Pae Six THE ASHEBOEO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C - . i ; Thorsciiv, Acroat 14, 1921 - ' .A 1 ty SHERIFFS SALE FOR TAXES Sterling Wall 49 acres ...... W Taaeraad Tewaskip I U-rry Lola Barnes U acre 12. T5 Dr. T. V Asi.bK.rn 1 lot 5.04 Mr. Bertie Brre acre . . 5-25 EDGAR NEWS Hivea? Pisco erod It Yet A. J. Broer 1 lot 3.22 This section had a heavy wind and I to fruit Old bu Hearv Vittmn't Mu. L. . Camper 176 acre 1647 rain torm Sunday evening wines, did fa Louisville, mi fa other haada. .rtt S. T. Ferguson 11 acre 1.64 considerable damage) S. M. Ferruson 79 acre 23.83 and com. 2- Nellie Garren 30 acre 3 -6 H&rriaon Kxn (1 mawm a.40 73.58 am Parri and Morgan Heir (Bal. due) 15-76 1.00 coarse, has discovered that Ktt, 1 Carina realise aha made a tremnn- 2-69 James M. Da via and daughter, Mise dome mistake in gofer into debt for 10 Blanche, of Wilmington, DU arrived food road.' Strange hew dear om'i jt rt- af . DIV"C1 Default havinjr been made bv the persons named below in the Buekner A Stroud l lot 70.00 Davmeut ft tavos Hn RanHrJnh fVuintv Vnrth Pumlini nr Ka J- A. Cook 1 Kt 19 30 EX 1?23A ?LPrTrty 7 1 ffeI t'JlS? Sii SlrinS lots. Bajdue to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Asheboro, Dan Pugh 1 u t N. C, on the first Mondav in September (Sept. 1st, 1924) between D. E. Davis 2 lot the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.. the following property, said sale H- EWr Esl 334 cre 'i 100 beine for the Durnose of navinir thp rnuntv tY on the said ntxm. mt. 10J cre I6? H- H. Hix aetate 7 1-2 acre .... u.-.w j7l"Tr JI JT: .." I; . rowler l lot 5S.& Gao. W. Kmm 10 acre .... .67 '."7. lI1.1' W. J. Fraiier 1 lot 14.28 e. W. Klpdleytt acre. 16.64 JTTf V n.T kTTTVZ 'Gillian A Patterson 8 lot 7 00 n rTT.. d DT ' - erty on which default has been made. To the amount of each tax receipt listed btlow will be ad ded 70 cents for costs. This August 4th, 1924. A. C. COX, Sheriff Randolph County, N. C. I Gregg M. Holder 74 acre ! Sterling James 65 acres . . , Everett Johnson 1 lot . . . . ,G. A. Kimery 51 1-2 acres 15.45 88.28 46.18 202 Mrs. Mary Hill 24 acres ..... IM Satardiy night fox two-veek Yiait viaiea ia from a dietanea. Kaoady fa to reUUre aera. imotui warouna oaa rnaoa tu discoT- M . , . . ' TT -mat TTih Pjni Wntmmwim-. am. cuniot nanow conanaea ' , - t r.""' Walter Daria, of Gaatoaia, after I ' ' ' Caaryaa Bad Ftiaaa randlttoaa M. B- PWUlpa, who flnlabad a term af Ihra yaars at the state aesitaa. Gillian k Patterson 2 lou . 7.00 I aiib KtnduJ 48 r SJS f" iTnm Rarmnn tWt IS 1i DAIm i- 1-1.1 o nan WraeO. 14.00 jc?y LlatUcum 2- acres 220 B. F, m5 ib4 srz?t2, Ahboro Towiuaip R- E. Allred 1 town lot 27.00 John M. Allred, 1 acre and 1 lot 5.00 W. G. Aldridge 4 acres 4.84 O. H. Allred 1 lot 6.00 T. V. Bulla 108 acres 28.60 C. 1L Bulla 33 1-2 acres 8.00 R- E. Bette 1 lot 22.50 B. A. Brown 1 Jot 10.75 J. M. Brown 1 lot 13.72 W. H. Burrow 239 acre (Bal crua) 21.59 K. W. Bogys 8 loU 6.78 7.80 .60 16.67 20.67 10.75 28.69 3.34 E. D. Corinrton 1 lot J. C. Croas 1 and 1-2 acres Turner Davis 1 lot C. E. Davis 2 lots W. D. Dickens 1 lot C. L. Frits 1 lot Martitia Gatlin 1 lot J. L. Gray 62 acres 6.64 John L. Hadge 8 1-2 acres . . . 9.00 E. J. Hamilton 1 lot 22.45 Joe Hardin 1 lot 6.00 R. H. Ingram 6 lots 10.47 H. h. Ingram 1 lot 43.02 H. H. Kennedy 2 lots 43.25 A. L. Lamar 1 lot 4.09 J. W. Maxwell 1 lot 6.00 W. Jeff Moore 1 lot 30.34 John Miller 1 lot 21.0C A. Sam Miller 1 lot 16.00 B. F. Miller 7 lots 41.70 Mrs. J. J. Miller 1 lot 10.25 O. P. Nelson 5 5-8 acres 15.85 J. S. Presnell 2 lots 6.10 R. O. Parks 2 lots 2.50 W. P. Royster 1 lot 23 .:12 W. M. Ridge 1 lot 18.25, v. a. Kedding z lots 4.67 El wood Stout 7 1-2 acres (Bal. due) 4 S2 E. C. Shaw 1 lot 11.34 W. D. Spoon 1 lot 10.00 C. T. Spoon 2 lots 36.00 A. H. Smith 1 lot 20.67 Fannie Steed 30 acres 4.00 Alex Hunsucker 6 acres 4.00 Mrs. Bertha V. Wiles 1 lot . . 20.26 Hedrick & Walton 107 acres ami 1 lot 19.67 N. P. Dorsett 1 lot 14.03 G. B. Hasty 1 lot 10.00 J. A. Holder 1 lot 36.25 Sidney Hopkins 40 acres 6.67 W. S. Walker 1 lot 1.00 Cbarlie Williams 1 lot 13.68 J. O. Walker 1 lot 43.50 L. K Whitaker 4 lots r2 20 York & Burns 1 lot 1.26 I Asheboro Township (Colored) Mrs. M. M. Brower 23 acre . . J. W. Everett 6 acres Henly heirs 2 acres Is bell Lowdermilk 78 acres . . Eliza McCleod 17 acres Mrs. D. E. Rush 29 acres Coleridge Township L. S. Kivett 1 lot 26.54 7.00 3.17 66.50 17.50 f34 Cieero T. Lane 17 1-2 acres I T. M. Marley 1 lot 16.14 Mrs. Ida Pike 5 acre 16.60 P. E. Pike 5 acres fi Randolph Milling Co. 1 lot C L. Robertson 60 acres . n 7 Ufa 1 fin 77 Tir ti n n aa ' v ' v ' V n u i fifi J- G. Reitxel 37 acres and 4 J. C. Brooks 71 acres 16J0O jgg 53 Mrs Florence Cheek 92 acres 28.17 e. a. ltAik VlO acres " . SS.00 L. B. Gardner 90 acres 64S2 j. fm Smith Hot 83.73 ? U "o018 A. L. Staley 23 acres 6.00 Lcmig Moffitt 11 1-2 acres ... . 1.00 c. w Staley 23 ,cre8 9.62 W. P. Scott 45 acres . . 8.00 Mrs. Jane Troy 300 acres ... . 140.00 Coleridge (Colored) 'A. R. Wells 4 lots 5.66 Henry Green 10 acres 4.55 tv 1? 11 d,.i . D. Graves 43 acres 15.16 j..-. J. M. McDonald 16 acres 67 r m 'n'ri' i ' i 't ColumbU Township . A B york 137 acrei ' .' .' .' ! ! ! . W. C. Burgess 52 acres 30.45 vr ri,v c w. W. E. Burgess 1 lot 22.44 w u r;v,f o it inn J N Copeland 1 lot 28.80 H.'Bun Murray 2 lots, Bal'.due 39.38 W. M. Coward 1 lot 11.62 o l rw.- e : j 1 if James A. Craven 1 lot 28.80 due 61 g6 Dr. F. C. Craven 1 lot 77.03 , .. . . . R. B. Finison bal due 70 Liberty (Colored) Alson Fox 57 acres 12.81 Tomas Foster 1 lot 10.85 J. D. Holder 95 acres 12 70 $Clarenc? Gilmer 2 lots 7.60 W. H. King 1 lot 13.24 "e?de" jot 11.94 58.94 30.00 4.25 36.57 7.90 17.60 C. T. Headen 1 lot P. A. Isley 1 lot 6.46 Arthur Kimes 1 lot E. L. Kivett 106 acres Clarence Kivett 25 acres W I jino-lfiir nirac and 1 1 W I. l.lnnm Pi 1.9 c Qr,-i John Patterson 10 acres I 0t 25 24 " Scotten 7 1-2 acres Bal. T. W. McMasters'oO acres .... 10.64 Due. v , v v . J. R. Osborne 113 acres 16.70 MaSK'e wewDerry &ner l lot 7.94 6.00 7.79 .12.62 6.00 A P: Perdu. 26 acre. . . ! '. '. ! ! SM TOvvLj SllS'v Wry. Toeaday SiuZi J. H. Richardson 67 acres .. . 16,75 ?f,fv S50efc. mad a atatemaat alleging aX G. F. Robbiaa 75 acres 144 ' T.JESLr J FfIftaditiooa ia th state penal inatiL- tion. Ha atataa that Sapartotandaat Pon la a good man, bat doaant know half of Vhat U-gtiing 1n -tha"jri-nr that Captain Buabea- famatiw aa ha pleaaes... Tba sick praonara, ac eordiar'U Phfflina, liATa- thaTworst food given tha priaonra.N. ' State Director Near Saat RaUef i ci.. oa o nn ounuar aiveraoon. J. M. Tysinger 16 acres 12.14 air. and Mr,' H. W. Robbin spent D. L. Hill W acres 80.87 Thuradai to filgk CPeint ; ' ' J. H. Rush 185 acres 16.83 Isaac Farlow',n who has ltaen sick. Tabernacle Towaaaip (Colored) doee not Improra tandu v rv . o no Robert AUrad, of Greanboro. . at- r ?W'' "" ' tit tended serviee at Marlboro fioadas. ?1 W"! mcro Rtanlev f5nanri and Oill Cninr Msited U H.v. flpencer' near'Ponjona 10 w. ' Jju- O Mayfteld Harris 4 acre Henry Smith 24 acres Ida wnUama 1 acre , Trinity Towaaaip Mr. and Mrs.' B. F. Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. W. B- JUdge and Mx, and Mrs. w-J Andrews t loU k 4J8 iT paviawara fa High Point at-l Wr & Jtornj, recently sp- P, V. Andrews 1 lot 1.87 urday. . i.i; ,1ointed,staU director' for .Wear gJ,f i A frJtT'i . . w. .uaB wntiin mrf,'1, f"n.W!j r. u. faroee aw acre. J-ov - i-ZZ iT XEF. ZZZZZ ' s??"atott. 4. . corsne acres . . . ... . ZJrZl ZZ" Ti my . X3rlotta; is ta shaJr- '",7 ' r: irrX Sandhill, with i-.k- , " organisawm. "i w V. r w.w j t-.: r fTTj 5,-- c x iios. a. vuiicr A. lOb . TLil 16 58.30 1.71 65 H. Colon Parks 68 acres 16.20 E. M. Siler 1 lot 14.32 P. H. Siler 150 acres 37.45 D. J. Walls 15 1-2 acres 9.28 A. V. Williams 48 acres and 1 lot 38.30 V. R. Williams 1 lot 16.36 W. D. York 1 lot 26.64 O. R. & C. A. York 180 acres 11.35 N. D. Martin 1 lot 12.60 R. P. Brower 45 acres 20.65 A. C. Jones 1 lot 9.00 W. M. Wright 267 acres 76.30 F. M. & W. M. Wriirht 239 acres 42.05 Shelly S. Overman 38 acres . . 12.55 G. P. Pugh 245 acres 47.85 New Hope Township M. E. Hopkins 250 acres Bal. Due Lindsay W. Harris 30 acres . . Annie Harris 50 acres E. O. Keams 299 acres Bal. due H. R. Lyndon 268 acres Bal due N. G. Loflin 84 acres C. A. Stafford 50 acres 10.00 E. J. Snyder 156 acres 9.67 T. L. Sykes 117 acres 11.70 Mrs. W. P. Steed 125 acres . . 10.00 B. F. & Estella Wooley 9 1-2 acres 17.50 New Market Township 20.85 3.00 2.50 66.82 2.20 3.60 M. M. Brower estate, bal due Hurt Baldwin 1 lot Rebecca Burke 1 lot .70 2.67 67 Ed Covington 1 lot 7.00 Hal Lrantord 1 lot 7 00 G. W. Cheek 1 lot 8.35 5.95 5.00 4.25 2.00 Arthur Davis 1 lot Wesley Hoover 1 lot Lawrence Garner, 22 acres . . . W. P. Hearn Heirs 1 1-2 acres Albert Henley 2 lots 4.00 A. M. Ingram 1 lot 5.34 Wesley Waddell 1 lot 6.37 Daniel Watkins 1 lot 6.84 Back Creek Township J. W. Allred 16 acres $ M. C. Brown 38 1-2 acres A. B. Bulla 20 acres 2 83 Dr. A. M. Bulla '217 acres (Bal due) 9.20 J. T. Dougan 104 acres 8.16 J. T. Dougan (Agt. Florence Rush) 67 acres 8.92 W. J. Dillion 72 acres 23.00 J. C. Harris 5 acres 67 Charles Houser 93 acres 15.00 Nathan Lowe 147 acres 26.00 2.75 6.84 E. C. Bridges 38 acres 4.35 John Brame & Co. 130 acres 30.34 R. P. Brower 45 acres 10.00 E. E. Davis 66 acres 12.55 W. P. Baldwin 50 acres 5.00 w- E. Davis 121 acres Bal. due 30.00 Mrs. J. M. Massey 73 acres . . 11.15 Mrs- Delia Davis 188 acres . . . 108.07 C. L. Kivett 154 acres 27.00 Rutn Davis 135 acres 26.67 R. L. Michael 1 lot 1.36 M- v- Hollingsworth 166 acres 60.23 W. J. & W. W. Vestal 1 lot . . .50 J- W. Johnson 1 lot 2.00 Mrs. C. E. Underwood 180 Ada L. Stout 133 acres 22.44 acres 30.00 C. H. Taylor 43 acres 15.00 Columbia (Colored) V' V! "Ei 57-62 n hi, M- L- Yates, Sr., 352 acres Causey Brooks 1 acre 6.54 gai jue lg g6 T'rlZt"? 64 aCrCS 2Al 1 P,easant ' Grove Township " m , Ho M01 Brady 65 acres 6.70 John P. Marley 3 acres 4.33 P. D. Leonardy 31 . . . . 5 30 Dougan Matthews 47 acres .. 6.00 S. W. Maness 92 acres 19.80 Donnie Taylor 25 acres 4.00 Mr8. Mary E. M 50 A , 6 7Q Maud.e Bray 1 acre -TOj.a Massey 31 acres . 7 40 B- BrorWB 13i iicres 12 00 Mrs. M. A. Purvis 66 acres .. 15.85 x, , r"CO'd lJTh,p D J . . . Providence Township w vr" n oX John Allred 78 1-2- acres .... 20.00 vv. m. earner eu acres, Dal. due 3.30 w. S. Brower 230 L.Hughes 70 acres 8.50 Sam Brown 200 acres . . ! . ! ! ! 400 acres, uai. H. J. Colev 28 arre 747 6.35 Mrs. H. H. Elder 155 acres . . 35.00 ,o7oI J; M- F"8 113 acres 73.79 124.25 Peter Fields 117 acres 32.10 o-m George Garrett 41 acres 6.67 Arch Cameron 1 lot S. C. Clark 53 lots "Artisan Acres" City of High Point 3 lots "Ar tisan Acres" E. C. Davis 7 1-2 acres L C. Deal 1 lot Mrs. L. W. Ellis 1 lot Dr. F. C. Frazier Estate (Bal. due) 109.01 John W. Frazier 63 acres 27.77 J. J. Garland 8 acres 43.33 Jno. F. Hill 54 acres 1S.75 D. L. Hill 38 acres 8.00 Mrs. T. M. Hendricks 33 acres 9.28 C. V. Jones, 384 acres 98.70 Ira & C. E. Johnson 30 acres . . S. E. Lohr 20 acres (Bal. due) W. Li. Mitchell 63 1-2 acres Farmers are wall blessed with the curing of tobacc thia'Tear. JRer. Jeff JonejpreMed an able sermon at ManDoroast -cSOnday, WIDOWER CONGRATULATED. "Since my ; wife's death, five years ago, I have suffered, rreatlv e . 1 1; x . . . 22 00 frimSHn; fc!i???ily 5ituSe1 from tomach and Uver trouble and 30 i?5 3??? lA?lii'?a- Sy ittacks, I lost over 60 lbs, and 5.20 .94 bfl Barker on AsheUr?IfautH i ' tJ.SsJ ,at . Mrs. Lewfa Davi, imderwenta seJdor7cou7d XwTEWddS GZXr? tTff.'f' ' Mayr-s Wonderfuf ReWK Greensboro hospital last . eek but entirely cured me I hav .tifnfc ,8 RePv0rM C fSSU "SK? revival Sunda'v ft HMrin me how "-" Continue all XL rnU Harris, Misses. Mary 'Etmal SaTafd JSSS anu oaaie usoorne ana Marvin Os- fiftmmnHnn wv:i, oT n.. . (--- ..AW. kuoto flOVMMU .all stomach, liver and intestinal ail Iments, including appendicitis. One borne were in Randlemah Friday. 1. in. rariow is in feeble health bluciiucu me oirmoav nin- j :n - . r . iiLuiicii vo -i. atien i m w . . . uooc win convince or monev nTnniri (Bal. due) 26.00 "l lan,e mcues la8t Sunday For saie by Standard Drui O).. and 1 nil r r n ncca. i I A druggists everywhere. I ' 1 ' ' 1 What is your money earning? o. R. C. Hoover 143 due C. G. Hinshaw 335 acres . L. Marvin Keams 375 acres Monroe Heirs 42 1-2 acres t w m" rtn. LI? R- M- Hinshaw 63 acres 13.60 T. W. Mitchell 369 acres ... . 136.78 W. C. Hemphill 104 acres .... 36.70 Owen Holmes 37 acres 1.50 C. A. NaUhti in , aX 15.56 G. W. Pugh, Admr. 52 acres . . 8.00 14.15 Mrs. Bessie PUgh 80 acres .. 16.00 I J. P. Routh 192 acres 80.61 George Allred 10 acres 2.47 ; Reddin' 80 acres 10.00 G. H. Black 60 acres, Bal. due 28.78 w- E-Underwood 28 acres . . . 7.80 Mrs. B. K. Steed 193 acres E. B. Steed estate 164 acres Franklin ville 39.19 C, B. Vickory 30 acres 9.05 W. B. Milliknn (Arrf U P r n . or. : . M rSiiW 190 a... v,ruHi d acres (Hi " t. ti 3. W. Morgan 242 acres 65 16 I Z- Groom 7 acres. Bal. due 5 "-OTy '"acres 23.21 Nat M. PicSett 72 acre ' " " 8 00 M" W- Ferree 6.19 Mar . J" WUkerson 109 Coy Pierce 50 acres B. F. Gray 111 acres 12.92. acres 15.00 Claude Routh 72 acres ' ii'j26 Mr- D11 Goin 20 acres 1.S8 Randleman Township A N. Routh iki acres 2 05 I W' Hughes 40 1-2 acres . . . 29.94 J. M. Allred 107 acres ...... 40.18 R. R. Robblna 65 acres 860 J' C- K1 2 lot , 12.60 Eugena Allred 14 acres 188 T. 0. Spencer 115 sires Ron ! Lock 1 lot 4.83 A N. Bulla 4 lots 29,76 R. W. Thayer 60 acres 8 Kfl John T- Xh 134 acres 20.02 Mrs. A. N. Bulla 1 lot 16.05 w w tt r .i rn . m r n - r a . v. r. nogu ux acres 54. vu v. u jox 00 acres 10.B8 F. M. Trogdon 10 acres 6.71 J- F. Coble 104 acres 198 C S. Trogdon 105 acres .... 28.25 Mrs. W. C. Cobla 1 lot 8.11 W. H. Tiopett 22 acres 18.00 Daniel M. Anderson Est 1 lot ,27 H. 8. Williams 1 let J7.38 Quincy Ellington 1 lot 6J5 I Mr. Golden Aldridge Williams George W. Elliott 1 lot 67.46 l lot 76 w. t. r erguson 1 lot. Bal. due 1.14 Mrs. Delia Wriirht 80 acres . . 2.66 E. H. Goley Est 2 lots R 09 . G. York 1 lot I KerseyCarr Co. 8 8-4 acres Praaklnrille (Colored) Allen Trotter 25 acres !n k r. vuncannon 18 1-2 acres . 8.50 w. Wall 145 acres 27.86 i;. u wniuker 326 acres 69.00 weidon Co., 2 acres .60 Back Creek (Colored) r lora urickhouae 12 acres 0 1 Thomas M. Coble 12 acres 76 w. 1 uavi 15 acres 4.00 Brower Township v C. L. Brown 17 acres 1.00 K. A. Hudspeth 64 acres Margaret A. Owens 80 acres E. C. Lemmondi 4 acres (Bal. Due) Cedar Grove Township Mrs. Elisabeth Barnes 60 acres L. G. Barnes 86 acres M. a Beaa 66 acres kW. H. Briles 44 acres J. C. Bulla 17 1-10 acres .... J. M. Cooper 210 acres (Bal Due) C. C. Craven 8 1-2 acres J. V. Cravon 5 acres W. A, Cox 75 acres (BaL' Duo) W. M. Hmwnd 10 acres t i . , J. & Harris 106 aerat ....... Mrs., J. Perina Roach Bm 28 acres Adam Xnnsa (W. EL Buntisr Act) 46 mctm ....... .7!: E. A Keares 230 acres ' N. H, Low 214 acres . ytwby McAllrter 20 acres . . Mrs. James Morris 100 acres , I JL Prwost 7 acraa Prank Roah Heirs 71 acraa IX F. RldgaT acres Uteed Hirs 88 ame .,,,,,T , T. Jrrdrlx 5ksm 120 aerss , , J. M. Taagoo 1Z1 sres Tlodems Tadlock 147 acraa Jana Walkw 17 acres ........ Jr. M E. Tatea CT aern ,"K,? ....... Addle a MsAMftsr osUU 124 srres Madison B. Ba 65 ars ..." Udf Crovt (CoUred) o!ai W. Hinshaw t lot .60.00 3- E. Hinshaw 85 acres . . Mrs. T. A. Hale 75 acres 1.02 .80 4.92 15.69 18.23 4JX) 19.69 .66 96 7.04 1.00 iun 2.67 17.71 10.00 184 28J4 86.69 .66 10.00 8J7 4.00 M IM M 12.00 4.00 47 Clad McGee 12 1-2 acres 8.85 5" ,? 5ufhM,.b.1. du Lydia Marley 6 1-2 acres .... 1M 13 V ?uaw, OT 117 1600 -400 U T. T 1 1. r, r " . . . j. a. ivev 1 lot . ZJZ -Aea" . C. U'Kirkman 1 lot Mrs. Lura Garner 60 acres, bal. due W. H. Garner 126 acres Gate City Motor Company 45 acres Mrs. M. J. Kidd 85 acres .... Margaret King- 60 acres .... C D. Trogdon 98 1-2 acres .. firsnt Township (Colored .91 12.20 21.40 .70 9.74 4.01 16.26 12.27 40.39 8.83 16.06 14.39 14.61 11.23 M. E. Lawelln 72 acraa .. Laval Ores Towaaaip Mary lL Armstraif IU 1-2 sSfsl i To f ' BrownrRoal Ejrtata Co. 149 acres Joha ML Gray 1-1 acres . . . T. L, Ingram 157 acres Mrs. Cora E. Lamb 22 acres Georra Lamb 87 acres (BaL Dna) Newman Bros. 18 acres CUada P. Toomes 4 acres . . Mrs. Jesse Hashes 40 um . . J. A. Holder 164 acraa w. a. Johnaon Mrs. C. O. J. E. Cobla Lever Crm fCai Robart Evans 20 acraa ...... C. A Lamb 1 lot J. J. Lamb 2 acres J--" Mrs. Minnie Lineberry 1 lot . . 00 J. R. McDowell 41 acres .... , L. W. McAnley 62 acres A R. McCollum 1 lot Bal. h 4.67 r. W MrrianUI 9 .rl. 7-M l w. McDonald 2 acres .' .' .' ! 2.14 24.36 6.1Q 4.30 2-14 4443 88A4 14J8 48 ian 6.14 18J9 S. H. Mnrnhv 9. Into j 9 KS I. R. Payne 1 lot 9.43 N. E. Davis has a freak on his Miss Mary C. Parker 222 acres 41.78 Place in the way of two trees grown . noyais iuu acres 31.98 nm winning each other, by the fingers of G. W. Spoon 1 lot 3.14 A limb has grown from one into the and every leaf is A. J. Tomlinson Heirs 12 acres 11.00 other. 'Jerrold a. r. wnite iu acres .60 D. L. White 25 acres 26.30 Mrs. J. A. Welborn Est. 1 lot 11.60 N. F. Walker 50 acres 13.00 W. C. York 43 acres 19.18 Mrs. Lizzie Myers 1 lot 5.42 Z. A. Cox 42 acres 13.35 Thomas C.' Hunt 400 acres ..'893.34 Mrs. T. M. Hendricks 33 acres 5.35 Trinity (Colored) t Herb B. Alford 86 Logan Brown Trustee 1 lot ... .35 H. Thomas Brown 4 acres 8.28 Dempsey Bowman 26 acres .. 17.75 S. A. Evans 14 acres 12.08 Will Frazier 1 lot 4.31 ! Belvin Gray 25 acres 13.20 ' Anderson Gray 6 acres 6.06 : Shube Gray, Jr., 2 acres 6.88 Moses Gray 4 acres (Bal. due) , 1.80 uan Aierrui 1 lot z.3i Mattie Perry 1 lot (Bal due) .11 J. C. Skeen 4 acres 8.15 Lena Walker 1 lot 81 Ed Gray 1 lot 4.00 Union Township James Hurley 50 acres 1.00 N. E. Rankin 181 acres ...... 42.00 E. a Shaw 117 acres, BaL due 5.00 Cinoch Vuncannon 1055 acres (uai Lue) 45.48 Mary A Welch 95 acres .... 10.00 Union (Colored) U. L. Hill 25 acres, Bal. due 2.55 Sherman Hill 8 acres 3.60" Stephen Hill Estate 4 acres . . 1.70 BEST HEALING OIL IN THE WORLD Eddy's Pore Healing Oil For head, nosa and deafness, af fects; For JChanmstism, Lumbago, Sitnini CUM Tn!r.t. .-J TK.I Aches; Catarrh, Hky,. Fever, Baxk-i ache, FooUche. Headache. Wonnda.1 Cats and Sores. ' Cough, Sore ' Throat, Neuralgia, and Bronchitis'' leaves a bad cough, so does "ia" and lagrippe. This oil can be taken in ternal and external. Guaranteed or money refunded. Large bottle 11.60, Write or call, EDDY'S HERB PILL CO. 1227 Walnut St. Mihrsakee Wis. " ... waartaww) aw OM-4 TJJ James 0. Pkkard 1 lot Mrs. Ethel D. Robbin 1 acre 19M 0. G Redding 5 1-2 acres and 1 I lot -.''...... i Mrs. Flora Redding 14 seres . . 1647 3. V. South 2 lots . . . . V. . . Randleman Mfg. Co, 2 lota .. 4842 M. A. RsdUel 1 lot 81.09 8. H. Ragaa 1 lot 29.10 J. A, Swaim 1 lot 119 G. Sanders 1 lot G. P. Snider 1 lot 1J6 Randletnan HosJeryvMilla 1 lot 43046 43421 : ;1lJUmm rvi IN 11-44 Bis Lottarloh Eat J acraa . . 114 60.00 1. R. Beck 60 atm .... it no 6 ceres 844 t. T nm. o .I."'; ZZZZ Patrick 61 acraa J8.67 W.1L Bean Uuml g'si 20 acres ....... 4.00 W iT ruJl ii !!!!! V TH5 ,. Mrs. Cordelia -McNeill -16 acres W. K. Parsons 4 acres 12M Ti. B. Prwnell 106 acrsa mm m t-arsons e acres 15.79 E. I Rlark 100 acres . 85 00 b - acraa i3.ea uon weicn 1 i-z acres FretU BDencor 40 scraa inon ,' . ". r-i.Li.j . ,IJri. Btedmaa axm ' 44 ft L. MaTiT 100 f 1X8 CHEERFUL WORDS For Many an Asheboro Hooaehold, Ta I. . . L. - I . n.n uie pmin ana acnes of a bad back removed to be entirely free from annoyina:. damreroua nHmn Hh. orders, Is enough to make any kidney' sufferer gratefuL The following ad- vice of one who has suffered will! prove helful to hundreds of AsheborW readers. ... I Mrs J A, Beaver, N. Fayettevffle' St, Asheboro, gave the f ollowtaf . statement July 26th. 1918s "I had a bad pain in the mall of my back and it hurt me a lot at Umea.: My kidneys j were Irrernlar la artim aO r .1. had apella 1 of nervousnoas.. The least thing would Irritate mev Headache and diszy spell were annoying and my sight would blur. Doea'e Pills Were , recommended to ma so I got aome at the Ashebora tn ft f used Doan'e according to directions ad can say they cored me of the f ?,r.Wk' ttti my kid. m took the heedachee and dlv pelU away and I no longer suffered irom nerveesnaaa. -1 kaM k.j ..... algn ef the trouble since," .1 . : ' : On Deeernber 11 1921, Ha Beever dded: "I have had no 1U1 . ua. nT nedy ainee Doan'a eared me 60C St sTl nV-1y rJ.. um.' Only Five Are Independent Of every one hundred bread win ners in this country only eight have independent incomes at the age of sixty-five. You can be independent in your old age only if you begin your invest ment program now, systematically even though in small amounts.' Put your surplus ftmds into Ala mance First .Mortgage 6 Per Cent Gold Bonds. . They are absolutely safe, secured by carefully selected property. Write for free booklet "BondsM it tells the story. a: .v A i. r' v'M -l.X ;ance-.RcrJ Estate Company '. -'Capital and Czrpiva JICOXCXCO'' I W. li tiilAUPK, BIST V" : :.y V BURLINGTON, N. C 1 : i Co, iifr Buffalo, N. Y, i .... f.- 4

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