General Assembly Last Week Passed Many Bills Of State-Wide Importance Legislature Creates Four New Judicial Districts, and Passes Park Bill. Road Bond Issue Is Passed In A Hurry Many Other Important Bills Passed Or In The Hopper For Quick Action. (By M. L. Shipman) Raleigh, February 28.—Outstand ing legislative accomplishments dur ing the we5k was approved by both branches the State-wide game bill, the Smith-Hargett highway bill, the creation of four additional judicial: districts, final enactment of the Great: Smoky Park proposal, bill requiring vehicles driven trr operated upon the highways of the State to carry light at night, provide for the construction of a bridge across the Cape Fear at Wilmington, change date of motor j vehicle license from June 30 to De- j cember 31, bill to prohibit the lending : of money to bank examiners by State j hanks and tentative acceptance of the j revenue bill, the machinery act and j appropriation bill. The Australian j Ballot bill met with ignominious de- j feat in the House and will not be re- j vived again during the session, for that body applied a clincher which prevents, under the rules, considers- j tion of any bill of State-wide signifi cance containing the subject matter, of the Falls measure. More than a j score of representatives wanted their j counties exempted from the provisions j of the bill and in the melee which fol lowed a motion to table prevailed by a vote of 58 to 49. The Senate agrees to extend franchises to bus operators j from three to six years, but rejected J the request for permission for a 90 inch bus width proposed in the Wom ble bill. A spirited fight occurred in the t Hou6e on the $30,000,000 Highway Commission bond issue endorsed by Governor McLean, but it went through with a whoop on call of the roll. Rep resentative Folger, of Surry, offered an amendment reducing the amount to $24,000,000, while Graham, of Or ange, wanted only , $20,000,000 and called to the attention of the House the fact that the State debt is rapidly approaching its constitutional limita tions, the session having started out facing a bonded indebtedness of $143, 000,000, to which has been added $5, 000,000 for permanent improvements; $2,000,000 for the Great Smoky Moun tain park, and one million and a quar ter for a Cape Fear bridge. Another 480,000,000 would bring the total to $181,250,000. Proponents argued that many counties that had loaned money to the State Highway Commission could not be reimbursed if the amount should be reduced without retarding the road building program and county interests walked away with the com mittee bill on its second and decisive reading by a vote of 99 to 12. And the Senate heartily concurs. The Smith-Hargett highway bill relative to the location of roads, as amended ?n the Senate and slightly in the House, was piloted through the latter body by Pete Murphy by a vote of 78 to 34. The proposed $30,000,000 of highway bonds is expected to com plete the program of the construction of around 5,000 miles of hardsurfaced highways and to repay “in the neigh borhood” of $17,000,000 of county loans. Only ten of the 109 House members voting had their names recorded against the bill carrying appropria tion of $2,000,000 worth of bonds of the State for purchase of lands in the North Carolina and Tennessee moun tains upon which the Federal govern ment may establish the Great Smoky Mountain Park. Western senators and representatives supported whole heartedly by their constituents voted solidly for the measure. If the House agrees to the bill of Senator Horton, of Chatham, Confed erate soldiers and widows will receive the following pensions: Blind and maimed $420 annually; disabled, $365; blind widows, $300; other widows, $100; ten old servants, $200. The to tal pension fund under the Horton bill would be $1,500,000 instead of firm* if* Nervous hot flashes "COME time ago whan in a ** very nervous, run-down condition,” says Mrs. Martha F. Marlow, of Broken Bow, Okla., "I tried numerous reme dies to try at least to keep going, but I could not Iwas weak and tired—just no good at alL My back edb*d I had hot dashes until X was so very nervous I smothered.« *1 couldn’t sleep and I was I.-—-— $1,200,000 recommended by the Ap I propriations Committee. For the past ! biennium it has'been one million. An other bill of the Chatham Senator ! which the House will be called upon ! to okeh would place the names of 1 candidates for congress on the State ballot. The House has passed the revenue act on its final reading and the Sen ate must do likewise within the next few days if the Assembly expects to complete its task by the end of the week, the date fixed by many members for final adjournment. A number of important amendments have been written into the committee bill which the Senate will be asked to reject. One of these is the provision Imposing a $100,000 privilege tax upon manu-, facturers of cigarettes and tobacco, included in the original bill and cut out in committee. Another would re quire railroads to pay a franchise tax of $100,000 in addition to present re quirement; chain stores are required in still another amendment to “come across” with $100 each when there are six or more operated by one con cern, and non-resident contractors, who hid on contracts in this State, are to be required to pay a license of $100. A stubborn fight on these amendments to the bill of the joint committee on finance is expected in the Senate. j Proponents of the Poole anti-evolu tion resolution have abandoned the fight for the present and the matter will not be brought up again during the session, while the Sedberry bill making it unlawful to seize liquor cars was killed in the House commit tee on propositions and grievances. | Hundreds of new laws found their way to the statute books during the week. Some of the public bills rati fied are: act to create a Judicial Con ference and fix time of meeting; to permit the Daugthers of the American Revolution to place a tablet in the rotunda of the Capitol in honor of j William Hooper, Joseph Hawes and 1 John Penn, signers of the Declaration | of Independence; change law relative to county pension boards; limit the' reward for capture and destruction of stills and. conviction of operators i thereof; require all vehicles operated upon the highways at night to carry! lights; provide a right of way for the United States Government for the In-; land Water Way from Beaufort Inlet to the Cape Fear River; relative to j distribution of Supreme Court reports i and other public documents; provide' for the construction of a bridge across the Cape Fear River near Wil- 1 mington; relative to the establish- j ment of special school taxing dis- [ Daugherty Again!! mS& Former Daugherty New York to face re against the forced hi9 tricts; permit county libraries to be established by county commissioners; erection and maintenance of county tuberculosis hospitals; xamend law relative to the enforcement of judg ments by executions; establish the “Old North State” as the State’s of ficial song; change the date for issue of motor vehicle license from June 30th to December 31st; require the annual registration of drug stores and pharmacies; prohibit the lending of money to bank examiners by State banks; providing for the taxation, suits and service, regulation and con-1 trol of the business of co-operative j non-profit life benefit associations; amend statute in regard to removal of graves; repeal sections Consolidat Atty. - Gen. Hart* M. > as ne approached the Federal Court building tnal for alleged fraud ' government—and which? resignation. FOR OVER 200 TEARS Haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric add conditions. correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organa. Three sizes. Ail druggists. Insist on the original genuine Cold Medal, i Greensboro, N. C. We Never Close W. F. Clegg, Owner & Proprietor Parking Lot for Patrons How many words can yon make from the letters In "FARM PROTECTION"? Ten, twenty, twenty-five or more? Here is a fine chance to cash in on your know ledge of spelling. WE>! Wv spelled words made from letters in "FARM PROTEC Jrj TION,” provided the list is accompanied by $1.00' to S)M cover one new yearly subscription to X*1* National .n Farm News. There are no strings tied to this offer— it is all right efore you in this announcement. Just make up you rllst of words on a plain sheet of paper ind send it- In with one yearly subscription to The Na tional Farm News at $1.00. Theer is positively nothingelse you need do. DANDY SURPRISE PRESENT “ELcL^E, Send in a list of words accompanied by a yearly subscription at $1.00 and we will immediately send you a Dandy Surprise Gift. Every contest ant who submits, a list of words accompanied by a subscription as above whether Oi*jr win the will positively receive one of these Surprise Gl big cash prise or not. ACT QUICK IF YOB WANT $250 Surely you could nee $260.00 extra mi Here la your opportunity. Act now—you n iuat an well have a nice cash price aa anybae Thla Ane price would enable you to buy i 'ymMUj \ mm ma am tuim aawt am 45P ySj WtgbT’Je! ► dandy »w* ed Statutes starting to crop liens; empower guardians of idiots, inebri ates, lunatics, or incompetents to re new obligations of their wards; re lating to the authority of the State Highway Commission as to the loca tion of State highways; provide for the acquisitidn of parks and recrea tion facilities in the Great Smoky Mountains of the State; withdraw power from the Governor to fill va cancies in the office of United States senators and require selection by primary vote, and a resolution of as sent to the purpose of the congress ional Purnell Act. Local measures are receiving the “finishing touches” at a rapid rate and when the financial bills ar* out of the way there will be a general exbdps of members for their homes. % A bill by Senator Johnson, of Duplin, and Eiepresentative Haywood, of Montgomery, which has passed both brandies of the Assembly, makes it unlawful for any person,.firm or corporation to create, organize, fos ter, aid, abet, or in anywise encour age or become or remain and con tinue a member of any secret, oath bound fraternal society, association, corporation or assembly in North Carolina, which requires their mem bers to conceal their identity by any method, or permit members to wear .robes, masks, hoods, or other regalia ; which conceals the identity of- the 'wearer. The senator and representa tive offering these bills are both \ klansmen, or have been, it is said, but are willing to follow , Judge Grady, ; head of the order in the State, who | recently resigned as Grand Dragon and “washed his hands” of the or ! ganization in the country as at pres I ent constituted, witiTtmperial Wizard Hiram Evans directing policies that the Grand Dragon of Nerth Carolina declines to endorse. Many local klavems, it is reported, have recently voted to surrender their charters and withdraw from the National Invisible Empire. The Senate and House Judiciary committee No. 2 have favorably re ported a bill providing for the creat ing of a State board of barber exam iners and requiring a license of all barbers before they are allowed to serve the public with razor, “clipper,” or scissors. Senator Grier, of Iredell, proposes a bill which provides that not more than two members of a single family can be employed in the executive department, agencies and business of the State. A workmen’s compensation bill is having rough sledding and is likely to meet the Bird’s Roofing and Materials For Building Cover your buildings with the best when it costs with Bird's Famous Hexagonal Twin Asphalt Shingles. „ $6.00 Per Square ALL KINDS OF BUILDING’ MATERIAL AT SPECIAL PRICES ASHEB0R0 WHEELBARROW CO. ASHEBORO, N. C. fate of pmlweors offend in pre vious legislatures. The eight months school term issue may not be insisted upon further at this session, but the fight is on for a much larger equaliz ation fund. Hie House turned down the Senate proposal to release dele gates to national conventions when only one aspirant for president en ters the State primary, but an effort to reconsider is probable. An extra session of the General Assembly next winter to consider a revision of the State taxation system is probable. A bill to bring about a survey of wo men in industry is pending.'Governor McLean's five county government im provement bills are -being debated SAY “BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST! Proved safe by millions and prescribe^ by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain * Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART] .Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proven directions. dy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists, A Tit, la ths trade mark of Banc Maaafsetaw of UsooaMtteaddastsr of BallcyllcaCd JL. t MAliY families right ia your com munity buy at The Charles William Stores, Ask your The la-re new catalog for Spring and Summer j ir ready, filled to die covers with every thing from New York City — the market place of the world—ready to save money for you on practically everythingyou use or wear. Ready, too, to save time for you — as well as money. No waiting—no delay here. Clothes, shoes for every member of the family, dry-goods, auto supplies, furniture, household equip ment, in fact almost everything for your home, yourself, your family, your farm or your car .. • whatever it is ydu order from The Charles "William Stores—you will get it, priced low, sod shipped quickly. You may depend on that. Many of our orders are shipped the same day they are received— frHOUR SERVICE. —and practically all of the balance the fol lowing day—24-HOUR SERVICE. That means your order on its way to you in die short est possible time, and its arrival at your home almost unbelievably quick. forth*i fit v**" m mmm m along with the general appropriation bill for maintenance of State educa tional and penal institutions provi<£ ing for an expenditure of $14,000,000. next year/and $16,000,000 the year following. Also the proposal of a State-wide ad valorem tax for schools and the Royal idea of a tax limit for land at $2.60. An additional prison farm is asked for in a bill au thorising the issuance of $400,000 in bonds and notes. Appropriation for radio station was cut from the ap propriation bill in the 'House. “Bad: check” bill passed both houses. Bill for lnspecion of barber shops and J beauty parlors is through the House.

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