i:o COURILIC ASIIEBOSO. N. C. LOCAL, A WDKNTNli i Itr. Dwifht Kichardson. Born to Mr. sad Mr. Henry Injraai Dc W. J, Sumner and Uujiiter, J September th, a sea, Henry, Jr. ; Mi&s Kubv, af fcamilemaa, r : iwm waaaasaay ier arecraj ewna. I '. Mr Job Enw, ef Hig-a Point. ;pn ua wecs-ena n uoeoero. -J Mr. Naanie Ware Westhreok. f - iaitaj Um R.I1L. B ,- :- 1 wM last. Friday, of Vest ' Mr. OiiIh Staler, of Stale, ra Tuesday. fEnd. spnt the -week-end in Asbebero. amour the business visitors in Ashe- k. Crime, of rankllirflle. Yocietyi Hssnriag BrtMay U. TO fal "town on- BBstnsse Taesday. 1 Mr. V. C. Xaricy, of Bamaeur, wu Mr. CL M-.Tyeor, of Erect, was In . towa-ssveraj hour. Tuesday on town aeveral hours Tuesday an basfei1' ' - eas. . , V- 4 Miss 'Attest BirUiead. of MlM Mary Presnell, of 8eagTWe,!j.itfo.t Mr- Ha ft Urn Yillia Low and daachUr. of Hi Point, are viaiting Mr. Sallie Low this week. - Mrs. 8. C Greea aad two children, of Raleigh, are visiting Mr. and Mr. W. A. Gregory. . Mr. I. C Moeer, reprnentttive is. Honoring the seveaty-oecond birth-. Bay of Mr. rater b. rag, im mem- ben of his family fa Aaheboro gave WANT COIMN' thU week. TIM TlUUilK - wnw; biihw m - r ki2f ord Collega taia week. ' "-v Iter-Dev, grower, of I v- J T ' Ti.W u WoUrlniRomta X fwaa. among the it oneration at Havworth he ! Ajbb ks Thursday. nital last week. , t ,, ' J ' ' Don't forget - the parent-teachers M. f txip to Baltimore. ,;and meetinr at me scaee auaiionum in- "- -day night. the General Assembly from Kaadolph County, waa appelated at the extra ordinary session af the Legislature, a amber ef , the committee ta m- naet the mtmtm Mnel inHtnwwt J Candor, make rewimnmrtatioaa for the . inv proremant of the system, if in the opinion of. the committee such action waa advisable. Mr. Moaer is now with we warn imi in wuu wui wswiniw i Ramaeur viators in nim a smrpriaa picnic aupper at the Mineral Bprinjf, three miles west af town. When the nonoraa arrived, a boantiful pienie aupper was spread, and in the center af the table waa a birthday cake with seventy-two light ad candles. Among the delightful features of the occasion was a little rnaka iaspsctiea of the state prison song by Bebeeea Badriek, "Grandpa ' v ' . 'irv'y . . Jrm ns jianania, m nauiaa couciy. , ts oaranvy-iwo iv-ini . iww ; va (.' trenier icii monoay nignjTM atata larm' at Metitoa will alaa ant were jur. ana an, eo. r Mr. and Mrs. Carl King, of Sea- rove, were visitors in Aaheboro Son Miss Marraret Moffitt will leave Monday for Hollina College, Virginia, where aha will enter school (his year. Mr. Lea Eorala and wife; af Greens boro, were visitors of Mrs. Ivy John on Sunday. MrTaad Mrs, Tom Johnson, of Lib.. rty, spent Sunday in town wiw.rei atives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Boss and X D.I Hosa. Jr.. spent- aeveral days in Jtaleigh last week. Mrs. John T., Davis is visiting iter. lanirhter. Mra. Carl Teasrue in Thom- ausvule. f, ; f r Miss tJladva Allred returned Mon Jbv from a, two . week's , visit' to irienda and jrelativeaj in OkOahoma. Every parent or guardian who has child in Our school is urged to come to the auditorium Friday, night at 8 P M,.- .;. i . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith, -of Guilford College, were the week-end niHtii !6f Mr. and Mrs. JL B. Beeis- Mr. J. TWuaon, of Seagrdve.U a natien't at the local hospitali Mr. Wilson is goffering from a broken leg, : Miss Nan Lowdermilk will leave' Monday for High Point where she -will enter the mew Methodist Protesr t&nt College. Misses Man Lewis i and Etta Reid 'Wood left Wednesday for Converse College where they will enter school far "thia year. :ct Mrs. T. C. Johnson, Misses Annie nd. Clara Johnson,; of Greensboro, visited Mr,' and Mrs. Lee M,iieams Sunday. ' Mr. C. E. Keams and family pass ed through Asheboro Sunday en orute to Ellerbe, where their daughter Miss Mattie Lee, will enter school. Mr. W. C. York, secretary of the North Carolina Fair circuit, was in Tarm at Tna atatar farm' at Method will alaa ant were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hedrick. other be visitad and subcommittees appoint- : and Rebecca. Cornelia Hunt and Bud " lA kv.tba eammittaa will malm a. tanr Harfrielr? Mr. ani Mra. Clarence Da- Mi. J.Ir. Reitiel. ofr Ramaeur vof. P varioua.via. Flora Page and Dick Davis; Mr. Rout. waa. amonr the visitor. P ' Bunoay. peptemoer vtn, mv. b. e. nTwm- mi Jmw. p. w.ikr Morris, of Beuchel, Ky., preached his Hal Hammer and Jane Page Walker. nrsrt sermon at the Baptist church since accepting the pastorate a few weeks ago. Rev. Mr. Morris comes o Asheboro from Kentucky with splendid recommendations, and both No rlaaciaed adverlialaf will I, ki ii t jr im thut i'J tna - ,tr:iiMnii seat in mw-t W r mmpanied by mailliuira FOR SALE Used Fords. Several can in first class shape, can be bought on easy terms to responsible parties. See J. M. Rich, Midway Garage, 2 mile north of Asheboro. it 4 24. Mr. and Mra. Arther SwJgart. af, Lexington, visited Mrs. Sallia Lew recently. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Meore, of Pour Oaks, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gregory. t A r- (.fit' at tie old in Back Creek township. tA venarta K ending evi- : 'Carter Lfathirom is . bore charged with a--r - ly'weapoa on Sidney aaaaalt ouiaived T' n Sawveraviila eh arch rear county boi Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McGuinn left .""'f "T , I.V,.m. feot Wednsedar for Hurt Paint ber -- ,hia the, wiU make. tbelr horn Mr. Me- f u said to aava hit Redding ever the head fend to dieted a painfal aaala wound. - Guian rage on road. has a filling station and ga- th High Point -Greeaihoro 1 Stop Look Read j WANTED A firat-claaa Medh aVg. Price must be reasonable. Ethel May Van Dyke, Asheboro, K. C 1 t 11 24 FOB SALE Farm containing T8 1-2 acres near Lineberry station, Ran dolph county. Apply to John All red, 108 Park Street, High Point, N. C 2t 9 11 24 pd t rlS.fi; j.tir'i- i Asheboitt Saturday, ' Mr- ' A. Holder and 'daughters, Misses'Edna and Cteone, were in ureeneooro rTjaay ior io oay. Miaa Esther. RosS returned Sunday front a few daya visit to the. western part, efjtatav y Mry.ih ikrB.'Hal V; Worth and little aon.' -Colvm. McAlister, of Ra leigh: apenvaie : weea-ena - nere wttn i relative-;''-' ' Congressman Wm. C. Hammer and Hal Walker attended the speaking of Governor Cameron Morrison at Rock ingham Monday evening. N Mr-; and Mrs. S. G. Copeland and little oc Samuel, of Norfolk, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Register at the country club;" -'!, Miss Annie Tucker, assistant secre tary of the Young Men's Christian Association of High Point, spent Wednesday with her motheu, Mr. M. Tucker.' " The Randolph Chapter ,U. D. C. will hold their initial, meeting of the fall September 18th with Mrs. L, C. Phillips and Mrs. J. W. McGuinn on Worth street. ., : a Hrai Wm. C Hammer and .Miss Blanche Miller left Sunday for a Week's trip to Washington where they will, visit Mr.and tMnv F. G. Grimes and tanilj Mr. J.M-. Johnson of - Ramseur hie sermons, at .the morning Miaaieaary Sedety Meet Monday afternoon the Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of the j M. P. church held a joint meeting at anu t : ml. i evening .ervfaw. Snndav we Knlen-1 McnWW. 1 ne meeting was opened did.' Sunday evening the other lvdeT?n Hay- then Mra, S. L. T7 1 .1' L&W--JS? : madT. To talk n' r OTuedV."chch to overnTwteg:-.V For several weeks the church has i,Pi'ltJo1 been without a pastor, Rev. Mr. Rose n yMt?n nvir kv h.vlnr vntH . .i.-h- R.-'nt?nK was then taken over by the - i.'. .-j -.;a. t social committee and a delightful in Asheboro the latter WANTED Hand ta cat S.00 cords of wood near Asheboro and Mill boro. Apply to J. A. Holder, Ashe boro, N. C, ' 2t 9 11 24 ! NARDER BROTHERS CIRCUS TO GIVE AWAY FOR RENT Five-room house with ' modern conveniences, bath, electric Lights and garage. Apply D. C. A. Hayworth, Aaheboro, N. C. It 9 11 24 F R E f!SS!t fc If"' rv.i "..t.'" 1 :t i 4 vi - &r .T i 4 ? . (WiV '4 tiff A ;;'- y$ H ' i J . Mr. Morris1 will arrive part of this week. Two Baptist Ministers Killed Grade Crowing At hour followed. Assorted sandwiches and tear were served. Rev. C. E. Crissman, of High Point, was Instantly killed, and Rev.' C. R. Sorrell, alsd of High Point, was fat ally injured Friday afternoon when the automobile in which the two were riding was struck and demolished by Atlantic and Yadkin passenger train No. 30 at a grade crossing directly in frori of Macedonia Baptist church five miles northwest of Liberty. The car in which the ministers were riding, air Overland sedan, was struck j squarely in the center by tne train and carried along the track for some, distance before the train could be stopped. The injured man and the I I -, If - inlra. Route 2, wasamong the business vis- ah' .t. L-in At uhertv the itonl tAshebor.Xueaday.ift Mrt,. M r..mn tikn off Delightful Birthday Party A party delightful to the seventy five children invited was given by Mrs. Basil Brittain Monday after noon, honoring-her two little daugh ter's birthdays, Florence and Virgin ia.'' Many delightful games were played on the lawn before the hostess served ice cream and cake. The young honorees received many lovely gifts. Johnson, called ab The t Courier office wnne in town ana renewea ms bub-SCriptiott.-; ' iS . :A , .;-vi HtoC Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pearce left Tuesday for a week's stay in . New York 'and Washington. , Durinsr their absence" their two smair sons, Buster and Dick, will. visit their grandmotht er in ThomasvUle. Mr. Frank McCrary left Tuesday for Davidson. College where1; he will enter school. He was accompanied by his .brother Mr. Charles McCrary Are you building your soil? Plant some legumes this fall for plowing under next spring and note the re sulting increase in crop yields. . " . I T . . 1 IT A l . . Leaksville yesterday for the fair ,"" ,"y " ?tUI which is being held in that town. Mr. John Allred, formerly of this county, but now living in High Point, was a business visitor in Asheboro , Monday. . j Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Presnell and j -daughter, Dorothy May, will leave j Saturday to spend some time with Mrs. Presnell's parents m Richmond, Va. ' Seventeen marriage licenses were issued at the office of the Register -of DeeoS during the month of August. Eight have been issued so far this month. ' Esq. C. W. Wilson, of Trinity township, waa in Asheboro during court last week. Mr, Wilson is. a Democrat 866 days, in the year and he keeps up with the times. The? fourth quartyrfr meeting of the Uwharrie charge, W. N. 'C. con ference, will be held at Tabor church Saturday, September 18th, beginning -at 11 Vclock, A. M. . The' revival that began ' Sunday trijrht. Sevtember 7th. at the Concord church, Parmer, will continue .an til and including Sunday Bight, Septem ber 14th. v, aerie of meatinn will begin at Bethel FrienVls' church best NSunday; September 14th."eontueted -by Mra. Anniav AMendenhalL, Cleveland, jnio. . . t -- ' , ,Lhtla Albert Bunting, who has Men a patient at the local hospital for two weeks suffering from a brok arm. was able to go to his home to SoBth Aeheboi Monday. -'. Amendment has been made to the charter af the Asheboro Wheelbar row Company increasing the capital wtoek from 850,000 to 1160,000. J. 8. Lewis is president of the company ana &. x. Moiiitt aecretary. - Thar eO M l meeting of the Barents and teachers of the school at the achooi aodttortuai Friday even ing, September 12th at 8:00 o'clock. If m have child In school, ploeae soma,' . .. , v.- . . .. ' , Among the students that will enter eMhool at the North Carolina College for Women are Misaa Helen' fiyksa, "Linnle Birkhead, Franees and Vlrghv ta Barker, Ethel Jonnaoa, Nannie Ad atina, Virginia Raiding, CaUia - Way, aad aea Cooper..v;Vfc,. Mr, C It Moore,of Rocky Mount, ertat Btanager for the D. Pender Croeery Company, of Nerfolk, , Va, -was in Asheboro Monday in connect - Sob with business relative to opening tip a eaah and carry grocery store be re. . - ."s-'! . ' Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph X.' Cola, of JTlRh Point, announce the birth ef a UughUr, Kane Louise, Friday, Jntomber tth. Mr. Cole is a Ran doh'h county bey having been bom nd reared st Coleridge. Be is with Ah ImpeHitl Life Ixwuranee Company t IV Point. the train and prepared for burial, while Mr. SorreJl was taken to San ford and placed in a hospital. He died ate that evening. Mr. Sorrell has been for the past year pastor of the East Green Street Baptist church, High Point, and Mr. Crissman has been prominent in the Baptist, ministry. They were conduct ing a series of meetings at Macedonia church, and were returning to the church for the afternoon service when the accident occurred. For quite a distance in front of the church the state highway and the railroad tracks run parallel and trains are in- plain view . for ; some distance. To reach the church from the highway it is necessary to cross the railroad tracks on a short stretch of road that branches' off from the highway, across the railroad track, and stops ! at the church. It was while in the act of crossing the track at this place the accident occurred. mer students of Davidson College. Mrs. John T. Moffitt and Miss Ma ry Moffitt, who have spent the sum mer at their home here will teave Friday for North Wilksboro where they are members of the school fac ulty. Mr. .Henry Swaney, of Caraway, and Miss Sarah Garren, of Mechanic, were married Saturday morning in the office of the Register of Deeds, in Asheboro. Rev. W. H. Willis offi ciating. Mrs. Swaney is the daughter M ainello Trial Package tUSUT Mrs- c- " uarren' f! GIVEN FREE There will be a meeting of the fft pnrh rnatftmpr a Inner Greensboro district Epworth League ; - . as iney last LADIES WORK AT HOME, pleasant easy sewing on your machine. Whole or part time. Highest pos- sible prices paid. For full informs- 1 tion address L. Jones, Box 755,; Olney, IU. It pd, , FOR SALE Small farm with good buildings near hard surface road, ' " 12 miles from High Point and 2 1-2 miles from Sophia. Price attractive. ? J. C. Hill, Randleman, N. C. . 1 1 2t pd 9 11 24 I WANTED Hemstitch and Picot- ing, 12 eents yard. Over Coving- i s ton and Prevost Store. Mrs. Sara A. Amick, Asheboro, N. C. .' s 2tpd. 9 11 24 s FOR SALE Four shares Stock in i Bank of Franklinville. W. A. ' Grimes, Franklinville, N. C. j s 2t pd 9 11 24 I WANTED Green shelled peas, but-: ter beans, snap beans, -onions, ngs, . chickens, and country side meat. G. P. Pritchard Grocery, South Ashe boro. It 9 11 24 A FIVE PASSENGER FORD TURING (JAK Saturdiay Septembefc275! AT TEN THIRTY P. Wu 1' THE YOUNG LADY WHO ySEllS .TItEvii LARGEST NUMBER OF TICKETSTO, THE NARDER BROTHERS' WIL BE GIVEN II IIII' II A mi l 11 UU U U UM If f ir,Ue UHl FOR SALE OR RENT My house in ! South Asheboro with seven rooms and bath. All modern conveniences. R. C, Johnson. i PLUMBER THOUGHT HE NEEDED NEW PIPES roRcu? v Iti t ..,n, V AND WILL BE NAMED 4 t iq vf ' "U i tj j IT ? Br PURCHASE YOUR TICKETSf9T0f -.-O-'l Ttci1 fTS vS 111U Miss Narder Bros.CircuS "aT 1 i wf r in BieJM. E. church, in Asheboro, to nigix beginning at 8 o clock. A number of delegates from various parts f the county and surrounding section, will be present. There will be en session of the meeting only. . Rev. W, B. Thompson, of Granite Quarry, was in Asheboro Monday and paid The Courier a call. He and his , family have been in Randolph for sew era! days visiting relatives, including Mrs. Thompson's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wood, of the Randleman , neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp-i son formerly lived in this county. M esday morning of this week JaB-i or Doak Lowe and Deputy Alpheue' Cot took the five men sentenced - at last week's term ef the court ta the Penitentiary at Raleigh.' Tuesday! morning the eight sentenced to a ! term on the roads left for Rowan county where they will serve their, term.' Three are in iail serving sen tences Imposed at last tarm of court. . Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Foust, of Ram seur, and their nest, Mrs. Lena Vraai Rawla of fVAn4:fce mmlm vie. Hers in Asheboro1 Friday. Mrs. par being a daughter of the late Mr. Isaac Foust, a man who was active in the upbuilding of his county in the ear lier days. Mrs. Harris was greatly pleased with and proud of the good roads and other evidences ef the county's progress. . 80s City won the Tri-county league pennant by defeating the Greensboro Cons at Siler City Bat- ardav afternoon bv a score of '8 to S. This was the third consecutive victory ever the Greensbere team. Slier uty won the first half of the league race and the Greensboro Cove the second ! half, and the two toams have been en- j gagea in a ans games to oeau . th winner ef the nennant. Asheboro 1 was a member of this league the past aeasoa, -" rr The ar rrvgat bank reeoaro per inhabitant ef Randolph . county t is 151.03, according to statistics compil ed by the Department of Reral Be eiai Eeonornics ef the University ef North Carolina.. The awrage for the state is 1 178. 40. New Hanover eoun ty ranks highest with aa average per inhabitant of 152188. Tyrell, Cra ham, aad Omrvlen aotuitiea have ne banks. The bank resources per In hhitnt for Davidsoa.' county t la LADY FAIR SHOPPE WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITERS can be purchased on essy payments. Typewriter Ribbons, Typewriter Paper, Carbon Paper ASHEBORO PRINTING CO. Asheboro, N. C. "My stomach and intestines were ' a always full of gas and I often had 1 f I severe colic attacks. The pain and ! soreness caused me to think I need- t ied a new set of pipes. Since taking I Mayr's Wonderful Remedy all this i has disappeared and my only trou- " ble now is to make enough dough to buy all the food I'd like to eat." ; It is a simple, harmless preparation " that removes the cattarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes j . practically ail stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including ap pendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded.. For sale by Standard Drug Co., and druggists everywhere. YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT The Lady Fair Shoppe -We are equipped to givk Violet Ray Treatments BoncUDa Fadal MineralaTia FrndaJ 1 I Electrkal Fadab -Hair Cntttn- Ladies aad CbUdrea Shampooins Hair Cnrlinir Water Waviag BfarceQinf Eyebrows Arche4-PIaleM MaaicviBf We Specialize In Scalp and. Facials Treatments LET US SERVE YOU CaU phone . r. An old time wi'.l be held In th court nous Sati r iy pit 't, 8-Ptmb l.ith, bgi- Major Wade H. Phillips, of Lasdng irilnf at ft e'tlntk. A fruit Jar of, ton, rewntty elertcd "ewmtander ef rnrmey vi; 1 fiven f t bet f)'lt)i North Carolina Department at i!er, and fr-. alo 1 ' th cod j th American Legion, was In Ashe A fS ret tri will i fiven frTbire KHHay on matters of boslneaa, U ether biUvimnta la whU-h ti .Mr. rhllllps has been very active la mlt has twn or rnnr entri. Inlrinn work in the state end wss ronneHion with th fiddler ennven-, lntrumental in perfertlng the organ- ii vx ; a' C'.me- u- 'f tf f li er s'- r t.' f r rrnm. All S Sr e-: er ' "f th Htm the- will be !in a-t. A rnn i rH ions wiil h e ?,iI Hm and rnmif !m ef th North Carolina Depart 't M p"ts In veriout tows In th '. He 1) very rnurh Interested In e firr-nn'.iii J rf a fnst In Anheborej. ( t e ,.!! ''nt flf 1 re-' V First Natl Baak Bldf . No. 273 forr Day Appointment - Front Roobbb, or Seeoi 1 Night adj Floor Feature Attractioq OF THE ? F A I K AND HELP YOUR FAVORITE , TICKETS 25 CENTS EACH- iiii(iiiiiiit(iiii!iiiiitiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitiiiiirtiiiitiiiiititni )- e.r1 v r if t '- si S Sweaters eeeeeee '..H'(4.'--Sd V''!V 1 --ts-k4!, liiT mi l) ilt'.v ijii Prepare for the cool mortAXtA iKj-t i.i in Biie m ings when the childreri'aMf:? v '. 7 ' ,fmr tutu tT ' ' aAsni rr- rtr. i v i : ' ve f't'. l..-J-1- Bradley Sweaters ' Tff 'CoaU' and Pull-Overs, in a-Ood I i v . tA ' 1 . 'y-;i" V. ft ' V - A. BasU saaV att ' wBBj' yaU wU M) Myf "ej 4 M1 4wLI wa sL-sj V J't ' trs" bYt tti t-tV bV aH Lj j S.I llr" LA3.d V Home SEE Oar iT-'i 'a' - We Can rnrnlshAU Material i From Ground Up OUR FLAN BOOK OFflOO BlUUTirUli 'AND''' ;' CONVENIENT HOMES :,"r' " Twenty r Ttsxa Exprleac la ; Iltatf adttrtaf ' Bufi Jinx Material U Yonn to Coauua4 - - 1 f;v' -,1 Stetson Hats Smart Styles for Fall The style of Stetson Hats have changed with the times, but the supremely fine quality has never varied , There is no substitute Jor a Stetson : 1 it " . :Ml Rememberlthat we ev. -;p' have a A Trw -A . J . . e 1 ,m., complete line of Qtiali,'tfj L" , ,,f;, noca to select irorn. Come to see us. - jrrte!. ' tT ,1. , . i i J awBBBWsa . 4 1 1 1 :.'-X- A ttt i t Coffin & Searbc I well ( t) r A !!' ''n f t") eet.'i r ft 3 fcrl 2') ' r X finm . l 1 - ?! Wo Will Apprcciato Your Patron zzq 1 ASIIEnORO, N. C. ' " :;; I 1- ti an t I i "t- t i t "f T.WsWIMsl v

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