.. J THE COURIER Leads in Both News and Circulation ISSUED WEEKLY Towna u Asheboro, K. C, Thursday, August 19, 1926 HE COURIER Ivertising Columns I Bring Results IN ADVANCE NUMBER S3 "m Randolph County Democrats Met Saturday and Named Strong Ticket Nomination For Sheriff and • Register Contested, Others •By Acclamation. GENERAL ALBERT L. COX MAKES PRINCIPAL SPEECH Resolutions Adopted Condemn The Present Wasteful Repub lican Administration. Randolph county Democrats gather ed in the court house in Asheboro last Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock, or ganized their convention, heard an in spiring address by General Albert L. Cox, of Raleigh, and nominated a win ning ticket for the fall election. In terest and enthusiasm prevailed throughout the deliberations of the convention in spite of the sweltering ■ heat. Following the preliminaries in which Rev. B. E. Morris led in prayer And John W. Clark, of Franklinville, was called to the chair with W. A. Lovett an. miaiijr parnes, Both of Robeson C ‘ Asheboro this week has two physicians. They are Drs. Dempsej Barap and