THE COURIER PERSONAL PACrpAPH3 . Thursday, Jut It, 124 litti Misses Aroline and Jaunita James spent sereral days last week with.Ls UIlM KtMM, Misses LoWe, Busk . and Wiley Jones retained jfrom Raleigh Mondsy when tfcejr aav been visiting their 7rbtaer Wade Jones who U manager el tha Sir Walter aotel. .. . Mr. R. M. York, of.IUmseWlloutS 'braocfat to Asheboro, Monday, 20 bushels of rrsen beam for which he JKrtw I2J0 per basaeL These are tbm grit anna pewo ia Randolph that ha ham psl aa the market this yea in-swcJr a large quantity. I Th fxtaada. of Miss Myrtle M Pheesoa honored her with a delight iUl surprise party last Saturday even- ' Mfci and Mr. Paul Maness and Evelyn Mane spent Sunday with Mr. Maneasi brother, L. R. Maness who resides m Fayetteville. ' Mrs. Ira. Harris and children, of Jiarlotte, and Mrs. A. A. McCaskill and family, of Candor, spent last week with, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C Cagle, returning to their home Sunday. Mrs. Governor Thomas and little Harold are visiting relatives in Can ioc this week. Mr.. George Teague and wife at tended memorial sendees at Union last Sunday. Mr. S. C. Maness, of Greensboro, spent last week with his daughter, Mrs. Paul Maness, of Asheboro. Mr. Elton H. Stout, of the National Cash Register Co., of Macon, Ga., was the guest of Mrs. C. A. Hayworth one day last week. Mr. Stout was on his way to Siler City for a visit to his mother, Mrs. Rocie Stout Miss Rose Rush left Monday for North Augusta, Ga., where she will nurse for several weeks. Mr. L C. Moser went to Smithfield Saturday, returning Monday accon panied by Mrs. Moser and Thad, who who visited relatives there for ten -days. Mrs. J. E. Brady, of Ramseur, un derwent an operation at Memorial hospital last week. She ia improving satisfactorily. Mayor W. T. Bryant, of Randleman, was a business visitor in the city Mon lay. The Baptist Congregation has call--ed Rev. IL F. Hall, of Elisabeth city, and are hopeful that he will accept the call to the Asheboro pastorate. Miss Lala Rose is visiting Miss limit Scoot.1 Miss Rose and her "mother have been visiting relatives 3n Greensboro since leaving Asheboro. Mr. Herbert Howard, of Greens boro, was a business visitor in Ashe loro Tuesday. While in the city he .-gave The Courier a pleasant and sub stantial; visit. Mrs. H. W. Walker is improving at Memorial hospital where she has Ibeen having treatment for the past , -Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Birkhead and "Miss Linnie Birkhead went to Chapel Hill yesterday to attend the com mencement John Birkhead and Wil--mer Presnell are members of the graduating class. Several Asheboro people attended the funeral if Mr. Thomas Birkhead -at Oak Grove Sunday. Mrs. Jack Meador, of Fayetteville, Tiaa been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rush for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Foffitt have -rented the home of Capt and Mrs. J. A. Beaver, in North Asheboro. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver have moved to .Salisbury this week. Mr. Alexander Burns, who was a .-student at the University this past -winter has returned home for the summer vacation. . THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO. N. C. PictHvw Mr and Mr. Joe Heme Urn re turned to their home ia Lake V, S. C, after a visit to relatives ia and around Asheboro. Taey were ac companied home by Miss Mae Cooper who win spend part of the sumrrx-r with them. C- Thompson, of Greenskore, and Beatrice Edwards, of SuMwr, were recently married. Rev. H. F. Foreman, officating, at the Metho dist Protestant parsonage. Miss Hetsey Eons was stricken with an accute attack of appendicitis while at the dinner table Ust Sunday. She had an operation late the same after noon at the local hospital and is im proving satisfactorily. Mr. R. G. Allen, of Kemps Mills, while in Asheboro yesterday gave The Courier a pleasant call and had hfe name put on our subscription list. mr. Alien says rua wneai crop is good. Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. U. Ka noy, of Randleman Route 2, June 2nd, a daughter. Mr. L. C Elliott arrtUdasgkler Miss Kosa, or near Farmer, were in Asheboro shopping Monday. Miss Zelma Miller left Monday for Trinity College, Durham, to attend summer school. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gregory and little son, W. A., Jr., returned vester day from a few days visit to relatives in Koxboro. Miss Nora Reams, of FSarmer, passed through Asheboro Monday en route to Greensboro to attend the music recital of her daughter, Miss Clyde Krarns on Tuesday night. Mrs. Krarns will alRo attend the mar riage of her niece, Miss Ethel Reams. Mrs. R. J. Lawrence, of Seagrove, and Poiifan Foster, of Asheboro. are numbered among those who have early brans from their gardens. Miss Lui Me Morris, who has been a member of the graded school faculty at Thomanville, has returned home for the summer vacation. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cooper, of Spero, May 30th, a (laugh ter. Christian Endeavor at Bailey's Grove every Saturday night. The public is cordially invited to attend. Mr. B. S. Hurley, of Troy, was among the visitors in Asheboro, Tuesday. Mrs. James Bums left Sunday for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Whitener at Hickory. Capt. J. A. Beaver is moving his family to Salisbury this week. Capt and Mrs. Beaver have been living in Asheboro for the past twelve years, and during their stay here they have made many friends. They have been prominent in both civic, church and social circles, and while their many friends here regret to see them leave they congratulate Salisbury up on receiving such a splendid family. Messrs. William Underwood and Edwin . Morris have returned from a house nartv at RoxborO. Mr. W. C. Page has purchased the home of Mr. Lee Fritx on Sunset Avenue and when he and Mrs. Page return from their honeymoon they will begin keeping house in their new- bungalow. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Scott, Misses Islie Scott, Rilla Spoon, Vera Thomas, T.l Rrtse and Mr. and Mrs. E. S, Millsaps, Jr., went to Badin Sunday to attend the stevens-uaner nevivsi meeting, which is in progress there. Miss Annie May Beane, who recent ly underwent an operation for appen dicitis at the Randleman hospital, has returned to her home on itanoaeman Route 2 much improved. Mr. arid Mrs. C. P. Thornbre, who have been living in Winston-Salem, have returned to Asheboro, Mr. Thornbro having accepted a position with Reams' market. Mr. Livingstone, of the Burt fanoe Store, is pleased with the way his business is starting off. On Satur day, opening day, 265 pairs of shoes were sold. Keep Your Kitchen Cool This Summer Warm weather is here, and you want to get away from that hot kitchen range and all , the dirt and dust connected with it. V THE FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL COOK STOVE will keep your kitchen cool, because you have fire only during the actual cooking. No firing up is needed to get the stove hot. Simply strike a match, light the wicks, and in a jiffy you've got a clean, intensely hot flame directly under the cooking utensil, right where it is needed. Let us demonstrate one of these Stoves to YOU! ! Ashe btiro Hardware ASUEBORO.N.G I la 1 ' M M Burkhead. of Pipe is ' ri' in Ciiinior. t Mortis, who has been a r ' f 1 1 a Thi.misvill city I'.. winter has returned if . inmer vacation. iU.-a !-ur.iieaJ and Insa i ? -' ' r ha.e returned r . k-.i iu Mr. and Mrs. A. U r ri 16 K oui;'est daugh--Ni ra. A -K ir Uoss. was "r-1 ' '"r ..i.f.r .i:c.iis at Memo 1 'I 'a. l .luiniay night, and repi.t il impttivirg. Vr. :hM MrS. M. T. Umbert and iI'I.tu. of 'rti..masviUc, visited rela- vi's in A li. boro la..t fjriday. Kmos Krarns, Former Randolph Cit izen, Found head In Woods Near Hiki l'oinl. declared he had eea murdered b unknown parttea, het a gun as found near the body of Xaama the following morning, and the local police held that the young naa had committed suicide. Tha gnn, however, was fouad twenty eeves, foet away from where the body was foand, and the family of the dead maa, claiming that it was impossible for the gun to have been thrown that far, or that Reams could -have staggered that far after shooting himself through the heart, together with the absence of any rea son, of such a rash act,' maintain that he was murdered in cold blood with robbery as the motive. The Reams family have employed a detective to assist in the uncovering of the mystery. NOTICE TO BUILDING CONTRACTORS Amos W. Kwirns vr,, of vr cwl Mrs. S. W Kparne ,.f IlTk I..i.. one time lived in the Shenherd community of Ran.lo'pn county, was uni dean in the woods near High Point last Wfdnoday r.ijrht with a )ul!et wound throui'li hoarf Tli parents and their attorney are con duced tnat tie was murdered in cold blood bv Unknown n:irlimi Mr Kearn.s was a railway p ail clerk and' has been stationed in Ilaltimnm for Lsonielime. and was visiting his par ents at uie time of the tragedy. Shortly after the body of the young ni;in was located the coroner's iurv Lawn Party at Level Cross There will be a lawn party at Level Cross school house on Saturday night, June 14th. The public is cordially in ivited to attend. Delicious refresh ments will be .'served and a string band wUL furnisfi some good music Card of Thanks. We wish to extend to the people of Franklinville our sincere thanks for the help and kind attention during jthe sickness and death of our little daughter, Maxine. J. T. Pugh and Family. Sealed bids ill be received by the School Board of Randolph County dor errecuoe. or a one story ones school building to be built at Farme N. C. The School Board will meet at Aaihebero in court house, Thursday, June lth, 19-24, at 2:30 P. M. te open bids and award contracts. Ows en reserve right to accept or reject any or all bids. Each bid raust have certified cheek inclosed for 500. as guarantee eoa tractor will give bond and execute contract, should hs be 1 given work. Successful contractor will be required to give bond for 50 per cent of amount of contract. Plans can be obtained from North up and O'Brien, Architects, Winstoa Salem, N. C. T. F. BULLA. NOTICE Or SALE UNDI MORTGAGE court house door is Aiaeboro, N. C the following land, said land situate, lying and being ia Unioa township, containing twenty-five acres more or leas and a one-half interest in four teen and three-tenths acres known as the Sherman Bill land and for a more particular description of said land by metes and boutvda reference is hereby given to Book 195 page 277 ia the Office of the Register of Deeds for Randolph County, default having been made in the payment of said mortgage this sale is made under and by virtue of the power vested in said mortgage. ThA sale is made on the account of an advanced bid having been placed on a former bid in this action. This the 5th day of June, 1924. HARRISON SMITHERMAN, Mortgagee. Brrttain A Brittaia Attys. 2t 3 12 24. By virtus of power vested in the undersigned by a certain mortgage deed executed by Sherman Hill, of Randolph County to Harrison Smith erman, the 11th day of March, 1922, and recorded in book 195, at page 277 in the office of Register of Deeds for Randolph County, 1 will sell at pub lic auction for cash on the 21st day of June, 1924, at 12 o'clock, M., at the Box 491 MikrYwrHomtBrigittr with DOXXmGHTi)0CIS Electric Plants fcniigMKiuties Wer Systems (St Ttrmiai in It, j. lot Jrm Trrms E. C. COX, Dealer Asheboro, N. C Phone 168 IG OPENING SALE I J 4k. BEGINS j -Saturday, June 14th; I The Door Will Open at 9 O'clock We are opening a new store, with new goods and good prices. Our line consists of dry-goods, hosiery and ladies' ready-to-wear. Our policy is service at all times, and last, but not least, Values. iBe sell for cash so we can give the best service. In order to be courteous to all, we must sell f or cash. 5 x i i This being true, then give us a visit at our beautiful, new store. It is located on Depot Street next to W. D. Stedman's. Our store is cool, comfortable, and light at aU times. We have on our shelves now a complete line of silks, all colors and grades, at remarkable low prices. Almost anything that you might want for the hot summer days to make you cool, comfortable, and well dressed can be found here. Ladies' ready-to-wear will be our speciality. We will strive to give you the very best style, quality, and prices; so meet us and all your friends here on Saturday morning, June 14th, and see for your self. DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE HEAT FOR WE WILL HAVE ICE CREAM AND COLD DRINKS Remember the place and time: The new store next to W. K Stedman's on Depot Street, 9 o'clock, June 14th Big Assortment ot Table Ware 10c Read every word in the circulars which explain: our special of fers on table-ware. This is Without doubt the most sensational sale of TABLE WARE FOR 10c you have ever seen. And remem ber we will have other values as good, so the one and only thing to do is come, and come prepared to buy. 'Ho- ..loo Near.the Depot ' . ." . -. - " t .i Mebdrd,N:C 'V 1 ' -y.tsa- ! . Vr. - , 4