' I: " -' !;- . ; . . -... ; '.it.' - p '. .': .', -j'- :,. ;y.; T i--- 't-'" J' : : I' ' "' ;!'; -M-''' EVENING : JOURNAL, . ... . m: . 7 v'm i' j:' ..!' f ;i; : r-.: .'fi v-i--4:i! '.V . v ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY, ; JULY 13, 1889. NO. 76. rents. St Vinson & A Cooper.. K it Lief. - , ! : ange Gocrnre T: .! nere ' were xerv liny yesterday. ,1 at the Battery its "bighly enjoyed a. :. ) v. cases before the : fines amounting ected. . - f Mr. W. W. , West, o'clock. But little a. Creasman of North in town toflayi He reports ling as veiy fin9 in the wa- -I - I ..: ui uis ecu nuii. w -j Rev. George H. Bell, of the Epis copal Church, will preach at French ..Broad Baptist Church tomorrow ! night at 8:15, the pastor at 11 a. m. A little fracus near A. D. Coop: er'a corner to day created some ex citement and also! replenished the cit3' treasury to the amount of six : dollars. j : - : i-t - ')ieti nrTice oC, Xatt . Atkinson & ' SGn, offering for rent on most reas onable terms the well known Mt. i . Mitchell House, at Black Mountain ' Station, this county. I ' j Mr. J. M. Brown and Miss Ida Hendricks were united - in marriage fc this afternoon. The ceremonv was performed by Esquire Malone in the Slul ..r building at 4 o'clock. Mr. W. W. West had jalmost sub dued, the fire in his kitchen last nifflit. before the .-' company, reached the spot. He had his garden hose t convenient and nut.it, out without much trouble. - 1 r . - . ' ti i ' Mr. .Eugene D. ; Garter," ;t lie Able ' Solicitor.of ithe CriminaLCourt; lias been employed to prosecute, in Ithe case of State against Justice and Arledge, for the killing of Mr. Hoi - ( liugsworth last December. 1' ' ' We call attention to the interest ing "ad" of the "Backet Store," They, are going out of Dress Goods, : . and fori ear that they .will not sell them fast enough, are absolutely giving them away. , , This is posi i tive and authorative, i the original letter'toMr. Jones is in the "Rack et" window with the oddand funny signature of that curiosity - -.- " men, C. B. Rouss. ; ; among At Haw's Lowest Prices. Tin top jellies; glass screw!top Jelli les; something new. A lot of solid white handle knives at $1 per N set. , Best quality plated spoons, forks and knives. : Get my prices before buying plain patterns of quadruple plate castors, butterdish es, etc. Real bargains jare offered. There is much of interest now at LaVs, opposite the post office. ;tf -. ; - ' . . Subscribe foi the Journal. r Personal. Hon. H. A. Gudger is; at Mar shall. - -. ' :,5'-;! Col. Samuel, McD. Tate, of Mor ganton, is in the city. County ' Commissioner I Curtis, of upper nominy, is in iowd loaay. r . . J. Mr. J. M. Worley left this morn ing for Swain cpnnty, ori i revenue" business.; ,-- .'..'?. ! "Sirs. McDowell, of Orlando, Fla., is visiting Mr. J; H. Murphy, on Swannanoa. r- L- 3Iiss Linre;Whittedj" of Hender sonville, is stopping with Hev. L. M; Pease for a few days, i When Capt. Patton.. returns, he will find only, the debris of the much-talked-of bell toweri The Misses Lindsey, of Frankfort Ky., are stopping with Mr. John Cheseboro, Jr., on Swannfinoa. Mr. and Mrs. Wright, of Cincin- ! 1 i nati, Ohio, are the guests of Miss ! i Gano, on French Broad. avenue. 3Irs. Senator M. W. Ransom, MissiRansom and Mr. Kanspm are is " i at blowing rock for the summer. Mr. W. E. Burnett, cashier of the First National Bank of Spartanburg. . i i visiting his father, Rev. J. S. Burnett, in Raymoth. Messrs. Swann. and Thornton, who have been out in tne . western portion: of the Stat fishing, will re- turn to the city this afternoon. Miss Lizzie H. Henry, of Candlers, Hay wood, county, is visiting at the house of Mt? J, A.' Webb, No. 31 French Broad avenue, - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison; and Judge Baker'with his wife and two sons, all of Jacksonville, Fla., are at Mrs. A. Reynolds, on Spruce St. Prof. pj'P. Claxton will leave Monday for Nashville, Tenn., to at tend 'the reetingj .of Xie National Educational Association. We wish him ii pleasant Journey and a safe reCurn.' 3 - it. Tbfe ewj dityilDctbryi " ; We calfe the atlentipa ot' ihe read ers'of theJEvENiNa Journal to. the prospectus ot ther new ?Cit3r Direct ory, which is i published on another page. In it will ; be noticed many new features. It will be a publica tion that will interest the whole community, and it should receive the support and encouragement of our citizens and business people. Run Over by the Train. . Dr. W. D. Hilliard, coroner, re turned this morning from v Black Mountain, where he wasi summoned last night to hold an inquest. oyer the body of James Cheeseman, an employee at the Swannanoa, tunnel, who was ran over by the train while passing through, the tunnel. It was supposed, from some of the cir; cumstances, that he had been mur dered, but the virdict of j the jury was to the effect that his death was caused by accident. A Car Iioad Of the very (best Terra Cotta, Sewer Pipe, Chimney.Flues, Hoods, &C, just received at C. S. Cooper's, 30 South Main St. jull3-lw. I EXHUMED AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS' BURIAL. The Coroner's Inquest. Yester- ; .7 ' .day. : Coroner Dr. W. Df, Hilliard, in company with T.-W. Branch, W. i B, Williamson, Robert !London, W. H. Deaver, R. A.' Long and Theodore xi.iuguuu jeWesLeiuy,ujuiuiug.ior Roel Ingram's,' near Long1 Shoals, twelve miles south . of this city, wueiru, aiwsr suuiiuouing ovnu xy- loy, another juror theyexhumed the body of Wm. Ingram; and held an inquest over it. Willimam Ingram was drowned, or supposed io nave oeen, on tue 4ta oay oi may, I W7h ! m hi la mocsi n rr. rha-T M Vann hi o r ; Broad river at Long Shoals. His ooav was iouna nine aavs aiier- I 1 '.' 1 . - ! - . o. waras aooui one ana a nan miles j l i ' i - . -i . i below the fordi When fbunc it was noucea mat mere was a sman uoie on the right side of the nose, near the corner of the eye. Some.thought at ine ume mac it must nave oeen 1'-' ..1 1 II 4 ' . - ' i 1 ' maae wicn a a Dan, duc ims lqea ,: . i , . y. , was not generally concurrea in, ana no inquest was thought necessary, supposing that, it was a case of ac- cidental drowning. But from time to time during the last 15 years, - -f if there has been more or lezz talk about the matter, and a fiew days aero the family and friends of the deceased" notified :.ecorin.er..pf their desire to have an investiga- tion made. The. body was taken up and the skull thoroughly exam- med, but no trace of any ifoul play could be found. The jury has not render its verdict, but will do so Mondav. ' 1 fM l-f:-' . Meeting: of City Council. A Meeting of the City Council was held last nighti The mayor and all the Aldermen were present. 1 . - . ! " . Col., Williamson applied, on be- half of the residents of Vance street, ! to have water pipes laid on that street:; F. Stikeieather applied for water on Willow- street, I and the Asheville Furniture. Company for factory j and surroundings at the de pot.5 The petitions were referred to a committee consisting of Alder men Pulliam, McDowell and Fitz patriGk. Lee f Foster, I colored; was relieved from paying poll tax on acco physical infirmitiy. i Complaint was made against Mr. Davis, ! licensed auctioneer of . this city, for violation of section 850 of the code. The Board decided tha? the provisions ! of said section did i not apply to his case.' - -The vacant lot in the rear of the city buildings; (was ordered cleared and put in shape for the accommo- datio of the xjity drays; and when cleared all drays be requi ed to1 oc- cupy it. Dr. Ballard; on behalf of the Medical Society, asked to be re- lieved specia! taken from the paymen of the tax of ; $10. No action was The ' t ; j ! j ' - - j .. Mayor ana Aldermen Pub liam and Fitzpatrick were appoint ed to arrange with the proprietor of Battery Park Hotel as to the future supply of water for that ; es tablshment and the payment of ar rearages. The adoption of the niue-houi law on city work was tabled 1 by a vote of 4 to 2, Leonard and Fitz-J voting aarainst the motion to table. "Keep Your Eye on Bob Vance. This is the way in which th (jreensboro 2Vorth State'' of thi week opehs one of its editorials. i-Itl further savs: "He was electe President of the Buncombe Confed erat(i- Veterans Association last week. ! Between now and one year from next November he will . brace and slap h the shoulder r 0VN ery voter in ine 4 9th Congressional1 District who is not a hopeless in va- : ! ua VjlTlfP. I : . ; I . i -.. - ' I The above is ver rood advice of course but it is like Mcarryine co to Newcastle." Kverybody in the dl8trict has his eye already on Bob' Confederate Veterans, Alliance men' in fact jr0od men of all faiths and I i ', w L . ' -I 'J; I. ! ;- ; I ' . . f ls' and i art ps and kinds, and ' " , rn Uges and colors have !a constant eve on Bob. And they will bontinud to keep a watch lover and after fiim all the' while: for they feel that he is a true friend to the human race; regaraiess of conditions or! sun- roundings. There are sb;ae person m the ol othUhat keep botfi eyesAn him all the time' And there ma be one or more of these whov have Jsuch a peculiar order of these ophthalmic organs t as .to keep both eyes on him continuously, and yet do so in such a way as not to let Bob know he, is being looked at. Ifsuch there be, we would say in tne interest or lair pIay,l"Don't : slip up on Bob, 'boys; but give the old veteran fair warh- ing and a fair chance' Vetera n. Lost. :':':':t;i!;h-'--'-r; ;i Between my residence 6n Church street and stores on South Main street, yesterday, half of ; a gold waicn cnain wmi iuckco uttucjiuu. Liberal reward if returned to . i i F. Stikeleatiier. Private Board. F. E. Breese has rented the Rawls property on Cor. College and Spruce streets, cwo minutes walk from pub he square; House furnished and will is being neatty be ready July st to receive guests oy ine weeK, p day or meal. ; lerms i reasonaDie. oatisiaCLion guaiautefu. juav-xw First1-(Class Board.; "ft-- ; Tll:W JVIrs. S. E. Chamberlin, No. :152 Chestnut St. u ! i J m-L Good Beds. . Good Board Usual terms. jtil b-lm To the Ladies. M I wish to say to the ladies of Asheville an5 viciniU that I will fon account! of ill health) sell out mv entire stock of millinery and' fancvi goods at greatly reduced prices andiwill be I pleased to have them call ana examine j beiore buy- se where.) j ' ' ' -" 3Iiss Pink Lance. tf No. !16 North Court Square Itailroad Tickets. j! Bought, sold and exchanged. All transactions guaranteed. Reli- able i infori lation j cheerfully fur- nished. Office removed to Grand Central Hotel. junlO -6m. W. M.' ClakkeL In our dealings nith the public weirealize that tho most scrupulous, care and honestv are paramount, in i ' -i i ' - ' j importance. ! If these are virthes in all jordinary, business transactions, they1 become sacred duties in Pliar- " - f, ' . i i j .1 .- -; j i. maey, and without them noone can -lie p true ; Pharmacist. Every one '' must realize that the health, maybe the life, .of- those dealing with us depend upon them. Pharmacy is not a trade but a profession, and as such! we confinei ourselves to it alone. Hence it is our work, our constant study as well as our duty to shun adulterations and spoiled as well as inferior drugsl We assure ou rsel ves an article before it vI am ably assisted .1 of he purity of "I ! S'-r . : is made use of. at II. i .- he' prescription counter by. Mr. M. P. Clarke, an experienced pic- scr ptionist. I If vbur prescribtioris are left in i ' " r i I - -l : I ouij.caic 3ou can positively depend the puritv of every prepaia us&d and that the greatest care ; .'I" r ; M ! w . . I be exercised in all directions so as to -secure:i ail possible safeguards. It 3J i S; Grant, Ph: G.,' Pharmacist 24 South Main St. '.".Use1 Black Flag Insect-Powder. - J .' - - -I'M- ' ' "" ' i - It is! the best. ! Grant's Pharmacy. ou use1 a tooth wash. jyou can- . ii I get ! nothing ! better than , Grant's Dentifrice. But those who prefer a tooth powdeC'rViU: nnd.Va Va the finest obtainable. ; White or . pink in' J new stj'Ic screw top jars; price 25c. Grant's Pharmacy. Fine old home, made Blackberry Cordial for the cure of Diarrhea, Djsentary, etc., for sale at Grant s Pharmacy. "31erciful Man '':'jllis Beast." ' is 3Iercif ul to Imperial Mange Cure warranted to cure all kinds :and conditions of ' mange or skin diseases of any nat- . ure in dogs or cattle. It is abso- ' luti'ly, non-poisonous and 'can be, used without injury to the animal. Thbre are other articles 'advertised; to . do the same, but seldom if ever perform either. This remedy I has been usWl for a number of years in all the prominent kennels in the United States and Canada and is also extensively used in many of , the large stables and menageries; is indorsed by the entire sporting press and regular physicians, rind is con cedeid hy all to be . the best . rernedv of its kind in the ! market. For sale at Grant's Pharmacy. The -Rubinat Condal water is now generally acKnowieagea .10 ne . the best in the world- the king o? cathartic Waters; Nature's remcoy for constipation. Warren tetl abso lutely natural, palatable,, painless; prompt. For sale by ' J. S. Grant, chemist. ; kiso a ftill line of all the nopular mineral waters at the lowest I - n 1 1 Y 1 prices. sn more rounii snuiiiuers. - i iai ihported Knicker,bocker Shoul der Brace and i walk upright in life. It is the most comfortable us well as the most, reliable brace made kll sizes for men. women and chil- T . . i ' ! . . . dren it Grant's Pharmacy. ressriutions filled at all hours miit or day, and delivered .to any part of tiler city; ! The night befl Wl 1 be answeted promptly. J. Grant, Pjh. G. Chemist. u'pdij tion Will .rr!

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