Central Falls Holds Many Church Meets During Past Week (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Mollie Wallace, of Hemp, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Dora Cockman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright, of Asheboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Walton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Heath and Mr. and Mrs. D. Graves, of Randle man, visited Mrs. H. J. Sundstrom and Mrs. Alice Underwood Sanday. Clyde Cockman who is working in Alta Vista, Va., spent the week end at home. Mrs. J. E. Matthews, Miss Movine Matthews and Charley Matthews, of Holly Springs, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Seagroves. Wade McMillan spent the day Saturday in High Point. Mr. and Mrs. John Thorpe spent the week end in High Point. The W. M. U. of Central Falls Baptist church met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. G. A. Patterson. The meeting was presided over by the president. Mrs. J. A. Cox. The pro gram was opened by singing “Sav- j ’ AND SEE X FACTORY EXPERT 37 b MONSTR/TE THIS WONDERFUL , j NEW APPLIANCE ... V ENDORSED and SOLD THROUGH , THE PROFESSION icS&l STANDARD j otj Drug Store, Inc. Asheboro. X. C. SATURDAY. OCTOBER, 20th 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. ior Like a Shepherd Lead Us.” This was followed hy prayer by Mrs. A. J. Evans. The subject for the even ing was “Our Brothers In Black. Rev. J. A. Cox had charge of the devotions, reading and explaining the 15th chapter of Luke. A quartet, “the Ninety and Nine,” was render ed by Rev. J. A. Cox, Roy Plummer, Mrs. A. C. Wood and Mrs. Charley Williams. Mrs. B. M. Morris gave a report as to the personal service rendered during the past month. Top ical readings were given by Miss Addie Long, Miss L*tha Howard, Mrs. A. J. Evans, Mrs. A. C. Ward, Mrs. H. J. Sundstrom and Mrs. J. A. Cox. The program was closed with prayer by Roy Plummer. A delightful social hour followed at which time the hostess served re freshments. During the social hour the “Heart Sisters Revealing” took place. The gifts were distributed and new “Heart Sisters” were drawn. Jerome Cockman is spending sev eral days at Hemp. Little Ronald Saunders, who has been confined to his home for sev eral days on account of illness, is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. North York attend ed a birthday dinner at Millboro Sunday. Mrs. J. Yv. Rollins and Miss Bes-io Rollins were visitors in High Point Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. I.uther Yow attend ed a birthday dinner at Millboro Sunday. Rev. P. T. Dixon filled his ap pointment at Central Falls Metho dist church Sunday morning at 11:00 o’clock. This was Rev. Mr. Dixon's last sermon before conference. Mr. and Mrs. William Nance spent the week end in High Point. The Willing Workers class of Cen tral Falls Baptist church met Sat urday night at the home of Mrs. Tom Poole for the regular monthly business meeting. Mrs. A. C. Ward led the devotional with Psalm 112. Prayer was offered by Miss Bessie Rollins. This was followed by a j song, “What a Friend We Have In ! Jesus." A poem, “The House by the Side of the Road.” was read by Rich ard Plummer. Officers for the new quarter were elected. A. C. Ward THESE PRICES DURING OUR 75th ANNIVERSARY SALE MAY WELL BE THE LOW EST FOR MONTHS TO COME. STOCK UP. TOMATOES 4---29. BEAIS string 4 2Sc Quaker Maid 8 O’clock COCOA \ lb. can 10c W’hite House COFFEE lb. 21c Sunnyfield Pancake or Buckwheat MILK 3 Tall Cans 17c FLOUR 3 pkgs- 25c ps p EJ*C HES»" ^°Rte 2 ls®* caBs 35= SAUCE APPLE taker Maid He. !(■ ] QC Wheaties2pkgs-25' Sky Flake WAFERS 1 lb. pkg. 18c Seminole TISSUE 4 rolls 2Sc P&G Soap 2 Igs. cakM 9C OXYDOL pkg. 5c Quaker Maid BAKING POWDER i-lb. can 10g Iona LIMA BEANS 4 No. 1 Coot 25C Ivory S08p Mod. Cako 6* Grandmother’s Pullman BREAD «-«• Sliced or Unsliced •** 10c FRESH MEATS, FRUITS and VEGETABLES PRICED FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY Picnic Hams, Small Lean, lb.15c Beef Steak, Tender, 2 lbs. . 29c Pot Roast Beef, lb 10c Fat Back, white, no Salt, lb . 14c liver Steak, lb .. 10c Pare Pork Sausage lb 15c Grapes, Red Tokays, 4 lbs. . 25c Apples, Yorks, 8 lbs. 25c Bananas, 4 lbs._28c Tomatoes, fancy, 2 lbs..15c Lettuce, Large Heads, Each.9c Celery, N. Y. State each . 6c was elected president; E. O. Seagrove, vice-president; and Mrs. A. C. Ward, secretary and' treasurer. After the business was transacted the social hour followed. Contests and games were enjoyed. The hostess served an oyster stew, cakes and hot cof f