... T- RIER 'A: eT tHK coukier THE C0UEIE2 AdrertlsiflZ Columns Briaf Results V Taada laJBotiltart aad Vpi' OrcuktJon.lf -.-i it. ISSUED WEEKLY-i". HUNC3PLES, NOT IIEN S2M A YEAR IN ADVANCE -afe' n ' . aV 1 J w ..t-ssv ' - - - i aswSByaa, aaa-jp -i GO P .. s. Kara Cssilna, Thersday, Set ttber U. UK, NUMBER IT COUNTY FAIR WILL OPENSEPT. 24TII r 't .t, i!r,(..v ttr-.-r,: i n: ... -s ., ,, "N "-Continaeci For; four Days nd ' " Nlthte rritay, 26th, School . Ifcfct ? EtWWts. - Wadneaday morning, September Z4th and will continue through Saturday, the 27th, four days and four nights. Tha nuuiagement baa .perfected Ma nlaanJbr the fair-and fverythlrig will iaUeadineesaea iba-Mtfclorlthc opening of tha biggest and beat fair ever held in the ceuntyr; People from all over the "county as well, a adjoin in? eoonuea are inierenea, jura every indication ia that the attendance thia better ASHEBORO SCHOOL Ji UHAS GOOD OPENING Larfcst EaroDimrit la History ' a " a a ' a. m ' an e . -T' ox scnooi -inaicanons rout r To Good Year' Work. ' tfonday morninr, September th, the Aahebore city -eehool opened with the larieei-eJtoiidejMe in? the hiatory of the achooL The opening day. there were 819 pupili enrolled. The inamj i : l. a. i.- i a I. - 1 gradei were aa follows: First, : 121; second, 103; third, ,115; fourth, 107; fifth,' 76; laixth, rTSt; eenth, 67; eighth 0ninflv i 61; tenth,! 80; elerenth, 22. " ;! KI Superintendent W. H. McMahaif as- nooneec that things are already uVi inn' alonr nicely' and will be running smoothly within a few days. tThis year will be unusually large and tte y4,r there are two sessions instead of one, as was the case last year. The pupils march in the building at 8:80, and at 8:40 the tardy bell sounds. This is Western Union time.' At noon there is an hour for lunch, from 12:00 to 1:00 o'clock, and at 8:00 and 8:15 in the afternoon pupils are dismissed. The opening morning a large num ber of parents and friends of the school were present .at the opening of the school, and while there was no Chanel service, Mr. HcHahan made a few announcements and welcomed the new teachers and pupils. All indica tions point toward a splendid years worK. exhibits more numerous and than ever before. (' . - i . Especially; the agricultural and live stock exhibits are expected to surpass all former efforts. Already the known entries will make these departments bigger and better than 'they ' have ever been in the history of the county fair. The poultry show promises to be one of the chief features of the fair. More space has been provided for all exhibits and it is anticipated that all departments will show a decided im provement over former years. , The fair management especially calls attention to the changes in the fancy work department. Refer to the 1923 catalocr foe entries which will be added to those laid dpwn in the i Parents At& Invited To irae - catalog, or u we arcs catalog has been mislaid and you are inter ested in entering an erhibit in this department write Mr; W.'.C. York, Aiheboro, N. C, for full particulars. Entries may be made of table linens, bed linen, quilts, handkerchiefs, coun terpanes, and in the infant's and old ladies' -sections in addition to those given In the 1924 Catalog, " v Up to 9 o'clock the opening day of ' the -fair everybody will be admitted free of charge Free parking space may be had just across , the street from the' fair grounds. ' School day will be Friday, Septem ber 26th. All school children will be admitted free this day whether school has begun or not. Attention is called to the fact that all exhibits must be in place by 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. - The fair management has engaged the Narder Brothers . Show- for. the duration' of the fair. A number of free aeta have been: provided. It is unred that every person in the county make an effort to attend the LAY CORNERSTONE Masonic Ritual To Bo Used- Prof. M. a S. Noble Will 1 : Deliver the Address, i ' : . - mT i tt rt FOUR mmsnr2 OPITM democrats SHpy w im SS 4 F All h'AlUX NKXT I. KK U1U1UUUU11 Ul Pftf rTIPAI. STHii;V vwh-- i rrrriTTrfi wirkrt nnnrm HUMfuitruitia First at SeazTove Tnesda--Oa : Succeeding Days at i i lia-- : ;say. State Four community fairs wifl be'held in the county next week. jThe "nrst pf these fairs will be held at Seagrove uext Tuesday, September lth.. This will be the first event of its -kind held at Seagrove, the fair there - having been organized this year. However, Is Dependent on Railroads Confident Port Development Will Pay. pmmrAi. STRAVeVrcYi Davis WU1 Not Campaign In IMINS'CUARGS Far West Republican Fear Election of Democrats. i . ' .. i It has been announced by R- K. Stewart, Master of Num F. Reid Lodge No. 844, A. F. and A. U., of uiga nun, mat una tooge ,P , ac- ti,e lower pa bf i cepiea uie mvivation 01 ue vowrey county indicate that the fair will en Board of Education of Bandolph eoun-) joy J gooi patronage. Ther is a WJfi&P-e?.ne new i la?ge section of the county fo be Serv- school buUding at Trinity, N,.G... . 1 this community fafrFah. the I he cornerstone ceremonies will De . fai- manBmmmt hks rmt f o'rth ' ex- Governor - : Cameron Morrison launched the campaign for the devel opment of ports and water commerce (By David F. St Clair.) Washington, September 8- John Supervision if EojdJls Not Po I Utkal Question-Percent. - . 1 ' ego vOBiparea uavis oeeision nm to carry iu cam-)- , i,-l-.-v.- i; " t, paign personally into ine iar wesi- issac . .,.v. ern and Pacific Coast states is in- ;didate for Governor, made a charge in. ku mm ismnrrata tn ! his fsneeoh at AsheboTo that the sup- for North Carolina at Rockingham I mean that in those former Republican ! erviswa of the state banks has been Monday night and devoted his speech gtrongholds where LaFollette has careless, iwd went to -state the of an hour and a half to show the shown greater strength than Davis , large number of bankf allures in torn people why water transportation is Democrats will be encouraged toparison with 'hational bank' failurea. , essential. He made an earnest appeal throw their votes to the progressive He has continued to make this ChSrge tor pud nc support oi ine program ol t eket in order to defeat Cohdge. wnerever ne ns nww i held on Saturday, September 13th, at ' efforts t get au the people in 'he tate port and ship commission's Every Western state where Davis is , statement issued Saturday by' the i.wii.bi,iiiihwuihk1 "u:,the adjacent territory interested pressive program has been, arranged ' in program. I believed to have a fighting chance ;-trporatn--MnsioB- ww - .u- t j The linvernnr stated in the nnemnff ,;n k nnctaH ho tha nemnrrals losses 10 OeDOSHOrv wirouKii v' -., for under tiie leadership of Mr. Bruce Wednesday, the 17th; Aeiom-' of his address that "our one weakness , but states like California, Oregn(ure of nataohaT banks during 1923p Cra Pwr- M; C. S. Noble, of muriity falr at nint Hill will-be held i that we have only one mode of , Washington and the Rocky Mountain ; were double M-W depositors in the State University, wUl deUver the j for the consecutiYe ' season, transportation for the ever-increasing I group where in many instances : the failurj iofj statt i banks. ""SI88, v ' Thursday, the 18th, is the date for the commerce of our agricultural, indus-1 straw votes show the progressive! Fifteen f &632'0 '"ft .The exercises will begin promptly fair at 'Holl Springs. : Earmer fair trial, and commercial life". "Our j ticket running ahead or neck and with resources l tf! ZX95fi98 failed at 4 P. M;, and will be presided over . jj be held on Friday fheTlOth, ! only means of transportation is by neck with the Republican ticket and during the jeer", wbile three of the by Supt. T. Fletcher Bulla of the Extensive preparations -e : being raU for long and short hauls, and the Democrats showing a poor third. 83 National hanks, wito resources Of.v county schools. Mr. U F. Ross, ! ade for thege fairg nd leverv indi-' sometimes by truck on short hauls".: word will be passed to the Democrats . $4,501,550 collapsed. .There are seven. Chairman of the County Board of h,d- L,ofi s. il -ni d,riik air But. according to the Governor, we when the need it. what to do to times as many state 'Man a-a.;; 1 tksn malra 4ka fnvma M. . " u . . . 1 J i. 1 . a a. :iL a ' . . X ' I 1 UnUa tVANffh ihM nmtlAVflAII ' ucation, will tten make the formal re- former efforts m attendance rt for the Masonic ceremonies and j fa tne number and Lht - of cornerstone will be laid with the v.iujt T irs will thev and ' should not be content with rail trans-! elect Davis. the ' portation alone, but should develop u;K;fo f . :f and use the Z.uUO miles ot waterways usual masonic ritual under the leader- ! m:t ;-J - 1 in the state in order that we mav . it rt. . . . . T W1UUIUIUV1 "HI; " ' . .. . . snip oi n. iv. oiuarc, masxer oi ixuma , hnnfu at tllB -nimtv fail- which he- have additional service. F. Reid U)dge of High Point. Braxton ng the 24th, and prizesSv-lil, be of Craven, Sunder of Tnmty College, fered tfte begt commuit? ,air as was one of the first members of the ' ,ui. I 4-:- lodge, and the stone will contain the words "In memory of Braxton Cra- m. . m x.; :. M ft." viem la'onaver, enainnns 0( ,1 Democratin national committee; in "a iair at nunn unns uuruiv il uunuuHi & - ' j . ... t X net ell o ni ; It isiiTkS. M; Heptemner ;Hifeeetiianr r t Ti . v. lv - ; '.'-""".1 mnuuMf Miwn wresung . w see uie mings uhiw are grown in the county and what is be ing done along many different lines of endeavor whether you have an ex-: hibit to makoor not. , ' Meet Teachers Friday The school committee of the Ashe- boro Woman's Club is aranging for all parents and guardians who have children in tne school to meet at tne school building Friday evening. This meeting is, for the purpose of meet ing the new teachers of the faculty and becoming better acquainted; with the old teachers, thus making', tms the best year in the history of ; the school; Not only are the parents es pecially urged to come out on this oc casion, but the school Doard as well will be present f ven." The speaker will be introduc ed by Prof. J. Ralph Weaver, head of the Tnmty township schools. L-i. He cited the development of water transportation and port facilities in Maine, Alabama, Louisiana, Virgin ia and other states, which have voted money for ports, and wherever it has been done it has been a paying prop osition te the people of these states. By way of showing that water transportation development is not a Deflation Charged To 3' Maine Goes Reput'ican' TTns.f filial MtllCTia- f TWITl ftleC- The cornerstone, which will be of uu : fi, .fDf f; sfnm Mnn. limestone, will contain a copper box show that the Republicans elect- ' new departure he cited the democ rat in which will be deposited a history , d their candidate for sjenatoi by a ! ic national platform which he says of the institution, and other impor-I jnajority of approximately 60,000 tant data. On one side the stone will votes ny elected a Governor by a majority of 36,000, whcn: was less than the normal Republican-majority in the state. Four years ago, the ma jority was about 26,000 and .four be inscribed with the Masonic Em blem and inscription, while the other will bear the words "In Memory of Braxton Craven", followed by the names of the members of the County Board of Education, Architect, etc The new building replaces the old Trinity college building and will be a modem structure to accommodate tne High School for all of Trinity town- snip,, and tne elementary grades ior the town of Trinity. ' Trinity High School, comprising the consolidated schools of the whole township ..providing, for a population tut t .1... 6..ikwuI nAAlA ...11 nA An WJL DWV WUIHUIU TT 111 uwil w.t .Monday, September 29th, the date Opening being due to the necessity or teaching in- private residences until the hew building is ready on January 1. iv Prof. J, Ralph Weaver, Superin tendent of the high school and of all sehobla of the township, baa already aertiontanr-sm depresMontatloeatwd. with his jamiiy in xnnity. makes a clear-cut declaration for de. velopment of inland waterways. He also asserted that Catvin Coolidge and John W. Davis are in the present campaign advocating the development of these inland waterways. The Gov- years ago over 65,0O0.AH four Re- j ernor stated that the state is paying publican candidates for (Congress were j an annual freight bill of $55,000,000 elected. toC.ft1' 8 referred to what he declared to be ph a move on the part of railroads to V increase the freight by ten , million Married In Circus Tent dollars. Freight- rates are 33 1-3 per . cent highe" this state than in Vir An unusual setting for .marriage glnia. He minted out that the peo was that of the wedding oOim Lila J ple pay the freight bill, but do not Bowman, of Climax, tOjMr.-Alfred G. pay tax for the support of the state Jobe, of GreensboroV which took I government for the reason that the Port and Ship Measure Is Economic Question -John G. Dawson, state chairman of the Democratic executive committee, has Issued a statement in which he states that the state ship and water transportation ia not a political ques-1 ; - tlon, but is an economic question. He ' says that the Democratic party as a political organisation would act un wisely In taking skies -a the propo sition. In concluding his statements the democratic leader asserted that "it will be my purpose that the demo 'eratie orgmnhtation devote ita esMrgie to the segelar banes now before the - people, end that the state- ship and water transportation question be left unhampered by partisan eoa side ra tion." J, Mr. Dawson declared that the mat ter weald be thoroughly dlsessaeS and considered by the people before the general election and they would doubtless raoord aa intelligent ver dict upon its merits. He discouraged any attempt te put the question be fore the voter as a matter for po litical argument between .the demo crats and republicans during the com ing campaign. - " City Water Supply Low A teqoeat comes this week" from the Mayor of the town to the people te ase sparingly of the city water. During the long dry spell the present water supply has ran very km, 'and now there is only enough te tide ever by using sparingly.. It is urged that - - "each dtisen ase rare ia this, matter so there will be M'serious shortage h .' until ft U possible to use the new ' dam, WhOe there ia still a considers-r- - ble water In the present " system, J. there la no a-eufffclent supply, for , ; . watering lawnsvwashhig Tare, ' and - . imrinkllr.r stteeta.' 'For this reason ;." tae facte are jni before the people ef ,'.'r tne towm. with suumrsnc that thia i'j .wwrd of esetlen jrlU cheerfullr ; be ' y" ' f,5 it 'It is apparent that the exigencies of partisan politics have pressed Secretary ef Agriculture Wallace to reverse and stultify himself in the statement he issued on September 4, charging the last Democratic ad ministration with responsibility for the deflation of agricultural prices and the consequent distress among American farmers. Mr. Wallace's lat est explanation of the farmers' bank ruptcy and poverty during the near ly, four years of the Harding-Coolidge regime at least adds variety te his contributions on the subject It is the fourth or fifth version of the farm ers' sad plight he has offered since 18ZU "The true cause of the present and recent condition of agriculture is to be found in the deliberate policy of deflation pursued by Republicans theaueives. The written record of their culpability will be cited. It be gins with the resolution adopted by the .Republican 66th Congress. This resolution was offered by Senator McCormick Republican, of Illinois. Here it is: j 'Resolved. that tha federal re serve board -be directed to advise the senate what steps it propoaee to take er to recommend to the member banks of the federal reserve'- system to meet the existing inflation in cur rency and credit and the consequent high prices, and what further steps it propose to take or recommend to mobilise credits in order to move the 1919 crops.' . This resolution was not merely the undertaking of Senator McCormick am an individual Republican. It waa part and parcel of the policy ef his party. The Republican platform of 1920t.adopted more than a year after the passage of Senator MoCormick's resolution, contained - this declara tion: , "W pledge ourselves to aa earnest and eonaistent attack a pea the high eost of living by rigorous avoidance of farther , inflation in our govern ment borrowing and by courageous and Intelligent def elation of our over xpaaded eredit' and currency.' ; ''Senator Harding, Republican can' dldate . for " the . presidency, in bis speech ef sjcceptance (July 22, 1920.) malt this policy hie own.- - . 'Cross' expansion- ef currency and credit have depredated the .dollar,' said Mr. Hardier. 'Dotation on Ahe one bund and mLoratinn mt the 100 eent dollar on the ether ought te euve bwm begflu- on , the -tlay after the armitrtlre. W pledre that eemiwt end ecnKUteet aiterk whlct the plst- lorm eovsnanu. t Me wm eturript Irv (Mllignt and eeursgeoet deflation place Thursday night M jast week in the Bod Morton circus itenj, fn ureens boro. The ring cereinQhy was used. According to Mr. Mortoh this was the 56th marriage to tafeff place under state taxes have been taken off the great mass of the people. The Governor expressed confidence that the port and terminal develop ment would pay for itself, pointing tusxent during tne years oi ms ex-iout tha(. it has done g0 everywhere perience as a snow unsn S" ! The state's factories turn out is" the daughter of Mnd, Mrs. Sam tonnai-e than t.hf. of the stab Greenstrf ' MtdmP 1 etl ' Nown shores, although we are building Alamance Democrats Name Ticket I maEnificent ones in Virginia, . be Alamance Uemocrats name licket cause we dt down and refuse tQ use 1 the opportunities God gave us". The Democrats of Alamance county Cnnrlmlino' with a reWncs n tv, have named the following ticket for state-owned ship feature of the pro posed port terminal development, the ror bnemi, . U. btory; Kegister Governor declared many people ree- ' tional banks, though. , the proportion Such a policy will of course be of- of f ailure is five tei one. , If dis- - ficially denied but it is admitted at ; credit belongs anywnere,:. Hie wm headquarters here that Mr. Davis ! mission says, t belongs the f aU cannot in a few ffliort weeks campaign ! ure of the National .banks, And the convince the West that he is a pro-! more so because State banks ag gressive. What there is of the Dem- j lowed to exist for the service of the ocratic party in most of the states people, in weak communities Where west of the Mississippi River is i a National bank wouldnot be char closer to LaFollette than to Davis. '. tered. -..' LaFollette's selection of Senator , No Political Issue. , , Wheeler of Montana as a running! Supervision of bank U not a mat mate and the defeat of W. G. McAdoo'ter that should ber concerned r with " in the New York convention have ! politics, the statement declares, de- pionng tne fact tnat enen nucruevous .. subjects have been brought, into tne discussion. The statement reads "Col. Isaac Meekins, , Republican , candidate for Governor, has been re- J ported in the press a criticising the supervision of State bank in this ' State, on account of failure of State banks, and Is reported to have set up a comparison ot the small number of i failures of National banks and . the larger number of failures of . State banks as condemning v the State banking system. It ia regrettable that comparisons of this; character should be made for partisan purposes. There is no politics 4n the supervision of either ytate -or National banks, Su--pervision -of both systems of., banks is carried on through expert bank examiners -who follow almost iden-1 tical systems of examination nd su pervision, and any effort to discredit or' undermine either system by com parison with the other is unjustined Prof. w. C. Dula? Principal 'f 'the High School, will teach the languages, and the other high seool teachers will be as follows: Miss Emma L. Chaffin, mathematics; Miss Florence Kirkman, history; Miss Ruth Hickerson, Eng lish: Miss Annie Groome, Science. The teachers in the elementary school at Trinity will be Mrs. Kate I the fall election Norment, first grade; Miss Mary for Sheriff, C. vTmV R.an vS"' i ""l?f Vee l M R' Surveyor. ister their fears over that possible un son, third; Mrs. Blanche Farlow, Lewis H. Holt; Coroner, Dr. R. M. Hertakir.tr wh.n 0v, tw ntuirTroxler; Legislature, W. S. Coulter; North Carolina owned and operated Adrian M. Can-oil; railroads from tho aH County Manager, W. O. Warren; Morehead to Aycock and made money County Commissioners, John T. Love, out 0f it. He expressed the belief Dr. Chas. E. Kernodle, J. Archie Long that it would not be necessary to buy and R. B. Newlm. ; and operate ships for the reason that successful port development will bring private owned ships into North Carolina ports. The Governor proposes to be on the fourth: Miss Bessie Johnson. Miss Carrie Miller, sixth; Miss Cam-state Senate, mie vaugnn, sevencn. For the Archdale school will be AnrnoBO nowenf ftiLIJ .'' , : t to ma are mix uosiebt . ;., . rfiKVi-u-i- '' The Ashebore Rosier? Mill ere making prfrstlon te Mraifservre ladlee silk hosiery. The eompany has thlMAM mm nrk tin An n mm k . ehlne for V.lttirg siik ho..-ry and f"" f,r,1(, ' 'V""!? "W1!:. exr-ct to bare Vm In.uiw'bl the h,,1r' 'V11 I s.' eourme of few wVs. .Ti those l.uJTf n " "'' know made will be a Indies' pare silk' hose JT? tU. Az4 eppereeUy Urease and a fibre silk fce arronling to th) I w." he-e aware ef then rrnt PiB, ,f the ton-peny. Thl.j hefore refrslnl front ry lose be mde so that It en he f?ttntin "f? ta k" tL,'', Fh"ri' for fl fKl rr r,.,r M, If Mons and eUUmsflU. Now, K.0 the -r. fr,nrriy the - M.Rnet- "HnOIWlr eHmini.tr.tloa. fc.- ..i.iUlnr Con-.rsny. of Clinton. Isnn-1 '? ,!lr!.'," Hr W! M P'" U has bn en.l hr lha W.I ,m. n"1 '"'" Wr Snoiil.l.rs, rsny to Uk ri.srr of this rw de-l . V T lartm.nt. 1,. nrrir.1i A sVs- i """'"" Mrs. Hunter Hannah, Principal, and Misses Nancy Singleton and Ruth Welborn. For Miller school, Misses Lena Thornton and Mary Trueblood; and Miss Grace Burton at Prospect. Music teacher for Trinity and Arch dale, Mr. Harve Stahl. practically put the Democrats out the race in the far West. Therefore, good political strategy for the Democrats at this time, is to encourage the third party where it has a chance to defeat the Republi cans and where the Democrats have no chance. There are two good rea sons for this strategy: Democrats have been able to work with the La Follette progressives in all internal tax legislation and the tariff and there is small chance that the La Follette party can capture the Presi dency in the November election. Accordingly, it is the policy of the Democrats to ignore all attacks made upon the party by Senators Wheeler and La Follette. Mr. Davis in none of his speeches so far has made any direct allusion to the third party and Chairman Shaver has charged the Republican party with being wholly responsible for the existence of this now "K-rtv": Li"RolipHei.rn. he ported out. ia the natural bitter fruit of Ke- and mischievous. . i'vwijML publican domination oi tne govern- "There " were1 fifteen failures oi ment for so many years. State banks in; this State last ,.year ; 'j''t'rry other hand practically all and nly. .three' failure of National the speechea'bhnportant lUpiAUcanibaiik States leaders since theopenin'g of the cam-, banking jsystem'.rbr Ita'BupervisionT paign have contained ferocious at- Not at alL; If It, discredit f either hacks upon the candidates of this , ;t would discredit the s National : sysi new party. James M. Beck, the pres- tem; for while 'there 'were exactly -ent Solicitor General of the Coolidge ; fjve times as many -State banks that?, administration, told a Republican failed, there are nearly- seven- times" : gathering here that the Democratic as many State aa National bank in candidates were not in the race this: the State and11 the nertentaga ot 1 - j U i. . i . . -. - lime auu uie one uanr vnai. nc ra. Btate DBnJf? will Tabs than- . Xi.u.- was the possibility that LaFollette ft biiCTSrr. 5S SSsutfSS would recede enough votes to throw land only 83 National banks Tha the election into congress with three failure of c gut fc fcJ.: months uncertainty as to who would wa8 nct result of the failure be the next President with a panic ; 0f National banks. - fr : . in the meantime. If congress had to , 1 . ',J" 1 . - Vv determine who should occupy the ouopori nomu, .-,, 'The. State' banks that failed in 1923 had total ranlt.l . fl. $2)0,500 and the total capital stock of METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH MATTERS White House Mr. Beck foresaw a cloud of bribery and debauchery en compass Capitol Hill. Mr. Beck finally admitted the real National bank in- the State i that stump practically every day between I cause of his fear was that if La-failed in 1923 was 32S,000. --, . now and election in the interest of Follette and Wheeler were allowed to "Total resource of State banks the port terminal development pro- ; go on gathering votes, the country that failed in 1928 waa I2J.1.B.098: for (By W. fl. Willis.) Until further notice the hour our evening services will be 7:30. Rev. W. F. Woitrble, presiding elder, will preach next Sunday evening, and bold our fourth quarterly conference. The writer officiated at the mar riage service Monday of Henry Swaney and Sarah Garren, young peo ple of the Caraway section. Rev. G. W. Clay Is conducting re vival services at Farmer this week. The. psstor will be In his pulpit Sunday morning, and will preach on "Good Results from Looking into a Glass". Chairman Dawson Against Debates In a ..tm.n (si,..l Prirtav sftj.r- Eosal until he has covered the state, i would be delivered into the hands of total resources of National bank in tin DemSc Ch John a. mLn'toTtY bk yTih T'ImJ?, "TV awson went on record as opposed t ' Z.&lg lJ11 lction and Brother Charlie," and the devil 601JSGQ. -r-'- ". - Farater CsstaMiiiity Fair ' The Community Fair at Farmer will be held en the 19th. People from all the surrounding sections are urged to bring eoroethlng for exhibit. This Fair ia not intended for Farmer alone but for the whole southwestern part ef the county. . A table will be prepared for serv ing a ptcnle dinner, and everybody I urged te bring a . basket, and let ui make the occasion one of social pleas ure, ae well as educational value. . -'vi i l v. Aiheboro ToHa?e Cash ' ' ' ' 4nd Carry Grocery The IX' fVnder Groeery Company, of Norfolk. has leased from Mr. K. U Hsdrick the eullding now ecru pid. as the Pulck seise room, next do to '-rt-jr-i Hardware ' Com pany on Depot street, for the purpose i oTrxning up a rasa and esj-rv re- noon Dawson went on record as opposed a joint discussion with the republi cans by Angus Wilton McLean or any other democrat. The republicans cannot discuss their own party record, and there fore would be forced to an effort to obstruct an honest and open con-1 sideration of "matters involved," he 1 set forth, adding that the democrat- 1 ic party record can be better pre sented to the people when the speak-; er is "ten rree irore participation in humorous and trivial subjects." A Mr. McLean made the accept ance of the debate challenge of Cot. I. M. Meekins, his republican oppon ent, subject to approval by the demo cratic executive committee, Mr. Daw son's statement serves st a rejection of that proposal or any other chal lenge that might come from the G. 0. P. camp. .Hi full statement follows: "It has been the policy of the democratic party to discuss fully before the people the pending is sue that an intelligent understand ing of matter concerning their in terest mar be gained and it has been found and is admitted . that such an' understanding cannot corns from ' joint - discussions, . especially when one participant - cannot dis cuss bl own party, record, and would, therefore, be forced to -aa effort to obstruct.' an honest and enen eonslderatiea ' ef matter in volved. - ' - ' A- Thst Mr". McLean la eemrpiciooe ly well trustified te ' take eare ef hlmsolf In any dlsoisskio end te present te the people the greet rec ord of ' hi party Srchlevetnenta, achievements ' unsurpassed in - any state in the anion, la 1 admitted ior rauncaiion or rejection. The would now be to pay. The Democrats I should' also be borne in mind, proposition calls for the issuing of have no chance but with Dawes and; when comparative"' criticism et this ' $ 7,000,000 in bonds for the purpose of ! Beck the spectre of "Brother Charlie" , character is, offered, that the lib- developing ports and if necessary the ' always finally looms upon the horizon j erality of the State banking system issuing of another million and a half and Bill of Old is espied in the back ' has encouraged and developed back for the purchase of ships. ground with gnashing teeth. ing facilities and - conveniencee in Even President Coolidge is begin-: the small town all over the State - To The Art Patrons tail rocrr, 'Work will be Urtd everywhere, but be can better pre- irpiTMKnsu,, ,n in, installation f the Mnt, as eU ether oeroocretie ruirnure an-1 fixture aiessssrv to srs en. th a treat bertv boro rit -1 will nrr S'r-rt ' Vr. U. J... ( I " r r, ! i I .. ' i r 1 y - I ) 1 f 1 - I.I I r i. "f si1 prrtiri .. In tl, ,!-,.,-' U t.s ltuUraa sd- thsr;lds with the hlrh hsTf 1 r tie .epeafc. eeeaad and the display end arransviaent of' theithe worxlorful advaneameaa and ; stork to he carried. The D. I'endrrjbtill'ling ef the state enrfer the adr Ornrery Company eperetse a chain of ml nisi rat l ef the rismeeraUe par I7& rash and esrry grocery torSily, when Irft free frm parUrlpsUoa Uriphf!t Knrth Carolina and In hnmorum and trivial euMeets.- SanUxs Vi.!ni un-W the lisree ef i "This r-t rnly ppl.e to' Mr. Me nnwr tuirss. i ne eompany rtt i'it e r;otation f tarrying aality gro- T " ldt(l f t!hs ennv i I arolinian, formerly t c f 'i - - rs. J!e c t Ui ' T'- f"t t ! it ha , Ihm r et i J . rry t ! lie e-niany te tm'ler the a s nt a 1 -i s'-.le's i In r ef e eentmittee. wWrstand i, and. are We hope to make the Art Depart ment one of the most attractive, as well as the best exhibits of the fair this year, and those in charge of this department earnestly request all those having exhibits to please bring or send in time to enter. This applies to anyone in Randolph county. Get your fair book and read carefully all the things listed In this department. Best of care taken of exhibits. MRS. J. T. UNDERWOOD, Supt MRS. J. G. CRUTCH FIELD, Asst. MRS. J. D. ROSS, Asst. Assault Wife With Hatchet Mrs. J. F. All red is lying in a crit ical condition In Dr. i. Wesley Long's hospital ss the result of an assault by her husband Monday afternoon. The couple lived on the High-Point Greensboro road In the "Palmist' Tent" and in the absence of tha own er ef the UaL Mrs. J. Harrison, who is U Kentucky attending the fairs. Allied had been attending te the bee- mese. rrem sppoerartces, Mr. and Mrs. Allred had Just finished a meal wnen nr.. Allied, assaulted hla wife with a hatchet, which, was thrown taa feet, penetratiag 4he shall Just . be-, hiasi tha right ear... It waa only by a mall atargia that the large blood beseel inside the bead was missed, and the brala vaa exposed. Mrs. All red, wae picked ep by a ear and tak en te the hospital wbera an operation waa penonned anr later her husband was taken te the city JaO where he 1 being held without bond. Mr. All red wee tee Intoxicated te carry en a conservation, bet Insisted upon ase Inf hh wife, which was eiet perevit tsL Mrs. Ail red's eondKiosi 1 con sidered eatreroely grave, . ,. ' Bey Carve Unlaw C&erai DwIpVl lUcfisrdaen, ef We4 fend. ning to see red. In the shadow of where National banks wenM tint the new statue of LaFayette in Bal- permitted to operate, and upon small timore, the President warns the coun- capitalisation ' that - would not be try against the assaults of socialism ' permitted - under ' the - National sye and the red dragon upon the const!-; tem. ' ' tution. Senator Wheeler will doubt-! "In several States ef the Union less call on LsFayette, one of the , there were more bank failure in the leadens of the French Revolution to one year of 1923 than in all the his replv to this speech of the President tory of both Stat and National The real fear of the Republicans is banks in North Carolina. The tar-rer not tne election 01 Robert M. Lat-ol lette or Charles W. Bryan Presidency but of John W They are now URfng these scarecrows to keep Davis off the reservation. If Davis succeeds in working up any real enthusiasm before the election, the Republicans, it is believed here, wilt attempt with the spectres of La Follette and Bryan to stage a panic Youthful Slayers Get life-Terra Sentence torx N0?,,,1 b?nk. N-rth Carolina , arm in euier Ktatea rha.n . nrk failure have been In much greatar proportion than in North 'Carolina, "rt"" w lrKe pari-due to- the rapidly iuctuatmg -and . radically changing economic condition that have prevailed, and It should be as sumedthat both State end National banks and bank sunervisors will profit by these experiences. Criticlmn for DUrelV nartlHan Minuui aulii ' Nathan F. Leopold. Jr. and Rich ard A. Leob. two sons ef mtllloaslras. of Chlosgo, tried for the kidnapping am niunier 01 a sen 001 do y neighbor, itooerx rranxs, were reeteraay morn ing sentenced to life tern in the pea Hentiarr bv Sadn Inhn V r,lnr The trial eras long drawn "ent, and there was much speculation a to tha outcome. , m MT. OUTSTT ITEMS tha young peopl from hla section Wlie have left for school are; Ml OU and May Wrenn, U Ells High 8cholt MisaeeCertrud nd Swaante Bray, te Raroseur Illgh School 1 and MUe Maude Lee Tne. te Greensboro C"f i " , , - Mr. u w. Tearne and famny t rnded the eld oldlere' rswnUm at Sue. City last week,, Tb-y were eooowpanWd by Mr, U Ol Uuff and .. Mlse Mal.le Kwirg will Ueve the test of this week, fir Jjipl Eprlnrs where dt Ueerer Reeaiva At Home ef . r,4m,"' Nesr Fullers Tha eooruf enminl TToevcr r which Was aniiourired fnt the I Saturday in SepU-mlr, l..-m 1 Changed to the f r t f-'nt.ir.Ly in I tober, whUh bo 0,1 . 1 t ; This ehnnpa 1 ,fin 11 eount of ti,s lurnirr 1! . with tlie rime fur ti,e I te fair. The r-nnl..n i i the horn of Mrs, J . ! Fullers. .. ' , G. Mrs. i:. Bleste N Tvarly rrf,,, Una .' . I.;.'"! Cle I- I -r; t Ilyn t, I tMrd t he ftws in v.r t-e eon i, for Vr. V. ,'.l i'i!r and Y, r. Irsrke DTH I' ) U ! .11 fl kniflillji I r- 'r I 1 1 1 sntt er w, K, Ktrnsrdwm f U-Ve pi are t- be-a vi g (fi ' rt f or 'J dsjr Hr. Rii sr-'-' i ri-a i r r i - t , i i 1 ' ' r r r - a f , 4 m H kl tV.l