V RIE'R C3UED WEEKLJ PIUNCIPIX3. NOT MEN 12.00 A . 'ABLN ADVANCE VOLUME XLIX North Carofina, ' TVarsday. Aagtet 14, 1124 NUMB-SIS THE FARJEERS OF COUNTY ON AGRICULTURAL TOUR Left AahbwsV8terd7 Mara-; lar for T9 ScTtnd Coomtiea -Worken With Te. r, A party consisting- of about thirty leading farmers of tha court? eetffrn paniedby E. S.Mffljapa, Jr, eounty agent, L X). Schaub, state direetor.of extension work, and 0. F. McCrary, district agent of the extension service, left Aaheboro and varioua. point v.ln tha county yesterday manung on. a tour embracing tea counties, b 3 tha state. Tha trip -waa mada f -automobile.' A. number of can gathered at Asheboro early yesterday morning and a number of other fanners from more distant points of tha county in their ears wiu , meet th party from Aaheboro In Montgomery county. , t Tha first stop was- mada at -. Troy yesterday morning where a ' delega tion of Mpntgomery count farmers headed by their county Agent met tha party from Randolphs The. Mont gomery county arib " fedndacted - the combined delegation to BeintSvOf Sirri cultural interest in the .eoannr.vA-t thf Stanly county line tne .Montgom ery delegation .left the: party and it was met by a. delegation from Stanly county and the Stanly agent. : , The delegation was .shown ' interesting things in the way of agriculture m Stanly county.. (. At 'each -succeeding county line -a delegation of farmers1 from the coun ties, entered accompanied by the county agent will meet the Randolph farmers and each county agent- in turn will conduct the delegation to model farms or experiment farms in their respective counties Mecklen burg,' Gaston, Cleveland, Iincoln, Ca tawba, Iredell, and Rowan .counties will be visited. The first night1 will be 'spent at Shelby, in Cleveland county. ' Thursday night the delega tion will stay at the State test farm in Iredell county, and Friday night the party will be back home. It is the intention of the Randolph farmers making the trip to spend some time at the State test farm and get a working knowledge of the agri cultural experiments being tnade -. on the farm. Experts in charge of the Work will give the farmers the bene fit of their finds. In Catawba county R. L. Shuford's farm, and ice cream plant will be visited. Shuford has a complete ice cream plant on his. farm. He makes his own ice and keeps a herd of fine milk cows to furnish the milk and cream for his business. The dairy farm of Lutz brothers in "Ca tawba county will be visited also. The delegation will stop at the coopera tive creamery in Mecklenburg county and get first-hand information as to. the operatjMfift of a eoopexati,veaam ery. v In Union county the delegation will visit the county agent, Tom Broom's improved farm. The farmers in this county have been hearing of Brodm's success in Union with lespedeza on , His own farm and on the farms of Union county and expect to get some good points on growing this hay in Kandolph. Tjie Kandoipn people ex. S ect to see some good pastures in nion county. Me. L O. Schaub, state director of extension work, and O. r . MCUrary, district agent, having been informed of the proposed tour by Mr. Millsaps asked to accompany , the . Randolph delegation. The county agent and the farmers making the trip were delighted to have' teem on the tour. Mr. Millsaps has worked out the itinerary and plans for the trip a I the delegation that much benefit will accrue from the tour. TOWN LETS CONTRACT I FOR MORE STREET WORK Contract was let Thursday after noon to the Foster Construction com pany, lowest bidders,, for street im - pravemeot work, in ' Asheboro; to the amount of approximately $50,000.00. Tha work will consist of grading, pav ing with, ijoneretv constructing, con crete .' sidewalks,,, -and installing the peeossary drainage system on Cnurch street between Sunset avenue and Weyman street,' Park street fromSal isbury street to Weyman street and East End avenue from Salisbury street to Ward streC M !. . 'It is expected that this pros-ram of vu miu a ass MVovirw rj aua miu 1 street improvement will bis consider ably Increased and other streets will be paved while tha construction com pany la stiR at work in tha town. i Tha J. ' B.' McCrary Enginesring Corporation .of Atlanta are tha angi- oeers on uie joo. ? ; y j ' i ' ..Unit K 1 ! ; -f.. fy. Harvest FesUTal at Caador - Tha annual harvest festival will be held at Candor this year on Friday, August loth. On this festival occas ion it ts customary to have lour tables loaded with watermelons, eacteloupe, and peaches la abundance 'and every oocy partaxes ireety .'. ; t' i. V I Mr. Moarr Attending Special . Mr..L C Moser,' Randolph county's tepreaentatlve in the general assem bly, left Monday for Raleigh to at- 1 tend the extraordinary session of tha legislature. He was unavoidably da- . tained from attending . the - opening seRmons on account of Illness, in his .family, . .'-.. Mr. Moer will "oppose any legisla tion relating to the eatablUhment Of Improvement of port terminals or anythlnt rflnUve UieoMo in the way of shipping or tranRportalon unlens it Is submittal to a vote of the people. wheat joint worm has Hnn damage to wht in Alamance and soma other parte of the COUNTT tfiUKDAT SCHOOL MEET CLOSED FRIDAY Number vliteresta a Large lumbar la Atteaaaaca.At ffrlnis . Beet Officers.. The annual convention of the San delph abasty- Sunday School assscia. tto heldia the Mi B ehmren, Ashe boro, since Thursday- fclosed its. ses sions raday afternooa with tha elect ion of officers for the cominr year' Jaja convention was probably the best! and most largely-attended-, of any wuuvi wtumy icumf vuumiuuu vcr held In tha oountv. 1(m than SOO people, including delegates, and vis itors, were in attendance at . each essioiu;',i-' --- f jagnty-i out Sunday schools from 18 of the 20 townships of the county order, since no high school books are were represented, -,i Twenty of tha kept on hand by the local dealer and minister of the county, not including no high school books when ordered those from Asheboro, were present, lean be returned. . Those who have and 128 teachers and officers of Sun second ,hand books to sell should dJl-.n' 28 superintendents bring, these books on f Monday." No of Sunday schools attended the see- child, however, should buy these sec sions. Old Vnion Sunday school was ond hand books until they are sure ww iiwmanv. oiierea lor ine school havinir tha larvest. niimhai. f representative over '16 years of age present. .. .. r . , ..Among the Sunday school leaders on the program1 were Miss Daisy Magee, superintendent of the. chil dren's division of the- North Carolina Sunday school association) and Prof. J. B. Robertson, superintendent of education -Cabamu ' county. Miss Magee was on the program, for each session and made ' some interesting talks. On--THutsdey afternoon her subjefrt was "The challenge of the young people", which she handled in a most entertaining and convincing manner. On Friday afternoon her subject war "The - masterpiece of creation." Jtof., Robertson made ah interesting address on the training of Sunday school' teachers and officers. All of the- ministers of the town were on the program: Rev. G. T. ' Bond, pastor of the Spring Garden M. E. church, Greensboro, spoke on "The place of tha Sunday school in Ameri can life."' V Officers elected for the coming year included L. H. Smith, Jt Liberty, president; B. H, MdCarn df Seagrove, A. L. JBriles of Cedar Falls, . Miss Bora Redding of Ran dleman, and W. L. Ward of Ash boro, vice-presidents; Miss Hester Patterson -at Liberty, Secretary; Miss Lollia Jones of Asheboro, as sistant secretary; Miss Esther Ross of Asheboro,- superintendent of the cMdretfa .divijsioi; Mrs. 0. A. Adajms yClhtax,, superintendent young' people's division; M. E. Johnson,- Ramseur, supervisor adult division; and Dr. E. Lit .Moffitt, Ashe boro. suDerintendent of administra GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN EXTRAORDINARY SESSION The North Carolina general assem bly convened in extraordinary session in Raleigh last Thursday. Governor Morrison appeared before the 'joint Bession of the house and senate and asked for the enactment of legislation covering all the recommendations of the ship and water transportation commission, with the exception of the suggestion ior state acquisition 01 tne Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad. The legislation he Requested shall not " - take effect until Xt has been approved j Mrs. Victoria Petty, Formerly of Ran by'the people In the general election, i dolph, Dies In Greensboro On Tuesday the senate water com-1 Sfiltf en? ?S8emb!? eUm; ; Mrs. Victoria Petty, widow of the mated the section of the port and or r r... J J,' 4 v nsMmnaya wut sjsu twvu wy hira iv T : irws avtuia uic -iiovwi v wiv jw pie carrying eight and a half million r 1 t v '11.. .1 . . an and .the "acquisition of a state ship line. .The bill for the aeauisition of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad was reported favorably; Indications are that there will be a determined fight in the general as sembly over the port and ship meas ure,: A large number of the legisla tors will insist that the bill if passed must be submitted' to a vote of : the people before any steps are taken for tha purchase of. ships and terminals, Oiu the other hand a - number will fight for tha enactment of the meas ure carrying with it the issuing of (8,500,000, in bonds without submitt ing it to a popular vote. The matter is Dy no mean settled. . A number of other bills of various nature have been introduced. 1 f v.'. Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Smith la Wreck A aew Ford coupe belonging to Mr. Charles Smith and in which he and Mrs. Bmith were .riding was struck by tha passenger train backing to the station Sunday -afternoon about 6 . o'clock, inflicting painful bruises but no serioua injuries to the occu pants of tha ear. Tha car was struck near the right front fender and was dragged several yards before the train could be stopped, and was bad ly dama-red. - A box ear narked on a sidetrack to tha riirht as Mr. Smith approached the crossing obstructed his view of tha track. . .-, - ' ' '..'Escapes From Chala Gang!'.' t Jssse Lowdarmllk. an Ashsboro ne gxo, servmg a term or three years on tha roads and serving with the Rowan county chain eantr. 'sHcaned from. tha camo Tuesday morninv Jn a Ford roadster belonging to one of tha guards. Lowdermilk. was 'tried. convicted, and sentenced to two year's on tne county roads m last -term of Randolph superior court on charre of stealing two. bales of cotton from Mr. Ellis of tha Ramiwur community. He was then tried in Montgomery county and sentenced to one year On i the road rang for enterinr and robblnr tha hardware store at Star. . . , . . ' .i . ' - ' ASHEBORO CTTT SCHOOLS TO OPEN SEPTEMBER 8TH SaperiBteadcBt McMaJtu GItw Out Soma Iaterfatiar 1W foroatioa tad AsMe. Asheboro city schools for both white and colored will opto at MS o'clock Monday morning, Septambartb, Parents are amd hv tha mTwiiitL ant to send their children the I first day in order that they. may ae elaasi- -S o that the books may be ordered. Superintendent McMahan's state men t follows: - - - . Children in the Hi oh AeWl TW partment should coma prepared to pay for their books in advance of ths cney are wnat. they need. Manv of the high school books have changed since last year, so it will not be safe for a child to buy books according to last year's list . ; . A considerable amount 6 money is being and has been spent for 'bufldings and equipment in order that the chili dreh of Asheboro have equal' oppor tunity with the children-. of pother townB and cities. It is hoped that parents and children . will . cooperate with us in trying to preserve thi School property. Asheboro . has as Una rf JiiTi oViir ,) aM im.J l. :i J - w any other dty, and I believe they wui cooperate in every way possible to make their schools better and more attract! ve,'and: to. keep the building and equipment , Let us almoin hands and try; to make this the best year in the history of the school. On Saturday morning, . September 8, at 0:00 the teachers will meet at the schools and at 11:00 examinations will be given to those pupils who fail ed on a subject or two and wish to make up the werk to secure promo tion to "the next srade. These rhilrimn should not appear at the building on. oaiuraay morning nowever .until 10:30. These 'examinations will be given by the teacher of that subject or grade. Examinations will be given only -to pupils from the fourth grade up through the high school No ex amination given by someone other than the teachers as above mentioned will be accepted for promotion. ; The teachers for the coming year are as follows:,,,. White school Misses Lucy . Leigh Lovett. Mary1 McCain, Kate Bull. Ruth, Cox, Avajfrolffv Virginia Steed, Aana jamiuaiue.vancannon, Ulara bel Moitis, Ruth Hadley, Ruby Hon eycutt, ; Dollye Wotthington, Mrs. Bessie Rice, and iMrs. Daisy P. Mob ley in the Elementary School, and Misses Ama Lassiter, Massa Lam bert, Grace Fraiier, Eva Bullock, Mr. S. C. Boone in the High School (one other vacancy to be filled in the high school). Misses Nannie Bulla and Bertie May will teach piano. Colored- school J. E. B rower, principal, Mrs. J. E. Brower, Miss Blanche Watkins, and two other va cancies to be filled. a rfni,nku mm ur mm a2Al 1 Greensboro Sunday, at the age of 84 H. M . Um. Dt-.. .... - .1.. J of the lata Sheriff 8. I Haywortb She was born and reared In Archdale and lived all of her married life there. Mrs. Petty Is survived by the follow ing sons and daughters: Mrs. Addison Rodgin, Mrs,rw7 ' M. - Smith, Miss Mary Petty and' Ed Petty, Greens boro,; Miss4 Annie Petty, Raleigh, wianea w. retry, .unton, N. c, and Herbert C. Pettv. of East Oranire. new Jersey. The funeral service was conducted in Greensboro after - r . -m-i which .the - body was brought to Springfield and placed' beside her husband who died in 1885. In the passing of Mrs. Petty the state has lost one of its valuable dtipens, tru ly a mother of the old type, who has shouldered the burdens of others and has contributed of her time and strength to bettering, humanity. What more could be said of a woman 7 The Courier extends sympathy to the members of tha family. DEATH OF J. A. DAVIS - John A. Davis died at his home Asheboro , Saturday, August 9th, paralysis, str, uavia bad been con fined to his bed for mora than a- yea and though his recovery had , long oeen despaired or tne and came sooner than expected. Ha was an honest-upright law abiding eitizen and a mem bar of tha Deep River Baptist church at uoienuge. .The deceased Is survived by his wife, Mrs. J. A. Davis, six children, Mrs. wan Teague. inomasviUe; Mrs. C. R. Scotton. Glendon: Mrs. J. E. Suggs, Ellerbe; Mrs. Robert Cameron, nr. Turner Davis. Hr. K. U. Davis. Aaheboro, two sisters, Mr. Frank vivtfii, AXHiiiwt, wh vaiiw imwtBj Coleridge! three brothers. Will and Jim Davis, Coleridge, L. B. Davis, Bennett - ' . , ; . . Tha funeral services were conducted by Rev, Kidd and Rev. Reynolds at the Deep River Baptist churchy in Coleridge last Sunday. The large crowd in attendance at the funeral and the ' beautiful floral offering attest the esteem la which the deceased was held. A number of Aaheboro eaonle attended.' j' ,- LITTLE RUTH McDANIEL i INJURED IN AUTO WRECK i'h fraUblf Lost Sirtt Frova Colli Eyw Othen la Car fifutiTii HcBenieL the attractive 8 year eM - daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDaniel, who live about two miles east of Asheboro on tha eld Press 6peea place, will lose tha sight from both ayes as a result of m juries susuine-ra--an automobile wreck Sunday afternoon in Archdale on the High Paint-Asheboro concrete high way. She- is in the High Point hos pital i undergoing treatment by a specialist Mrs. McDaniel, who suf fered severe cuts about the-face and shoulders, is also in the hospital. Mr. McDaniel: and his brother-in-law wera slightly injured, the former suf fering from bruises on the neck and the latter -from injuries to one of his kneeaf' "-- - .... .- .The accident occurred about 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs;; McDaniel in a Ford touring car accompanied by their daughter, Ruth, and Mr. McDaniel's sister and brother-in-law-were headed toward High Point' - War Hall, a colored citizen of Asheborot with his family, in another Ford touring car were on the highway headed toward Asheboro. McDaniel, according to those who witnessed the accident, -was driving on the right hand side of the road a little towards the 'center while-Hall just before the accident' occurred, was driving on his 'extreme fight with one - wheel off jthe pavement. In cuttinghis car back on the concrete it appears that the. steering wheel was- turned too far and-the car was driven across the road directly in front of McDaniel's car,--and as a result McDaniel's car bit the right hand side of the colored man's car just back of the hub on the front . wheel breaking it and crushing in the side of the car. The front of McDaniel's car was demolishr ed. '.vMr. and Mrs. McDaniel and their daughter, were occupying the front seal of the Ford. Ruth McDaniel wa! throw through the windshield. Her nose was cut in two at the base and! her eyes lacerated. A number of other cUts were on other parts of her face. Neither car was traveling THall' wife and one child sustained minor acratcnes. .-Walter Presnell of Asheboro was driving on the highway a few yards behind McDaniel's car and witnessed the accident. He took the injured people to the High Point hospital in his car. , i t r Mr McDaniel and his fhmilv to4ffidolphaboui sixorise-tHwr ago from-Stokes ' county rand loeateiH on the Press Spoon farm about two miles east of Asheboro." He is a to bacco grower and a splendid citizen. Movement Launched For Organization of Civitan Club A movement was launched Tues day night at a banquet given at the Ashlyn hotel to organize a Civitan Club in Asheboro. A number of rep resentatives of the club from High Point, Greensboro, and Winston-Salem were present ana were hosts to a party of thirteen business men of the town. ' Representatives of the out of town clubs made short speeches in which the principles and purposes of the club were stated. The Civitan club is an organization of men of the town or city for social and civic purposes. It stands for and promotes any and every movement for the up building of the town or city m which the club is located. It is especially interested in education and in the promotion of good fellowship among its members. The social side of the organization is within Itself worth much to a town. An effort will be made to organize a ciud Beginning with 25 members inj Asheboro. A committee of 11 busi- nuBB nu proiessionai men oi the town have the matter in hand. J. D. Ross is temporary chairman of the organization. Those present at the banauet at the hotel were J. D. Rosa, L. F.'Ross, D. B. McCrary, Dr. G. H. Sumner,! Dr. W. T. Lambert, Shafter Fersee, j Rev. H. F. Fogleman, Grady Gamer, h: ,hlU,ker' W B Edwards, W. I A. Coffin. J. K. Wood, and Franeia White. Wood-Kearas Reuatoa Saturday Tha annual re-unlen at the Ww. Keams family waa held in tha mA. ad . school aaditorium Saturday with' a good attendance. The opening and devotional exercises werar conducted by Rev. H.I F. Fogleman. castor of tha M. P. ehunh at Aaheboro. Congressman William C Hammer and Prof. D. M. Weather ly made anoronriate ami tntaraatin talks. Others present made short talks. A picnic dinner on the school grounds -wgoyea. me oldest member of tha .family present was Mrs. Susan Kaarna of Hia-h Point mothur of Rok. ert L Kearns.and widow of tha lata u r. Jtaarns; who was a native, of this county. Mrs. Keams ia tiThar 87th year and has attended each of tha family reunions alnea thv war established. - , Officers elected wara Mra. U.K.1 Wood Underwood, president and M Thurlow Kaarna af Hlvh nf U. tr-aldent' Tha text. annual reunion will be held at tha court btuse In Aaheboro tha first Saturday la August 1928. A eommlttee was appointed to fw P molutions of respect for tha vo wn. w. i'. wood. . Labor Day at S-MMf tJila va Will be celebrated with Rv JV. p Jamison heading tha committee. tUlLWNfl- CITES WAT TO NEW OM Caller Stractaw Faaaes lata SisterpwWaa BmOt Tt Tears Ape By Cat. Rica. Tha old Trinity coOer buOding at Trinity has pacved into history, anaJ a maoera iga-saMoi auuuav is ris ing an th groande of tha old. For aeventy years. th walls of the old building had housed one of tha most famous of all North Carolina's educa tional jnstftutlpnav Governors -and Judges, leading business men and edu cators of the state had gotten their education 'within its walls. It was here that Dr. Braxton Craven laid the foundations of that neat Methodist edacationai institution, Trinity, Col lege. From Its campus had gone out over the south the great athletic teams that brought honor and dis tinction to the college and to the state. - . "So strong were the walls of the old building, although it had been con demned as unsafe, that 400,000 brick from the old walls and 100,000 feet of lumber have been salvaged and will be use3 by the contractors in the construction of the new building. In the construction of the old building about 70 years ago Captain Thomas Rice had used the best brick to be ob tained at that time and had selected the timber from the hearts of trees. Forty odd years ago the builder ' of the new part of the old college build ing had also used the best of material. Capt. Rice also built the. bridge at Franklinville which has stood since 1847' as ah example of his handiwork. -The new institution will be a two story structure 'of red brick somewhat m the shape of an "L". It will have a large number of windows scientifi cally arranged. On both floors a long hall extends the length of the building connecting all rooms. ' There will be five exits for the school in case of fire. Several well-lighted lab oratories will be arranged: The school building is being erected for service rather than for appearances. . The new building will be a long step from Brantley York's frame Old Union Institute that stood on the grounds over 70 years ago, and it will be another far stop from the old college that rose over the old frame building under the supervision and through the vision of Dr. Braxton , Craven, BAPTIST TOUNG PEOPLE'Tl MEET IN ASHEBORO SOON What promises to be one of the 'most interesting of all meetings. v6f uie young "jnnsiian people ever neia in this section is the third annual eon vention . of ; tha Piedmont . , . Bantiat which will convene in Asheboro on the afternoon of Saturday, October 18th and last through Sunday, the 19th. This will be third annual meet- m of association since, its organ- ization November 27th, 1921 All of the speakers to appear on the program have not yet been se cured, but it is expected that a num bor of leading christian workers will be present The outline of the pro gram calls for a number of addresses at each session of the meeting and also for round table discussions. There will be a social event Saturday even ing. The progrjsm will be announced in an early issue of this paper. New Pastor For Baptist Church Rev. B. E. Morris, of Buechel, Ky., has accepted the pastorate of the Asheboro Baptist church in Asheboro to fill the vacancy made by Rev. J. W. Rose who has gone to Smithfield. Rev. Morris will be here and preach his first sermon the first Sunday in Sep tember. Prior to his coming the members of the church have remodel ed the parsonage and made a beauti ful bungalow of it. The Sunday school is helping to refurnish parsonage, which will be ready the for the pastor and his wife and two children when they arrive. Choral Union Prof. E. C. Hamilton, of Greens- boro, wilt aM a sfngers Choral Un- iom at Grays Chapel August the 17th, beginning at 10 A. M. A number of claanea ant aiTM-r-txl n hm than n participate in the exercise. Thut will be a treat to all music lovers. Come and spend the day. 1 MONTGOMERY- r TSk DR.IST3 ON RIGHTS Senator C. C Bennett of Montgom ery county will not attend the sessions of the special session of tha general assembly at Raleigh. A typographical error in the initials of his7 name ap- ru-ing on the summons sent to him the reason. He waa summoned to the general assembly's special session as J. C Bennett He received the summon, 'of coum, but he says if tha many clerks in the learialature cant get his name right and summon him correctly be doesat intend to go. Bennett to a peach rrower. At nraa. ent he Is busy harvesting his big crop of Hales. -Tha attitude of the Montgomery senator la without precedent The senate .cant send tha eerveent-at- arms zor mm Deeeuee utere la M ft a. . . such sroator as J. C. Bennett Mean-, r,'erJ Msembly goaaboui Ite businaaa. , -. rs. t ' Mitchell Harts Joutr year old bor of tha Eriaarer eommunitv. ImtUm eounty, will lose tha sight In his left eya as a result of a knife wound hv fUctad by aocioent by another boy. OLD TRDflTT BUI NEGRO MVDERS JITNEY DRIVER" IN LEXTNGT03T Chirk 'Garwood Bcttai To Death Wltk In Bar la BusU of Negro Charies Garwood, Laxugtaa asta mobUa traasfar owner, waa beatem fm. death with an Iron bar ia the haada of -John Leak, colored, as the Mecka-rilla-Lexington road: Tbufsdayplglit. Kenneth Hale, colored, confessed ac complice 4t Laak, 1 in jail at Char lotte white Leak is still at larga ssad an' $800 reward has been offered for his capture. Aecordinr to the story told or Haie to aneriff K. &. Taibert; . and Hale hired Garwood to take out in his ear, a new Buick six. that Leak struck the fatal Mows with the iron bar, took Garwood's mspey and watch, and then drove to Greens boro, where the blood stained car visa found next morning by police officers. Garwood's skull was fractured and in several places beaten almost into a pulp. His body was found lying by the side of the road about a mile anal a half west of Lexington early Friday morning by two young men on their way to their work in Lexington. Tnejr notified the sheriff and the man hunt began which resulted in the Centura of Hale in -Charlotte Saturday. loom ing. Leak was seen and shot at sev eral times by the officers but man aged to make his escape. The murder is the most brutal that has happened in this section of the state in years and the Lexington com munity h) deeply stirred over it Gar wood was a hard working young mam and popular in Lexington. The mo tive of the murder seems to have beem robbery since it is stated .that tha negroes -took more than $150 off his person after the murder. Garwood was in the habit of carrying a larsa sum in his. pockets. State Labor Endorses LaFoHette ' The North Carolina Federation of Labor in annual convention at Dur ham Tuesday endorsed the candidacy of Senator Robert M. LaFollette and Burton K. Wheeler for the presidency and vice-presidency. A telegram from Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, urge! this action on the part of the North Carolina Federation. FRIENDS CHURCH NEWS "'-The Ladies Missionary society will meet Thursday afternoon with Mra. E. R. Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Bowman, Mrs. Tom Wood, Mrs. N. P. Cox and little son, Rev; .and Mr& C Lv Gregory and little daughter attended the Friends Yearly Meeting- at Guilford CoUega last week. Miss Virginia Saunders, of Mt Airy, is the guest of Rev. and Mra. C. L. Gregory this week. The young people's study class wiH meet Friday night at the church. They have a class in stewardship. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Parker mo tored from Mt Airy last Sunday and spent the day with the pastor and his wife. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH MATTERS (By W. H. Willis). Rev. W. H. Townsend. suDerannuata member of the N. C. conferentss, preached acceptable to our people Sunday morning. We are mum lama Greensboro to .furnish the preacber next Sunday. The pastor is spendins- his vacatioa at a High Point hospital. He ia recovering satisfactorily from a rath er serious operation. Persons inter ested may read, "A Pastor on His Va cation" -in an early issue of tha Advocate. No day has passed since coming ts the hospital that one or more Metho dists has not visited me. The last members: T. J. Rogers, E. J. Harbi son, J. E. Woosley, W. H. Townsend. T. B. Johnson, A. C. Gibbs. My visitor report shows, 21 Ashe boro names, six of them not members of my church. Eight bouquets have been received with appreciation. ' Trinity Man Married Charles L. Smith, son of Mr. ani Mrs. L. C. Smith of Trinity, was mar ried Tuesday in High Point to Miae Ruth Blair Mungo. Mr. 8mlth hoida a position with the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company at High Paint After a bridal trip through westers. North Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Smith will make-their home in High Point. t Native of 811er City Dies la frrtas bore James Henry GUliland. aged ft. died at his home in Greensboro Tues day morning from an attack of tndi jrestion. GUliland was a hatha of Siler City, but had lived In Graana boro for several years. He was a conductor on the Southern railroad. Tha Rrtmbliran bemarla, Stanly county, was addraaa ed last Saturday by Ike Meeklns, re publican candidate for Governor.' The republican county ticket nominated is as follows: J. J. Morton, for sherifrx God. P. Palmer. Mrlater at AmAmi nAiJ&Kn t . TVMnl l - . Uvea, and J. W. Eflrd, IL L. CooW sionara. , Attorney G. D. B. Reynold Pre - ideJ over the eot.vatitlon.cTc! Mortoa, waa selected chairman of tha i00"0 - JUve committee. Plana are being toad at Moore, villa for tho arettJoa of 150,000 hoe pitei. ) - - . .-' t'' s . 1 f.. f i 1 :- Si' '. I r.: '. I , :t... V. ' hi'' ' '. - f1 - r. 1