. »nd Mfs. Earl lie, spent Ir. and Mrs. E. C. Cox. Eon two Bor of 24th. J A. C. Cox, of Asheboro, Star has been ill tat the last i, is improving. [r. and Mrs. W. W. White, ;y, a daughter, December ben Lucile Coltrane, of Trinity, te guest of Miss Anne Leslie the first of the week. Miss Betsey Brock, returned to leigh Tuesday after a few days it to Miss Betsey Armfield. I Miss Irene Doifcett, of Greensboro, the guest of Miss Hilda Cranford week. I Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Page and aughter, Dianne, of Greensboro, s holiday guests of Mrs. J. W. Page. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Maxwell and A. J. Ir., of Raledgh, were the j of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cran ford during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Caveness and ittle daughter, Doris, of Coleridge, e guests Tuesday night of Mr. Mrs. Roy Cox. Misses Leora Lewis, of Detroit, lich., and Rose Thayer, of New York 'ity, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dleve Thayer during the holidays. Mr. '. and Mrs. Saan Story and chijd were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. es Story at Marion several days week. Messrs. Milton Parks, of Greens oro, and Malcom Seawell, of San-! ord, are the guests of Mr. Lawrence ond. I Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Presnell and family visited their daughter, Mrs. P. Darby, at Aberdeen during irietmas. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cranford have | returned from a visit to Mrs. Cran lYord’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. F Eraser, at Florence, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Murtay, of Boanoke Rapids, visited Mr. and Mrs. "Walter Preenell a few days the lat ter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Andrews, of High Point, announced the birth of at son, George Leslie, Jr., December 25th. Mrs. Andrews will be remem bered in Asheboro as Miss Alta Rush. Mrs. G. N. Edwards, of High Point, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. "Leon Cranford. Mrs. Edwards is re cuperating from an operation which she underwent a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bean and fami ly, of Greensboro, were guests dur ing the holidays of Mrs. Bean’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cox, at Pisgah. Mesdames B. W. White and John Ball and Miss Daisy Puller Mall, all of Thomasville, were guests of Mrs. Bari Bulla at Maple Grove Tuesday /#*the day. * Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clodfelter, of High Point, and John Miller, of Ashe feoro, spent a few days last week with their sister, Mrs. Bryan Winfield, at Choeowinity. Mr. Thomas Sikes and sons} Drs. T. 13. and Henry Sikes, of Greensboro, ■were in Asheboro a abort while last Triday. They had been called to New Hope township on acount of the death ■of their unde, Nathan Sikes. Mr. Ernest B. Ellis, of Richmond, "Va., was a visitor in Asheboro last Triday. Mr. Ellis is visitingr Ms brother, Mr. A. B. Ellis and family, at Millboro. Mr. EMis has been con nected with the Southern Railway company for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Andrew and children, of Albemarle, have been ■visiting relatives at Staley. They liad a si ght auto wreck on the way •over but none of the family was seriously hurt. Mr. Andrews is with ■the Stanly News Herald. Miss Lois Monroe,' of Pakamatsu, Japan and Richmond, Va., is the house guest of M'ss Dorothy Whitak t cr. Miss Monroe who is the daughter cf Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Monroe, mis sionaries in Japan, is a student at /Queen’s college, Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stillwell, Mrs. U. L. Jenkins and daughter, Miss Xouiee Jenkins, of Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. C„L. William* of Dundalk, jMd., Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wilhams and family, of Asheboro, route 3, ■were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. .’T. Trogdon on Asheboro, route 1, Christmas day. Miss Linhie Birkhead, who spent holidays with her sirter, Miss e Birkhead, Newark, N. J., re yesterday after a very delight-, trip. Miss Pauline Birkhead has four years been c« ferson Standard company beginning in o, then in Jacksonville, Flor I for the port few months N. J. : , !■ the > (he most unique holiday , was that in the form of a gotten out by ten Asheboro ■ »day, and delivered the householders gwd Cofe, A. 0. Dry Co. out, Mrs. Dixy Lewis visited relatives in Troy last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.. S. B. Wood, of Greensboro, were amonfer the visitors in Asheboro during the holidays. Mr. and Mis. Ct N. Cox and child ren have returned from a visit to re latives and friends in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Crosland and two sons; Brown and Miller, visited relatives in Charlotte last week end. Mr. Lawrence Lineberry, of Ran dleman, visited relatives in Monroe, Va., during Christmas. Mr. C. M. Tysor and daughters, of Erect, were among the visitors in Asheboro Tuesday. Miss Althea Presnell, of Aberdeen, is visiting her parents, Mr. andMrs. S. W. Presnell, for a few days. Mr. John Charles Redding, of ] Trinity, was a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ingram last week. Miss Etta Re’d Wood visited Mrs. Greene at Fayetteville last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mary Loflin returned Tuesday from a visit to Mrs. Helene Ross at Albemarle. Mrs. M. J. Lea has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. V. C. Vaazey and family, at Richmond, Va Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Hammer Pierce, of this city, December 25th, a son, Cicero Hammer Pierce, Jr. Mr. Worth Lineberry, of Winston Salem, visited his mother, Mrs. G. W. Elliott, at Randleman, during the holidays. Mr.' and Mrs. W. H. Grimes have returned from a visit to relatives at Dunn. They were accompanied home by Miss Lola Strickland. Effective January 2nd, the post office at North Asheboro^ will be able to give and receive money orders. Mr. J. R. Hi ns haw is the post master. Messrs. Gordon York and Joe Bow man left last week for Okeechohee, Fla, where they are working pn a farm and studying aviation. Miss Grace Redding returned to New York City Sunday after visiting her mother, Mrs. Allen Redding, dur ing the holidays. Miss Lyde Morgan, of Canton, is visiting her brother, Mr. Ben Morgan and family. Miss Morgan is con nected with Pence’s store in Canton. Mrs. M- G. Collier and Mrs. O. T. Smith, of Appalachia, Va., were the guests of Miss Kate Hammer Tues day. Mrs. C. B. Griffin and daughter, Miss Frances, of Thomasville, visited Mrs. Griffin’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, F. Burkhead, several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Porter and children, of Charlotte, were the guests of Mrs. Porter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moring, during the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hunter, Jr., and little son, J. V., 3rd, have re turned to Winston-Salem after visiting relatives in Asheboro for several days. , Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wood and daughters, Misses Jessie and Jamie, were the 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wood in Greensboro last Friday. fzBaot Mr. and Mrs. Chester Williams, of Fayetteville, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Russell, of Matthews, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Morris, during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Redding, of New York City, and Misses Foy and A|berta Ingram, of Rale gh, were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ingram, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas R. Prevatt and I ttle son. Bobby, of Lumberton, are visiting Mrs. Prevatt’s mother, Mrs. May Hall. Mr. HI Grady Miller, head of the music department in the Greensboro city schools, spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. J. G. Miller. Mr. Miller returned to Greensboro Mon day. Dr. and Mrs. 0. L. Presnail and little daughter, Dorothy, are home from Richmond, Va., where they spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Preenell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Treece. Mr. Britt Armfield returned to few York City Sunday after visit ur his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 4* rmfield, Jr., last week. Mr. Ann ield is in the insurance business m few York. Mr. Bill Story, of Anderson, S. C., sited his brother, Mr. Sam Story id family, a few days the latter irt of last week. Mr. Story is m arge of the Asheboro broom fae ry at Anderson. , Harris has returned to she is 4 student in the State Teachers college, ter, Mrs. J. W. orge Burkheed. the holidays with her Banner and Mrs. Uss Jessie Wood returned to ienboro yesterday where an* dtes music in the Bladeeboro grad* school, and Mrs. 1. T. Wood, during the days. ' hose enjoying turkjy dfe****** of Hr. and Mra. E. C. Oox and Mn. Will Kidd __ Betty Joe, and , ~ High Point; Mr. end Mias Corwith Western Miss Alice Gorwith charmingly en tertained about twenty of her-friends Tuesday-eviiMng at her home in Dog wood Acres.>. ? 'Hie entertaining rooms were attractively decorated with Christm&r greens. Various games and contests were played for some time after which the hostess served sandwiches, cocoa and cake. Gives Informal Dance Miss Dorothy Whitaker delight fully entertained with an informal dance at her home on South Fayette ville street Tuesday evening, honor ing her house guest, Miss Toi Monroe, of Richmond, Va., and Japan. Among those from out of town present were Messrs. Joe Sink and Bob Morris, of Lexington, Henry Craven, of Ral eigh, and Vereer Bell, of Cairo, Ga. Entertained At Bridge Mrs. J. F. White, Jr., entertained the members of her bridge club at her home on South Fayetteville street last Tuesday afternoon. The living room where tables were placed for the games-was attractively decor-; ated with the seasons decorations. Mrs. Sam Story made high score and was given four linen handkerchiefs. The hostess served salad course fol lowed by a course of swee'ts. Celebrates Birthday Little Irvin Frye, Jr., entertained about fifteen of his little friends at the home of his parents, Mr.1 and Mrs. | Irvin Frye, on Sunset avenue Decern- j ber 23rd, in celebration of his 2nd. birthday. The Christmas tree from which toys were distributed added much to the amusement of the child ren. The centerpiece on the dining. table was the birthday cake with two lighted candles. Jello, whipped cream and wafers were served. Pugh-Ward Miss Kathleen Pugh and Lewis Ward were united in manage at York, S. C., December 20. The only attendants were Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Slayton, of Thomasville, North Caro lina. Mrs. Ward is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pugh, of near | Randleman, but for some time has made her home in Thomasville. Mr. I Ward is the son of Mrs. R. L. Ward, of Thomasville. The young couple will make their home with Mrs. R. L. Ward. Entertains On Birthday Master Harold Cranford entertained a number of his friends at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cranford on Sunset avenue, Tuesday evening celebrating his eighth birth day. Indoor golf and various other games were enjoyed for sometime after which the guests were invited into the dining room where ice cream and cake were served. The center piece on the dining table was the birthday cake with eight lighted can dles. An interesting feature of the afternoon’s entertainment was the Christmas tree from which each guest received a gift. Woods Flowers Club The members of ttfe Woods Flow ers club were entertained by Mrs. C. *Lfc Cranford at her home on North Fayetteville street Tuesday afternoon. After the business meeting rook was played by the members and the fol lowing additional guests: Mijs. J. T. Ingram, Mrs. Sam Story and Mrs. N. M. Harrison. Mrs. Lacy Lewis won the high score club prize, sil ver salt and pepper shakers, and Mrs. ftam Story was awarded the visitors’ prize, a box of fancy soap. The hostess served refreshments in two courses. . y Idle A While Club Mrs. Lacy Lewis entertained tne members of the Idle A'While club at the Christmas meeting of her home on Sunset Avenue Tuesday afternoon. Rook was played at two tables with high score award a sandwich tray, going to Mrs. Gorrell Sugg, and low score consolation, a bud vase to Needle Workers Club Mrs. Grady Ridge was hostess to the members of the Needle Workers club at her home on South Fayette ville street, Tuesday afternoon, Dec ember 23rd. During the business meeting the following officers were elected? Mrs. Grady Ridge, president, and Mm Oarmie Macon, secretory and treasurer. Sewing was enjoyed for sometime after which the annual exchange of gifts were distributed from the Christmas tree. Mm W. P. Redding, Mm Walter P^eUand Mrs. J. H. Kivette, whose birth^ys occur in December, were ented with handkerchief's from^ the members. The hostess served fruit cake, whipped cream and coffee. Entertain At Rook One of the many attractive affairs of the seasons holidays parties was a rook party given by Mr. and Mrs. ZMBrwn attheir country home on the Buffalo road Christmas night. The living room where four tables were placed for the "rasafc tractively deoormted with Christmas greens. Mm E. T. Walton won the ladies' high score prise and was giv en s novelty powder P”*]*. <• & T. Wmlton received the 8 high «»re prise, » “*•5- “VS! —... FarmDepartment —Conducted by— . E. S. MILLSAPS, JR. County Agent Plans For 1930 As the year 1930 comes to a close and the new year opens before us we must look forward to what plan to do in a agricultural way during the new year. The fact that we are facing depressed market situation makes it of still greater importance that we give more thought than ever before to our plans. On Saturday, January 3rd, we are holding a meeting of the County Board of Agriculture for the purpose of working out a program of work to be conducted th’s year. The mem bers of this Board are selected from all sections of the county and are representative farmers in their com munities. Therefore are in a posi tion to know the needs of their parti cular community. This is our first step in the building of our 1931 program of work. Following this meeting, there will be a county wide meeting of the farmers and their wives at the court house on January 21srt. This meeting will be called at 10 A» M. and con tinue until about 1 o’clock, or until the program is completed. The object of this meet'ng will be to present the county program for their approval and to give the Coun ty Outlook, as well as the State Out look and how we are to fit our pro gram into the State program so as to make a united program for the State. Speakers for the meeting will be furnished from the Department at Raleigh, and they will come prepared to give us some interesting facts in relation to our situation here in the county. One man will discuss the farm situation, giving figures on the different crops acreage production, and the surplus stock being held of the different crops and the recom mended acreage reductions in order to counteract this condition. A lady speaker will also be on the program to discuss the home side of the pro gram. I am sure that this is going to be a very interesting meeting and I hopd every farmer and farm woman in the county who possibly can will attend this meeting. More will be said about this meeting later, but I wanted you to be thinking about it now and telling your friends about it so that,we could have a large attendance. There is no doubt that this will be one of the most im portant meetings held in the county this year and I am sure that all will be well repaid for their efforts in attending this meeting. Tobacco Meeting Planned In the near future we are also planning to bold a series of meet ings with tobacco growers, with the idea of presentmg to them the new tobacco cooperative contract. We do not intend in any way to try to influence anyone to sign the contract, but merely to present the facts and to allow them to use their own .judg ment in the matter. In other words no one will be asked at these meet ings to sign any contract, but they will be informed who are the proper persons to see in case they desire to beofrme members. Dates and places of meetings will be announced as soon as arrangements can be made to secure a representative of the Fed eral Farm Board to be present at these ' meetings. This speaker will tell the growers just where the Federal Board stands in the matter and what they must do in order to receive help from the board. I believe that every tobacco grower in the county will be interested in hearing this message and hope that you will watch out for the announcement of the meetings and will try to attend the meeting nearest to him. Other Meetings During the winter season I find is the ibest time to hold series of meet ings due to the fact that farmers have mare leisure and can attend better. For that reason I am plan ning to hold several series of meet ings over the county during the next sixty days. These will be Dairy topics, with Mr. A. C. Kimrey as speaker, Poultry problems, with either Mr. Parrish or Mr, Seese, Farm crop problems, with Mr. E. C. Blair as speaker. Farm Forestry with Mr. R. W. Graeber as speaker. Just how much of this I will be able to work out will depend on arrangements that I can make with the sepakere men tioned, as I will have to take my turn at securing them. I am try ing to give you a birdeeye view of some of the things that I have in mind for the first two months of the new year. Other things will be an nounced later, especially after tlm meeting of the Agricultural Board. In the mean time I am planning to assist farmers in their feeding prob Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Thayer en ertained with a Christmas party for heir guests, Miss Leora Lewis, of >etroit, Michigan, and Miss Rose [War, who has recently arrived here tom New York. Early in the even ng, the gueets enjoyed games re ninisceut of childhood days and some hat were entirely new and vastly en ertaining. Mrs. Annie Alexander nv eived honorable mention for her skill ,t Tidley Winks, while there was dose competition among the men at the apaneee game of skill ball. Follow rtg these games, several f Bridge were placed. Pnsea Jot iigh score were awarded *> Mrs. tenry Ingram andMr. Mart trs. Waite Lambert •**.**•**" {adding received consolation prises or low aeoraa. The honor n resented with silk hose. The fittingly ■ — «■**»*&#**# l«ms both in poultry and cattle. To assist in the cuffing1 and marketing of poultry. At the present time there is still a large number of turkeys in the county and I hope to be able to an nounce a sale as soon as possible in order to work these off as well as some poultry that farmers are anxi ous to sell at this time. I am wait | ing a few days in order to allow ; the markets to 'become normal after the holiday seasonal declines. Watch I for date of shipments. ' MISS BEATRICE TROGDON BRIDE OF MR. ANDERSON A wedding of beauty and simplic ity was that Tuesday morning of last week when Miss Beatrice Trogdon was united in marriage with Mr. Carl Anderson, the wedding taking place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Trogdon, on Asheboro, route 1, with Rev. Joel B. Trogdon performing the ceremony. The living room, in which the vows were spoken, was tastefully deco rated for the occasion. Mrs. Ander son, an attractive and accomplished young woman, has been for some time with the Carolina Power and Light Company in Asheboro and has a host of friends. The groom, the son of Mrs. Mary Anderson of Asheboro, is with the McCrary Hos iery Mills. The young couple will be at home in Asheboro after January 1st, having spent their honeymoon on a trip through the Shenandoah Valley and other points of interest. NEWS OF COLORED FOLKS Roberta Cheek Roosevelt and Bea trice Holland gave a surprise Christ mas supper December 25th in honor of their pastor, Elder L. C. Kearns, of Mt. Zion Holiness church. Every thing was arranged nicely, and all enjoyed themselves to the utmost. The beloved pastor of Mt. Zion Holiness church, Elder L. C. Kearns, gave a surprise birthday supper Sat urday night, December 27, at her home in honor of Miss Roosevelt Hol land. The supper was delightful and greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Irvin Ray is visiting relatives in Allendale, S. C., this week. Mr. Levi Brady, of Brower town ship, one of the few remaining Con federate veterans in this counity, re cently suffered a stroke of paralysis and it is understood that he is in a serious condition. Mr. Brady is more than 80 years of age. Quick Relief For Coughing Spells Famous Prescription Stops Them Almost Instantly. The amazing success of this pre scription called Thoxine is due to its quick double action; it immediately soothes the irritation and goes di rect to the internal cause not reached by ordinary medicines. The very first swallow usually stops even the most obstinate cough. Thoxine is pleasant tasting and safe for the whole family. Your money will be refunded if it does not give better and quicker relief for coughs ot sore throat than anything you have ever tried. Put up ready for use in 35c, 60c, and $1.00 bottles. All druggists. SCHEDULE Greensboro-Fayetteville Bus Line, Inc. Lv. Asheboro for Greensboro 7:15 A. M., 11:15 A. M., 5:30 P. M., ar.d 7:00 P. M. Lv. Asheboro for Fayetteville 9:30 A. M, 3:15 P. M. Lv. Asheboro for Rockingham. Charleston, Savannah, Jackson ville 11:30 A. M. Connecting at Blscoe for Raleigh and Charlotte. - At Aberdeen for Hamlet and Rockingham. Special Price to Those Riding Bus Daily to and from Work Cars Leave From Union Bus Station Phone 138 "I had a stubborn case of constipation altar a vary severe spell of grip,” says Mr. John B. Hutchison, of Neosho, Mo. “When I would get constipated, I’d feel so sleepy, tired and worn-out. “When one feels this way, work is much harder to do, especially farm work. I would have dizzy headaches when I could hardly see to work, but after I read of Black-Draught, I began tak ing it I did not have the Jh Ramseur Minstrel Postponed Account Of The Heavy Snow Was -To Have Been Given Christmas Night—Kil Kare Book Club Holds Meet. Ramseur, Dec. 23.—On account of school being “snowed under” ’till after the hoi'days, the minstrel which i was to have been given Christmas : night is postponed until a later date. 1 Mrs. C. A. Graham entertained in her charming way the Senior Book Club last Thursday afternoon. The attendance was good^ though the snow was almost impassable. The Christmas idea was featured in all the beautifully decorated home and in the interesting program partici pated in by all the members. The hostess served delicious refreshments. / Kil Kare Book Club Miss Margaret Lane and Mrs. M. ] A. Teague were joint hostesses to1 the Kil Kare Book Club last Thurs day evening at the home of the lat ter. Christmas decorations, with a beautiful tree as center, were used in the home. Each member received a gift from another member. Miss Madge Craven, president, presided over the business which consisted Reaves Sanitary Lotion A Safe and Sure Remedy for all forms of Scabies (Itck). Absolute ly suaranteed. Full directions post paid For Sale by all Drug Stores in Asheboro ADDRESS— Reaves Pharmacy ASHEBORO, N. C NOTICE! Chickens bought and sold. Highest Market Prices Paid Bring Me Your Chickens. R. F. CHEEK Store mainly of the election of new offi cers. Officers for the following year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. W. EL Cq«; vice president, Mia. M. A. Teague, secretary and treas urer, Margaret Lane; librarian, Nellie Craven; reporter, Mary Lee Wright. A del'ghtful salad course was served. Visitors were Mrs. R. C. White and Mrs. Charles Lane. FINDING THE CHRIST CHILD I wish I had seen the Christ Child, Who lay in a manger bed, Who slept ’mid the wondering cattle, By light of a star overhead; And over his humble cradle His mother was bending low. Wish I had seen the Christ Child, Who lived in the long ago. And yet, I may bring an offering, The Bethlehem babe to greet, By faith I can surely find him, And worship at his dear feet; I hear a sweet voice that whispers, And sweeter there could not be, “Whate’er ye may do for others, Ye did it as unto me.” —Margaret Hayes. The Laugh Hit of the Year. LOIS MORAN IN— “UNDER SUSPICION’ UTHEATRE 4 EL BRENDEL IN MON. — TUE. “The Passion Fltfwer” WEDNESDAY VIRGIN DIAMOND is the first to own this beautiful gsm. Untouch . ed by past associations, fraa from ill repute, VIR GIN Diamonds coma to you right from Mother Earth, worthy of the sweet memories, your memories, that they will bring to mind through the years. Genuine VIRGIN DIAMONDS, at standard prices,backed by a Certif icate of Title and a Guar antee of Quality, may be secured only through Authorized Virgin Diamond Dealers GRIMES JEWELRY STORE ASHEBORO, N. C. \ Al D I Res-U-S.PstOff. VIRGIN DIAMONDS We take this occasion to thank our many patrons and friends for their en couragement and support during the past year, and at the same time to wish every one a "Happy New Year.” Fox Dry Cleaning Co. Phone 331, : Asheboro, N. C. Happy New Year The Safest Soundest Investment you can make in 1931 is in a HOME SITE in— DOGWOOD AC! They Are Lowest in Price and on Easiest Of Terms.