. ! V -I T i I 14 VI. y v l)lTTI5ANeH " mY a TT1T -.71 Kniercd In Uie rrKt office at AaoviIlct M 1 11 i J J 1 1 1 THEO. IIOEGOOD, Ed. &Tro?p. I ' - Advance Miniature Almanac. Sunrises &17-II Ltfcjnll o.Day , Hun sets tfc;y J IS hour and xnln. LOCAL CHIEFS. -":"V'i'r-i --t '-v--- - -;- - - ' . . , , r--t.-fr.- a : v. w . ' im-.; ,k, VOL. IN NO. 27. ASHEVILLE, XOHTII CAROLINA, WKj I III I - 1 t f ; il V- - -: aiiU)AY MORNING; AUGUOT 13, 1884: ; PRICE 5 CENTS. DAILY ADVANCE. Daily, one year, - - - - Sv.oo. " -one month, -j - i to. WeeioiV, onp year, - -, - J.w. A , inciting , of. the Asheville Light Infantry was held Monday ArrlTSl rA )WTm Cf Twill nirht. and arrangement maaei or - 4i m m w - - . . Traix No 1. Going west, ar-jthe Company to ,go to.iwaieign rives S:oo a. in.; leaves v:yj a. m. doing east, arrives C:ll p. m.; leaves G:21. Pullman l'alace 81eeicr attached! ; Tiiaix Xo. -(Local Freight) arrives S:50 p. m.; leaves C:30 a. m. Passenger car at tached . Ducktowx Train Xo. 7. Loaves for AVaynesviilo 9r20 a. m. arrives 4:40p.m. The following Is the' report ol (ho Thermometer a Jloncurei'a Dnig Store Yesterday : 7:33-00; 10 7G; Noon 82 ; 3 p M. 74; 6 r. M. 70. Isdex ,t Kcw AdTertUementa. T, X PniCCAlhambra. n T. rrTTTTa TTrlinlrriT!?. October 1st. ' Central joiinsiun Jones mado a stirring, speech for the boys, and asurel ihem that a pleasant time was aheml of them. We are pleased to know that Capt. W. T. Weaver has concluded to remain at the head of tho, Compa ny, and will continue to; show his great interest in theorganlzation. "the Fair Ground. ' TTic work at the Western North Fair Grounds is progressing. The race tra:k has been completed and fencing lia3 nearly all been erect ed. The grand stand and floral hall will be completed in about two weeks more, and everything For the Advance The Kailroacl Question an Is sue of the Canvass. Now that the delegates have been named to nominate candi dates 1 for the Legislature 'and county officers, the responsibili ty rests with the m, whether or jnot we will have our best men for the several positions sought, or whether the&o delegates wilt cover themselves with glory or odium by the nominations, they make. As regards the election of county officers, this is a friend ly fight;" and the most popular and eflieient men in the Demo cratic family will doubtless re ceive the nominations and be elected. i . I j The nominations for members of the Legislature will bo the prime and absorbing interest ot thn flonrpntion to meet oirtne whole section, jr factions, or of a want office for the fice bestows, or, promotion. ; ms run men ,:xneeJ:ations icems xneir. determiua- et from the hd accept a- J it may j not that the par- always, the Eepub who will meet ta of the neonie a Kailrosnl policy ai tion. . ; We hone anu cj: Convention 'good i)l a candidates, or. be amtes to suggest ty alone whoji snffrages, is thav with usv for us.i"; xviirt trill orivp ns,n tends to thefadvanlmentof:thiSSome Platform of t hef pemocrane of Norlllvaroiinu. Party We- again con, J.KiSEE.i5iacKsmuning. bc,in rcadin6ss by the 20th 7 and it should be- the dc ,r.7.7T inst..-if no.- unforeseen- accident termination and purpose . of tUu a tf ,d.-A xfllle ;rays are paving i . rt r. ' r'' .Ukirr - ndr -czl Vlcasaai avv.e.r. . - nominees for t lie. Legislature who rninnrtin ?Tt$Jt Springs this week. v 1! ;, . are faithful, Itrne. and honest. 53 In a week or two several of our Thei -- a tew cases 01 ua- For tIi0 country in whicii "3 f r? t merchants will .ptart North for ball feve- 'e cuy, auu "uu. live? againsc an loreigii Up0ii the just ai Fall and winter goods. present appei it 13 likely to tionsor monopolies. Ae -want f ilieilt; of the revenues of the government for educational purposes as m ay : be made by the Congress;! of the United States; provided always, that the same shall be disbursed by State agents, and not accom panied by object ionable features and embarrassing conditions. Hesolved, JThat it is dee,- to irthy of qur the white peopie 01 , il . . . x: i,vT-ft sn vhperfnllv nrtv wiio is couniies, nv. I of us. and I born tueir suaic ui v" - in whatever I burdens, that the present, ;cr some other equany euauR svstem of county j government. shall be maintained. Resolved, That in view of the existing andincreasing harmony and kindly feeling between ;met two races in this State and a similar condition of things which we believe to exist generally in other, Southern States, we depre cate the attempt of the Republi can party m its recent piauuriu snective 01 tw men swho nor the of- rrsiNESS. fiitulate the Iiua on. thej AD VEIiTISEUlZS TS. T0. OUR VISITORS ! On their first trip to our beautiful city and lovely mountiiin wo. JUL J-ixl-Xv X JL i 7 Ts- .71 17 t nATvn? 1 1 to visit pur elegant establishment, which is repleto with all tho j essentially usctul ana ornameniai ariicies in ino 4 goods Millinery and onamc F(incy ' Gents' Furnishing .1 . l i . i tY I m-n Pill 41 hi o rrr tii viaii i av. lii ii:.. '1" " : cf uh.1 wo ao.io.mce! ff t - t i v line to a far greater extent than any- other . house in . : w'-" :-: - irestern North Carolina can justly claim. Ajjhevillo There is still much building going on in tho city despite the stringency of money matters. Work on the new tobacco ware houses'uf Cols. Ray and William son is progressing and will bo ready for' the coming season. Mitj.Chas. M. fctedman and W. T. Faircloth, candidates for Lieut. Governor, will speak at Brevard, Transylvania county, to-morrow, and at Ilcndersonyille Satunlay. We v. ager that no other military company present at the coming State Kxpositicm will be composed of a Oner looking "set of young men than tho Asheville Light In fantry. There will be a large collection of fancy, useful and ornamental work, displayed for sale at the Bazar, to be held by the ladies at 4Ka . V,irtnori. ilTChOUSe Oil i Thursday. .: Captain T. A. Price now has charge of tho Alhambra, and is giving his guests square meals, -fixed up in elegant style, llis friends are invited to call on him as will lx seen from' advertise-' 'merit In to-days paper. ; . ..n v lnrfT?; inaioritv of our young men and boys are stricken down witn it. n dangerous disease when it once gets a fair hold on the young man, as is the case with many of the young men of some of the east ern towns. Tho disease has been so fearful down there that a large number of tho -young men have not been able to do but little work since it first made its appearance this summer. to tho seashore to-morrow prom ises to be a pleasant afiair. We learn that a good many of the mountain people will avail them- . selves of the opportunity offered to sec Morchead and the ocean. We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Ogden Edwards, which , occurred at Stockbridge, Mass., Lv-t week. Mwl'fidwards1 was a resident of this city and was on a yisit to her Northern friends. Adjutant-Gen. Johnston Jones has completed arrangements for ' assembling the State Guards at Raleigh Oct. 1st and 2nd. 24 com panies the entire force will be in attendance. The shock of an earthquake was . felt in the Northern and New England States last Sunday morn ing. It caused much excitement among the people and in many places much damage was done. There is to bo a grand costume ! ball at the Swannanoa hotel next Friday night. The Asheville Cornet Band will be in attend ance, and a pleasant time is prom ised to nil who may be present. There will be a large and enthu siastic meeting of tho Young Men's Democratic Club at the court house next Saturday night. L6t evcrv memler and every man T who w ishes to oe a member be present. At this time our entire ticket, withjthe exception of Sena orial, will have been completed. Wc are informed that a largo amount of the stock, to the new city cemetery has been subscribed and that as soon as a little more progress in this direction b made the company will be. .organized. There is no prettier spot in the county for a ceinetery than New ton Academy, the place selected for the cemetery. ? An effort is being made among the young men of the city to or ganize a ba?o ball club. We are requested to ask that all young men wishing to join tho club call on Mr. F. A. Fanning at J. D. Brevard & Co's store There is good material here, and we con fidently expect some fine playing when the boys get well organized Pearson for the Legislature FniTou Advance: I do not ,,.;cv. fn intrude on -vour valuable V 1JII W " r ,, would like to endorse throucrh vour columns, thesugges Mnn of tho name of Richmond Pojirson. (as so many have done,) far one of our next members to the Legislature. My reasons are u. j. rim Tifmoprat. and is II1UL alwavs found working for the cMimraa or the nartv, and he is one whoso interest is with every farmer in the county being one himself. Hois one of tho strong est advocates of the j railroad be tween Asheville &. Henderson v;?n nri iirti fho courairo and lilt) 1A ..m.-. aWHf tr tn pfpn a v s UCh an road if he is elected. And if he does this, it will be worth more to Buncombe county than all else. Certainly i every man, woman - and child is inter ested in this road, especially the farmers, for they are the principle consumers of , the goods shipped here,and they have to pay the extra per cent, caused by the enormous freights. The tobacco planter is doubly interested in this road. Freights are so high, he looses at least 25 per cent, on his tobacco that he could save if this road was com pleted. Now if there is a loss of 25 per cent, and you make 3,000 lbs you loose 7.50 on your crop, if there are 500 tobacco planters it cost them 53,750,00 and if you let it go ten years it will be $37,500.00. So you see what it costs your to bacco crops, to let this road alone, and it is the same witli everything else you have to handle," especial ly to buy. Now let us stop this by sending Pearson and some oth er good mau that will stand by him to the Legislature. Hoping it will meet your approbation to give this my first imprudence, space. I 1 am Respectfully, i men tor the Legislature who feel the degradation imposed on us bv the faithless and perfidious promises of the Spartanburg and Asheville Railroad Syndicate promises given to deceive not one of which have been kept. Wc want men to go to the Leg islature who will tell the people of 'tho Eastern portion of the Sfnto who come to us in their hoar of need and ask us to help them to uphold the present plan of County Government', rather thaii a plan which will be adopt ed if the Republican party comes into power, that we of the West are in' slaverv, and wear the ugnration of administra- :is been un: ears since: fi nipartial eu vs ; upon the efficiency of our cMainon school system, and the Vat progress mado in popular tijicacion . , anu upon the. 'general-Improvement and enterprise ijani tested in every part -of tift State, j And we again challenjr a compari son between this ii texf things it as .a hre-Di-anTrauu.il nvpucuv ical expression of interest in the black race, a wanton insult to t he whites of the South, and ten ding to stir up strife between the nowfriendly races. Ladies Festival at the Farmers Vil nnnvMSinil With wiy vi j.n.iw. rL oniinnw pi ill I as much odium as can possibly ,,7"": T'-jfc come to them even in the Went ) of Negro Supremacy-and doinm- LrF c ?it mn in their section oi me State. Say to the East that as North Carolinians, we hoar them and will help them, and ask them to help us as North Caro linians asking nothiug as a sec tionbut as citizens m a epm mnn eountrv. with a -common heritage arid destiny awaiting us. The Township meeting for Asheville, held 9th iust., appoin ted amopa-tuo..oi5 delegates and the crimes, j Vitrages and scandals which atijided Repub lican ascendancy 'Jour borders; and we pledge ouriUves to exert, in the future, as vvluive done in the oast, our best 'orts to pro mote the materialliuterets of all sections of the it ate. , . , Affirming our I Jlhereuce to De m ocratic princKes as hereto- o piaiiorms eby . e regard a ioii of the illutrhox as of preserv- i . . ' can ' insiicu- orrupt and end' patron: nd contrel- erons to the ie audi the Bazar and Ice Cream Ware- iThursday August 14th, house on from 12 m. to 11 p. m. public wilt at' the the only sure mean iijg our free Anitj . "I XI A. il. . , 1 tions, anu mat inv Board of Trade important Meeting. The members of the -Board of Trade of Asheville are requested to meet at the Club Room; on Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, to consider a proposition for the es tablishment of Gas Works in this city. It is hoped that every mem- lipr will be oresenr. 1 J, P. SAWYER, Pres't. A larire stock of Dry Goods Fancy Goods,. Clothing, Boots and Shoe3, llats, uarpets, tx:.. at fixed and reasonable prices. II. ' Redwood & Go. corrupting use of ft fe age, in mnueuciug: ing elections is da-iu liberties of the S; Union. Resolved, That v of the uuconditioh;.4 di ; are iii favor and inline- . - JL T7 "1 c. s. ritoji RiciiroNp. J1 A Man in Hanover Shoots'IIis repeal of the charter Of the Spar tanburg and Asheville Railroad at the meeting of June 14th; 1SS1, at which time the follow ing resolution wasj offered and adopted by the meeting: "YViiereas: e consider the . T .--- t i "jr'V- I m wavw. .f ! ... S wuv lit Ijlt.lj I ... - i ll- Ill i : . - jptio'n' in : its I Ciiaelotte, N. C, ; July 5, 7Si. Dr. Gregory. T imwl vour treatment lor Dys rpnin fonr voars acrd a'ld it made n rArfoofi and rsnrmanent cure of. mp. INline was the worst case pvpr sn vd. T have heard a great m any say thei r cure Was also p er manent.l I now eat vhat I please. ! Samuel. J. Wakke n. " Dr. Gregory will .ba. at Eagle hotel a few days J' nger. j augiu-iw. '1 We are the only house iu Western North Carolina that keops Dry Goods and Miltenery- Strictly, with the special adjunct of an elegant lino of C3-E3STTS Fxj-Risrisxiijsro goods HATS, Visitors and city patrbnwill find our fetock thoroughly ' corn in all tho useful articles, such as ! ; ' ' ' J " "! 1 : ' HESS GO (D GDS, v SATINS, S ILKS, WHITE GQODSl EIBROIDERIES, L ACKS4 MandS&rcMef Fans Corsets. Underwear, Mibbons. -. . 1 - . ravling Bags, 11 AND BAGS, SARATOGA AND PAOKINO TRUNKS, the largest stock ever shown. me tions. and a source novauce .and. corr practical operation Resolved, Thatij has aright to buru with taxes bevoiiil development of our Home Inter-1 required to pay its AVife with n Pistol. August Ilth. RICII5IOND, Ya --Information received here to day, gives an account" of tle shooting of a woman by her husband, near Ilarvine's Shop in Hanover county. A man by the name of, Butler had some failing out with his wife Satur day. Sho had him arrested, but he afiected his escape from ; au officer, returned to bis house and shot his wife in the Mck of the head or neck. She will probably die. . . - If you want to meet everybody in town and have a "nice time go to the Bazar to be held. by the ladies of tho Episcopal church, at Farmers Warehouse on . Thurs day evening August 14th. csts above and -beyond all other considerations that concern the people ofth is section. We re solve that up candidates can ob tain or are . entitled to our sup port who arc not in favor and ready to pledge themselves to work for the repeal of the char ter of the Spartanburg and Ashe villle Railroad, and the appoint ment of a Railroad ''Commission to save us from oppression byj the Railroad Syndicates." Tho jinnies' of the pledged del egate arenas follows: ; J. G. Martin, J. M. Ledford, C. B. Way, J. P. Sawyer, T. I. Tan GilderjT. T. Fatten, D. C. Wad dell, Di F. Reynolds, W. G. Cov peningjT. AV. Patten, R. M. Frr maii, J. II. Carter, E. S. Clayton, W. T. Reynolds, J. II.Merrimau, J. E. Rankin, W. II. Pcnland, T. G. Westall. . Now taking the names of the 19 pledged delegates, it is rea sonable to suppose that all or a greater portion the 19 unpledged delegates aro in full sympathy and support of the resolution adopted June 14, .1SSL If this is the. case, Asheville,' at least, can comfort itself with the hope and expectation that the nomin ees of the Convention will be men sound on the Railroad ques tion, aud for us in this fightj this caii be expected, as far as Ashe ville Township delegates are con. ccrned. And it cannot be doubt ed for a moment that the other Townships in the county are not in as perfect accord with usi, and in fealty as true, as their inter ests and ours are .identical;' they to sell us their products, (espe cially tobacco)" and Asheville's obligation to . have a Southern outlet for her manufactured to bacco aud other products. ; Although this, Canvass on the Democratic side is on-higher grounds, than expediency and policy. The Convention might as well recognize the fact, that uu less they put in the field, men pledged and true on the . Rail road question," that their nomin ees will be defeated, supposing peases and grauua its public debt. AJ ever the revvmies rived, exceed, this should be! reduced a Isurplus in the t tueieiore urge upo and Represeutathj to exert themseivq such legislation ' this end. Resolvod, That to the tariff we re; long and fuiidame of the party de National Demoer; aud that the d method by wliicli tional reveiiiie t, gradually leached which the party fives at the Fedei bo trusted to adiul opinion the duties portation should the production of and the discrimi adjustment siioul would place the h luxuries and necessaries equally as possibh of taxa t iou-ati-et- est good to the gr of the American p Resolved. That; the . Democratic therance of pop! by efficient public sections, and the I r of graded and iio the larger towns centers, is a suffic AT- A A. 1 il inac we iavor inc all classes of our Redwood & Co. Large reduction in Straw Hats July 11-tf II. Redwood & Co. i the hi a the I oflifej go vein m cut ii its people the amount lecessary ex y extinguish d l ii at wlifeu liotvever de- nsotinr, uie o as1 to avoid jasury. t e our Senators sin Congress in favor of ; -will secure with respect tirm the life-, taljpriuciples I a red in .the :ic platforms. tails of, the the constitu riif shall be are subjects representa 1 eapitpl must t : but lin our on foreign im- ie levied lor ublic revenue, atioiis ; in its be such as best rates on bwest on the distribute as he burdens ifer-tntry. a test numbed 'Ople. t - . J he course i ot fciarty in lur ar education schools? ill all establishment bal schools in nd accessible ent guarantee education of eople and we lve the pres- ntages so far without i bur Boots and Shoes made to order and repairing done in the best or der at Levy's. ' tf. 1 ij'inn - - - 0 mbhhmhmhmbbmw nw. . X j . '' ' ' V. J m r ' . . large Baker & McBrayeiSysinskeys ays on ir. Just Ileciretl tbck- hand at th of 'Monticello .-1- WW; ian ;h a -lw. Elegant Casheinere Shawls, in all j the light shades at. tf Wjiiti; ZEPHERS, CrERM ANTO WN, SHETLAND AND r SAXON V WOOLS4 SILK-tAND WORSTED. ARRASENE, . 1 iv i I i shades and shaded 'i 5 G. X. G 10 BBS,; H .Practical Upholster and . T;. er Hanger, Furniture Repairer,: Alattress Maker anil Repairer". I CARPETS MADE TO Oil Ti'iil ''"- : L. ; ,.j ; . .; . . .; :. . Musical insruiiients TiJah-jl and varnished. House d-rti-: ting, iii all its branche-. -A i Si re main here thirty d ivs. tji-'V your orders at onct? to .receive im mediate! attention. Work Room i nu.mjcr 0. ' ; , Centiial Hotel, - Iilain Strrot. ET Satisfaction Guaranteed. 0,a EMBROlBERY SEEK promote and impi ent education adv as it can be don deniug the peoplf.'l by exbessive taxation. en ua wnereas, rt ihere is. now more than a hum lied millions of dollars in the t United States, w' pockets of taxation on publican party Resolved, Tha such distribution asury i of mg - from : the iKflple bv in the U k of'tl arty, tllhrefbre the the mi just the J Re- ve will accept f said surplus public i ticularsi FOR RENT. RENT. A TOR P Main street, . t !r I rooms 'with .basement. v rwafeTrTFi vcjnii th utes walk from house on containing 5 Good quare. . For further par apply to "A. Feeck, cor. Main and Eagle St. July 31 tf - J "TTT" ANTED 100,000 lbs Cotton t i- Rags lor which 1 will pay Cash, j ClIAllIilE bTARNES tf Asheville, N. C. BlacfcsmitMi and. Repairin i OF ALL tflNDS i DONE OX SHORT NOTICE. - : Hdrss Slissim a Specialty - g. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ra - I- j -: ' -:- - -''-j ;J L Shop on Main Street, near Farm I ers Warehouse. ' - J. A. Riser. - auglS-lm. Knitting Silk Brass standi lor lamp Rhades and Banners. olors, Knitting needles, Zephyr aereme cord, in white and needles &c. Oor entire stock is superior in quality prices. tion to i. our and e w e xtiemely low iai "H . - ' D . jlA , - of 1 H A -M M 0 C K In grades ranging in price from 75. 1.00, 1.25,1.50, 2.00 to 3,50. B XT ! s vl ill fiiid our stock of shirts anc neckwear stylish arid elegant. erv in cotton lisle thread and silk. Hos- S: WHITL0CK, Affcnt, EAGLE IIOTEIa i ! , v - . r, xr n I ft" K AAAJ f ( r 1 . r'l ' ih 'ii1. 5 I i! t u ; i l r. i t t.. J' -