TfrnrUjv October f, 124 LEGAL NOTICES THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C. i Pm Serea w ' NOTICE OF LAND SALE NOTICE OK EXECUTION SALE North Carotin. Curort Cour.ty Cset Lumber Company TS. r I Will n f H. Henanx w muira nenanx. By virtue of an order of the Super ior Loun in Uut certain proceeding entitled H. C. Kersey, adiSSSSS against L C Andrews et al, I will on the 27th day of October, 1924, at " 0 "oca M. at the court hnnu. CLERK p NOTICE Sort Carotin a, Randolph County. C M. Feme, Adny. of Reuben Cra ven, Dec'd, .lT ,,nderaLrrd from the Suwrior h.ghest bidder the followrnT aZ " B. cUon entmed " Governor, to furnish the state (rovem- County of Randolph, 5ourt of Guilford county, in the above ned tract of land. , Beginning at EtOT n been commenced before, the rnent with proof of rm enures that Before me, a JNotary ruWic in and Entitled action, I will, on Monday, stone 0n northwest corner of the Clerk, of said County for the purpose school children in this state an- being for the State and county aforesaid. 3rd day or nvnmwr, 1VZA, at vrev,e . nayworw home tract; ' kiiuk w dsu ssku u pi; awu, aiscruninaiea againsi in re:-fwci. u personally appearru mrs. n m. v i? o'clock M-, at tht court house door """" South on original line 26 Doles certain lands lying and being in the price of school books. Hammer, who, having been duly of Randolph, county, sell to the high- ? stne; thence East 18 1-2 poles; Franklinville township, Randolph In several speeches in the state, Mr. sworn according to law, depose and est bidder I or caan 10 satisfy said T "orw 48 Poles to stone; county, belonging to the late Reuben Meekins has been reported at having says that she is the publisher of The executions, there being two of the West 18 1-2 poles to the be- Craven, said matter to be heard by charged that geographies which cost Courier and that the following is, u same M u .ffn u0eJand , lii, TKrtDmg w. re Mre81nlr said Clerk on the 3rd day of Novem- children in North Carolina 11.25 each the best of her knowledge and belief, n&F&r tt!&Es t'cuT' r8 W" W and a true Tt ot "T; Se following described real estate Thu land " ld under a re-sale by,N- C, , fte defendantg then Carolina for 55 cents each. management, etc., of the aforesaid and which they had in said real es- recommendation of the commissioner PPear nd or demur to the In his statement, Mr. Dawson as- publication for the date shown in the tate on the 21st day of January, wno 8old the land in this proceeding Petition or the petitioner will apply serted that the charge had been in- above caption, required by the Act of 1924, or at any time thereafter: ' as he na the information, that the,01 te relief demanded in said peti- vestigated and that he had been in- August 24, 1912, embodied in section Being lots 42 and 43 of the map of !?' wi1 brin8 more money. ,tion. formed by A. T. Allen, superintendent 443, Postal Laws and Regulation.-, Dr. J. M. lomnnson property in we ay ol beptember, W. A. LOVETT, Dept., 0f public instruction, that the "state printed on the reverse of this form, t,-vt,xt Uerk Superior Court. 0f North Carolina is not only obtain-, to-wit : "vc" Unas. H. Redding, Atty for Plf't. Commissioner n jq g 24. virtue of execution directed to Hi Asheboro, N. C. offer for sale Mary I.Craven and R. H Craven. The above named defendants ill DAWSOJT ASKS MEEKINS TO Siainneet of the OmacnJup, Manage COME FORWARD WITH PKOOF meat. Circalaluw. Elc Required . By the Act of t ongrrM John G. Dawson, chairman of the of August 24, 1912. State Democratic executive cmmil- tee, in a statement issued lat Thurs- Of The Courier puthheo weekly ; day afternoon, calls upon Isac M. Aiheboro for October I, Meekins, Republican candidate for State of North Carolina, NOKlOLK SOI TMLKN KAlLKOAl HtSMAf.KKMHElMUv Effective September 14. 1924 AclicLroru, -N C I'aii Except Suri.!a Leave ts 00 A. M.---Aberieen, Kllerbe J. til 11, .C r . . -fvllrt VC Co.iIlCClJ At Star for Raleigh, Charlotte -nd in- t'-'it' tt Leave 3.45 P. M. Aberdeen and in trrnieviitfLe pouiifc Arrive 4:30 from Aberdeen and in iur tickets, pullinan re.erv anuns an nformation adiiresn or appl Vo I. D (U'RKHEADI Air-nt. Ashetiro V A PROBLEM Pcad this list: cuts,, chafing, insect bites, skisi iniecucns, bums, bculs, aid sore, eczema, ring worm, ground itch, dandruff, prickly beat, barber's itch, pimples, sunburn, bLsters, rashes, sore feet and foot and toe infection. Ail of us meet with on or an other of thess almost erarjr day. The problem is how to take car of them, heal them, prevent infec tion. The answer is LICARBO. This powerful liquid antiseptic and germicide relieves th pain, kUks the germs snd heals immediately. Buy a bottle of LICARBO from your druggist and jour problem k solved. STANDARD DRUG COMPANY Asheboro, N. C Archdale recorded in plat book No. 1, pae 7 t"8 Register of Deeds office of Randolph county, N. C. Said lots fronting 50 feet each on the east .side of David street and being each . 50 feet wide in the rear, and 200 feet leep. Beginning at a stake Epsie Allred's corner in Z. Cox's line and running N. 86 1-2 deg. W. 47 1-2 poles to a 1924. 4t 10 2 24 NOTICE NOTICE OF LAND SALE ing these books as cheaply as possi- That the names and addresses ble, but that under the contracts of the publisher, editor, managing ed which the state has entered into with itor, and business managers are: each publisher that if a publisher ad-' Publisher, Mrs. Wm. C. Hammer, vertises one of his books at a lower 1 Asheboro. Editor, Wm. C. Hammer, Asheboro, N. C. Local Editor, H. H. "Walker, Ashe.boro, N. C. Having qualified as administrator By virtue of an order of re-sale en- te f" Sme ""t on the estate of James Burton, de- tered by the Clerk Superior Court of t1 " ' t ceased, hefnre n M WootKo-i,, , , ' . . in North Carolina, this one act auto- stake; thence S. 3 1-2 deg. W. 11 poles Clerk of Superior Court of Randolph Kan,00'Pn co.un 'n tfte P?CUU - reduces the ice in the to a stake; thence S. 86 1-2 deg. E. county; All persons having claims 71" e- ,ea ,7t,V. 61 state of North Carolina. 47 1-2 poles to a stake Bertha Little against said estate are notified to ? 3 ' f '? 1 "Moreover," continued Mr. Dawson, comer; thence N. 3 1-2 E. 11 poles present them to the undersized. Hn. 6th, 1924. the undersigned offers for ., .,.. ii tJnrtn COntainin 4 , y "or iJ. 1st day sale at public auction to the .highest i bond to arry out al, provisi(ns of the -- " wwuci i, vi una nuuuc win uiuuci, iui vaon, u.i mc ficiiuoco m that if a nuh sher should Also 4 acres described in deed re- be pleaded in bar of their recovery; Randleman Township, County of Ran-1 fntCH S f inin' his hnTs corded in Book 208, page 405, 6 1-2 ; and all persons bwing said estate wil ' dolph, State of North Carolina, at be fou"d f"y ,of f11"1 bo0S acres in Book 208, page 406, 6 acres come forward and make immediate 1 9 Xlock P M on Saturday the 25th ln a"other sta f less than he sells in Book 208, page 407, and 7 1-2 settlement. Z ocloV: oo7 tu!y,if this state, the state of North Caro- acres in Book 208, page 411, Regis ter's Office of Randolph county. This the 80th day of September, Business Manager, Mrs. Hammer, Asheboro, N. C. z. that the owner is Wm. C. Wm. 1924. 5t 10 2 24. A C. COX, Sheriff. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE fiHv nr tiCTirwr. iaz4. ine Toiiiiwiiiir , . . , .1 i This 23rd day of September, 1924. i described lands to-wit- Una couldlJecoyer on 8 Dona- , A F nilRTnv ah, jdescriDed lands, to wit. If Mr. Meekins has any proof of A. L. BUKION. Admr., Tract No. 1. Beginning at a stone , M riowcnn nosortH "he 6t pd 9 25 24 High Point, N. C. I in the road John VanWary's corner : hl charfe" D,awson. asserted, he ln ,me ro.aQ' nn an"afys c"rnff will confer a real service upon the and running West 11 chains and 14 , government and the people of NnTlrP j 1'nksut 0a sone ln F.le 8 ,!ln,e; tbence the state by coming forward with that South 13 chains and 70 links to a proof." Pursuant to authority given in a certain mortgage deed bearing date -of January 21, 1920, given by I. N. Watson and his wife, L. V. Watson, to J. B. Smith, said mortgage deed being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Randolph coun ty in Book 195, on page 293, the same having been given to secure the payment of a note or bond of twelve hundred ($1200.00) dollars of .even date therewith, and default hav ing been made in the payment of said bond and interest due thereon, and the same now being passed due, the undersigned mortgagee will at 12 o'clock, M., on Saturday the 11th day of October, 1924, at the court house door in Asheboro, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following tract or parcel of land, sit uate, lying and being in Back Creek township, Randolph county, North Carolina, and being more fully de scribed by metes and bounds as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone, Sandy Swaim's corner, running North 33 ' stone in the original line and in Dick's , Having qualified as administrator i line; thence East 10 chains to a ; prjt LaFollette-Wheeler Ballots on the estate of James Caveness, de ceased, before D. M. Weatherly, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county; All persons having- claims against said estate are notified to fire sent them to the undersigned, du y verified, on or before the 13th day of September, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery; and all persons owing said es tate will come forward and make im medate settlement. This 23rd day of August, 1924. J. M. CAVENESS, Admr., 6t pd. 9 11 24 Ramseur, N. C. CLERKS'S NOTICE stone in the road; thence nearly North with the road 14 chains and 50 links por the past few weeks there has to the beginning, containing 14 1-2 Deen gome discussion as to whether acres, more or less, the same being me state would furnish ballots for lot No. 1 of the Jarrell land. Tract No. 2. Beginning at a stone the LaFollette-Wheeler ticket for the general election. According to the North Carolina, Randolph County. In the Superior Court. W. M. Jordan ! VS- - I f tul .,1,K lon.linir frnm New Rosa Davis Jordan. f xT ,, tw The defendant will take notice that Salem to Randleman; running thence an action entitled as above has been South 69 degrees West four chains commenced in the Superior Court of and 48 links to a stone; Lineberry's chains to a pine stump; thence West , Randolph county, by plaintiff against line; thence North 21 degrees East 30 chains and 30 links to a stone in , defendant, for the purpose of secur- one chain and sixty eight links to a the Coltrane line; thence South 33 i ing an absolute divorce; and the said fnnp ;n l.ineberrv's line: thence N. Milton Lamb's corner; running thence ; opinion of Attorney General Manning West 11 chains and 57 links to a there is no particular authority for stone in a meadow; thence North 13 I the printing of the ballots and noth- chains to a stone; thence West 14jing specifically against it. The state chains to a stone in Ingold line (now j board of elections announces that it Thom. Kirkman's) thence North 11 j wjn have the ballots printed and dis chains to a stone, Lewis Hughes cor- j tributed. The ballots will carry the ner (formerly Parson); thence Eastjnames of the 12 LaFollette-Wheeler on Hughes line, 11 chains and 75 links ! electors for North Carolina. Demo to a stone in said Hughes line, Milton Cratic and Republican leaders endors Lamb's corner; thence South 25 de- j ed the request of the LaFollette men grees East 25 chains to the beginning, : f or the printing and distribution of containing 25 acres, more or less. the ballots and no political difficulties Tract No. 3. Beginning at a stone are anticipated over the act. ( Baldwin's corner) on the East side, TRINITY NEWS hains to Coltrane's line; thence East defendant will further take notice 69 degrees East four chains and 48 uiai. sue is ieMu ,eu jw"' , ijnks to a stone in the edge of said 36 chains and 30 links to the begin-1 ring, containing one hundred (100) acres, more or less. This land is being resold by reason of an advanced bid having been placed -on the price at which it was bid off at a former sale. This the 22nd day of September, 1924. J. B. SMITH, 2t 10 2 24 Mortgagee. NOTICE OF LAND SALE By virtue of an order of the Super ior Court of Randolph County in that certain proceeding entitled J. B. Allen t al, against Carl Rich, I will on the 11th day of October, 1924, at 12 o'clock M., sell at public auction to "the highest bidder at the court house door 5i Asheboro, Randolph county, N. C, the following described real state: First Tract: Situated, being and ly ing in the County of Randolph on the -waters of Uwharrie river and bound ed as follows: Beginning at a forked yum on the East bank of said river and running, thence North 85 degrees JEast on Bingham's line 22 1-2 chains to a stake; thence North 13 chains -to a Sawood Debark Show's comer; -thence West on his Una 24 1-2 chains Ho a pine; thence North 12 chains and p.6 links to a black oak; thence North "75 degrees West 29 chains to a small , pine in the old Held; thence north 85 degrees West 6 1-8 chains to a pop lar tree on sign oans) tnence noru 19 degrees West 2 1-2 chains to a ' tikkonr tree on the east bank of aid river sbovs the bank) thence down said river to the various courses t tht beginning, containing 116 acres jturrw or less. Terms of sale upon confirmation, this the 20th day of September, 1924. This sale is made on account of a fcld baring been placed on the former Hd, JOHN T. BRTTTAIN, , 3t 10 i 24 Commissioner. v office of the undersigned in the court The high school opened last Mon day morning with a good attendance. Work is going on as well as could be expected on the new building consider ing the unfavorable weather. Miss Mary Johnson is spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 3. That the known bondholders, . mortgages, and other security hold- ? ers owning or holding 1 per cent or -more of total amount of bonds, Mortg- ages, or other securities are: None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the own- jj ers, stockholders, and security hold ers, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the ; stockholder or security holder ap pears upon the books of the company ; as trustee or in any other fiduciary i relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements ; embracing affiant's full knowledge 1 and belief as to the circumstances and i conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not ap- ; pear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securi ties than as so statsd by him. .MRS. Wm. C. HAMMER, Publisher and Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of October, 1924. E. H. MORRIS, , (Seal) Notary Public. My commission expires May 4, 1925. I I I I I I I ii il I II III I I ft, I Jill III I I I I'll ,1 i,.iiliiliil;IluliHiHinulnliil.iliHunwn Bad Weather Ahead It is time to Reroof and Repair Let us show you our Bird's Asphalt Roofings, Cedar Shingles, Flooring, Ceil ing, Siding, Sheathing, Framing, Mould ings, Casings, Mantels, etc. ASHEBORO WHEELBARROW CO. Asheboro, N. C. General Founders and Machinists iilMliiiMiiiiiaiiiiliiiiiliitii;iiilniiiliiiiii iiii.inii:ii iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiii'iiiiiuiiiiiriiiiniiiiimiiintiitmif For membership in the "Keep quiet with Coolidee Club", we nominate Erie AlKot Fall PVinrlev Fnrhes nnd Har- gneu in me cuuii, . o..,u oi .i, wt 1 " . 7 . . , house, at Asheboro, Randolph county, roa" ult"lc,ouu " , f. r . X Johnson on North Main street. ry Daugnerty. North Carolina, on the 25th day of one chain and sixty eigne iinKs w uie j We deeply regret having to give up i October, 1924, and answer or demur j beginning corner, containing o- , Qur paj)tor ReV- j. e. Woosley, but I to the complaint in said action, or the ! acres, more or less. i tnjs makes his fourth year on this plaintiff will apply to the court for Tract No. 4. Beginning at a stone the relief demanded in said complaint, j susanna Bladen's comer, now Charlie 1 Muster William Ingram, of the This the Z5th day of beptember, T,nmhV runninir thence South 69 de- i Ttsvnn TiirAt oovttinn la ctauino" with ' SAY "BAYER" when you buy-e Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fop Colds Headache Neuralgia 'Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer" .package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 DrugjrisU. Aspirin la Uw tnd mirk of Buu Uuraacton at Mooo1nrMwr ot BaHqUoitM 4t 9 25 24 TT A flhainc anA AH llnlrd tf R D CWkWSIrioErRCoYu'rt.lstone- Susanna Balden's corner' n0W Clerk Superior Court. , them,e g n degrees NOTICE his aunt, Miss Ida Ingram, out at "Landsdowne", and attending the high school. William was partly reared here. The protracted meeting which was to have been held in South Trinity, but was postponed, will probably be- West 1 chain and 68 links to a stone; thence North 69 degrees W. 4 chains and 48 links to a stone on East side iof New Salem and Randleman road; rnnH N 21 detrrees Having qualified as executor on the . . ,, fiB linlra tn th beirin-, ... .r.. o .L t .f. u, u PVo,i, HoH - 1 " I Mm" -ate craven, " -- : .nnii mnir 1-4 acres, more or before D. M. Weatherly, Cleric of the Superior Court of Randolph county; i less- . oaiu sale i nuujcw " ation of the court. This the 6th day of October, 1924. L. R. HUGHES, Commissioner, 3t 10 9 24 Randleman, N. C. All persons ' having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly veri fied, on or before the 27th dav of September 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 23rd day of September, 1924. T. S. BOULDIN, Extr., 6t pd 9 25 24 Trinity, N. C. NOTICE OF LAND SALE NOTICE . ." - Haying Qualified as administrator ' Von tht MtaU of Marr V. Pstty, oW- md, before D. U. Westerly, elsrk "f-ofths svneric4r court of Randolpb . runty All persona Tiarlnf elalras against said ntat ara aeUflad to ' raMnt thsra to tho anflarnignad, da ly ertflsd, on or baforo tba U day f Optombar, 192S, or this tiotiot will ' ! plwadad in bar of their recovery f . mrA all aarsons owing said tstaU will oma forward and make immediate ettiomwit, ' , ... ' Tela 80 dT of Arnm. 1924. , G. E. I'UTY, Admr- t 4 U - r Archdale, N.C BALE J OTICE Tty Ylrttis of Ui powrr ef suls enn Tfh!nd In a for'-'" "e rjc-j e,utd . Jllnrch 27, 15 by V,. A. Jnirt.l.! snd " ..", I i!.,.y Hum'''", nit! r'fniod In , liaok !'' r"'i 'i - I e!-'-r- Of- .fee of Kr. i.Mjh CViunty, I . I, on .riatnrday, the 11th Hoy cif (, ' -1B24, at 13 a'cbKk M., t U tmwt 'riotma door In A'il"ro, N. il ' 'to the fclit liiii'ir for uli tha ful , .lowing oWrilxwi rl entsUi A tract of land in Grant towniMp, , fr1nnlng at stma, t! old nmr, r.n Vt I ehs. to a tnn Un - .: 'i rSSt ehs. to a tfm; lhnra - f. J rh. to a fret osk riiw rnn; ' - --,rth 43 !'() cl,s. to a By virtu of an order of the Super ior Court In that certain proceeding entitled R. F. Spencer, et al, against Lloyd Brewer, Jr., et al, I will on the advertisements 27th day or October at IX o'clock, M., at the court house door at Asheboro, N. C, offer for ssla to the highest bidder the following described tract of land: . Beginning at a cedar south of tha Meadow branch; thence southeast 11 chains and 82 links to a dogwood; thence soath 4 chains and 85 links to a stales; thence West 1 chain an4 6 links to pine; thence South 4 chains and 25 links to a stake; thence South 61 East 29 chains and 50 links to s stake; tbeoea North 4 chains and 86 links to a pine stump; thence East 10 chains and 10S links to a white oak; thence North chains snd 75 links to a stake; thenea Wast 78 East 21 chains and 78 links io a stake ; thence North 10 East II Chains to a stake; thenea North 11 chains to a whits oak; thenea North 11 Wast 1 chain and 84 links to an iron wood an tha North side of tha Btaadow branch thane tfp said branch l.thaln and 75 links to a stake; thane North 79 r.jrt 14 chains te a tUka thance with the Tsrious eoarsea of said branch 82 rods to aa iron woodi thanes 8oath rods to tha beeinrirng, eon Ulning flftr (60) aeree more or Was, Terms at sale cash apoiieonflnne This 0 17th day of Septembei 1824. ' JOHN T. PIUTTAIN, 4t 10 1 84 ' Commission ! short time here recently, has returned 1 to Durham. j Mrs. Welbom, mother of Mr. Er i nest Welborn, is spending some time j with him in South Trinity. ! Mr. Robert Royals has returned to Chapel Hill. i Miss Ina Royals is clerking in her .father's store in North Trinity. I People are talking electric lights , about here. A number have had the "SeHcia Cynthia's sister seems silly lights put in. since Cynthia says she saw Selicia i Mrs. Osborn, of High Point, sister steal steel scissors from Solicitor Ta- j of Mrs. Millls Farlow, is visiting her turn Cyrus Littleton." in South Trinity. Mr. J. W. Wolff has kindly sub- ... i . m. -'-..J-.- i mitted to tne readers oi ira More than 11,000,000 passengers TONGUE TWISTER W J micmw, jt-.f Oil in a, the above tongue twister. Everybody I were carried by London's underground knows Mr. Wolff and reads his unique railroad busses and tramways over the week-end lately. ' 1 4 A NOTICE TTot tat fra U. M t ll fi . to a i' (i fi I 1 iTinj fnialiflM s axertitor 00 the of I ! Moon, rfareL b Vtth.rl, a.rk af tha 8'inrlir (xiort of Randolph eountf, All prtm$ hsvlnf elalms sralnit said aataU era Tinflfitd to presant thra to the otvkrnlirna-l, duly wri "'I, on or bf"r tha Sith dif of 'on , ; f. 'onUr, 1 ,, r notlc wilt ba r '9 !"d In Yt tit thfir revry; and 1 r-r.." o:- I idi will ' t -'a-l t. i p als lmrrii!;ta l. "x 5- 7k 900.000 Buicfcs rindaIy service drove, Eaicli psriormance. leads in bsn MOST anybody can drive a car, but looking after it is really a mechanic's job. The trouble is that lots of people Just drive and drive and drive. Aa long aa the car goes they think everything is O.K. Men with some mechanical training get the moat out of their can. They know that they must oil in advance. It's usually too lata if you wak till a squeak develop or a bearing heats up. Still, anyone with a mechanical turn of mind can acquire the habit of paying proper attention to lubri cation. There Just one safe rule. Oil and grease on a definite schedule a mileage basis. Make it a matter of regular routine. It is not a question of once a week or once a month, but every 500 miles, 1000 mile or 1500 miles, depending on the part of the car to be lubricated. It doe not really take long to oil a car properly and if pay for itaelf over and over again in smooth run ning, low repair and long Ufcu, If you are in doubt as to where when, and how to oil, take your carVound to your service man. Watch him put in the MStandarcT Polarina Motor OIL Next time you will ba abU to do most of it yourself. V i V; Changing the crank case ofl U tha main lubrication Job. Also the dir tiest. It will usually pay to hava it done for you. "Standard? Servka Stations and most "Staodanf deal ers are equipped to do It tor'you promptly and welL ' ' Save yourself time, trouble ana money by starting on a regular oU ing schedule today. j , ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jcney) M 1 Mss atraMMssffaasBaaai - AT I 1 1 aa casiaci loe yoaw mam. Csosak roar eealer'e Polsria cttart ebeeJIkt .u-ie-A E. LHEDRiat, DEALER .- ' A'!;:1;o'ro,N.C' . . "" .--v al ', ' v tixhibi the tirolln Expi'tlon, aarlolte, I;, c, il ! h . I" V.! I cm i

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