IThe Largest Paid-Up Circulation of Any Newspaper Published in Randolph County MEMBER QP ASSOCIATED PRESS N. E. A. FEATURE SERVICE |M" ' Randolph County’s Only Daily Newspaper THE DAILY COURIER “Over 10,000 People Welcome You to Asheboro, the Center of the Mid-South” JIMK lxi ASHEBORO, N. C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 24,1937 NUMBER 91 * SPECIAL SESSION OPPOSED BY LEADERS Merits of State in First Demand To Both Countries. II Demands jap iina Settlement Without Warfare Attention to World [opinion; Urges Peace For World Sake. [Washington, Aug. 24.—W—A juted public statement from Sec #ry of State Hull to Japan and ina today announced a United opinion demands a peace settlement of the two countries tute. [telling the two nations that a of a serious nature concern [the entire world, the statement \ "we urge that they settle their ences in accord with peaceful* iciples.” [The statement also announced ^t the “opinion is not alone >f j people but of most of the peo f of the world.” Without attempting to pass judg nt regarding the merits of the ■troversy,” he said, “we appeal I the parties not to resort to fur ter warfare.” II Warns Japs Of War Results Fill Is Upon Both China And Nippon Not to Continue War. Washington, Aug. 24.—(Jf\— icreta.-y Hull appealed to China Japan yesterday to “refrain resort to war.” [ The two nations, he said, should tie their differences in accord* wr,h principles which “in the ;h pr lone o^nuf ipBeplP —Japa nese planes and navy guns ajd raiding parties smashed at tne Chinese defense today in a “prom ised victory” against Chinese re sistance. In the midst of exploding bombs and artillery shells 212 Am ericans were evacuated aboard lin ers. The battle raged down the Whamgpoo and along the Yangtze river. The Japanese landed thousands Hp£ reinforcements led by “a suicide detachment of the White Band of Death.” The Japanese were driving in from the north to assault the Chi nese left flank. Already, rein forcements landed yesterday and today, were advancing on different fronts from one to two miles. A member of the Japanese staff declared “our forces will meet and destroy the Chinese, regardless of time and place.” Well Baby Clinic Here Wednesday No Charge For Service; 55 Cases Handled to Date By Dr. J. H. Soady. ~ The regular monthly well baby clinic will be held in the office of the county health department, Wed nesday afternoon, August 25, at 1:30. Dr. J. H. Soady will be in charge of this clinic assisted by members of the Sorosis club and the health department personnel. All mothers are invited to bring their babies to this free olinic. The babies are weighed and measured, given a thorough checkup and the mothers given instructions as to the care and feeding of their ba bies. When any child is found to have any physical defect which can be corrected he is referred to the family physician at once for correc tion. This clinic is held the last Wed nesday of each month. Since Jan uary, 1937, 55 children have at tended these clinics making 72 vis its. Santander’s Fall Expected Shortly Franco's Army Closing in On Government’s Last Seaport. Hendaye, Franco-Spanish Fron tier, Aug. 24.—UP)—Continued ad vances by five converging columns of Insurgent groups made it “a fact” today “that fighting in the Santander district is virtually end ed." Insurgent Salamanca headquar ters predicted that the race of Franco’s army advance would per mit capture of the provisional cap ital city “before the end of the week.’ The government admitted, in part, insurgent claims. Reported fierce infantry attacks with large fleets of tanks and heavy masses of artillery and aviation marked Franco’s drive on the Loyalist last important stronghold on the Bis cay seaport. \ l Preparing for Trou^ui China Taking ashore a field piece by motor launch, sailors from the U. S. S. Augusta, flagship of the American Asiatic fleet, are shown above preparing for any emergency, while protecting American lives and property in Shanghai. Just a short while after this picture was taken, the Augusta was hit by a shell oi undetermined origin, killing one sailor and injuring 18 others. McCrary Meets T 1 ™o night's Tussle* Red Norris May Hurl Marine General Off for China Brig.-Gen. John C. Beaumont, commander of the Second Bri gade, is en route to Shanghai to take command of the United States Marine Corps units on duty in the Chinese war zone. Arrest Hill On j Forgery Charge' Asheboro Man Locked Up In County Jail; Two Counts Filed. Amos Hill, Cemetery street, was locked up in the Randolph county jail this morning charged with passing worthless checks and for gery. Hill was charged with pass ing a worthless check amounting to $5 at a service station conduct ed by G. S. Hodgen. J. H. Lambert, justice of the peace issued the warrant to Hod gen. According to the complaint, Hill passed the check, made pay able to himself after he had forged the name of S. A. Hill to the paper. It was returned to Mr. Hodgen to day as worthless. According to Mr. Hodgen, Hill was arrested earlier in the day day charged with the same offense by another merchant. Game Will Be Broadcast At Gym Champ Norris Awaiting Call To Pitch; Seeks Revenge For First Defeat. Lankford Ready Entire Team Ready For Pan handle Nine; Loss Means Elimination. Every member of the Mc Crary Eagles will be ready for the renewal of their play in the Na tional semi-pro congress at Wichi ta at 11 o’clock tonight when they line up against the Mt. Pleasant, Texas, team. Rupert Trollinger, manager of the Sunset cafe, will open his spe cial leased wire from the Wichita press box to the Asheboro gym nt 10:30 o’clock. Details of the play-by-play events will be broad cast to the audience as fast as they take place in Wichita. Mt. Pleasant eliminated the fast Spartanburg, S. C., team from the tourney Sunday night. The South Carolina team was considered one of the outstanding teams in the tournament and with their victors lining up against the Eagles prom ises a stiff battle. Defeat of the Eagles will mean their elimnation from the series while victory will send them against those strong teams bidding for top honors. Manager Neely Hunter, in a tele gram to Charles McCrary today said the team was in excellent shape and that he had not decided what hurler to start. “Reel” Nor ris, champ hurler of the State and Inter-city series and Lankford have not seen action for more than a week. Either man may be choc en to carry the banner in this im portant series. Norris, one of the strongest and fastest ball hurlers in the inter city league, is itching for a chance to turn back Mt. Pleasant. He met defeat in his first start through a series of events that could not be overcome. A couple of hits by the first two men to face him, upset Red for the moment and then he was relieved. But his opponents were not to be beaten that day and the Great Hubbell or either of the Deans, in their prime, could not have stopped the batting spree that those Buford boys started. Lankford is just as anxious to (Please turn to Page 6) Parly Spokesmen Warn Of Future Democratic Rife Claim President Should Not Urge Fall Session; May Increase Rebellion. Advise Roosevelt Recall of Legislators in Octo ber Will Cut Into Election Plans. Washington, Aug. 24.—(Ah—A group of influential democrats to day, expressed strong opposition to a special session in the fall on the grounds that it might increase party dissension. One leader, who preferred not to have his name mentioned, said “no practical good and some harm might come from a special session for consideration of the farm and wage and hour legislation. He said he and others would so advise Mr. Roosevelt before leaving the capi tal. He said time was needed to al low' heated tempers to cool and that it would be poor policy to run the risk of reopening the party strife in October. Other members, he said, ni'ght feel not too kindly to wards the administration and its legislative proposals if summoned back to Washington while in the midst of building political fences for next fall’s election. Answering the contention that action on the farm and wage and hour legislation would permit shor tening the session in January this chieftain said, a special session would not mean taking fifteen min utes off the regular session. Realignment Of Democrats, Talk Everything Hinges on Decis ion of President, is Concen sus of Opinion. ‘ Washington, Aug. 24.—WFl— New talk of political realignment arose out of the deep division in the ranks of congressional dem ocrats—a division emphasized by their bitter adjournment day squab ble on the senate floor. The democratic dissension and the recent veiled threat by John L. Lewis, C. I. 0. chieftain, to look for a new political vehicle if demo cratic “discipline” is not restored provided the background for the speculation. Many of the! democrats lingering at the Capitol for a few days before returning home discounted the like lihood of a permanent break-up of their party, but some were not so sure the breach could be closed. Depends on F. R.’s Course A general view, held by many, was that the future of the party de pended largely upon President Roosevelt’s course—that if he pur sued a middle-of-the-road program without attempt at retaliation, the party difficulties could be smooth ed over, but that if headed “left” regardless of consequences, the split was bound to widen. In some quarters it was held that the President had not definitely started his course—that he was considering both the “non-retalia tion” doctrine enunciated last week by Democratic Chairman Farley, and the “get out of the party” pol icy suggested by Senator Guffey, democrat, of Pennsylvania, to dis senting democrats almost simul taneously. One astute senator, who did not want to be quoted by name, and that conditions are at last ripe for the long-discussed party realign ment. He contended that the solid South’s fealty to the democratic party has been the stumbling block to such developments in the past but that it is no longer an ob stacle. Underwood Rites Held Sunday P. M. Funeral was held Sunday after noon for William Underwood, 67, who died at his home on Miller street Saturday morning. Service was held at the Christian church at Julian with burial following in the local cemetery. Two daughters survive: Mrs. Mary Boling and Miss Martha Un derwood, both of Asheboro. The deceased is a native of Randolph, formerly a saw-mill op erator. Bird Reporter Homell, N. Y., Aug. 24.—UP)— Swift-pinioned homing pigeons sped from various points in Steu ben county today, bearing news of outlying communities for publica tion in Homell’s Evening Tribune.