T 1 r 4 . - DAILY ADVANCE. ' Wednesday aug. is issl Kditors Announc ienient," -TOE DAILY ADVANCE, a 2S column paper. publhalevOT lay except Monday at tG.OO .per year. $3.00 for six months. Deli v -Jrrd to city subscribers at 50 cents per month. ; ' . ' : . THE ..' ASIIE VTtLE r AD VANCE, a 28 column paper. Is published every Friday at $1.00 per annum. . ADVEBTI8IKQ BATES (DAILY) &o cenis: one country,"and betablo to do North Carolina great service. Senator Van co has entered the field for the f present campaign with his accustomed zeal and ability. He has spoken 'at two large . mass meetings already, one at Goldsboro, and the other at Newberne. His voicq willbe heard in erery part of the State arousing, cheering and charm ing tho masses, with his old-time brilliancy of wit and fire of elo- quence. lie win uo nis part one men one uay w w-uuj,uuv i . - week $2.00; one month $4.00; three I fQn j in the canvass, and add an months, $10.00; six inonuis, 910. othcr jcaf to his weH.earned 00: twelve montna, j.w. -1 V . ' n,V. - Ichaplct of fame. Siffi Itisnot known that any Dem nrice " ' ocrat will be a candidate for the - , 'l'L --nJua I Senate in opposition to Senator Notices or Jiarraagua wiAiui . - Avwvi ltnps. will be in-1 Vance. If there be such a man " -n. men T - - . . ' A orvi fVorf All additional mav trr will be chanrcd 6 cents per line. , v tivmAf rnr transient adver lUmonu Tnnt bo made in ad vance. tied out in the bushes, the pub lic are not aware of it. There is no probability of Vance being beaten by ; anybody, unless the itiilar vearlv advertise-1 Ilennblicaus cret control of the U will bo collected promptly U.. ... event ig t heendof cacft quarxer. au- . . je paid monthly. I remotest probability. 1 . CozuimiuUfiii of the - MISCELLANEOUS. J. F. B AUM ANN, ARCHITECT. Office -Over Mechanics' Nat, Bank, Way street, Knoxville, Tenn. Coal! Coal!! Coal!!! t - Wood! Wood I Wood! For sale at the Asheville coal and wood yard. . Having gone in to the coal and wood business I will supply the Asheville peo ple with these very necessary article at the lowest cash prices. Coal delivered free to all parts of, the city. , ) D. S. Watson. lyAll orders left at Moncure's Drug Store will receive my per sonal attention. aug3-lm MHMHHBataBlOVHMMMaMHMiW ! i -i jt.l , AHVER AEMENTS. ADVEBTISE5IENTS. J.W.G.utSon GWfFN'S . ! J - -- ' ! ' " - a w ar Jflvi! 1 1 news or a discussion of local mat- fairly express the sentiments and and Vance "Vnnhfpctlonal personalities, will be re-elected without oppo- : or withholds the name of tho au- sit on. Alott, Johnston and oth thor. 1 eLx)f the coalition, will stand H e arc not responsible for the j n0 more chance for election than views of our corrcsponaexiw. yu, . 6SCU in II 10 euiiAT-i- - views aro express rial columns. 1 t i TEI0D0EE EOBGODD: Eflltar 111 '.Pnot DEilOCKATIC TICKET- LKCTION TU1SDAY NOVEMBER 4TH ' FOB PRESIDENT : Grover Cleveland, " OPNKWYOWw. FOB VICE-PRESIDENT : Thos. A. Hendricks, OP INDIANA. t POE GOVEIINOE, f ALFKED M. SCALES, OF OCItTORD. FOR tirtmaTAST GOVXRSOR, CHARLES 31. . STEDMAN, oritur HAXovra. A 10 cent in quality, but only a 5 cent in price "Tansiirs .runcn" tr. rOWELL & SNIDER, Solo Agents. FOR SECRETARY OF 8TATK, WILLIASI L. SAUNDERS, FOR ATTOSJiXT GErRAL THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, gust 27th. APPOINTMENT OF GEN. SCALES. The Democratic State commit tee announce the following ap pointments for Gen. A. M. Scales. at which Dr. Tyre York, the Re publican candidate, has been In vited to meet him. and a joint canvass may be expected: Isewton, Saturday, August 2nd. Marshall. Monday. August 4th. 13 urns vi lie, Wednesday, August 6th. f Bakersville, Thursday, August 7th. - Marion, Saturday, August 9th. Morganton, Monday, August 11th. Lenoir, Saturday, August 16th. Boone, Monday, August 18th. Jefferson, Tuesday. August 19. Sparta, "Wednesday, August 20th. Trap Hill, Thurday, August 21st. - ' : Wilkesboro, Friday, August 22nd. EJkin, Saturday, August 23th. DoHson, Monday, August 25th. T 0P HI ITT-JJ 1 irfrjtsviue, yeanesaay, au- Ton'sorial Parlor, BANK BLOCK, Next to Asheville Club Rooms, ; (up stairs.) r ELEGANCE, COMF0RT PEICES. tatlies attended at residences on Notice. July 17. ly GRAIN, General om LAtJCE, and SnlercMts, Highest marl Orders solicitd Wheat, Corn, JBacon, if price paid for - DRIED FRUIT AND COUNlkr PROnTTriE Field Seeds, ci. Hay, Flour, Field seedfo specialty GP Liberal jrivances made on consignments. YOorrespondence ftUllUllCU. J. V. UifTT ROT Nos. '26, 2 EeservoirSt. r "1 er S Knoxville, Tenn. Valuable Keal estate 111 Waynesville for Sale. The valuable property . in Wayuesville, N. C, known as the Waynesville Hotel property, con taining 32 acres in one tract, with a front of 150 lect on Mam street, adjoining 'the old public square, and embracing a garden, meadow and pasture field is offered at private sale at a price much below its real value. Title indefeasible. For further par ticulars apply to the undersigned sit thp. law office of Johnston & Shuford, Asheville, N. C. GEO. A. SHTJFOKD, Trustee of J. C. Smathers.. July 104w T C E. GRAHAM &. CO. JOBBEKS OP qavea By sele4inff an outfit Bom the largest irid most Western Carolina LAND AGENCY, Circulars and price list free. ! . ': Address, V WaIteb B. Gwyn, j Asheville, N. C. EEFEEENCES: The citizens (of Asheville and the numerous Settlers who have bought agency. r perty through my ; LxVEOE LIST X)V property for sale throughout IFestern North Carolina, embrac ing all classes of Real Estate from RUGGED RANGES in the mountains at 75 cents an acre, to city lots in the heart of Asheville, the j THE QUEEN CITY i- Of the" "Land of the Sky." 7 complet HARNESS LAP Horse whips xstock of I SADDLES 40BES. 1 - blankets, td Nets ever sceiin -Wes tern Car0iina.. ; "e Pat special attention to re pairing. Alexander 1 PATTON I TOBACCO 'LANDS that will yield from $100 r to $300 per acre under proper culture. Act ual surveys of the land and the certined returns 01 warehouse auction sales have repeatedly de monstrated the truth of what was long thought to be wild and ex travagant fiction. , Unimproved land of this kind can be bought Irom up to $50 per acre, accord ing to location and other circum stances. I Penland, lVENUE, or uocoitnr. TOR TKKAXTRXK DONALLW. BAIN, or WAKE.' I roRTsrrzBijrrEXDKXT ok nrELio i2f - v S. 31. FEiGEK, or CATAWBA. rOR ACPITOK, j W. P. ROBERTS, Or GATES. Sallsburyi Thursday. Augus 8th. - ' MARKETS. Aslieville Price List Current Corrected Daily by POWEIili & SNIDER. MTal Mercian ftts6, I FT PwS r - GRAZING LANDS Covered with fine timber, partly accessible and partly not. . The lhountain sides produce grass fine ly, and are rich j to the summits. The lands are cheap, and invaria bly well watered with never fail ing streams of cold water. . They are finely adapted to stock raising, dairying and cheese making. ' ' BEOAD BOTTOM LANDS, Improved and under cultivation, well adapted to the cerials, hay making, vegetables, &c. Not much land of this mndjis on the market. Its comparative I scarcity in. this section insures a large enhance ment upon the prices now asked. Nomore deliglitfnl homecan be imagined than a nice farm On one of our mountain rivers with their eJrriniis scenery and positive tree- PERUVIA i iFO It ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OP THE i ;eupbkme court, ! 'AUGUSTUS S. MEEEIMON, , of Wake. 1 KOR CONGRESS 9T1I DISTRICT : ! THOMAS D. JOHNSTON, Of Buncombe, j , ; it ' V ' ZED, VANCE TOR TIIE SE5ATE, The next' General Assembly will have several important du. ties to discharge. Among these willbe the selection ofa succes sorio Senator Z. B. Vance. : We believe we voice the sen timent of the Democracy of the entire State, -when wo say that Senator-. Vance r should be his 1 . .3 '. 'OR'ir- cncc4?5orx riot ,ontj t.tijs, but no merits aSiomination by acclamation. . We wish to see AsnKvxujc, N. C, Aug. 12 ISSi, Apples O ren pe r bushel, 23 to 75 dried. 5 to7 cents. Boioc Bacon I0H toI2 Smoked 124 cenU; shoulders, to IOcents; hams locts. 20 cents. IiExr 6 to 10 cents, as to quality. liirnxR Prime 23 to 33 cents; common. 12 to 20 cents. Beeswax 30 to 22 cents. Bkaxs Whlt 12.00 to $3.00. OorrxE Rio 1214 to 16 cents; Laguaj va 20 cents; Java 25 to 90 cents. - Cukkse 15 to 20 cents, as to quality. Cotton Yarn $05 to $1.00. Corn Meal-$0.SW to $1.00. Ca-dlf.9 IN?r Vi ri50$2.75. Kogs 10 to I2Uc. per dozen. Flour ?2. 75 to H.'w per sack. jari II to lo cents. Molasses Common dark 25 to 50 cents. Fine Syrup 50 to 75 cents. New Orleans $0.75 to $100. Oats 50 to 65 cents. Corn $a90 to $095. Hay HJij per cwt. Sjiifstcjtt $:W per ton. Dried I'eaches, 8 to 12 cent " unpeeled. 4 to 6 Peas $1.00 to $1.50. Potatoes Sweet per bushel, ISt Irish, - " 30 to 6). Suoa Brown 10 cents; powdered, crushed and granulated 104 to 12U cents. - Vinegar to50eei8 per eallon. Seeds Clover Seed $8.00. Orchard Grass SVed tXSO. Timothy " " A0O. ItedTop M . 1. 00. Blue grass- 2.25. Lawu " 55cts.per lb. . ASHEVILLE, N. T. Cr WE STALL, Contractor and Builder, - ASHEVILEE, N. C, Is prepared to do any work in the ouuaiDiT line, uuu cau luruiau estimates, etc., on short notice Has good workmen and guaran tees satisfaction. Call on him. t. T AIIjKOAD TICICETS BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED, by Ed. Wedden, V 7 23, 1m Eagle Stable.; 1 TONE Y The people have -LtJL now a chance to get rid of everything, they don't need. Gether up everything, not in use and send it to Hill's ouctlon house in the old Central i Hotel building and convert it into mon ey. Sale, every Saturday at 10 o'clock. Asheville Leaf Tobacco Marliet. .i NOTICE. Ingle and Godfrey will be in the city for a few days and any per son washing work done in the way of putting lightning rods on their buildings, will find them ready to serve them. These gentlemen have had 20 vears experience -.in tho business. They refer toA-4?-GS. AD VERTISEMEN1S. STATE NEWS. HAH ATKHISOH' Real Estate Agency, furnish all information to parties to make purchases of Estate in Western North ASIIEVILIiE, N. C. I am prepared to needed wishing Seal Carolina : COOO acres. 7 miles, from the depot. Fine timber, water power, grazing lands and' mica mine. 12.25 per. acre. L -. . . ; Gold and silver" mine, 18 miles of AshevUe. Assayed and found to contain $17 in gold and $42 in silver. Price on " application. Marble lands,! 150 acres, on the Western JNortn Carolina railroad, 75 bottom, fine farm, to sell at once. Marble equal to any in America. , Also 4480 acres fine mountain lands - finest water power in the State, and . bn tho Western N. C. It. It. f'linei Fine timber, " . . One trae, 1 miles of Ashe ville, v onV Henderoiiviile road- 250 acres 150 acres bottom good dwellings", fine water, ge5l orchards,1 in a spletidi) oieigh- borhood lor churches.!- schools. Price, 8,000. i i 100 acre tre; 4 mi ver Dam, good improvements, only $1,250. ' 75 acre; tract! 7 miles out, good meadow lands, fine for tobacco,1 only $400, : ; ! 16S acre place, 1 mile lrom town, delightful view, i 80 acres cleared, beautiful place, only 5,500. L . 1MISCELLAKE0 US. TUB WEEKLY Courier-Journal, ; Tlio R eprcscntiitive PAPER OF THE SOUT Democratic, and for a Tariff lie venue uniy, For AN ORGAN .'O V Live Issues, ' - Living Ideas AND MORAL' FORCES. es on Bea- mile of cor- grove, niie 5 acres within porate limits, fine view,$G00. 22o acres, Smiles North ol Asheville well set in grass, a good stock farm, only $5 per acre, '.i-;-- r'U- ; ':',: ,j i : 400 acres, 3 miles from town: to be divided as may suit pur chaser, at $20 per acre. i i zoo acres mne irom jl urn- pike Depot, fine timber and rich land, only! 1,200. j 1 10 rooms, acre, well improved. $2,000. i - ' I 10 rooms; f acre on Fatten Ave nue, only $2,750. I I 3 acres, 7, rooms, good stables, 2 springs on Main street, $2,000. - acre, 2 houses one 3 rooms and 1 with 2 rooms only $900i on Bailey street. ..' S acre unimproved, fine building site, $450, on Bailey street, 1 acre, 3 rooms, Camp Fatton, beautifnl site, $900. 1 , fh omserfton i ..... .. .- . 1 ' i AX-ENRMy HoBopolies, Oliprchisio, AND TIIE SPIRIT OF SUBSIDY AS EMBOSSED IN That Thieving Tarift fTHE ESPECIALLY' FOR IMPROVED FARMS. Large and small, some remote and others auite inear Asheville and other towns. Adapted to gen eral farming tobacco, fruit grow ing, grasses, vegetables, &c. COTTON AN3 TOBACCO r MICA MINES Iron, Marble, Soapstone and other mineral properties J value mostly unknown, but specimens furnished. can be MILL PROPERTIES, good Made of the bei put together in as to give the start and matur This Guano is p of C. L. Upshur' mulas, and whet proven to be eqiil to any on the market. We keep on Peruvian Guano state, and guara pure and ol the We also materials and ich proportions lants an early a -.Heavy, crop, pared by one celebrated for- 3ver used lias Paying investments with -I patronage and business MANUFACTURING, STOCKS LOANS, INVESTMENTS, MORTGAGES, BUSI ! NESS OPPORTUNITIES. land the best in its natural Reported by V; ? it should be given him. Senator Vance's term in the Senate has this great 'compliment bestowed I JKO. G.FRANCE, President ol mvnn liimi Ho deserves it. nnd Tobacco Exchange. i I ASHKVIIJJE. N. (LAne. 12 IS8J. We Qaot as follows: Primings, com. to med, . S 00(S eood to fine. 8 oVa 8UL :j. added to hisalready brilliants .to, SISSI Iri butation." as patriot, statesman loks, bright, coin. tmed.i ?ooi2w i - - . ' . ' . ' - . L,UK,r : gooa tonne, 10 wji5 oo M s : and or-.itor. Ho has acn aired a smokers, bright; com. to med s oo(5io r a '': , i Smokers, good to line, 12 OOtalS (XJ it'!! national fame. He has won the smokers, nne to fancy, 15 (xa3o oo ... Fillers, dark, com. to mecL. 6 OOo) 8 00 i j ; esteem, graiicuue anuiovooi our mers, - good tonne, sooi2oo 'great sister commonwealth ..for fillers. KoodtonnC wooisw his valuable services in'the Dan- Know "'ScjoS oo i D. Johnston, J. P.Sawyer, Penni- man Bros., M. E. Carter, M. J. Fagg and others. tf JOHN H. MERRYMAN, ' ' - : CAEE1AGE PAINTER AND TRIMMER, ASHEVILLE, N. C. ville . .-m K .1 - . ' i 1 -pi- llion. .. JtxO Manas j Muhogsjiy wrapjerscomtomediJi the leading Sena- tegS? - ESJ.S investigation.; .Ho stands r to-day among . tors, and wields a large influence ; in national affairs. His course In the Senate, has reflected. credT ' it upon himself .and upon, tho btate ho represents. . unaer a Yellow line to fancy, GO 00rg60 00 fo5 00 nne to fancy, 55 Q080 00 Iiivo Stock Market , Reported by Abott d? Rhilipps, Butchers, and Uve Stock Dealers. No. I Steers and Ilelfers, Sc. to r, gross i UOWS. democratic administration Zeb; TeriSS Yffll5r n Vauco would be'one of the most US. 2.00 to 8.00 5V4c. KTOSS. 6c. to 7c. dresaed. j'Hprominent'in the politics of tho I ViS&ioJ: rpond- Shop in Swannanoa hotel building. .entrance by Key no ids and Chambers Livery Stable All work in my line executed on short notice, in the best of style and on reasonable terms. A share of the publje patronage respect fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. " July 6-iy. rail kinds of FertilKinS Chemicals such as Sulph, monia, JNit, Soda, Magnesia, &ilpb. and Mut ratic Potash,iBon Dust, Pure Fish Scrap, Fine (Ground Fish, South Carolina A &c. - U w- , : Our President ed manufacturer a practical farmei ees of the compan IN ASHEVILLE, A large list of property, vacant tee it? perfectly and improvedjstores, building Jots lighest grade, for stores, factories, dwellings. taSlOjOOO. Large Jots for sale -and subdivision at handsome profits. BESLDENCES r sale Jjobo's andanUVhiilyriitj, also Id Phosphate, an experienc: ' Guanos, and and employ r are practical and experienced fertilizer deal ers and manufacturers. American i Comp C. L. UPSHUR, THE -J BATTL WM. ItlllXEHEAl " WAYNES VIL HOUSE, Proprietor, a The Battle Houfe is centrally SUMMER and i beautiful !sub urban situa tion, with delightful mountain M and river views. Houses ! Houses ! ! Houses ! ertilizing President. f located; has been i. improved. The tabi the best in the mar, moddled and supplied with et. f!02-tf. ' From two rooms to a dozen. Prices vary according to location, size, condition, &c. Some I can sell for cash; only, others on very favorable terms. A large num ber of choice building lots. Now is the time to buy and build. Write or call on me at my office in the court house where custom ers are always welcome. No troub le to show property. I have two teams, at the service of persons desiring to purchase, and will cheerfully show any and all; prop erties. : r . t Walte r B.! Gwyn, ' Land Agent, i- Asheville, N C 2 rooms, J acre on Main'streot. acre, 3 rooms, good well., good blacksmith jand wood shop, near present depot.1 $l,z00. i 1 acre, on, river and near depot, unimproved, $000. A beantiful site overlopking the river nothing prettier in town 2 acres, only $750. 4 acres, covered ; with nice grove, with wood enough fori family for years, $1,250. 2 good brickyard lots-good cla and water in west Asheville, onlj $350 each, 1 acre in each. ' i 3 small lots between Mr, Scott's and ; Patton Avenue, only $250 each. i ! 1 mile of Cooper's station, 317 acres, 80 cleared, 50 bottom , 30 new upland, 18 acres in grass, fine water, house 3 rooms and out buildings; only $8 per acre worth double the amount. j 250 acres 1J miles from depot on W. N. C. B. B. Good timber, fine tobacco land, only S800. I The finest site and most beauti ful place 'in. (North Carolina, 28 acres, new brick house, 8 rooms, l,Opo fine peach trees just coming into beaiing, river I front, good rock quarry, large ice heuse full of ice, pond well stocked with carp, ice pond, 4 miles of water view. The trains can be seen coming and going 3 miles in three, direc tions. I Cheapest property in the county. Terms on application. j ' 44 acres 3 J miles--7 acres bottom on Swannanoa river, only SI ,200. 1 ,000 acres 13 . miles, 200 acres fresh , cleared and set in grass.! Ashe, t Locust, . Chestnut and Mountain Mohogeny, fine fencing one ol the finest stock raisig places in the State. Has 100 springs, ana on tne line ot the Itutherford and Asheville (pro- jecteai i. it., 51 per acre. 53 acres ono mile from corporate liinitr; 20 Acres timber, nice build ing site, only. 27.50 per acre. 16 acres 3 miles out, 12 cleared, 4 roomed house, nne truck place, elegant spring; good fruit. 200 acres near Black mountain station, fine timber fine orchard place, 25 cleared, only $1,000 40 acres 4 miles out. good land S20 Per acre. I . 18 acres 3 miles, fine timber and rich land, $25 per acre. - ' 100 acres o miles, all timber, on- 105 acres, 40 acres bottom, 10 in grass, good fruit, fine water, con venient to churches, a bargain at $4,(K)0.j;,.;,.;r;;f;L;..r; v ..-p.. I will, in. a few days, have a arge quantity of Mountain lands h this section, to sell low and bn avorable terms. ' - Natt Atkinsoit, Beal Estate Agent. " Weekly courier-Journal 1 lias uo iiperior as a gmtt family and po. litlcal paper In the newspaper world. 1L circulation la MAKY TIMES LABGEB 8er ESPECIAL FEATURES are Telegraphic Special from all the lead! point in tne United Statei and Europ. ml and Short Btorlet. Talmara'i Kmi. raoai the day after dellverv in ltrvktvti Tabernacle, Market lie ports. Fashion Let. ten; Turf jand Stock Iteporu, Answers to Correspondent's Department, l'oetry and Department for Children. Nnllnmoln M.a jouniry snouia oe without It. SUBSCRIPTION TEEMS. Dally. Weekly Single co copies, ooje year, naa oeen sent us 2 a yean Sunday. 12 a opy, one year, IJjQ; year VI AfteracluD of Hv the club raliAr mh throughout the year, add single subscrtn received at our lowest club rate. tlons as IU0 for yearly subscrlDtlons- Ymriv niu scrlptlons bnly can be received at this rate; Our terms for less than a year are f 1 for 8 months: 75; cents for tf months? &i inii tn 3 months. , ; ; ..... ! A SAMPLte COPY OfWeeil v nnurlr.Jn.iP nal Is sent free of chanre for examination on application. Liberal cah commission allowed canvassers, and outfit sent them new uicuarjje. Aauress W. 1L IIALDEMAN, Prent Courier-Jour nudoO JESSE. 1C JSTAKXES, DEALER nt Flour, Meats, Meal, AND COUNTRY PiiODUCE Constantly on hand, ASHEVILLE. N. C. 12-1 , ",;- ' .' . J b. McCANLESS, .jr.- T' '. - : ' CONsTBACTOB and BUILD EIS As; IE VILLE, N. 1s prepared to put up building on short j notice. Only first-cla3 me chanics employed, and the best of material used in the construction oj buildinpjs. , Contracts solicited. Iiesidence and ofllco on Academy street; Apl5-3m. . A i ; i ' t

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