land Heights" a nice little four room bungalow, overlooking Trinity. The marriage of Mr. Ashrora rarx In. and Miss Mary Paul was some what of a surprise to friends. H. H. Craven, of Kidirecrest, is in town. NEAR RIOT IN HIGH POINT . (By W. H. Willis.) The League went, Friday afternoon, to Mineral Spring, climbed Back fSwaV ' Mountain. nlnvMl camex. and muuuv v - . . v r j a . y .Vaw. Bf ths horoital is reported n1ovd ninner toirether. to be doing very nicely. f, . j At 1:00 A.VM. Sunday the ; writer - was arousea irom oea vt y uie 'I .. . ..... j i . . n , ;worai mai maae man ana wue. oya- ry end Grade Floyd, both olnL wrltr attunded the funeral of m.. nt Denton 1 are lurtiy Mm. Davis.- mother of Mrs. George reioiclng over the fact that Denten HilHard, at Marlboro, Monday. Hiirh SChOOl naa.Decn fwu yi, - io papers luiraranw1 iw " State'l accredited list, ;During ' the ReV, h. M. Blair, of Greensboro. He nait vear the school has gone forward -a nseful and prominent Methodist Hirwird. nrinclpaL Lat fall at the Sunday School attendance last vermin of school, there KM no .Sunday was 229. - . . . " mam t mtwv I n school library, laoorawry, other equipment ncen"ry credited school, but the, loperintend .nt. Uted loyally by hl teachers of the Installed this ; necewary JJlpK and placed the echool on the accredited list ; . , - Several of oar Por'e, njJ memorial exercises a . Parks Cross Roods Sunday. - Mrs. C J. wnw mnA r.htldren mn the rnt k with her grand father, T. M. Jenninpii. -Mr. and Mr. L. 1L Curtis were rtfltors in Liberty Sunday. . The FranklinviUa roller mill ha W ulled new machinery and eipcta to V rady to run by next Monday. !4r. Anna Fox find . family nJ Mr W. 8. Ble wor V r's' lioliPrt luttflrlnh at llurliraion. Son day. !';"" l,is?nJ",th ni Annie t. Vox itBjfd to H-n-i f" -rk f,f their vacation With their relative. Sermon topics next Sunday: 1 1 :00 A. Mv-FeedinK Aaheboro's Multitudes. , ' ;'' ' 8:00 P. M A . Valley of Dry Bones. -. 1 , ' TO BE INSTALLED PASTOR ' " . . . , C vaMaiBHariai ' J ' Much inUrest is centering around the formal installation of Rv. Coth ran G. Smith aa pastor of the Pr bytrin church at this place. The Inatailatlon aervices will t be ' held Thursday evenlnir at the Presbyterian ehurrh mith Rev. 8. M. Kankln, of ;rr,Bboro In chars.' i A former Ah -bom man. Mr. A. W, McAUnter, Dow cf C,rpn."boro. will charge- the p".", Mi the father of the pastor, lv. Wn.it C. Smith, f Gtwngboro, . .vrr tha Knwn. A choir from ' '".-'.oro rreobytenan ehurrh t 'ir, for tie ocrwlon and join t 4 l.ral choir in some special t: Will wit tnu While the Hirh Point police at- temnted to arrest Watt Reid, negro, of Hlirh Point Tuesday, a near-riot V . . ' . . , nil ensued. Reid who bad omy nnisnea a road sentence 48 hours before, was rharfred bv a local policeman with rail fnir a disturbance. When the of fleer arrested Reid and was starting away with him, his wire attacwa thmm with sticks. She was then placed under arrest and Reid fought the officer. About 100 negroes then entered into the matter, ten of whom nrreatud. The cases were tried in the police court of High Point RaIH waa riven a suspended sentence of 80 davs and fined $10.00. His wife was given a BMpended 30 day sen tence. CIVIL COURT CALLED OFF 1 The two weeks term of Civil Court which was to convene Monday, May 26th, has been called off account of this being the busiest aeaaon ' of the year .with armere, Criminal court will convene Moririay, June 16th, with Judge W. F. Harding presiding. ... .-v.-" DEATH 0F ABTI3 UNDERWOOD Arila TJnorw)od. trondnent tVrm- ar and larce landowner living nine miiaa wet or uoerty. cuea tatumay, May 17th. He leaves one sister, Mrs. John Kime, The - funeral eervice were eonducted from Bhuoh . ' r. cVai-eVi Runrfav afternoon With RV W. F. Alburn of riclating. Pall bear ers were A. M. Burrow, Pat Field, Roddy Swaftn, Harris Fields, Harris Jones, John Stout The flower bear ra wer Maadamwi Roddy gwalm, Maififle Barrow, Auntin Wds, Joe Swaim, A. Wr Wilson, John W. Curtis. (By David F. St. Clair.) Washington, May 20. The two most foremost subjects of speculation for politicians at the Capital at this moment are: What is to be the prob able course of Senator La Follette in the campaign, and what is to be the -w action of Senator Hiram Johnson and his friends in California regarding the Coolidge candilacy on the first Tuesday in November next; and the other question is if W. G. McAdoo should be nominated at New York over Governor AlwSmth, will not the great body of the Catholics knive the McAdoo candidacy? Senator La Folettn will rphirn his seat in the senajte this week with his neaun restored, it is reported. Republicans are predicting that he will give no indication of what course he will pursue till the Republican platform has bean evolved and pub lished at; Cleveland, but the senator is said to have told his friends that he expects no concessions to his' views in that platform and that the time has come for him to part company with his party now completely dom inated by the reactionarygelement. ii ne ooes make the leap out of his party to the head of a third party !- win ue uecause oi tne tremendously encouraging reports, it is asserted, he is receiving from a dozen North western and far Western State?. His followers are figuring out from these reports that as- the head of a third party, the Wisconsin senator will cap ture the electoral votes of the follow ing States; Calif oiia, 13; Colorado, , Alliums, so; iowa, ia; Kansas, 10: Michigan, 15; Minnesota, 12; Mon tana, 4; North Dakota, s; Oklahoma, 10; South Dakota, 5; arii Wisconsin, 13, a total of 135 votes. On the. above basis, Mr. La Fol lette's friends argue that the election oi president would certainly be thrown into the house. They take the view that the house as it now stands can not constitutionally elect a Presi dent for the reason that no candidate could secure a majority of the States voting as units. There are 23 States in the house haying Republican 1 ma jprities; there 20 States with Demo- cratic majorities, and 6 States with This view of th hoima'a iov;i; to chowe a President in the event that - rouewe is a candidate and ," polls' enough votes to throw the elec- ' tion into the house has hatched out very interesting rumor to the effect that thff Wisconsin senator will seek an understanding with the Democrat to have the same man put on both the Democratic and third party tickets for Vice-President. His choice foT hoi tickets, it is reported. Thompson, Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission and a progressive cmwrai oi me most advanced type. Being on both tickets the senate would elect Mr. Thompson Vice-President and he would automatically be come President. It is of course notknown that tlim is any real foundation for such a rumor but it is well known that a clear understating of ce-operation does exist between the Democratic leaders in the senate and the La Fol- lette senators and the man who is said to be most responsible on the part of the Democrats in reaching that understanding is Senator Pat narnson, of Mississippi, who has been chosen temoorarv chairman f the Democratic national convention. The Democrats are grateful to La, Follette and his senatorial adherents for aiding them in bringing about the investigations that have uncovered the saturnalia of Republican corrpution and the public need not be surprised if remarkable developments should re- suit irom that co-operation: wnat Hiram Johnson may do la giving the Coolidge managers some concern. It is not believed he wIB offer open opposition io the election' of the resident for that would be to invite political annihilation for him self, it is contended. Nor is It flt that after all the California senator saia in condemnation of Mr. Coolidge and the Old Guard, that he can come out and bury the hatchet His ene mies say he is to selfish a politician to do that, and his friends aay he is too proud and strong a man to stulti fy himself thus. , He and his adher ents in California are likely to do nothing and the Coolidge managers rear tnat is more dangerous than open opposition. . The two antagonistic elements in the Democratic convention will be the forces of McAdoo and the forces ot Smith. Mr. McAdoo ' has secured very nearly a majority of the dele gates, me jsm KJux Klan la friendly to him and most unfriendly to Smith. Already it is heard that McAdoo is the Protestant candidate - and Smith the Catholio candidate. This feeling la being intensified by certain sections of the Protestant and Catholic . reli- gioua press, and Democratic abservere say this feeling will do more than, anything else to eliminate both men. The religious Issue must be kept out ai au nasaras. ,.- After A two days confinement Ma room on account ef a cold Preal dent Coo lid re rwtunwd his dutina at hie office Monday morning. This is the first Sunday the Coolklfrr hnv mlaaed attending church ainre the President waa sworn in as vice f resi dent, March 1821. - s -

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