1 Ford Dealer fw Displaying: New 1935 Pwx Representative body types in the line of Ford V-8 trucks for >36 on display at the H. A. Page, Motor Company reveal sweeping tanges to cab and chassis, reflect new trend in appearance and in oduce many new mechanical fea In the new trucks, the engine has sen moved forward more than eight tches giving more room in the cab nd improved distribution of weight, ther important changes include: re signed brakes and Clutch, new p rings and extended springbase, ew cooling system, greater capacity as tank, heavier front axle, larger nd longer drive shaft and longer >rque tube and new emergency rake level with dual ratchets. The heavier front end that gives icreased security and greater sta ility on slippery roads; better brak ig qualities because of the newly esigned brakes, and new cabs trim led in the manner of the business Dupe are outstanding features of the 935 lines. The cab is distinguished in ap earance and roomier. It has ad istable windshield, cowl ventilator nd clear vision ventilation, the lat sr heretofore 'found only in the assenger car. Under severe and continous opera on with a full load, the effective ess of the brakes is nearly double iat in former trucks. The brakes re considerably more powerful. Ihanges in construction have pro id ed a more uniform bearing sur ace on the drums and at the same ime “fading away” of the brakes n long, continuous application has een eliminated. The driver has sen provided with a much quicker lop and with it leas pedal pressure ( required. Better control of the luck with added safety, under all riving conditions, has been assured r the many changes in construction. Sre brakes are simpler, too, more ban 20 parts having been eliminat & in the new design. The clutch has been greatly sim Ufied and increased in sixe for more Kicient operation. The new clutch rnvides a smoother start for the iiver and easier, more positive dis Ogagement for rapid and silent ■arahifting. Pedal pressure has been laterally decreased. In addition, re engagement of the clutch at high ay speed hah been made so posi ve, Slipping and consequent clutch ear have been virtually eliminated. A longer front spring has been rovided and the front spring as smbly moved further forward, im ■Mtog A>ad distribution to a great rhe mew axle, designed to carry nuch heavier load, is mounted with ivier radius raids. Vith fnikflnwting rear axle, dual m-draft d|gtpN«Dr and perfected gne tube drfte, the powerful 80 se-power engine of the 1084 dels, With several important mges, is awtadned in the 1986 line. ttmeraus requests for poultry le and bride brooder plans indi that OataWba county farmers preparing for another big poul year. ideal cooling of the en _ all Vporatidg conditions, cooling system has been vastly oved. The capacity of the ra has been enlarged and large .impellers provided. Cooling lency has been increased ma by theee Changes, new 20-gallon gas tank under driver’s seat mow has the filler much more conveniently inside 'tin door. MOSES & CO. - Barnes, M.D. L. Griffin, What a Big Mouth You Have, Daddy! * "WHAT a big mouth you have, ” Daddyl” is what young Michael is saying to his father who is none other than the distinguished baritone, Lawrence Tibbett. Michael is finding out where the “big noise” comes from that thrills millions in opera, concert, on the screen and over the radio. The baritone has just celebrated his tenth year as the outstanding star of the Metropoli tan Opera Company and during 1935 is expected to add new honors CONDENSED NEWS OF STATE AND NATION Important Happenings of the Current Week Written Exclusively for Readers of This Paper. The bar examination of the State began Monday, at Raleigh, with two day tests being given to 85 appli cants, 42 of whom have tried before and failed. Since the new system went into effect, the number of ap plicants standing the bar examina tions have beat well below the num ber which used to take it from the Supreme Court. The last court ex aminations have been well below the number which used to take it from the Supreme Court The last court examination was given to 200 ap plicants, while 112, who appeared last summer, are the most that ever tried the new system at one time. William Hohenzollern, ex-Kaiser of Germany, was" reported to be well and fit on his 76th birthday, which was passed in Doom, Holland. With him was his children, grandchildren, and a few selected guests. The Kaiser, in excellent hedlth and look ing younger and fresher than many of his company, drank Ms usual one glass of wine after dinner and spent the evening in a lively conversation. The birthday gift which semned to please the ex-Kaiser most was a vacuum flask regulated according to temperature. This was give* to him j by the former Crown Prince arid Crown Princess. Columbia University announced Saturday that they had discovered the chemical formula for vitamin B, an epochal step toward preservation of health. B is the nerve vitamin, without which the nerves go to pieces. The discovery gives hope of more effective treatment for the most common cases of insanity. Un til now, vitamin B has been available RESOUTIONS OIF RESPECT Where**, The Supreme Councilor of the universe saw fit, in His divine wisdom, to remove from the frater nal brotherhood of Shiloh council, our beloved brother, H- V* Brooks, on January 16, 198S. ? Where**, we realise that our sad; loss is his eternal gain; yet we mom, his departure from our ranks, as he was a charter member of the order and possessed to a remarkable de glee those'’characteristic that mark a true JUhior. WMSreas, the Shiloh Council wish fidvsss ed brother, in their hoar OfgHtf. Now therefore, be,ft resolved ny the Shiloh Council No. 300 Junior Order United American Mechanics in special called meeting assembled. First, That the order hereby ex presses its depp sympathy to the family W brother: flL M. JBrooks ii their hour qf bereavement. Second, That copies "of this tosoIu tkm be seat Jto The Aahebpno Couri er, to The. Randolph Tribune, and tf Third, That ,* espy pf this resolu tion be spread Upon the' minutes of the recording eameUyy of Shiloh Council. Resolution respectfully submitted byt E. C. Beane, Fletcher Stout, S. W. Miller, Resolution Committee. WITH SLEEVES ROLLED UP ws— 3 jssi The Dairymen’s League Nows, pub to those which already rank him as America's Foremost Singer. He will be featured in no less than twenty-four operatic productions during the current season, in addi tion to broadcasting his regular Tuesday, night programs over the coast-to4coast NBC-WJZ-Blue net work. A spring concert tour will f oU low and this will terminate on the Pacific Coast where he will spend most of the summer making a new motion-picture. only from foodstuffs such as to matoes, spinach, legumes, eggs, yeast, liver, kidney, and other glandular tissue. The importance of the Columbia discovery lies in the fact that vitamin B can soon be synthesized in pure form; that is, artifically produced from the chemi cals which compose it. Those chemi cals consist of: carbon, nitrogen, hy drogen, oxygen, and sulphur. Miss Winnie Bradshaw, 32, was found at her home in Wilmington Sunday frozen to unconsciousness due to exposure. She was immediately taken to the hospital, where her con dition was reported as critical, al though, H is said, dhe has an even chance to recover. Miss Bradshaw had] been missing from her home since Tuesday and when asked by her uncle, J. R. Baines, where she had been and what had caused her disappearance, she would give no answer. Both the chief of police Wallace and other officers are at work on the case, and hope to have it cleared Up very soon. Peace and quiet once more reign in the state of Louisiana, where Huey Long’s government was nearly over thrown last week by a group of “Square Dealers,” led by the youth ful Ernest J. Bourgeois, the presi dent. The purpose of this “Square Deal” organisation is to overthrow “dictator” Huey Long and to repeal his laws which gave him the power to do almost anything he wanted. It is predicted that more of these uprisings will break out in the near future. At the present, Long is on his way to the national capitol at Washington. milk products for the farmer. It lias fought for a better adjustment Between demand and supply. It has Sought for higher standards of pro duction and distribution. And, when ents attempted to died a year or two trucks apd intimidat to the extremist utaer cooperatives can show records <*f achievement. Or is agriculture, its sleeves rolled liffl --- is. Legal Notices NOTICE! Having qualified as administrator on the estate of J. E. Reddick, de ceased, before Everett Boling, Asst. Cleric of Superior Court of Randolph present jthem to undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 29th day of January, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 89th day of January, 1935. ■ ...? C. G. REDDICK, -Admr. H. CL Royals, Atty. Trinity, N. C. (pd. 6t 1 81 36) Route 1. NOTICE) OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of .power con tained in a certain {deed of trust given by J. S. Presnell and his wife, Hannah Presnell, to the undersigned Trustee bearing date of April 18, office of the Register of Deeds for Randolph County, North Carolina, in Book 236, page 46, the undersigned will at 12 o’clock noon on Saturday the 23rd day of February, 1936, at the court house door in Asheboro, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash all of that certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the town of Asheboro, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Delphina Henley (Now Mrs. Walker) and described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake Del phina Henley corner on the Hast side of the street running south by J. E. Walker’s (Now Mrs. O. R. Cox’ residence); thence along the said street a southwest course 163 feet to a stone on the north side of a white oak stump; thence a south eastemly course about 137 feet to the southeast comer of the rock wall at the comer of the old garden fence; thence north to a stone; thence north 23 degrees east 7 poles to a stone, Delphina Henley comer; thence north 62 degrees west 6 poles to the beginning, containing two-thirds (2/3) of an acre, more or less. The same being a portion of the land conveyed by F. Rush, Sr., to Mrs. Jean Rush, deed being dated the 20th day of April, 1904, registered July 4, 1918, Book of Deeds No. 180, page 38, the said land conveyed con tains a dwelling house known as the Z. F. Rush, Sr., dwelling place. This being the same land conveyed on the 10th day of February 1919, by Mrs. Jean Rush (unmarried) to Joseph S. Presnell deed being filed for regis tration 29th day ocf November 1919, recorded in Book 187. Tills the 22nd day of January, 1935. T.' A. BURNS, Trustee. I. C. Moser, Atty., Asheboro, N. C. (4t 1 31 36) NOTICE! North Carolina, Randolph Comity. In the Superior Coart. Mrs. Catherine Riddle, TO. J. E. Riddle. The defendant, J. E. Riddle, will take notice that an action an en titled above has been commenced in the Superior Court in Randolph County, North Carolina, by the the plaintiff, la. 'Catherine Riddle, for the purpose of securing- an absolute divorce from the defendant; and the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of The Superior Court, at the courthouse, at Ashe boro, N. C., cm the 28th day of Feb ruary, 1926, and answer or demur to the complaint which has been filed in the office of the said Cleric of Superior Court. 'Otherwise, the plaSn tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 29th day of January, 1936. EVERETT BOLING, Asst. Clerk Superior Court. (4t. 1 31 35) SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by Virttl#'of a power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed June 27, 1931 by Ernest Luther, land wife, Ola Luther and Rufus Lassiter and wife, Nettie Lassiter, to the undersigned Trustee, which Is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ran dolph county in book 232, page 46, and default having been made in the payment, of the same according to the terms and conditions therein im posed, the undersigned wQi sell at public auction at the Court House door in Asheboro, North Carolina, Monday, February 25, 1935 at 12:00 o’clock noon, the following described real estate: Beginning at a stake on east bank of Uwharrie River near the mouth of^ai branch, thence E. 28 chains to a red oak; thence south to the Coun ty Public (Road, thence west with said road to King’s line. Thence north with King’s line to the begin ning, containing 30 acres more or less. This the 22nd day of January, 1935. Terms of sale: CASH. W. F. BRINKLEY, Trustee. Martin & Brinkley, Attorneys. Lexington, North Carolina. (4t 1 31 35) NOTICE! The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Randolph County Building and Loan Association will be held in the court house in Ashe boro Tuesday evening, February 6th, At 7:80 o’clock. All stockholders arc urged to attend. T.rra M. KEARNS, Sec.-Treas. (2t. 1 24 35) NOTICE! other articles too Having qualified as Administra tor on the estate of W. Watson Woodbum, deceased, before Rufus F. Routh, Clerk of Superior Court of Randolph county, I shall sell at puhlic auction to the highest bidder for cash, on the premises on the 16th day of February, 1935, at 10 o’clock, A. M., 1 Cow, about 100 Chickens, Com, Oats, Hay, Stove, Beds and Household and Kitchen Furniture, i tedious to n__ All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly veri fied, oh or before the 21st day of January, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make im mediate settlement. This the 21st day of January, 1935. J. A. BRADY, Admr. of W. Watson Wood burn, deceased. Cox 4k Prevette, Attys. i (6t 1 26 35) and Marie Smith Parrish Rice, I will on Monday, the 18th day of Febru ary, 1936, at 12:00 o’clock M., ait the courthouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said Marie Smith Parrish Rice, the de fendant, has in the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: Lots No. 28, 29, 30, 45 and 46 in Book >C. of the W. C. Winslow sub-division in the western part of Asheboro, North Carolina. For a better description see Plot Book 1, page 63, recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Randolph coun ty, North Carolina, being the es tate or lands conveyed by Carr Par rish to Marie Parrish on the 22nd day of December, 1932, recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Randolph county in Book 256, at page 583, for a better description. This the 14th day of January, 1935. C. E. KING, Sheriff of Randolph 'County. (4t. 1 24 35) CLAIM OF LAND NOTICE. I hereby enter claim for % acre of land more or less, on rt. 1, Randle man, N. C., bound as following: On South and Southwest by John and Versilla Sellars, on West and North by Will Stedman and on East by Randleman Rt. 1. FRANCES HOWARD, Route 1, Randleman, N. C. Box 34. (4t.-l-10-35.) SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Randolph County. G. H. Ferree, A. I. Ferree et al vs. All the unknown heirs, bom or un born, resident or non resident who will *r might be the heirs of Sarah Elder, dec. The defendents, all the unknown heirs, ibom or unborn, resident or non resident, who will or might be the heirs of Sarah Elder, dec. will take notice that an action as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Randolph County, N. C., to sell for division 100 acres of land situated in Bank Creek Township in which the defendants have a 1-7 interest; and the said defendents will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of the said county in the court house in Ashe boro, N. C., on or before February 15, 1985 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This January 23, 1935. R. F. ROUTH, Clerk of Superior Court of Randolph County. (4t 1 24 i85) NOTICE! Having qualified as Administrators on the estate of J. Milton Allred, de ceased, before R. F. Routh, Clerk of Superior Court of Randolph county, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on the prem ises on the 26th day of January, 1985 at 1:00 o’clock p. m., at the late resi dence of J. Milton Allred, 2 miles north of Frsnldinvllle, N. C., a lot of household and kitchen property, beds and bedding, a lot of antique furni ture, walnut chest of drawers; spool beds been in the family for years; a lot of small tables, antiques, farm ing tools, and other articles too tedious to mention. All persons having claims against Baid estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 1st day of February, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all per sons owing said estate will come for ward and make immediate settle ment. This 22nd day of December, 1934. H. W. Allred, Franklinville, N. C. Mrs. C. F. Witherspoon, High Point, N. C., 827 West Green St., Admrs. 6t.-12-27-34. NOTICE! Having qualified as [Executor on the estate of Jefferson A. Auman, de ceased, before Rufus F. Routh, Clerk of Superior Court of Randolph coun ty. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly veri fied, on or be before the 4th day of January, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 1st day of January, 1936. E. W. AUMAN, Esecutor, Asheboro, N. C. 6t.-l-3-35. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Pursuant to an ordei entered in the action now pending in the Su perior Court of Randolph county wherein Joe A. Hardie, Administra tor of the Estate of J. E. Hardin, de ceased, is plaintiff, and Undine B. Hardin, Miriam Hardin, Margaret Hardin, Dorothy Hardin, Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks, ex rel, North Carolina Bank & Trust Com pany, and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, are defendants, the un dersigned having been duly appointed Commissioner, will sell at public auc tion at said lands near Julian, N. C., beginning at 11 o’clock, a. m., on Monday, the 4th day of February, 19S5, the following described real estate: Liberty Township—Randolph County FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a stone, Banner’s comer, Staley’s line, formerly a poplar, and running thence east with Banner’s line 19 chains and 18 links to a stone in the Fayetteville Road, Henderson’s comer; thence in a northern direction with the various courses of said road as it now runs 29 chains and!2 links to a stone; thence west 18 chains and 70 links to a stone ip Burrow’s line; thence south 28 chains and 91 links to the beginning, containing 611 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at ar iron stake in center of Fayetteville Road, corner with Mrs. A. H. Hen derson, thence with said Henderson’s line south 85 deg. 45 min. east 2751 feet to a white oak, comer with said Henderson and W. O. Goley; thence north 7 deg. 55 min. west 882.8 feel to a stake or stone; thence north 4 deg. 45 min. east 457.5 feet to a stake and pointers on.line; thence a new dividing line with C. H. Hardin north 85 deg. 45 min. west 2592.5 feet to an iron stake in cen ter of Fayetteville Road; thence along center of said road following courses and distances, viz; south 2 deg. 4 min. east 100.7 feet; south 2 deg. 21 min. west 1030.2 feet; and south 2 deg. 4 min. east 133.9 feet to the beginning, containing 77.38 acres, more or less. A certain tract or parcel of land in Liberty Township, Randolph Coun ty, State of North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of J. E. Hardin, Mis. C. E. Hester, Robert Staley and others, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone in the Staley line, running thence south 71 deg. 17 min. west 124.7 feet to a-stone; thence north 39 deg. 29 min. west 262.3 feet to a stone in the road; thence south 66 deg. 16 min. west 528 feet to a stone on the north side of a ditch; thence south 77 deg. 39 min. west 453.8 feet to a stone in the old Jesse Julian line; thence north 9 deg. 58 min. west 779.1 feet to a stone in J. E. Hardin’s line; thence south 84 deg. 52 min. east 49.5 feet to a white oak, J. E. Hardin’s comer; thence north 6 deg. 45 min. west 825.2 feet along J. E. Hardin’s line to a post oak, Hardin’s comer; thence north 5 deg. 49 min. east 1188.5 feet along J. E. Hardin’s and C. H. Hardin’s line to a post oak, C. H. Hardin’s comer; thence south 83 deg. 22 min. east 329.1 feet to a stone; thence north 2 deg. 26 min. east 534.7 feet to a stone; thence south 86 deg. 12 min. east 1128.2 feet to a stone; thence south 3 deg. 48 min. west 3052.8 feet to the be ginning comer, containing 97.18 acres more or less. The above described tract of land embraces all that certain lot or par cel of land that was conveyed by A. C. Causey and Mary E. Causey, his wife, to W. 0. Goley, by two deeds both dated March 15, 1893, one reg istered in Book 90, page 85, and the other in Book 193, page 165, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Randolph County, except so much as was conveyed by the said W. O. Goley and wife to Robert Staley by deed dated the 27th day of April, 1906, which is registered hi Book 152, page 274, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Randolph Coun ty. Said lands are to be sold by said Commissioner free and clear of all dower rights and rights of lien hold ers. Said sale shall be for cadi or for one-half cash and the balance on or before six months from the date of sale, the balance bearing interest at the rate of six percent- per annum, the last and highest bidder to have his election as to whether or not he shall pay cash or one-half each and one-half in six months With interest. In either event the last and highest bidder is required to pay immediately to the Commissioner five percent of the amount bid in cash or by a cert ified check. Said sale is to be report ed to the Clerk of the Superior Court of this County for confirmation, ta accordance with the provisions of the statutes of the State of North Caro lina. This the 2nd day of January, 1935. JOE A. HARDIE, Commissioner. SAPP & SAPP, Attorneys. Greensboro, N. C. 4t-l-3-35. JANUARY •3- -) '» *. -•. -«» ••' • • 'i' - Is Pay-Up-Month! : Don’t Forget Your Courier Subscription If You Are In Arrears,-While Making Up Your Yearly Budget Don't Forget To Include THE COURIER In The List Of Those To Be Paid. Watch Your Label—‘And Pay Your Subscription To Date! Telephone 144 Fifty-Ninth Year of mssegmm^.

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