THE COURIER ISSUED WEEKLY YOLUMEU * THE COURIER Advertising Columns Bring j alts a $2.00 A YEAR IN! )VANCE Old Guard Roofed As! ’s Motion Is Tabled 44 to 39 ■ iV •>/«>• • *■•■■■ Eu. IlimaBiilni Ina • vi jivnviivUErivB i^r Pie Cwptter. C. N. COX IS CHAIRMAN Gregg and Kohloss Lend Fight - - ntatrve Del To Name Represen egation To Du Durham. It was a bad day in Asheboro Sat urday for federal officeholders. The Bandolph county Republican conven tion in addition to balking the moves of Cephas Bowman, deputy collector of internal revenue, refused in its closing moments to indorse his chief for State chairman. It all came about l c? when Bowman, after the delegates to i the State convention had been named I and the delegates to the county con L uvgjjtion were leaving, rose to ask the LjgkArention to indorse B. C. Campbell ■State chairman. But 'the sup f. pSfters of Marion Butler and those who were in opposition, apparently, to everything that had the Bmtmham stamp on it, knew what was coming and marshaled their femes for the fight. Bowman began Jus impassioned plea for Campbell by glorifying Randolph Republicanism and singing the praises of Campbell, who was horn and rear ed in Columbia township, this county. That didn’t seem to have any effect on J. D. Gregg and J. S. Lewis and a number of other county leaders. Lewis wanted harmony and he re quested Bowman to withdraw his mo tion for endorsement of Campbell, but Bowman failed to heed. The fight grew hitter while Dr. Gregg turned his guns of oratory on Bowman and Bowman fixed back. Bowman hurled it bate the face of the delega tion that if it went to Durham to day uninsttucted it would be ac knowledging to the statp convention that the Randolph delegation was for sale. J. S. Lewis, Dr. Gregg and a{ number of ether delegates were im mediately bn their feet to resent Bowman’s statement. A vote was demanded. It got off slowly. The temporary chairman seemed not to-know what to do and the delegations from the various pre cincts were scattered over the hall and many of them had left. Some townships even had no representatives present But the convention voted ^4 to 39 to table Bowman’s reaolu Aon and the Randolph county delega Pon is at the convention today unin structed for State chairman. This was Bowman’s second decisive defeat and toe convention adjourned. The first major division in the con vention was ove* the manner in which the county delegation to the State convention should be chosen. Bowman wanted a committee of two or three men appointed by the chairman to se lect the delegation. This was opposed by Dr. Gragg, R. A. Kohloss, the en tire Liberty township delegation, and numbers of others in the convention. It was JUWoes and Gragg who led the opposition. Neither of these dele gates wanted a picked and packed delegation sent to Durham. These two experienced campaigners must have known from experience just how packed a Republican delegation can be nude. At any rate, they were taking no chances. They wanted the entire county represented at. Durham, not a coterie of the machine. Again Bowman went down in defeat. It was looking bad tor toe old guard and Marion Butter's star was in the as cendancy scintillating to its semto in the closing moments of the conven tion. The convention got away slowly with Ralph ro»and con. Opponents of the site selected "want the building located at a point on the Randleman Red Cross road. The board of educa ion was given to understand that if it did not reconsider its decision as to location of the'building the special tax for the building and its mainten ance might be rescinded by a vote of the taxpayers. The matter of locat ing the building will be taken up at another time, although the board de cided Monday to stick to tire site; selected. I Delegations were present at the: hoard meeting from Randleman, Sea-' grove and KingTut, all of them ask-! iing for school buildings for which aj special tax bad 'been voted, Every-: tfhing is ready for the signing of the; building contract and; the patrons of ihe school are anxious! for work to begin. The proportion is! to -get the money. The same propo sition confronts the board with ref-j exence to JKandleman, Providence and King Tut buildings. The county] commissioners, so it is understood,’ damped down the lid