ISSUED WEEKLY , PBINOPIX3, N OTIIEN A YILUl I!rADVA ' . TOLCMI XUX " t,i,l,.ft,Xmik CmtT u . ,.-. , .sTUXrt fa WcMowh County s -:mM 's Detailed Statement of Finances Refutes Keouoi icon Misrei)ieniaonS Th complete statement of the fin- statement and the Republicans given 'baaed their campaign on facta and ancial condition of Randolph county credit for it loot fancies of some man's or aet of as furnished to the county eommia- j Not only hare the eeanty'i finances ; men's imaginations, ai oners by ilr. F. J. Phillips, State been economically conducted, but the1 , The issue is clear. Shall the people representative of Crawford, Stull and people of the county have been Bared i be deceived or shall they have the Company, auditors, is reproduced during the 22 months of the Demo- I truth on which to base their votes herewith. This statement is made out cratic administration the amount of ' next Tuesday ? by a company af accountants who deal in cold facta and figures and a com pany that has ao interest in any man ner whatsoever with the political con ditions or situations in Randolph ecrnnty or any ether comity in the state. It is on facts and figures com piled from records on which every county, municipal corporation, or private corporation in the country baaes its business for a fiscal year. It is, therefore, on such statements that the business' and financial affairs of Randolph county are conducted, not upon tie word Or propaganda circulat ed by any politician or aet el politic ians. The records from which these statements are taken are open to pub lic inspection in the court house at Asheboro and the books may be ex amined at any time by any and every cititen of the county who has the de sire to go to the records. It is true, $21,243.67 by the placing of the county ! Shall Randolph county continue to officers on a salary basis. This aav- have efficient Democratic government mg is itemised as follows: ior shall it again be turned over to the Saved in Treasurers Com- : Republicans for another orgy of ex missions 12,901.02 travagance? All-time county com mis- sioners saved 2,750.00 Listing and computing tax es 2,941.15 Sheriffs commissions sav ed over salaries paid... 1,721.42 Register of Deeds saved 1 over salaries paid 164.50 ' Clerk of Court saved over salaries paid 765.58 of the finances of -the eouaty, dated f schedules supporting items, appearing October , 1924,". li correct, xelusiva financial statement. - m have of the School Funds over which vw have no control, I would also appre ciate an expUaanw of the -direct ef fect of a loan to the SUtesef Uerth , Carolina, such as", has recently- been made for the purpose of, ipmA r eon- . struction. - ' Thanking you in advance lor jour prompt attention . to this matter; 1 am, ' r ' ' ' j Yours very truly, C. C, CRANFORD, , ' Member Board C Commissioners. Copy to: . . Asheboro Courier p"- ' . x Randolph Tribune. Total saving for 22 months 21,243.67 Seldom in any political campaign has deception been more resorted Asheboro, N. C. October 25, 1924. Mr. F. J.- Phillips, State Representa tive, Crawford, Stull Co., Auditors, : Asheboro, North Carolina. - Dear Sir: Asheboro, N. C. 1 Will you please furnish me a com- j October 27 1924, plete financial statement of Randolph Mr. C. C. Cranford, Member ! County in duDlicate as of October 1st Board Countv Commissioners. . 1924, also copy in duplicate of the Asheboro, North CawUna. for road construction would have on affairs as presented by the State ! Dear Sir: ' "e financial position of the county. Bureau of County Auditinsr. Dated i In accordance with'.Vottr leanest of ilt will not effect it in any way except December 4, 1922, the date on which ! October 25, 1924, we yve prepared the current expense of accrued inter- the Democratic nartv went into office financial statements of Randolph est that Will be paid from time to emitted this on account of time, bat refer you to the General County Led ger which supports each Hem appear ing thereon in detail, except the 1924 tax levy which was takes from the tax books, and which has not bees verified by us. We are of the opinion however, that the figures shown en this item are reasonably correct. In regard t the correctness of your statement of October 6, 1924, we will say that the notes payable, other than those of the School Board was cor rect JWe find that during the month f September there was a payment of wfll offset the amount of the county's find fl XZm liability. jdit report dated D'' wc . mm Yivw CO., ly spent the mau sum o. mora than WO IW WKrn in... Tours very truly. CRAWFORD, STULL (Signed) By F. J. Phillips, North Carolina, Representative. By permission, copy to: Asheboro Courier Randolph Tribune Asheboro, N. C. October 28, 1924. Mr. C. N. Cox, Chairman $1000.00 made on Bridge and Road Republican Executive Committee, Bonds wQch you failed to show, which , Asheboro, North Carolina, will reduce the bonds outstanding by Dear Sir: that amount. As promised in my letter to you on You asked us Just what effect the September 8rd, 1924, I am handing loan to the State of North Carolina you a complete financial statement oi I hope that 1 to publish this une this week. I the County of Randolph, including the school funds, as prepared by the firm of Crawford Stull & Company, who are employed by the county to audit the books for the year 1924. This by the Republican party than in this campaign. Not only have the Repub licans spread their vicious propagan da from every stump in the county, but "they have also refused to publish ' that some have gone to the records the truth of the county's affairs is ' and after having done so have pub- evidenced by the statement of the ! to i the -nnntv I fVmntv nf the, fab renneatmt riH time, until the notes have been paid audit is' up to October 1st, 1924, and Also advise me if the statement got- I enclose them herewith In 'dupllcte. ' off, as yon will hold a note, or other .takes into consideration the 1924 tax IwfciUit io onotnniaW tn mmaM ! evidence of the indebtedness which i levy which is now. due. You will also r Chm. Codv to: Randolph Tribune) j, Asheboro Courier j, t. Asheborellt & .pet 287 132 MrW. W. Brown, 'v-'- '- R. T. D., Asheboro, If- C. . ,i " uear oir: . i l I note your letterPP addressed to me, and printed Tribune; if you wiU read each, eftea lar you will find one has school tufctt , , and the last onljr - Coty niattera - , other than school funds, both ments are correct. ' ' - i 1 C. C CBANFOED. j . lished and broadcasted statements of the financial condition of the county that are absolutely at variance with the facts. It is not the fault of the county administration or the audiors if these parties have not gotten the figures correctly. Those who exam ined the books and broadcasted the statement under the signatures of the chairman and the secretary of - the Randolph county Republican executive committee either could not take a cor rect and complete statement of the county's finances off the books, or else deliberately made a statement that was not borne out by the facts. In order that the people of the county might know to the exact penny the financial condition of the county, Mr. C. C. Cranford asked for a de tailed statement from the auditors. Thil statement was offered to the Tribune, the official organ of the Re publican party in Randolph county, for publication as a matter of general Interest and information to the citi zenship of the county. The Tribune auditors. The plain truth is that the Republi cans having made their inaccurate statement of the condition of the county prefer to continue in their de ception during the remainder of the campaign in order that as many as possible of the voters of the county may be led astray by their false fig ures. Not only this, but also the Republi cans at the outset refused to melt the Democratic candidates in joint debate so that the people might be able to judge for themselves between the statements of the two opposing par ties. Since the Republican party re fused to meet the Democratic candi dates and discuss the affairs of the county the Democrats have been striv ing to bring the truth home to ,the people in order that they may not be misled by a wilful propaganda sup- 3' County of Randolph, Asheboro, North Carolina, Statement of Current Assets anLiabqities,December 4th, 1922. (Exhibit "A") 1 J Assets Cash and Bank Balances Cash Due from other Funds .... i , Cash with County Superintendent . . Amount Due 1920 Levy Amount Due 1921 Levy . . . . Amount Due 1922 Levy , Amount Due on "B" and "C" Taxes Due from State Equalizing Fund . , Notes Receivable and Interest Lands Bought Tax Sales Treas. Com. from other Funds . . . , . e . 3 III III Ha all- o 5 as 9 C to "5 a 9139.03 9418.14 2.74 .7817.32 : 6355.27 ' 95618.33 110.49 128456.82 12367.63 717.45 1 471.47 476.46 5590.37 19623.38 70511.44 ported only by the statements of cam paign orators. Facts and figures speak for them selves. If the Republican party had : ' - first agreed.ta print the statement asH, desired to be fair it would have rn-tb-j '- reproduced herewith, and copies of first place sent its candidates to everv the statement were furnished the sturrm in the countv tn meet the Ttem. ! paper. In the afternoon of the same ocrats in joint debate. In the second day Mr. Cranford, who tendered the place the leaders, of the party would statement to the Tribune, was inform- have permitted the publication of ed by the editor, Mr. Elmore, that this accurate statement of the county he would not publish the statement, finances by the official auditors in Then Mr. Cranford asked for a page their party organ. In the third place advertisement in the Tribune in which instead of getting up a set of unsup to publish the statements reproduced ; ported figures they would have sought herewith and his request was granted j correct statements and would have with the understanding that he would pay the regular page advertising rate, 138.00, and the matter to be marked "Political Advertising." Tuesday night Mr. Cranford was informed by Mr. Elmore that he would not publish the statement under any consideration whatever. This' statement with the exception of the school funds, over which the county commissioners have no author ity, is identical with the statement published by Mr. C. C. Cranford, a member of the board of county com missioners, in a recent issue of The Courier and sent by Mr. Cranford to every voter in the county, except that Mr. Cranford's statement showed $1, 000.00 more indebtedness than this tatamant ahowa. The reason for . A this difference lies in the fact that in ?k RanMh oniwV was drawn bv tba meat on a bond which was due Oc tober 1st, and the bond had not been returned .to the commissioners when Mr. Cranford issued a statement of . "the county finances. The' records of the county, as re produced in the statement, show that the. set Indebtedness of the county ; October eth, 1924, U Just 65,120J8 tor than it was on December 4th, 1922, when the Bepubllcaa office ' holders reUnquUhed the affairs of the . . county te the present Democratic ad ,' tniniatration. .The ttatemett baa been ; inade by the Republicans that the ' present administration baa increased , the Indebtedness of the eounty over I 1000,000, This is false as the etate yment of the auditor! will bowV - No eounty administration i the Ust eight years baa aecompUsbed . U ' . much in 22 months wit J little ' pendlture as has the present eounty Democratic administration, and at the S same time paying interest ana matur- J' big bonds and other evidence of o . debtedneas created by the JUpablicans - ' during their years administration of the county! affairs. Every dollar of at. , . W . t m i aniHltl m pvopis s OTOTwy attM vw- c!ly rrH t tVie best advantage, 71 c t ' V i Into eonaldera- t!n -- '.'.ji-.'1 ' H r BOW duo. X i ' ' '-T,t of tJie cnn.i;ii..n t ic 1 kcm!f tLh, i ... f t t'- 15:2 t-M UVm k.w tM! :.-raUon la U.lsK Fund Deficit . . . Totals ; $128456.32!$90134.82 10066.14 10368.06 436.85 3732.00 40196.27 1942.70 2000.74 31.94 286.70 5993.33 2369.081 2440.10 10.65 286.69 3995.55 N 10255.41 . 64799.82 2392.36 $67191.681$10255.41$9102bT s S04TO 2110.78 7.72 99.00 1035.81 Pi - d -1- , tf-i . ....) 9102.07 5302.12 $5302.12 56.56 5523.84 5580.40 13.38 122.67 14128 1548.33 in 361.001 259276 R71.8SI 26704.65 w - I 2.7d ' - 8317.86 10938.89' 166142.54 717.45 471.4X v-9 476.46 p. , 5590.37 ' 73231 245400.18"r' , rt f 1 w ft i $5580.40l$1548.33ll7S2T83l$245400.18 4s lit " Cash Due to Other Funds ....... A . . . " 26071.85 ; 632.80 . y 26704.65 . . -. , . Over Paid by. Sheriff, 1920 Leyy .1..... 5382.56 I 5382.56 -v - Over Paid by Sheriff, 1921 Levy .&fcr 1621.22 ..... . Lx , . . ' I S&Z'l''i.JS Vouchers Outstanding 8161.871 1773.35 5650. " P " 1 ' sMIa! Notes Payable 40500.00 54200.00 63339.88; 5000.00 163039.88 ' , Over Charges to be Refunded 206.76 j ,??X"Aa ' ' ' ' ' State Loan Fund 1610.00 112 S2 i ( : Treasurers Commissions Due 879.08, j ZH5 " Treas. Commissions Due General Fund 1481.27 3795.50! 165.28 50.001 20.10) 75.22 5590.37 51756.14 90134.82! 67191.68 5165.28 50.00 20.10 708.02 215026.04- -i Funds Surplus 76700.18 ! 5090.13 9052.07 5282.02 1 5580.40 840.3 732.83 - ' " ; ' Current Surplus All Funds I -1-1 30374.14 , , Totals "$128456.32 $90134.82 $67191.68 $10255.41$9102.07 t?5302. 12 i $5580.40 $ 154 8.33 1 $732.83 $245400.18 County of Randolph, Asheboro, North Carolina, Statement of Current Assets and Liabilities, October 1st, 1924 (Exhibit X) s-g 05 il a c Assets Cash and Bank Balances Cash Due from other Funds Cash with Co. Supt T. F. Bulla . Amount Due on 1923 Tax Levy . Amount Due on 1924 Tax Levy . Notes Receivable . . ... Accounts Receivable Lands Bought at Tax Sale Due from State Equalizing Fund Funds Deficit Totals B&fc. 69183.55! 2.74 5460.86 119061.02 110.49 I9SL516 $193818.16 c o c 1108.39 1530.07 32509.66 750.00 125.00 1853.14 22281.86 J S m 5623.69 23398.43 790.97 50854.19 5 O M E BS B a c mot -Six 80717.28 85204.79 683.74 8885.77 1569.51 6553.94 "7707.17 896.43 5094.49 47.98 4840.13 16879.63 751.83 5172.48 67.48 1474.07 5924.81 1541.55 109.66 623.17 732.83 1 . u c " 958.01 5444.49 E 1 "o C S, . m e 3 -5 en SC 6402.50 995737 75.43 10123.17 9450.16! 22696.12 20156.17 150.91 20246.34 29847.41 $61B7.e2;$1189207$4569.5l,$77O7.17:$16W9.O3;$5924.5i$ 129a45 289"86.57 $23986.57 25.97 147.61 $173J 1 S m 1 ' ,55 121896.52 45147.90 2.74 8875.03 125.00 .1853.14 110.49 4243323 Us.) 8112.99 51490.60 134214X7 15000.66 747.20 14000.00 206.76 203.00 "6T5T57762 922.07 115000 J)0 li922.07i Liabilities Cash Due to Other Funds Vouchers Outstanding Note Payable Over Charges Payable State of North Caro. (Marriage , Funda Surplua ' Current SurpKi All Funds . Totals. i 't- , . . . ...... ' ' i ' PONDS AND LONG TERM INDEBTEDNESS ' v OCTOBlJl JaT liza Refunding Bonds . . 1- IT . J V.ll T J ' County Home' Bond i..,,', ' if. rt i 1 I - ruiuic .noma ikjuub .h..,,,1,1... x .. . t- U15822.07 4569.51 7707.17 10879.03 5924.31 $5924.31 147.24 1471 1391.31 732.83 $i541.55;$732.S3 1001.25 9971.80 5000.00 9000.00 1001.251 14971.801 9000.00 6402.50 19154.921 14875.61 14986.57 173.58 45147.6T lS5490Xa ! . , ',20i.7ff T3.Q 4 t : Roads alid"-Brldg Eonds... jrf.a,..i-. Liberty Tovnahip School Bonda . . Rjwdlcmaa Township. Road Bonds Funding Bonds m Farmer School Bonds ....... 50000.00" 14000.00 eoooo.oo' : 46000.00 150000.00 ' 8000.00 '. 25000.00 122000.00 , 23000.00 , BONDS AND LONG TERM INDEBTEDNESS DECEMBER 4T11, 1922 Refunding Bonds Court IIoum and Jail Bonds County Root Bonds i -V- 1 -. Total Bonds outstanding ... ' ' -' Stata Literary Loan tor School Uoraca ..w.-- 8775.00 State Special Building Fund Loan for school boosts) 13K00.OO , i " 1474000.00 - Total SUU Notct.. 'Griml TotAl .XaaitCurrtiit Eurplaa. (Exhibit "i") '-? "v Net' aunty Dtrui OcLLcr i.t, 14227S.00 Public Roads Bonda . . M M . . .M Road and Bridff Bond ,.,MIMMMM.IM, Randleman TownahJp Road Bonds Llbarty School Bonds " Total Bonds OnUtandbff .,. StaU Spdal Buildinf Funds .-. ' ' , . .. Grand Total tmm m n Lias Current Surplus (Exhibit "A") Nal County Defldt Dscember 4, 1922 Kct loertass 12-4-22 to 10-M221 . 50000.00 18000.00' 80000.00 97000.00 150000.00 20000.00 8000.00 . i . - .... ; 40000.00 873000.00 V fi:

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