r r ; , J- . t - rr . If- It' . r ,j "'"i ft 4, v,. t I? ej n hi : '. : a. ' 4 RO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. CL Pare Two THE ASUEBO 1 1 . ' " i - craft, dishonesty and by tk. py'. putfom, du- From Randleman UST o?" ools! Lare Number Killed v VAiAid i n.k Jentil nominee A long rhapter U devoted to wom en's part in politics and government, with numerous references to show the more liberal attitude of the Dem- $trikns Note of Democratic Hud book Is Corruption of i Government. announced that the eontraet for lne more uoenu a uiuoe oi uio wm- cotrucUon of the road from ocrauc pany anu uie msi iniocmuc Cw,,ifnni li. to RanHUman. a Condemnation of President Cool idg the Republican leadership anil "corruption of jfovernment" is the striking note in the Democratic cam paign book just issued by the Demo cratic national committee, which is primarily a manual for speakers and editors. A carefully prepared series of articles, tables, data and statistics on other issues is presented, but throughout the book emphasis is given to graft, dishonesty and scan dal during the Harding -t'oolidge ad ministration. President Coolidge is criticized for not having taken the initiative in the unearthing of "corruption." for fail ure to act promptly after the revela tions made by the senate committee, and also for not making a greater success as a leader. "President Coolidge. faced by sig nal opportunities and national expec tations, has lamentably failed as a leader either of the people or of his party,'- says the campaign book. "He has failed to solve domestic problems or to improve foreign relations." Teapot Dome and the naval oil leases, the Doheny "loan" of $100,000 and the Sinclair "loan" of $25,000 to administration on this subject. De tailed biographies and records of the two nominees are given, and a com parison of all three party platforms by subjects. Copies of the Democratic campaign book may be had from the Democrat ic National committee, Investment Building, Washington, D. C. Tn f?nilfnl f"V Tin A i Th freatar aumber of the rural Th. UU kighwa, commiasion ha, ."K'iA. th dale, Car way, J4iUer, and Prospect urtcan last Munuiv. uir .wt. In Auto Accidents Between March lrt, 1924, and Sep- distance of about six x mSel haTSen ?-ve schoolman Monday, Septem- let to ZiglV and. Dalton, the firm JSTJZlr now engaged in building the" road J. ., . m, .. . ' .l. .k. from Greensboro to the Randolph county line. This extension of the t. a . U t - 1ft I coutnkcv means Litak iuuw iv nuiu - . . . j- a 1. . ,u v; ;; u. ;c .itVw., Norma Dutton. and Gaiella Kerner Asheboro to the Virginia line is either . , paved or under contract. About 80 Following it a list of the teacher.- of the rural schools in the county: Archdale: Mrs. Martha Hannah, MoleU Street Seeks girrarfe . M Bond (treet, that faahleaabia L doa theeevgniare freea which mea'a faahloo dictate go forth, ta likelyta become evn more exclusive. The tember 1st, 1924, a period of n merchant, tired t having buaaee and months, 111 peraoae were killed in . other common eoHTjrance UM the automobile accidents in North Caro- ( street, have started a movement te Una. In addition 1,728 were more or make the very pavement exclusive, le.-s seriously injured, 2,747 automo- They maintain the street is now so biles were destroyed in' accidents, crowded with public vehicles that the costing 1,373,600. rich will net shop there since they On the road system controlled by cannot park their, meters. the state highway commission, wnicn Will Retire Bonds Pri short It is announced by the state high way commission that within the next few davs road bonds to the amount of $1,000,000 will be retired by the sinking fund available. This will per cent of this road is either for traffic or will be within a time. The road between Greensboro and the Randolph line is expected to be open for traffic by December 1st. It is expected that the road between the Guilford line and Randleman will be completed by the summer of 1925. make ,-..k ..m i, taA iict.i,. VII BUillg will isc o ka i wv-v4 iuuuuiavij . . 1 r nn nnn VII aUUIK Will a tota, or w ouy,uuu in state n.gnway The Btneton have aiready bonds retired since their issue. The mQvi machinery to the new project commission has drawn up plans ask- and Jo t deal of d. ing the 1925 general assembly to vote . . rnl,h .th KPtjs in $35,000,000 additional bonds for high ways in the state, which if voted, will make the total bond issue for good roads $100,000,000. ing before rough weather sets in. When completed the entire road from Asheboro to Greensboro by way of Randleman will be of concrete and 18 feet wide. Real Estate Men Endorse Ports PREPARE STORAGE HOUSE FOR SWEET POTATOES The convention of the North Caro lina Real Estate Association in ses- Speretarv Fall, and Denhv s and rail s sion at Durham last week went on separation from the cabinet are gone record as favoring the Governor's should be made in advance to properly as now controlled by the reactionary port measure and the members pledg- care for it. Many of the larger leadership is charged with responsi- ed themselves to do everything possi- growers now use modern sweet potato bility for the whole oil affair. An- ble to boost the bill in order that the storage houses. If this house has other chapter gives the details of the present discriminations of the rail- been used before it should be thor- Veterans' Bureau investigations, and roads against the state might be oughly cleaned before storing the charges the indictment of rorbes to corrected. the leadership of the Republican par- ty, as another scandal. Democrats Nominate Smith The investigation of the depart- ment of justice forms the subject of another chanter, and the Dauchertv New York's popular governor, Al charges are related, all to the dis- fred E. Smith, was again nominated Caraway: W. B. Fulton, Morgan, and Clara Marsh. Millers: Lena Thornton, and Mary Trueblood. Prospect: Grace Burton. Level Cross: Margie Hanner. Glenola: David Woodburn, and Dorm K earns. Cedar Square: Irene Keener. Marlboro: Delia Tucker, and Ethel Cox. Piney Grove: Pearl Bailey. Sophia: Mrs. Maude Snyder. Providence: Linda Williams. Lineberry: Peace Staley. Walnut Grove: Mary York. Melanchton: Mrs. R. W. Ward. Cedar Grove: Bessie Butler. Worthville: Clyde Hinshaw, Ethel Hinshaw, and Mrs. Ethel Walker. New Salem: Lucile Hanner. White Hall: J. T. Millikan, and Bertha Ferree. Mt. Pleasant: Numa Brower. Staley: Harvey White, Velma All- 6.200 miles in length. 28 persons were killed. The remainder of the fatalities took place in cities and towns and on county road systems. The largest percentage of the acci dents was caused by collisions of automobiles. Bible The Best Seller In spite of the number of books on the market, the Bible is still the best seller. In eight years Harold Bell Wright's books, the second best sel lers, have reached 10,000,000 copies. ' whereas in tne same lengra oi tune SPEAKER GILLETT MAKES ; Bible sales reached 240,000,000 copies. VERY STARTLING DISCOVERT The Scriptures have been printed to more than 700 languages and dialects. With bankruptcy and poverty among farmers in the West and wage reduc tions and unemployment in the East, Republican apologists are finding it difficult to manufacture excuses for the futility of their tariff for any one but the profiteer. Republican spell binders in New England, where tex tile workers, after having been em ployed only a few days each week for the last several months are now fac- r 1 . . ing decreases oi pay, are iurceu w "It will soon be time to harvest the S IV H. WM.r V All- ?lim,.t ?nat tne tenJf n!! not reSY!ted sweet potato crop and preparat.ons . . Garret, in n.gner wages ioi tne ; operauves a nrnnarlv rf Z. ... flT tnp IPXLlie mil IS. aunOUKTl 1L HUB Shady Grove: E. A. McMaster, ennanced rices ,or his ciothing and ma Burgess. necessities. r-aiterson: nosena noou. Hardens: Mamie York. Central Falls: J. L. Bright, Essie Allred, and Virgie Allred. Millboro: Mabel Redding, and Lilly Neece. Gray's Chapel: Lena Steed. Richmond county's old court house sold recently at public auction brought $1.00. ; Tkorsdu, October Z, 1W4 i4ts4sfr7 Killtag fM The ealmea fishery ef California b seriously . threatened by the use of streams for pewer purposes - and so eliminating the - necessary spawning grounds of the fish. . Of isf ytmsr salmon, vwraginf one and onc-aaU lncnea ta lengtn, . run . experiment ally through a water turbine power wheel operating mt a pressure of 80 pounds to the square inch, 49 . wers recovered alive. , ' ,t ? i- v -. ' ' : 5 FLOWEEFLOWERS Ford the Florid , Highpoiiit, N.,a' . Mrs. W. C Hammer Representative for Randolph County Phones 11 and 144 B. potatoes, says Robert Schmidt, As sistant Horticulturist for the State College Experiment Station. Directions for doing this are given r v-iic- M it Kanm- Porria ' cul lne P""":n r bv Mr. Schmidt as follows: First. Cedar .Fa,Us- .M," ,V.:. h'no ' l0rC 3 book makes the claim that i? r i u t. u .v nussey, ana rean nussey. disinfect the house by spraying the white.s Memorial: Mrs. Jesse Us floors and waur with a solution of i .. - .i r, ti: - i i .,t n..l Ki, h nmn.a t ! , . . .Slier. credit oi tne nepuuiican auminisira- t,,,.ot i iormamenyae one pint u per cent Flint Will- W tion. Empire state to make the race for formalin to 25 gallons of water or i The campaign book sharply at-' reelection to the governorship. He with a solution made by dissolving, plain pieid: Myrtle Burroughs tacKs nanes w. uawes, ine nepuoii- "W"" y 1 ,,c""lc one pouna or copper suipnate (Diue Charlotte- Mrs Olive Walker, anc can vice-presiueiiLmi iioiiuuec, as uu .o..v ..v . .,.Jf "'-".sione; in to gallons oi waier. il i "inveterate reactionary." It also son ot tne late president Koosevelt. advisable to spray a second time charges him with being an enemy The Democrats in their platform de- about 24 hours later. Then start the of labor and affiliated with his ; nounced the Ku Klux Klan. j fires and dry out tne . house. All brother in one of the big oil com- I Smith has made one of the best crates or other containers which have now the defendant in a suit ! governors JNew v0rK has ever had been used before should also be thor- ' oughly disinfected. I Storage in crates is preferable to storage in bins because it permits of more thorough ventilation and of greater convenience in handling. Ven itilated slat barrels can also be used nanlps. by the government, which charges and at the same time he is the most the company with violation of the ' popular governor with all classes of anti-trust laws. people that the state has had. He An extensive chapter is devoted to was strongly supported for the nomi the Fordnev-McCumber tariff act i nation for President before the Demo whirh is denominated as a "nrnf- i cratic national convention in New iteers' tariff." The cost of the tariff ! York. After the nomination of Davis to aavantage, to the consumer is described as fol- "e pledged nis support to tne tiCKet "Order your crates now, get your lows: jnd upon the insistence of his friends ! st0rage house ready and avoid delays "Based on statistics of production and many Democrats of national rep-:at digging time," says Mr. Schmidt, exports and imports, the Fordney-' uteHn he-consenit(1 to become can- "information of curing and storing McCumber tariff act gives protection ! ('"iatVaK,aln for, the Stvernorship of I sweet potatoes may De obtained by to the profiteering special interests of York largely with a view to writing to the Division of Horticul $6,270,89r,:i00. The amount of pro- helPlnS out the national ticket in the ture state College Extension Service, tection is so high that the interests stae:, , , .... . , Raleigh, N. C." i, fn,-r i ,! ,i t ti, fn 1 Quite a number of politicians pre- i wiuj lavuicu mvi in'i uaic lu laM: lull .. , .. . -.1, ,... uici inai omun s popularity in incw advantage of it. It is estimated that only two-thirds of the tax levied as Tirntprlinn it: pnlloptoj Tlilc tionc that the American people under the 'he electoral vote of the state r ordney-McCumber tariff act are taxed $4,000,000,0(10, or more than the cost of running the government. Of this vast sum, only $500,000,000 goes into the United States treasury, and $3,500,000,000 into the pockets of the protected interests. The passage of York state will not only reelect him to the governor's chair but will carry lor I Davis, the Democratic Presidential nominee. Whatever may be the out come, one thing is certain, Smith's candidacy has revived the hopes of the Democrats everywhere looking to wards the election of Davis to the Presidency. Federal Employes Forced To Con tribute to G. O. P. Doughbag, Says Senator McKellar. Nell Spencer. Pleasant Hill: Mattie Hughes. Gibson: Joe Delk. Tabernacle: Mrs. J. M. Cameron. Uwharrie: Ella Holcromb. High Rock: Leslie Morgan. Red berry: Sam Varner. Locust Grove: Mamie Lackey. Piney Grove: C. C. Horney, and Esther Russell. Ulah: Willie Beeson, and Bee son. Hopewell: Garrett Dawson. Davis Mt.: Addie Frye. ' Mt. Lebanon: Pearl Parsons. Union Grove: Bascom Cox. Bethel: Mary Wade Bulla, Lela Kemp. Holly Springs: Mrs. Blanche Byrd, and Nellie Byrd. Coleridge: T. E. Hanner, Carrie Hockett, MyCleta Ward, and Jessie L. Johnson. Lamberts: Mr. Spe'nce. Parks X Roads: Mrs. Mattie Brooks Pleasant Ridge: Miss Allred. Pleasant Grove: Maude Miller, and Speaking at Worcester, Mass., a few days ago, Speaker Gillett of the Prepublican House, and candidate for the Senate, said: "A protective tariff cannot always insure prosperity." But the Republican campaign text a Republi can protective tariff" does bring pros perity. That same claim has been r i. i Tk.i made for years by all Republican Fulton, and Thel- eadere Mg ' however, the worthlessness of the tariff on wheat, so far as the farmer is concerned, and the uselessness of the tariff on tex tiles, so far as the workers in the textile mills are concerned, have be come so plajn and unmistakable that even the Republican apologists have had to make grudging admission of "protections" inefficiency for any one but the profiteer. Neither the Democratic party nor F Ina as 'ts kader have any favors for sale Davis' speech of acceptance. J. L. Kearns, and Rosa Federal emnloves in Tenessee are being compelled to contribute part of Dorothy Cox Iheir snlarips tn the Renuhlican ram- Mt. Olivet: paign fund, Senator McKellar of that Owen. State charged in a public statement ; Rock Spring: B. G. Cox. issued in Washington a few davs ago. I Oak Glade: T. R. Cox. Senator McKellar called attention to oeagrove: o n. racarn, mrs. j. n the Fordney-McCumber act encour- i ,.. u. . the law prohibiting the solicitation of Slack, Sthel Allred, and Alta Hud- aged and ega ized profiteering by the Clothing Prices Rise as Textile Work- lne mw proniomng tne solicitation or . . ... .. ' i ti isuch contributions from Dostmasters. son- protected interests, enabling them to raise their prices in conformity with the protection granted." Slemp Criticized The President's secretary, C. Bas com Slemp, also comes in for criti cism. He is described as a "patron age huckster, ' and letters dealing ers Threaten Strike Predictions of higher prices for Decker, of New York, head of the woolen clothing are made by Alfred firm of Alfred Decker & Cohn, manu facturers of clothing, at almost the moment mat textile worners in iew ;v,t:ni rnm(tmn f t. ith alleged sale of federal appoint- . York and New England are threaten- ha(1 coliected money from applicants ettr carriers, and other nersons in weicn: nioe Lucas, anu miss r.xie the service of the Government, and Callicutt. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD PASSENGER SCHEDULES Effective September 14, 1924 Asheboro, N. C. Daily Except Sunday Leave 8:00 A. M. Aberdeen, Ellerbe and intermediate points connects at Star for Raleigh, Charlotte and in termediate points. Leave 3:45 P. M. Aberdeen and in termediate points. Arrive 1:00 p. m. Arrive 4:30 from Aberdeen and in- I termediate points. For tickets, pullman reservations and information address or apply to L. D. BURKHEAD( Agent, j Asheboro. N. C Room To In declared his intention' to call for an investigation by the Senate when Con gress convenes. On a previous occasion Senator Mc Kellar showed that the Republican High Pine: Isabella Luther. Oak Grove: M. H. Adams. New Hope Academy: J. H. Luther. ments in Virginia in exchange for ng to strike in protest against a re campaign contributions are reprinted. ' luction in their wages. Mr. Decker The removal of the civil service em- declared that American consumers ployes from the bureau of printing nave been misled about the prospect and enirravinir is described in derail of lower prices for clothing. Instead for Federal appointments, but the Harding administration refused to take any action. John Brewer In Trouble and cited as evidence of Republican disregard of the merit system, under the heading "Rape of the Civil Serv ice." President Coolidge is also criticized for hi- veto of the postal employes' pay bill. One of the severest indictments in the book in that part dealing with agricultural and business conditions. It is charged that the Republican ad ministration permitted 600,000 farm ers to go bankrupt. Concerning busi ness and industry the campaign book says: "A brief study of the business and industrial record from and including the first year of the Harding-Coolidge administration, through the firit ix month - of l'24 -hould forever si lence the olil fal-e claim that the Re publican party is the party of sound business policies and of nrosneritv. ine ugure an R. G. Dun and be questioned: of a decrease, he said, there would be an advance in prices if the quality of garments was maintained. EDGAR NEWS from the records of week, "mpany, and not to H. W. Robbins had the misfortune of having his carriage torn up near Glenola by an automobile running in to him Thursday night. Several from this section attended Zells show at High Point Saturday. W. M. Thomas and family, of High Point, visited at N. H. Farlow's Sun day afternoon. Mr. Harrell has opened a store and filling station near New Market. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Davis, J. O. New lin and Althea Farlow were in Ashe boro Tuesday afternoon Several from this section attended the Randolph Fair at Asheboro last John Brewer, of Glenola, was tried in recorder's court in High Point last Friday on a charge of having liquor in his possession and fined $75 and tliA tfoia Rth-a. was talron Vi it tha Metropolitan Loans Urge Sum In Randolph tj, officers at Glenola State afterwards and brought to Asheboro to jail. He was tried at the last term Since the first of the year the 0f criminal court in Asheboro on a Metropolitan Life Insurance Compa- prohibition charge and given a sus- . -T 1 1 1 1 I T"l r . .... , . pended sentence conditioned on good behavior for six years. The last ny, of New York, has loaned in Ra leigh and vicinity over ?7W,000 on real estate. The loans have been handled through the Raleigh Banking and Trust Company. Some silver fox pelts cost $750. escapade is in direct violation of the conditions imposed and Brewer is be ing held in jail to be given a hearing before the judge at the December term of criminal court. "191S "1919 "1919 ... Lank failures. . 20 . 50 ... 11D Historic Pageant At Dunn Fair ."Total 3 years 189 -on "1922 "1923 404 277 540 "1924 (lt6 mo.) 428 Liabilities. A unique feature of the Four Coun- ; $5,131,8X7 ' ty Fair to be held at Dunn from Oc- 16.520,862 tober 7th to 10th will be "Children of 60,708,800 Old Carolina" a historic pageant de- picting the life and progress of North $72,361,049 Carolina from the time of settlement of Roanoke Inland in 1587 to thel 173,027,776 present! There will be hundreds of 77,735,501 j characters recruited mostly from the 196,790,000 schools of the county under the dlrec- 158,228,720 . "Total 3 1-2 yr 1,669 $600,782,047 "Te summaiixe: Both in number and in the aggregate of liabilities, '. hank failures during the first three , and half Tears of the Hsrdlnf-Cool- trig admmkt ration exceeded by mere , thaa eighr tiry-a those of the.laat ,: three veerr. et the seoond Wilson ad sninistraUoti, although twe of those years, .919 and 120, were neca , : etroctioi yean, when bosineee hat erda vera extraordinarily great and whea . many fail area were ta have 1 mm nap I ait 1 . i . . It sa chergN In the book that the tion of Miss Ethel Rockwell, of the University Extension Service. A num ber of leading men of Harnett county will take part, among the number be ing Hon. Charles Ross, a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rosa, of Asheboro. Beaeita af DesseeraUc Tai Redact Ua Millions of Income taxpayers have profited by the present Democratic ! tax reduction law, wnicn was xorcea through the Republican Congress and grudgingly signed by Preaiant CeoU idge after his feereterv of the Treae ry and the leaden of hte party had ecoeeed the measure' , for . ' man Coolldire-Melloa leadership endeatr months. These income ' Ux -peyere ered. In Ha program of tea reduction, . had a new proof oa September IS af U pM a bill that would reduce the the benefit the new Iemocrati law l"i of the rkh by hare pereen-1 grlvee them. They Will derive 'area t . . the taws of the prr re ( larger advantage from it next year 7 ...i r-wriUfi!e. 1 nive'wha the normal rat an taxable In ! ' submitted te; times ef f.Ui and leea la red need 1 freme te t per aent. "-' , - I us lrjr The tiww Wnwratle law makes a r-f f.-it r"i'.ir'!i, of ii pT enl to tne , ' t f V'rtur-9 tr- f ' t iur TheWholeTruth iaiiis About Tire Bare t , .... w W?T ba la the titt butlneM t long time.' ' ; W hay read many "amarlnsif offert, :Xu) ' -'-'-,-.' i . i-"', -' .. .", And Our experience U that tne one ture " fire, dependable, Wdvquallty and low-cott 1 .'fJre bargain on tL market today it . Goodyear Tire. ' '.' ' , Get our fnice and you wLl t! ink ao, too. , SCRATCH that itch between your toes and all you get is temporary relief, irri tated skin, sore feet and probably infection from finger nails. Swab those itching, maddening spots with LICARBO and they will disappear like magic Don't suffer torture but gain comfort, peace, and a calm mind by using LICARBO. LICARBO takes the dynamite oat of corns, callouses and bunions, the fire out of blisters and tired, burning feet And LICARBO cures itching between the toes and all foot infections. Treat your feet with LICARBO and they will carry you forever in comfort. Your druggist has it Ash; lam for LICARBO today. STANDARD DRUG COMPANY Asheboro. N. C A Warm Dress US No more cold trips to the basement Mo more dressing in a cold roqnu No more fires to build. No more big fuel bills.' POLE'C V ORIGINAL J " HOT BLAST HEATER ris absolutely air-tight and will stayairi tight That is v?hy it is guaranteed to hold fire for 36 hours .Without attention. And remember, every Cole's Hot Blast Heater is guaranteed to con sume one-third less fuel than arr? underdraft stove of the same size. This means money in yW pocket 1 v Let us tell you more about this re; XJl markable heater. ' ASHEBORO HARDWARE COMPANY 3 Mebbro,.N. t ii'jupjiiniiHuiiuf'iiiiWltuEwtjyLjuLJunijeJi We Insure The Safety of Your Investment r't. ' ,!.-tr-.-.'"'I-,' Seekers forinbrtgage investments should consider 1 The reputation of the investment company for careful and conerva-' , tite gelection. A-'" - I ' , -4 . . V.'.' -i v. ''K 2 -f The fiaandaf strength of e company offering tuch ecuritlea for;V ti -j tale or guaranteeing themv v.'.' ' ' - , ' " f , , The Guarantee of the Central Loan k Trust Company . represents . i i I' .$500,000.00. Company . represents O .'.'i'il.VJ'J.i'!). , " We have these 4 Per Cent Coarantfd Tint Mortffag Deal Estate Bonds for sale in denominatloni of f 100 and cp. 7; ' 't..in.if. "3 ! ! r j i!