The Largest Paid-Up Circulation of Any Newspaper Published in Randolph County volume lxi member op associated tress *4. N. E. A. FEATURE SERVICE Randolph County's ^hily Daily Newspaper THE DAILY COURIER ASHEBORO, N. C„ FRIPAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1937 “Over 10,000 People Welcome You to Asheboro, the Center of North Carolina” NUMBER 98 Damaged Spanish Submarine Puts In At Bordeau i §eek “Urgent Repairs” Was Struck By Bombs; French Boat On Guard. Another At Brest Neither Craft, French Say, Was Involved in Attack In Mediterraneon. Bordeau, France, Sept. 3.—(JP>— The French dispatch boat, Quoqu dij, established a precautionary guard over the Spanish govern ment submarine G-4 today after underseas craft had applied for •urgent repairs” because of being 'struck by bombs.” The vessel arrived yesterday at the port of Le Cerdon. The cap tain did not detail the damage but said no one was wounded. Previously, the Spanish govern ment submarine C-2 had put in at I Brest and the captain had gone to Paris to ^eek motor repairs. The French vessel was put on watch over the C-4 and Spanish government trawlers which aiso ar 5 rived at Bordeau. Naval authorities said it was I unlikely, however, that the Span I ish government craft had been i involved in the recent “pirate” at tack in western Mediterranean. They pointed out that the C-2 and C-4 had appeared-in the Bay of Bis I' cay shortly after the attack in the distance Mediterranean. The C-4’s request for repairs was relayed to the Naval Ministry. had not been answered up to a late hour today. John L Lewis To Seek Farmers Aid Will Broadcast Appeal At Washington Tonight: Wm.' L- Green, Monday. Washington, Sept. 3.—(A1)—John L. Lewis indicated today he would bid for a political alliance of far mers and labor in a broadcast ad dress tonight. The chief of the CIO said farm ers were “the natural allies” of labor and added, “some of the means whereby labor expects to consolidate its natural alliance will be discussed in my speech to night.” The speech will be broad cast from 9:30 p. m. until 10 p. m. William Green AFL president, will speak at Dallas, Texas, Mon day. Case Worker Is Assigned County Miss Mary Shepard, Native Of Liberty, Takes Up Security Work. Mias Mary Shepherd, daughter of the late Dr. P. A. Shepherd, Lib erty, has been engaged as assist ant case worker in the Randolph county welfare department. Miss Shepard assumed her new duties this morning. Miss Shepard is a graduate of the N. C. State college for Women and during the past term complet ed a course in social work and re lated subjects at Chapel Hill. She has been assigned to the So cial Security division of the office work by Miss Lillie Bulla, superin tendent. WlOHE«/rri Temperature" OFTH6UAST24 THE WEATHER North Carolina. Fair today and Saturday except scattered showers in the mountains Saturday after Germany’s Trail Blazer in Atlantic Air Service *>.*• '• """" - wm wmmmm The catapult ship Schwabenland is the Nazi answer to the uncertainties of the take-off for the flying boats used in survey flights along the Azores route across the Atlantic. The gigantic four-motored Nordmeer, above, was launched in full flight from the mother ship at Port Washington, L. I., for the return flight to Germany. Mounted on a special undercarriage, the plane can be launched from a standstill start at 96 miles an hour m the two-sscond run along the steel track. Japs Warn Foreign Fleets ol Plan To Disregard Positions ol Ships Franklinville PTA Special Meeting Makes Plans For School Op ening; Library Serving Many People. Franklinville, Sept. 3.—The P. T. A. held their special meeting in the public library room, Wednes day evening, with „ Mrs. M. F. Cheek,' president in charge. The president stated that the object of meeting was to complete their or ganization and make plans for the coming year's work. It was decided to hold their first regular meeting on Wednesday night, September 15, and after this meet on the second Wednesday night in each month. On motion, they agreed to pay one-half ihe cost of maps for the school. Prof. H. M. Hackney made an interest ing talk, giving an outline of work. Taking what we have and using it for the best advantage. The fol lowing is a list of committees ap pointed: Finance: Mrs. E. S. Thomas, Miss Florence Whitley, Mrs. Ho bert Brower, Mrs. L. C. Frazier, Mrs. J. A. Wallace, Mrs. H. M. Hackney, Mrs. R. C. Curtis and Mrs. Clifford Trogdon. Program: Mrs. J. T. Buie, R. C. Fields; and Miss Nettie Moon. Publicity: Miss Blanche Burgess and Miss Eunice Banks. Hospitality: Mrs. C. C. Brady, Miss Esthar Moon, Mrs. Joe All red and Miss Rachel Burrow. Membership: Mrs. E. C. Routh, Mrs. R. H. Kirkman. Mrs. W. C. Craven, Mrs J. O. York and Mrs. R. J. Doss. Parental Education: Mrs. Lucy Davidson, Mrs. G. L. Craven, Mrs. Elzie Brower, and Mrs. E. B. Gille land. Welfare: Mrs. W. A. Martin, Mrs. W. P. Ward and Mrs. J. F. Trogdon. Publications and Library: Miss Katherine Buie and Miss Nell Cobb. Summer Round Up: Mrs. B. C. Jones, Mra. Worth Pugh and Mis3 Annie Koon. Room Repairs: Mrs. Lottie Hus band and Mrs. H. H. Taylor. The public library has received 50 new books and is expecting a shipment of hooka from Raleigh. Until the school starts the library will be open Tuesday and Wednes day morning, ® to 11 o’clock. Our young people enjoy reading good books. From 400 to 500 books are read each month- The library has a splendid location and an inviting room, where our people can meet and enjoy n social hour, making it both interesting and profitable. China Centinue Paying Shanghai, Sept. 3.—Japa nese spokesman admitted today that the Chinese government was continuing payment of its financial obligations to Japan despite the un declared war between these two countries. Payments, he said, in cluded regular Boxer rebellion in demnities and redemption of loans. Nine Saved Panama City, Fla., Sept. 3.—UPl —A rescue fleet saved nine mem bers of the crew of the sunken steamship Tarpon yesterday, three others swam ashore and two bod ies were recovered as frantic ef forts were made to account for all aboard before nightfall. | Court of Honor | A court of honor, one of the most interesting and import ant features of Boy Scout ac tivity is scheduled in the Ashe boro First M. E. church, Wed nesday night at 8 o’clock. B. W. Hackney, secretary of the Uwharrie council will be in charge of the ceremon ies. The court of honor is the oc casion when various awards - are made individual scouts for their acquirements during the scouting year. Boy Scouts from every troop in Randolph will attend the af fair. Several Eagle Scout bid-| "es will he awarded while who have r'lained this distinction at past Courts will receive additional tokens of attainment. The public is invited to at tend the affjir. Speed Ace Dies In Plane Crash Lee Miles, Kilied on Eve Of National Cleveland Races. Cleveland, Sept. 3.—UP)—Lee Miles, Fort Worth, Texas, speed flyer, was killed late yesterday on the eve of the opening of the Na tional f^ ’ His Majesty’s Home Fleet joined five others in a heavy concentration off the Spanish coast. The war craft will blanket a wide section of the Mediterranean. Annual Meeting County Y. D. Club Miss Frances Smith, Liberty, President; Good Attend ance; Convention Plans. The annual meeting of Randolph county’s Young Democratic Club was halo Thursday evening at the county court house with an excel lent attendance. Practically every section of the county was repre sented at this meeting. The president, Robert Wood, turned his chair over to John T. Moffitt, who presided over the meeting. Rev. L. R. O’Brian open ed the meeting with prayer. The chief interest and point of the meeting at this time was the discussion of the state meeting to be held in Winston-Salem on Sep tember 10th and 11th. The program for this state event was outlined by Roy Cox, who further urged a full attendance. The report by the president was brief and included hearty thanks for cooperation of the Democrats of the county, mentioning briefly the special events, such as the barbe cue and work done about election time. King Moore, treasurer, made his financial report which was roundly applauded. G. G. Gilmore, of Climax, chair man of the constitution committee, made a brief report and introduced three members of the Guilford co unty Democratic club who spoke briefly of the workings of their organizations. The following officers were nam ed: president, Miss Frances Smith of Liberty; Dr. C. D. Kisler, Ran dleman and Alfred Kearns, Farmer, vice presidents; Waldo Cheek, sec retary; Mrs. John Andrews, Trinity, assistant secretary; treasurer, Er nest Routh, Franklinville, and Everett Yow of Seagrove, assis tant. It was the unanimous decision of the meeting that all democrats in good standing in the county be rec ognized as delegates to attend the state meeting. This motion was amended to stand that the president and secretary act as leaders of the delegation. It was suggested that the delegation go uninstructed as to voting on matters and officers in the state meeting. The Bata shoe company of Czechosovakia has an estimated capacity for producing 220,000 pairs of shoes in one day. It has. more than 3,000 retail stores throughout the world.