The Largest Paid-Up Circulation of Any Newspaper Published in Randolph County MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS N> E. A. FEATURE SERVICE Randolph County’s Only Daily Newspaper THE DAILY COURIER “Over 10,000 People Welcome You to Asheboro, the Center of North Carolina” ILUME lxi ASHEBORO, N. C., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1937 NUMBER 149 aiicock Endorses Plan o Revamp Profits Tax V Aid Business Stride ir Heel Plans To d Program Aimed At Business Relief rth Carolinian Points To Necessity of Help For Reducing Tax. “iiatorial Candidate iresentative Visited Ashe bovo; Leaves For Wash ington Today. 'rank Hancock, member of Con es from North Carolina, yester during a short atay in Asheboro ounced he would support the ev frowing movement in Washing to revamp tax revenue laws to irove business conditions, tepresentative Hancock referred ecially to the excess profits tax vision, which at present he stat is “hindering the proper and essary development of the na i’s business.” From all indication,” Mr. Han k said, “this excess profits tax ttsur? will be one of the major s of the special session. It is apparent that business men oughout the country must have opportunity of looking ahead to ter days if they are to continue doytnent and expansion of busi g. I sincerely believe this excess fits tax, as now enforcable is re ding the expansion of business, revamping or, a revision, t be nds. Ir. Hancock plans to leave for shington, for the special session open Monday, late today, ie is a candidate for Unite ! tes senator, a post now held by ator Robert R. Reynolds. Washington, Nov. 1.1.—(TP)— gressional leaders indicated to there was little likelihood of rial session action on the ve advocated by same members m aid of business, hiate majority leader Barkley Kentucky, said he did not bc e there would be time for this slation. He said after return is office from a conference with lident Roosevelt: feel certain we will want to with that subject at the earl possible date but it would take I Chrismas to get it enacted.” ith the farm bill still incom b, Senator Bankhead said legis « to create an independent tor-general, a part of the ex tve reorganization recommen )ns headed the tentative pro a for the house at the outset ie special session. Nov. 13.—(.V)—A cou lud horses, Ed Krinkle 1 State Bows Before Jaspers lattan Downs Fighting Wolfoack on M,,HHv Y ! crack mud horses, lake Kopicki, conspired on a oaked gridiron today to lead iittan’s green clad Jaspers to try 15 to 0 intersectional vio tver North Carolina State’s nek. ute the gloominess of the day lie fact that the field was a &;ire, Lady Luck smiled on avier Manhattan eleven an ! the game was seven minutes Jaspers led by a field goa'. nhattan punt bounded against on State’s 19 yard line and \ Daly was on it for the Jas on the seventh. Three plays i)\vhere and Kringle, with Ca hclding the ball, dropped back 13 and kicked the ball be the uprights for three points, jfoie the perioJ was over Daly through State’s defense to a punt and the Jaspers fell on the lfi. Kopick bobbed ih center a little later for and a touchdown. Krin attempted placement was attan uncorked a 56 yard 1 in the third to push over d touchdown that ended for the day. * For Tax Relief Frank Hancock Representative in Congress, win yesterday said a revision and re vamping of the excess profits tax was virtually the only way to im prove and remedy business condi tions. Davidson Downed By Harvard 15-0 Wind and Rain Hay Big Part 7n Defeat For The Wildcats. Cambridge, Mass,, Nov. 13.—

punched out two touchdowns, a point after a safety to beat Davidson 15 to 0 in an intersec tions] game. A crowd of 4,000 shivering spec tators cheered the gallant defense of the North Carolinians who held high powered Harvard scoreless for the first period, then yielded two touchdowns by Frank Foley, left half. The first came in the second per iod after a long, slow, march and the other in the third on a brillant 03 yard run. Davidson’s running at tack never got under way. Cedar Falls Man Injured In Crash Alton Ferree, Cedar Falls, Sustained Head Injury Last Evening. Alton Ferree, Cedar Falls, sus tained minor injuries about his head last night about 7 o’clock when the -automobile in which he was riding left the highway on highway 64 about 19 miles west of this city. Pugh’s ambiance was summoned to the scene of the ac cident and brought Mr. Ferree to the Randolph hospital where he received first aid treatment. He was able to return home later in the evening. No details of the accident were available but it is understood the car in which Mr. Ferree was riding and another collided on the high way between Asheboro and Lex ington. Coast Storm Jacksonville, Nov. 12.——A disturbance, reported by the wea ther bureau as “highly beneficial to Florida” swept away from the statu today and reached up the Carolines' coast Tar Heels Crush Devils 14-6; Smash Duke’s Rose Bowl Hopes Durham, Nov. 13.—