The Largest Paid-Up Circulation of Any Newspaper Published in Randolph County MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS N. E. A. FEATURE SERVICE Randolph County’s Only Daily Newspaper THE DAILY COURIER “Over 10,000 People Welcome You to Asheboro, the Center of North Carolina” ■VOLUME LXI ASHEBORO, N. C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1937 NUMBER 120 reen Assails Lewis; Claims CIO Chief Is Seeking Presidency Jays Industrial Unit Is Nucleus For Party Gain Condemns Activities of Sepa rate Labor Unit; Hints At Civil War. Pledges Opposition [A. F. L. President Appeals To America to Fight Personal Ambition. Denver, Colo., Oct. 5.-——Wil liam Green, president of the Am erican Federation of Labor, said yesterday the CIO was being used las the nucleus for a political or ganization designed to make John |L. Lewis President of the United itates. “I appeal to the American people md the organized workers of Am irica to choose between an unsel ish common sense political policy [in labor and one dictated by unrea soning personal ambition, doomed [from the outset to failure,” Green laid. Green’s speech tonight was his second blast of the day at Lewis and his committee for Industrial Organization. He opened the A. F. of L.’s 57th annual convention by pledging the federation to increas ing war to destroy the CIO and to support democracy against the type of dictatorship he said Lewis rep resented. CIO Warned For'two years the American Fed - eration of Labor has been patient toward the CIO, Green said. “First we warned its leaders to desist. Wo advised them that their course would destroy the unity of the la bor movement in this country. “They paid no heed to our warn ings. Instead they rashly proceeded to break the laws and constitution of the American Federation of La bor and seize control of several of its official unions. They went even further and directed the ac tivities of these unions along lines which were in open violation of our law. "But we left the door open for the rebellious unions to return. A committee was appointed and in structed to meet with a similar com mittee representing the CIO, to seek a basis of settlement and ic cord to avoid the disastrous ef fects of a civil war in labor ranks. Denounces Labor Board Denver, Colo., Oct. 5.—(/P)—A firey resolution introduced at the convention of the American Feder ation of Labor by the Boot and Shoe division today called upon President Roosevelt to disband the National Labor Relations board be cause, it said, the board “is actively supporting and upholding” the CIO. Oppose Transfer Hendersonville, Oct. 5.—UV)— Representative John C. Taylor re vealed here today he has asked all members of the congressional dele gation from North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi to join with him “pro testing vigorously” the action of the war department in transferring 66 CCC camps from the fourth corps section of the south eastern states to the 9th corps section on the Pacific coast. 1937 County Tax Levy i Delivered To Sheriff iuthpaw Pitching Duel romised For Series Inaugural. York, Oct. 5.—IJP)—An all pitching duel was vir issured today for the open ne of the World Series when b Joe McCarthy announced fid send Vernon Gomez to Kid for the Yankees. Kerry of the New York Breedy had nominated Carl Hor pitching duty in the Cited By Green |OHN L. LEWIS CIO Leader Center of attack it AFL Convention. Named as pos sible candidate for presidency in stinging talk by William Green. Clinic For Blind Children Today State Commission for Blind Cooperates With County Health Department. A clinic for the indigent children of Randolph county with defective vision is being conducted today and tomorrow in the court house under the auspices of the state commis sion for the blind with the coopera tion of the county health depart ment qpdjQr, C. H. Spiwer, epun ty health officer. The clinic is being sponsored by the Asheboro Rotary club. Assisting Dr. Sumner is Miss Mary C. Williams, state medical so cial worker. According to Miss Williams, the clinic will be open the entire day tomorrow for those chil dren to whom notices have already been given. American Flyer Tried In Spain Harold E. Dahl Claims He Was Forced to Fight; Verdict • Thursday. Salamanca, Spain, Oct. 5.—(.'P>— Harold E. Dahl, the Champaign, 111. flyer who joined the Spanish gov ernment air force and was shot down by insurgents was court mar tialled today in the one-time salon of an ancient Moorish castle. Little more than one hour was required for Dahl to present his story to the military tribunal. He contended he went to Spain as an instructor but was forced to fight. The court withheld judgment un til Thursday at 2 p. m. It must forward the verdict to General Franco for approval or clemency. TWO LIBERTY MEN ENLIST IN NAVY A recent bulletin from the U. S. Navy Recruiting station in Greens boro states that two Liberty men, Linwood Norman Deaton and Will ian Eggleston Ridge were enlisted through the Greensboro station during the month of September for service in the U. S. Navy. County Conftnissioners Re lieve King of ’36 Uncol lected Taxes. The Randolph county commis sioners yesterday delivered the 1937 tax levy to Sheriff C. E. King. The new levy calls for collection of $261,217.33 an increase of $22, 000.17 over the levy for 1936. The commissioners released Sheriff King of further responsibil ity insofar as the 1936 levy was concerned turning the uncollected balance of $11,346.43 over to the county department. Sheriff King collected all the 1936 levy except $11,346.43 which repre sents taxes on personal property. At the recent sale of real estate the sheriff Bold to the county, for unpaid taxes, property taxed at $21,923.23. The county byl in the property. League Concedes Chinese Demand For Sino Action Calls Conference of Nine Powers For Decision On Jap Attacks. U. S. Represented Russia Joins China in De manding Action; 13 On Speciai Group. Geneva, Oct. 5.—

—The League of Nations sub-commit tee tonight officially declared Japan had violated treaties and invaded China. The drafting committee agreed the signatories of the 9-power treaty, included the United States, should be invit ed at the earliest possible mo ment to examine the situation. The sub-committee reporting to the main committee, declar ed miliary operations in China belie Japanese contention that she wants friendly cooperation between the two nations. Washington, Oct. 5.——Six Japa nese wat planes dropped a dozen bombs outside Nanking tonight but were forced to withdraw under anti aircraft fire and attacks by Chinese pursuit planes. New York, Ort. 5.—(/tt—George Cukor, director of the projected film version of Margaret MitcheJTs best seller “Gone With the Wwd’’ said today Clark Gjble is “want ed” for leading man and Paulette Goddard is “being considered” for leading woman.