|COMPLETE COUNTY COVERAGE (WITH AUDITED CIRCULATION. THURSDAY THE COURIER OCTOBER 18, 1934. RANDOLPH’S OLDEST^ leading newspaper!® S5! Politicians Speak To County Voters Of Both Parties (Please turn to Page 8) salary of $25,000.00 a year to des troy Mr. Hoover and his adminis tration. Mr. Jonas criticized the North Car olina Highway Commission asking for an increase of two million dol lars, part of which he said would go to raise the salaries of state em ployees. He was in favor of pay ing school teachers a respectable sal ary, and deplored the fact that they i were expecting to be paid off in script and due bills. He advocated paying the school teachers their sal aries and if script must be used give it to the political office holders. Mr. Jonas, who is a candidate for the Legislature this year in Lincoln county, pledged his vote against the sales tax. He described the sales tax as a poor man’s tax, stating that housewives who bought 10 cents worth of goods paid a 10 per cent tax, while the rich man who buys a Pierce Arrow pays 1-5 of 1 per cent. He also pledged himself to the retention of the Turlington Act, and criticized the Democratic party for permitting their children and ■ A Clinic e? Motor Experts To Protect Your Car! Bring Your Car In Today—We’ve Got a Remedy For It! Garner’s Auto doctors can take that invalid car of yours, go into a huddle over it. and come up with a perfect diagnosis of its ail ments. Then they they go to work, and with speed and precision and quality materials, your car will be able to set up by itself in a few days, ready for several thousand more miles of punishment. Free Expert Check-Up That whisper in the carburetor may mean wasted gas . . . over-worn front tires can be caused by badly aligned front wheels . . motor overheating indicates water pump or distributor troub'e ... a weak battery might be due to insufficient water . . . or any one of dozens wdermilk, of Asheboro, and a sister, Mrs. W. I. Bowman, of Greensboro. Mt. Lebanon Home Coming Day Mr. Lebanon church will celebrate Home Coming Day on Sunday, Octo ber 21st. Preaching at the 11:00 o’ clock hour will be by the pastor, Rev. Joel Trogdon followed by a picnic lunch at noon. In the after noon, visitors will speak briefly. All members and former pastors of the church are cordially invited to at tend. Special music wall feature both services. Mrs. Rosa To Lecture The third of the lecture series on Child Psychology by Mrs. Bess Rosa will be held on Tuesday, October 23rd, at the Asheboro Baptist church. The topic for this lecture will be “Reward and Praise.” The congre gation of the Baptist church has graciously offered a permanent lo cation in their church for these lec tures during the year. All parents are invited to attend. Chicken And Oyster Supper A chicken supper and oyster stew will be held on Saturday night, Octo ber 20th, at the school house at Central Falls. This fete will be for the benefit of the Central Falls M. E. Chur«ht«- The public is invited to attend. Improving Grocery Store Buck’s Cash Grocery, a new store opened on South Fayetteville street last month, is now enlarging and redecorating the interior. The parti tion in the back of the store has been removed this week, making the store twice the former size, and new shelves installed. A coat of cream and black paint further adds to the attractiveness of the store which is new and modern through out, with a stock of fresh groceries. Singing Convention The 21st singring convention of Coleridge township will be held at Concord M. E. church in Coleridge on Sunday, November 4th, begin ning at one o’clock p. m. All the township singers are requested to be present at this convention. Visiting choirs are expected from Asheboro, High Point, Ramseur and Hemp. Everybody is invited to come and take part in this convention. T. A. OOX, President, MADGE CRAVEN, Secretary. Week End Guests Miss Lucy Clyde Ross, student at High Point College, High Point, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ross the past week end. She was accompanied home by two of her classmates, Miss Jo Williamson, of Thomasville, and Miss Rebecca Kearns, of Lumberton. M. Bloom Returns M. Bloom returned Tuesday from a month’s visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bloom, in Baltimore, Md. Mr. Bloom was injured in an automobile wreck three months ago1 and was a patient in Rex hospital, Raleigh, for two months before go ing to visit his parents and have special treatment in Baltimore. Mr. Bloom was injured in his back but is much improved. Mrs. Bloom went to Baltimore for the week end and to accompany Mr. Bloom home. Reemployment Office Active A large number of people are avail ing themselves of the opportunity to register at the National Reemploy ment Service branch office which District Manager, Wade Renfrew re cently opened here for the conveni ence of Randolph county people, who had been going to High Point dur ing the period when there was no registrar here. 'uner^ Ho, Ashebor0, oiaej us«“■»»• fT«*es *3 ?s 5a//e^: School Aal>ebor, GETS A GOOD PRICE FOR HIS TOBACCO Harvey Bennett, young fanner from the Seagrove section, was in Asheboro Wednesday returning from Winston-Salem where he sold his crop of tobacco. Mr. Bennett took 604 pounds of tobacco to the market and received a check for $272.65 for his load. There were sir grades of tobacco in the load aver aging 46 1-2 cents per pound. Mr. Bennett was accompanied to the market by his father, Jerry Bennett, also of Seagrove. p“'k The eighth annual re»ni„ Pugh and Lineberry fiJm; " 01 held at Gray’g Chapeui P 1 on the Liberty-Ashebom wsC“' 11 i0 d^,k’ Sunday- OrtobJ^. n ovllT88 be de»vered at! 11 o clock session which will tT mediately followed by a ohn^ii ines. meeting. At 12:30 SlL\ annual picnic dinner will Kj ■®“ *huKh lawn. The afte? will be given over to a SOciai and a musical program. ^ For RESULTS WANT ADS. U3e C01 f AYE HONEY OH COODIOO0 It’s Wiser to Save But It’s Far Wiser to Save and Yet Not Sacrifice any of the Good Things to Which You Are Accustomed. YOU CAN DO IT HERE! SUGAR 5 lbs. . 9gc wilson’s SAU SAGE, lb Sugar, 10 lb., Peanut Butter lb ... 14c Peanut Butter 2 lbs. 24c PEAS can .. 10c Toilet Tissue, 6 rolls for ... MILK 7 cans for KRAUT can SSc 24c 10c FLOUR Plain or Self Rising 241b. 95c 48 lb. $1.85 JELLO, All Flavors, 3 for . 24c PORK & BEANS 2 cans for . 14c EGGS dozen BUTTER m . Coffee, lb. CHEESE lb . 17c BACON lb . 33c QUAKER OATS Oil* 3 pkgs. for. mtC GRITS, Quaker 6)\ p 3 pkgs. for. u-tV, Lard, lb. 11c OYSTERS, can, 2 for 24c Pineapple, crushed "1 or sliced, large can 1 I C CANNED BEEF 14c BROOMS, 4 string . 34c Meat, lb. 17c SALMON can . 14c ftt 15c io30c Irish Potatoes, lb. 21* FREE DELIVERY -o PHONE256 Buck’s Cash Grocery Opposite School Building Asheboro, N. C. fUftN/TU ***>8 R "in*ng R All Safa Smm reserved Bed B * 0ne of th Rooat i *D«J I Sale In Charge of H. K. Buchanan, Well Known Auctioneer NORTH MAIN ST. FURNITURE Just Above Washington Street I HIGH POINT, N. C.