* USE FOR RESULTS » Courier Want Ads TELEPHONE 144 W' T air m..a . .1=S=S Want Ad Rates 1 Cent A Word (This Type) I&ch Insertion Twenty-five Cents Minimum Charge 2c a word this size. To insure proper position, Want Ads should be in office Tues days, Thursdays by 9 A. M.— Saturdays :) P. M. Cash must accompany all ads unless you have an open account with us. All Keyed Ads Strictly Con fidential. These can be reached by letter only. FT RN IT URE REl‘AIRING OR REBUILDING Reasonable. \H Work (iiiiiranlwl. I sod Furniture Bought :m i t*:l &—Supper Sort‘ratio 0:99—Bob Newhrdl <5:15—l-owell Thanuw 7:00—Amor *n’ Andy 7:15—Four Stars Tnwsrht 7 :9:'—I Aim and Abner, 7 :45—Sinsi iii-r Cinderella. NM'O—Toni*- Time S: 15—*Htmw r (d-ilfith 8:90—*l)fu!h V.rllc.v Days 9:00—Cafe* of YeMeryear lUrOO—First Nishtor 10:90—Jimmy KitItllor 10:45—Dorothy Thompson 11:0O—Paul Sullivan 11:15—.Salute to Laredo 11:45—Paul Sabin’s Oreh. 1 •» OK)—-Don BesKir’s. Oreh. 1 •:;:i—B. *k M :-,,i I 1 :CO—Ilerbie KayOreh. 1 :00—M all Uiv. r •3:00—Sicn Oil SATURDAY, Her'. IS 5:00— Tfop Ha tiers 5 :.‘i0—Kailemtieyers Kind' r jrarden 0 :00—Tr uly Amere-an 0:90—Bab Newhull 0:45—Don Besto: - Orvh. ! 7:00—K. iifi-t Valley Barn 7:90—Renfro Valley Barn Da m e S :0‘>—Believe if t,r Not s: 9< t—J a ek iH aley V V • i> i t y show 9:00—National Barn Datn-e 10:00-—Paul Sabin's Or5—Don Ji* .dor 1*2:90—Blue Barroii 1 :tK)—-Cirilf William 1 :90—Moon River .3 :00—-Siiri i Of! Si NDAY, DEC*. 10 5:0'»—Simjinsr Lady 5:90—The Time of Your Life CJ:00—Around the World | 0:90—rourt of Human Relations 7 :0n orch. 1 j :();>—Paul sallir.m 11:1 5.—Carlton 11 apek I 1 :.*1io\i>.y5. ukc. **o 5:00—Junior Nurse Corps. 5:15—.1 a< k Ai*m -1 ratiir 5:.».)—sinjrinjr Lady 5:45—Charlie's Sin gins School <1:00—Front Page People (i: 15—Supper Serenade H:.‘t0—Bob Now hall »!:15—Lowell Thontrtis 7:00—\ma>- n* Andy 7:15—Four staiv Tonight 1 ::F — Moo and Abner 7: 45—T» Tie NninuUieed S.t.O—Burn- :iwl A lion. —F<»v Mon Only 5»:Mi—Fibber McGee S 0—V‘»i<■■ of Fin -ione 1U:*o:j.—Famous Jury Trials 10:15— •)«•(' : A Oolitic II OKI—P:'ul Sullivan 11:15—Carlton llam-k : 1 ::><»—Clyde Moray’* Orch. i •»;()(i—T mimv llorsey -Hi. k stabile 1 Ml—Kay Kj'v.'V’s <>n*li. 1 '—M tin Hivo* " ;! 5:P:i—Junior Nitr.-e Corps. 5 ;15—Jaeic V mist rung 5 .'Ul — Sinking Lady 5 :•! 5—Charlie's Singinsr l»:(K>—Front Page Profile (5:15—Supper serenade —Bob Newhali (1:4 5—Lov "11 Tiionnas 7 :00—Amor n Andy 7 :15—Vocal Variolic* 7::«»—Don Bestor’.*? On.'li. 7 : 15—Tonic Time 8:(Wl—Johnny Presents S:.'U1—It Can Re Done 9:0C|—Hoosr. r HoUsewamt 0 —Trie Potrvtive Mvs 10:00—Mitl We lorn Stars I • .00—i.1 irunty Fidh»r !0:4A—Count of Montr Christ« 11:00—Paul Sullivan t II :15—CVarHnn TLnnk j 11 :iI0—Lk».i IkiisUiv 1 1 :1 ft—'Vincent Lopex 12:00—Horace Heidt —Way no KinsrV orch. j : :00 -R i\ i\>0rl*«i Orrti. ! I :S0—Moon River 2:00—tv—>H ol i,v w ->o.l Par ado 11-oa—Paul Sullivan | 11:15—I.os Amigv** •! l :30—Pon Ttostor's Orch. : 1 : 15—Vincent Lopez ! 12:00—Guy Lombardo I l2:od—Paul Wititoman ! 1 :(V0—Ray Pearl’s Oroh. (1:50—Mont River 2:00—Sitrn Off Till RSDAY. PEC. 23 | 5:00—Junior ,Nurse Corps. • 5:15—Jack Armstrong ( 5:30—Singing Lady 1 5:15—Charlie's Singing i .0:00—Front Page People ! C: i5—Supper s< rcnade ! »>::: »—bon NY what l (»: 15— Lowi l! Thom:** 7 :00—A mo.- 'ii .Andy 7 :13—Vo< al Yaradios 7 :30—Dan Bator’s Orch. ! 7 15—Pleasant. .Valley Frolics 8:00 Rudy Yallee ; 0:00—Good News of J 038 i i j;oo—Uinsr Crosby ; 1 I :0O—Paul Sullivan 11:1 5—Theatre Digest ! 1 :45—Vincent Lopez : 12:00—Clyde McCoy’s orch. ! •: M—Wayne King's Oroh. ' l ;00—Griff Williams's orch. 1 :c»—Moon River 2:00—Sign Oil High Point, Route I High Point, Route 1, Flee, 16.— Mrs. Mary Davis Futrelle, 62, wife of A. E. Futrelle. passed away at her home on route 1 December 6, and was buried at Deep .River j church cemetery on December '7. She is survived by her husband and two children, Miss Mary Alice and Arthur, Jr., Futrelle. Mrs. Futrelle was partially par al> zed some five years ago and has gradually grown worse all the time since, and has been in a serious [/^GRAVITATIONAL POLL OP THE /VNOOfS) [ CAUSES A VARIATION OP s/xtv heett in the DISTANCE BETWEEN NORTH AMERICA ANIO EUROPE. This Curious World By COPR. 1937 BY NEA SERVICE. INC. sj©:rs) STANO ON THE TWIGS; THE CONES Ol= Pitot'S AND SPRjUGES Z":> HANG &OIA/NS, , - . :< WULVC-^> NO LONGER. ARE TO BE FOUND IN ANV OP THE AAANV NATIONAL PARKS IN THE UNITED STATES. « a*. "SbF o IZ-Jb ALTHOUGH no wolves are to be found in National Parks of continental United States. Uncle Sam can boast of a goodly and increasing number in Mount McKinley National Park, in Alaska. WBT—Chariotte 1080 Kilocycles mmday. iirc. it 5:00—Follow ihe Moon 5:15—Life of Mary South 5 HO—Dorothy Gordon’s Children’* Comer 5:1"—Hilltop llou-o G:W»—E«*o Rei>orter ,; —\*tar Coff**e Pro pram (1:15—Grady Colo it.:;n—Tim Nov el leers (5 • 15—0 l*>nn Oreh. - :00—root!*1 M< ’odies 7i 5 —Comedy Stans ofi Broadway 7:50—Vie Arden and diesis ; : 15—Dmii' i- Concert S 00—Hainnierstein" Music IT.ill 8 I{0—Music from Holly wood. Hal Ke imp p 00—Hollywood Hotel 10:00»—Coco-Coin Songshop 10:45_To In* tin no li n cod . i ;oo—Esso Reporter 1 I :05—Dance Ort h. jll5—Oh’ii Gray's Oreh. ] 1 ;:» J /ombartKVs Oreh. 3*P30—Midiii lit D.nioinsr Party 2:00—Sign Off SATURDAY. I»KC. IS 4:45—Frame Hailey’* Oreh. 5.15—George ONon’s Oreh. 545—Soolidpe String Quarto? G OO—V. -o Reporter G: 0 5—Cool Ms-0 String Quartet G 15—or.uly Cole’s Store G :{ )—\V.RT Variety ■ball New G:4,">—Goorge de*selt Oreh. 7:00 — Saturday Swing Session *-:30—Carborundum Hand *;00—Jimmie Livingston’-, j Oreh. 8:30—Johnnie Presents «coo—Professor Quiz 1>:30—Saturday Night Sere nade 10:00—Link Strike Hit Parade !0:4."—Patti Chapin II ;0<>—E*so Heporter 11:05—Frankie Masters’I Oreh. 11 —Penny Goodman’s Oreh. 3'POO—Sammy Kaye’s Oreh. 12 :M0—Midnight Dancing, Party 2:00—Sign Off SINIIAY, IlRC. It) 10:00—Church of the Air i 1 o :.‘»0—Walberg • - Hrown i String- Quartet. ! ! :00—-Pritchard Meinorialj BuptiG Chur.-h 1 2:00—M ajor Howes j 3 2:30—GOldcn Gate Jub ilee* Singers 1 1.2 : lo—Program Resume 12:1 a—-New®: of the Week in Review | i ;00—Church of the Air ] :30—Christmas Toy1 Broad-j —Uhele Natehel il:00—Joe Pen nor tl :.*»0—Chovrolet Romantic Rhythms 7:00—Vioks Oi>on ITonso 7:00— Phil Baker 8:00—The People's Choiee s;: *0—Kara oh os of 1908 0:00—Ford Sunday Kven* ing Hour 10:00—.Zenith Foil rotation ]0:00—William Winder 10:45—Musical Revue I i :oo—United Pro-* News 11:15—Jay Proem P’s Oroh. II ::»n—“The Mr*u.\li” 12:00—Utettry King’s Oroh. 12 —Midnight Dancing Party 2 :00—Sign Off MONDAY. DEC. 20 5:00—Follow the Moon —Life of Mary South ern 5:30—Children’s Corner 5:45—Hilltop House 11:OB—Esso Reporter 15:05—A-tor Coffee pro (1:15—Grady Colo (5 :;]0—The Novolteers (5:15—Song Time 7:00—Poetic Melodies 7:15—Comedy Stars of Broadway 7:30—Welcome, Stranger 7:45—lU)ke Carter 8*00-—Horace Heidi's Al* cmife Brigadiers 8:50—Pi ok and Pat. 9:00*—-latx Radio Theatre 1U: 00—Lady Kst or Sere nade, Wayne King’s Oroh. 10:50—William Winter 10:15—Musical Revue 11 ;(H)—K.-sso Reporter 11:05—8. C. Seonomie Assn. 11 :15—tilo.il dray’s Oroh. 1 i :30—Sammy Kaye’s Oroh. 12:0 0—Geo rs-e H ami 1 ton’s Oivh. 12:30—Midnight Dancing Party 2:00—Sign Off TUESDAY, Dee. 21 5:00—Follow the Moon 5:13—-Life of Mary South ern 5:30—Joe Pumond’s Fire side Quartet 5:15—H i 11 top Douse 0:00—Esso Reporter (5:! 5—d rady Colo’s 81 ore 6:30—Tho Novel teers 0:43—Jimmie Livingston’s Oroh 7.00—Poetic Melodic# 7:13—Hoi lywood Screen* scopes 7:30—Vie Arden and Guests 5 :45—Low White 8:00—Kdwln O. Robinson 8:30—Greenfield Village Chapel 8:15—Musical Clock 9: o0— Al Pearce’> Gan g 9:30—Jack Oak it’s College 0:4®—Sons: Time 7:00—Poetic Melodics 7:13—Hollywood Soroon (■OOPes 7:.70—Atlantic fiport*ca*t 7:43—Pbyl Poo Mystery 8:00—Ha to Smith 0:00—Major Holes 10:00—Btnhly Clark Enter tainers jO:;IO—William Winler I o-13—.17 an Of' Oreheslra j i nd—,K"wo Reporter II 03—Ponce Orehe-ti i 11:15—Cab Calloway’s Oreh 11 :30—(icorre Olson's Oreh 1*2 -00—-Knorry J>cntseh’s oreli 12-30—Midtiiffht (lance party •1:00—Sign Ott Woman's Eyes a: 13—Dalton Brothers Trio 2:00—American School ol the Air 3:00—The Old Shepherd oiul Jane WEDNESDAY. DEC. 22 3:00—Follow the Moon 3:13—Idle ot Mary Soitlh 3:30—Dorothy Cordon 5:45—(Hilltop House G:00—Esso Reporter 0:03—Astor Coffee Presents 0:13—Grady Cole 0:30—The jCovclteera fl:43s—Comedy Stars 7:00—Poetic Melodies 7:13—Hudson Hobby Bob'}’ 7:43—Ronke Carter 8:00—Dupont Cavalcade of 3:13—The Gospel Sincer America 8:30—Eddie Cantor 0:00—Andre Kostelanetz 11 ;30—"Tish" 10:00—Ganr Busters 10:30—William Winler 10:45—WBT Conservatory of Music 11:00—Esso Reporter 11 :05—Conservatory of U 05—WBT Conservatory of Music 11:15—Benny Goodman's Orchestra 11:30—Richard Himber's Oreh 12:00—Tommy Dorsey's oreh pi :;l()—Midnicht Dance party •i :00—Sian Off. Tfll RSBAY, DEC. 23 .5:00—(Follow the '•r'e-i 5:13—I,if .-1 Small 5-3.7—me Dumond's Fire side. Quartet 3:45—Hilltop House 0 ;U0—Esso Reporter C:0(3—Actor Coffee prorram 0:13—Grady Cole’s Store 0 J—Ueorgo Hall's Oreh. 7:30—Muse, a I Revue 10:00—Benny Goodman 10:30—William Winter 10:43—The Four Stars 11 :oo—Esso Reporter 11 :03—Dance Orchestra 11:13—Tommy Homey V oreh 11:30—George Olson's ©rell. 1 j ;45—Duke Melodiers 12:00—Carson Robinson 12:30—Midnight Dance Par ty o :oo—Sim Off WMFR—High Point 1200 Kilocycle* L FRIDAY, DKC. IT 8:30—Early Uteres <*Ulb 7:00—BnrtnM* Profrram 715—classified rotation 8:00—Morninsr devotion N ; 15—Morniiur Merry GO Round 8:30—Early nows 8:45—Radio SimtliwM ft;Ort—Hot ty Crocker 0:15—Hope —News Commentary 2 :00—American Family Robinson 2:15—Camera Club 2:20—Modern Melodic* 5 ;00—3 homnsville Studio Program 5 ;45—Classified Column 4 :15—Melody f arade 4:15—Late News SATl RDAY. PEC. 18 (1:30—Early Risers* club 7:15—Classified Column 8:00—Morninsr devotion 8:15—Morninsr Merry-Go Round 8:30—Early News 8:45—'Radio Spot I ip'll t J) ;oft—Lonesome Vagabond? ft; 15—M ami t ip Melodics 0:45—Phileo Program 10:00—The Boys Club ot the Air 10:30—Hill Billy Review 10:45—“Bit of Sunshine” II :00—Mornins: Varieties 11:10—Polke Bulletin 11:15—Morninsr Varieties 11:45—Morninsr Grab Bag 12:00—Luncheon Music 12:15—Noon Day News 12:50—Luncheon Music 1 : ] 5—Guo-t Art Reci t a 1 I :30—Front pajro drama 1:15—Man on 1he street 2:00—Dixie jnmuoreo 3;00—Thomasvillo Studio Program 4 ;oo—Classified Column 4 :45—Melody Parade 5:00—Late News SI NDAY, DEC. ID 8:00—Morniinr Rrveries 8:15—Bible School 5 :;jft—Johnny Johnson 8:45—Music of Masters 0:00—Tli«‘ Gospel Hour 0:30—Lebanon C. E. So eiety 0:45—News Period 10:00—Rev. J. L. Shuler 10:30—Ave Maria Hour II 00—Wesley Mcmorin Church Services 12:00—Luncheon music 12:15—Men of Vision 12:30—Luncheon music town time 1 :00—Xcnltn Sincere 1:15—Maytatr Jubilee 1 ;:m—PMlco Proyram 1:45—Falrarove Quartet 2:00—Jay Garber ": 15—Penteoo-tal Holiness 2 :4 5—-Friendly Period :t :0(>—Trimly Baptist Church Proxrnm 3 :.'!0—Thomnsville Studio Pnwrant I :.10—Lcxintrlon Shopper* Guide 5:00—The Five Jin* MOVttAY, DEC. >0 0::10—Early Riser* club 7 15—Cla-eifidc Column 8:00—Monthly devotion 8:15—Mdrninir Merry-Go Round 8:50—Early Nows 8:45—Radio 8potli\Bai>Ay , " ™ "rlflUy H|g_ T :15—r'lassifUyi HMHV-MnnC n. ia—Mornine Homul “a 8:30—Early s<>». 1 8:(•->—Radio »:ort_njWn, 0:lfi—Hope j 0 :00—.Lady Up 0" I 0 :d.>—.Pliiloo o. ia—.nmtp j«0»,! S L0:»|>—Zpko M.iTiL] hi-1 cans- ■■ Time ; 1:00—Tune Time L 1 :1 0—Police BnUpikl 11:15—Petite Multan n;aon3p * 11:45—JGrab Bur 12:00—Luncheon 1 *2:15—iNoon X ** 1 2:110—Luncheon 1:15—fVarioty 1:3<>—Voice 0fl: 1:4 ft—Xcws Coinj «:00—-American Robinson * • 13*—-Personal 2 :3v*—Juiurle Jim 2:4.>—Musical Ztm 3: 00*—Th oniMvill* Program 3:45—Clarified 4 :l,j—Melody ParaZi 4:45^Iiatc Xe m> TlirRSDAV, DEC. 0:20—•TTnMy Rwc» 7:00—Rurtner Pi 5 7:1.*»—^Cla-»ilit*d • 8:00—Morninp I 8:15—Mornlnp jfa Round 8 :30—Early Npwi 8:45—Radio Spoilt 0:00—(Hymn? 0:15—Hope AJden 0:30—Hollo, Ptejy 9:45—Philoo Proa 10:00—Liiuia> 1st j 10:15—-Hollywood hde 10:30—Zoke Mann hi* Ganp I fl :4 5—Birt Inlay 11:00—Benny Good 11:10—Police Bulk 11:15—(Petite Mmi 11:30—-Musical On 12:00—'Luncheon .f 12:15—"Noon Day 12 :30>—Luncheon ; 1:15-—Variety Ti 1:30—‘Voice of Y 1:4.5—New* Corn 2:00*—American Robinson 2:15—Heralds o. 3:00—‘Phoinasvil Pro pram 3:45—Clarified 4:15—;Mclody T 4 :30—dturtmr 1 4:15—Late Net i condition for the past several ' months. She was a niece of the late Rufus Welborn and visited him while he lived at Farmer, Randolph county, being a young girl at that time. Miss Ruth Wood is recovering nicely from injuries received in an : automobile wreck sometime ago, and hopes to be able to resume her | school work at the H igh Point college next week. J. L. Hines is quite ill at the pre sent time, the result of a severe at tack of asthma. Camclia Sue, little daughter of Mary. Ingram is much better fol lowing several weeks’ illness. The Young People’s class of the Deep River Sunday school, had its monthly meeting with Miss Fran j ces Thornton, December 8. After t the business features were attend ed to, all present enjoyed a social I evening. Miss Eula Parrish has been suf fering quite a great deal for some time of neuralgia of the face and teeth. She has not been very well for several months. Messrs. I. N. Ingram and Fred Ingram of High Point were in Ash eboro Thursday to see after the sale of the Erasmus Ingram land near Trinity. Hope, Tommie, Delmer, and Reit zel Parrish all entered school at Jamestown Monday, having moved here from Trinity. A. C. Lowe and little daughter, Cleo, visited W. M. Parrish and sis ters Sunday. It’s natural for other nations to think only of war, for they don’t have championship fights and world series and nerve-wracking football contsts. 1 “Something to sell ? Try the Courier Want-Ads.” OUR WAY WAIT, ICK!\ WE'LL HAVE ' TO UNLOCK THIS latest PAifc. y / ANVBODY WITH TH' ) I BRAINS OF A SNAT ^ I COULD SEE HE SHOULD 1 HAVE PUSHED FORWARD THEM A TWIST/ THIS y v WAV. • ' VOU’RE CRAZV' N TH' ONE ON THIS SIDE WOULD O' HAD TO TURN HIS HEAD . THIS WAV TO SIT / \ LOOSE. T DEN ' VAJE'LU BE LOCKED! DPR. 1937 QY NEA SERVICE. INC V T M REC II S PAT. OFF_ MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE r SO.'THE COMMISSIONER, WAS EIGHT' WILLIE WAS DIRECTING HIS O' r GANG - BUT HE MUST HAVE HAD AW ACCOMPLICE IN THE SANATORIUM • SAV.' THAT'S WHERE JOHM FITS IN ! I 1 ADMIT JOHN ISA MYSTERY, I BUT REMEMBER THAT SHOT IN WILLIE'S ROOM BEFORE Y THE ESCAPE— WE MUSN’T < V JUMP AT CONCLUSIONS.' ./ okay- a LETS PASH DOWN TO BEAKER. STREET •' By THOMPSON A.NDC0I ^EAMWH'.LE, IK)SIDE THE SANATORIUM OKAV. PE WATKlWS V.VHAT POE 5 “V !T SAY: . OH, TIM - A MAKJ JUST LEFT THIS MOTE FOE li-1 YOU - e—,/-^ COPR 1»17 f*V WE A SERVICE. 1WC. T. M. WCC. U ULLEY OOP