Thursdayt September II, 1S2 LEGAL" NOTICES t-W r ---- XOT1CSLAND SALE Br virtue ef an -onto of sal -tared by th Clerk Superior Court of -w 1 1 V W . V J1 n ".Randolph County In the Special Pre oeeding entitled "Heary McDowell et L, ExParbs,and under date of the -26th day f August, 1924, the ander signed will offer for eale at public Auction, to the highest bidder. - for -cash, on th premises In Randleman j -townshlD. -Randolph Count. - North I County, - North V -Carolina, at g flock P. a SM -orday tne rta, day .- of - September,' 19Z4, tn Xouownig 'described, lands -to-wit:t---r Tract No.- L " Begtiuung ati stone In the road, John Van Wrryr corner, and running West 11 chains and ji links to a stone in Field's lines, thence South OS" Chain and" 70. links "to v stone it the original " line. andv-Jn Dick's line; thence East 19 chains- toJ a stone- io m dm; venee nsany TNorth with the road 14 chains and, 0 Uinks to the begijining, containing. 14 3-2 acnes, more or less, the same be ing lots No. 1 of the JarrelLland.. - -Tract No. : Beginnings at a stone. IMilton''Lamb's comer; running, thence "West 14 chains and 67 links to a stone in a meadow; thenceforth 1& chains v-to a stone: thence West 14 chains to tafia in ImrolrFa lln (now TomTRjurt inn Rmirham'a line M 1-2 chains juriunan'ii tnence Wortn 11 cn&ins wnto to a tone,-Lewis Hughes . eorner formarlv Parson): thenea' East onlthencs Want on his line 24 1-2 chain -rr 1- 11 i ; - n, 11.- auuc, una X4 cxitmia an ig iuu iv stone in eaid rjughes' line, , Milton Xamb's cornel thence South 26 -!- frees East ehains to the beginning. I -containing; 2S acres, molwiar lssA f!;f in . jS.""""W i3fT BVV"W luaiawin s coiner j on..wie wm'!o i degrees yi .f the! nublie road leadina- febhi NewHhlWlrAiv-fMt1 Mf-i.i:vim jffiwwo5ru -Salem J to Randleman, runnfig thenc South 1 69 degrees West four chains' nd f otty-eight links to a stone, Line- -East one chain and sixty-eight links toisaw 4iMhWT Nortb 69 degrees East four chains and torty-eiirht Jinks tpa rteuOn-he d'tf s i thence uutlA -desrsie -West .one chain and iixty- J -eight-links' te the beginning' corner, -containing; 8-4acres; ueye i i lcSs..' Tpui Nof 4r Beginning ah stone, , Sunn Balden's corner, now Charlisf Iamb's, running thence s. 69 degrees ' E. 4 chains and 48 links, to a stone. Susanna BaWen's oernerK new-Charlie Xamb'a: "thence S. 21; demote Weat 1 chain and jSfi(wjtiOjie: thencexH. 69 degree W. 4 thiins and 48 links to stone on East side of :2tew Salem and : Randlenjaari Road; -thence with said road N. 21 degrees E. 1 chain and 68 links: to the begin ning, containing 3-4 acres, more or Jess. i !aid sale is subject to the confirm-! awm ofi .the court i-K I I This the 26th day. Of August, 1924.; h I R. HUGHES, j Commissioner, -4t 8 28 24 Randleman, N. C. NOTICE 5 Having qualified as executor on the; estate of Louisa V. Brady; deceased, tefore' D. M. Weatherly, Clerk of the -BUDerior Court- of Randolnh. county ;i All persons having claim against said estate are notified to present xaem to the underngnea, amy venneoy ott or before the ,23rd day of Augusts'; 1925, or this noUce will be pleaded ini oar oi weir recovery, uu au pwwns owing said estate- wut- come lorwara make immediate settlement. This 1st, day of, August,, 1924, . C. L. BRAY, Extr. Liberty, N. C, O.I, , f.'.i CK TOCBEMTQRS .VI 'X iiKi. OltK avins oualified as administratof the estate of Nancy J. Scott, Dei ised. JaUiof .KnjQph lOOunty Worth' Carolina;' thW: to notify all vjenons having daliris. agalnrt said ieceased -tb Present eaine ta the un -dersined on or before the 10th day mleaded In bar of their recovery. Thi the jof July,'192Cr-J i jLamimstracor oi rancy 4. scon, Deed, Ramssur, N. C R. F. D. No. L i 1 V fj f. Having qualifl, wo. the estate of GUbert Gatlln, do-1 -ceased, before D. M. Weaeaerly.-Oerk t 3 SoMiaWfikJ of the Superior Court onj Randolph I Boort oie Uodr m Randolphyotmty eoonty: All persons hatas. eUimsIbytth uttdcrsUrnel ajortg f g f and gamst sato esraie are une e vresest tnem m im unoemgnea, amy werified, on or bef ore-rtho 1st lay ef September, 19251 an this notice. viU m pleaded m WrM their reeevwm , . exnd all persona awing said estate will ' 4ome forward and ; make Immediate Settlement rTbJaHUdaref AufusVWte. '1 :. .... n - v norTTirir J Administrator of Gilbert GaUik Wd. h'j KcciOf)ftmiC4Tioaob lTortk Cwrolma. Saadobh Cotmtr. 4 p-i ?W Clyde Woolev. - -''.:, ' The defendant above , jume4 .will . . take notice, that an action entitled" aa , " ,labov has been eemmnned lo the So- Terior Court of Kamlolph county, for j.. - the purpose of -obtain fng j Judgment - . . ' calnst the defendant for the Bon- ftsyment of certain notes girn. by the Wendant and endorsed by the piain ' tiff, and the -rfiefwlent ,wiU f urthat take notice that he Is reliwf to ftp jar at the eftiqs of tbi Clrb ef the Turrior Court of Ranilolph County, ,J'orth Carolina, en er before th 2&tb lay Of Brptember, 19Z1, thoa and ;hre t anwr e inr t the fw I laint of U, t- . i . i ft In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the r1lf dmand4 In said complaint s : 1 :" (S f i ;- This the ti-t dy Vf Ar,, lili, w. A. i-ovirr, 6pt, 4t M 14 Clerk Superior Covrt I 'n.'i: ( Having qiialiHod a S,tmlntlrator .n th Ute of Jitw Cnvn, Ha. ' -aacd, bfor I. M. V."ett-r- O-Vt ;f the Saprii'r Court f l.. ! ountyi All poro-ms V,vi, g tu.m " aralnnt said (nt r hn'-'H to T-rMont thm to t im'! ' du ly vrir.d, on er -f,,r i i : rfay f p'mbr, 1' ., rr r ' -. 1 In j '' I i l I r . ' ' : f I e 1 j I : notice Having qualified a administrator ' M the estate of J. H. Phillips, deeeaa- en the estate of L. P. Craven, deecas 4. before D. H. Weetherly, Clerk of ed, before D. M. Weatherly, Clerk of the Superior Court i Randolph coco- the Superior Court of Randolph coun ty: All penou baring' claims against tyj Ail peraaoa having1 claim against : .said Ute are-notified Tii a- A h I . to present thereto the undersigned, duly vert- fled, on or befora the 8thj day ef August, 192$, or this notice wiU he 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in pleaded ia bar of their recovery ; and bar of their recovery; and- all per all persona owing said estate - will jsens swing said estate will cone for- eome ' forward- and " tnaks immediate aememsm. i. This 8th day of August, 1924: - two l. 1 lAJkm, aamr, 6tttl4"s j liberty, N. C NOTIC1V OP LANB8ALB By virtue of an order of -th Sn perior Court of Bandolph County in that certain proceeding- entitled J. B. Allen, et at iKainst Carl Kich. I will on tiie 20th day td September 1924, at-ja o'clock u., seu m uoue auction to the Egbert bidder -at. the - court house door in Ashebore, -Randolph County, NC the foUowing described read estate. tJ-X iJIrst Tract: Sitoater lying and be bigrinrtte -Comity f Randolph on the waters of tJwharrie river and bounded as follows: Beginning at a forked gum tree on the East bank, of said river and running; "thence North Sd'degreeg a stake; thence North 19 chains - Sawood "Debsirk Showa corner; rj. . . .1 . n 1 1 v punt; vwnce nunn at cnains anu -25 links a black oak thence North .IS decrees West E9 chains to-a smaB nine in the old field: then North 85J aegrWert,4l-2, chains to J0PM ','mr ubb q ,jgiyq,y nmtf wiwuMrwyi a m,bwplneeortntn'K ,.- 19 denes JWest ,Sf H2 chains v ta said (riveJpbove'thw ' bahapjthwsee, doW aid river to the various coums to the beginning, containing 119 acres Terms of "Sale cashnipon-connrma- Thto the lSth dayof AtKrosfc li4, ri:jitt to viJOHN'T.! BRITTAlNn 4t'S,2Y i!4" ""- Comanissioner. KOTKiEilLNDALB.r'T .iV: '''"v. ni .OTfiiiftrTiA .w-'i v Br -virtue f tm'ordep-'oif the-' Sut perior Court of Randelpli ; county en tered nndey afe of Augost 26, 1924, in the, Spwia! " Proceeding entitled MEtU; Martin bv her next friend I. Q. Martin et al., Plaintiffi a;!fDelU Harmon "and William Appier defend fTiLZJZW public auction to the highest bidder, onithe terms of one-thiri leash, , bJcovers no fault glosses WKQ Ul DiA I11VI1U1S UHK. VA NIC, with interest thereon from daVf of sale until paid, or in cash at the pur-J chaser s ontion. on. the nremisea. ln LmertjK Township, Randolph County, North Carolina, at 2 o'clock P. ort ' Saturday the 4th day of October, 1924, the following described, real es tate, to-wit:-'' ' ' Tract No. 1. Situate on the South east side of the National. Highway near the Town of Liberty,: adjoining the'lands of Staley. Highflll and Way: Beginning at a rock in btaley's line near branch, corner with HiRhnll; thence running South with , Staley 's line to Way s corner a rock or dog wood about 38 rods; thence West with Way's line about 60 rods to about 60 rods to a stake on, the side of said highway; thence Northeast with. theL highway to : a stake on the East' side of ; said road In Highfill's line; thence East with said Highfill's line about 22 poles to the beginning comer and contain ing seven and one-third (7 1-3) acres, mere or less. Tract No. 2. Adjoining ?Blitnnll and others, bounded as follows: Be-4 ginning, W 'Uke 'Alaton'srpnmer in. road, running thence North1 ' 80 de gtaes East 86 poles to a rock, High- li said road; thence North Z poles toj the beginning, containihg obe-slT i no saw wui oe suDject to connrm This the. ' :-jF'10"W.a,-r W 1;:k ifymmissiiwifTi i: Aaheboro, N. C 5128 24 NOTICE OF. RESALE OF LAND mad bAtheSiWloy (mtHif lW- ' doiph eoWi il WJucertain propertv wned by R. P. Copple and rojrneseif touhlieJiiKtioo, atths 1 aeirgme'en aow-oy : roaaett ofJw or der of resale ordered by the com the nndenigned fill expose and at tWNorMtonail CVi V.. WT Cfr VWM, WrwVMUIM, the 18th day et September, 1924, the following tract of land: Beginning at aeach stump fa h- Ni . M IzVcJoek, rrees B. 67 chains and 64 links . to a stone, formerly a dogwood, on Ellen Welboura's lineV thence W. 68 1-1 do-. rree UOUtcheJns WthdfalejVMevj veiioen, line xBnee o. yu (tegiees n, with sal td line IT chain to stake" tt aid line; thence 8. 1 M 4fMe.W,, 61 chains and 70 Iks. to a white oak. Intra thence 8, & aesnwss .BJ; tnlUH' yO th berinnlns-. eontalnin dred and eleven (211) acre' more e? leas, xeepting the, foregoing boun- dairien, two -parcel nf laM -bounded as follows! 1st Tract: Beginning at STl hk- m trA Mir . a af IhA tonAriWMl . .... i .1 - 1 . , 1 the original ruonJaf g. 1 i-1 degree Vf. 64 1-2, poles to s rock, orlriftal comer; thiuw W. I dtgreea Nion tn! original line 24 poles and 20 links to a stone m sll line; tfcpnr N. ; I 1-2 drgrMs K. 67 pokes to the ef thr rnihlio road, ,s white oak on the south ! ef said road marked for a conior i Unr N 19 degrees felons; aid road to the beginning, containing (10 acr more or.les. nd ,Trt: lKnnlng at white oak, Ingram's comer oa Rice's line; thence E. 123 ft to stone; thence. N. 882 jrt to mi ryVrtlnra-W. fi to stoaef Sk 33 to too W-rlut.inK euaUusiag foul and one-half (4 1-2) acres. - . This land 1 being rold by rami of n c1nrH M, hvinf bm plarld on ti. 1 ,. t h It a bl off at a f"rnv r 1 ' 1 1 This the i "h Hay of Autni.t, 1924. J. l 7-IMMHiMAN, Mortgagee, MIK 111.1,1 A!i;n-. - , :t4lit , ! ij. "i, 'H " Larg Altti'Ijnr I)ptito ri.Kool Tv l';S 1 1 hira enrnrf jwumMfcraHMilhrwlr y ABTM . TU decrees 'Wt 38 Weilto Vtelrt4 I Having Qualified as administratrix said estate are notified to present i them to the undersigned, duly -verified, on or before the 7th day of August, ward and make immediate settlement. - This 4th day of August, 1924. - EMMA CRAVEN, Admrx. 3: A. Speaee, Atty. ttiJU. Coleridge, N. C NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Mary V. Petty, de ceased, before D. M. Weatherly, derk of the superior court of Randolph county;. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, du ly verified, on or before the 6th day of September. 1925. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery: and au persons owing said estate will come , forward and -make Immediate settlement-': - " H This 80th day of August, 1924. 1 G. E. PETTY. Admri 6t 9 4 24 Archdale, N.C. The Fitness, of .Davis i eininenMltna of John W. DavISvffJr-h presidency becomes every Jay more anparent. Is every day hemjrtcognady 'the people of the - lljr:. 1"? tat country.' Already he is the real lead er of a great, parts. etnerely ' the ' titular and technical leader, .put one wnooo ' counsels' mimans -a-ca r and follow. hsjs . already attached"T to himself an, cause tne loyalty of his party. . He' has won from the Intelligence dfthe. country at large respect - ana commence jor sxrensxn wirfiAW?!inl'"fi!rtiil.:i 4-.. '." L .WitK"Mllfons bf Americans' tneMf tjualities weigh more than partisan Considerations. Those who love theit1 country Detter- than their party, ; or any political organisation, can looK to Davis 'for-inspiration and leadership. - HJs Janguage is the Janguag M brave and honest man.1 He speaks' the bixmt wot" -with no emrivo , over no wrong doing. He damns with no- faint praises, nor takes refuge in commonplace phrase which may mean one thing or may mean another. .-' .,5 f.i i : r' ' ' "Davis and the Farmers ' If one wants common sense and common honesty in polices read that portion of John W. Davis' speech of -acceptance dealiag with the farmers of thexountry. ' "To the farmers of the United States we promise not batronage but ! such laws and such administration ofj laws, as will enable them to prosper, In their owft right They feel today, more severely, perhaps, than any cithers the depressing effects of discriminatory taxation. Buying in , protected market and -selling In a marxet'open.xo ine worm, toey nave been forced to contribute, to the profits of those in other industries with i , bo ; Jeompensating', , benefit to themselves.' "Jleoent experience has proved, if proof -were needed, that an effort to help the farmer by a tariff on his; prcuifjhe, baldest political false! pretense. , He knows as well as anyj economist can tell him that the price) '.tor ms tnrplur crop dependal im Wu?w t we piac ot saie; an. ne realises uiai nis penrmneni proi Beritl-.denends not UDon the dec real tnrihigll Wrof .shortages of the quan tlty lie has to sell, but upon the re storation and expansion of the mart We propose to see -that thavdiserimiiiat th discrimination which the tariff makes against hira shall be removed ; that bis government by doing it, share toward , a European settlement hall help to enlarge and revive hi1 foreign markets; that Instead of lip s,lo,thprInclpjes of co-opera iarkklng;heVorces of the govt ornbjeitf shell m scOvely at worit vt iena assistance 10 inese enaeavons, that the farmer shall be supplied not onlyrVitlTlrifcfTmation on problem ef c rod ucti on but with information such aSfthe feaJe now receive concerning wefcorooaoie us anq oemana zor rus luct, so that bo may be enabled M mtentgesrny as the dealer iff icenanmDtion and da Sea grove School Opening Th Seagrov school will open Monday, September 22nd, with the following-'toeU t B. H. McCara firincpaLyMrixJ. B. Slack, Miss lary;'! (Tyor,7 Etrtei Allred, Alte Hutaon and Mande Lee Spoon, music Pars oi Ue Cex' district, and Blalock district ha bee consolidated with I f JvL wmvi may T "eia 'plUt'thsWidUtricte to and from chooL . n- - Xha pairon ef the school are asked to be present for the opening. Ail I mpist w to-jred to start the . flrrt W. ?! ' .V7 mT.Bot sau j behind with their Aass wort . NOTICE mxsm dren VLrv-Tor - rX. . rssrrr.H .1 ,! M r V J I '-, rkklicr" C f I V I r." ' f tp t I r ' . 1 . . .... LOC-UA i , f l U a icaant, narmit- yc S r- . I VjHE ASHEROItO 'COURIER. ASKEHORO. N. C. ThisWeek ' BjT Artkar BriaUas HOT READINC THWUNt JOT ON HAKS. -Z -, TOURGATJ02.' TWO tOUSC HEN. , Thw. World -federatioa of Edaca tiea -i Aseoristasns organ ixas a wrld war-agajnat illiteracy. For this war the Crown Prince of Japan, has- appropriated" a million yenr i-Chma, has adopted the -slogan "China a i Literate Nation in On XJeneration." -- r.r --. ,' , . " Jt U preposterous that : any human beings, . outside of actual barbarism, should grow up, unable to read ' But teadhinr them to read and write Is only the first step. The next is teaching human beings TO THINK, which' is considerably ' more difficult and important" , 1 ' It lsnt - what you READ that counts. ' It's what you THINK AFTER YOU READ that improves government and , civiliiation. It , takes a Frenchman,; and an old cme,i Carnille Flammarion, to j aay that the people en -Mars are much more JOYFUL than we are. iThe - Martian- year is twice s -long as ours.': A man there fifty years - .old has lived -100 years, nearly. The climate is better ana . the planet being smaller, every-. thing is lighter. An orcunary mar- . tian could easily carry his motner-in-law. upstairs . 4n blii arms, even, if, she weighed 400 pounds. Mil-, ! lions of years older in their civiliza- , ' tion than earth men, jhe,- Martians, are. far ahead of us in inowledge, i and that means happiness... In fact ' it's the only solid happiness. , l "John A. Stewart' called Grand , Old Man of ? Wall '' Street," , who knew ' Abraham Lincoln, " and hj r now heai! of -an important bank; eelebrated hlr l02nd' birthday hist veeki': To us, 'that , seems old. A thousand , years hence 125 ' will ; seem young as sixty is nowr. Men: ' will die out gently like fading twi 1 light. j Mr Stewart contutnea living, intellectually youns because he : has. continued WORKING. Men , . like trees (Lie at the top.- They are all right while the top is green. After a ' while civilized human beings will decide that rats and mice don't pay, and take the trouble to get rid of them along with, mosquitoes, flies and other nuisances that Father Noah might weU have left out of the Ark. An English scientist demon strated that fats suffer from foot and mouth disease and, frequenting stables, infect the cattle. Moral for farmers, use cement and copper and keep'ssn.l the rats. Clarence Darrow, a lawyer,' who thinks and feels, and consequently earns ' little in proportion to his great ability, tells the Court that to hang the two young men whom he defends, Loeb and -Leopold, "would be a worse crime than they committed.' And' that is the truth, exactly. If a red 'Indian tortured a white man for twenty-four hours, that would not -exeuse-whtto men- for twenty-four minutes. The greater the intelligence and responsibility, the greater the crime. This column, too lightly, com pared Vesd!. fort -year 4rtp across the desert with tne four-hour trip of a small American automobile, antapnsmd'one-hsJf4Mrttrip of a flying machine, across th same , deaerto , t, ,,.,!,:,; Many writer send learned com ment an'Bodner! of Passaic? Hew v get uuormauoa irom bom in heaven. He kept the children of Israel, bv the desert tor; forty yean because 'they were not qualified to conquer the Promised" Land. They practically all died. The new generation, educated and drilled, led by Hnslma, won their Prom ised Land by fighting." . Max Hhnoff. of Lone- Island City,, writer, said that Moses bad to 14 hi old followers die off while be raised a new generation wbo" knew nothing about Egypt end" prepared .them for .-their task," .. Can anybody git more axaci mformatioa about - th fighting" leader, Hnslma 7 - , ' Divers working' ninety feet be low ; the surface hare teeoverej thirtjr-flve million dollars of gold and stiver bullion from the steam ship, Lauren tie, sunk by a German submarine. Thousands of ton ' of liquid - gold" are m the watot through which steamer plow a they go back and forth, , Roma -day men ni MMm 1L ' . . I . I, Urge Dtanueal Robeson Of Acala The Robeson county gTar.d jury in their report last week to Judge Cal vert, presiding over Superior court at Lumberton, recommended the fftu missal of the county superintendent of roads, the foreman of the chain numbered 2,5ee and in 1923 the num eang and ah present chain guards, ber was 245. The death rate of the fn -. t,, that "on serious investigation that 100,000 and the colored population the building- being constructed ami it through negHyence on the part of 155.6. Buncombe county reported 302 W" focod with the necessity el s u. .nan .r.4 j.nk. ni. i otv . noTiHf n wnrk and not opening lor .. ruarda have allowed too much Ubertv . trt nrioAnra whiili KiBB fntl.oiAr. tiO many escapes. Daisy College Opening The opening of the new High Point college will be delayed until ; September 15th. This was made necessary by the fact that the con- .tractors have not completed the col- lege building. " , : I Aa Art of Kindness 1 . Two men stood in the corridor of a hotel in Cleveland one cold, wintry night One of them, desiring an even-: ling paper, caught his- coat collar , around his neck, walked out into the , biting wind and bought a paper from ' : a shivering newsboy in the street. ! 4 When he hustled back into the warm I hotel his companion asked: j j "Why did you run out tnto the cold ' ., like that ? There is a news stand in ! the hotd." "Oh," smiled tho big man, "that poor, cold little chap outside needs the money more han the fellow in side." ' The lig' man' was President Wil liam Hcilinley. Sick Headache ! "I have used mack-Draught began taking it for a bad case , of constipation. I would get constipated and feet Just ml'' erable eluggish, tired, si bad taste In mv, month, 'i . and ':soon my head would begin hurting and' I ' would have st'! " severe afck headache. ; I dont know lust who started a "to ;.''. :'r""r', ' Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT but It did the work. It Just seemed to cleanse the liver. Very soon I felt like new. When I found Black-Draught so easy to take and easy acting, I began to use it In time and would not have sick headaches." "Constipation e an ses the system to re-absorb poisons - that may cause great pain and much danger to you health. Take Thedford's Black-Draught It will stimu late the liver and help to drive out the poisons. Sold by all dealer. Coat only one cent a dose. jb-104 .nn !.-..' .r :.- II 11 itliVIH X :r II JLVVNJi' II II II v aiii iv a ,i . ii mm snvaw i rm l ai v ss m. sl mm mm mm asjsv r Sr.." '. MANY car owner scetn tx trunk that th oil m the crank case OQght to last indefiniter. They (of get that there arc two very eriou aourcet of o3 cootammatioo. . nrOfaIl,tmlravourcsarbc()ulpped with aa air rtraber, yoa ara gotrig tohava urpriatng amoontof duet drsb withthainixtura. Thai dust b caught by the oil, tfttnnolate thert and b grtxmd through th ' teariog over and over gain, ' You know how inuch dut accuaju. "v ( ' " bT-sw. eV iwwi j rrr.v t errrf ot Biiiea oi onvingar'U'uw cat wrim M win toheve r lhI1lbu,'aif 1 lgkrWgXdW, lbJngOii;ai rmlH, r" every tevoluton and., that, 4effJjhiti e we.l mU .W'i'l .'667 tr-fxr fir W.;.t-sf i. , r Tone fosrowr jPsewtOw'a tastHlasaswl W dlt's PeUrlae rfctvt alway aeme t'.. c.! rrtmania. Tuberrulosu Death Rate Reduced The deaths from tuberculosis in the state were 43 les in 1923 than in 1922, according to a bulletin sent out from the slate sanatorium. In 1922 the deaths from tuberculosis ki. . u ut ...k tubereuloaii and 8 colored modI. TW Umm nnniKar fnr this Miinfu i. explained for the reason that Ashe- ville and vteinity is a resort for peo- pie sofferiag from the disease. For- syth county eomes next, with 107 deaths, 32 white and 75 colored. Postal receipts for the Greensboro postoffice for the first eight months in 1924 toUl t220,132.00, an- increase bf over 6,1)00 for the saine per ; last year. Total receipts for the year 1923 were something over S319,i ,000, and indications are that the to-1 tal - receipts this year will k. k larger. LIGHT 0ductlor now ln-tVrc 1 ruwbroudht DEIXX-UGHT P-cei bcA to the Levslsv end an unusually acy tinanar " i Sew t Dolo- for . Ptem swrf t-rmm r f E. C. COX, Dealer Asheboro, a. C. Box 491 Phone 168 FLOWERS-FLOWERS Ford the Florist High Point, N. C. Mrs. W. C. Hammer Representative for Randolph County Phones 11 and 144 NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD PASSENGER SCHEDULES - Effective January 28, 1923 Asheboro, N. C. Daily Except Sunday Leave 8:45 a. m. Aberdeen, Kllerbee and intermediate points connects at Star for Raleigh, Charlotte and in termediate points. Leave 3:30 p. m. Aberdeen and in tennediate points. Arrive 1:00 p. m. Arrive 8:25 p. iru Abeerdeer. and In ter mediate points. For tickets, pullman reservations and information address or apply to L. D. BUKHEAD( Agent, AdKerwvro W i duat ha little tha tdckf oti. Then, too, b farting, and efpedalljr 1 if you overdo tha oaa of tL clioka, ' ' unburned fuel leak down and U ah. , ... aorhed by tha crank cte cl' Gaao'-v Una doe not lubricate. It tLate and -euta" tha kibricant, . , -;;:-,''1.' ' tW. , v ' a K 4 Theae two cause, ;rremua"y reJuco' th eilkiency of. rea tlie I - t oX '"' !) The only sal way to overccr.'s ti.' j . ia 10 draio, fliun,WVl refJI t!. ; crar;-. t j itaat with fVemh-oiJ 'rr- ' ' t ry r;' SOO tnileswi lief ara 1 iv - r J ' BeW leaa sM y.a,. a . - - - . Vwt tt,--- ,7atdaTOar.Mot.t u.i rut ,.t n rvn .rs . re rvr m 4 t - a r .1 r&ge Thrte , Have Batiei the S25.0C High Point gave 48 seres er land and agreed to raise 1100.000 for the new M. P. College, and 191,000 of the amount was subscribed. '. Owing, however, to the failure of some of. a those who subscribed to pay their e.ihinrtna tit eoUecS" found Itself krt of Ymula for toe eompieuoB or the fall term. The IUwania, Lavilans; Rotarians. nd other luoe in the: town got together and raised the 2i , 000 necessary for the eompleaonof . t the buildings end 'the college 'wiU . Pen seeBsr w" lannouneed.;; e off .yn.T A ' 'V-'LL U. l ' .V"""7'' ' ' i . vN?..1,btto"-c4.3, fir , !-'.,-. ... , Jul Bi v.' J.,y y " ' !he pepublieation,-ef, the ? North o . lum pAt f'"i i ' the t &MtM iW be off nreaa man im Micm umym. iim - ft rot mnnhUit ia statadl -wilt 1. con-( '. - tain 82 ptang .arJU jpiOtrt " ( sloeer ka without nx"; tf HUNTS OUaBAN Tr - 1 Kilt DtSBASB ftkHFt'i-vi (Haafafcraeaoapii ia Kle,TanTotbrtt laseaaatalbJ nJ ASHEBORO DRUG CO.-t W" 4lsebsvaJX..Q j-rrsa ewj .w (seyrj a V ,-a ,f tfM vtdS 1 j eifs fri-Sia! jf fc "f'M Otw i tin ?fo ejootx ' tSL ,rt1 ; 5iT I t0'A,To tot Jhc Jive: e '' rta Bea,4f faotofcomn PesspneXfoa the genuine U 10eand3Sepck- ' age bearing above trade mark, ' ' V', J.Taf, ol Mat w(k. SUREPROVJii w , "1 ba't bj&ett'olowa'Jriy f arnace.1 The ashes hack been shoveled, koto - the can. -I noticed what J. thought, n, wax a dead cinder pa ,the floor. I , picked It Up to tbipw- if with the''"- . others. Inside1 it wa till red hot , My finger felt like they-were ea; Bre. I rushed, apatairs and poured t . LICARBO oa mx hand, The pain, ; subsided at once and not a blister -. - appeared. UCARBO 1 certainly..' 6 the motf wonderful r preparation,. "' that I have ever- beard oL.,.- t , v " That maa ha never since been without LICARBO.'- tt not vmlf i t" heals burny but cnt,r scratches,' bruises, Jneect bites, sunburn, -foot- K and toe infections, .prickly; heat,"' a chafing, rashes, eczema and aQ cases , of skin affection of external origin, , ' LICARBO kuls all germs, pre- ' , vent infections land heals the ai- fectod spot. Itiaahousehoildneces-4 sity. Get LICARBO today from- v , your druggist and be prepared. - r t STANDARD' DRUO COMPANt.hj? 'V Asheboro. N C - ? '. ffotejifsrrr 99 vrr ire m a ! vi LieVir' hi "'',i: I'm V7" ''v,ft '.if V.oJiVwf, . ... i .v - chaaoc to cacapa firom r..?.v: r ",-. i. . i (,.- . i a m. - r:' , a ' t. t I rs "V - -J v rtft ' .r,V? hirii' Teh-' - ' wv' i J V' : ; 'v.-' 4 V ; VCv'' 1 .1 ' . .5 " i i.O-Jj-

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