Pae Foor I J R 1 TUBUS RED EVERY THURSDAY Thursday, June It, 1924 Veto ui the poatal salary iH was decided upon last week hj Presideot Coodildge. Ayain w say that Mr. Coolidg is the worid'a heavy-weight veto artist. h. t I cljLss It A-.-J.oU MR. BAILEY MAKES PUBLIC STATEMENT Rev. W. L. Scott u attendin Sum mer acboel at Trinity GoUef and N. F. Marsh, Lay Leader, and L F. Craven, of Eaaaseur will have chare of aerric at Franklin Tille church next Sunday. Mr. and Mr. W. J. Moffitt attend ed memorial service at Shfloh, Sun day. Dewey Push, Misa Coleen Cox, Benton Moon, Misa Fannie Burke, and on Joaiah W. Bailey, in a formal atate- ment made in Raleigh last Monday Misa Oma Craven spent Sunday 1 almitted his defeat for the Democrat- Keedy or. Guuiord county. k wminatlon for jpvernor by Anni Ura. Jennie Spoon was a visitor at W. McLean. Mr. Bailey pledged him- Aaheboro last Sunday. Z ; ; " self to the McLean force and wishes w.,; . . j.,,,. Somebody just naturally had to get Mr. McLean the "utmost success in v M"P. tt Itt 5 defeated in the primary, but smiles the coming election." Mr. Bailey T j k "S" are atill worth their face value, fer stated that he would vote the T"! Papers say that Mr Cool id ge walks way8 done gince becoming of age. He .J "T. w ?.?L ! around the streets of Washington ab- also eipre88ed his gratitude to his J" by W' R Ahbam' olutely unnoticed. It's really possible supporters. In expressing his grata- as get that way if one isnl carefuL tQ(je to his many supporters Mt. Dr. Charles E. McLean left Wed- Bailey said, "I am deeply grateful to neaday for his home at Gastonia, re- The fact that the primary is over t00se wno jy, supported the cause turning Saturday evening eceom Aoes not necessarily mean that we repregentej Dy mv candidacy and I PrJed by Mrs. McLean, who has been win be forced to stop handshaking. gnan always welcome an opportunity teaching in High School in her home Tis a splendid habit to manifest my gratitude. The num- town the part year. i. ..,,i1,H- Wrov. ti afford snh-: The public road or highway from The fact that Mr. Coolidge has stantial encouragement. Let us a-' Franklin vill to Climax by way of vetoed every bill that has been w moh me is rva Gray's Chapel and Lineberry is being wrought before him which would have defeated. The rise and fall of a caw- regraveled. This is very much need helped the working class, is a true in- folate is an insignificant matter." ed as it ia extensively used. The road tfeation that he either thinks a mil- h.f n-inH of wewation Mr. should be widened and regraded in Bonaire can vote a little heavier than gailey will return to his work as a places so as to conform to road from lawyer. BUY Property ta Gneasbr lor home or investment. Best ana fastest growing town in the state. Houses or vacant lota ia all sec tions of the city. Price reasonable with easy term. Apply to H. B. Moore, with Dixie Realty Co, SIS 1-2 South Elm Street, next to Na tional Theatre. Phone 3786. WANTTD Hemstitch! and pBeot ieg. Straight peeotmg Sc yd. SARAH AMICE, lt-pd Aaheboro, N. C FOR fiAIX-fiweet peaa, aaaorUd colon, extra fib 60c per on hun dred. ltr. Tom. Wood, Phone 1(7. liaw aa4 cWrer will auks the fan ' rich an ever. -Get "Maacaf, The Standard Agricultural lime. AMERICAN LIMXSTONS CO, -- - KBOxviUa, Teaav For 8aU at Aaheboro by W. C Cox. - - . ew4tf ltU FOR SALE i-Rooaa houae with ei-j tra room for bath. Electric lights ! and water. Lot 50x100. One block from paved streets. Price $L600.00. Hal W. Walker. FOR SALE Good houae and lot, M. P. Paraoaage Property in Sooth Aaheboro. If interested ace Dr. John Swaim or J. D. Roes, tfn 5 29 26. FOR RENT Two two rooaa heesea in South Aaheboro, and one four room house north of cemetery. Ap ply, Mrs. Wa C Hammer. WANTED A good, reliable, sub stantial farmer. Will give cuch a man a good chance on my land. Wa C. HAMMER, tfn. Aaheboro. N. C we utue ieiierB or else ha nas a hankering to return to the farm next year. If he can farm as well as he can veto he can raise bumper crops. FRANK LINVILLE NEWS SATURDAY'S PRIMARY FOR SALE Milk from cows fed on dry feed. Baby milk a specialty. A. Page Gay, Phone 111. 2t pd 5 29 24. FOR SALE In Randolph County, 4 1-2 miles south of Ramseur, three-fourths interest in ten acres of land on which is one 24 barrel Roller mill, 2 corn mills, crusher, and complete mill machinery, good water power; also, practically new dwelling house and other out build ings. R. F. D. from Ramseur comes to mill. In good farming section. For further information see J. H. Hodgin, Ramseur, N. C, Route 1. Climax to Greensboro. The Frank! in ville Pilgrim Holiness church has a new bell. The Singing Class, consisting of 18 ti u boys and girls, from Children's Home, Mr. Hugh Maner and Miss Ruby Winston-Salem, under the manage- Burice were unitea in marriage at ment of gupt jv. C. A. Wood and The result in Saturday's primary the Baptist Parsonage, Ramseur, teachers, Miss Patsy Calvert and R. was no surprise. Thursday evening, Rev. W. A. Elam y. Bradshaw, delighted the large The majority for McLean for Gov- officiating. The groom is a son of crowd present at the M. E. church, emor may reach more than 60,000, our townsman, Mr. W. D. Maner, and june ist. The program consisted of but Bailey made a brilliant campaign the bride is the charming daughter of gongs and recitations by the children and fully sustained his reputation as James S. Burke, a prosperous farmer. an(j a very interesting address by an exceedingly able campaigner and on Chapel and Greensboro highway. RgV- c a. Wood. Dinner was served student of public affairs. They will make their future home at on the church yard. Graham is nominated for commis- FranklinviHc and their many friends Qur girls who have returned from Boner of agriculture but the voters extend to them their best wishes. college for vacation are, Miss Ollie of Randolph and this section went Mr. and Mrs. David McLeod, of Fentriss, of G. C. C. W., Greensboro; good and strong for the Bellhaven Troy, were the guests of W. A. Mar- Msg Kitty Lee Jones, of Davenport; farmer. tin one day last week. Misses Lena Grimes, and Katherine So fine a man as James P. Cook Milten Wood Free died at Ran- Bujej cf n. C. C. W., Greensboro; went down under the weight of the dolph County Home, Wednesday Miss Inez Ferree, of Meredith, Ra fcpularity of Baxter Durham, while night, June 4th at the age of 70 years, leigh; and Miss Fannie Jones, of Stacey Wade ran away with J. F. and was taken to his son, S. W. Free, Gold Hill. Flowers, fine young Charlotte at- at Cedar Falls, where the funeral was The Betterment Society held their r torney. held Thursday afternoon, after which regular meeting at the Community OR Charles Roes ran good and strong interment was made in r ran xun vine House, Friday evening, May 80th. early everywhere but lacked a little M. E. church cemetery. Mr.. Free had much business was transacted after f winning, while Elmer Long lead been in poor health for the past year, which they all enjoyed the free picture for lieutenant governor, and Grist, His first wife was Mattie Baker, of show. The following officer were the ex-service man ran so close to Cedar Falls; To this union were born elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. be six children of which four survive: Anna Fox, President; Mr. John W. Mrs. W. B. Cox, of Rockingham; Mrs. Clark, V. President; Mia Mary Hattie Causey, of Sanford; S. W. Moon, Secretary; Mr. E. B. Moss, Free, of Cedar Falls and John Free, Treasurer. of High Point His second wife was The Epworth League, of Franklin-ac- Cardovia Craven, of Franklinville ville. M. E. church held its monthlv count of the death of former Govern- Route 1. To this union was bom Social last week at the residence of ' ... Locke Craig, one of North Caro- three children, Stuart, Hubert and E. A. Routh. Besides the members FOK KENi una t,wo room ana one FOR SALE One slightly used Deer ing Binder, seven foot cut, and one Cultipacker. Both at bargain pric es. Apply to Franklinville Store Company, Franklin vile, N. C. 2t 6 12 24. RENT Desirable, downstair rooms for light housekeeping. Two blocks from depot Prices reason able. Apply to Box 456, Aahe boro, N. C It pd Smpman a second primary will necessary. j LOCKE CRAIG Elsewhere in this issue is an FOR SALE Small location of oak timber, Will cut about 90,000 feet, 1 3-4 miles east of Randleman, N. C. Good road to timber, Apply to E. W. Hinehaw, Randleman, Route 2, N. C. It pd SPECIAL DINNERS During Court Week -at- OLD HICKORY CAFE Quick Service - Well Cooked Meals k'g very greatest Governors. He has been for many years in ill ftealth. Generous, noble hearted, without aham or veneering, solid through and through, sound as a dollar. No more conscientious, upright an ever held office in this or any ether state. The greatest public speaker within the memory of men now living save feasibly Ransom, Vance and Aycock. Locke Craig though dead still lives, mad will be remembered as one of North Carolina's greatest men. His inaugural address was the greatest, since Vance's famous in aagural. Broken in health his ad BaMstration failed of accomplishment a? all he deserved. Since leaving the governorship he has been all the while a semi-invalid, but his advice sad counsel have been sought and heeded by leaders in the State, and fcw men have made so great an im wreasion upon his State. eight roorrt house on South Fayette ville Street, and one four room house north of cemetery. MRS. Win. C. HAMMER. in west Asheboro. Good terms. See W. B. Chiaholm at the Old Hickory Cafe.. Asheboro. N. C. tt-o-iyl Milton. His last wife was Mrs. Lou- there were several visitors, making? a esar Brown,, of near Moffitt's Mill, total of more than 76. Miss Sula He is also survived by one brother, Patterson had charge of the program, j C M. Ferree, of Ramseur. For many Music was furnished by Riverside ! mam Mm TiVrrM wu a citieen ef Piimaf Rons! Afto. nAnnn 1 Franklinville. He was a member of games on the hillside, they were in- F0R. SALE CAPA lot. the Masonic Fraternity and M. E. vited into the house where they play- church of this place. ed a great many games, giving a Miss Lillian Burrow, of Asheboro, contact. Prizes were won by Misses' spent last week at Franklinville. Mary Williams and Marie Wram, af-i Misses Mary Jones and Katherine ter which cake, pickles and lemonade Julian who have positions in a knit- were servel. i ting mill at Reidsvflle, spent last week . with home folks. MR. THOMAS BIRKHEAD DEAD Mr. and Mrs. David McLeod, of Troy, were the guests of W. A. Mar- Mr. Xan, Birkhead, age 67 years, tin one day last week. died at home of relatives near Bom- Mr. John Sumner, of Georgia by last Saturday morning. Mr. School of Technology, Atlanta, Ga., Birkhead has been living near Wil and Joe Fox and Paul Routh of the mington, N. C. For the past teen University of Chapel Hill have come years, and was engaged in fanning home for the summer iracation. at Rockey Point. He was born in Mr. and Mrs. A B. Russell, Mr. and w.w n f,M.. ..j j . . Mr. Haigler and Miss Minnie Tippett i thbUc sooVof tnltTcW of Lexington, were visitors here Sun- Mr. Birkhead is the son of Milton ESTABLISHED 1897 THE BANK OF RANDOLPH ! Asheboro, N. C. D. B. McCRARY, President J. D. ROSS, Vice President W. J. ARMFIELD, Jr., Cashier CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 Every One, Youngp and did, Should Have a BANRAQCOUNT We Invite Yon to Open an Account With Us day. BIRD'S ROOFS ! . - ' N SHINGLEDESIGN . Roll Roofing . Hamm. irararea. buna and ahedt may all b . ! mcacted and decorated with,Bkd Shlngla , Vttign Roll Roofing. It 1 -5" i X thrift Moiinitloti of good . , look and real economy cot X lett than oodw shlnglei, !fi i i.i auoroa complete protection.' : ; ; orer the old wooden ahingle. , ., DbasTa Shlnfte beatgr) RoU Roofina ta mad W Krd ft Son,' fne. a'. 17S4),rnanufacturerrfNeraetTwinSWnJej I'arid RooTm (, Nrporwet Week BuOding PP Nerwn ;, et Hoard. There BW product for very aort af bulUUng. JT ara UMUifmmrUrt jar CW roon-, '' ; ' ' ; building fjpr mud fmll bomni. . f ASHEBORO WIinOIJAKROW CO, .' . A&licboro, N. Cv:: ';'.V"rv'' ' Birkhead who was killed in action in the Civil War. He was forced to re tire from active business about 18 months ago when physicians discover ed that he had developed cancer. He is survived by one brother and two sisters, ex-sheriff John Watson Birkhead, 6f Asheboro; Mesdames N. F. Reams, of Denton, and Patterson, of Winston-Salem. Funeral services were held at Oak Grove church last Sunday at 11 o'clock. MISS BLANCHE BINGHAM BRIDE OF MR. RAY BTRD A marriage of interest occurred at Franklinville May tith, when Miss Blanche Bingham became the bride of Mr. Ray Byrd, Rev. J. E. Shaw of ficiating. Mrs. Byrd ia the attractive and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bingham, of Farmer. nr. oyrd is an enterprising young man and the son of Mr. and Mra. Bud Byrd. of Holly Springs. Th young couple have many friends hi this country who wkh them a happy life. Si 'Hosiery SMe Beginning Saturday, June 14, and Continuing Through Saturday, June 21, Will be Silk Hose Week at This Store We will have our large stock of Hse displayed and priced so as to make selections easy To see these beautiful hose it to want them and the exceedingly low prices at which they are marked will convince you that you cannot afford to let this pass without laying in a supply of hose for the summer. Ne daaailee adTartistas will k lakes far laa taaa M eeaUa aaa aQ wat ta Blast at a. WANT COLUJIN FOB SALS-Drr stera wewi. r4r OX. M. TBI! inaWl AX A , TtMaMlllairilal prica. CaU Ilai Walkar, Paoaa 1L FLOWERS Foe flower tot erery oe- eaaiocL m at phoai yor aroer te Mrs. Wis, C Hammer, ageat for Ford, High Point, N. C QoVk De livery. p Urn -7-M '. .. , . j i,'! Lear at he ef ataeeL Beakkeeplai, Bhorthand, Trpewritlnt UvU Ser rire on eredit Poult Irm guaranteed. mWAROS BUSINESS VOUTXIV. WINSTON . 8ALE1I 4MD UIGH LO.TT A etlx'ktwaea with Of yean la center, fcataea the 11. . church and the Centrai hotel. Kunday morning. Liberal rewartj , If returned . te . Bera IkaxWro, Aaheboro, N. C . , ntiti., . ... - ( and A P fonrif CUUon. Keward If rrtnrn. at ence. J. X llartx'r, You will find all the beautiful newshades of the season in Thrush, Neutral, French Nude, Beige, Fawn, Peach, Gnder, Silver Gray, Sunburn, Black and White in the newest weaves in plain and clocked. Read prices below: $2.50 and $2J25 values Silk . Hose Week $1.95 $2.00 Values, Silk.. Hose Week . $U5 $1.50 values for Silk Hose Week ; ; $U5 ) $1.00 values for Silk Hose : Week . - ; t 85c 75c and 50c Hose Week values, Silk 45c All Children's Socks at Spe cial prices this week. The above prices are only a few of our large rahg0"of bargains. - vl' r t .i r I , Every lady 'should attend this Hosiery. Sale' arid . see this Display of' : Beautiful Hose whether she buys'-; or; tnot' - . . - . . . . . . it , Lranctt, ti, C It v.