JR, September 24th To 27th 4 - - tr 9V IT- MI 1 TWO SECTIONS ' JHE C0UHIE2'S . ! Special - - 7v. Fair Edition , .' First Sectioa : Randolph Couritsiricultura1 54: t ISSUED WEEKLY . TOLUMB XLU NEXT WEDNESDAY' Srcrrthins la Readiness Far Annual County Fair Heads '-v Departmeataf'-; y - Randolph county fourth' annual fair will pn Wednesday morning, September 24th. Extensive prepara ' tiojit have been made and everything la ready for the opening. It is expect ed that the largest crowd ever in at tendance at a county fair in this sec tion of the state will be present,- It is also expected that the display of - -agricultural products will , be the larg est and best ever seen at the county f air. . 'V , - It fa desired by; the fair manage ' ment that all persona living in Ashe- boro and vicinity who expect to en ter exhibits have them in Tuesday, so that "exhibits of out of town patrons may be taken care - of Wednesday morning.- The exhibit buildings will be open Saturday, September 18th, to receive exhibits. All old soldiers will be admitted to the fair grounds free during the entire week. Friday, September 26th all school children will be admitted free. Wednesday morning until 9 o'clock those holding merchants' tick ets will be admitted ' free. These tickets will be good for 10 cents the rest of the day. Alt persona will not be admitted free until 9 o'clock ' on the opening day as stated in The Courier last week, but only those hav ing the merchant's tickets, and these only until this hour. " Mr. J. T Redding is superintend ent of the department of farm, and field crops and M. F. Skeeh is assist ant County demonstrator MUlsaps is general superintendent of this de partment as, well as .the other agri i cultural departments of the; fain '' . In the livestock department .Charlie Keams, E. C. Byrd, J. $. Humble, R. W. Fuller, C. E Macon, S. A. Pick ett, and, "Bud" Craven will he In . charge. . There will be exhibited fa this department sheep,. hogs and cat V tte. ' ' ij Walter Davis, Jr., is superintendent 'f of the poultry department, assisted ' by George Parks and E. ' L Slack. ' Mrs. J. L Overman, assisted by Mrs. W. C. York, will have - charge . of Home Economics; Mrs. C. C, Harrel- - son, the children's department; Mrs.1 ' X K. Wood, flower department, as- ' sisted by Mrs. J. O. Redding, Mrs. f- 43. A. Hayworth, and Mrs. C.,;;S. ' Tate: in the fancy work department ..i .: win m Mrs. U. B. uninn and Mrs. U. F. Bulkhead, Mrs. Hal Worth, assisted by- Mrs. J. A Spence, have in charge the ed ucational denartment: In art will be Mrs J. T. nderweodsirpeefaitejid-4 cni, wun jutb. . v. ruicnneia ana Mrs. J. D. Boss assistants. , t The department of curios: and rel ics will be in charge of W R. Poole. C. Rush is superintendent of the bench show which will be Thursday. In the educational department . of the booth for colored people Rev. J. E. B rower will be in charge, and Mrs. M. A. " Waddell superintendent of pantry supplies. -Dr. James G. Crutchfield Is presi dent of the fair association and Mr. George T. Murdock treasurer. W. C. York is mneral manairer. For the convenience of fair visitors the Randolph Telephone Company will maintain a service on the grounds. ? There- will be a children's nursery In the main building, and an emergency hospital will be maintain ed, Free parking grounds may - be had Just across the street from f the fair rrounds. i The general admission to .the fair v grounds will M bu eenta. . Un Batnr day afternoon, September 27th, . the admission fee wUl be 26 cents, n 'A A - Wednesday Is designated as Ever body's Day: Thursday, will be. the dog show; Friday will be School Dayj . and BatOMay uornc cominr lay. ;- :l Sheriff Cox Is Active A l-'.ln Enforcingr Laws Sheriff A. Cat! Cox is maldnr Ufa V hard for Uockaders in this -county. . ;. Tuesday-her and bis ; two deputies ; ariade a raid in-New Hope township k capturing tw stills Deputy .8hrift r,t P. I Walker, of New Hope, came U f -Ajheboro about noon Tuesday and : reported he had I lina,on the location , : of a nvmber of stills in his township, i Sbsriff Cox and deputy Walker. ae . , .eomnanied br Fred Phillips, Walter ' rresneu, and Chief of Police Steed. ' wwit to New i Hope township mi Sont A Vlnrk InatnA m thlrtv-crml. ' . , Ion eapadtr still. , destroyed , twi bwr stands Containing 1&0 (rail on of bwr, ant poured out 8 - rations of liipmr. Thn whbikey was located in a fift-n-irl'on keg about a hundred ysnls from the still, a well-beaten path lclin(r to the ker. - , . - . Not eontent with Uklng this still tli of.'ir.rs went about a half mil rrt the wood to. tm-k and " Tin hi. h was lout a 20 gal- , ! n rr; i i: w, ws warm and showed cf hnvlnff b"fln bp'rat'd Ju t f rlnr to the fon,ir. of A I irn-l Of .-- ' r ft,, nut r-.-l f.,1 I 1 ( " Hi ! -I 'n f "ind at i: p! ,i !!' !. l-o li'j'iir was ft r r v Id rr 'it.; '1 :- c; I" I t I I I ... '? C. '". t i l - r i t t ' - a - 1 in t k .!. 'i j fas. j (.r.a r , i-i 1 e . I I '. t ; REPUBLICAN MANAGERS " IN DESPERATE SITUATION Bulk of LaFoUette' Vote From , . Republican Part-f .Women -' v . rr.4 For Davis. V:-: ;' The' Republicans have adopted the strategy of desperation on account of the inroads the LaFoUette. forces are making on Republican chances in the coming election. ' They are making an Intense drive on LaFoUette. and the Republican organization is broadcast ing statements that the chance of Da vis even running second is scant It is the "smoke screen" of the Republi cans behind which they attempt to conceal the dismay which really per vades their organization. Another smoke screen behind which the Republican organization is hid ing is the claim of their national chairman that Coolidge and Dawes will get 404 electoral votes this fall. The plight of the Republicans is serious. If the LaFoUette forces make the objectives they have set out to reach, the carrying of the North west and many states in the Middle WASt It" Will M..n tk.fr rAi-lllMn fall .U-t - L. n A t inn biiuiv wv iicvt3HHary . aqo voi.es to elect In order to whr the ReDub- licans must carry some of the States claimed by LaFoUette, and these states are steadily slipping away trom tne Uooudire-Uawes candidacy. The minds of the Republicans hark deck to tne mz campaign in which the regular Republican ticket carried only Utah, and Vermont From the desperate' efforts beinr put forth by the Republicans and the extravagant statements' broadcasted to the press by Chairman Butler of the national committee, it is evident that the Republicans are noting the increasing strength ef Davis as"' the days go by. It is being realised that the big bulk of the LaFoUette-Wheeler votes are going to , be ,;garnered trom ue Kepuwican ranks. Jjarol lette is weakening the Renublicans. and Orders have gone out from head quarters to head him off. Six mil lion German-American votes .were cast in 1920 for .Warren G. Harding, anq mere is mereasmg evidence that these1 votea wiU be found in the La FoUette column this year. - .-5f;'t -'. - Another worrv th Kenuhlirjuia m having is that there an clear indica tions that the women over the country are generally, lining- un for Davis and Bryan. They are nauseated with the saturnalia of corruption which has ex isted under the present Republican administration and: are turning to Da vis in numbers. Davis is above re proach. Nothing has been said by the republicans against his eminent fitness for the Presidency'. All wai ts that be is by far the ablest man in eitnejr party, ue owes nobody any thing and will go into office with his American Legion Paya Tribute To Wilson Impressive memorial services to Woodrow . Wilson were held at the conclusion of the first session of the American Legion National conven tion at Saint Paul," Minn., Monday. Members of the Virginia delegation carried to the platform a large fram ed portrait of the late President, the man who had been their commander in chief in the World War. . . The thousands of Legionaires reverently while John T. Wicker, past commander Of the Department of Vt. tinia,. presented the portrait to "'the legion national headquarters. . Oaiy Those With Merchants' Tickets V. g-V Free :. ' r ' " ' - ' Last week The Courier announced' that everybody would . be r admitted free to the fair grounds until 9 a. m. Wednesday tnornins. SentemhiM- Sith. Such was the information furnished ns Dy wr, rorx, the aecreUry- of the fair association.' However, this7 is in error as the-fair management ad vises that isnly those who hold the merchants' tickets which a number of the merchants of the town have pur chased and have sent out many to their customers will be admitted free op Until 9 a. m. Wednesday morning. After 9 a. m. Wednesday those hold tog these tickets will be entitled - to enter the fair grounds upon payment of 40 cent and presentation of the ticket, as it is stated on the face of the ticket ' . t. . ; This unfortunate error 1 regretted very much as quit a number of peo ple Will be disappointed and it ha been a source of ineonvience to the merchants who bought these ticket. Reception t Teachers and Parents The Woman's Club was hostess to the teacher of the graded school and parnU of the town Kridiy evenipg at the new school auditorium.' The guit were wHrnmed at the door by the offiror of the clnb, Mr, a F. BrittBln, Mrs. M. C... Awards and Mr. J. T. Lewsllon ami Introduc ed to the receiving line. chm,j)i..!(1 of the trrhfr and meniUr of t! nchol hour J, . . A.'li-r th (cuwts ha I (. n.!.!. I thfy were welcomed by Mr. J. O. iji dinir, )nirmsn if the school 1 board, n( ty Jl. y. Ijrittaln In a fiw cl.i.K-n wo r '4 on bf-hslf e.f 'the Woman's 'uh. lh thort n-l-lma. were f lowed by tw l.!ut..,il t umn. h e t i t e.f f i ( 1 ) ' 'i i . . - - , -f ' r. I. P ) n, r t. i 7 1 i I, ti.en t: .!. t li.x t I .-,- ft 1 t .it i. t., i 11 i i ',r..v nrrTTarrv tiTi aitttit uiiuunu cnuiUiiX -FpRLapCH Methodists Will Have New 75, 000 Church Bailding-Large Auaiionam. - , ! Contract was let last week for the onstruetion of the new Methodist Episcopal church to Crotts and Thom ason, of Lexington. Excavation 'was begun yesterday on the corner of FayetteviUe and Salisbury streets on the site purchased from Mrs. A. E. Burns for the purpose. Contract for the heating of the new church has been let to Hunt Brothers, of Greens boro. The contracts for furniture and fixtures, electric light fixtures, and art glass will be let later. .The contract calls for the comple tion of the church by May 1st, 1925. The approximate cost of the church complete wiU be 75,000. The build ing will be a three-story structure of tile and tapestry brick, presenting a most pleasing and artistic appearance. The roof will be of tile. Harry Bar ton, or dreensboro, is the architect The church wUl be in the shape of a "T", the oblong fronting FayetteviUe street The main auditorium will be in this oblong and will have a seat ing capacity of 600. The church will also have a pastor's study. There will be 20 or more Sunday school rooms in that part of the building represented by the cross on me tetter r . rart of these wiU be in the basement and the others in the Other two Stories. The auditorium for the Sunday school will be in the basement and it will be ample to ac commodate a large Sunday school. In addition to the Sunday school facili ties afforded by the basement, there will be in addition the heating plant and kitchen. The building committee is compos ed of Messrs. C. C. Cranford, W. J. Armfield, Jr., Sulon B. S ted man, D. B. McCrary, and Hugh Parka., The M. E. Church has a large and growing membership in Asheboro and the church isto be congratulated in ita progressive spirit in erecting a church whith wiU -rank among the oesx and most modern in the State. The board of trustee has been au- thorixed to sell the old church build- New l?ixtnres For Presbyterian Church The Presbyterian church, Asheboro, is being equipped with pew furniture and fixture throughout ' The ' pews and pulpit fixtures are of mahogany and provide seating caoacltv of on. aimaeiiuu. we carpetfwfll- be ud alone the aisles and m '' rthr portion ef the floor. 'When the job is completed the church will be one of tne most nicely equipped churches in the state. Rev. Cothran G. Smith is the pastor. The work of installing the new fix tures is unaer tne aupervision of Mr. J. H. Price, manager of the Greens boro branch of Theodor Kundts Com pany, of Cleveland, Ohio, which has contract for the job. Jesse Vanderberg, a well known Cabarrus county farmer, was shot by another farmer, Martin Bost, Tues day. Cause of the trouble has not been given out by either of the men. Best is beinar held iwndinir th al tion of Vandenberg. ... , . . : Hoo-' Wi N. Everett Willpealon the Political ; cf :they .principle: MEN .Ubshore, North Carolina. Tl , September HAVE NOT RECC V FARMING AS I This Is Charge I Against The I USTRT i Brings lican Admuustrf .1. John W. Davis, De, ratie. eandi-- date for President, Is currying-, his fight for election hue t West. Last . souri to a crowd sti ted'af-fmrn 40,000 to 60,000 .peop ,. Davis told ! Reoubiican orira nizationhas Dr'niz- vestigations of Secretary of the old youth of th Liberty section, giv his audience that thi UttiSna Treaiurv Mellon's office. The to- ing Ms name as Howard White to i-immm nd tHa' tl rw,.i e.. 8 terror squaa, i ne purpose oi j. i; , , , I rn ntintv of ficers. was ar- plrtyTtulmadeVTr He denounced the! eorrnptiott in the Republican administration and spec- ial privilege. .Although Fall,; Daugh-. erty, and Denby are iw longer in the cabinet, he said the Republican party is uie same auu.uw juht cnangea its general manager,' iXhe. Republican ratty mm. uuiiv vuict. is .accounutuie and uolonel Ueorge Harvey, the edi tor the corruption unearthed in Wash- tor of a number of Republican news ington and must bear jbe hlame, papers. Davis told the people f .;tha out- The "terror" raised by this group set of his address 'that he was not a is "the danger to the constitution" farmer and did; not claim' to be one. that is alleged in the candidacy of "The Republican ptoty has. never rec- both the Democrats and the Progres ognized agriculture; as an. industry", 1 sives for the Presidency. Mr. Beck Davis stated amid great applause. j warns that the Democratic party in "There have been just three things asking for a referendum on the ques put forward by the : Candidates of tion of joining the league of nations the Republican party h ; First,' - that 'is as guilty of attempted sabotage to tne iarmer snait . ;vnei" nimseir. , 'Physician, heal jyJa. their mfimf. Why prescription. "What is the secpp iho romodv io fV.ot . , T4 I,.., I been working too hard. Heas been too industrious, in fis enterprise he has broueht too much l.ind in culti- i vation he must CV ;(lo-wh'' With hungry mouths air over . theV. Mfrorld, the farmer must tirrft! his .cornfields into weed patches, emtiy hi irriga tion ditches, and sit down to enjoy a life of luxurious easi end pleasure until better times conn; again.- And what ' J ; fte- third remedy that emanate ' fro ithis cquarter? 'We must appoint a commission:: to Investigate it : If . there is in this audience any farrrter vhd i feel tlet he has not been sufficiently investi gated; if he will give me, his i name and address, I will see that the pro cess is begun without delay. A But the great trouble in this particular instance is that the patient is going to die before the doctors finish their diagnosis." , y f v , ? d ; . W v 1 vl Liberty To Hve ; ' w Cement Side walks The -citizen --of Liberty are -enthusiastic over the fact that the' con tract will be let within the next few day for: one thousand yard f e iiniBidewalk for , thqwn. iayor .-A8bbttrtf.;antf.3;'-I&-eac' were in Asheboro yesterday on busi ness connected, with the letting of the contract: They think that by spring tne progressive town or liberty will put down hard surface streets in the business section at least Liberty lighway has grown considerably since highway UNO. z has come through the county. James H. Cowan, Mayor of Wilming - ten Dead Mayor James H. Qowan, mayor of Wilmington died last week. Mr. Cow- an was one of the foremost editors of the state. He has served as President of the North Carolina Press Association. The Wilmington people are suggesting Mrs. Cowan as a successor to her huband as mayor of Wilmington. day lii the Gourthbuse at ro, Saturday JOIING.DAWSONm C. 18, 1S24 ruvie iiito ditiiv 1xi V 10 111 1 0 DUlxL O EYE IN THE WEST 1 Republicans Organize Terror Squad To Head Him Off 1 loat Resort. i .y . Yla v , ty into voting for Calvin Coolidge. ; This squad is officered by such per- sons as General Dawes, the Republi- can Vice-Presidential candidate, Chairman Butler of the Republican national committee, James M. Beck, ; Solicitor General of the United States, tne constitution as senator Lar ouette is in his effort to abolish the Supreme Court in defining and constructing the constitution. To Beck the very word referendum is a red flag flaunt- ?d m,tJle. .of 5U law and order bJ I ; """ -"4""6"- Mr. uecic or course knows that a referendum vote in favor of joining the league of nations will not of it self put this country into the league. That can only be done by the joint ac-i They might and probably would feel that the referendum was morally binding but not legally so. The re ferendum proposed in the Democratic platform was put there to avoid the direct issue of the league of nations in this campaign and was offered as a sop to the Wilson Democrats. If the Democrats win in November they brobably will consider the election a referendum in favor of the league and try to join the league. '- But in this terror raising business Mr. Beck had to find some way to yoke up the Democrats with radical progressives. Colonel Harvey has played on the Bryan note with, the country sent to perdition under the regime of Bill and "Brother Charlie". Dawes has worked himself into a frenzy of profanity over, the Wis consin "master demagogue t of,, the age." And the cold blooded Butler is moved to cry. "the strurale is not over methods of government but the aoonuon; o&'gverninent tseaiyw J r However, -the . Dawes-Butler-Harvey signals of distress have., accelerate the rush of Republicans to the La- rouette standard. Rn - WAPii snnf ntit of Republican headquarters here I le? UB Pul ,uavls oul 01 runnmg and .l""! a Democrats as let us put Davis out of the running nossihle to thn Ronnhlu-nn HMrt Tho party of Jeff erson ha Moined hands wirn tnp rnniPAlR. KnlnMgtfl nnrt nn. 1 archists to destroy the constitution and annihilate our republican form of government," i That is the line of argument Mr. Beck takes his Chicago speech de- livered on the evening of the 18th. Mr. Beck is considered one of the "best minds" in the Republican par - ty and is not to De associated with those other "best minds" that used to do business at the "little green VAzii Democratic Executive Ccmrr.Sltco TO RENEW INVESTIGATION OF SEC MELLONS OFFICE Senator Couzens Creates Excite ment In Republican Circles Over Announcement. There is excitement in Republican! circles in Washington and in other I parts of the country over the an- iA:on tht t-o the in. the Michigan senator. Couzens has iust won out in tne primary in his state for nomination for the senate although the administration indorsed another man and a desperate effort was mBue w "eai. youzena. Now Couzens will call the investi gating committee together September 17th and resume the hearings that were interrupted last spring. Even the investigation of the Teapot Dome scandals did not cause half the worry and excitement in administration cir cles last spring as did the Couzens' investigating committee. The main objective of ' the committee is to search out all the alleged seams and flaws and sources of dereliction of the internal revenue bureau of Com missioner Blair. Senator Couzens wants to show from income tax re turns why the Secretary of the Treas ury launched his celebrated income tax plan. What the Republican ad ministration most fears, however, is the investigation of the prohibition unit before his committee and throw the spot light on its conduct. The Democrats say that if the Michigan senator really means busi ness he can in the six weeks before the election turn up enough political dynamite in the prohibition unit to blow up the Republican party. Ac cording to those who claim to be on the "inside" there are scandals in this department which 'if they ever come to light will make Teapot Dome an incident of small importance. Democratic County Heaquafters Open The Democratic county headquar ters were opened Monday morning with county chairman, C. C. Cranford, in chare in person. The headquar ter are upstairs in the building occu pied by the Asheboro Bargain House, I iLi . .mi i : i i S ?-Sf. formerly .occupied byJuon. sherif.Coi and Grady Ridge Mf.' I ,1,. rVlfflPv j','. I x ji j i. i t t m i ' Jmifmmmm ''J ii J tjl -ill house on fcirtreet' 't&tZ? ue now dehnes - tne "assaults the constitution" by the Democrats 2ff-'T2e" -f!v!g l??lButie?''a being. those purchased from issue in ti eampwgBjuide chOTM , , are-sounding this note attalong the ; w the had .checks and al,o ou.-l .... ' JnTJ. T. :",7" "a" JXTTZ n.Ti.'Tt pit a vote for Davis is ( wipe out constitution and pull j. u.1 .!.- i- r, -..f.-. 1 1?";?'U'U': ior e'w' . ,.,, , Glenn Butler,; who was sentenced at ZSTZFt&V" laat torn. of. criminal court to a "CSSLJSiS: te m Penitentiary for a nnm- To achieve their licans are relying most persistent and unscrupulous ieir irreat fear is that Davis havinir hit the bulls' eye in the Middle West will repeat his shot in the East. The ! great Supreme court lawyer has and irot ; last taken off his kid gloves down to brass tacks but is not bruis- ing his fingers as Dawes is. i V. d issues 4 kiteoori $100 A YEAR IN ADVANCE NU5IEE2 2S HARVEY BUTLER E JAIL FOR FOaGSlY passes-Worthless Checks Oa Randolph Citizens Was Ar rested In Lexington. Ha Butler, '.seventeen year - mum Tmipt jot Sheriff A . Carl Cox, of Randolph, charged with the forgery' of two ehecks. on,, load people. The ' automobile, a i ord roadster, In his possession,- is alleged to have been stolen; Butler is in jaU at Asheboro and baa not yet been able to furnish bond.-A : Friday morning yonng Butler, giv ing as his name Julian Cone, and claiming to be forking with a con struction force at Statesville, stopped at Clarence Davis' garage and after making a few purchases of automo bile parts and oil and gasoline, gave in payment a check oa the First Na tional Bank of Statesville for 18.75, making alternations on a blank first , National Bank " of f Asheboro check for the purpose. -v-- There- were-, two blank checks in the book handed him and he asked to take the other with t him since he had no-money with him end might need to make a check for some change before-- he, -reached -Statesville. Butler's next stop was - at J,-.-' C Routh's place at the old county home on the AsheborojChomasville higlw way. Here he ' purchased two , inner tubes and a Ford Jimw-ftcmMnv:' Routh, giving a'eheck in the amount of $22X1 in' "payment '. and getting some change m return. This check, ! which was drawn on the First Nation al Bank of Asheboro, was made to Ernest McPherson and signed to E. E Davis, evidently being meant for C E. Davis. "f' lv Mrs. Routh cam to Asheboro later in the day and brought the check with her and presented It to the bank for payment where it was ascertain ed 'that a forgery had been commit ted. Sheriff "Cox -was- notified - and he immediately notified -the officers m adjoining towns to De on tne iook- ' out f Qp a Butler' descrij'tion, ' jj, a short whfle the Chief of 1'oUe or Lexington .wired that he had' ar rested a man of. the description given otil -ttma ' knldinfl,' Vim frW 1 .1 on t . f immediately went to- Lexington - and Ridge identified the man as being the . 1 person who gave ' .the . earas-e- the ' .,t;i. j haviriB been in Asheboro that day. . however, on ;tha:v return trip to 'Astteboro the -youOi , confessed- to passed - the - CheclCS, that 1U name was Harvey I ?uUer, and liiatte was a brother of w.r.Kr. Jn l ".T j 4L. ..hi jlt. ."."1 ul"."e!u''ir.oi. K.T,." UtfMMgfc S3 rtT ' and hU brother should have punned f Jlf rtta , Uiem ' i JJ Iaw - ' ' J " - ' - I oucrni ujt unmeaiateiy wire tne - tne ownership of the Ford roadster Butler wa driving. He wa advised that it was registered in the name of P. A. Greenwood,? of. Elkln... Butler admitted that the Ford was a stolen car, but maintained that he bought it paying for the car, alUiough he knew at the time that it was stolen machine...; . - " - B. L. Cavehess. of Colertdow.' identified Butler a being with Glenn ouusr wnen, ne soia stolen wheat to. the roller-mill at ' CoUrlrlmt mm. month ago, Edgar Brown, of Moore county, from whom the wheat was stolen wa also in Asheboro Tuesday Wheat Crop Shows! ;: Jas3 25c on Buchcl The fallaeV of the Rormhiio.n -i,-;,n that the tariff on Whnfc lmrt. Im the Fordney-McCumber art "naved the Aroencaa wheat farmer" is hnred by flgnre en production rOf At.I -tnllir-,. price for 1923 in bulletin IsmiM bv the U. B. Department of Tht Inartrnpnf 1 that Wheat on 7,F.-.2 fnrnm coveir-l ia the Survey cost to rni.-;n on the nvrr ag $1.24 per bunhel, and had an ; - -- age sales value to the prrwrr , r cent per biiKhrt. l.i-. . r -. . every bushel of ! t (.-riwu. urver shows snd vp,.,. rr, , ef ru!ng th i-..,t ,,f 4 acre. The rrr-. t f,,r i,-1(v ' . w 1.86 !T o . i . . T net ront f . :i ( : . tU4 rr bu ! .-i. i, . ' Ing 17 bi.-'-'. ,,r .. The us. eot 12 en.- , i r . bad an v-r . rtr banhr!, t ' j due to t ! prf'- f-.r ) i hy t 1 fTjv.rt f " of the i ra'.- sin . Viiih t ?rowr, 1 er f - t . V rm.r T ii V