Pijt Four THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C. t l. Hi Sir h Ir A a- 1 4 Yr V ill: 1 THE COURIER fCBUSHED EVERY THURSDAY Thursday, November 20, 1924 Entered as second class mail matter k the postoffice at Asheboro, N. C 3 Farira Arf7.rtl.lnl Rcprnttiv 7H AMERIC AN PRESS ASSCK-IA .Q. This Is the season when the minds af the loyal, true ciuien remember the orphan children Kvery North Carolina citiren is exoectevi to con tribute one day'.-. wajrt' or income to the support of orphan children on Thanksgiving I'a THE MATTER F NKliKO I'ATH IN KDL'- North Car.. I' within the ne'. for the eiiuca' : This is ni"r North ("a'. ' 1895 to r'i' 1 appropriate .ir- .'1. ',()( 10. (1(10 ni .rri' citiz'n a .-)t lit l -'at' . t'rnm ,i i. f..r Loth white ar-i : n- Pr..f. N .' V " :' .-up- erinu-,'!- : ' '' '' ' school :. .. . .-,-. edui ..' ! ..! .: uefo:-'- a . " t;on ni 1 T!y " " ':r..-i, a arc ex.'.;. ' i a "i'"d be j. on-! i : " -r '"'a'..-- in charHi-:.--. '- ''i : "f 1 ivmr a:ai education ;i::.t :.! r ; avod t i meet t!n- a-" merits a ! ' a Carolina has !': pie. It .-pan-i education, and i be one s'ah.lnr. i! u . r;. North ncL'ro p.oo fur their here should r- and not i-iliio;;.-helieve- I for teach two. The conferr-nc" pa. scd a resolution asking the np.st ireneral assembly to provide a college for tho education of teachers for tho colored race. Neprro education, in spite of the amount of money appropriated for the purpose, is handicapped because of the lack of Broperly trained teachers. RAMSEUB NEWS The Senior Class will soon give us a splendid play at the school building, j boundaries, two parcels of land bound- j "The Judsons." Announcement of;ed as follows: 1st Tract: Beginning I date will b made soon. at a stake in the middle of the road The Christ ian Aid Society will hold ; in the original running S. 1 1-2 deg. ! their annual bazaar and supper at the I W. 64 1-4 poles to a rock, original' Gym first Saturday- night in I corner; thence W. 5 deg. E. on the J December. Good things to eat and j original line 24 poles and 20 Iks. to! gifts will be on sale and a good crowd j a stone in said line; thence N. 1 1-2 j is expected. ,leg. E. G7 poles to the middle of the Mrs. N. R. Curtis entertained a j public road, a white oak on tho South j large number of lltfle folks at her , side of said road marked for a cor- j home o Raleigh street Kriday after- j aer; thence N. 70 leg. alone said noon D to 5. The partv was in horror i of her little daughter, Flfleta, celebrat ing her fourth birthday. Games were enjoyed such as "wing awound the wosy" as one litt'e fellow said. ifter and which the." enjoy I ic .-n-.m, cake candy. Mr. and .'d- . I J. f-'fe.; .- nd V. Marley a:s' f . i :-.-. i 1 y p'-r .-"".!' ay trrnooll at V. ir;-: 'al " i ..ml III I'oint. They vi.-'-, t' CI .!di Home and . ' .)! lad; vi'i: i friends, U.. ''. A. . ...i an.! fa::ii Rev. K. J. II .riii .-!" H.rii Poi and N. P. Cu t: . ' ;! i .-. j '.a , .j.o.: the hunting .-ea Mr. II- r with .Mr. Dison spendmr . a ,,a; here vi:u .,lr. anl Mrs. Curt i . Mr. A. IP 11,;::.: prnl last week in ea P ni part State in intere t of Pan, ei cart of of the r P.lcinl.l company. Mr. and Mr . Wiley Prad; Granite City, PI., aie . pendinr; time with friend in Pandolpli. motored from lib: . i ncentiy. ', of soii:e Thev Mr. C. II. V..,-,a Green-boro, p. a: here. Mr. and Mi . .1 P Mrs. M. K. J..',-. ... d fa Co an. pent :'. M r. temoon at Wn:' ' ... "e tic . , ite.1 Miss 11,1' .. Me.s Ma'ia- I -pi.nn. wlii, 1 tcarhieg at .-,,;. , pent the wi-i-V. end with her n, . r. Mi M. C. Spoon Our place el for Thank : . union service- a' Don't forget ti the Lyceum ( our '-s v ill be o'o .- There will be nf the churches, -econil edition of to be given at the achool building Saturday night, No- ember 22nd. The Old Colony male trio will give us something good we re sure. . FRANKLIN VII, LE NEWS Early Moffitt hax purchased a team tractor and aaw mill and has ylaeed them on the west Hide of hi farm near Walnut creek and will be vaady ta aaw lumber In a few day. . . Mr. J,, II. Elllaon, nanager and ypritr of EllUon Sho Repair Boo? to Klver Drive, has ben eon flned to hU horn the pant week on Mount of HI net but la Improrinir- H. E. Jlaithcodc, an Walnut atreet, aaa eonverted m of hit bundinra in to a work shop and eipecU ta do re pair and novelty work of owninca, Mta Lnna Bella McLennan, muak teacher for tha fraaed acbool. wlll rive an operetta on Vl'rnatdajr tten in, Noveriibef 26!h at tha achoof au- rtitorium. T X - '' ' The f-itt'rrwrt ktuilan ' will I iU next mertrof at Community " nn Friday rfvenlrnf, Kovembor f.r, antiflvrlchea add . tof- i be rvil,, Thtra will al " i.icturn. " ' , , ' a prrhef and. a War Ud J. V.. f'Va nn hts ' ' I I airli ):, i:Bt- K. Hug-hes arid M.ri. l'avNw., n...Ua: relatives in (jrwi.sboro Sunav Mrs. L. H Curti. and Mirs F. M Hurley were called last etk to the bedside of their father, Mr Hughes, vho is critically ill at his hvtur at Glenwood, Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs J W. Garrison. of Burlington, and Mr. and Mrs H A Sockwell, of Greensboro, were the guests of R. D. Garrison, Sunday. Mr C. T. Henson. who was confined to his bed last week on account of illness, is able to be on duty in the laundry this week. Mrs. C. H. Husband, ho spent the past two weeks with her, father, C H. Julian, returned to her home at Keidsville Sunday accompanied by her sister, Katherine, for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Kinney and children, living at Kranklinville, at tended the funeral and burial of their daughter, Mrs. Calvin Ridge, at Win-ton-Salem Tuesday. Mrs. Nannie Craven, of Green-boro. viited her mother, Mrs. Caroline Cra ven, Saturday and Sunday. C. I- Allre.l and mother. Mr.- IV;, -r Allred, and Mi .ent to t!ie liaa ear Plea, ant G N K i: ;ir I Katln .1' .1. len I'n tane K. Juh, ai.i: CP I.AM) I'.': rope u U . P. P i. ed t.. n'i! .1 hou o . lee undf !. P.: l o -i r.f an ..r e coa . t !?' b. iinde'si ne-l v l;e ce'a it hna f, to tho hit' 12 o'clock, M i".p, i- and ell at :r in Asheboro, N. hid ler, for cash, r.t Saturday, the oth day of D"cem!)Cr, 11)21 the following tract of land; Reirinniiifr at a beach stump in In "rani's lino; thence North 1 1-2 deft. K. C7 chs. and 55 Iks. to a stone, for merly a dopy :xl, cn P-llon Wel hourn'a line; thence W. 88 1-2 dep. W. 88 1-2 chs. to tho old McCulloch line; thence S. 70 del?. W. with said line 17 chs. to a stake in said line; thence S. 1 1-2 dep. W. CI chs. and-70 Iks. to a white oak, formerly a pine, Ingram's corner; thence S. 85 dep;. E. :i2 chs. to the beginning, containing two hundred and eleven (211) acres more or less, excepting the foregoing mad to tbn he finning, eont.ninino- tpn (10) acres, more or less. 2nd Tract: Beginning at a white oak, Ingram's oorne-, on Pice's line; thonce 10. 52" i't to . oak ; .".'2 ll.' ..la : stone; thence N. ":)2 feet to thonce W. 52" to a stone; to l! be; inning, .I.' ( '. 1-2) 1" !!'.;; re :'; e uv; conla ui::::g a:'ic t; .hi b, ( .:u ( :....:d L. .I '. ."lA.Mli 20 21 mi:i::.:an, iimgi:, AS '.I. ignki: - J' ) WANT COLUMN I'OK SALC Farm containing 190 acres in miles of Asheboro, 8 room house, barn, anil out buildings, GO acres in cultivation, lest tim bered. Priced to sell, terms if i!e : ,red. Apil to .1. W. Jack-on, A be'mro. N ('., Route 2. 'f:i 10 If, 21 i i i i i i i (iiiiiiiiii Inn you want ('OA I. I Call Phone 2.")7 ; Asheboro Ice and Coal 7. Company tf 9 2.') im : FOR SALE A farm with 62 1-2 acre, 40 acres in cultivation, es pecially suited for wheat, corn and tobacco. On state highway, good buildings. Knows as the Clark Craven place, 2 miles west of Cole- ridge. T. A. Cox, Ramaeur, N. C, 1 Route 1. I 3t pd 11 13 24 Extra fine Cabbage Plants at Ulan, J50, 2fic; 300, 60c; GOO, 76c; 1000, 11.40 postpaid. R. H. Freeman, Ulan, N. C. 2t pd 11 13 24 FOR SALE AO leading varietiea cabbag plant at f 1.60 per thoua- and, five thousand and over $1.25 per thousand, ten thousand and over $1.00 per thousand. Enterprise ' Track Farm, Georgetown. S. C. ! lot pd 11 IS 24. ! " 'Ramsciir.NX 4 ' P H AMtll-Vral calf, cwinlry bacon. eggs, etc K- F Hetts lT.one 76 Asheboro, N. C. 21 11 13 24 Frost proof Cabbage Plant. Jen) and Charleston V akehelu ready November 15th lelivereo J C Hammer's Store. Saturxiays. 10c per 100 io lots of 250 or more or mailed postpaid same price. R. O 1'arks, Pisgah, N C. :it pd 11 IS 24. Save 50 per cent on Your ( iHriatmaa Gifts Superior quality lurkwh tow- els; in soft exquisite shades; bonier stamped for embroidering $100. BALTIMORE MAIL ORDER HOI SE Goods sent C. O. D. 1704 E. North Ave, Baltimore, Md. 2t eow 11 20 24. LOST Sunday Y. M. east of Ashe boro one :!24 Firestone Cord Tire on rim with cover lettered "Pardon us". Return to W. F. Ha; worth. It pd. Quality- Service -Da!kr Vafiie ll.Ni; HARCAINS IN' i:.'c::c-'.iot! Cotton Fian- nt''s. (Ley Sheetings Lint Suitable for Quilts 10c Per Pound Franklinville Store Company W. A. MARTIN, Mgr. Old Age is Coming You will not always be strong and able as you are now. You will not always be able to earn as you have need. If you have a day of rest in the future it will be because you are making provision for it now. Make it a habit to lay aside a cer tain sum every week in a savings account, and then stick to it. Ft is simply a matter of using foresight. It is pvu dence. It is a first stop to ward financial independ ence. It i.. making present p.M'.nerity contriinte t '.v: 'I'd futu"e cumfort. Our saving", d:'p:'.itme;it p-.y.; 1 p. r (("it interest, :i(l rling the interest every , niontl,:'.. Open an account with u.; ;;ml save a certain portion of your earnings every year. Hank of Franklinville ). 15. MOSS, Cashier Watch for announcement of opening of our Christ ma:. Savings Clubs. THE COMMUNITY Franklinville, N. C Saturday, Nov. 22nd Hryant Washburn in "The Read to Lon don" (Pathe Pic ture). Also Pathe News Thanksgiving Day and Nov. 28 and 29. D. W. Griffith's "The Orphans of the Storm" with Ullian and Dorothy Gish. GO TO i&fCayeness . , 4 KOR RENT The J oka Himxf home in Vi eat Asheboro. Apply to Mrs. Wm. C Hammer. FliK Is A LE FWt proof Cabbage plants ready Bow. Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefield and mix ed varieties. Delivered at A. O. Feme's Store, Asheboro, every Saturday at 10c per 100. Walter Parks, Pisgah, N. C. 1 1 pd 1 1 20 27. WR SALE Froet Proof Cabbaite plants, early Jersey and Charles ton. Delivered Parish's Service Station every Saturday. 10c per 100 or mailed postpaid same price Causey Parks, Pisgah, N. C. tf 11 20 24. Re - Roof If you need to Re-roof any of your buildings it will pay you to see us. We carry asphalt and galvanized roofing at right prices. BIIADY-HUCHES HDW. Asheboro, N. C. 'I"! tI,i4 : f I . ::. Start Today! Imagination is the key which unlocks the door to opportunity. Our object today is to get ready for to morrow. Money is the trade token of labor. Labor is power and bower is good when it is used with a thought of tomorrow. The man standing behind that door is the YOU of tomorrow. Who he is and what he is depends upon you and you alone. Initiative is the individual need today it's the word with four "I's" in it. Put that word in your tomor row's tool box and use it. It will get you somewhere. Indifference Doubt lack of Self Confidence Want of Purpose they all lead to defeat and make la bor drudgery and unprofitable. A bank book is an important text book. Acquire one, filling its entry regularly even though in a small way, and soon you will be able to grasp opportunities which will insure your tomorrow. WE PAY 4 PER ASHEBORO BANK & TRUST CO. Asheboro, N. C. urn mi I' I: r IM 0O'O"3&O00O00000O0OO0OO00000000000O0OO00OOOOOPO00O0OOO0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 THANKS 0 0 o o o 0 0 o o 0 0 Let Us Supply Your Pantry o o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 o o 0 o o O o 0 o f t) ( ) . We have everything in our- grocery and" market department to plcaso the most fas tidious appctite3. Fresh meats, fruits and vegetable.".. Staple nnd fancy groecvics? O'lifl: Forviff. Prompt Delivery V ! " (i r -1 IV C--V n-.or.cyf.'ir FOR REJTT A m i-rwa baaf al LOST Small piaUiaa Saria Pta. with hard-wood floors, water and Finder pleaae retarn to GUdyt AI1 lighti and a good garage, la West ; red Aaheboro, N. C Asheboro. Apply to G H. King, It 11 20 24 . . Asheboro N. C ' it 1 1 20 24. LOST, Strajrd or Stolen One Ger man police dog about 18 months old greyi.sh-brown in color with lig-ht throat. Answers to the name of "Kriti". Liberal reward if returned to J. Harper Erwin, Jr., Kranklin ville, N C. It 11 20 24. tiring your rabbits and far, chickens and eggs to J. C. Hammer, Ashe boro, N. C. It pd 11 20 24. l.,tltllllllf MI(HINHlllllllllllll(f llltdll Save Some! Ill CENT INTEREST iKiiiiniiiininririlliiliirilKI'iliiliifiilliflllillilinillHnnim ft TIME Briag year f raca kMea, rml calves, BaeOM. errs, etc Star Heat Market, R. E. Betts, Mrr Phone 76, Ashe boro, N. C. It 11 20 24 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodo , O o o 0 0 O O O & o The choicest fowls that the market af fords, you will find here freshly dressed for your Thanksgiving Day Dinner. Also we have a complete line of fresh meats, fish and oysters. Star Meat Market Phone 75 Asheboro, N. C. o NtiiMfrtirtriiuiuiiiiiiiitlMm I "Thanks" I It is with a spirit-of gratitude' and ap preciation that we wish to thank every one who has been a customer q Qui etail store for the, past twenty yeara. .As it is impossible for us to' thank each one of you, we want you to accept; this as a per-;, sonal expression of appreciation. We have sold our retail store in order to enable us to give all of our attention to our "Wholesale Business". We have served you the very best we knew how, and we thank you. W. D. STEDMAN, S. B. STEDMAN., 1 ; III 1 ' I 1 1 s lcitiillliiinlnlnilililllinlnlnliillilllllIlllWlllMIMllli GIVING S HEME i '"''. - i . ....... Covington and Prevost Supply t the IS " . .J '. . '. l ' ', V- v. ' . 4 Needs in Staple .Dry Goods,- ''Uoya'X Hats,-.: Caps, " Overalls; . S anoes, snirts, lies ana uotmng. vve also . have' Piece Goods, Ginghams, Sheeting:, etc. ,: An excellent line of , staple commo'ditieo.'. Save timo by buying your weiring appare l and food at tho Famo'pl.iro. LOST Last Frttaj irW a Wr Keary brsast trm with ft tV rinr in th s&kkll it askd ala i taw end with wiraj snapped thre(h th rinr e aacs and hutauta Thota aa Ftllinr SUtioa and the' Bovtk sra Depot. Finder retura to.Joha Davis (Col.) or Tha CourW OfTVoa, Asheboro, N. CL It K- o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 P 0 o o o mSi m Nteitics as id' , f IV. S . rv a o o o o o o o o o o .o - - in ,r- O o i