y i - . - . .-..- - ,- .f . v f . - -V.t hi. ' 4 ' . 7 41? ' r .! i ASHETOLE; IN; G.M0XRAYrCTLfl5i 1889i NO. 77. 3 s: ' -- " ' .1 .:' ". -1 :i " r 1 -;. :f:-; 1;- :-v T-'f i v ! ' r r j i;4 ...... . H;itt;; '' S ;-ftv-'-j.n;;:!!VvJ'i : ' '!'"' i-Vi'T .V! ; in:-.,!: : ..1 . ; ? .- r: i: THE EYE TOM A Ti ' i ; . !! : " i ' : -; t; j.v-, . : i. r to! Xew Advertisements. elry etc. Arthur 31. Field. rriaees. Busrfiriesi etc. J. : H1 Farm for sale Theo. Hobgood. Pupils Classes E. P. Mangum. ' f-iji Mr. Harrv King, son of ex-Unit- "Egryptian Iarkiicss. ed States Senator John P. King, off We have heard jit this, ail ids. p Augusta, Ga., has! purchased a val darkness al It i; 1 ile i bn;, but : rever uable lot on Merrimon avenue, and knew its 9 full -meaning untiLSatur will erect a handsome residence up- day night 'last between ni Information Wanted By J. H. I on the same. Woody. and 3 moonnsing.lijltl f was idense Our; people, wilt : rememberf jthat cloudiness ,aU. around. ygen tie . PeterBalew; of this city, was filled shower was falling, m ne former ob- Ixcal Brevities. See notice of valuable farm Jor on the Powell Valley BaUroad in spnrea the ? Ita'rs and iheiattpri- L.; . ' ' ' - - 'iti.j ti 7-' . "i i iPTinpn imo nnnminnr nnrr iin ivnrTh saie or excaange. . , i xeaueaetj iasi reuruary uy iitu nc-1 r; v z ,"P"rj p&' " r P-roes. and that one' of the e5roesJ'Main"-stit'tiavi peril- peril was Pines- amounting to fiftv-nine groes, and that one' of the Negroes MMnrcetavi qi dUars were imposed in the police was afterwards captured. Last ous indeed, hemmed in ase.wai conit thi morninfr.' 1 " weeK the jpegro f wis tHed "jfor the by sewer cavationS, street wlde ' The pastor announced at French marder at Tasll, Ten. and founa ning; tr Broad Baptist church last night guilty ana sen. w me penuenuary rj 1-? '? T u-.1t' r.. t-u' x- v!.iJfor ten years. The other negro is digging, i and telepljpne poleplant- ttr nrnnM rnorli HirA nnVf Sim. ,wu dMa,Sc' day morning. 1 There; will be a tournament at "RayiBros. Rink, on Friday i night, the 19tfi inst. Preparations are be ing made for a pleasant time to all the city. Personal.1' ! . ' y J. A. Porter left tod ay for Greens boro. ing and wire stringing. We do. think that our citv author ,1ns mat- ities ought to. look after ter and make some provision for street uguting, at aeast wiuie an r Oror. i. JJ. smitn, or Macon; is m this work is going; on. The Elec who may attend. ! The many friends of Mr. Ed Wed din, the popular manager of theex press ofllce in tbis citj, will be glad to learn that he is rapidly recover ing from his recent illness. j i - r ' ' Owing to the absence of the coro ner, Dr. I W. D. Hilliard, from the city to-day,' the jury in the Ingram the Light Com pajay, or the Gas Judge Bynum, of Morganton, is Company either, might, for a suffi- i , ' t I ; ( ' . ' ' 4 ' l ( " ' V i f -! - i ! : . ; ' J j.t. :.! : - a. . " j 1' A.t ' 'y4tl ' j..' '. J-J cient consiueratiou, ue inuueeu to gone to Ht theaain thoroughfares, for a ltfvv xiigiiui ; uaiy, lui ujt; streets get all right again. tOrj in cise this ar- in the citv!. i MrV M. J. Bearden has Morristown on business. j Major W. W. Rollins has returned to the city from Washington. Zeb F. Vance leaves tonight for Wilmington, and Wrightsville. ran sremen t not be made, we go back to j jpnmitive prac tices and have linkiboys scattered the i streets with i r i . 1 i-i might alone: torches to way. drowning case did not make its re- Capt. Henry C. Fagg has returned ijprht the weaiv passenger's port. The jury. will meet tomorrow. "om a verv pleasant trip to umo. Of course, when the moon or stars Arthur M. Field, jeweler, has an S Pro LE. P. Mangum has returned are shining djr the lightning bug at from a visit to the eastern part - of full rfav. there would be no need for Journal to which We invite the at- t.ne State. a' visjt to the eastern parti of full rfay, there would-be no tate. It V i ' I - siich expedients. ? I fell ! tentionof the people of Asheville and i' Messrs. G. STennent and j Jno. , City; fathers, dofiliink seriously surrounding; countv.' Mr. Field has iS. Stevens ieave this afternoon for a about this matter arid "come j ovef ala,rgeand handsome stock of every-1 week's trip to Mount Pi9gab. , ! J Air. Wiley M.' Burnett, a promi and help Us. ing must be Rusticating. Alderman Pulliani and family, ac thine: in his line, and sells at hot- y Mr. Wilev M. Burnett, a nromi- done for poor belated waytarers. torn prices. : nent lawyer, of Athens, Ga., is vis- The liverymen 4 tell us that the itihg his father, RewJ. S. Burnett, lmildinr of the Rtrppt milwav hsis in Ravmoth. f t not injured their ; business, but on t Miss Mary K.Vance, daughter of -fmpanied by Miss Minnie Bear m . . . ' i i innn in m r Mil a 1111 i. i n lYfiiiiMiH i the other hand.it has been a great Gen R. B. Vance, left to day to vsit benefit to them; that it has had in the eastern part of the State. We the effect to run the carriages off wiah her a nleasanttriit 4 : II : W. G. Copenmg, of this city, who has been on the Georgia Pacific Prof. E. P. Afangum will teach a Railroad,1 near Birmingham, I Ala., the.8treet8 and that they are only sent out now on ortlers. den, have moved out to Gouche's mere in a Th -nJ 1'eak and will soiourn tent tor a week or ten aavs, inev - : ,- i . i. h ; ' ! - rl . T are five miles out from the city, but their tent is conspicuous r oni that conspicuous on high prominence frdm i many points in the city, ft Sanitation. Asheville now has a complete sys im of sewerage, and it is kHe j dtitv of the; citizens to . I-' $ .' . . -premisesjvithsik connect their . In, our dealings nith the public we realize that the most scrupulous ca Ire ! in d " h d i u es t y v a re p a r a m o ii n t i n 'imbortancei If these are virtues in This is a very all ordinary business transactions, . I i important matter and the! only thing --a ; I - " i.-:- i 1 V;i i : t "-'.- -,. , 'i that will insure a erood healthy san- itary condition of the city. Every- oooy. snouia Keepxneri piMsmises in good order,. and th ose that will n o t do so, shoultl be, looked after. thinktihat the sanitarv condition 'of Asheyille is of j greater, importance We than almost any other be considered, and there I should be matters? question; to someone j who 1 thoroughly under stands sanitation to look after these There is enouerl in this line tolkep oce jjDeisoh constantly busv if he; doesLhis duty. lie would thbv tecomlB sacred duties in Phar macy, and without them Yio one can Dea trne I'harmacist. ra'erv one must realize that the health, maybe the life, of those dealing with us depend upon -them. Phariracy is J not a trade hut a profession, and as : i' i I.' V -. - . . . suchj we coifine purselyes to it alonei Ilnce it s otir 'work, our constant' study as well as omv duty to shun adulterations ami spoiled as well as in I : r have but little otner matters. I time to. look j afl Market Quotations. i BylTeleilaphir V Chicago. TJuly 15, 1889 er Opened. .76f .11.45 .6.42 .5.80 Wheat Corn . .! Pork. . Lard . . Rib Bacon lii-Xl' EW j YtmK COTTPTj FUTURE Augru6t i September October I November Oil Highest. .10.47 .10.16 .9.96 . 9.8S Highest. 11.50 6.45 5.80 Q9J.J Pupjls classes desiring? this " summer Lowest. 10.42 10.13 9.94 9.85 92 j to meet me at the Orange stre building every morning at with Julv lDth. Ei P. U oeefinnino: july!51w Car Load Of the very best Terra Sewer Pipe, Chimney Flues, Hoods, &cj just received at, C. S. !Coopers, 39 South Main St. .Ii! ,! : , '' I'-' :: r, ' . ' Closed. : pon .: p. ' ',.715 ' ! w . 1 -i . : r- 4 : -1 i 1 I: -t.1.3541': - 11.40 - mh my7 TUREi: r. i v Clos v wi ootta.i ( i enor drugs. i We assure ourselves of the puritv of an article before it is made use of. I am ablv assisted at the prescription Counter by M r H. M. P. Clarke, an experiencetl pre- JHUIJIM. ' If vour pi escribtions are left our care you pan positive!1 the puritv of ei used and thai i be exercised secure a r i IK :jull3-lw, I E. ented the Rauis A Sad Affair. . About four , o'clock f this evening Mpnuh. been kleind.Eta !TaVris,'ffessie Fagg; s veVal of th6 little bLys at the brick ine Asnevuie uraaecj ocnooi since r.fr Weaver 'nnil Measra. F. 3 :' li n.,- . , , , i ; , . , - - - varu, rear oi t iur. lt-s . uevuuius first - organ.ze.l r here and M. Weaver, V. A. McElrpy, J. N. vjr LwiU rtirt t erh other i f xro a I " f O J - 1 T7 eaver l- iJ-1- Were throwing j'dirti 7 r . sogers ana JuiKe nernaon, ieiu tuis wlien 0ne of the bovs, Willie Smith, occ u u . afteriioon for a several days' trip to clored, struck Mr. . we can auenuon to lue aaver- Caesar's Head. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. hfr Snears caught tisement of Messrs. J. H. Woody & II. Weaver will chaperone the party- brickbat and Ithrew Co., dealers in carriages, buggies, harness, etc., No. '68 South Main Walter, Spears. up a it at piece of the; boy, head, inflicting i - i . i . , Mr. A.' II. Spear, a formers resi- striking him i on the dent of Asheville, bu t now of New ni seal n wound ' three or four inches treet. This firm carries a-large York CitJ is stopping, at Mr. fong and causing a small fracture stock of vehicles and sells" on- the Hunt's. Mr. Spear "is representing 0f the skull.jlDr; j . burroughs; most reasonable terms: It isclaimed the D A. Woodhouse-Manufactur- iho1 Wns at once sent lor. dressed . a a. v I . . k I i -i i j . f that they nave som more venicies iDg Company of New York: He the wound, i in Asheville this year than have ieft here about ten years ago, and M : been sold by any. other house in 8ay3 hat he would hardlv have Macliine Shops. i SI :, ; ! , - , Private Board. ; I . - ' l l -i F. E. Breese has i property on Cor.:;Collee:e and Spruce streets, two minutes walk rom pub lic square; -House'is ! being j Neatly furnished and will be i really July 1st to receive : guests by the week. day or meal. II Terms reasonable. jn29-lm Satisfaction guaranteed. First Class Board. i . Mrs. S Chestnut 1 Good Beds. terms. r.-i-: E. Chamberlin, St, : ::- -fi.iU Good Board. No. 152 Usual jul 6-1 m ;; Western North Carolina.- WhenknnWn adi,L;ii0 m.00f i,oiwon you wisn a nrst ciass arucie can on them. the improvement during that time. . ... m . -w ... . a t T,iwa-TwMt PpJpm llho xeacuers - institute. ti av-b- w AMm.m m w fc-v Jbv v vu v a. . a ji. kjw , . ; ; Tin top jellies; glass screw top The Buncombe County Teachers' jellies; something new. A lot of Institute, which was in session in solid white handle knives at $1 per this city during last week," closed set. Best quality plated spoons, Saturday evening. The Institute forks and knives. Get my prices was. well attended and much inter-. before bu'ing plain patterns of est manifested in the proceedings, quadruple plate castors, butter dish- County . Superintendent - John W. es, etc. Real bargains are offered. Starnes is finishing up the work j There is much of interest now at today in giving certificates to the Law's,' opposite the post office. . tf I teachers, jj r j ; t. i The brick building on the corner of Willow and Water streets; which by Messrs, machine ' m - - - and is J. H. shop, nbw is to be ; used Woodv & Co., as a has been complete ready for the machinery, which has been ordered' and expected to arrive in, a few have the about the 1st ; of August. This is another one of the institutions. that j will pay well in our qty. ! Ii days. rTfie' firm hope to shops in j full; blast on or I : I ' 5 i ' Subscribe fbi the; Journal. Mrs. Kate Worthihitrtoii. I Dressmaking and Hairwork in all their branches. Ladies' bombings made up. Eu reka system of cutting taiierht. No. 8 Hendry Block, Ashe ville:: J- tv j 3m jl m nnri n to cure all kiii. mane ori skih ure tin doe:s or cat Jutoiv non-poisonous used I w i t h ou t in I u r v to There are other articles to do the same! but seldom - J ,: !! . ... .... . i ' V. ever periorm either.; JUns remedy has been usedifor a number of 3 ears in' all the prominent kennels in the United States and Canada and is . also extensively used in many of ' tlie largej stables and menageries; ' is endorsed by the entire sporting press and regular physicians, anil is conceded by all to be the best, remedv of its kind in the market. riv adviv Fpr sale at Grant's Pharinacv. To the Ladies. I wisli Asheville to. i sav to the .ladies and 1 Vicin ity that 1 1 tf on accoun 1 1 of ji i 1 1 h eal th) sell mv entire stock of millinery of will out antl fahcyf goods at greatly I reduced prices, and will be pleased, to have them call land examine before buy ing elsewhere. :-XXi " Miss Pink Lance. tf - No. 1G North Court Square. liailroad Tickets. ' I' I Bought i sold nfj and exchanged. !aM transactions-gu able information cheerfully fur- nished. : Office removed to Grand Central Hotel. ; "junl9-Gm. ? W. M. Tile Rhhinat Gondal -Vater i'm ' now generally acknowledged" to be the best in the world- the king of cathartic waters; Nature's renieoj for cp n s t i pa ti on. Warrented iabso 1 u tel y n a til ral, pal atabl e, pai n 1 e.sn, proir pt. For sale ?by J. S. Grant, ' clieir ist. Also a full line of all the ' popular mineral waters at uie lowest !l , i 'I No Imqre irund shoulders. War the! impprted : Knickerbocker Shoul der JBrace and waljc upright in 11 hv It is jthe -most comfortable as well lad"'' :itu!e I most reliable brace made,. LA 1 1 : sizes for men, women and chil dreniat Grant's Pharmacy. Prescriptions filled at all hours 0; r 1 J i L night; or of w in day, and deli vercd to any the city. , The night IkU be answered promptly.; J. 3. ' G Kant, Pji. G. Chemist. . r 4 ; ,t f 5 IV i Mi' . If -J 1' 4 ,4 :!X it . I f 1 '' -' . f'i i 1 1 M- i S i I it 5 1 A . r; .- s . i: i, . : ' -4' : i 1 : ! i . i i :, i '- . ; ii . .jj.; ; : i .- ' . !l 1 ''1 V ii i 1 t; 1- ! I ( . -Iff - V !1 p'-t Mi

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