% Most People In Asheboro and Randolph County Read The COURIER—It Leads 16 PAGES THIS WEEK Sec. 1 ISSUED WEEKLY PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME LVIll Asheboro, N. C., Thursday, May 10, 1934. --- v- -*'■ - ■■■ _ NUMBER 18 Large Number Of Candidates File For Various Offices In Randolph L^t Minute Rush Brought Out Ltnr list Of Candidates For Offices In Randolph. Many Interesting Races In Prospect Sheriff King And Register Of Deeds Johnson Have No Opposition Within Pnrty. The last minute rush Saturday produced several additional candi dates for nomination to county of ficers to be voted on in the primary on Saturday, June 2. Many otf those who were considered candidates for some time waited until the last day to file official notice and pay their fees to the county board of elec tions. Fees totaled a little more than $140 and 'will be paid in to the county by the board of elections to help defray cost of the primary. Interest in the coming: primary is growing and several hard fights are anticipated for some of the of fices to be filled. Sheriff C. E.1 King has no opposition within his party, nor does R. C. Johnson for the nomination for Register of Deeds to succeed himself. The complete list of candidates filed tor the sev eral offices follows: Cleric Superior Omit: Clarence J. Lovett and William C. Hammond, Democrats; Rufus F. South, Sepobli can. Sheriff: CL E. Sins, Dement; A. 0. Ferree, EepubEran Register of Deeds: E. C. John son, Democrat; T. Cecil Fraxier, of liberty, and Mm H. Hudgin, of Coleridge, Republicans. Coroner: Dr. L M. Pox and Dr. W. L. Lambejt, Democrats; Dr. A. M. fiolla. Republican. Surveyor: H. A. Lucas, Democrat; Sam M. Harw^ Bepuhttctn County Commissioners )andfresults °f vision, tak * £16 text Pau,’s words: “I 5 vi^S°bedient Unt° the heaven* 1 Jf- a1duMrs- A. H- Thomas left last week iby auto for a two weeks’ tour and visit to New York and New £°nn-> and other points in 1"°rth- tThey will spend some time with their daughter, Mrs. C R Jones, at New Haven. ' K* Hi»h0"p M\ BreTer and children, of dayh P°lnt’ Vlsited friends here Sun ,^.r‘ and Jack Cook and ^ddren and Mrs. W. E. Ferree, of were visitors here last Mr. and Mrs. O’Connor and child r % Point' visitod Mr- and M m Ca? ,?rown ^ others Sunday. J*1”’ SalM* Tiller, Miss Tiller and othCTs, of Cooleemee, were guests of^Mr. and Mrs. J. R. WilsonTS , Cfcureh Circle* Meets Circle No. 1 of the Methodist Missionary ^Society met with Mrs. « Mrs, a. c. Webb at the horn* of afternoon. M^i°r TT Pre8ent- Mrs. W. E. ? ^ devotional. Mrs. J. ^5*® of Bible study “The Books of the Law.” Mrs. C. A. Graham read a paper 5SST* V!? J- c Mrs. Will West assisted by seven women presented the leaflet “Moving Pictures °f People’s Central Insti _te;. At the conclusion of the meeting, the hostesses served a sal ad course. Sunday School Picnic People’s department of the Methodist Sunday school cn ststing of the class of boys of Dr. C. S. Tate and the Mary-iMarth* class of girls enjoyed a most delight ful outing and picnic supper at Mrs. E. C. Watkins' lake on Saturday eve ning, May 6. There were about 30 people present. Rose’s 5 & 10 Will Open On Saturday With A Fresh Stock Building Damaged By Fire Some Months Ago Entirely Renovated For Spring. After five months Rose’s Five and Ten Cent Store will reopen in Ashe boro Saturday. Last Christmas eve night a blaze broke out in the rear of the store, completely destroyed the stock of goods and so damaged the building that repairs have been going forward ever since. The build ing is entirely renovated and rebuilt on the inside in addition to quite modern arrangement and equipment. Several of the Rose brothers, owners of the store, and managers from other stores of the large group of stores, have been in Asheboro for the past week making plans for the opening on Saturday when they will welcome their many former cus tomers and solicit new friends as well. The store has been decorated in beautiful and tasteful style for this occasion. J. T. Baity, formerly of Thomes viUe, will manage the Asheboro store. He has been here for some time and has already made a num ber of friends in the town and coun ty. The Rebecca Ellen Church Circle Held Meeting On Monday The Rebecca Ellen circle of the Methodist Protestant church met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Euclid Annum, of Holly street. En tertaining with Mrs. Amman on this occasion were Mrs. Ernest Linthic um, Mrs. W. Frank Redding, Jr., and Mrs. Thomas Redding.