■»**'• .-■ Jr .>yrj.‘-.-.■<: 'V'fld' ...•■ .--1 •_:-- -"’ --J. *°0 A YEAR F ADVANCE ...— ■ ■<* ■ » I IF mmmrn mm mM iM Mr. ty»« most active about t and at th* dtisOns until about two months ago when Mh health apparently gave away, me moBt enunent were consulted but no hope for his recovery. He w of the happy faculty of knowing everybody and of having a kind word for everyone with whore he came in contact. Genial, pleasant, kind hearted and true was Mil Swaim. His friends were numbered by his ac quaintances. Mr. Swaim was a self " i man and was the type of man ded of this. Upon numerous he has mid that he and his m began life with nothing and that reason thby could appreciate which they have en ■ii'u Mr, Swaim had accumulated much property and was one of the largest land owners in the vicinity in which he lived. He was ever alert and ac tive-in promoting the welfare and progress of his community. His home was a home in which every visitor was made welcome. A true type of oft time hospitality was manifest upon a visit there, Truly a friend to man has passed wh«$i Roddy Swaim is no more. His influence will live long after him in the hearts of his relatives, his friends and his neighbors. ' ' He is who has his companion, . . by his s ide in In addition are ;S§ C. B. and ] Asheboro; Raleigh; and Mrs. B. Otia' Camp Greer, The of at 11 which »sv. He waft assist ; of Ashe m w, the T. F. McCulloch led the dosing The floral offerings Wire numerous and beautiful, attesting the high es . teem in which the daceaaed waa held. .. ___* List -Wfcew Par *&£***» ^ Townships I* Tlw Comity ■ for $•! feV":: C. (X , ..5^ ■> -..4* J ' J.B. WaWf -( ’> G-nt. «■*» , J, Miller, 4 Hope, W. G.C. ,Vrr ’ ■ ■ wxtm mmM ■ tie deeeeit Teeme in CeroiiMk ; ' >f, Asheborois one of the clearest Ut tlfc eitiea initea State. Tfct^fe *W visitors to ourtowa tell people, ac cording to Mayor McCrary, who wants the town leapt clean. He wants the town to stay cleanedup not only he cause it w|0 make Asheboroattrsct ive to the eye* bat also because it will go a long waya towards heading off files and mostpitoes, those pests which come witlj the summer months. The mayor is appealing tw sens of the town to oo-operate In keeping the town dean. This is a .copy of a letter which he sent out last week: To all Citizens of the Town of Ashe boro: Practically all visitor* tell us that we have one of the cleanest igpi cities they have ever seen, and I a»n calling upon yon to help mate it the cleanest, a :a,").: * .i;i a In order to have such a town, let me 8Ugg*stthat you keep all of your buildings painted, yonr lawns in grass and cleaned regularly, and your premises free from all kinds of rub bish. If you will do this, 1 am confi - dent that visitors coming here in the future will say that we 9” AH mothereof co mnrsiiin i ty service. Special ar with the chil mvenieftt for i to meet at the boards of ir commission I for the pay if of the cost ere to assume en< budget to satisfy t of education in 01 may receive the State Equalizing about $15,000. rf the 1025-26 ite department iat the county nder of the amounting to Stanton Luck, Hope*e» His Children. of precipii gHpjreloudy railing direc South West from W,1K, 2 the famfl; > is, also, time to time as plans are perfected. In the meantime, the fair association is anxious that every citizen of the county who has some new idea as to what should be put into the fair to make it the best ever held in the county and as representative of Randolph as possible let those in charge know about these things and assist in promoting the fair for the general good. Another of the new features will be an exhibit of a sam ple of every kind of wood grown in toe county. This exhibit is being pre pared by Mr. John Cooper, who lives south of Asheboro. This exhibit is expected to be one of the most in teresting features of the fair. County agent £. S. Millsaps, Jr., is organizing the communifer fairs in the county with the able assistance of the people in toe communities in which the fairs will be held. Great interest is being taken in these fairs and competition at the county fair will be keen. The fair management is practically certain the fair this fall will begin :4 o*doek in the afternoon of Septem ber 21st and come to a dose the night of toe 25th., 'Accidents like Terrible Toll of Deaths and Injuries in Dixie Fatal airplane and sea traffic acci dents played ah important part in toe toll of deaths and injuries in eleven Southern states during the month of April, according to the Associated Press survey. Two ofl ship disasters at New Orleans during the early dafs of the month accounted for 32 dead. vvf G«*rg* X Cross, Cohfed ersl* veteran, of the White Chapel sectaasi iix ss&ee mth of Ihmmr, dial Monday morning at 10 oS&ock ftcm heart trouble. Mr. Cross had been active 3a the affafc* of hfc coun ty sad community all of his lift. He is survived hy his widow, who has been an Invalid for six years, and by three sisters, Mm. Charles Stone, of Chicago, Min. Albert Snyder, of Asheboro, and Mrs. Everett Beilins, of Funnel JCrtieea were held at White Chapel Methodist church at 11 o'clock, MINE distant relatives, a number of friends were invited, and everyone seemed to enjoy the occasion to the utmost. Beside Mr. arid Mrs. Kearns who have passed their eightieth year, a half dosen other old folks were pres be. Rev. W. HfWt»is,dHr. and Mrs. Harris Birkhead, Mrs. J. W. Birk head and Mr. Lee M. Kearns and family.' from Asheboro, were among in renewal Mi*. Kearns residents of guest wished happy rennioi J. MILKER IS ELECTED TO HEAD ASHEEQKO SCHOOL Prof. R. J. Hfflier, of Newton, has been elected by the Ashebero city school board to head the city schools next year, the present superintendent, Prof. W. H. McMahan, not standing for re-election. Prof. BHksr taught at Newton last year. He was' edu cated at the University of Wisconsin and is considered a meet able man. Funeral For J. ML Brady At Pleasant Grove Sunday Funeral services were conducted at Pleasant Grove Christian church Sun day afternoon by Rev. John Kidd for James Manly Brady, aged 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brady, of near Bennett, who died Friday morning at the clinic hospital, Greensboro, after an illness of two weeks with pneu monia. ,r . : In addition to his parents, Mr. Brady is survived by tin following brothers and' sisters: Mrs. Jule Leonard, Mrs. Fletcher Welch and Mrs. Ernest Jones, all of Greensboro; Mrs. Ellen Bennett, of Bennett; and WBHam Brady, of Hemp. The de ceased had been a member of the Pleasant Grove church fbr seven years prior to hte death, fe-ftv.’ -1 FARMER ORGANIZES FOR ITS COMMUNITY FAIR Elect Officers of Association— Meeting To Be Held Next ;v* Saturday Night. ttre of w.m of heart S^*«n,'S. c. Ht *H HD of late Mr. and Mr*. F. H. Allred, Elba, Ala. In 1914 Mr. Allred t married to Mias Maude Dickens, of Asheboro, N. C., and for the past six years has been city manager den, S. C. He is survived by wife and twin sons, Billy and Bobby, aged 6 years; also four brothers, J. J. Allred, of Tallahassee, Fla.; A. F. and S. S. Allred, of St. Petersburg, Fla.; E. M. Allred, of Elba, Ala.; and one sister. Mrs. A W. Harper, of St. Petal** l"?k, funeral was held at his home at twilight Sunday evening bp^Rev. Graham, pastor of First Baptist church, of which Mr. Allred7 was dea con, as well as president at the men's Bible class. The body was then brought to Asheboro where a short funeral was held at the home at Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Dickens Tuesday morn ing at 11 o’clock by Rev. B. E. Mor ris and Rev. W. H. Willis. Interment m was made in the Asheboro cemeter^ Music was furnished by Mm Moring and Miss Nannie BuUx. The following were pallbearers;'. Messrs. Sulon B. Stedman, Frank E. . Byrd, Henry Luther, Marvin Lovett, R. C. Lewallen, C. C. and C. L. Grin ford and Leo Barker. The many handsome floral designs attest the V W esteem in which he was held in North and South Carolina. The following friends of Mrs. Allred were flower bearers: Mrs. C. C. Cranford, Mrs. R. C. Lewallen, Mrs. Don McOlohun, Mrs. Leo Barker, Mrs. Calvin Fkaxiet, Mrs. Eugene Morris, Miss Bern Scar boro, Mrs. a L. Cranford, Mrs. Her man Cranford, Mrs. W. . Mrs. Alton ffix, Mrs. W. X Mrs. J. O. Redding, Ha. Parks, Miss AUie Spoon. The following out of t attended the funeral: The CMyl of Councelmen and Mayor den; Means. X H. Osbtatim, A. " ley Lewellyn, Oscar Smyrt, of Cara ti J., A. F. ; L. D. | ent were: Obert M< Heights; Mrs. Lure Vera Moffitt, of < Bessie Lineberry, of Allen Boroughs, of 1 Mattie Mofitt, of F Willie B. Moffitt, oi Miss Daisy Moffitt,