Thursday, OctoVer 9, 1924 THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C. LOCAL PEMNG$ Mr. Lynn Kennedy visited frtends in Randleman last Sunday. Mr. W. S. Gatlln, of Ulah, was a -visitor in our office Saturday. Mr. Colon Byrd has moved his family from the Holly Springs section to A8heboro. Mr. Grady Miller, of Greensboro, wag in town a few hours last Sat urday. Mr. Carl Richardson, of Troy, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wood visited Miss Jessie Wood at Thomasville Sun iay. - Mr. G. A Byrd, of Winchester, Ind., rrived Tuesday for a visit to his "brother, Mr. Z. T. Byrd. Mr. and Mrs. A E. Lassiter, of Smithfield, are the guests of Mrs. JLassiter's sister, Mrs. W. A. Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Presnell visited "their daughter, Mrs. Clay Richardson, at Star Sunday. Mr. Lewis Cooper left Tuesday for Melbourne, Fla., where he will spend this year. the winter. i Mr and Mrg d Cranford ,eft Mr. Flaud Johnson and Mr. Bruce Sunday for New York City. They Hilliard were visitors in High Point took the children to Raleigh where one day the latter part of last week, they will visit their grandparents, Messrs. W. A. Gregory and Colon Mr- and Mrs- A- J- Maxwell, while ByTd were week-end visitors in , parents are in New York. Smithfield. j Messrs. G. M. York, John Ward Miss Zella Johnson and brother, and West Fraijier, of Staley Route 1, "Flaud, visited friends in Greensboro were Asheboro Monday in the in last Sunday afternoon. terest of their scho01 at Kildee. While here Mr. York gave The Courier a A.T Ta1itc VT Pwttain nf Twtu I-Q . ........ mi. auiiu 1.1. ""-"I i -A uuouicoo tioiwi u, &uii.iviw Mr. C. H. Lucas, of Union town- snip, was among me uusiness visiw, -n AdV,hViaw Mntnlii r i in 1 1-111 luuiu j . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wood and j -daughter, Jamie, visited relatives at : Jackson Hill last Sunday. j Mrs. Florence Ewers, of High Point, was the guest of Mrs. W. A. Greg- ry last r nuay. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Johnson were visitors in Greensboro for a few liours last Sunday. Miss Lala Rose,, of Greensboro, is visiting friends 'in Asheboro this week. Mrs. J. D. Ross and son Joseph and Miss Clarabel Morris were in Jreensboro Saturday. Mr. Carl Kivett is recovering from an operation for appendicitis at the High Point hospital. Mrs. Lacy Lewis has returned from High Point where she spent a few lays. Mr. C. L. Cranford, who is in the Hign roint nospitai ior ireamiein, improving, Mr. Lawrence Lineberry, of Ran lleman. was a vistor in Greensboro Sunday The first meeting of the Randolph nV nh will be held at the home of Mrs. W. C. Hammer Friday at 3 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Elliott and children, of Randleman, spent Sun day in Greensboro with Mrs. Elliott's son, Mr. G. C. Lineberry. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Spence are in Albemarle this week. Mr. Spence is attending court and Mrs. Spence is -visiting friends. Mrs. Ollie Presnell and little daugh- 4 TWr.thv who have been visiting "Mrs Presnell s parents ln Kicnmona, "Va,, returned home Sunday. Mr. Tom Cox, of Ramseur Route 1, was In the city Monday returning jrom nonnvuw, wuoic un connected with some bridge work. Mrs. W. F. Cross and daughter, lllss Florence, and Carl Cross visited relatives in Lexington last Saturday wad Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Forrester, and Itr. and Mrs. Jno. Keltxeu, oi nam- eut, were visitors in Asheboro Hun-Jay. Misses Lucy and Bonnie Davis, Lola , charlotte, was greeting his friends and Clarence Luck and Miss Alvanalj,, Asheboro last week. lr. Presnell Uneberry, of Ramseur, spent last : WM imprM(ied with the growth and Sunday in Mt. Gllead. 1 improvement Asheboro had made in Mr. and Mrs. Lee Millsaps and the last two years. hlldren, of Thomasville, are uie guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Millsaps, Jr. u. ni Prn01 left Tuesday for Melbourne, Fla., where he will be engaged In carpenter work O.U win- . " , . Mr. and Mra. A 0. Blalock were the fuesta of Mra. Blalock Pt. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. WhlU, at Arch- . W., iMt Saturday Mr. Vf. 8. Shalor, of Raleigh, was business rUltor In Aaheboro Tue - if. RKalnr la connected wno Carolina Power Compaay. T Mr.' 1. X. Bobbins, of Caraway, in Aahaboro Saturday, nn , The Courier a pleasant eaD, and re- T.twed fcU eubecripuon. ' 1 and Mra, Htnit Forrester and Visa Flora ATI red, of Charlotte, vis Tied Mr. and Mrs, W. M. All red TfMtosy. ;. .' c ... ' ' ''.t -r i I Mrs. 7. C Bean and lltUo daughter, Vasal Lee. of Salisbury, were Iff i .Asheboro yesterday u rouU U FIs--gaa when they art visiting their parents, Mr. sod Mrs. 8. A. Cox. ., Mrs. John W. Portof and ehudrtn tand Mrs. Martha Porter, snd MrsJ J. 8. Boyd, of Charlotts, wars guests of Mrs.W. H. Moring Brst the week. ?.Tr. A!l!e IT. Worth, who hs been f r-iUv in A.h.hnw, left! Mr. end Mrs. A.-W. McAllr wijtlBI launching thU new Induirtrv, f f-r f 'l.v:;:., Vs'ln A'.nro Thursday returning to;ht mn,frtnro svrS.p fwm Us I ' ' 1 ,.i-.t'- !. f; -'-rn !;!t-r.,v,,nr uv hi,i:x fr,jl( tu, i r f-l I . : I I ..I. 't r ! ,r ' Mr. end Mrs. C. R. Smith, who have been visiting Mrs- Smith's par ent, Mr. and Mrs. C H. Rush, for the past month, left Saturday for their home in Cambria, Va. Mrs. Agnes Barker, Mrs. W. C. Hammond, Mrs. Jack Meador and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Smith were vis itors in Greensboro one day the lat ter part of last week. been Mra. Jack Meador, who has visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hk Rush for the past two weeks, returned to her home at Fayetteville last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Page, of Aber deen, and Mrs. Jno. K. Wood, of Asheboro, who have been spending a few days at Blowing Rock, returned home Tuesday. The Woman's Home Missionary So- ciety of the M. P. church met with Mrs. Clyde Hendricks at her new home in Greystone Terrace Monday evening. Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. Claude Herndon, Jr., of Monroe, September 30th, a son, L. Claude. Mrs. Hern dn was Miss Florence York, of Cen tral Falls, before her marriage. William A. Underwood, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Underwood, of Asheboro, has been elected assistant cheer leader at Trinity Colleire. Mr. Underwood is a Junior at Trinitv pieasant can and nad his name put on mil- uihacnntiAii llHf Mr. J. S. Presnell returned to Greensboro Sunday to resume his worn witn me r ord Body company off n o fin, .J .... u:0 rAn.:i niM.i u nil iioifc " 1 1. 1 1 uia laiiuijr. The Missionary Society of the M. E. church will meet with Mrs. J. N. ' Bennett October 14th. All of the ' -embers are urged to be present. j Mr and Mrfk rjurney Wright suf-, ! fered slight bnyses and injuries late Sunday afternoon in an automobile collision near Archdale on the Ashe- .boro-High Point har surfaced road. 1 in the car with Mr. and Mrs. Wright former in Greensboro Tuesday after- C. N. Cox was elected president. Re were their child and Mrs. Wright's noon. ports 0f various committees showed sister, a Miss Cagle. , that work along various lines for gen wm k. it i " i t ' W- Sr ,erS T'1 N; "al benefit is being done. Upon re Reul Hannahs Ford roadster was Luther and little daughter, Ethel, of t of the school committee Mr. stolen Friday afternoon m Greens- Ophir were in Asheboro on business McMahan assigned the northeast wuiw, wucic I. iaa jiai ivcu mi me jravciuay. inty nave recently corn street while Mr. and Mrs. Hannah pleted a new home and are now occu were on a snoppuig irip. mere are no clues as to who stole the machine, and nothing has been heard regarding it since. Mrs. Crissie Clark, of Trinity, was the guest of Mrs. J. T. Winslow Monday. Mrs. Clark is a former Asneuoro cuiseii aim nas a numuei ui . friends here who are always glad to see her. Mr. T. V. Rochelle, of High Point, was the winner in the golf tourna- ment held at the Country Club in High Point Saturday. The play was nine hnlM and a hanHiran affair. Mr Rochelle's score equalled the amateur courso record. Mrs. E. L. Moffitt returned Satur day night from Virginia where she has been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Moffitt accompanied their daughter, Miss Margaret, to Hollins where she entered college, and Mrs. Moffitt remained in the state for ten days. Mr. J. T. Wilson who has been in Memorial hospital for the past two , weens, nas reiuroea u nw nome ; Seagrove Route 1. Mr. Wilson had of & M on hjg , amj breaklng and CTVlMng lt by. Miss Margaret Moffitt, who visits relatives in Asheboro, has been seri ously ill at her home in Georgia. The physicians thought Miss Moffitt was suffering from appendicitis but it developed that her liver was out position. of . I Mr. Virgil rresneii, wno was norn and reared in Randolph county but vhn ahmii turn vearn airo mMred to yr Mrg j T Weaver, of Archdale, M(j Urs. W. B. McEwen, of ;Hlgh Point, were in Asheboro Mon- day. Mrs. Weaver and her sister went down to Au man's potter shop during the day. Mr. Weaver says i that th' report that ha was to leave .Randolph county and move to High polnt wu erroneoMJ, This will ftM) tht m friend of Mr. and Mrfc WMver Mrk j. p. Borwlght , Kimp M,i( wm , Aaj,, 1 g,,. Mr, Boroughs has been with - the Coleridge Manufacturing Company at Coleridge, until line the death of his wife, whan ho moved to Kemps Mills to bo with his son. Mr. Boroughs is arranging to sell his household property in Coleridge, Messrs. C B. Gaffln, Francis Whits and O. I Pierce and Sidney Wood returned Monday from Wash ington where they attended the World's Series Saturday. Mr. Wood brought several souvenir aomo of which had autographies of prominent players nd those interested la U1L , Mr. B. F, Brown, of Erect, wu ft visitor on our streets Monday. ' nd wiiiiama. MlBrt. Hi A. Btturo,y M(i p)asd him - in Jall. Wllllsmo is an oaeapod eonviet from Mecklenburg county, and has .b" in Ah'boro for severs! days, Mrs. Herbert Cox is iriaiting rela tives and friends in Rocky Mount. Mrs. M C. Spoon, of Kamsrur, was a visitor in Asheboro esterday. Mr O. D. Lawrence, of Seagrove, was a business visitor in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J lumer Davis and children visited Mr. C. H. league's family in Thomaville Sunday. Miss Julia Thorns, of Aberdeen, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Moring. Mrs. Emma Keams, of Farmer, was a business visitor in Asheboro Monday. Mrs. Lacy Lewis and Mrs. Robert Cameron were visitors in High Point Tuesday afternoon, Mef ra, C- nd C. P. m!tn' of .ubrtv, were among the wuoiucaa usiiuia jn Liie cuy oionaay. t Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McAlister. of Greensboro, were guests of their sis- ter, Miss May McAlister, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron were guests of relatives in Lexington Sun day. Miss Jessie Hoyle, of Troy, was the week-end guest of Miss Lucy 1 io-Vi Tvott Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Scarboro, of Dickenson is the attractive daughter Greensboro, visited friends in Ashe- f Mr- and Mrs- E- Whatley, of Ulah, boro last Sunday. ; while Mr. Dickenson is a splendid young business man of Asheboro. Mr. and Mrs. Azel Wall were in They will make their home in Ashe Asheboro Saturday returning from boro. Western Carolina where they spent their honey moon. They were guests Miss Millie Bulla Bride of Mr. Claude of Mrs. Wall's mother, Mrs. Robt. Tedder Clark. Mrs. Wall was Miss Ethel Clark before her marriage. Mrs. Sam Swaim and daughter, if. T .. - , - : Miss Luc e, of Greensboro and Mr. pnht vyauion, oi monroe, L,a., were tne guests oi Mrs. Kobt. erree one day the latter part of last week. . 1 . - . . -. . Mr. J. C. Teamie nf Plimnv wo a . . . . , , . ' nil m ' il uay. i"i 1 . league 1H UI1C Ul COUH- ty's prosperous farmers. He has four acres of soja beans which he says are most promising. w R . Thorns and Mrs. W. C. Hammer at- tended the reception honoring Mrs. I John W. Lashley nee Miss Edna Mil- j likan given by Mesdames James M. and Roy Millikan at the home of the pyipg it. mr. iiUtner says crops in his section were damaged heavy rains last month. by the The Chevrolet car, which the High Point Chevrolet Company has put in the Economy and Endurance Contest was in Asheboro yesterday and at- tracted attention The Chevrolet Motor Companv has put on a natjon wiie contest in order to demonstrate the en(lurance and economy of their car- 'ne lnt company will en1 thelr car over the streets in High , ,lnt an(1 roa,ls ln adjoining counties. The Hill-Nance Company have not entered the contest but think it a fine plan. Miss Helen Muse of Married High Point Miss Helen Louise Muse and Fon taine Maury Cralle were married Saturday morning at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. ! Muse, on South Main street, High i Point. Only the immediate family 'and a few close friends, were present . v,. i performed the ceremony. Mrs. Cralle is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Muse and a popu- lar member of the High Point young- er set. She was educated at Saint Moro'a i 1 A rrA anI f Via flioAATi dViiva College. She Is a niece of Mrs. C. H. Lewis and Mrs. J. T. Winslow, of Asheboro. i jIr Cralle Is an alumnus of the University of North Carolina and is manager of the High Point branch of the Chapln-Sacks corporation. D . , , . . ... season was held with Mrs. Hal Walk Randolph County Club Meet, at the ef hogt!8g Migg Harrjet g,,, head University The Randolph county club met In the club room of the Y. M. C. A. Fri day night, October 8, 1924. The fol lowing were present: A. P. Routh, W. C. Presnell, Harold -Moore, H. V. Phillips, H. M. Bouldln, G. H. Arnold, A. A. Wall, L. C. Helper. W. D. Downs, Ray Parrhih, R. B. Downs, W. H. Coltrane, E. A. Green, J. B. Mere- dlth, and W. H. Redding. President A. P. Routh, of Frank- U,.ill. .uuJ Ik. nitlnn .Itk . very Interesting talk. He welcomed club0 for wi".r the new student, into the club and . w"c. "V ,Sttu,dJe" . ,0n , -expressed ntimenU of appreciation fnd," U,',k throhou' ,w" inUmM to see so many old members back. He !j 1"tr"Un- Mlss E llott urge.1 explained to the new men that the dub was an organisation through, which wo could know men better from our own county, and that one of Its main duties was to draw the high schools of Randolph county closer to the University. After the business was transacted, ; cams the feed. Many rood eat were erred, Jokes wers told, and a general good time lasted until a late hour, W. HOWARD REDDING, Bee. k Trees. Mr. K. Brilea Opens Now Industry la Coast Mr. B. M. Brilea, of Trinity town ship, was In Asheboro Monday. , Mr. Brlles has ft cane sorgum mfll and oipectf to bucket his syrup and put It on the market. , Ho has given hi syrup his wife's maiden turns, 'Cora Cain" and wfll also havo on his label "Mads from Randolph County Cans". Mr. Drill will Sot only Use his own Jociety Celebrate Second Birthday Several little friends Dorothy Presnell enjoyed the ft in. ration of her second birthday Wednrday after noon at her home on SaJi.-lury street. Games delightful to this age were played, loe cream and wafers were served by the young hoin ree's moth er, Mrs. O. L. Presnell. Sunset Reading Circle Meets Mrs. Jesse Gariwr With The Sunset Reading Circle met with Mrs. Jesse Gamer at her home on Park street Monday afternoon. After the business meeting and an inter esting discussion of a book on China, which the Reading Circle is now studying, the hostess served delicious cream and cake. Miss Whatley Bride of Mr. Dickenson Miss Nina Whatley, of Ulah, and Mr. J. B. Dickenson, of Asheboro, were married Saturday at the home of Rev. R. Y. Putman, the officiating minister, in North Asheboro, in the presence of a few friends. Mrs. Miss Millie Bulla, of Asheboro Route 2, and Mr. Claude ted r T.'.. iwm ,..- mnm;Ari ucii Ul ivciiius inula, wnc luaiucu 0ctober lst at tne M p e in ..i,.i,m c u v Frlm! nffi. ciating. Miss Tedder is the attractive I daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Bui- la and for a number of years has been a nomilar teacher in Randolnh county scnoois. mr. leuuer is uie son of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Tedder and ! a young business man of sterling j qualities. He holds a responsible po- j sition in Winston-Salem. Woman's Club Met Last Week The Woman's club met in the school building last week with a good number of members present. Mrs. room in the school building for club meetings. The chrysanthemum commitee out lined plans for the show which will be held in the court house, date of which will be determined upon follow ers, and announcement made later. Miss Virginia Winningham Bride of Mr. Chas. D. Reeder The marriage of Winnineham of this citv and , Mr. Charles D. Reeder of Monroe was solemnized last Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Baptist parsonage, Rev. B. E. Morris, pastor of the bride, officiating. The marriage came as a complete surprise to the Asheboro people. Only a few intimate friends witnessed the marriage which was beautiful in its simplicity. The bride wore a going away suit of navy blue poiret twill with harmonizing acces saries. Mrs. Reeder is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Winningham and has lived in Asheboro for several years, where, with her attractive per sonality and pleasant disposition she has made many friends who will re gret to see her leave Asheboro. Mr. Reeder is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Reeder, of Monroe, and has ?cc" "'uuru ' ! mte8t ,f co"crete bnd bulldlnK- ?e has als0 become vcry popular been in Ashboro foir sometime in the here. Mr. and Mrs. Reeder left Monday morn'nS or Monroe to visit Mr. i I"ucr " V""- Mrs. Hal Walker Hostemi to Friday Afternoon Club Friday afternoon the initial meeting of the Friday Afternoon Club for the of the department of Political Science and History of the State Normal was present and was the speaker for the afternoon. As the guests arrived they were met at the door by Mrs. Wm. C. Hammer and Miss Mabel Parrish and the hostess Introduced them to Miss Elliott, Mrs. Duran, also from the college and a guest of the club. The meeting was called to or der by the president of the club and Miss Elliott's talk followed. This was primarily on the course of study selves on both sides of the questions j .v f d"jr', bu to "ttend ings, vote in the primary and the elections. After the talk was over a course of refreshments was served. The plates contained cream chicken in patties, tomato aspic, hot rolls, toasted cheese rolls and hot tea. Be sides the club members present, the members of the Randolph Book Club, wars guests of the afternoon. The entertainment rooms were decorated with a profusion of golden rod and scarlet sage. M. r. r.ii BROWN-HONKT Miss HattU Brown and Honey, both of Asheboro, wore mar- riod by W. 8 Gatlin. J? K at hia m.Mu. I. TT1.W ot l oii a iwaitnv aS 1 ftp urywiHWr sM M. i weos aawivw mm oai wvj(vvr VI M late Isaee Bwn and Mr. Honey is tho son of the) late Emory Bonoy. LADY FAIR SHOPPE CfllTjinir complete l v. tf Maf- 7 complete 1 WANT COLUMN S.i rlaftMi&ed adertinln( will b krn for Iraa Un 56 rrfiU and all advrrti&enwnt ent in mu&t b ac companied by retnittance NOTICE I hare just opened an Electric Shoe Shop in the rear of Wolff Sample Store facing Trade street. First class work done at reasonable prices. Your business solicited. Z. N. Epps. 4t pd a 18 24 FOR SALE Lally Ltght Plant with one 32-volt, 1-3 horsepower motor. J. R. Royals, Trinity, N. C. 4t 9 18 24 FOR SALE OR RENT My house in South Asheboro with seven rooms arjd bath. All modern conveniences. R. C. Johnson. FOl'ND---Automobile number, No. 307-732. Owner may obtain same by calling at Courier office and paying for this advertisement. FOUND Automobile number, No. 67-436. Owner may obtain same by calling at Courier office and paying for this advertisement. FOR SALF -My Home Place in West Asheboro. All modern conveniences, i out houses, etc. Leo Barker. 2t 10 2 24. FOR SALE My home consisting of six rooms and an acre and a quae- , ter of good land situated in North Asheboro on asphalt street. R. E. Betts, Box 462, Asheboro, N. C. 10 2 24 tf LOST Ladies red yarn knitted sweater between Asheboro and Erect Saturday afternoon. Finder please return to Courier office. It pd 10 9 24 FOR SALE My house and two lots ' -in West Asheboro. John L, Johnson. Z It FOR SALE Two good hound dogs. ; i Are broke for o"possums, rabbits and foxes. Extra fine red dogs j with large ears, three and one-half years old. Apply to Jesse Burgess, I Ramseur, N. O. Rt. 2. Near Kildee I Holiness church. ' It pd. TO RENT 5-roorn bungalow off Sunset Avenue, Apply to Sam Hooker, cfo Farmers Cafe, Ashe boro, N. C. It pd 10 9 24. SALE NOTICE On Saturday, Oct. 25, 1924, at 10 o'clock, A. M., I will 1 offer for sale my household and kitchen furniture consisting of stove, kitchen cabinet, table ware, bedsteads and bed furnishings, and many other articles too tedious to mention. Sale to be at my former residence, Coleridge, N. C. J. P. BOROUGHS Oct. 4th, 1924. It NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND By virtue of an order of resale ..... made by the Superior Court of Ran Miss Virginia .... .- .u i. - uuiimi vjuuiilv in uie saie ui certain property owned by R. P. Copple and exposed to public auction, at the court house door in Randolph County by the undersigned mortgagee and as signee and now by reason of an or der of resale ordered by the court, the undersigned will expose and sell at the court house door in Asheboro, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash, at 12 o'clock, M., on Saturday, the ISth day of October, 1924, the following tract of land: Beginning at a beach stump in In gram's line; thence North 1 12 deg. E. 67 chs. and 65 Iks. to a stone, for merly a dogwood, on Ellen Welboum's line; thence W. 88 1-2 deg. W. 13 chs. to the old McCulloch line; thence S. 70 deg. W. with said line 17 chs. to a stake in said line; thence S. 1 1-2 deg. W. 61 chs. and 70 Iks. to a white 0ak, formerly a pine, Ingram's cor- i ner; thence S. 86 deg. E. 32 chs. to the beginning, containing two hun- dred and eleven (211) acres more or less, excepting the foregoing boun daries, two parcels of land bounded as follows: lst Tract: Beginning at a stake in the middle of the road on the original running S. 1 1-2 deg. W. 64 1-4 poles to b rock, original corner; thence W. 5 deg. E. on the original line 24 poles and 20 Iks. to a stotie in said line; thence N. 1 1-2 deg. E. 67 poles to the middle of the public road, a white oak on the South side of said road marked for a comer; thence N. 79 degrees along Raid road to the beginning, containing ten (10) acres, more or less. 2nd Tract: Be ginning at a white oak, Ingram's cor ner, on Rice's line; thence E. 623 feet to a stone; thence N. 892 feet to an oak; thence W. 523 to a stone; S. 392 to the beginning, containing four and one half (4 1-2) acres. This land is being resold because the last bidder did not come forward and comply with 'the terms of the 'sale. This the 30th day of September, 1924. J. L. ZIMMERMAN, Mortgagee. MAMIE HEGE, Assignee. 2t 10 9 24. Bulla, MllHkaa, Ferlew Reunion Held Sunday The annual reunion of the Bulla, Millikan, and Farlow families was held 8umiay at the old Benjamin Mil likan place In Back Creek township. More than 850 members of the fami lies wore present They came from Randolph, Guilford, and Forsyth, and adjoining counties. Short talks wars ! made by Michael Farlow, Idyl Ferree, I Newton Farlow, J. M. Millikan, Dr. I Wllkemon, snd John T. Biittain. A , . , . - i , . . . T?9 T ,w , , :,ttmptuo? dlnn, VM WM ,pT4 ' nwm nour A permanent orgaaJiatlon was af 'octed with T. Fletcher Bulls as preet dent) h U. Millikan, flrst vica-prsoi detit; Newton Farlow, second vice president? and I. T. Mnintsn,- seer, tary -tree surer. A meeting will be held each year, tho reunion next year at t'.o old Mitlikan ftlaes in ti M. L. CHI Kl H MATTLK (W H Willi i A le'.'.er noriutur kr tw.r. ii. I.- t 'it Mr cnurcn brtr. receive! for Don McGlohon. Robert ainl Jor.r. AnJrrHH.. infant sons of Mr and Mr Don Mc Cjlohom, received rite of baptiMn Sunday afternoon. The church has raiei for this ear J&40 for the fUperannuat endowment fund. The services that close thif. confer ence year will be held next Suniiay. Topics for pulpit discussion at that time will be: 11:00 A. M. "Our hat is in the ring . 730 P. M. "Fall to face". LADY FAIR SHOPPE Scalp Treatments and Facials a Specialty. Phone 273 .a a'liira ib.iimimi il-l Ill When you want COAL Call Phone 257 Asheboro Ice and Coal Company tf 9 25 24 .11 loll. II I, I'lllllllll llltl'tll Ml' iii'l"ni 'iii;i' , iiniijiMininini, ! Coats and Dresses : Many new arrivals this i week. Newest fashions and I colors, and prices that can not be found lower : where. i : Qet ill the habit Of buyinfif at ? F. L. Brooks Ladies' Specialty Store Asheboro, N. C. Newest Styles Popular Prices : Coats $5.75 to $55.00 IIIMIllllllllltllllllllllllllllll III See Burt Shoe Co. Before buying winter supply of shoes don't forget to see our prices. We can save you from 50 cents to $2.00 on every pair of shoes purchased at this store. BURT SHOE CO. Partly Self Service Furnace Heat AT LOW COST We have the Allen's Par lor Furnace in a plain fin ish which we can sell you for a little more than an ordinary good heater would cost you. But think of It a new typo furnace which sets above the floor and will do tho work of two or three or dinary stoves. Alleys Parlor Furnace Heats the healthful way by moist air circu lation and is kept clean as easily aa a piece of furniture. .Vitreous porcelain enamel finish in several colors, ,'- y f: ! Don't fail to stop by and sco a f urnaco mado to look like a piece of furniture , and to be installed above tho floor. : COX & I.E1S IIAIlDVm! " ' ; ; Asin:i!Oi:o,N.c. AalaaabtU CaUiaioa Jf k of near Asheboro. and av . Mr Mynck, of High Point, botku inving Fords, had a colisioo on th A.-heboro-High Point concrete nigfc a about half way between the tw towns Sunday night about 8:30 o'clock It is stated that Lee's car drifted t the wrong side of the road and raa. into Mynck's car breaking the front axile and radius rod and smashing U front and rear fenders on one side of lee s car. Neither of the drivers wer hurt. Robert Settle Ledbetter, aged 60, died suddenly of heart failure Sunday afternoon at His home in Rockingham. Is knot enough knot enough when not enough is not wanted or not and if not J. W. Wolff wanU to know why not. Is it not so or not that J. W. Wolff is selling shirts at wholesale prices or is be not. If he is not it is not neces sary to buy from him unless you are not disposed to not. Is it not wise to guess at this when you can be certain about the matter by calling on J.. W. WOLFF Asheboro, N. C I I I iiiil.iliilillllllllllllllllllltllllllllUlillllllUIHIIIIIlim any IIIMIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllNlllllllllllllllllllllltllUllllllllllltlHIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIlS i mi'.o rrfpnra. 1. CTk township.