« nm Acuaa Without la , History of Fmr Bast J44V »’ HetotionwMsHtt W arfare, Continues ; ta Avw Xtedared Wsi m May -Bt ATSf t?i; AmrAm "- f Jfp Marrh, • | ttfcr The \aeocisted Frew) 'J- Sffmstfts 3i>d Oihffie dipkautt list night expressed hope that for te! dsc&sreu war between their •..•!•; Aft ■ averted, hut war fare afjjft, gripped central Chin* and in the Horth formidable arm ies' moved cowards fresh collis ‘ Hasty--withdrawals of thousands of Jftmrstm frost widely separated parte ft • i .i reas6e-i - dimes whnji tfee Japanese navy, under m strsft*iaa# tram Tokyo, ordered convpteie abandonment of the Jap anese concession at Hankow, great port sM industrial center. Ordftr* wa&e issued for aft Jajss nese Jh Hankow, iwinding 400 muthm, W bc- aboard ship fey 00ob Sunday, when it la expected the Japanese wifi abandon completely - - Si, i. i, •■•- ;J»«ir trade tn centra] Chi tbib&U?. of I Swiss' SfeOgMa?:, of- ffif reaefitaSriyc- ffofet L- TkMlgKttte ■ o! the ninth hfortli Gfcrolina district to givm 'up her job as mdi'efsr* to her father and is now in Den ver, Cole., ajUbrutpiarf' -ts»er|i«y n Thomas; A. .Bmi;^8B|r]teip ai«g« of the s^kt&wi igtatMis* hereati. of tte pturafiKte-s«e wiwfcn. THE WMATiHEK North Carolina; Itefclf' ctawtv Sunday and Monday, scattered aft OTRcxin ^inndcted-oetes. Vi -of [Plane m M r Wm ■ ' ; I 1 i] I IS Anr, Maignrst Becker, abcvp, ki ! o»e gtRW'.xditss a plajre g|^ will S be especially gl*d to have along [ in an emergency. She's the test I plane hostess to gain a oaBuner ] dal radio toSonhone .. operator’s I license, passing her examination jwiih a 92 rating. If needed abe‘11 | be able to take aver the radio oger i ations i«$ f By Jew Htip-fai i last ween. Mr. ;n^s^0jr jin axt- valued at S: 5a ping contest. goth jwe.v are •=-'* hy'C. wii iiunftt, .one et tee(ts.ftg: ;fartoerf m:w‘ mill men of N«w HbjSfe, .Itf: p Idttfc Mountain. ,Sk C-t Aag. T.— ^AP)—Circuit Jadge Gsm-oli .iolia* Sob Earn age, SK, dl^t.of * heart at tack hert- today a few min ala s g? ter aa nddreastoihe affiimjNew* berry college mwlan,