WW . THE COURIER JVBUSHEILrVEBY THURSDAY Thursday, September 11 IKt Entered as second cla&s fa Um postoffice at A n. utter N. C in. Kr PREi5 AMLRK ANP - ? "It l Charles G. Daue.v now Re - publican candidate for V ire-President, t lrbu ' fought the Clayton Act which - Job W. Davis helped to put through ' , Cnngtesi under the leadership of Weodrow Wilson, who fought union- f lass in hit home state of Illinois, and wbe advocated the election of "in junction judges". He has long been regarded as one of the most formid able and implacable foes of labor in thia country. In face of this it seems strange that Dawes should make a bid for the labor vote. He admits now since he Is a candidate for the Vice-Presidency that labor unions have been a great boon to the labor ing man, tnat alter ail be has some sympathy for the man who labors with his hands. Dawes ran for the senate once iff Illinois and was de feated. Labor leaders m that state ay that the same thinp will happen to him and also to Coolidpe in that state in November. ATCOCK'S MOST ELOQUENT SPEECH Hon. Josephus Daniels in his ad dress on the occasion of the unveiling ef a monument to Aycock at Raleigh described an occasion where a small group of peopfe were assembled, and where on short notice Governor Ay cock was called on to deliver an ad dress. These are Mr. Daniels' words: "The most eloquent speech Govern r Aycock ever made-and I heard him peak a hundred times or more was made to a handful of men and wom en on January 19, at the Confeder ate Home in Raleigh. It was Lee Jackson day. That day was not un like most January nineteenths until Aycock rose to speak Gov Aycock had not spoken half a dozen sentences before the little chapel was transformed. The simple seats seemed cushioned chairs and the men m gray who sat upon them seemed no longer bent and bruised under the stress of war and the burden of age There was a holy hush, as if an angel had fluttered over the place. He pictured their return, foot-sore and ragged, to poverty ami struggle. But they had never bent the knee! Neither want nor hardship broke their spirit. They had in their 6earts something glorious and im perishable. It was the spirit that was in Lee. Aycock held that little company in hushed ecstacy as he finmed the nobility of Robert K. Ijee m words so eloquent as to defy re production. 'We can only ourselves eatch a few rays of light from the sunshine of his face', was his pero ration." nui KJ-iLAiWiU FACTS A commission of agricultural ex- perts of the Departemnt of Agricul- tore about two weeks ago made a re- mnr tn cM,n - . .. ... , 1? , fTT AKnculture Wal- lace of its findings in connection with the plight of the farmers of the country. The commission found that in the ire years period, 1919-1924, while wholesale and retail prices have de clined, .the farmers' income has out distanced all, the decline being from ffS to 7t per cent. The "average farm r eperater," read the dispatch from Washington, quoting the experts' finding, "after deducting a commer cial mterest on his capital, actually earned) less than was Daid tn YtA nanda during the five year period." Yet in the fr. f .; fr- . , ... -.in,, r . he made public himwlf he broadcasts i, vr a campaign statement Having that Cu',' "the plight of the farmer .Hiring the "i. g-y-WM directly Hue te ' Itemodratic blundering and the un- wise statesmanship which launched i' V systematic deflation of the f ,rm tn '- ' ' M20" ( ; ' ,; 4' He goes on to stale "ti.at it was .... ' months after the Ecpublicans ; .' ame iinto power before the price ; rop iould be checked " . ,;;,;r Secretary Wallace m stalement Is a X v. tfPlcsl campaign canard. He attri- i ' , depression to the Democrat-1 r fc daunkraUon, while on the ba.U f facta gathered eatefuUy the ex- mta a tU .i... j I - - mm oepras- mam las emitlnnarf t,w-v .i - tire JtepubUeaa1 administration ad i WaTlac atataai, . . :if, . Ib Kewt and OUerrer eomunerrv fcf e Secretary WaWi statemsnt Saytr .. - . .,t Ttmrnt west W f OeBepAO. tans la 1920 H belkm that tteb? sai y , Uy fa eJeeliM ef a KeimbUeaa 1 enf. But Cber bave arhJ t the enOrs few years af Ke tniml tad SttthJag affsethu i done by tbe party fa wer tV.if tituatfeav Jifew, wbM j ' ' appreaelwe, the "ytnf that the Dun- tt 0e farm re , ""ifio elmtif ' . C 1 '. , OF THE BUILDING AND LOAN The Insurance Commissioner's re port of the building and loan asso ciations for the year 1K23 shows that there has never been such an increase in the activity of the building and loan associations as during the last year. The receipts of the building and loan associations of North Caro lina during the year 1923 amounted to 4S,69,440, against 129,262,601 in 1922, a gain of nineteen and a half million dollars, or sixty-six per cent This phenomenal growth, according to the opinion expressed by Insurance r ;; m.j. 1 "X un- uuai increase m tu numoer or as- sociations formed, would indicate that the individual associations have made the work nf nmmrfi,. thrift k .7 . .promotln th"" and building of homes their chief aim. A study of building and loan ac- tivities in North Carolina over a ner- Iod of years leads the Insurance Commissioner to express the convic tion that one of the greatest handi caps of the movement has been a tendency on the part of the men who pr ,'"ou: lnem 87,(1 01 w PUDUe 8" erally to regard the building and loan association as a "side issue or feeder for the real estate and InsiiK. teeaer ior tne real estate and insur- ance Dusiness. It is 9hly where they have been divorced from this idea," he says, "and their financial niH in th n,,;iHin f k t; n.-jf j u tion of thrift, and the improvement of citizenship have been emphasized that there has been any outstanding progress. BLEASE ON EDUCATION Former Governor Cole L. Blease, candidate in a second primary in South Carolina for United States Senator, in a recent speech at Fort Mill, S. C, made the following rid iculous statement in discussing the matter of educating the colored race: "I think the greatest mistake a white man ever made was to put hie hand in his pocket to educate a nig ger. You can't educate a horse or a mule or a cow, and you can't edu cate a nigger. They weren't made to be educated. We don't need them for lawyers or pharmacists and all that. They were made to cut wood, draw water, and work in the fields." This statement of Blease outside of being pure bunk, is uncalled for and danernns The nerrn hm,ld no cated and trained to enter the nrnfes- r .-Mima, i iic tuiureu race neeus negro doctors and pharmacists and educa tors. And if the negro hasn't the funds to educate them it is the duty of the white race to see that they get education. Educated negroes of the type of Dr. Moton of Tuskegee Insti tute and Charles S. Morris, nf Knr- r ,, ir , . folk. Va.. are doini? wonders in the " J Ull 1U .I'lll l LIU. miUlUI I HL Z tXllVl 111 the fostering of a better spirit be between the white and black races. Booker T. Washington, born a slave, worked hard, educated himself and became a great leader of his race and the white people of the country owe much to him. On the other hand Marcus Garvey. who is preaching rad- . . . ical ideas in an attempt to win the black race, is an uneducated man. iS. GLENN YOUNG IN growth ASHEBORO SATURfiJkJu "f"- no "retain Dotn and help y or country. In proportion to the number of men and women who .1.?v'"nf ln Unc5,ln sedan in - "' - " wiic were iiuiiig- months ago in Benin, Dlinois, when they were wounded by a fusil-' muc oi sjiuta iircu iiiwj uio car, o. Glenn Young drove into Asheboro ' Saturday morning from Atlanta and I "topped ever nntil early Sunday meriting when he left for Washington. Young has had his name en the front j page of the wspaper. the country ever since ast spg due to hU ac- oe'pe4Ma ".'i The car In whieh "he was riding eo!!eoming ' " " tined eleven bullet betas "giving evH v. . dence of the mordeteas aaeault made ! ,nr?ku ? IJX , ,nl !?T' on his life last May ia Herm. Young !? "f, " r, If xmgton where was sitting on the -front seat of the ' 8 Uielr home at least a ear when the attack wu mmA .n ,if- rr8r- AUen has completed bullt Pa"',1 through his left leg be-" ow " "reaamf opw oonee. pm i stiir on cruuhes. Rig wife,' who was with him afthe time the attack wna made on his life, wan severely wouniW about the face and will prob- VIXM JZ , around .Whieh the fight between the' Klan and anti-Klan forces Vas 1 ae1 u4 spring ia )he IUInola, town. Several attempts had been made on his life before, bat none had I been effective. At the time he was wounded 4 car loaded with armed men i J"! r whJc,l , V!!,1'' T.? ?d ' Lincoln sedan. u Young expreMed the beUaf that ! " iot u, Jl'l defeated, and tben the guilty parties can be brought to justice and smiet ' knit ' t U-im i jemeinUred ba Randolph fcetivltUe 'duriatf and after the ka founding deaertara aad ta' Ue pprehmuru ef tbeee wbe tried te veda the draft law. fto caught saere than thenand dsasrten during tbe war and u.Whad faim a reputst tiou for I i!f ta this tegani . It will be rolled tbet be bad with bias bi tills ttmnty a Belgtea pelteu dog wfclcb be wm4 fas hie trips afuer . fiiitre Mtng AahebefU af r the wet this dog bee died, bf t Teung, poteened, v ' Kerlk CsroHna rmba Urb the it,. e ef the anion. Thle 1 i o V fwleral Ueeaury ti 1 an I.Uk inore taau .lewa, AS TaiUl 1m tM mm kk. -. mote ( inr ef l states miH four, Tbeee f"uf are Hrw York, rtmwrt- ' "'. M f -in. AM ' ? . TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS If ou are not a subscriber to The Courier you ought to be. A number of Asheboro people took in the Bnttain land sale ner Ran dleman last Saturday. With the coming of more paved streets for Asheboro this is going to be a town worth tying to, and the one who erasDS the oDrxtrtunitv hv the forelock is the one who is miner to be the satisfied citiren and booster. Mr. E. C. Watkins, a prominent citizen and business man of Ramseur. " our wanxs ior a renewal to The Courier. Mr. a E. Leonard moved his fanv ily from Asheboro to Greensboro last week- Mr- w- c- Siler, a prominent citi- en of Ramseur Route 2, has had his subscription to The Courier moved a year. The changes in real estate, the ex- wiwtgv wi yruriy, eic, is one 01 the most hopeful signs of prosperity for Asheboro. A little change once in a while is not only good for the health, but in many instances good for the pocketbook and good for the town. The Asheboro school owned for the 1924-1925 term on Monday with fine outlook. Several of the teachers are new' u'mg their first year to teach m j To Asheboro gives a hearty welcome and hopes that they will make friends "I1" the city and their year's work most pleasant and profitable. 10 the old teachers those who have taught here before, a hearty welcome is also extended, and it is hoped that 'nis year wiU be even better than ia.it year. The value of a good local newsr paper is much more than many peo ple seem 10 tninK. And the way to make it good is to patronize it, pay I ior ii, ana lurnisn it with ads., news and items, such as the public want to know. Mr. R. W. York, of Ramseur Route 2, was in Asheboro a few days ago. Mr. York is one of our best farmers and has a good farm and raise about everything thai can be raised uii a latin in ims aecuon. Mr. T. J. Steed, of High Point, has our thanks for a renewal of his 'sub- senpuon to The Courier. Mr. Steed 18 no recommendation for a man is a mighty fine man in every way. , slicing the Vice Presidency, and who There are a lot of boys and girlg might by virtue of that position be in Asheboro. Each boy and girl ex- come President of the Republic in pects us to furnish good schools, clean case f the death of his chief. This entertainment, sanitary improve- supposedly a Christian nation. Its ments, and opportunity. All these Peop'e believe in morality and right things must come from the dollar eousnese. Will they elect a man to that is spent at home. Everything of the Vice Presidency who has an in every kind that helpS Asheboro temational reputation for profanity? Helps you helps every growing boy a,,u in Asneooro. uo you want bl??er re8S0n w"y it pays to Ti, n; r. " v. , . . ' "" ." ims jounu oui smce "i.s noinijiauon now many class mates and oldtime friends he has had dur- - ing his lifetime: and when hp o-ete tn be President they will let him know more about it. The chances are that he Democrats will elect the party i ,c imvciiioer eiecnon ii u.oiy a,,,, narmony prevail and, Mr. 'e ruier oi a great republic like the I n t,( .Qtot.. u ; - is to be the ruler of a great republic - - , 1D iccug. . . v..u.tl.ln,IJ 111 C111U UapftUlU VI filling the great office and will ap- 1 ropriaceiy wear the mantle of the Tt'T.'rV , u- the real test of good citizenship is co-operation. That applies to the in- uviuuai as wen as to the community, 1 lJe ma" who " unwilling to see the ZkunT jT 1 le ' . wm a Z I " "ff" " , , rush hiill.hAfiHAH Kia mm .. : .. . 7 VJ in ,o a uia- turner factor! And his presence is leit in every community. We don't mean that one must surrender his initiative or yield principles he may are ready to co-operate with each uuim ior utBiT mutual welfare is a community really great. Randolph ' county can afford to be measured bv wiia sianaaro. ucular proof is on ' every hand. Mr. J. B. Delk, of Jackson Creek, who is well known here, was a visitor In town Monday. Mr. E M Brown and f.mllv nf Davis and .mil v of Tro to Asheboro W. gJT1 n ot n in the Liberty High School and leaves behind him , a - splendid record ! of achievements, ; and nambers hu friend by hi. acquaintances. A womsn'i choc t!r:t trita aej M , . .eryeue '. rs m west ke tr. " TaeTs real shea, at last r Ii What awMt smSj Ml Mr fimn - fotke." Th mart cheratbig srrke are ; aerfl4e la tMe tkne, fccnuae thy are , eomtiiiwd rtt etwntr enmfnrt, rtmi x end f i yowth, V v yju, T T THE ASIIEBORO COURIER. I Ur. A. K. Wkaingham, ene ef The i Courier's good readers of Asheboro, baa advanced kia subscription a year. Who will be next! A year's subscrip tion to the paper int much, but a lot of them make a tun ?um. Thank you. Mr. Lee Wood, ef Randleman, spent a few hours in Asheboro Mondav Mr. B. M. Brewer, efficient an 1 genial cashier of the Bank of Liberty, was in Ashe bore a few 'das ago ahaking hands with friends, Mr. M. L. Winningham, a promi nent citizen ef the Central FaUs sec tion, was transecting business in Asheboro Saturday and shaking with friends Mr. L C Moeer is a candidate for House ef Representatives of the oi iiurui . Carolina ana win make an ideal legislator at Raleigh,' beeauae be u wide-awake and alert 10 things that will affect the welfare 1 of RndolPh county citixens. He has , ! trong following in the county and counting on his being elected ; "" on his good service as a statesman who goes at things in a fearless manner, with a vim and de- mwvm w w wtc tci y imi nc i can and Mr. Moser has the ability. ! i Reports from all over the county indicate that Lee Kearns is running a strong race for Register of Deeds win " the November elec- I tion. His many friends over the ; county are rallying to his suDDort. ying that he has made the best Kegjater of Deeds that the county has eyer. hd- Asheboro citizens are en- thusiasUc over this good news and1 assisting Mr. Kearns in every way Possible to put him over the top. i And Carl Cox is another good man "T Iur-. ne nas maae gocxi as sheriff and if past record means any thing he will make a good sheriff for the second term should the voters see fit to elect him. He is a good man and has many supporters in the coun ty who predict victory for him. If newspaper and magazine re ports are corrected that's the only asul f public opinion for most peo- pie, General Dawes, the Republican nominee for the Vice Presidency and a running mate for President Cool idge, has quite a reputation as a cussing man. He would perhaps make a aonality undoubtedly has weight. But j we would like him better if he was a uttie more choice of his language. Wanton profanity and indiscriminate violation of the Ten Commandments SHILOH NEWS ":.r'".0 our people attended O 1 " court m Asheboro last week. Miss Essie Stout is visiting her Mrs. Myrtle Craven in High sister, Point Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Moffitt spent the week-end with their daughter Mrs. Early Moffitt of Franklinville. ' Among those who have entered Kamseur school for the following Allen, Louise and Ruby Brooks Allen, Louise and Ruby Brooks mj ' -. , """J . luouge craven, ana a ma Martin. Miss Dnisv lVfnffi'tt kac kAAn . 1j ing the past few weeks at home af- ter a two montn's trip to her sister, Mrf" E- Dvis in Sask, Canada ! and returning by way of Pacific coast and Middle States. Miss Moffitt re- ports a great trip, and beautiful scenery. She wfjl return to her work w .oro By September 16th. A . rr k r . i . . . S' tSSLT 8 lew lnen-d8' i"wiw w rviinungion lor days stay last week few . we are having an interesting prayer meeting each Sunday night at Shiloh now. t.. - . We have just received A Big Shipment of Ladies, Men's and Children's Shoes W 8ho your whole family at yery Low Cost Burt Shoe Company Asheboro, N. C. . , s. beat - , :.- . . . ASHEBORO, N. C I FERREE-JONES I county for a number of years, and ' ' " ' ''' ' ' for the oast two veara she had been "'bI FERREE-JONES Announcement was made last week of marriage at Liberty on August 17 of Miss Lillian Estell Jones, dauirh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jones, of Whitsett, to Calvin Edgar Feme, of High Point. Rev. F. P. Ellington, pastor of the Baptist church at Liberty, officiated. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonea. She hmA ham teaching in the public schools of the ! STOVES RANGES AND Heaters Galvanized Roofing, Rubber Roofing SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES BUY THE BEST AND BE SATISFIED ' ASHEBORO, N.C. iiflwwtintifjiiniiwiff w1. hi . Printing mm FT? How quickly your eye tellk you of 'that elusive ele ment m pnntingthat fine lin that divides printing of MVAaubjr uum.uio pupanou. A glance at the letein your harld stantly form your opinion of the writer In a senccvyourrepreSenUtiTCabr :. n r rDon'tiesattorfwiUia!! ---4s, ! wrVefigfuum iru xype ana words. yyuiii,. I 'i If Uc'r.yUdnsjn the PrinUriff Uno MAUD MULLER county for a number of years, and for the past two years she had been a member of the faculty of High Point schools. She is an attractive young woman. Mr. Feme is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Feme, of Asheboro. He holds a position with the Beeson Hardware company in High Point The young couple will make their home for the present with Mr, and Mrs. L. F. Feme on East, Green street, High Point , ' .n-. Oil . '..i I'l .i.) j Oil Stoves 0 Heaters YE NOTICED That Impressed You i ' . . - . imujuj; costs you Gourier II.!;. fVrU.-Ur 11, Eat more Sea foods, rhey are highly recom mended by all leading - physicians as being nec ' essary to proper food balance. Fresh oysters are here. Modern transportation methods bring them . from their ocean beds in just a few hours. Why not a big oyster stew, creamy, rich and appetizing, this week? 'Native and West- tern v Beef, Pork l and Dressed Fish. - ' ' City Meat Market f ASHEBORO, N. C " ' 'ii 1,1 : i. t'Vfa'r-i.n. J.i ' - and you in- ?j . ' ' Vnf f 9 W - j i i i r . - - r . ;.; , . 1 no more ' ; ''''''' ' trees wnr.t v, c e n i '' ' i h ii X j 1 U i! 4 1

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