The Largest Paid-Up Circulation of Any Newspaper Published in Randolph County ■MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS M. E. A FEATURE SERTICS “Over 10,000 People Welcome You to Asheboro, the Center of North Carolina" m % ■volume lxi ASHEBORO, N. G.t SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1937 NUMBER 168 IUnited States Citizens Musi Evacuate Nanking Japanese Within 60 Miles Of Stricken City; tombed Today Nanking, Dec. 4.—e ready to leave Nanking on short lotice, possibly tomorrow, as Jap anese columns pressed their ad vance on China’s abandoned capitol. United states embassy officials told Americans to be prepared to go aboard the gunboat Panay for safety. The skeleton embassy was left behind by American Ambassa dor Nelson. The gunboat remained as a last minute refuge for the 30 1 Americans who insisted on stay ing in the threatened city. Japanese bombing planes were actually dropping bombs within the city. Chinese military commanders admitted the Japanese columns were within 60 miles of the city and redoubled their defense pre parations. The Japanese bombers evaded the city’s anti-aircraft defense and bombed the Ming Palace airdrome within the city walls with great accuracy. The building containing fuel stores was destroyed and 10 Government houses bordering the field were demolished. No lives were lost. Long lines of troops moved through the city toward the sub defense positions. The columns in cluded hundreds of fresh soldiers ' whose only military equiptment was rifles and bandoliers. The supply of uniforms was exhausted long ago. Shanghai, Dec. 4.—

—The Brit-' ish steamer Sinshasan was reported, ■iddled with bullets from on unde-, ermined source while oh a mission Df mercy to Japanese occupied Tsu lgming Island near Shanghai. The chief officer was killed, a ailor and several passengers were wounded. After more than 200 .machine gun (hots nad been fired, the little stea-; ner’s matter, Captain M. McMillan :rept on his hands and knees under he bullets to the wheel house which le reached in safety then steered he craft out of range . British authorities had been striv ng to rescue nine Franch-Cahadian iuns who have been marooned for ibout three months British authorities said the Jap inese forces had been informed of he voyage. Japanese army officers today ap ilogized to the United States Ma ine command at Shanghai for Ja )anese troop invasion Friday on the American defense sector. At almost the same time, the Ja )anese army lodged a demand with he international settlement police 'or a free hand to move Japanese orces through the settlement. yidaySpiritln Streets—Stores Asheboro merchants are ready 'o rChristmas. The Santa Claus spirit prevails n all sections of the business dis ;rict. Windows are packed with toys, with jewelry, clothing and all man icr of gifts. The interior of stores are bedeck ed with Christmas decorations and Santa is making regular visits to >ne or two of the business houses Tor short gossipy talks with child ren. Sunset avenue and Fayetteville streets are gaily decorated with Christmas lights, which have been strung across the highways, adding a vivid holiday touch to the general displays in the store windows. enator Bailey In Parley o Hear New Business Deal Washington, Dec. 4.—UP)—A secret gathering of ten senators at rhich Lewis Douglas, former bud get director, outliped a business every program, stirred specula tion in the capitol today. Douglas left his federal post in 1934 because he disagreed with Ir. Roosevelt’s spending policy. Since then he has been an out spoken critic of the administration and last year supported Alf Lan lon on the grounds that the New ~ea! could result only in '‘improv nt of the people.” present included Royal Governor Rules Ethiopia ■ ■ ■ .>■ Premier Mussolini has provided Ethiopia with a royal governor to succeed militant General Ru dolfo Graziani. The viceroy of Italy’s biggest colony is Prince nadeo Umberto, above, of sta Savoy, general of the air corps and one of the men who “Fighting Men” Lead Britain’s War Council London, Dec. 4.—(.‘PI—War min ister, Leslie Hore-Belisha tonight told British soldiers a shake up of the army council would give “our best fighting men” a real voice in the higher military policy. The minister, who reorganized the army council with younger men and made Viscount Cort, chief of the Imperial staff, explained the motives and goals of his recent drastic reorganization. He spoke at a presentation of colors to the Manchester Regiment, and paid tribute to the “graceful sacrifice” of older generals who re tired to faciliate the promotion of younger men. The whole army promotion sys tem, apparently, is to be revamped in favor of more democratic pro cedure. T.B. Serum From Cooked Germs New York, Dec. 4.——The Federal Home Loan Bank board re ported today foreclosures on non farm real estate totaled 11,123 in October, 25.7 per cent below the 14 970 in October, 1936. Football Scores Florida 6% Kentucky 0. Ten. 32, Miss. 0. Rice 15, So. Methodist 7. Manhattan 0, Tulsa 0. (tie) So. Cal. 19, U. of Cal. 13. tne reason of national decline birth j. w iui a.tereoptican .lan tern illustrations will survey the city as it stands today, covering those points of interest which lovers of early Christian history will wish to see for themselves. The congre extend a cordial invitation to visitors who may ramble, through of