the courier blMi Ncn Circulation ISSUED WEEKLY VOLUME M ■ _ _ PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN Aiheboro, N. C, Thursday, November 11, 1926 $2.00 A YEAR IN » Ml VANCE NUMBER 4S Courier Holiday Gift Distribution Is Announced; Prizes For Active Workers New Hudson Conch—5 Other Prfees, and Cash Awards For Courier Subscribers. «A COURIER IN EVERY HOME” IS THE SLOGAN Every Active Participant Wins prise or Cash Award In Short Circulation Drive. The Asheboro Courier is going to give away a brand new Hudson Coach, 1927 model, with 5 other costly prizes and many cash awards in shape ■of cash commissions to those who 'enter and take part in a gigantic prize circulation booster campaign to start next week. In fact, every active par ticipant, who joins the campaign and earns the vote credits which will be allowed with paid new, renewal and arrearage subscriptions will be given an opportunity to earn a costly prize or cash award. “Everybody Wins” will be the slogan of this election, while the slogan of the contestants ■will be “A .Courier in Every Home”. The campaign will be directed by Mrs. Wm. C. Hammer and assistants who will be pleased to hear from those who want to help The Courier and themselves in this “Profit Shar ing” Circulation Booster Campaign. Little subscription receipt books, sample copies and complete instruct ions will be given those who want to get an early start in this campaign for the wonderful prizes and cash awards to be awarded on December 31st in exchange for a little spare time ef fort. It costs nothing to enter or take, part in this Grand Holiday'Gift Dis tribution—all will be rewarded in re-, turn for the amount of spare time ef fort put forth. Here Is The Plan On December 31, 1926, The Courier is going to give away a brand new Hudson Coach, 1927 model, valued at 31,325.00, also five other costly prizes and as many cash awards as there are active participants in the compe tition, so that every active member will share in tire prizes and cash commission awards. Those who fail to win one of the Six Grand Prizes win be paid a eemmisMon of 12% per cent on all the. paid subscriptions they turn in during the campaign, \ hut to win the T2%*er cent a eon ► testarft must turn in %tlmm wnMHud subscription each week after starting to work in the campaign. Even a child could do this. The official announcement of the 'campaign will 1* 'published in the next issue iof The Courier, T*t those wlHMwant'torgOtaneHrly *Otai!t be fore the ifidld has ibeen woflnsd over, ehoultt cill St Urn Courier Office or write Tor subscription receipt book and supplies that-are furnished free. Only iwriifted -p»a Tor sdbscriptKmB from new, renewdl -or arrearage sub scribers Will ’ be accepted, sad No subscription will %e accepted unless accompanied by the caSh 'remittance. What "The (Courier'wants isNeo? sub scribers, Ibut renewal of Old sdfcscrip tions vHH -also «irn the 'free wotes— we \wouBd wot slight cour old sdhBcrib ers who 'wish to-pay their sdbacrip iion and 'gj-re the-votes'to sorae friend ; in the caatpaign. The Csorier guarantees "fair and i impartial t treatment • ho -dll candidates in this campaign whkiiwtll be a-per sonally conducted affair; by The rCteu rier management,, although we vSfll have several .-circulation ■ assistants 'to call on contestants to explain the plan of the campaign t» those de$ire the information. i INFORMATION BUANK The (Courier, Ashehoro, N.tC Gentlemen: Please send ne full regarding your IVize Holtfcty Gift Distribution Ctaplatiou iBooster Campsjgg. .Signed .i,v • • *.•.•.*.•***•■* • • • •.».***• * • • Vfldrese *.......... • * * • • •.*t*^*.* tf any...... • *. —■ 1 1 '. John H>y» Hammond This well known engineer and banker, who is Prtsident of the National Press Club, is financing the erection of their new 14 story home and office building in Wash ington. It is to cost $10,000,000 and will be the largest privately owned buildintC in the Nation’s Capital. little 1926 Cotton Is Ginned In This County According to report made by J. S. Ridge, of Asheboro, special agent of the Bureau of the Census, Depart ment of Commerce, there had been ginned in Randolph county up to No vember 1st of the 1926 cotton crop only 705 bales as compared with 1, 306 bales up to the same time last year. Thieves Broke In Store Of W. W. Jones & Son Friday Thieves entering the store of W. W. Jones and Son, in Asheboro, Triday night of last week took several suits of men’s clothing and overooats, val ued at several hundred dollars. En trance was gained through the back door by breaking out the glass at the top. No clue has been obtained as to the identity a* fl» robbers. Mrs. B. G. Fox Urea At Her Home In Siler Cfty IMrs. T5. 'G. Tox, who 'Hied rit her home in Siler City last Thursday, was born in Fandolph -anility. "She was | the mother of Mrs. T.H. "Elkins, of "Siler "City, and an aunt of'Mrs. J. "E. Tritchard, nol Ashdboro. 'Funeral was | held Friday at the First Methodist ! cbureh, Filer TDity, by "Revs. W. X. THaness and Tt. S. Fountain, ;«aid ’ Rev. W.'V. (Qnmen, off HhiAcm. Regular Meeting Of County Board Time IsLargely Taken Up'With Attention To Matter Rektt ing To 'County RoaHs. "The regular monthly meeting of the bear'd .of county comirtiafcioners Mon day-was taken «p'largely in the ecn siderafion Of raid matters. H. F. BisCher was allowed'bythe'board M» sell W. IT. RaWlOigh products Without •paying license fee, same'being-waived -on aeceiKit Of BiaCher’s' infirmities. R. M. iGamer, .welfare officer, re •ported to trade irnthe old‘‘"Thirty" Itractor teSE. F. "Graven for ithe same kind and eapaeity ‘tractor. The county agreed - to build t he road leading from the -Goltaane mill sroad to -the Guilfonl .county line by way of G. Rlmood Stoaton’s ami -Giles -fSol trane’-e mlaee. the roadhleitfting’fromi). A.<€i>x place to the Mary Mtaley place be machined dip, and the >rpad supervisor- W place a 30-foot atari flmdge -over Bachelor’s creek on the same road, the «Hizens to build the cdaftments and fimnrish flooring. it was ordered Mart the