Pi Two THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C. Thursday, August 14, 1924 j'1' . Randolph Agricultural Department E. S. MILLS APS, JR., County Agent DISBURSEMENTS OF THE W L Stutts, vital statistics .. fl.00 COUNT . OMM1SIONER Rot-cue Brower, same $1.00 A-vfceboro Hdw Co., one spray r ,, , . , . . i for court house $6.00 . , - UM o: " jUheboro Ice & Coal Co., ice for I me ooard 01 count ; c n.n.isioners houM , Expert M.0M VMm la Stale Saturdays Office Days First Mondays o in regular session 4th: Ml Aufust .55 A delegation of fanners from Ran- Miss Dorothy and Marv Joe PhU- J V k. . . .. tf , ; . U I ; . t o:i- o: : 1 1141a tj uin. .i c ua ciiis wui- n ' wi oner vuy, cic vision uric r , , tor the arncolraral conditions. On trip they plan to visit different farms en route looking over herds of livestock, pastures and crops in gen eral. We hope in this way to get ssso valuable information, that we can pat into practice in our own work here. Clover Sick Land In traveling over the county I often hear farmers refer to certain fields as being clover sick, stating that the field once grew good clover, aat that it will not grow it any more. j The answer to this is that the land &as become lime sick instead of clover aiek. All land has a certain amount ef Bme, but legumes such as clover takes up a lot of lime, and the land sooo comes to the place where it will aot grow good clover. Farmers who fcarve in the past limed their land take this claim more than any one cose. Lime will not stay in the soil fear especially if you are getting a M. G. Edward, eradication tuber- I culosis in cattle $185.70 Roads p. S. Millsaos. salary C. A (ft. $66.66 jfri.w4 Interstate Cons. Co., construe- : Linnie Burkhead, work on tax I tin $2,688.62 books $48.00 First National Bank, 60 days ,C. H. Julian, tax supervisor $1Z5.00 i interest on not 1 .60 M. r. Talbert. work on tax maintenance $6140 books iikj.uw W. J Patterson, nam 180.30 Mrs. G. S. Suwrs. same $36.00 Mrs. Liizie Allred and daughter, Ernest Ridge, same $101.00 B. B. Brooks, mdse. for prison- Lucfle, Miss Pauline Cox, Mr. C. H. J. R. Auman, same $113.95 era $185 Julian and daughter. Miss .Catherine, h. F. Hinshaw, , same $82.75 J. M. Brown, 5 dayi court crier $15.00 were the guests at the home of A. G. j J. p. Wicker, same $90.00 S. A. Frailer, conveying lunatic $30.00 Jones near Pleasant Garden Sunday. Ij. H. Cox, tame $31.25 C. J. Lovett, same .i $4-00 Miss Pauline Curtis, who has been S. D. Surratt, same 62.12 Minnie Lee Hoove?, court stenog - at Greensboro for the past two Walter R. Brown, same $102.60 - rapher ; $58.00 weeks, has returned home. I W. L. Coltrane, same $110.22 E. J. Miller, capturing distillery $5.00 Mrs. D. M. Jordan, after spending J. M. Harrison, same $50.00 S. A. Frailer, same . $5.00 some time with relatives here, has H. N. Brooks, same $81.10 S. D. Lowe, boarding prison- , returned to her home in Richmond, 1 A. P. Richardson, same $63.98 era . $138.75 Va. R. L. Richardson, same $101.70 P. L. Walker, sumoning jurors $ .60 Peter Allred is building a filling R. J. Lawrence, maintenance and S. A. Fraxier, same $1.50 station at his farm on State Highway i construction $228.72 G. L. Craven, capturing distil- ' No. 75 midway between Ramseur and S. A. Pickett, maintenance and lery $5.00 construction $319.20 J. C. Ridge, Summoning jurors $1.0G Clarence Poe, contsruction .. $60.50 J. A. Ward, same 42.00 , R. E. Moffitt, same $722.70 S. D. Lowe, same $8.00 D. W. Bulla, construction and G. L, Craven, same 60 labor $309.12 W. L. Coltrane, same $1.00 The LaFollette managers are ig noring no field In their search for votes in the November election. It is planned to carry the fight into every state in the union and North Carolina and o there southern states will not be overlooked. The LaFol lette men are expeetinr at least 20, 009 votes in North Carolina. Accord ing to the statement of the Socialist leaders in Ashe vine the entire Sodal- j - "t y - - istie strenrfi in the Western pari of the State will be thrown to the La-Follette-Wheeler ticket. The Social ists expect te snake a better abowinf la the state Jor LaFollette thaa any socialist eandldat-haa ever been able te make. Net only are the LaloOetta managers expecting the larger part ef the Socialist rote, bat the votes of many ef the Progressive faith - who have net la the past desired to ally themselves actively with either of the oldparUea,- ' - 1 ' Franklinville. Mrs. J. D. Schoolfield, of Greens boro, is visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Neuma Curtis, of Ramseur, were the guests of L. H. Ben S. Lambert, construct $1,045.06 C. J. Stedman, same $1.00 t Curtis and family Sunday. Standard Oil Co.. ras and oil $189.88 A. K. Pugh, same MJ Mr. E. M. Hurley spent the week- Ingram Filling Station, same $101.40 0. D. Lawrence, same $2.00 , end at Mebane. Southern Oil Co., same $78.50 A. L. Campbell, same $Z.00 Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Melvin, of Newsom Motor Co.. same $56.19 T. T. Adams, same 60 ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hughes, in Therefore when the clover begins fail, and grow in patches it is time to Sout'h Franklinvine Sun(J- Wy anower appucauon ox unw. Mr& j g Teague of 1 Gar Wtenhme is discredited because there d was h' g d was libt enough put on the land to 1, . produce the proper results. Never I Mrs. M. H. Free i i . - mil iiu mis. liflty iucivm, uj rooogrowtn or ciover ana cut ii on. Greensboro Mrs, Melvin's par- Seagrove Hdw. Co., tools and re- H. W. Younts, same $2.60 j fOO.ll U. J. X11I1$ bcuiiv . . w 1 Oi 1 I T i- T71 17 1 AA ' Vyttiuiuia obvri nu iruit aj.9 iua- v. hi. xveariu, nnc fi.vv teri&l for b rid ire S33.31 R. L. Coooer. cflDturinir distil- I Asheboro Hdw. Co., material and lery $5.00 construction $231.56 A. C .Cow mileage, July .... $29.06 fat less than a ton per acre and . Ethel, and Mr. nH Mm Cat. . MtnumH 1122.74 J M. Rmvn. rjnrurinr HisfilUrv SK.OO swdm land will require twice this ,and Free of Cedar FaIiS( ere here Lurin Cranford, 1 mo. labor $80.00 Newsom Motor Co., welding bars a sn j p, .for a short while Sunday afternoon. Bud Lowe, same $80.00 jail $4.00 wlf i,fT k,?ZJ Mr. J. T. Bule and family were vis- . Bill Lowe, same $80.00 Asheboro Grocery Co., mdse. co. Kgs farrowed I durmg : Anrast . and I itors ftt h Saturda and SunJGrady Lowe 20 days labor .. $61.60 home $35.60 SEr-S Zvt , SZiL nfi3 Uake -MiUikani same $41.60 R. Hv Ingram, drayage co. home f 2.221 Oe spring markets u ComparisonE i of Mr c p Fox and fami,y Bnd jr. ' Armsteafl York, 1 mo. labor $80.00 R. C. Johnson, mdse. co. home $20.60 tL SS kJ1 fn a i,T7hi L Staley of StaJey- vi8itor8 at c- p- Smith' 9 dayg ,abor 27-72 Asheboro Ice & Coal Co., ice T " " . "j, I tne nome 01 Mrs- Anna rox ssunday Hobert Allred, 16 days labor J49.Z8 for county home $9.76 tw seasons of the year when pork afternoon. L. F. Carle, 8 days labor .... $31.60 R. S. Ferree. mdse. for county arices are at their higest. The farm er who has pigs farrowed during the next sixty days should plan to meet this market in the spring. By run- i 1 nn nas en elected president of Catawba college. Miss Mozelle Kimery is spending W. M. Burrow, 1 1-2 days labor $4.00 home $10.20 this week with relatives at Greens- C. C. Ridge, 20 lbs. nails $100 Asheboro Drug. Co., mdse for boro. Wilson Motor Co., Ford Motor county home . . $6.70 H. T. Garrison and family, Floyd car $215.00 So. Crown MiUinr Co.. mdse. ZZFiZZ tuJL o7tvl a1 1 1 Welch, S. L. .Welch and sons, Percy J. M. Shaw, 10 lbs. hard oil .. $1.50 county home $67.95 yon have them, and green crops dur-1 and ayde( Duncan and Robert West g F Craven and repairs $774.59 Asheboro Bank & Trust Co., EL ftrLu li Tn nfndlof Greensboro, were among our vis- J. R. Surratt, 3 days dragging $12.00 Jury tickets $114.10 t Zr L fiftv Znd Tor!itors "y- Claud Pervi construction . . $30.00 Asheboro Bank & Trust Co., two hundred and fifty pounds for, p. w.nt1 i.ff tnT,,taxr , - T r o:-.i. j ;i eonnc t..to tonnn the spnng market. Sow some rape or th fc, t . . Vo,,nD.' T- r t iU as iKr imon and oats during this month, for early . . g c - hriAaa :KRftn Mrs. Anna rox and daughter, An- J. A. Holder, 2118 ft lbr. na, and Mr. R. p. Garrison and son, A. D. Gray, labor on bridge $11.00 Robert, made a business trip to D. A. Henley, 660 ft. lumber $16.50 Greensboro one day last week. Frank Powell, 1000 ft lumber $23.00 Several people are attending the C. C. Routh, 1000 ft lumber $30.00 revival meeting at the Holiness H, T. Braji, labor on bridge .. $5.00 church this week conducted by Rev. A. B. Ellis, 1 1-2 days labor . . $8.50 J. E. Shaw, pastor, and Mr. and Mrs. General Fund I Frank Bean, of Maryland. A. C. Cox, salary $208.84 John Sumner and Russell Parks D. M. Weatherly, same $166.66 were at Chapel Hill Sunday. A. M. Cox, same $75.00 T. F. and Robert M. Jordan went W. A. Lovett, same $100.00 to Winston-Salem Saturday evening. Lee M. Kearns, same $166.67 Mr. W. J. Moffitt and family at- lola, Lowdermilk, same $75.00 tended the protracted meeting at . Tilley, janitor, $60.00 Shiloh Sunday. W. B". Fulton, listing property $40.00 Rev. W. F. Womble, presiding el- J.-T. Wood, same $120.00 iler Greensboro district, will hold his C. H. Julian, same $46.00 Fourth Quarterly Meeting for Ram- C. L. Lewis, refund tax error. . $5.86 seur and Franklinville charge and J. C. Bridges, same $5.67 preach at Franklinville M. E. church C. E. Kearns, same $11.86 Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. J. W. Robbins, election expense $6.00 Dewey Pugh and Lenah Pugh, Ada R. W. Fuller, same $6.00 Newsom and Pauline Curtis went to W. L. Thurber, same $12.00 Candor Sunday. J. C. Allred, same $6.00 C. L. Allred is putting on a special John Rush, same $21.84 three days sale of dry goods and W. D. Spoon, same $16.14 notions, beginning August 14 at his Colbert Farlow, same $3.00 store on River Drive. S. A Robins, same $3.00 D. Coble went to Jackson Springs John B. Trogdon, same $6.00 Sunday. A. C. Lowdermilk, same $6.00 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Steed and daugh- H. N. McMasters, same $3.00, ter, Neola, of High Point, were the Zell Brown, same $15.00 : guests of L. F. Fentriss Sunday. C. W. Brower, same $6.00 Wm. McDaniel, of Graham, was the Burt Swaney, same $3.00 truest of his brother, J. A. McDaniel, C. S Swaney, examining lunatic $2.50 ; Saturday and Sunday. Randolph Tel. Co., rent $15.25 ' T. A. Wrenn, Misses Maggie and Tpwn of Asheboro, water and ! Kepha York and Ethel Way went to lights $31.08 Liberty Sunday. J. D. Bulla, vital statistics, reg. $27.50 ; Miss Ethel Way entertained a num- W. A. Bunch, premium of pol- j ber of her friends Thursday evening icy $264.00, in the way of a social. Many games Asheboro Printing Co., supplies were played and all had a good time. county offices $45.80 ! Mr. J. A McKInnon and daughters, Lee M. Kearns, July postage $11.62 : Misses Ethel and Leila went to High Lena Hilliard, salary C. S. a $60.00 Point Sunday, accompanied by Miss The Courier, supplies county of- f Thelma Hutchenson, of High Point, . ficeg $37.00. who had been visiting here the past J. A. Ivey, vital statistics $12.00 ; week. Mitchell Printing Co., record ! Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Slack spent the; book $57.73, week-end at High Point at the bed- John W. Curtis, burial two Con- i grazing and another sowing the last f September. This will carry you ever until spring when another seed ing should be put out in March in rder to carry the hogs left on the farm and the pigs, over until grass comes. A plan of this kind is espec ially suited to the farmer who has grain to sell. The shoats will pay him from fifty to one hundred per ent more for the grain than he can market it direct. There are probably a lot of hogs in the county at the present time that are ready for mar fat I would be glad to help get-up a car of hogs at this time and help ship them if you will give me the in Socnxation. Hogs are at the present time bringing a good price on the markets, and will be higher during the next thirty days than they will be any more before spring. Why can't we join hands in a cooperative way and get our hogs on this top market. FRANKLINVILLE PERSONALS The postoffice at Franklinville has been equipped with lock boxes. Mrs. A. K Hobson was paralyzed Saturday morning and her condition b considered serious. Mr. A. V. Jones and family and Mrs. Minnie Allred spent the week end at Raleigh with the family of K. T. Sorrell. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brown, of El lerbe, who have been on a motor trip through the western part of North Carolina, visiting Asheville and Blow ing Rock, returned by way of Frank ftrriTle and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Craven, Saturday ewening. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jordan left Monday for Raleigh for a few days visit with their son, R. B. Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baldwin, of Goldsboro, are visiting friends and idatives here. ss Bertha Scott, of Siler City, pent the week-end with her sister. Miss Opal Scott, at the home of G. P. Craven. ' side of M. L. Burke, who is seriously ill. federate Veterans $40.00' M. H. Burkhead, Election ex- ! - pen bo $6.00 Change of life "When change of life began oa me," says Mrs. Lewis Usher, of Lamar, Mo., "I suffered so with womanly weakness. I suffered a great deal ef pain in my back and sides. My limbs would cramp. I didtft feel like doing my work, and there are so many steps for a woman te take on a farm. I was very anxious to get better. A friend rsc-oxBUstesded te- me and I began tulnfc R 1 certainly Improved. I went theeeihehahge of Mfelrlth wsl ay trouble; Ioaa Ughr " At th aeihont 40 to U every woman has te past ttooBfk a oxttieal time, oAkfe. It ealled tho Change of fifi At ' this time. aoH Ojhaasoa ttat' tbm-tisbu :e7ttea. : w..patniut;aa 3em : are -already ooffee-. any ef Ita troubles Wma, take CarduL It. helo reo. Mi tt 1m lelpol North TO Norfolk, Va August 15, 1924 VTA m Tickets good 8 Pays and 2 Nights in Norfolk. Round trip fare from Asheboro, N. C, $7.25. Pullman sleeping cars and high class day coaches. t Special train leaves High Point 8:05 P. M. August 15th. Arrives Norfolk 7:45 A. M. August 16th. Round trip tickets on- sale from all stations on Southern Railway in North Carolina August 15th, for this excur sion. See eircular. Tickets from branch line points sold for regular trains connecting with SPECIAL TRAIN at junction points mainline Charlotte to Danville. Tickets from mainline points Charlotte to Danville on going trip August 15th, sold for special train only. All tickets good to return all regular trains up to and including train No. 3 leaving Norfolk 6 :10 P. M., August 18, 1924. Grand opportunity to spend week-end at Virginia Beach, Ocean View, and other resorts. Fine surf bathing, boat excursions, sight-seeing trips. Fishing at Ocean View this year is the best in many years and great catches are reported frequently. Don't miss this opportunity for a few days fishing. THE LAST SEASHORE EXCURSION TO NORFOLK THIS SEASON Make your pullman sleeping car reservations early. For farther information call on any Southern Railway Agent. G F. BURKHEAD Ticket Agent Asheboro, N. C . : ijji u-l ill...., R. H. GRAHAM Division . Passenger Agent Charlotte, N. C v. l.i u.-.l ... -JL I Alaiiiaitce Laundry 1 Gives' Aslieboro Service ' 4 't i v ' B)mvcautdmdiid ' j; Iujbriciprtlof tlic h: m a'B nickefncrV; -f v Wagon in Asheboro Three Times Weekly: xfAvnAv wpriMPoriAV flATTmriAV t Guatan teed Service - VWU Appreciate Your Orders ". ;. 4 . . ' Flat Work, per pound Damp Wash, per pound j. Rough dry,' per pound Ix. 6c 5c 8c Complete washinir and ironinj? for X ; JNfidJowiwes on ear aunertwi ? Mn i rmn v n wr4ecaaM they are Urge and do ocrt need to t ;Upaaiped op to htnl t. ' v UJ JUUV U-.iitm 'n flex ben4 adv and t'tbA-h .... thbampt . j turj .w,,v-Hf Bvt thU flexing U hard a Mxw t doc& . -. ytat hat recently developed a new cord fabric "' called SupertwUu It stretch et arxnrt tvrko at fat ordinary cord. It was especially developed for Balloon Tlrei and It found only la Coodyeaf ' Balloon Tire. SvtrtwUt U your kMur&oce of y long wear and freedom from tronbU - ,' At our new low prfc we can put Coodyearv, : Suptrtvltt Balloon Tlrei cm yoor car at less thaa . you've been paying for the regular ilxo tiree now " on your car, '...: ; v f,v '.:"., ; ' aSj today and experience thi real ttrdl cl .' ' v, QOoodyear Balloons on your dr. , ' ; .;, - , . ' "Aslieboro Motor Car Company y t i 17 v 1 i V T v " n::c:;, Dzzhi k Ay. A.A AAAfr AAAA . - i -4 . w . ' ' ' - . .... J J