THE COURIER Adrert&Aff Colurnn Brinf BesulU " S 4 ISSTTFTI WT.FK7.V . ! : T : . " . - .. ,rKiurLj .nutjiej. . $2.00 ifij .r TOUJMI XUX , I f --.'.. Vc-. V- ,i -re, Korft CareW TVerodav.efci.l l itu - ' MTirTJAE y,0)lJNTYAGIUa)WURAL PROGRESS Wonderful Array of Eklbito From Farm And. Fidd-Fine Herd . iHumnniiy rur.tsoouur aiaKe ureaiubJe Knowing I t The fourth annual Randolph Coun ( : ty.Fair cam to e (1om , Saturday . 'night after having been in progress four dayi during the most unfave-r ,- able weather conditions. A continu- ; . ous downpour of rain from Wodne h dy jnorplnj, and during the : entire f fair eon&iderably dampened ftfce en- thniiiRm of . thniia whn hrav v' th I elements to attend and retarded the . effort of those who were wojjring to v make 'the fair a success. Notwlth I standing the weather conditions, how 1 ever, a large "number -of people from I all parts of the country attended es l pecJally the last two days of the I -. event.; And although the fair visitors k had to wade , through a ground f :. churned into sis inches and more of mud all seemed to enjoy the occasion ana ine crowas were gooa ,na urea j -M' throughout. , ' ,;' ,TT' ,, Much difficulty. was experienced to yte eznuuu 10 me xair .owing to bad feather. ; The livestock;; de partment "would have had twice the number of animals had the. weather conditions been favorable. However, as a whole the exhibits far surpassed those of last year both in number and generally in quality. . -j Field Crops and Livestock.' iir the poultry department Those who iiua wiuHi Hvenuon 10 inis aepan- ment were amazed at the'number and Duality of the poultry exhibited; This epartment wag twice the size of tit department last year and the general quality of the poultry 'Was better: Mr. T. T. Brown; senior at State College, judged the poultry. Mr. Brown, it will be remembered, was a. member of the? State College judging team which ' last .winter won first honors to a na tion wide judging contest - held'-in - Madison, Square Garden,, New Vork. -, In tit livestock department then' , was a larger number of animals and . of much better class than last year. i There were t the fair three complete herds of hogs, Hampshires, Duroe- Jerseys, " and Berkshires, which ac cording to, the judge in this depart ment, A. G-Kiinery, state dairy cat tie specialist, were representative of the three breeds. Several other , good breeds "were represented also. In the department of field crops - thft arhihiti far nrnuaul nil ttuu. tadonsv. Owing to the dry weather conditions which had prevailed before 4he rain set in several weeks ago it was expected" that the number and quality of the farm exhibits would be Mull lrsA JP.a. A- AX. J II tiwi of county demonstrator Millsaps. ; vuwevcr, uio cxiuoia in mis depart- . ment were large and of excellent qual ity, ine iruii.exniwt was, wonderful. farm extension work for the Piedmont district and father of our county been during the Harding-Coolidge ad agent was the judge in this depart-, ministration about three and a half (iibuu nt was ioua in nis praise 01 the quality of the products exhibited. Community Fairs : Three communitv! fairs were renre- sented. Flint HilL Farmer, and Sea - grove had booths in which were dis- iT?1 lne vvuson aamirustra played the exhibits made at the eom-ltion '"55? wef?,..nly 189 bank fn" munity fairs the week frevious. Hoi- with il"tea of 17261,049. ly Springs, was not represented owing ; Pere 7?, tw5 "nd ha,I time8,- 88 tO the weather having interfered with'IT7 falln?!t durinrthe first half of the community showing making it y"J i fte Coolidge admmistra- unposBioie . get au w exmo ts to- a-atkar. -' Ttiaaa 'were educational as well as Interest ing. The people of the communities represented had taken a just pride in making a good showing and they suc ceeded admirably. Flint Hill took first prise ' as a community exhibit. Farmer came next, ead then Sea- f munlty exhibit - Interesting Reliea on Exhibit i Among the many exhibits there Was probably as much interest mani fested fa that' of history end relics over which Mr. W. E. Poole, of Aihe boro, '-Route X, had supervision, ,Mr. .Poole has for many years been col lecting relict and he has large and interesting collection, but .- could not bring many of them to the fair on ac count of the bad roads. Many of the fair visitor were especially Interested In a tax receipt which, belongs to K. J. Hopkins, of Asheboro. It was made to Martin Hopkins in 16U end was signed by the sheriff of ' Randolph county end read MMtived UM, of which turn fl.00 U for State tax, and i.'i 70 la fn, unit. VH An English, aabre, on which' , gold . wrr weie engravea, was on ex- iniuon. . it was eapturM oorlnff the h ... - r ZL . ... ... waa m uxuai gui wnico a rents brstowed upon the daeghter n Die orruion f h-r manriaga. A IDIfhina aim .Ul-L. U. Tl 1 n hroiii-ht from Franra waa fif nar. uiar im-rafrt, u a Lewla modal. "fr!i not raconli".) by the Unit-d u, wis pwnhnwl by Bolglum t f"t In the m wr. J'r 'y ona of the oI4at i t o i.!a c r, th r!te booth. It I'm rrttiii':..iiird in Germany by l!"-.f I-. 1 !. . -. ' ill I VHIrn. 'Jurlcprn- r ; " t Y l'r. Monr In g In 1,1 ,(.! of ir.,irl l.ii h ara t by of "r. I'o.. in . V. I ' ?, had n t ! Oiina I'll' l.rr an. I h t-n I f. of Ant tHori) c '. 1 ' a arid s ' It l-l yar I down frfinl ) ' t r 'I . f 1 ivu war Djr r.' Uacx tjaumlert, ' the North Carolina authorities that thr of Mrs. W. S. Poole, An Id the YequlsiUon imners which Warden me braaat pin and ear rings to match Busbee took wifjr him for the extra "ae set which was most unusuaL I dition Of Ir. J. w. Peacock,' who was M ii Mich ktmlni lb was said j arre-ted ' in Calif omia about two i $e rYench Jewrlry, and according weeks ago, were not sufficient'' - It Dome hitrtorv Whlrh Ma Pnnla ha3'a hM ka I.a n.;t I- -...l ... t J I: FAIR rDEPICTS 1 . UNEMPLOYMENT IS ON THE INCREASE -JiV' - . FtjtlreS Show Increas of Idle Workers Under Republican j Misrule. Washington, Sept SO. Chairman Wm. M. Butler, of the Republican Na tional Committee, in a recent state ment, said that the Republican admin istration when it came into power, put to work an nnmnlnvwt arm nt t. 500,000 workers and that there js "no widespread , unemployment in the united siaiee.n .... - - In his acceptance speech, President Coolidge said: "Complaint of- unem ployment has ceased; wages kavj in creased."' , . 1 i In July, 1924, -the Department of Labor reported kthat employment was 14.8 per cent lower than in July, 1923. tion of Labor estimate that there are OA AAA AAA iT- lA . i ganized and unorganized, exclusive of i Mnn iHnnrnn i i a x no Aanr tAiru of them were employed in July, 1924, man in juiy; laza, Uien Z,HbU,W0 workers- joined the army of - unem ployed during one year. In 1921 employment was 15 per cent under the 1913 level; in 1922, 12 pr cent below 1923. v rKlHn Or . 109A wit An D.m.klj... ' r - mvfuiimji propagandists claim to have huv army. wi ,avw,vuu men ana wo men, employed, according to the offi cial flanrca nt Mr. rmJUiVi v a Secretarr nf I.nKnr wa 91 unt greater, than hi 1921; 21 per cent greater then In 19Z3 9.8 per cent mreatar than in 109 ! liCr . cent peater than during the first ete nonins-ei iz., loese ngaree ere all takes from the statistics of , the Department of Labor on employment Edward B. McLean, who gained some notoriety by his effort to shield Fall in tha KTaval Ail Iaoda unlii1 which is edited by George B. Harvey, we pouucai aerooai, saia in a recent editorial: "Popular memories are proverbially as far as ten years "back, to the time when abandonment of protection was followed by more business failures than the country had ever before suf fered," 'and furtherasserBntr feat abandonment nt RmnhlWa TinM of high protection was followed by "bread lines", and the opening of "soup houses." Tin fn JlinA QO tMa ma Viw. t.J years- a total of l.fififl hnnlr fn im wim iiaoiuties 01 ouu,78i:,U4. Uurwig the first six months of this year, there ! we A2?-bA".k. failures with liabilities ; or 1B3Z8,720. During the last three f"iv,ri. wli of tha but Wilann arimlnlatraHnn I ' During the first three and a half years of this administration, there have been 78,833 commercial failures. During 1S18, 1919 and 1920, under Wood row Wilson, there were , 25,314 such failures. As for "bread lines," one's memory doesn't have te carry beck. They exist now., I the New fork morning pa pers of September 21 there was ' an appeal from John G. HaUWood, Pretd deut of the- Bowery Miastoa, making the public to aid ta ediac Jobs- for the army of a nen ployed that visited the Mission daily -la aearea of work. Daring the first week ef September, Mr. HaUwood said the Misskw , had fed or clothed 1,868 penniless unem ployed, and the bread line formed alia TKIa 1- 'wnlnal n JU On September 28, a Gospel Missis ta Y, . I .. ... . . . uaiunorm, wnicn eonaecis a iree em plojmaat bareaa. fed a "bread line" COfltahl In hafwaan SAO aiul.aOe mm. employed. , . ; Afe Having Trouble viGetUnff Dr. Peacock Thai f!AVemAe m.0 r.tlJ.--ia - J 1 1 . -w-, , wejuiviuw eVIVilrSU . v...... iil. auumruies offn. and . VZ 7 Thaw is cited as a praeedent. i itowever, Thomasvillt popl got inia anrf a amn I .l. Inr feftfWk w Ih asaaultr' with In. yUl W aiii in 1 fnaro-a amarinw ntif 01 an acciu-niaji snnt mat sertotmly woundnd 1 nomaavll b 'ef Police Taylor. This warrant t. IO- rnthar with a near r.t fn,iui. j nwr nave Dean forwardH to Oil- f.irnia by GovBrnnr Morriaon who ! -ni that IVarnrk will ha hrotiirt.t i hk. The iVar.-lf hasring will taWe piara shnot the mi. I llm or taut of Li, In ..!i .i . 1 i now heln? In Cu. '" t .North Camlina'a n n 1r tha w t rlnnnar. - If rr'..ti.. t North Caroline Tn rork ,, ,,nir ,i :,r4 mnh t), n. an i if rtmctit of ti.e ntntai prison " ' m Here f,,r tha lnnna ere 1 r ' '..' t et tha a'ata hr,.;, ; '- : h '"l '! rr." ,i r, ,. . J ' 0 ' f t.' Bt l a. ""'"'"! ' " ' - e , . - 111 , - ,. ,,. kbmjC flyers complete V DASING WORLD FLIGQT CtTrl Globe In Fifteen bi Flylni? Tinie Cover 27,000 Z s Miles on Trip. world fliers completed their circuit around, the globe Sunday afternoon. aflS v?nd Pomt fiel..,nerl tt annuigton. Four wnrlft'a m. l.uIj m the flight when the aviators com- uia ui zy.uw mile journey. The first rSOrH WSI ahatfAxul 1 U- Americans 'eroaaeH tha p!, at a point 900 miles across, the long est jump 4n the entire trip, making it in. 12 hours ynd 6 minutes flying time. The second title came when the fliers crossed a 500-mile stretch over ine nina sea. This' was the first time the jChina sea had been crossed by air. . The third hnnnr - viiv vviupiCMUU of the around-the-world flight, feat never before achieved by man in heavier-than-air machines. Lastly, the fliers sef a speed mark for- traveling arnnnH HiA rlnkA - n, ..j .V, wic entire "27.000 miUa Koino- mo ; ' " "w'o "uv an 866.71 hours of actual flying, al though the expedition was on the trio ...... 1 4 rrt j . . . . . V ncoiiy iou uays aiter leaving Seattle, their starting point ay encircung the globe in the flvinor time of n little mm. in A,rr, the United States Army fliers shat tered the notable feat of Johir H. Hears, who in 1913, went around the World by ship, train, and other modes of travel in 35 days, 21 hours, and 86 minutes. Fast .trips around the globe include one made by Nellie Bly, a reporter, in 1889, shortly after Jujes Verne Published his frfmnna hnnlr " A n.j the World in Eighty Days." She did it in 1 & aays, six hours, 11 minutes. In 1903, Henry Frederick cut this tiffie to 54 days, seven hours, two minutes. Frederick's record was broken in 1911 by Andre Jeager Schraidt who encircled the earth in 39 days. 19 hours. 42 minntiu aa Seconds. Frank Hampton Sees Success Democratic Mr. Frank A Hampton, secretary to Senator Simmnn c la vafit 'iMnfl '"I "J ' J VVUUUCIU of tne election of Mr. Davis to the Presidency. It is asserted that Mr. Davis made wonderful appeal to the farmers of flie West on his recent speaking tour through that section. Mr. Hampton contends that the La Follette vote la roW tn oa n.,;.. most of the doubtful states that are normally; safely republican. Central Carolina Fair Opens Oct. 14th fjantral rnmlina .1. 1.-1.1 j ureeiisftorojwin ' start Tktober 14th, and winliavor Ave days. Every thuig has been put in readiness and it is anticipated by the management that this fair will surpass all previous efforts. . uu, at METHODIST EPISCOPAL"" CHURCH MATTERS (By W. H. Willis.) Joined SundaV hv letter Ifn X' C. Pasre. . ' Our Annual mnfaMn.. : - 11 ...i; 1 n in Greensboro. Bishnn Dennv nroci.n.wr on October 15th. . MarripH af. tha nai.onnaA C . -- uii Sep tember 25th, m the presence of a few irienas, bit. a.erney nummer, and Miss Xeona Parrish. These well known Deonle reirle in tha part of the county. By the same, at the court house Saturday night, September 27th, Rus sell Hufflnes and Elisabeth Elbertson, young people from near Trinity. Twenty-five individuals, during the month of September, have been thoughtful of their pastor in the fol lowing ways: Diniags, 12; prepared dinners sent in, 8; Gifts, butter, OVSterS. StrlnO-'haana naaa nn.l.. - " a -. jf Bj'fiiD, cake, buttermilk, preserves, Jelly, to matoes. A sort of i T ...- ing, you see. . After- three rainy Sundays in suc cession, the pastor hopes to preach to full houses at both hours Sunday. Mornino' Rnhlart. .m.t r-J: Folli'' ' ' ,u,"y Evening Subject: "Man-Traps". BAPTIST NEWS LETTER Mlsa Honavmitf mh.Ii.,1 fa the graded schoolrcalled the boys ehool together Monday afternoon for tha Burnoaa of mnnlrinii a 4...Ia. choir. The number that responded to "", was grauying, and the or ganisaUon was effected. Miss Honey cutt will meet the Junior choir each week for practice.'; We ere expecting great things ef the Juniors. The pastor united in matrimonial bonds last Saturday- evening Mr. Crrde Rinahaw ef Hantaan 0 ui. Ullie XL Brows of. Asheboro, R. P. D. The ceremony was Mrformed at the Pl "ome. This la the Distort nr,t mrriage eerrmony performance ' iooro. ... ." Mia mil cw0 DO! tO full, y, t the morning . congregation was S'.....r;iig and the evening eon- rr(7u ( , , n m . . ji i.i aa . ... , - . .MU0MkrtJI diJW lirmyI nM-r . 1,..1.. "of eubJrt, "Chrlatian Loyalty r i Z -.t I r a.. V 7".M " r-T-mn punnet, -t.pimual.8igh Ui . - . Vv. i o T. ' 1 h. k?' Vj? T1" "UHeta . ,1 B. Y. P. U. October i" aim in. vya ara trnmrt ha . hondrad to a hundr-d and twant. Ave bi att-ndanc Praparatlons are now being made to give the attend ing yrning hpi, ih, b.,t time poaei- .J. rrnr" In next week's lue of The (jmrhr. 1 i ii - - ' ' v (Toeing foBfarrfice Tear . rr. P. V;: k'.rhHt, " r,to, ftf ' ''""' ' ' ! l" rhulnr the '"':' ' ' B.v". n n-ft f .m.iaT ! " ' ' ' 1. t 1 speaksimeKext THURSDAY NIGHT Hon A. W. MrTann. TkntaAArati nominee for Governor of North 'Caro lina, will snenlr in thA rnnvtHnjioa at lAsheboro next Thursday nighti Octob er tn, at 7:3U o'clock. j ' Mr. McLean makes a KnWdiri arl. dress, free from personalitifeav and bitterness, and strikingly presents the achievements of the Democratic party in both state and nation, wherever Mr. McLean has been during the pres ent campaign he has been greeted by large and enthusiastic audiences. His speech is an inspiration.' -', -. The public regardless of political affiliations is invited to coml ' liext Thursday night to heai the next Gov ernor of North Carolina. fV1 The ladies are esneciallv Inirifaul tn Incessant Rain Does Great Damage In state practically Over tile entire state for the nast wnalr nrnuohf - nlmiut .Hall nf the rivers and creeks in the state to the flood stage yesterday, damaged crops to the extent of, thousands of dollars, and caused nnnArnllaloH- -dam age to the state's top soil roads; ine rivers and creeks m this' coun ty are reported as having reached the flood stage and in many of ' . them the waters are reported na hetnor tha highest on record. Deep river .i-and uwnarne river and many otheffsmall er rivers- and creeks were filled to overt lowing. Soil roads are in as , bad' Q&worse condition than any diiraejdcMteayin.-. ter. Th6 almost steadily downpour of rain has done untold damage to top soil roads. There is practically noth ing that can be done by the mainten ance forces in repairing the roads un til the rains cease and the roads dry out so that they can be worked. P-in ,v it.. j l- i l 1 ,Lui me xajii me ruuu nau De- come very drv and dustv nnfl much nf ; HON. A. W. McLEAfj': the top soil had been blown away. ; ma" Vi-as asked what states outsjde of Thus when the rain started the roads j th" South are the Democrats absolute were in the proper shape to be cutj'y sure of carrying if the election up badly by traffic. were held on the first day of October Trains were held up at Catawba I instead of the 4th day of Novemben imiiun m taiawDa county Monday and Tuesday on account of- the water from the river enverino. the voiW.o.i tracks. Damage to the Southern Pow er company's property at Khodiss will amount to $50,000. Numbers of bridges have been washed away in many parts of the -.o..c.i ,n many pans ui me i ..(ntn .1 . 1 I . . .. "' liuiiic nas oeen practically susoendetl on manv hiirhwava an op. . . - n 4 count of the impassable conditions which the roads have gotten jrt7!m$-'Jhn count o - 'B.'-J A7i of Asheboro in below Seagrove'.is in bad shape, the road having ''recently been built. Motorists report it is al most impassable in places. Cape Fear, Tar, Roanoke, and Yad kin rivers are rennrted halnn. a. i tne rain. The highway Joutpv4 6"ort of a majority of one in the flood stage. Cotton in many parts of the stats is reported as rotting in the fields. Great damaare haa heen dnna tn tk. corn crops along the rivers. In many places bottoms are covered with wa ter and com completely submerged. In other places water is uoto tha ear. '. Mr. B. F. Page Honored By National Druggists' Association ' Mr- B. P. Tage, president of the W. H. King Drug Company of Ra leigh, was elected- rice-president of the National DrattJ iA.i.ti.. at their annual meeting In Atlantic City. New Jersey, last week. 8ewll D. Andrawe. ' elected president. Asheboro Gets Better , 'Mail Service iorth of tl High Point, Bandleman . and AshebOM Kallaraa I. 1 .L.I TVH'. Jn P-klnr of having to u L i" noonH, Passenger train mwinr aurimiiaa we aroo ea w Oaaeenirar IraffiA tn ik. .. o nearly everyone owned thai aan. Cam. He Said that tar annta Mma il. auoiber of pas-enters twelve, which was far below sufficient to pay opfiralinff ivrMaa . t. -.-.! to give miiclur mall service from the north. Hr. Fletcher has slightly banged both morning end evening etwvhile. .The moming train aUrs In High Point ontU 1:80. getting mafl ol .no evening Ire In get mall from 1.17 anH 1- Ji a... .." rrlvlng here as hwtofoi at I Iflaw Fthal IIa.V aJ if. l '. a tt-.n -i t- 1 " ' ",r '. vi iiiwimmrn, ware nnir-.l Ia DEMOCRATS PLAN, MOST AGGRESSIVE CAMPAIGN To Arouse Public Over Self-Evi dent DishonestyDavis Sure of 232 Electoral Votes. (By David F.VSt. Clair) Washington, September 80.Octob er will witriess on the part of the Democrats the most concentrated and 1 devastating barram that ilaid down on the lines of an enemy in a Presidential campaign. Every Democrat of national and state re- i pute in the country will go on the' ! stump to demolish the "Coolidge I legend" and put the Republican partv to rout. No mercy is to be shown ta Akl KnIl.'J a- the feeble. Dallid. silent little ! in the White House who is trying to l hide under the bed during the storm. otriiaior owanson whn io m of the speakers' bureau at Democratic neaoquarters hag arranged to have all the Davis opponents at the New iork convention tn o-n intn McAdoo, Smith, Underwood, Ralston, oiass, Kitchie, Silzer and all the Democratic governors. United States senators like Harrison; Pittman, Rob inson, Owen, Heflin, and Ferris will all be pressed into oratorical service. Up to this time the campaign has been comparatively dull but we are told that hereafter mnH oHll fl i. all dirctions. The Democrats have found it a rather un hill taalr tn arouse the public over the self-evident dishonesty and inefficiency of the Hardine-Coolidrfi adminintrnHnn K., John W. Davis' excoriation of Harry M. Dauehertv turn. Daucrhertv tn tha of the Renublican manaireria hrnlra loose on the front page and the pub lic was fi-iven.a new thrill fmm tne 'old scandal. Right on top of this event has come the nomination of ' ThenHnm Roosevelt bv the New YnrV Pen,,hl cans for governor. Teapot Dome has staged a new eruption. It was no other than this Colonel Roosevelt that carried the Sinclair Teannt rm. . ... a.Uvv UVUIC lease to the White House for Presi- aens nardmg to sign and who al ways did something for Sinclair every time Sinclair raised the ulon, Of the Said cnlnnel'a hrnthar Ak.-A Now this Colonel Roosevelt -who re- semmes the late Colonel in only two respects--he is an assistant secretary of the navy and served in the New iorx legislature has by his candida cy for governor placed in the hands of Governor Al Smith nio nnnA.t the whip with which to flay him and iub party, in tne person of Theodore Roosevelt the oil scandal has been incarnated as an issde in the New York campaign. The Democrats will find it much easier to stir the nnhlir nn the ioc..D of "common honesty," with Daugher ty squirming under the terrific thrusts V .""Vis ana Koosevelt attempting to Seek vindicatibrt 'fW-Mf-TBKticairirav reer under the anm nf Toonnt tl As the strenuous month of October approaches it is well to give a view of the faith of such careful campaign observers and accountants as Sena tors Pittman and Swanson. Senator . .vnnn ai.cufiijjuint;u jon in his recent Western trin rittman accompanied John W Davis Mr. Pitt- in ooutnwest," he ren ed Oklahonia, Arizona and New Mexico, In the West Missouri, Nebraska, Col orado and Nevada. In the East New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New Jer sey, Delaware, Myand, and the border states of Kentucky and West s'". i nese states i nave named . o ccnuin to jf.) uemocratlc as South Carolina nr Tivd. tv ' ' . .. ....... nCOC I etates with the solid South will give. W. Davis 232 electoral' votes or restoral colleire. We believe that within thirty .lays New York, Indiana, Illinois and Kansas will be swung in to the Democratic column. hot if we rail to win these states Tiovio have more electoral votes than either Coolidge or LaFollette and there is ! not the slightest dojbt about the i house electing him. J In anite nf all their r.. 1- and bragging the Republicans fullv realise that they have not won the election and every day now counts against them for hereafter the gains will be side." Art Exhibit Or MIm Plunked. Asheboro Furniture Co. At The nninue art a t. ui.. z, -i" - - 1 ui anna Sarah Plunketfs which waa on ex hibition at tha ffllr lat a.a.1. v.. been taken to the Asheboro Furniture Company where It will be on sale Miss Plunkett la afflicted and needs patronage. Her articles have been made under the direction of the sup erintendent of the state vocational rehabilitation. Miss Pldnkett will appreciate tha patronage of those who are interested in her work. h Fair Premi.ais Win Ifa Sent Oat By October Tenth seaeaaea-B rU i list of .fair preraldms has not . ZT? completed. Dr. J. O. Cru(rhflaM m.i.1aa, -At ,!.. n , , , Z 7 .i r-i i hw nanaoipn County tiw AkbocIbMmi m.i.a , .1- annoonceiMnt that the list erlU. be ami premiums win be eent V OeUe tenth. Notwithstand Ing the tnclamenrv of tk ...! there Wa a - tramemlnn. and completing the list an ; Inl mense endertakifig. ' Ur. W. C fork, mananr. ia attanllnw aiu. ni- V' BertXe r4 j ifef 'i r. V ra Bm.1.. - - n l.-7. ".V .. "Tw wue j. r, iarrett, of the northern Bert ef thi. BRUJUnn PORTRAYS K.R5IER LOSS UNDER REPUBLICAN ADMMSTRATlON Shows How Agriculture Has Suffered Under . Republicans--Ne World Mark At Purine hi vituoDig A wn Kerutea meekins' contention fTXTTTCTT AT A riln A T UN USUAL AFFRAY xtt a r t a xttt nif a xt NEAR RANDLEMAN ' M. . k ,, . , Mysterious Affair On Road Be- r .. . . . low Sophia High Point Youth In Jail. In a stunor raiiserl annnrentlv hv drugs, a young white man, later giv ing nis name as Jesse (Jocklum and residence High Point, was found by passerbys Saturday just after dark I , .... t j :.. . u . i i... ... r'u o"j ui me road nearby. And in this connection is a story most unusual. .H 'ound bv w- H- Parks, of High Point, who with his wife and child, were on their way to visit rel- ntlVes ftt SDnirrrtira ariA t)n...'n 15 L jjc.uc JWU- bins, of Kandleman, who was driving r A ,, '""'"!, ""pma. iiium-; ing Cocklum drunk they went over to where he was lavmo on tiaA . .rJ..,p ., Mre w arouse him. Failing in their efforts and at a loss as to what to do under the circumstances, it was - suggested that Parks stay with the body until Robbins could go to Sophia for as-j Slsia"ce- D ... , , ! i S8, me.n ": ?' n i , 8 el,d at the. edge i of which Cocklum was lying and at- tacked Parks. stri'Vino- him m the head with a flashlight Parks im mediately gave battle with his knife and inflicted severe cuts ahout th bodies of his 'assailants. The two men who attacked Parks, according tO1 his Version nf tha matter tim. ceeded to Cet into the alt.nmn.ila a Ford touring car, which was parked A tMrH h.0" Bnd.2,w;. ? L tlirTntrf nothulg and took no tart in the fiirht ' ' - f ". .. Tk. .i .lr i , down Maenad t thT Fd I0V, Fori? and UP wh . t t0 D,n Hllls placf' where, as their story goes, they real- .F were, badly cut They urove to nanaieman one or the boys ,?-&-ai The boys were then taken to Dr. Wil-. kerson's hospital, where Cocklum had already been carried. The third man m tne car made h getaway at Ran- ' dlnn. iv. , ly under the influence of liquor, ac- coruingto statements of those who . saw them. One of them is J M Bun- 1 dy, whose home is neaArchdal'e, and the other is Orlando Davis. BoS -tate they are working at High Point. - Bundy was given a hearing Saturday night and placed under $200 bond for his appearance December term of Randolph court. He is now at his 1 a. -.. i.i . ...a... , : , 8 i , u"" 1,1 u,c "mu "y lne in schools, roads, ano puDUC weuare -side of the hard surface road about ; work, showing that -ae a' result t of a,mile below Sophia.., A ford touring Democratic good management -North ....i, nrai jnit-ii.iaie, HUTierinjr irom i .i . . v.v, . . stabs in the back and side lrom and also that the State Banking-DH' Davis is still in Dr. Wilkerson's P3"16" ,ha pormitted. the organi hospital suffewng severely from cuts 1 fu " u" ankste small places where about the sid? 2nd a stab in the 6y aiat A to :tMi lat- chest just above the heart ' Pe says ,that ow try- . " 1 n fit Tn aa H KaaI.a .. 1 - a a ine version of the affair theRe men Cave tO the nffiera ia thnt thA.. member nothing of what transpired except that on reaching Hill's place thev realized that they were wounded. Cocklum came tn hia wn.m y, ,,..,,, mornmK ar f,.bein? d morning and was placed under bond irunlt. Unable to give bond in the (nil at A .h' - u.- ne 1 . now 1 version of the affair is that on Sat urday afternoon at gome time between li ana l o clock he took a drink of liquor in his room at High Point and l after that he did nnt .,., ..... J"1"1. h? rev1vel in Dr. Wilkerson's hsPltal Sunday moming. He states . ,at he ha1 a Pursc containing about fi ln eash and that this is missing. - ... a in ,iiinmii)f. He does not seem to know the niv,.. young men engaged In the affray, and does not understand how it came about in. peopie in High Point with arlAn I.A 1 1 . . . . . ine people m High Point with "yaia i.y mat ne has been in the habit of carrying sums of mon- ey on his person and that reeenUy he has had what looked to be two ot three hundred dollars in his pocket-, b00k- Says Cotton Crop Will e About 40 Per CentiSSA " hiui ua in v iMifin fit iiw cotton crop of the state will be .boU40 per Jnt Vomil Mr. Mr. So., .ute. that Ms eetimaU la lower Mtmm tk.t .l- .t,. . T.T "... miW( w not ertr 60 Mr tiL Pnti out that the advem wS3.. r condition! tha m. u i : . Mil at r M.i t. a k r."11'"". on. Another r:" 7" is wfl increaM Iri the sniwad of tha Kntl iiTT state. - ; we )hiW ef Mn. O. B. Cot D4 .. ' e 4. '. , ' ' ( - ' . f ! 'Seott Whtteliy. wetl-knUa home alt mOes mlth ef Ci il. .,. ?' lx montha. k-TJi JLliU,,T WV ""ttnt mem. rj,' eauseh end Wae hM deoirtite. u .a riA . !.,.., "" markets of the North Carolina Denart id bank. ; V-?" lhs Ntlon. n( AgriCtu. eatlmaSMd r """"''rj U.ree "TAB IN ADVANCK KUMBEB 4 f Iia 1?fiM TrtTla Pnllai Vf 1.1 Ul (lie A CMUS aV ay About State Bank f ailures. Honorable Dennis G. Brummit Democratic nominee ' for . Attorney .. General, delivered in the court house at Asheboro Saturday afternoon one. of the best presentations of the issues , of the day ever heard in; this. county.' He was introduced by Mr. L C Moser, Democratic nominee for the General' t Assembly from Randolph eowty. -..--i , Mr. Brummitt briefly -reviewed-the wonderful progress of North Caroline -under continuous Democratic rule for tk. 1 r. ... OA .AA AA AAW til. J.Ai(- elusion that the party Bad merited a continuation of us ecimimstrauon-oi. . the state's affairs. 5 He briefly told - of the progress that had been made. . 1 . 1 1 1 t. 1 1 . 1, Carolina was lorging to me ironi m all these things so much bo that the; - commonwealth was attracting the fa- vorable attention of the world, , The' program of public health has reduced , the death rate in the state during the. i. . - , . n n ...... . lasc eignteen years irom ia.z , per. thousand to 11.5 per thousand. . . He snowed that si - cents out 01 , every dollar paid by the people of the..; ' l.. ; A . . , . .. . .."--'. siate in taxes comes oaoa. to vno u - .. payers in thO way of public benefits' fn their own immediate vicinities. On-, ' y nine cents out of each dollar of , ' tax is used for administrative - par. , ' poses. Furthermore more than 2,-. , 000,000 people of the state pay no ix - for the administration; of the state ? government or for the maintenance of ' public instituUons. -The loads , are ' being paid for by those who use them. J Income, inheritance, and .franchise ,,, taxes are used by the state govern-,. - ment, leaving to each county the tax-.- v li es on the property within its limit to ; be used for county purposes. Every year, according1 to Mr." Brunt- , mitt nmi'ini i a tn ta. .tab a tl. A V... w) a. " ' i that taxes are too" high. This ' year , ! however, Mr. Brummitt hid, Mr. W; n.. .!.. t ., . . ' i)i Lilt. jTHnunncain etnnurn nju nnn t . .l t LI, ' 1 i 1 . yr ijub, tne ivepuDucan ' guoernatonai candidate does not complain of high' , I taXe8' DUt f frWgmt' ' 'achievements in the wa of road buildinir but sava that thi Rofmhli. 1 mmtS? Drotrram if tha thine w Hiava' ,r Rr,,n.mitt ti&WmMm'j. . i at omnlflSJ 5 "iESSSS-1 a Z T T u 1 . . .., r adorn a tale about economic ; c6ndi 3 . ZJZ t7I?a 1"-' f."'' n" ine7 "Jr,w, ' j j . 1' "7. "iBV",u' epuwucan , v "J i"? ' ' " rtot 'II y w $ n "V" ' - fai'Ure8 iate M,tfetJB?mf the Rational Junk, j Sl thai this , ? if L t"6 u r PSwf" oi banks bv the Federal (liv.n,n) 'R. u """" " ,orui . Caro- a plow or choD imu TT aaa. . .imply that a farmer ahould. have nothing to do with -i bank other than to put his money to it. i or to borrow money from He If such be the case during these, -past - three and one-half years of Republican ad ministration the farmer" activities with respect to theTatter bew so greatly increased that he must be thoroughly trained in that pwt of banking experience,,, and he has had so httle of the former to do that to many cases he must have- forgotten how to make out a deposit alipI. , Stat Bd National Bank Failure S Carolina vandonry l Nation- "" oaruiina ana only 8S Nation. State bank, in the State fa 19 rid three fai urea . at Ki.Mn..i v ' . , In , :.,r? ' m wauonal b Thill It nrtll k. . i , " "T " mai uwrt are ne'Iy ,timf ' many State P4"1" National Unka in the 8taS! ut. on 7 ve time as many' Bmi-' b',n, fl'4 In 1923. . -. - . IriW'&'.ffP W ytt ttW iAiinaa m,w wi irvv a-vv - K Hera . 7ii J' ' . makinl .7y faJna t0"MTd thrtSd. Ne,i"n:l -V. l. laneo were mom- that ...i i. of the State b.,,k, that . ' - - AU Did TTiia t). to i rial w.rt .tfa ;-.t k.nk. a. a :"'rT""on Ot Net their management. They do , JJ wpervlfion and; t , ef tha Rtata K. L. i . or the National svtrm it it i . i rlrurh ""'" '! lTlT d "' ' " ? t" d ' euch falltiraa It . - . . - 1 1 m v i ,n a -r.W h " ' v ..-.. . J1" '-'in wiat on offlriaU. lth n Uona, do their 1.. fare t t to preaei re the r' rr: . 1 n"re hare I fs ore. (a K It S 1. 1 ' "' - e ''' i!- ti" "-, ' . ' ' ii ' ,,'( , ...

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