THE ADVANCE SATUBDAY AUGUST 1, 1884. Jiditors’ Announcement. THE DAILY ADVANCE, a 28 column paper, published every 'lay except Monday at ^.00 per year, ?3.00 lor six months. Deliv- ereti to city subscribers at 50 cents per month. THE ASHEVILLE AD VANCE, ft 28 column paper, is published every Friday at $1.00 per annum. ADVEBTI8ING BATES (DAIEY) —one iTich one day 50 cents; one; week $2.00; one month $4.00; three' months, $10.00; six months, $15. 00 ; twelve months, $20.00. No advertisements will be in serted between local matter at any price. N'otices of ^/arriages or Deaths, not to exceed ten lines, will be in serted free. All additional mat ter will be charged 5 cents per line. Payment for transient adver tisements must be made in ad- at the end of each quarter. Ad vertisements for a shorter period must bo paid monthly. Communications containing news or a discussion of local mat^ ters solicited. No communication must expect to be published that contains objcctional personalities, or withholds the name of the au thor. Wo are not responsible for the views of our correspondents. Our views are expressed in the edito rial columns. necessary to the pi*otectioii and advancement of the public in terests. He who employs a man and pays him $1,000 a year to run his plantation,, and at the end of tlic term of service finds that there are no crop returns, that his lands have been al lowed to go to galley, that his fences are down, bis stock unfit for service, and his barns and outhouses gone to rack and ruin, is not likely to re-employ that man after finding that a succes sor makes good crops, keeps the lands in trim, the stock in good working order and the buildings in good repair, even if the outlay to secure these profitable results were as great or even greater than that which had yielded him no returns and brought his farm to the verge of irreprable ruin Twelve years ago this great “plantation,” North Carolina, had been pretty well “done for” Kit if.a hio-li-nricpid BoDubUcan overseers. To-day it is in better condition than ever before, yields bigger and better returns, and costs less than ever to run it. Who would change this state of things I Who would re-em ploy the Eepublican applicants for overseers’ places ? ” ADVERTISEMENTS. THEODOKE H8BG00D. EJltor ail Prop’r DEMOCRATIC TICKET. ELECTION TUESDAY NOVEMBEliiTH FOE PEESIDENT: Grover Cleveland, OP KEW yobk. FOE VICE-PEESIDENT: Thos. A. Hendricks, OF INDIANA. FOE GOVEENOR, ALFRED M. SCALES, OP QUILPORD. ^ FOR LIEUTENAKT GOVERNOR, ■xiu A M. STEADMAN, FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, WILLIAM L. SAUNDEES, OF WAKE. ’ FOR liTTORNEY GENERAL, THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, OP BCNCOMRE. FOR TREASURER, DONALD W. BAIN, OF ^WAKK. MABKHJTJS. FOR 'BUFERINTENDBNT OE PUBLIC IN- STBUCTION^ S. M. FINGER, OP CATAWBA. FOB AUDITOR, W. P. BODEBTS, OP GATES. FOB ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE rUPBCME COUBT, AUGUSTUS S. MERRIMON, of Wake. PUBLIC EXPENDITURE.S. We find die following capital article frem the Ealeigh Beg- ister: “The Democrats of North Car olina have reduced expenditures and taxe.'^ more than one-half. And yet by a wise administra tion of the sume collected, they have luouey to spare to build while and colored asylums at Morgauton, Goldsboro and Ealeigh; lo help the Western Bailroadas long as it needed help; to contribute to the Capo Fear aud Yadkin Valley Eail- road until that too no longer needs State aid to secure its completion; to pay the interest on the public debt; in short, to restore a ruined State to a con dition of prosperity unexampled in its history. It is good thing to reduce the people’s taxes and to dimmish the public expenditures when it can bo done without damage to the people’s interests; but after all, the matter for the people to consider, and which sensible people do consider, is not how much lias been spent, but how it has been speut, and whether more has been spent than was Askeville Price List Current. Collected Daily by POWELL & SNIDEk. Asheville, N. C., July 18 1881, Al'i’LES—G rfeen per bushel, $2.50. “ dried, 5 lo7 cents. Bulk Bacon—xaViy^ Smoked 12).^ cents; shoulders, SloIOcenls; hams 15cts. 20 cents. BftEF—0 to 10 cents, as to quality. BviT’ER—Prime 25 to 35 cents; common 12 to 20 cents. Bi:EstvAX-.-20 to 22 cents. Beans—White $2.00 to $3.00. Coffee—Rio 12*4 to cents; Laguajva 20 cents; Java 25 lo 30 cents. Cheese—15 to 20 cents, as to quality. Cotton Yarn—$0.85 to $1.00. Corn Meal—$0.90 to $1.00. Candles—i’or K box, $3.50@$2.7o. Eggs—15 to 20c. per dozen. Floor—$3.00 to ^.75 per sack. Lard—II to 15 cents. Molasses—Common dark 25 to 50 cents. " Fine Syrup 50 to 75 cents. " New Orleans $0.75 to $100. Oats—50 to cents. Corn—$0.90 to $095, Hay—$1.25 per cwt. Shipstuff—$30.00 per ton. Dried Peaches, 8toI2J4cenU “ “ unpeeled, 4 to (j “ Peas—$1.00 to $1.50. Potatoes—Sweet per bushel, $1.0 Sugars—Brown’ 10 cents; powdered, crushed and granulated loy to 12*4 cents. Vinegar—30to 50 cents per gallon. Seeds—Clover Seed $8.00. Orchard Grass Seed $3.30. Timothy “ “ 3.00. Bed Top “ “ I.OO. Blue grass “ “ 2.25. Lawn “ “ 55 ots. per ft>. G W Y N ’ S Western Carolina LAND AGENCY, {Established 1881.) Circulars and price list free. Addi-ess, Walter B. Gwyn, Asheville, N. C. AD VERTISEMENIS. REFERENCES: The citizens of Asheville and the numerous settlers who have bought r perty through my agency. LAEGF LIST Of property for sale throughout TEestern North Carolina, embrac ing all classes of Beal Estate from BUGGED EANGES in the mountains at 75 cents an acre, to city lots in the heart of Asheville, the 'rTTW, QTI'F.TillSiififTV Of the “Land of the Sky.” TOBACCO LANDS that will yield from $100 to $300 per acre under proper culture. Actual surveys of the land aud the certified returns of warehouse auction sales have repeatedly de monstrated the truth of what w^as long thought to be wild and ex travagant fiction. Unimproved land of this kind can be bought from $2 up to $50 per acre, accord ing to location and other circum stances. GEAZING LANDS Covered with fine timber, partly accessible and partly not. The mountain sides produce grass fine ly, and are rich to the summits. The lands are cheap, and invaria bly well watered with never fail ing streams of cold water. They are finely adapted to stock raising, dairying and cheese making. BROAD BOTTOM LANDS, Improved and under cultivation, well adapted to the cerials, hay making, vegetables, &c. Not much land of this kind is on the market. Its comparative scarcity in this section insures a large enhance ment upon the prices now asked. Nomore delightful home can be imagined than a nice farm on one of our mountain rivers with their gioi'iDUS scenery auU posUiVo Tree- dom from malaria. Live Stock Market. Reported by AhoU d? Philipps, Butchers aud Live Stock Dealers. No. I Steers aud Heifers, 3c. to^ ’4c. gross Cows, 2 *• , Veal calves, $2.50 to $5.00 per head. Sheep, 2.00 to 3.00 “ “ Hogs, 5^. gross. 6c. to 7c. dresaed Sausage, Pork, 12 c. per pound. •• Mixed. lOc. “ Asheville Leaf Tobacco Market. Eeported by .INO, G FKARCE, President of Tobacco Exchange. ASHEVILLE, N. C., July 18, 1884. We quote as follows; Friralngs, com. to med., 3 00@4 5 “ good to line, 6 00® 8Ut Lugs, dark, com. to nied., 4 60@ 6 00 Lugs, “ good to One, 6 00@ 8 00 Lugs, bright, com. tomed., 8 00@ 12 00 Lugs, “ good to fine, 10 00@15 00 RmokerH, bright; com. to med., 8 00®10 CO Kmokers, " good to flue, 12 00@16 00 Hmokers, “ line to fancy, 15 00g)30 00 Fillers, dark, com. tomed., 6 00® 8 00 Fillers, “ good to flue, 8 00®12 09 Plllors, iiright, com. to med., 8 00@i: On Fillers, “ good to line, 12 00®18 00 Yellow ipruppers, com. tomed., 12 00®I5 Yellow “ good to fine. 20 00@30 00 Yelloiv " fine to fancy, 50 00@60 00 Mahogany wrappers com to med2o 00(^0 00 Mahogany good to fine, 35 0()@55 00 Mahogany “ fine to fancy, 55 00@80 00 IMPROVED FAEMS. Large and small, some remote and others quite near Asheville and other towns. Adapted to gen eral farming, tobacco, fruit grow ing, grasses, vegetables, &c. STATE NEWS. NATTiTKINSOFS Real Estate Ag'eiicy, ASHEVILLE, N. C. I am prepared to furnish all needed information to parties wisliing to make purchases of Beal Estate in Western North Carolina 5000 acres, 7 miles from the depot. Fine timber, water power, grazing lands and mica mine. $2.25 per acre. Gold and siBTr mine, 18 miles of Asheville. Assayed and found to contain $17 in gold and $42 in silver. Price on application. Marble lands, 150 acres, on the “Western NortulCarolina railroad, 75 bottom, fine farm, to sell at once. Marble equal to any in America. Also 4480 acres fine mountain lauds finest water power in tluv. State, and on the We-stern NT. C.r - - ; timber. One trac, 13 miles of Ashe ville, on Hendersonville road- 250 acres —150 acres bottom good dwellings, fine water, good orchards, i.n a splendid neigh borhood for churches & schools. Price, $8,000, 100 acre tract. 4 miles on Bea ver Dam, good improvements, only $1,250. 75 acre tract, 7 miles out, good meadow lauds, fine for tobacco, only $400. 1G8 acre place, 1 mile from town, delightful view, 80 acres cleared, beautiful place, only $5,500. 5 acres within ^ mile of cor porate limits, fine grove, fine view ,$G0O. 225 acres, S miles North of Asheville, well set in grass, a good stock fui-m, only $5 per acre. 400 acres, 3 miles from town, to be divided as may suit pur chaser, at $20 per acre. 253 acres | mile from Turn pike Depot, fine timber and rich laud, only $1,200. 10 rooms, J £cre, wellimproved, $2,000. 10 rooms, } acre on Patton, Ave nue, only $2,750. 3 acres, 7 rooms, good stables, 2 springs on Main street, $2,000. A acre, 2 houses—one 3 rooms aud 1 with 2 rooms—only $900, on Bailey street. i acre unimproved, fine building site, $450, on Bailey street. 1 acre, 3 rooms. Camp Patton, beautifni $900. 3 roonfST^ ou Depot street, $800. 2 rooms, A acre on Main street, $750. ’ A acre, 3 rooms, good well, good blacksmith and wood shop, near present depot, $1,200. 1 acre, on river and near depot, unimproved, $600. ^ A beautiful site overlooking the -IvPl*—nnthino- T\rotf?p,. in ADVEETISBMENTS. J. W. Gaut & Son WHOLESALE GRAIN, PEODEOE, AND deieral Comiiissioii lerclaats, Highest market prices paid for 3 DRIED FRUIT AND COUNTEY PEODUCE. Ordere solicited for Field Seeds, Wheat, Corn, Oats, Hay, Flour, Bacon, Lard &c. Field seeds a specialty Liberal advances made on consignments. Correspondence solicited. J. W. GAUT & SON. Nos. 26, 28 Eeservoir St. Knoxville,.Tenn. Mch,'"*” - Money Saved By selecting an outfit from the largest aud most complete stock of HARNESS, SADDLES LAP ROBES, Horse Blankets, whips and Nets ever seen in Wes tern Carolina. We pay special attention to re pairing. Alexander & Penland, PATTON AVENUE, DRUGS. Charlie Starnes HAS OPENED A PIEST-OEASS Meat Market, Opposite the Post Office, Where, he wishes to have nis friends and former customers calf and buy Beef, Pork,' Mutton, Veal, tOc. The well known Lonnie Patton is butcher and conductor of selling. Thos. W. Pope will deliver meat for me. N.ATIONAL HOTEL, E. H. NORVELL, Proprietor WAYNESVILLE, N. C. ALTITUDE, 2,770 FEET. The house is situated in the bus iness part of the town aud 15 min- ut^^s walk to the White Sulphur Bprings, and a beautiful view of galsam Mountains. Good rooms —first-class fare. Hacks at the depot to meet all trains. MICA MINES Iron, Marble, Soapstone and other mineral properties; value mostly unknown, but specimens can be furnished. MILL PROPERTIES, Paying investments with good patronage and business: MANUFACTURING, STOCKS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, MORTGAGES, BUSI NESS OPPOR TUNITIES. IN ASHEVILLE, A large list of property, vacant and improved;stores, building ots for stores, factories, dwellings. Beautiful building lots from $1U0 to $10,000. Large lots for sale and subdivision at handsome profits SUMSIER RKSIDENCFS and beautiful Isuburban situa tion, with delightful mountain and river views. Houses ! Houses ! ! Houses ! From two rooms to a dozen. Prices vary according to location, size, condition, Ac. Some I can sell for cash only, others on very favorable terms. • A large num ber of choice building lots. Now is the time to buy and build. Write or call on me at my office in the court house where custom ers are always welcome. No troub le to show property. I have two teams, at the service of persons desiring to purchase, and will cheerfully show any and all prop erties. Walter B. Gwyn, Land Agent, Asheville, N C river—nothing prettier in town— 2i acres, only $750. 4i acres, covered with nice grove, with wood enough for a family for years, $1,250. 2 good brickyard lots—good ela and water in west Asheville, only $350 each, 1 acre in each. 3 small lots between Mr. Scott’s and Patton Avenue, only $250 each. 1 mile of Cooper’s station, 317 acres, 80 cleared, 50 bottom, 30 new upland, 18 acres in gi*ass, fine water, house 3 rooms and out buildings ; only $8 per acre—worth double the amount. 250 acres IJ miles from depot on W. N. C. R. il. Good timber, fine tobacco land, only S800. The finest site and most beauti ful place in North Carolina, 28i acr&s, new brick house, 8 rooms, 1,000 fine peach trees just coming into beaiing, river front, good rock quarry, large ice heuse full of ice, pond well stocked with carp, ice pond, 4 miles of water view. The trains can bo seen coming and going 3 miles in three direc tions. Cheapest property in the county. Terms on application. 44 acres 3| miles—7 acres bottom on Swannanoa river, only $1,200. 1,000 acres 13 miles, 200 acres fresh cleax*ed and set in grass. The finest of timber, Oak, Poplar, Ashe, LocVist, Chestnut and Mountain Mohogeiiy, fine fencing one of the finest stock raisig, places in the State. Has 100 springs, and on tlie line of the Rutherford and Asheville (pro jected) R. R., $12J per acre. _ 53 acres one mile from corporate limitf; 20 acres timber, nice build ing site, only $27.50 per acre. 16 acres 3 miles out, 12 cleared, 4 roomed house, fine truck place, elegant spring, good fruit. 200 acres near Black mountain station, fine timber, fine orchard ]3lace, 25 cleared, only $1,000 40 acres 4 miles out, good land $20 per aero. 18 acres 3 miles, fine timber aud rich land, $25 per acre. 100 acres 5 miles, all timber, on ly $500. 106 acres, 40 acres bottom, 10 in grass, good fruit, fine water, con venient to churches, a bargain at $4,000. I will, in a few days, have a largo quantity of Mountain lands this section, to sell low and on favorable terms. I Natt Atrinson, Real Estate Agent. ' UPSHUR’S PERUVIAN MIXTURE ESPECIALLY EOii H. H. LYONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUaaiST West Side Public Square, ASHEVILLE, - - N. O Coustantly on hand a fijll line of TRUSES Of all styles nr SHOULDEE, BBAOES, f SYBINGES and FBVBE TEEEMOMETEES. MISCMLLANBOUS. THE WEEKLY Courier-J ournal. The Representative PAPER OP THE SOUT Democratic, and for a Tariff For Revenue Only. AN ORGAN OF CURE YOUR COTJGI-I by using LYONS’ or LOCOOK’S Cough Elixir A speedy relief has at last been loiind for Kidney Diseases; Use NBILSON’S KIDNEY CUBE, COTTON AND TOBACCO Made of the best materials aud put together in such proportions as to give the plants an early start and mature a heavy crop. This Guano is prepared by one of 0. L. Upshur’s celebrated for mulas, and wherever used has proven to be equal to any on tlie market. We keep on hand the best Peruvian Guano, in its natural state, and guarantee it pcrfectlv pure and of tlie highest grade. We also offer for sale Lobo’s Guano, Standard Analysic, also all kinds of Fertilizing Chemicals such as Sulpli, Ainonia, Nit, Soda, Magnesia, Sulpin and Mu- ratic Potash, Bone Dust, Pure Fish Scrap, Fine Groimd Fisii. South Carolina Acid Pliospliate! &c. Our President is an experienc ed manufacturer of Guanos, and a practical farmer, and employ ees of the company are practical and experienced Fertilizer deal ers and manufacturers. Manufactured and lo. sale by LYONS’. A'fuU line NT^EY FANCY aud TOILET AR TICLES kept in stock. Also the finest five-cenc CIGAR in Asheville. J^Everything fresh and re liable. H- H. LYONS. feb2-tf Live Issues, Living Ideas AND MORAL FORCES. AN ENEMY OF “ SPIRIT OF SUBSIDY, AS EMBOS.SEn IN That Thieving Tariff. jTHE Weekly courier-journal MISGELLANEO US. Has no superior as a greiit family and uo lineal paper in the newspaper world ll circulation is MANY TIMES LAEGEH E. BAHAI & JOBBERS OF Beieral MercliaMise, ASHEVILLE, N. o, American Fertilizing Company. C. L, UPSIIUB, President. Wall Paper. I have a large lot of Wall Paper of various stylesjand colors, which I will put up at a very low rate the next thirty days. R. L Fitzpatrick. pril 25- 2w THE BATTLE HOUSE. Wm. Rhineheart, Proprietor, WAYNESVILLE’ N. C. The Battle House is centrally located; has been remoddled and improved. The table supplied with the best in the market. [102-tf. J. F. BAUMANN, ARCHITECT. Office—Over Mechanics’ Nat, Bank, Gay street, Knoxville, Tenn. T. C. WFSTALL, Contractor and Builder, ASHEVILEE, N. 0., Is prepared to do any work in the building line, and can furnish estimates, etc., on short notice. Has good workmen and guaran- ' tees satisfaction. Call on him. tf ESPECIAL FEATURES are Telegraphic Specials from all the lend* mg points in the United States and Europe" Serial and Short Stories, Talma^e’s SerA mous the day after deUviry In TCooki™ 1^8, luriand Stock Reports. Answers to Correspondent’s Department Poetrv and Department for Child^ren. No Home the Country should be without it. “ SUBSCRIPTION TEEMS. a year; Sunday, $2 a year copy, one year, $1.50- Five COPIES, one year,$o.k After acluD ofrtve bas been sent us the club raiser ean^ throughout the year, add si^le suLc^r^p. tions as received at our lowetTr, nini, $1.10 for yearly subscriptions. Yearly sub- ^iiptious only can be receiyed at this rate Our terms for less than a year are SI for x » oe’LS'io? -HALDEMAN, Jrieut <.x)urler-Jour inaloC D. McOANLESS, CONTBACTOE aiulBUILDEE Asheville, N. C., Is prepared to put up buildings on short notice. Only flrst-clas me- chaiucs employed, and the best of ra.ateriai used in the construction g buildings. Contracts solicited. Besidence and oflloe on Academy street' AplS-3m. •JESSE. K STARNES, DEALER IN Flour, Meats, Meal, AND COUNTEY PHDDUCE Constantly on hand, ASHEVILLE, N. C.

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