tv* •%< i i i: :'.id ISSUED WEEKLY . ‘ v- • ~ VOLUME iH PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN Agheboro, N. C, THnr». The following suggestions are made in regard to High School procedure: School opens at 8:30 at which time each pupil will go to the room in which he belongs. There will be no opening chapel exercises that day. Re-exam ination for High School pupils making the grade of five (6) on any term of any subject will be given Tuesday, September 6th. Any pupil wishing to take a re-examination must notify teacher in charge not later than Mon day. A fee of ?1 will be charged for each term of each subject on which the pupil wishes an examination. The proceeds will be used in improving the High School library. i Executive Committee Of Co. S. S. Ass’n To Meet There will be a meeting of the executive committee of the County Sunday School Association, at the Asheboro Baptist Church, Sunday af ternoon, September 11th, at 2:30. 'All county and township officers are members of this committee and are urged to be present, if possible. Some of the officers elected at the recent county convention were unable to accept the work, and^their places must befiHed by the committee. Junior Missionary Society Presents Varied Program The Junior Missionary Society of the M. E. church had charge of the program Sunday evening. A pageant “Alice Through The Postal Card” was splendidly rendered under the direc tion of Mrs. Eeavis, Mrs. George Hil iard and Mrs. McGlohon. Each of the young people taking part reflect ed credit upon themselves and their tutors. Misses Pauline Steed and Ina Andrews did well in playing in a nds sionary dialogue "Polly’s Sister Joins the Baby Division. Many songs and recitations interspersed the program which was not only interesting but instructive. Asheboro Scouts Winners Of Honors At Uwharrie Camp Uwharrie, of the local Boy Scout Council, has just closed one of the most successful seasons in its history. A total of 131 boys, includ ing a large number of the Asheboro Scouts, attended the camp during the period just completed. Asheboro Scouts in addition to individually win • ning many of the honors had the dis tinction of having the largest per centage of members present in pro portion to total enrollment. The Uw harrie camp has been in existence during the past five years and during this time 1,000 Scouts have spent one or more weeks in camp. During the winter months the camp will be oc cupied practically every week-end by Scouts on week-end hikes, making the camp of year round value to the boys of the Council. First Anhual Coltrane Reunion Draws Big Croud More than 160 persons attended the fflrst annual , reunion of the Coltrane “family Which was held Sunday at the (home of Shubal E. Coltrane, near Died Last Thurs&ay _. * Mrs. Mary Frances Thomas Suc cumbs After Declining Health For Some Time. I been in declining health for the past month. Funeral was conducted it Franklinville M. E. church Friday af ternoon by Revs. J. W. Hoyle and 1C. A. Elam. Interment was made la Gray’s Chapel cemetery. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. Lou McDaniel and was born near Gray’S Chapel, May 1st, 1882. She warn united in marriage to E. A. Thomas* May 5, 1900, and to this union ven born eight children, three girls, Efto^ who died in infancy, and Misy Thelma and Lillie; and five sum, Reed, Duard, Lesley, Earl and Geeagn Norris. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas moved fee Franklinville several years ago wtoae they since have resided. While m young girl she professed religion and joined Gray’s Chapel M. P. ’ church and after moving to Franklinville united with the M. E. church where she took great interest in church sad Sunday School work. She was a Mod neighbor and an affectionate mother one of our best citizens and #31 to sadly missed. She is survived besides her 'ton band and children by her motto*, - - :t Franklinville, Aug. 29.—Mary Fran ces Thomas died at her home Tbxac* day morning, August 25th. She tod